1 | # TPoints before final offsets set (used to determine these offsets)
2 |
3 | #tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090511_220130.txt
4 | #tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090511_221346.txt
5 | #tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090511_222447.txt
6 | #tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090511_223205.txt
7 | #tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090511_223718.txt
8 | #tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090511_224109.txt
9 | #tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090511_231949.txt
10 |
11 | # TPoints after drive I upgrade and final offsets set
12 |
13 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_12/starg_20090512_011143.txt
14 |
15 | # Implementation of the first pointing model update
16 |
17 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/starg_20090512_210656.txt
18 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/starg_20090513_002810.txt
19 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/starg_20090513_025136.txt
20 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_13/starg_20090513_033518.txt
21 |
22 | # Implementation of the second pointing model update
23 |
24 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_14/starg_20090514_011919.txt
25 |
26 | # Implementation of the final(?) pointing model update
27 |
28 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_17/starg_20090516_234841.txt
29 | tpoint/m1/2009_05_17/starg_20090517_023356.txt
30 |
31 | tpoint/m1/2009_06_01/starg_20090531_215203.txt
32 | tpoint/m1/2009_06_01/starg_20090531_222601.txt
33 |
34 | tpoint/m1/2009_06_02/starg_20090601_223025.txt
35 |
36 | tpoint/m1/2009_06_03/starg_20090602_213522.txt
37 | tpoint/m1/2009_06_03/starg_20090603_011949.txt