-*-*- END -*-*- 2000/02/19: Thomas Bretz * .rootrc: added * MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: split eventloop in its three parts, this should be used for debugging only. 2000/02/06: Harald Kornmayer * the first running version with a eventdisplay. Now we are able to display an Event on the photo electron level. To do this, run the macro "macros/readCT1.C" after changing the file name. changed: macros/readCT1.C manalysis/MNphotEvent.cc, manalysis/MNphotEvent.h analysis/MReadCT1Ascii.cc mgui/MCamDisplay.cc, mgui/MCamDisplay.h 2000/01/23: Harald Kornmayer * the integration of the class FadcDisp in the mars enviroment and further developments in the display changed: meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc mgui/GuiIncl.h mgui/GuiLinkDef.h mgui/MGMarsMain.cc mgui/MGPrototyp.cc mgui/MGPrototyp.h mgui/Makefile added: mgui/MGEventDispMain.h mgui/MGEventDispMain.cc 2000/01/22: Harald Kornmayer * started with the development of a EventDisplay Utitliy. Therefore I added the following files. meventdisp/EvtDispIncl.h meventdisp/EvtDispLinkDef.h meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h meventdisp/Makefile Also a few of the older files where slightly changed. ./Makefile ./Makefile.rules mraw/MRawEvtData. 2000/01/19: Thomas Bretz * mmc/*.hxx: - changed include of MDefineTrigger.h back 2000/01/19: Oscar Blanch * mmc/MTriggerDefine.h: - added 2000/01/18: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - mmc-library added * Makefile.conf.general: - Added definition of __MARS__ * Makefile.rules: - Added definitions to rootcint * Oscar added the McFormat subdir of the Monte Carlo as mmc * mmc/MMcEvt.h: - renamed to MMcEvt.hxx * mmc/*.hxx: - added necessary defintions from MDefineTrigger.h * mmc/Makefile, mmc/McLinkDef.h, mmc/McIncl.h, mmc/readme.txt: - added * mmc/LinkDef.h: - removed 2000/01/17: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - Exchanged explicit rules to make library by implicit ones - The shared object works now. I exchanged the libraries with the object files. But I don't know why the libraries don't work. * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - replaced CC with gcc (instead of g++) * mdatacheck/DataCheckLinkDef.h: - removed unused statements * mraw/RawLinkDef.h: - added globals * mraw/MerppLinkDef.h: - removed unused file 2000/01/12: Thomas Bretz * MLinkDef.h, MIncl.h, marslogo.xpm, magiclogo.xpm: - added * LinkDef.h: - removed * Makefile: - Added CINT, mrproper * mbase/Makefile, mraw/Makefile, mgui/Makefile, mdatacheck/Makefile: - included makefile.general, Makefile.rules, - removes corresponding lines * mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[cc,h], mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[cc,h], mdatacheck/MHistsosAdc.[h,cc], mdatacheck.MShowSpect.[cc,h] - changed include statements * mgui/MGDataCheckMain.[cc,h], mgui/MGMarsMain.[cc,h] - changed include statements - move enum from h to cc - removed comma operator from delete statements (nonsense) 2001/01/11: Harald Kornmayer * ./ readraw.cc, Makefile, Makefile.rules, LinkDef.h, MParList.cc, MReadTree.cc, MReadTree.h, mbase/Makefile, mraw/Makefile - small changes in this files. Not really critical. * mars.cc - added the main file for the gui * mgui/ GuiIncl.h, MGMarsMain.cc, GuiLinkDef.h, MGMarsMain.h, MGDataCheckMain.cc, Makefile, MGDataCheckMain.h - added the subdir mgui and this files * mdatacheck/ DataCheckIncl.h, DataCheckLinkDef.h, MHistosAdc.cc, MHistosAdc.h, MDumpEvtHeader.cc, MDumpEvtHeader.h, MShowSpect.cc, MShowSpect.h, MFillAdcSpect.cc, MFillAdcSpect.h, MViewAdcSpectra.cc, MViewAdcSpectra.h, MGDisplayAdc.cc, MGDisplayAdc.h, Makefile - added the subdir mdatacheck and this files 2000/12/28: Thomas Bretz * merpp.cc, MArray.cc, MArray.h, MArrayB.cc, MArrayB.h, MArrayS.cc, MArrayS.h, MEvtLoop.cc, MEvtLoop.h, MInputStreamID.cc, MInputStreamID.h, MParContainer.cc, MParContainer.h, MParList.cc, MParList.h, MReadTree.cc, MTask.cc, MTask.h, MTaskList.cc, MTaskList.h, MTime.cc, MTime.h: - Added changes some comments. * MLoopEvt.cc, MLoopEvt.h: - Removed 2000/12/22 - Thomas Bretz: * readraw.cc: - changed some comments and the Root-Name of the program - added check for the existance of the file - changed name of numbers of entries from iEnt to nent * dohtml.C: - changed title of converted macros * MRawEvtData.cc: - added a commet in Draw() * MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - Added the comment header of the file - removed inheritance from TIterator (not needed) - some changes to get it work (the one in the repository was untested and not working) - changed calling style of iterator from do...while to while-loop - changed some comments * MRawRunHeader.cc: - added some comments * Changelog, News: added * test.C: removed