1 | \section{Requirements to start full GRB observations}
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3 | In the previous sessions we described the status and tasks we still plan to do
4 | in order to complete the GRB Alarm System.
5 | Parallel to our system also the different subsystems of the MAGIC telescope have
6 | to implement and test strategies for the GRB survay.
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10 | We strongly push the responsibles of the drive-, camera-, amc- and central
11 | control subsystemsto fullfill the criteria defined in~\cite{design}. We suggest
12 | to make a one week shift wherethe experts meet together and test the GRB
13 | stategies. In order to avoid good observation timewe suggest to make the shift
14 | during the moon period. This shift should take place, in arrangementwith the
15 | different subsystem responsibles, before april this year. The time limitation is
16 | based onthe moment when SWIFT will start to work fully automaticly, sending
17 | allerts in real time to the groundstations.
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20 | We present a list of tasks that are very crucial for the GRB survay:
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24 | \begin{itemize}
25 | \item {\bf Fast slewing:}\
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27 | One of the most important issues is to implement and test the fast movements
28 | of the telescope. Specially the communication between CC and Cosy has to be arranged for
29 | the case of fast movements.
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31 | \item {\bf Use of look-up tables:}\
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33 | The use of look-up tables to correct the mirror focus during the movement to the GRB
34 | coordinates is advantegous. In the alert situation it is a vaste of time if we would have to
35 | close the camera lids and carry out the full laser adjustment (\~5~min) before starting the observation.
36 | The reproducibility of the focus with the use of look-up tables has to be proven.
37 | In order to use the time during the telescope movement for the focussing of the mirrors to the desired
38 | telescope positon, the AMC needs the coordinates immediately. In this case it is necessary to change the protocol between the AMC and CC.
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40 | \item {\bf Behaviour of the camera during moon:}\
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42 | It has to be checked what happens when during the pointing to a GRB position the telescope move over the
43 | moon. It is excluded by the GRB Alert System that a burst closer than 30$\deg$ to the moon will be pointed. However it is not prevented that during the movement of the telescope the moon will pass the FOV.
44 | In this case the HV of the PMTs will be reduced automatically and will not increase fast enought for the
45 | GRB observation.
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47 | \end{itemize}
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51 | All this issues have to be checked during the suggested shift. The aim would be to send fake allerts to
52 | the GRB Alarm System and proove the behaviour of all subsystems.
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