1 | \section{Introduction}
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3 | \subsection{Observation of GRBs}
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5 | The MAGIC telescope's support structure and mirrors have been designed exceptionally light in order to
6 | to react quickly to GRB alerts from satellites. \cite{design} and~\cite{PETRY} set
7 | the objective to turn the telescope to the burst position within 10-30\,sec.
8 | in order to have a fair chance to detect a burst when the emission is still ongoing.
9 | During the commissioning phase it could be proven that that goal was reached.
10 | The telescope is able to turn 180 degrees in azimuth within 20\,sec. and 80 degrees in zenith within 10\,sec.\\
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13 | Very high energy (VHE) GRB observations have the potential to constrain the current GRB models
14 | on both the prompt and extended phases of GRB emission~\cite{HARTMANN,MANNHEIM,SALOMON}.
15 | Models based on both internal and external shocks predicts VHE fluence comparable to,
16 | or in certain situations stronger than, the keV-MeV radiation,
17 | with duration ranging from shorter than the keV-MeV burst to extended TeV afterglows~\cite{DERMER, PILLA, ZHANG1}.
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21 | In many publications, the possibility that more energetic $\gamma$-rays come along with the
22 | (low-energy) GRB, have been explored. Proton-synchrotron emission~\cite{TOTANI} have been suggested
23 | as well as photon-pion production~\cite{WAXMAN,BAHCALL,BOETTCHER} and inverse-Compton scattering
24 | in the burst environment~\cite{MESZAROS93,CHIANG,PILLA,ZHANG2}.
25 | Long-term HE $\gamma$ emission from accelerated protons in the forward-shock has been predicted in~\cite{LI}.
26 | This model predicts GeV inverse Compton emission even one day after the burst.
27 | Even considering pure electron-synchrotron radiation predicts measurable GeV emission for a significant fraction of GRBs~\cite{ZHANG2}.\\
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29 | GeV emission in GRBs is particularly sensitive to the Lorentz factor and the photon density of the emitting material -
30 | and thus to the distance of the radiating shock from the source - due to the $\gamma~\gamma \rightarrow$
31 | \textit{e$^+$~e$^-$} absorption in the emission region. Direct comparison of the prompt GRB flux at $\sim$ 10\,GeV and $\sim$ 100\,keV
32 | may allow to determine the magnetic field strength~\cite{ASAF}.
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36 | Several attempts have been made in the past to observe GRBs in the GeV range,
37 | each indicating some excess over background but without stringent evidence.
38 | The only significant detection was performed by EGRET which detected seven GRBs emitting high energy (HE)
39 | photons in the 100\,MeV to 18\,dGeV range~\cite{EGRET}. The data shows no evidence of a HE roll-over
40 | in the GRB spectrum~\cite{DINGUS}. Recent results indicate that the spectrum of some GRBs contains a very hard,
41 | luminous, long-duration component~\cite{GONZALES}.
42 | There have been results suggesting gamma rays beyond the GeV range from the TIBET air shower array
43 | in coincidence with BATSE bursts~\cite{AMENOMORI}, rapid follow-up observations by the
44 | Whipple Air Cherenkov Telescope~\cite{CONNAUGHTON1}, and coincident and monitoring studies by HEGRA-AIROBICC~\cite{PADILLA},
45 | Whipple~\cite{CONNAUGHTON2} and the Milagro prototype Milagrito~\cite{MILAGRO}.
46 | The GRAND array has reported some excess of observed muons during seven BATSE bursts~\cite{GRAND}.
47 | In this context, especially the publication from the TASC detector on \eg is important~\cite{GONZALES},
48 | finding a HE spectral component presumably due to ultra-relativistic acceleration
49 | of hadrons and producing a spectral index of $-1$ with no cut-off up to the detector energy limit (200\,MeV).\\
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51 | Concerning estimates about the MAGIC observability of GRBs, a very detailed study of GRB spectra obtained from the
52 | third and fourth \ba catalogue has been made in~\cite{ICRC,NICOLA}. The spectra were extrapolated to GeV energies
53 | with a simple continuation of the observed high-energy power law behaviour and the calculated fluxes compared with \ma sensitivities.
54 | Setting conservative cuts on observation times and significances,
55 | and assuming an energy threshold of 15~GeV, a GRB detection rate of $0.5-2$ per year
56 | was obtained for an assumed observation delay between 15 and 60 sec. and a BATSE trigger rate ($\sim$\,360/year).
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58 | Taking into account the local rate of GRBs estimated in~\cite{GUETTA}, late afterglow emission from few tens of GRBs per year
59 | should be observable above our energy threshold. The model of~\cite{ASAF2} predict delayed GeV emission that
60 | should be significantly detectable by MAGIC in 100\,seconds.
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62 | \subsection{Observation of XRFs}
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64 | While the major energy from the prompt GRBs is emitted in $\gamma$-rays ($E_p \sim$ 200~keV), XRFs are characterized
65 | by peak energies below 50~keV and a dominant X-ray fluence. Because of similar properties a connection between XRFs and GRBs is
66 | suggested. The most popular theories say that XRFs are produced from GRBs observed ''off-axis''.
67 | Alternatively, an increase of the baryon load within the fireball itself or low efficiency shocks can produce XRFs.
68 | If there is a connection between the XRFs and GRBs, they should originate at rather low redshifts (z $<$ 0.6).\\
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70 | Gamma-ray satellites react in the same way to XRFs and GRBs. In case of a detection the coordinates are distributed
71 | to other observatories (see section 2.1). Only from later analysis the difference can be established.
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75 | In this case we include also the observation of XRFs by MAGIC in our proposal.
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