Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2004/02/03: Thomas Bretz * mfileio/ - fixed handling of -1 entries in AddFile: root 3.10/02 crashed * manalysis/MExtractSignal.[h,cc]: - moved code to extract the signal from Process to new member function FindSignal, I left the arrival time extraction as commented-out code in the code just as a demonstration to do this very fast. 2004/02/02: Markus Gaug * manalysis/ - corrected formulae in Class description * mcalib/MCalibration.[h,cc], mcalib/MHCalibration.[h,cc], manalysis/ - calculate relative times and absolute times. Fit only the relative ones. 2004/02/02: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/, - removed file type check (MC or data) from PreProcess since now run headers are not yet known at that point. * mcalib/ - same as above. * NEWS - updated. 2004/02/02: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MExtractSignal2.[h,cc]: - added new task which takes a given number of slices with the highest integral content as signal. * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - added MExtractSignal2 2004/01/30: Abelardo Moralejo * macros/starmc.C - changed default FADC integration range (more adequate for coming camera version). * macros/mccalibrate.C, starmc2.C - added. First macro transforms input files from camera simulation into files with pixel data already calibrated in photons. The second reads in an already calibrated data file and produces an output file with Hillas parameters. Both together do the same as starmc.C, but it is convenient to have files containing calibrated pixel information. 2004/01/30: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MDirIter.h: - added GetNumEntries * mhist/ - added a dynamic_cast from MParContainer to MCamEvent to get the correct pointer to the correct base-class. * mbase/ - In EventInfo check whether gPad==0 * mfileio/ - removed reading RunHeaders from PreProcess, this resulted in strange behaviour of writing RunHeaders - fixed consistency check for RunType accordingly * mfilter/ - do not skip adding filter if only a filter with the same name exists * mraw/ - added an output message if run header is not accessible * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - initialize fRunType to new enum kRTNone * mfilter/ - set fResult to kFALSE at the beginning of Process - according to this removed setting fResult=kFALSE before return - replaced some float by Float_t - added some const-qualifiers - replaced (rig<0.5/pr*R*(r2-r1)+r1) by (rig-r1)*prGetPixelContent(...) * manalysis/ - retrieve default arrival time from MRawEvt * manalysis/, manalysis/ - check for NaN's in fit results 2004/01/29: Abelardo Moralejo * mfileio/MWriteFile.h - added missing declaration of ReInit * manalysis/ - added call to MCalibrationCam::SetBlindPixelMethodValid(kTRUE) to adapt to recent changes in MCalibrate. 2004/01/29: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MArrivalTime.h, manalysis/MCameraData.h, manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.h, manalysis/MExtractSignalCam.h, manalysis/MPedPhotCam.h, manalysis/MPedestalCam.h, mcalib/MCalibrationCam.h, mcamera/MCameraDC.h, mraw/MRawEvtData.h, mreflector/MRflEvtData.h: - split derivement into MParContainer and MCamEvent * manalysis/MExtractSignalCam.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete MExtractSignal::ReInit - added -> to fArray * mbase/MParList.h: - added a new bit kIsProcessing * mbase/ - fixed the handling of kDoNotReset and the bahaviour of SetReadyToSave, such that it is possible to write all headers * mfileio/ - added ReInit which also calls CheckAndWrite * mgui/MCamEvent.h: - does not derive from MParContainer anymore 2004/01/29: Markus Gaug * mcalib/MCalibrationCalc.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationCam.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationConfig.h - put gkCalibrationBlindPixelId and gkCalibrationPINDiodeId directly into the corresponding classes. 2004/01/29: Nicola Galante * mhistmc/MHMcTriggerLvl2.[h,cc]: - In method MHMcTriggerLvl2::GetHistByName(const TString name) added string checking to return also fHistCellPseudoSize, fHistCellPseudoSizeNorm and fHistCellPseudoSizeEnergy. - Added inline functions GetHistCellPseudoSize() and GetHistCellPseudoSizeNorm(). 2004/01/28: Javier Rico * mcalib/MCalibrate.[] - include possibility to select the calibration method to be used 2004/01/28: Markus Gaug * mcalib/MCalibrate.[] - corrected Int_t ReInit() to Bool_t ReInit(MParList *pList) * mcalib/MCalibrationCalc.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationCam.[h,cc]: - included flags to indicate if Blind Pixel Method or PIn Diode method was OK. Up to now, program stopped, if one of the two methods was chosen but not able to being executed. * manalysis/, manalysis/, manalysis/ - put all missing InitSize(npixels) into MGeomApply * manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc], manalysis/MPedestalCam.[h,cc], manalysis/MPedestalPix.[h,cc], manalysis/MHPedestalPixel.[h,cc], manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - include possibility to fit the pedestals with Gaussian. - old methods are not affected. - add new method with MPedCalcPedRun::SetUseHists() 2004/01/28: Abelardo Moralejo * mcalib/ - fixed wrong variable type in call to TH1F constructor (number of bins is now integer), which resulted in a compilation warning. 2004/01/28: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/ - removed unwanted CheckBound from operators. CheckBounds is ONLY ment for really old MC files and will be removed in the future anyhow. * mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.h: - removed obsolete include of MFFT * manalysis/, manalysis/, manalysis/MPedestalCam.[h,cc]: - removed use of obsolete MPedestalCam::CheckBounds. This was a workaround for a 'bug' in very old camera files, which is not necessary anymore. * manalysis/MCerPhotAnal2.[h,cc]: - replaced MPedestalCam by MPedPhotCam * manalysis/ - some small simplification to the signal extraction - removed some obsolete variables - replaced for by while - removed obsolete casts * mmain/ - gave names to the filters - removed adding MHCamera to fList because it was deleted twice * mhist/ - fixed usage of fPainter in Paint() - title was not updated correctly 2004/01/28: Sebastian Raducci * manalysis/MArrivalTime.[h,cc]: - removed all the code relative to the cluster evaluation 2004/01/27: Markus Gaug * manalysis/ - initialize default values to 0 instead of -1. * manalysis/MPedestalCam.[h,cc]: - include CheckBounds, also in operator[] * mcalib/MCalibrationCam.[h,cc]: - apparently, there was a reference to InitSize(UInt_t i) instead of InitSize(Int_t i), where compiler complained, now changed * mcalib/MHCalibration*, mcalib/MCalibration*: - fixed all Clear()'s, Reset()'s, direct intializers 2004/01/27: Thomas Bretz * mdata/ - added '%' to supported operators 2004/01/26: Nicola Galante * manalysis/MMcTriggerLvl2.[cc,h]: - Defined some static constants to avoid ugly "magic numbers" in arrays: gsNCells, gsNTrigPixels, gsNPixInCell, gsNLutInCell, gsNPixInLut, fNumPixCell. - Added method MMcTriggerLvl2::GetCellCompactPixel(int cell, MGeomCam *fCam) which computes compact pixels into a given L2T macrocell. - Added method MMcTriggerLvl2::CalcBiggerCellPseudoSize() which computes fCellPseudoSize, the maximum Pseudo Size into L2T macrocells - Added method MMcTriggerLvl2::GetCellPseudoSize() const which returns fCellPseudoSize - Added method MMcTriggerLvl2::IsPixelInCell(Int_t pixel, Int_t cell), which controls whether a pixel belongs to a given L2T cell. - Added method MMcTriggerLvl2::GetMaxCell() const which returns fMaxCell, the cell with the maximum fCellPseudoSize. 2004/01/26: Markus Gaug, Michele Doro * manalysis/MArrivalTime.[h,cc], manalysis/MArrivalTimeCalc.[h,cc]: - moved calculation of arrival time from MArrivalTime to MArrivalTimeCalc. MArrivalTime does not do any Process-job anymore - TSpline5 now on stack. - function to set the stepsize * mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc]: - force mu_{0} in Blind Pixel Fit to be around 0 in fKPoisson4 - implement combined Polya fit and Michele's back-scattered electron fit * mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/, mcalib/ - combine FitChargeHiGain and FitChargeLoGain into one function * macros/calibration.C - improve double gauss fit a bit 2004/01/26: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - removed member function GetNumPixels. For more details see mantis. * manalysis/MArrivalTime.[h,cc]: - reorganized includes - fixed InitSize and ClearArray (now Reset) to fit MParContainer definition - for the moment removed usage of fPixelChecked - THIS WILL CRASH YOUR PROGRAM * manalysis/MArrivalTimeCalc.[h,cc]: - reorganized includes - removed many obsolete code, exspecially copy&paste relicts! - fixed usage of InitSize - removed CleanArray. Reset() is called automatically before Process() * manalysis/MExtractedSignalCam.[h,cc]: - added SetLogStream - removed obsolete include MGeomCam - replaced PrintOut by Print - added const-qualifiers to all Getters - fixed documentation * manalysis/MExtractedSignalPix.[h,cc]: - replaced PrintOut by Print - fixed documentation * manalysis/, manalysis/ - replaced memset by Reset() 2004/01/24: Abelardo Moralejo * macros/starmcstereo.C - Added. Example of how to run the analysis chain for MC files containing simulation of stereo systems of 2 telescopes. * mcalib/ - Added check that value of signal from MExtractedSignalPix is not the default (error) value. In such a case, the signal in MCerPhotEvt is now set to 0. Before, all pixels got very high values in MCerPhotEvt in case the MRawEvtData object for the event was missing in the file. This happened in MC files, in which in some circumstances an event is written without the pixel information (for instance, when running stereo simulations the pixel data is missing for non-triggered telescopes, but the event headers are present). 2004/01/23: Markus Gaug * manalysis/MExtractSignal.[h,cc], manalysis/MExtractedSignalPix.[h,cc], manalysis/MArrivalTime.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPix.h, mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationPINDiode.h, mcalib/MHCalibrationPINDiode.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc], mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationCalc.[h,cc]: - use MArrivalTime for Storage (or calculation) of time in MExtractSignal - pass from TH1I histos to TH1F for times * mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPix.h, mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc], mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationCalc.[h,cc]: - clean up setters - pass to bit-fields for all flags * mcalib/ - exclude Blind Pixel from Camera display - do not fill &val when return kFALSE * macros/calibration.C - include functions to exclude the blind pixel, calculation of times and quality checks 2004/01/23: Abelardo Moralejo * mcalib/, manalysis/ - Added support (using AddSerialNumber) for stereo MC files. 2004/01/23: Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - Fixed calculation of MJD. In Ymd2Mjd a plus should be a minus. * mreport/MReport*.[h,cc]: - changed all classes to return Int_t instead of Bool_t in InterpreteBody - changed MReportFileRead such, that a wrong line results in skipping the line instead of abort reading. * manalysis/ - do not print information for each pixel - it's too much. * mbase/ - when reading a status display do not display tabs with the same name than one which is already existing. * mcalib/ - directly store pointer to pixel when setting saturation flag * mcamera/ - fixed some comments * mhist/ - fixed a crash when no geometry was available * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete member function SetPix * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - added EventInfo member function - implemented preliminary redirection of GetObjectInfo to StatusLine2 -> An own status line for this is missing * manalysis/MExtractSignal.[h,cc]: - implemented StreamPrimitive - changed deafults to be static const data members * manalysis/MGeomApply.[h,cc]: - implemented StreamPrimitive 2004/01/23: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MMcCalibrationUpdate.[h,cc] - Added check to guarantee that the FADC simulation parameters of all read files (those used for calibration and those analyzed) are the same. - Added missing support for analysis of stereo files. * mcalib/ - Removed obsolete FIXME comment. - Added missing support for analysis of stereo files. 2004/01/23: Raquel de los Reyes * macros/CCDataCheck.C - Added the temperature distribution of the optical links and the plots of the LV power supplies. * mcamera/MCameraLV.h - Added the "Get" functions to access the private data members of the class. 2004/01/22: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MMcCalibrationUpdate.[h,cc] - Now ratio of high to low gain is taken from MCalibrationCam if it existed previously in the parameter list, instead of being read again from the MMcFadcHeader. Removed Setter function for fADC2PhInner, no longer necessary. Fixed error regarding the pedestal conversion to photons (did not read conversion factor from preexisting MCalibrationCam object). * mcalib/ - Changed parameters of the histogram, and also the quantity being histogrammed. Check that input data come from a noiseless camera file before proceeding to do the calibration. Introduced lower size in cut for calibration. Now rhe calibration constant is not calculated from the mean of photons/ADC counts, but from the peak of the histogram. * macros/starmc.C - Introduced new scheme. Now there are two loops over two different sets of files. First loop calculates the calibration constants, second one does the analysis. Introduced comments. Now the histogram used in the light calibration is written to the output file. 2004/01/22: Thomas Bretz * mcalib/MCalibrate.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationCam.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPix.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationCalc.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationPINDiode.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MMcCalibrationCalc.[h,cc], mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MHCalibrationPINDiode.[h,cc]: - cleaned up includes 2004/01/22: Raquel de los Reyes * macros/CCDataCheck.C - macro to check the data from the central control (.rep files). 2004/01/22: Markus Gaug * macros/calibration.C - made MStatusDisplay 3 bit smaller * manalysis/ - put fSignals->SetUsedFADCSlices into PreProcess * manalysis/ - calculate PedRMS as RMS of the sums, later renormalized to units of RMS/slice (eliminate the wrong effect of odd and even slices) * mcalib/ - if bit SkipBlindPixelFit is set, now number of photons outside plexiglass is not intended to be calculated any more (previous bug) - exclude excluded pixels in eventloop * mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc] - move functions to pointer again (otherwise, Clone will give strange results) 2004/01/21: Abelardo Moralejo * mcalib/MMcCalibrationCalc.[h,cc] - Added. First version of the task intended to calculate the conversion factors from ADC counts to photons in the MC. It has a different aim than the recently renamed class "MMcCalibrationUpdate" (which takes care that the correct pedestals and conversion factors are supplied to each event, but does not really calculate anything). * mcalib/Makefile, CalibLinkDef.h - Added new class MMcCalibrationCalc * manalysis/MMcCalibrationUpdate.[h,cc] - Now the container MCalibrationCam is not created or modified if it is found that one such container already exists in the Parameter list (from a previous calibration). 2004/01/21: Thomas Bretz * mraw/ - restore the fake time for all runs (current time stamp in the data seems to be toally nonsense) * mraw/ - removed decoding of real time (current time stamp in the data seems to be toally nonsense) 2004/01/21: Abelardo Moralejo * mmc/MMcEvt.hxx - Uncommented 6 Getter functions (those regarding the number of photons surviving the different stages of simulation). * manalysis/MMcCalibrationUpdate.[h,cc] - Added (see below). * manalysis/MMcCalibrationCalc.[h,cc] - Removed: changed name of this class to MMcCalibrationUpdate, which is more representative of what it really does. Moved the filling of the MCalibrationCam container from Process to ReInit, since it does not change on an event by event basis. Simplified PreProcess (MCalibrationCam was searched for twice). Updated class description and comments. * manalysis/Makefile, AnalysisLinkDef.h - Adapted to change above * macros/starmc.C - Adapted to change above. Changed also task instance name from mccalibcalc to mccalibupdate. 2004/01/21: Raquel de los Reyes * mreport/MReportCC.h, mreport/MReportTrigger.h, mcamera/MCameraHV.h and mcamera/MCameraCalibration.h - Added the "Get" functions (e.g GetStatus() for fStatus) to access the private data members of the class. 2004/01/20: Thomas Hengstebeck * mranforest/MRanForestCalc.[h,cc] - Added member functions Grow (training of RF) and Fill (reading in trained forest from file) which simplify macros. One just needs to call them instead of using MRanForestGrow and MRanForestFill (and the related training and fill loops) in a macro. 2004/01/20: Abelardo moralejo * manalysis/ - removed call to MCalibrationPix::SetPedestal, which was not needed. 2004/01/20: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - replaced 'make' by '$(MAKE)' * Makefile.rules: - added Makefile itself to dependencies * mbase/ - added comment about ReInit * mhbase/ - do not clear pad in DrawClone if 'same' option given * mhist/ - evaluate 'same' option * mfileio/MReadCurrents.[h,cc]: - obsolete, removed * manalysis/, manalysis/ - added some comments 2004/01/20: Abelardo moralejo * mcalib/ - Added call to SetDirecory(0) for histograms fHErrCharge, fHPCharge, fHPTime. * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.h: - Changed position of declaration of fIsSaturated to be the last private variable. Otherwise, since in the constructor it is initialized in the last place, a warning is displayed upon compilation in some systems. 2004/01/20: Markus Gaug * mcalib/Makefile, manalysis/Makefile: - include directory ../mtools * mtools/MFFT.[h,cc] - class inherits from TObject now 2004/01/19: Markus Gaug * mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc] - fixed a bug in fFitLegend due to which program crashed by calls to DrawClone - Modified way to change the fit function * mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.[h,cc] - reordered function calls - removed SetupFill * mcalib/MHCalibrationPINDiode.h - reordered function calls * mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc] - limits to define fFitValid now as variables in class * mcalib/MCalibrationCam.[h,cc] - reordered function calls - incorporate option to exclude pixels * mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPix.h - Modified way to change the fit function * mcalib/MCalibrationCalc.[h,cc] - Modified way to change the fit function - incorporate option to exclude pixels from configuration file * macros/calibration.C - Modified way to change the fit function - incorporate option to exclude pixels from configuration file 2004/01/19: Javier Rico * manalysis/, manalysis/ - Added documentation of member functions 2004/01/19: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.[h,cc] - Added fIsSaturated to flag whether low gain of the pixel is saturated. Added corresponding getter and setter functions. Updated ClassDef to version 2. * mcalib/ - Set the new saturation flag of MCerPhotPix to kTRUE if at least one low gain FADC slice is saturated. * mimage/MNewImagePar.[h,cc] - Added new member variable fNumSaturatedPixels to count how many pixels were saturated. Updated ClassDef to version 2. 2004/01/19: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MPedPhotCalc.[cc,h]: - fixed order of includes - removed obsolete forward declarations - removed obsolete data member fNumPixels (stored already twice in the two TArrayF) - fixed some small bugs in the documentation * manalysis/ - updated my eMail address 2004/01/19: Javier Rico * macros/dohtml.C, NEWS - include some missing info 2004/01/19: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MExtractedSignalPix.h - added GetNumLoGainSaturated() 2004/01/19: Markus Gaug * macros/dohtml.C - include calibration.C * manalysis/ - warning of logain saturation now only once per event (out of loop) * mcalib/, mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc] - new Flag fExcluded to indicate if pixel has been excluded from further analysis 2004/01/16: Javier Rico & Pepe Flix * manalysis/MPedPhotCalc.[cc,h] - added - new class for the evaluation of pedestals in units of photons using the extracted signal from pedestal runs and calibration constants defined in MCalibrate * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile - added entries for MPedPhotCalc * macros/pedphotcalc.C - added - example on how to use MPedPhotCalc task 2004/01/16: Markus Gaug * mcalib/MCalibrationFits.h - removed and incorporated in MHCalibrationBlindPixel.h * mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[h,cc], mcalib/MHCalibrationConfig.h, mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPix.h: - incorporate Fit functions - fixed a bug due to which DrawClone crashed when class was used in a compiled macro * mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/ - fixed the warns and errs in fLog's 2004/01/16: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/ - TMath::Max() is no longer used because it did not compile in some systems for unkown reasons. I replaced it by a safer (and may be slower) code. - Added calpix.SetFitValid(); * mhist/ - In MHEvent::Fill, fixed: second parameter of SetCamContent must be 1 in case of RMS: case kEvtPedestalRMS: fHist->SetCamContent(*(MCamEvent*)par, 1); 2004/01/15: Abelardo Moralejo * macros/starmc.C - Added. Version of star showing new chain to get Hillas parameters (with Size calibrated in photons) from MC files. 2004/01/15: Javier Rico * manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc] - optimize the running time - add (some) documentation - correct treatment for the case of several input files * macros/pedvsevent.C - added - draw pedestal mean and rms vs event# for input pixel# and run file, and compares them to the global pedestal mean and rms 2004/01/15: Raquel de los Reyes * mhist/, mhist/ - changed the MHCamEvent::SetupFill and MHCamera::GetBinError functions to compute the estimation of the error of the mean. It can be done calling to the function MCamEvent::SetBit(MHCamera::kVariance) in the macro 2004/01/15: Markus Gaug * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc] - incorporate Thomas's changes - replace void CreateProjection() by TH1D *Projection(const char*) * macros/calibration.C - replace MHCamera->Draw("proj") by MHCamera->Projection() - produce better fits to the projection * manalysis/MSimulatedAnnealing.[h,cc], mhist/MHSimulatedAnnealing.[h,cc]: - moved to directory mtools - MSimulatedAnnealing now inherits from TObject * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, mhist/Makefile, mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - removed MSimulatedAnnealing - removed MHSimulatedAnnealing * mtools/Makefile, mtools/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - added MSimulatedAnnealing - added MHSimulatedAnnealing 2004/01/15: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - removed MCurrents * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - added member function Projection - removed fYproj * mreport/MReport*.*: - added more comments 2004/01/14: Markus Gaug * mtools/MFFT.[h,cc] - new class to perform Fast Fourier Transforms * mtools/Makefile * mtools/ToolsLinkDef.h - include MFFT * manalysis/MExtractedSignalCam.h - removed variables fNumHiGainSamples and fNumLoGainSamples - function SetNumUsedFADCSlices replaced by SetUsedFADCSlices * manalysis/ - updated call to SetUsedFADCSlices 2004/01/14: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/ - set pedestal rms per FADC slice to 0.01 counts in case it is 0. This can happen (depending on camera simulation parameters), and rms = 0 later resulted in the pixel being eliminated in the image cleaning. 2004/01/14: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - replaced old style Makefile.depend by directory specific dependancy files * Makefile.rules: - changed obsolete '.cc.o' style to newer style '%.o: %.c' - added rule to make dependency files - added rule to remove dependancy files. - added rmdep as prerequisite to clean - include dependency file * mbase/Makefile, mcalib/Makefile, mcamera/Makefile, mdata/Makefile, mfileio/Makefile, mfilter/Makefile, mgeom/Makefile, mgui/Makefile, mhbase/Makefile, mhist/Makefile, mhistmc/Makefile, mimage/Makefile, mmain/Makefile, mmc/Makefile, mmontecarlo/Makefile, mpointing/Makefile, mranforest/Makefile, mraw/Makefile, mreflector/Makefile, mreport/Makefile, mtemp/Makefile, mtools/Makefile: - removed clean-rule, use the one in Makefile.rules instead * mreport/Makefile, mreport/ReportLinkDef.h: - added MReportHelp * mreport/ - moved code from MReportHelp to new file - removed usage of MReport class completely * mfilter/MFGeomag.[h,cc]: - fixed a bug which causes MFGeomag to fail if MARSSYS is not set - changed the second loop from 0->1151 to 1152->2304 - removed dummy arrays used for reading - output filename in case of 'file not found' - removed obsolete data members - removed obsolete Init function - removed forbidden underscore from member variable - changed wrong 0/1 in allocation of fResult into kFALSE/TRUE * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - added new member function Open - added new menu entry kFileOpen - changed UpdatePSheader algorithm (the old one was much too slow) * manalysis/MCurrents.[h,cc]: - removed (old outdated) * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - removed MCurrents 2004/01/14: Wolfgang Wittek * macros/ONOFFAnalysis.C: - current version * mhist/MHSigmaTheta.[h,cc]: - replace MPedestalCam by MPedPhotCam * manalysis/MPad.[h,cc], manalysus/MSigmabar.[h,cc], manalysus/MSigmabarCalc.[h,cc], manalysus/MCT1PadONOFF.[h,cc], manalysus/MCT1PadSchweizer.[h,cc], manalysus/MPadding.[h,cc]: - replace MPedestalCam by MPedPhotCam * manalysis/MPedPhotPix.[h,cc] - uncomment SetRms() 2004/01/13: Markus Gaug * manalysis/MExtractSignal.h - seems that the reduced light intensity of the CT1 Pulser results in broader pulses -> Set Default time slices to [3,10] * mhist/ - make Stat Window in option 'proj' bigger - add comment line at beginning of Draw() * mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[] - add Function DrawClone() - fix bug in calculation of integral (GetIntegral("width")) - restrict parameters tighter - declare fit as not valid, if less than 100 events in single photo-electron peak * mcalib/MCalibrationFits.h, mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.[] - fit now with fixed normalization * mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.[] - new function IsEmpty() - Time fit accepted if ChiSquare less than 30. (instead of 20.) * mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[] - F-Factor corrected and added error - Histograms not fitted if they are empty - rejection criteria of fitted charges now > 5 PedRMS (instead 3) * mcalib/ - Square Root of Reduced Sigmas not taken, if they are < 0. - Reduced Sigma / Charge squared replaced by reduced sigma / charge * mcalib/ - Blind Pixel is not additionally treated as normal pixel any more - Blind Pixel Draw replaced by DrawClone * macros/calibration.C - took out some unused code - some default axis labelling corrected 2004/01/13: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/ - added check of whether input file is a MC file before executing the PreProcess. 2004/01/13: Wolfgang Wittek * macros/ONOFFAnalysis.C, macros/ONAnalysis.C: - change macro to handle also MC events with finite sigmabar * manalysis/MPadOn.[h,cc]: - deleted, is replaced by MPad * manalysis/MPadOnOFF.[h,cc]: - deleted, is replaced by MPad * manalysis/MPad.[h,cc]: - new class, replacing MPadON and MPadONOFF - handle also MC events with finite sigmabar * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - replace MPadON and MPadONOFF by MPad 2004/01/13: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - implemented new member function GetRunTypeStr * Changelog.03: - added (contains entries of 2003) * Changelog: - removed entries of 2003 * mfilter/ - simplified open/close of input files * manalysis/MEventRate.[h,cc], manalysis/ - added some comments - added new member function GetError * Makefile: - updated 'make dox' output for convinience * macros/dohtml.C: - do not print Info's - added mcamera - added mpointing - added mreport * mreport/, mreport/ - removed some obsolete comments (these comments confused THtml) * manalysis/MCameraData.[h,cc], mfileio/MCT1ReadAscii.[h,cc], mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.[h,cc], mfilter/, mfilter/, mhist/, mhist/MHEvent.[h,cc], mimage/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc], mimage/MImgCleanTGB.[h,cc], mmain/, mmain/ - replaced MPedestalCam by MPedPhotCam - removed some obsolete includes * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MLogPlugin - added MLogHtml * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - added use of plugins * mbase/MLogPlugin.[h,cc], mbase/MLogHtml.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - added a Save-As dialog 2004/01/12: Thomas Bretz * macros/rootlogon.C: - added mcamera to include path - added mpointing to include path - added mreport to include path * mbase/ - updated my eMail address * mbase/MParContainer.h: - added Read member function * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - changed size of ps-paper - added a user defined bottom line to the ps-files - added name (currently unused) - added title (used as possible bottom line in ps-file) * mraw/ - added some comments * - set name of input as bottom line of status display 2004/01/12: Abelardo Moralejo * mimage/ - fixed mistake: now fSourceY = scale1*hillas1.GetMeanY() + ... instead of fSourceY = scale2*hillas1.GetMeanY() + ... Bug had no effect unless scale1 != scale2 (-> telescopes of different size). 2004/01/12: Markus Gaug * manalysis/MExtractSignal.[h,cc] - take out some uncommented code - replace logainshift by two independent variables: logainfirst, logainlast - because in most data, maximum occurs in slice 4, shift default from slices 4-9 to slices 3-8. * manalysis/MExtractedSignalPix.[h,cc] - took out some uncommented code - new initializers: instead of -1. now 99999.9 2004/01/09: Markus Gaug * mcalib/MCalibrationCam.[h,cc] - take out 1-dim histos because we can use the projections in MHCamera (s.b.) * mcalib/MHCalibrationBlindPixel.h - make the fit by default quiet * mcalib/MHCalibrationPixel.[h,cc] * mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc] - Ranges of time slices stored independently for HiGain and LoGain in order to allow consecutive checks * mhist/MHCamera.[] - add the possibility to call a Draw("proj") which will draw a Y-Projection of the histogram * macros/calibration.C - apply the drawing of the projections and fit them * mcalib/ - catch the possibility of a calibration file, unintendedly being a pedestal or cosmic file. Program now exits with an error before doing the fits * mcalib/MCalibrationPix.[h,cc] - fixed a bug in calculation of fFitValid. before, a call to IsFitValid() always returned false 2004/01/09: Javier Ląpez * macros/bootcampstandardanalysis.C - added new macro that holds the main scheleton discussed in the december bootcamp in Wuerzburg. It runs first over a pedestal run, then over a calibration run, again over the pedestal run to compute de pedestal in number of photons and finally over a data run to calibrate the data. 2004/01/06: Sebastian Raducci * manalysis/MArrivalTime.[h,cc] - added new method to calculate photon arrival times. It uses the TSpline5 Root Class to interpolate the Fadc Slices. The time is the abscissa value of the absolute maximum of the interpolation - added new method to find clusters with similar arrival times. For now it's a preliminary version. It simply search for adiacent pixels having the same arrival time (color). * manalysis/MArrivalTimeCalc.[h,cc] - modified the Process() method according to the changes in the Arrival Time Cointainer * mmain/ - added new tab in the camera event display to show the arrival time. This arrival time is calculated with the spline method - the old Arrival Time pad now it's called Max Slice Idx, because it's only the index of the slice with the max content. * mhist/MHEvent.[h,cc] - added new fType in te enumeration to handle the arrival time histos