Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2005/01/25 Abelardo Moralejo * macros/starmc2.C - modified to allow double (train / test) output, for g/h separation studies. Added several missing containers to output. 2005/01/25 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/ - fixed a lot of 'default argument'-warnings to make to code compile * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - moved the empty Reset() function into the source file and added a lot of comments - implemented new helper-functions: GetNewObject * mbase/MContinue.[h,cc]: - allow to use MFilter-classes as filter in ReadEnv * mbase/ - replaced some code by GetNewObject * mhbase/ - handle DrawOption "same" to be able to draw to the same pad * mhbase/MH.[h,cc]: - added same-argument to DrawSame * mhbase/ - removed some obsolete comments - remove own drawing options before calling fHist->Draw * mimage/, mimage/ - first try of implementing 'same' drawing option 2005/01/25 Markus Gaug * mcalib/MCalibrationPattern.[h,cc] * mcalib/MCalibrationPatternDecode.[h,cc] - New Decoder task for the calibration pattern from the digital modules * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsPix.h * mbadpixels/ - changed one function name to GetUnsuitableCalLevel() * mjobs/ - replace all Y-titles with units "FADC counts" by "FADC cnts" and "FADC slices" by "FADC sl.", otherwise they range out of the canvas. * mcalib/ - ensure to set the color correctly in MCalibrationBlindCam 2005/01/24 Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/ - Adapted to changes in MCalibrateData from 2005/01/16: moved qepix.SetAvNormFFactor(1.) from Process() to ReInit(). Due to this, for the last week you may have found trouble running starmc.C and mccalibrate.C. 2005/01/24 Thomas Bretz * - removed non-existing option from output * manalysis/MEnergyEstimate.[h,cc]: - added ReadEnv member function * mbase/MContinue.[h,cc]: - implementes AllowEmpty option to support doing nothing defined in resource file - added a first draft to allow usage of class-filters instead of rules * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]: - implemented a function suggested by Florian Goebel which reduces the precision of a float to ~0.5% which is usefull for data compression by gzip * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - implemented ReadEnv member function * mfbase/ - a small enhancement to the output in ReadEnv * mhbase/ - fixed call to FindObject in Paint which caused a profile to be displayed incorrectly in case it was read from a file * mhflux/MHFalseSource.[h,cc]: - removed old obsolete unsused Significance functions - implemented ReadEnv member function - set false source binning only if BinningFalseSource is not default - check parlist for BinningAlpha * mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/ - added an additional check and output if output-file could not be opened * mjobs/MJob.h: - added some Getter * mhbase/MBinning.[h,cc]. - added nen member functions + SetEdgesRaw + ReadEnv + Print * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - added new member function ReadEnv * mhflux/ - fixed a problem when fitting without off-data * mbase/ - implemented a further fix in DrawClonePad to make sure that the X-stuff doesn't get confused while still GetDrawOption returns the correct value 2005/01/24 Markus Gaug * msignal/ - introduced security check for the times fine-tuning to catch outliers because of deviating pulse forms. * msignal/ * msignal/ - lowered default high-gain saturation limit to 250 - removed Clear() for two results containers at beginning of Process() * msignal/MExtractor.h - Take fHiLoLast into the Clone() * msignal/ - change sign of default initializer to negative. 2005/01/23 Markus Gaug * mhcalib/MHCalibrationHiLoCam.[h,cc] - updated to new logain switch setting in MExtractTimeAndCharge - extract also high-gain vs. low-gain time difference * mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc] * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc] - updated reading of conf. values in ReadEnv * mhcalib/MCalibrationHiLoCam.[h,cc] * mhcalib/MCalibrationHiLoPix.[h,cc] * mhcalib/MCalibrationIntensityHiLoCam.[h,cc] - updated accordingly * mbadpixels/ - removed some bugs in the Print() function 2005/01/22 Markus Gaug * mhcalib/ - display in the averaged times display the event-by-event averaged absolute arrival times instead of the rel. ones which do not make much sense. * mhcalib/MHCalibrationTestTimeCam.[h,cc] * mhcalib/MHCalibrationTestCam.[h,cc] - update to the latest changes in analysis chain. * mjobs/MJExtractCalibTest.[h,cc] - update to the latest changes in analysis chain. * mjobs/ - replace title of that times-averageing Tab from "RelTimes" by "Times". * macros/calibration.C - update to changes in MJExtractCalibTest 2005/01/21 Markus Gaug * msignal/ * msignal/ * msignal/ - use the max. bin content for low-gain extraction * callisto.rc - add place for LoGainSwitch 2005/01/21 Florian Goebel * mfbase/ - include a (TString) cast to make it compilable with gcc2.95.3 2005/01/21 Thomas Bretz * mpointing/ - fixed crash in Process if no pointing model available * mpointing/MPointingPosCalc.h: - added missing initialization of data members * mastro/MObservatory.[h,cc]: - added ReadEnv member function * mbase/MTaskEnv.h: - added (=0) default to SetDefault 2005/01/20 Markus Gaug * mcalib/MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam.[h,cc] - added function to display fluctuations of a variable * mcalib/ - fixed small bug in High-gain mean error. * msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.[h,cc] - introduced high-gain maximum limit before extracting the low-gain 2005/01/20 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MContinue.[h,cc]: - added ReadEnv member function to support resource files * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - added a second arguemtn to reading of the resource file by name - added some checks when reding the resource file and the parameter list hasn't been setup * mbase/ - removed an obsolete output from ReadEnv * mfbase/MF.[h,cc]: - added ReadEnv member function to support resource files - added kAllowEpty flag to support skipping by resource files * mfbase/ - added a comment * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - fixed Write to be compatible with root 4.02/00 - worked around a problem with reading the DrawOption correctly from a stored status display 2005/01/19 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - added a comment to SignificanceLiMa, made by Daniel Mazin - also check for b==0 * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - fixed significance calculation in case of on-off data - added fScaleFactor * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc], mhflux/ - handle scale factor in case of on-off observations * mjobs/ - aligned screen output to 80col rule * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - assigned correct integers to enum - made sure that the enum is correctly handled in all function by applying a r-value to the condition 2005/01/19 Abelardo Moralejo * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[cc,h] - Changed Bool_t arguments of all setters to new type Prescale_t defined by N. Galante (see below) 2005/01/19 Nicola Galante * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[cc,h] - added in header enum Prescale_t { kUnPrescaled = kFALSE, kPrescaled = kTRUE }; - fixed a bug in Process, both fMaskRequiredUnprescaled and fMaskRequiredPrescaled are checked simultaneously. 2005/01/18 Markus Gaug * mcalib/ - fixed the remaining day of data without colour in project name neither in digital modules bits. * mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc] - catch the continuous light runs with MRawRunHeader::fRunType == kRTCalibration to be recognized as effective pedestal runs. 2005/01/18 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - added a check for s==0 in SignificanceLiMa, because otherwise the result is NaN * mfbase/ - removed an obsolete debugging output from the latest changes * mhflux/ - reset fHTime, too 2005/01/18 Nicola Galante * mtrigger/ - added parentesis to ensure bitwise operators priority with respect to logical operators. 2005/01/17 Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MEnergyEstimate.[h,cc]: - changed to be more general. Energy is now estimated from a rule (MDataChain) The default behaviour is still the same as before to copy the energy from MMcEvt * mbase/ - changed to write out the descriptor istead of the task-name only in Pre/PostProcess * mhbase/ - initialize fSerialNumber and fNumExecutions in constructor * mhflux/ - according to a suggestion by Markus Mayer I have changed \\sigma_{max}=f to S_{max}=f\\sigma * mjobs/ - as discussed with Markus and Abelardo fixed the MFTriggerPattern call. * mtrigger/, mtrigger/, mtrigger/ - added some comment about file version * mbase/MFilter.h: - implemented new virtual function GetDataMember like in MData * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - when filter is added ass GetDataMember to branch list (should be obsolete, because filter is in the tasklist, but it should not hurt) * mfbase/MF.[h,cc], mfbase/MFDataChain.[h,cc], mfbase/MFDataMember.[h,cc], mfbase/MFilterList.[h,cc]: - implemented new function GetDataMember 2005/01/17 Markus Gaug * msignal/ - remove a situation where the high-gain signal can be 0. * mtrigger/MTriggerPattern.h - fixed a bug in defining the trigger bit pattern (Have to start from 0 instead of 1) * mjobs/ * mjobs/ - fixed default extraction ranges. * callisto.rc - fixed default weights files for pedestal extraction for cosmcis * mcalib/ - removed program exit on occurrance of multiple colours without intensity calibration 2005/01/17 Nadia Tonello and Markus Gaug * mcalib/ - some fit improvements in the function GetAveragedConvFADC2PhotPerArea 2005/01/16 Markus Gaug * mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationRelTimeCam.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc] - put overflow management and results camera initialization into base class * mcalib/MCalibrateData.[h,cc] - added possibility to re-normalize signal to equiv. photo-electrons ( SetSignalType(MCalibrateData::kPhe) ). Default is old version in photons - speed up Process by storing pre-calculated calibration constants in arrays (needed 40% of CPU time of the eventloop before, now: 23%) - added new pointer to different MCalibrationChargeCam used for updates - added possibility to update the conversion factors using the MCalibrationChargeCam stored in fCalibUpdate. - added Print() function * mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.[h,cc] - committed final version, now also in the Makefile * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignalFromOutside.[h,cc], macros/calibration.C - committed final version, now able to calibrate interlaced cal. events. 2005/01/14 Hendrik Bartko * msignal/calibration_weights_UV.dat - fixed a small bug in the noise autocorrelation of the AB-noise * msignal/calibration_weights_blue.dat - new weights file for blue calibration pulses * cosmics_weights.dat - fixed a small bug in the noise autocorrelation of the AB-noise 2005/01/14 Markus Gaug * msignal/ - added a small acceleration of the program, tested by Hendrik and me. * mpedestal/ - fixed one warning output which was not a real warning. * mcalib/ - improved the function to calculate a mean conversion factor over the whole camera including a fit to the values. * mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc] - undo some changes introduced by TB on 2/12/04 which had made the use of interlaced pedestal events impossible again. - Use now the new class MTriggerPattern directly to recognize an interlaced pedestal event. 2005/01/14 Thomas Bretz * - fixed a typo in output * manalysis/ - removed some old code already in comments - added possibility to switch off automatic processing (used if two different geometries around) * manalysis/, mhbase/MHMatrix.[h,cc], mranforest/, mtools/MHSimulatedAnnealing.[h,cc], mtools/MSimulatedAnnealing.h: - added include of TVector because in newer root version it is not included from TMatrix anymore * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/MMath.[h,cc]: - to stick to the convention of TMath in newer root versions MMath changed from a class to a namespace * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - to support newer root version added a second Write-function with a const qualifier. * mdata/ - changed access to TMath for newer root versions * mfileio/MChain.[h,cc]: - implemented a workaround for teh changed LoadTree definition in newer root-versions * mfileio/ - fixed a bug in CheckBranchSize caused some warning to be displayed * mhflux/ - removed check for fResult in PostProcess (it is always there) * msignal/ - fixed delete --> delete[] * mbadpixels/ - slight change to some output * mbase/MTaskEnv.h: - set name of default task when pointer is given * mjobs/ - fixed handling of extraction range for various cases - fixed handling in case no arrival times are calculated * mjobs/ - write at least a default arrival time calibration container to make further processing easier * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - fixed handling of extraction range for various cases 2005/01/14 Abelardo Moralejo * mtemp/mpadova/macros/trainsubsample.C, RanForestDISP.C - added. Two macros used in the analysis of real wobble mode data. 2005/01/14 Daniela Dorner * macros/sql/filldotrun.C - added new arehucas-verions and changed code accordingly 2005/01/13 Abelardo Moralejo * macros/starmc.C - Added (commented) lines for the case of gamma MC source off-axis (wobble mode). Changed default extractor to MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch. 2005/01/13 Raquel de los Reyes * callisto.rc - introduced several configuration lines (format: "class".DataCheck: No) to allow callisto to run with rawfiles. Necessary for the datacheck. 2005/01/13 Markus Gaug * mcalib/ - fixed runs 45605-45609 * msignal/MExtractor.h - take out the variable fHiLoLast from the streamer. Will be initialized in the ReInit(), if needed * msignal/ - Initialized fHiLoLast to 0. Otherwise, a second eventloop with the same extractor may have that variable set to a certain value, even if not desired. The ReInit() fixes fHiLoLast, if different from 0. * mpedestal/ * mpedestal/ * mpedestal/ - fix the output of the print to the correct value for the case that the extractor is used. 2005/01/13 Thomas Bretz * callisto.rc: - fixed some typos * mbase/ - unset DEBUG defined unintentionally * msignal/ - removed printing Weights in InitArrays, because otherwise the output of a full data calibration is totally crowded with numbers. Having the weights-file name on the display is perfectly enough. 2005/01/12 Markus Gaug * mcalib/ - added fit to improve averageing of the obtained results 2005/01/12 Thomas Bretz * manalysis/ - changed name to MRead because it now derives from MRead * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - implemented an option not to cascade the status display to the parameter list in PreProcess * mhflux/ - changed name of "Significance" to "MinimizationValue" - return -significance to have a value being minimized * mhist/ - fixed output of text in legend * mhist/MHEvent.[h,cc]: - implemented new options for calibrated pedestals * mmain/ - fixed to support latest changes in MJCalibrateSignal * mpedestal/ - added new options in GetPixelContent (4 and 5) to support a correct camera display * mjobs/ - fixed display of calibrated pedestal and pedestal rms - changed order of plots. Now all interpolated values (means all calibrated values which are bad-pixel treated) are displayed behind the unsuitable pixels. * mjobs/MJ*.cc: - corrected all wrong %06d to %08d to fit the number of digits in run-numbers 2005/01/11 Abelardo Moralejo * mjobs/Makefile - added missing include -I ../mtrigger 2005/01/11 Thomas Bretz *, callisto.rc: - changed such, that all three kinds of pedestals are calcualted (usefull for studies) * manalysis/MMatrixLoop.[h,cc]: - derived from MRead - implemented some basic functions from MRead * mfilter/MFCosmics.[h,cc]: - allow setting of name of MPedestalCam * mhbase/MBinning.[h,cc]: - added SetEdges taking MParList as input * mhflux/ - use new function from MBinning * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.[h,cc]: - changed to calculate all three kinds of pedestals - added filters for trigger pattern and illuminated events * mjobs/ - give different names to tabs with different pedestals * mjobs/ - on request changed used pedestal from "FromExtractor" to "FromExtractorRndm" * mtrigger/MTriggerPattern.h: - added Reset function * mtrigger/MTriggerPatternDecode.[h,cc]: - added using file format version number 2005/01/11 Markus Gaug * mbadpixels/ - updated documentation * mcalib/ - make pixels with deviating number of phes unreliable instead of unsuitable (this was already thought so, but missed to modify at one place). * mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc] - add possible flag 'kInterlaced': default: kFALSE (like before) - added pointer to MRawEvtHeader to deny cosmics events in case of 'interlaced' flag is set. No changes for 'normal' calibration 2005/01/10 Benjamin Riegel * mreport/, mreport/MReportStarguider.h - added two classes for implementing starguider-data * mreport/ReportLinkDef.h - added class MReportStarguider to be linked: #pragma link C++ class MReportStarguider+; * mreport/Makefile - added file * - added two containers ( MReportStarguider, MTimeStarguider ) and added MReportStarguider to the list: w->AddContainer("MReportStarguider", "Starguider"); w->AddContainer("MTimeStarguider", "Starguider"); r->AddToList("MReportStarguider"); 2005/01/10 Markus Gaug * mcalib/ - return kFALSE for CL-run instead of kTRUE * mcalib/ - stop program in case that multiple colours are found in same file without intensity calibration * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsPix.h - added two new possible UnCalibrated_t flags for the hi-lo calibration * macros/calibration.C - add the calls to: MArray::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); MParContainer::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); in main. * msignal/MExtractor.h - added Getter for fOffsetLoGain (was still missing) * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc] - remove pixels with histogram overflow only if their percentage passes a certain limit (default: 0.5%). Before, every overflow lead to an unsuitable pixel. * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.[h,cc] - implemented changes suggested by T.B. to speed up calculations - take fNameWeightsFile into the streamer, otherwise the Clone() will always create an extractor with cosmic's weights. - set fOffsetLoGain to a slighly higher value. The DF seems to have a different offset since it uses different pulse shapes and thus sightly different time definitions. 2005/01/10 Thomas Bretz * mhvstime/ - fixed a compiler error for gcc 2.95.3, see Mantis bug # 157 * - changed such, that the calculated pedestal is not random anymore - added code to calculate the pedestal also with randomization, but this code is for the moment commented out. * callisto.rc: - fixed naming of pedestal calculation * mbadpixels/ - added a second check which compares the pedestal rms with the variance of the pedestal rms in the same sector * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.[h,cc]: - changed to calculate the pedestal from extractor without randomization - added code to calculate the pedestal also with randomization, but this code is for the moment commented out. * mjobs/ - made sure that pedcam always has the correct name (FIXME? Print a warning if it has the wrong name) * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - changed such, that it allows the calculation of pedestals in three different ways (fundamental, fromextractor, fromextractorrndm) - therefor removed SetExtractorResolution and added + void SetExtractionFundamental() + void SetExtractionWithExtractorRndm() + void SetExtractionWithExtractor() * mjobs/ - changed/fixed the input name of the MPedPhotCam used in the image cleaning * mraw/MRawFileRead.[h,cc]: - changed return type of OpenNextFile - in some cases return kERROR in OpenNextFile to abort the Processing with an error * mraw/ - call a wrong file format version ERROR now * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - make sure that resetted values are returned if fit failed - set default scaling too kOffRegion * mhflux/ - some small fixes to handling of MHAlphaOff * mhflux/MHFalseSource.[h,cc]: - implemented possible usage of MHFalsSourceOff for On-Off-Analysis - updated display accordingly - updated fit accordingly - removed catalog temporarily from plots until I found the reason for the strange crashes * mbadpixels/MBadPixelCalc.[h,cc]: - implemented the possibility to check the pedestal rms against the variance of the pedstal rms, too. The option is curretly switched off. - enahanced informal output in PreProcess * mbase/ - a little change to some output 2005/01/10 Wolfgang Wittek * mfbase/ - check whether filter exists before calling filter->CallPreProcess(parlist) 2005/01/08 Markus Gaug * mhcalib/MHCalibrationHiLoCam.[h,cc] * mcalib/MCalibrationHiLoCam.[h,cc] * mcalib/MCalibrationHiLoPix.[h,cc] * mcalib/MIntensityCalibrationHiLoCam.[h,cc] * mhcalib/Makefile, mcalib/Makefile, mhcalib/HCalibLinkDef.h, mcalib/CalibLinkDef.h - new classes for calibration of conversion high-gain vs. low-gain * msignal/MExtractedSignalPix.[h,cc] - added data member fChisquare, set to -1. by Clear() and Reset() - raised version number by 1 * msignal/MExtractedSignalCam.[h,cc] - added data member fNdf, set to -1 by default - new function: GetProb(const Int_t pixidx) to be called to calculate the joint probability of Chisquare of pixel "pixidx" and fNdf - added documentation of data members - raised version number by 1 * mhcalib/ - strengthened default histogram limits a bit, should accelerate the calibration by 20%. * mjobs/ - fixed two lines to compile MCalibrateData with the recent changes by TB * msignal/ - fixed two bugs introduced yesterday by TB. * msignal/ * msignal/ - adopt part of TB's speed accelerations into these classes * msignal/ - fix the low-gain extraction window for the case that the high-gain is saturated. Was skipped so far. 2005/01/07 Markus Gaug * msignal/MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch.[h,cc] - catch the case that more than 90% of the pixels have saturated signals and fix the extraction window from the occurrance of saturation, then. Important for high-intensity calibration events. * msignal/ * msignal/ * msignal/ - added some documentation * msignal/MExtractTime.[h,cc] - moved the empty function FindTimeHiGain() and FindTimeLoGain() to the header-file. 2005/01/07 Abelardo Moralejo * mbase/MLog.h - Added #include "TSystem.h", otherwise gSystem is not recognized in Mac OSX. * manalysis/ - Changed badcalc.SetNamePedPhotContainer to badcalc.SetNamePedPhotCam 2005/01/07 Thomas Bretz * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCalc.[h,cc], macros/ONOFFAnalaysis.C: - replaced PedPhotContainer by PedPhotCam for consistency * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - return *this in Seperator() * mbase/MPrint.[h,cc]: - use new separator manipulator in PreProcess - fixed a type: separator instead of seperator * mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added a check for branch->IsAutoDelete() in Notify() * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc]: - added new option 'fRandomCalculation' be used to switch on-/off- randomization in extractors, the default should be like before - added Process() calling Calc() * mpedestal/MPedCalcFromLoGain.[h,cc], mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc]: - renamed Process() to Calc() * Makefile: - removed macros/calibration.C, which seems to have been unintantionally introduced. * manalysis/Makefile: - removed unintantionally introduced wrong include * msignal/ - a small acceleration discussed with Hendrik by replacing a counter in a loop by pointer arithmetics * mraw/ - fixed a bug in GetMaxIdxHiLoGain which caused the loop to read one byte behind the end of the array - fixed HasLoGain() which really did weired things, means accessing sometimes memory somewhere. This could theoretically result in assigning the wrong lo-gains to the wrong pixels. * mtrigger/MTriggerPattern.[h,cc], mtrigger/MTriggerPatternDecode.[h,cc], mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - added * mtrigger/Makefile, mtrigger/TriggerLinkDef.h: - added MTriggerPattern, MTriggerPatternDecode and MFTriggerPattern * manalysis/MEnergyEstParam.h: - added a new function SetVariables calling SetCoeff * mcalib/MCalibrateData.[h,cc]: - removed data members for container names - added new lists for container names - allow to calibrate more than one pedestal container at the same time * mjobs/ - changed accordingly 2005/01/05 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/, mcalib/, mhcalib/ - made some output lines fit into convinience window of 80 col * mhist/ - make sure that x-axis has correct title * msignal/ - init error to -1 which is a obviously non valid value - fixed IsValid() which gave wrong results * msignal/, msignal/ - made sure that LoGain is flagged non-valid if no lo-gain exists - push time back at the edge of the allowed limits if outside * mbase/MGList.[h,cc]: - introduced new functions Delete and DeletePictures - SetBit(kMustCleanup) in constructor. Otherwise it is not correctly removed from ListOfCleanups * mbase/ - SetBit(kMustCleanup) if adding a plugin to make sure it is cleaned from the list * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - replaced return type of GetDescriptor by TString. The old version was terribly wrong! The returned memory wasn't removed as soon as the function returned. * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - for security (thread safty) replaced all Form() by MString::Form() - implemented a more secure scheme of Closing (Clone()) this was a hint given by valgrind - set kMustCleanup for all new object in ClonePad not only kCanDelete - fixed some lines in pulldown-menus - add TPads to ListOfCleanups in ClonePad (workaround!) * mbase/MString.[h,cc]: - implemented a new static Form() function returning a copy of the result * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - replaced return type of GetDescriptor by TString. The old version was terribly wrong! The returned memory wasn't removed as soon as the function returned. - Made GetDescriptor thread safe using MString::Form * mfileio/ - Use GetDescriptor().Data() when using any kind of printf function * mhbase/ - replaced string concatenation in all constructors by a Form (also suggested by valgrind) * mhcalib/ - made some output fit into 80col boundary 2005/01/03 Thomas Bretz (HAPPY NEW YEAR) * mfht: - added new directory for hexagonal fourier transformation * mfht/HftIncl.h, mhft/HftLinkDef.h, mhft/MGeomCamMagicXT.[h,cc], mhft/MGeomCamMagicEnhance.[h,cc], mhft/MHexgaonalFT.[h,cc], mhft/MHexagonalFreqSpace.[h,cc], mhft/MHexagonalFTCalc.[h,cc], mhft/Makefile: - added * macros/extendcam.C: - added: tutorial for MGeomCamExtend * macros/hft.C: - added: tutorial for MHexgonalFTCalc * macros/dohtml.C: - updated * macros/rootlogon.C: - updated * Makefile: - mhft added * mbase/, mbase/ - added a pre-compiler option for destructor debugging * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added new function Replace * mdata/, mfbase/ - shortened some output * mdata/MDataArray.[h,cc]: - added new function FindRule * mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - enhanced functionality to be able to read a TTree stored in memory instead of a file. Therefor introduced fTree which is now the pointer used and replaced fChain where TTree and TChain have common behaviour. Where they behave uncommon new code for the new case has been added. * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.[h,cc]: - enhanced functionality to be able to write a TTree into memory instead of a file. This were maily bugfixes for the case fOut==0, which must be handled correctly. Becarefull a tree filles without a file is not deleted automatically! * mhbase/MBinning.h: - added copy constructor - fixed buggy SetEdges(MBinning&) which didn't work * mhbase/ - when adding a new rule check first if the same rule already exists * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - added new functionality to support on-off analysis - didn't touch existing code * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc]: - added new functionality to support on-off analysis - replaced Fit() calls by newer function calls - added DrawAll - PRELIMINARY - fixed a bug when projecting - may be the reson for some strange crashes * mcalib/ - fixed a stupid bug introduced last year, which caused MCalibColorSet in some circumstances to stop the eventloop when it shouldn't * mjobs/ - expand path names