Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2006/04/05 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added new tab with the effective on-time relative to the observation time * sponde_onoff.rc: - added 2006/04/04 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - if no dataset and no time-interval is given only sequences with an effective on-time above five minutes are plotted anymore 2006/03/21 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/ganymed.php,tabs.php: - included different tabs for on/off and wobble * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added zd angle range and observation period * datacenter/db/sequencE.php: - added rel. ontime 2006/03/20 Thomas Bretz * mraw/ - if the pixels to be swaped are both not found, assume they are intentially not mapped. Changed the Error to a Warning * mhflux/MHDisp.[h,cc]: - made the scale region a parameter which can be changed from within the display - allow the scale parameters to be setup from the resource-file - changed the source-region which is cut out in wobble mode from +/-15deg to +/-25deg which better fits what we get from MHPhi * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - added example how to change the new scale parameters in MHDisp * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - implemented the strategy for optimization which is suggested by the Berlin people for weak sources "weaksource" * mhflux/MHPhi.[h,cc]: - moved the AppendPad for the text-paint into all sub-pads which need it. Otherwise they are not always properly updated. 2006/03/16 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - small bugfix in logging * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - added new tab for ganymed 2006/03/15 Stefan Ruegamer * manalysis/ - inserted an image cleaning based on the time information of the shower (CalcCleaningArrivalTime) * manalysis/MCameraData.h - made entry for "CalcCleaningArrivalTime" * mimage/ - created entries for the new image cleaning named "Time" * mimage/MImgCleanStd.h - inserted entry "kTime" 2006/03/14 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - fixed bug * steps.rc: - added fFillGanymed to influences of fGanymed 2006/03/14 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/ - skip the fit not only if the integral is empty but also if the first bin is empty - changed upper limit to 95% according to a study from David Paneque - replaced the fit with the exponential used in the BCN Mars version - use the correct number of entries - use a likelihood fit - calculate the fit quality from the probability - ignore the fit quality for the theta-plot * mimage/ - fixed the handling of the "same" option in Draw/Paint * mpointing/MPointingDev.h: - fDx and fDy initialized in the constructor * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - removed the kDontCount option. Instead don't use the TStopwatch counter anymore. By this the class to TStopwatch can be suppressed completely if kDontTime is set. * mbase/, mbase/, mfbase/, mfbase/MFilterList.[h,cc]: - pipe the accelerator flag to the filter or task * mjobs/ - also accelerate the reading task 2006/03/13 * RELEASE 0.9.5 2006/03/13 Thomas Bretz * ganymed.rc: - changed smearing to half of our PSF 0.06 - added new examples for setting the starguider calibration * ganymed_onoff.rc - changed smearing to half of our PSF 0.06 - switched the new feature for a random source position on - added new examples for setting the starguider calibration * ganymed_wobble.rc: - changed smearing to half of our PSF 0.06 - added new examples for setting the starguider calibration - added example how to control the phi plot * mhflux/MHPhi.[h,cc]: - many improvements to the algorithm, it now takes also inhomgeneities into account - restructured the display, display more histograms - increased class version to 2 * mjobs/ - enabled acceleration for first and second loop * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.[h,cc]: - allowed to set the starguider offset calibration from the resource file * callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: - replaced Calibration scale factor by usage of resources/calibration_spline.rc 2006/03/13 Markus Meyer * ganymed_wobble.rc,ganymed_onoff.rc,ganymed.rc: - changed cuts: wobble: average values from optimisation of 3 Crab sample (01/05,10/05,12/05), done by Karsten onoff : cuts from 1218 (01/05, highest significance) theta is now 0.22 for both. 2006/03/13 Daniel Hoehne * ganymed_wobble.rc,ganymed_onoff.rc,ganymed.rc: - implemented qualitycut in log10(conc) vs. log10(size) 2006/03/13 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration_spline.C: - more comments 2006/03/10 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration.C: - update from p27 to p39 (spline excluded, still p33 data missing) 2006/03/10 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration_spline.C: - correction coefficients for spline data for each period 2006/03/10 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/insertsequences: - fixed bug 2006/03/09 Daniel Hoehne * ganymed_wobble.rc: - changed parameters 1 to 5 in Cut1 to actual values 2006/03/08 Thomas Bretz *, mraw/MRawFileRead.[h,cc], mraw/ - added new force-option to foirce output of run-header 2006/03/08 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/script/movingrawfiles: - added moving of files, that are transferred via internet - added removing of empty directories * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added links to ganymedplots - added links to sequence.php (instead of links to starfiles) - fixed bug in query * datacenter/db/sequence.php: - added links to plots from callisto and star - fixed bug in query * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php: - added links to sequence.php * datacenter/db/datasetinfo.php: - added links to ganymed.php * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - added (includefile for names of tabs of statusdisplays) 2006/03/07 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/ - take the bad pixel information into account when calculating the number of saturating pixels! 2006/03/06 Thomas Bretz * - fixed the position were the first argument is converted to lower case. Until this fix no upper case could be used in file names * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - print also average and RMS of all data. 2006/03/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added sequences + links to star-plots of sequences - improved layout * datacenter/script/makecallistolinks: - changed condition, when to make the link: only, if the link is not yet existing, it is done - added resetting of db: if link is done, callisto is resetted * datacenter/macros/resetcolumn.C: - added failure columns to the resetting 2006/03/04 Daniela Dorner * - changed return values to improve the failure handling in the db * datacenter/script/makecallistolinks: - added 'Pulse is too much to the left, cannot go below 0!' as reason to use callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc * datacenter/script/dowebplots: - reduced number of files to be updated by a limitation in modification time * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added plots - effontime s->h 2006/03/03 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - added RemoveFromList for srcposrndm in off-data loop * mpointing/MSrcPosRndm.[h,cc]: - fixed the scaling. MSrcPosCam has to be in mm * ganymed.rc: - added line and comments with new resource 2006/03/03 Daniel Hoehne * callisto_MarApr05.rc: - changed pulse position check ExtractWinLeft to 4.0 and ExtractWinRight to 4.5 2006/03/02 Thomas Bretz * - get result value from pulse pos check * mjobs/MJCut.[h,cc]: - added the usage of the new class MSrcPosRndm - added new resource to switch random source position on * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - changed return code of Process to int to be able to return the pulse pos check result. * mpointing/PointingLinkDef.h, mpointing/Makefile: - added MSrcPosRndm * mpointing/MSrcPosRndm.[h,cc]: - added * mpointing/MHSrcPosCam.h: - addedn non const getter for fHist 2006/03/02 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/querymc.php: - fixed small bug * datacenter/db/dowebplots: - added option -p to the script, to be able to call the script for different programs independently - fixed find 2006/03/01 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/datacheck.php, datasetinfo.php, sequinfo.php: - included failure handling columns 2006/03/01 Thomas Bretz * mastro/, mbase/ - added a comment in GetMagicPeriod * mpointing/ - added new member function GetString - moved code from Print to GetString - added new function IsInitialized() * mjtrain/MJTrain*.[h,cc]: - added data members to change RF setup * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.h, mpointing/MPointingPosCalc.h: - added missing AddToBranchList * mpointing/MHSrcPosCam.[h,cc]: - added * mpointing/Makefile, mpointing/PointingLinkDef.h: - added MHSrcPosCam * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - implemented a new data-meber fAccelerator which allows to switch off counting and timing analysis which can be very time-consuming in some circumstances * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - implemented the usabe of MTask::fAccelerator to switch off resetting of all parameter containers which can be very time-consuming * mimage/ - updated how the units are printed in Print() * mjobs/ - added a new loop to fill the source position of the on-data - the acceleration of the two main loops are disabled because they are not yet tested. * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - the periods were wrong by one -- fixed. 2006/02/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/insertdatasets: - made sure, that backupfiles of the editor are not taken into account, when dataset files are searched * datacenter/db/*.php: - moved user, host and pw of database to the include file db.php * datacenter/db/index.html: - fixed links * datacenter/db/querymc.php,magicdefs.php: - added some variables * datacenter/db/runinfo.php,sequinfo.php: - bugfix (incl. TestSources) * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php: - changed init values * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php, findoffdata.php, magicdefs.php: - added value (relative ontime) * datacenter/db/dbstatus.php: - fixed bug * datacenter/db/queryrbk.php: - added query field 'Night', to query all entries of one night from the runbook * datacenter/db/index-header.html: - added links 2006/02/27 Thomas Bretz * macros/optim/optimwobble.C: - fixed a typo (SetThetaCut instead SetAlphaCut), and added the standard Disp-parametrization * mhflux/MHEffectiveOnTime.[h,cc]: - added showing the axis range of the time evolution histogram * - fixed a warning in the Hash-switch. * mbase/ - replaced casts in switch by an appended U * macros/train/trainseparation.C: - replaced outdated MTTrainRFSeparate by MJTrainSeparation * mastro/MAstro.h: - added conversion constants for pc-m and pc-ly * mhflux/ - fixed typo in comment * mimage/MImagePar.h: - minor changes to layout * mimage/MHNewImagePar.[h,cc], mimage/MNewImagePar.[h,cc]: - added new image parameters fConcCOG and fConcCore - increased class version of MNewImagePar * mimage/ - added some comments - removed an obsolete TMath::Abs around "dist" * mranforest/MRanForest.[h,cc]: - the initialization of fTreeHad was done at the wrong moment - replaced a cast int(x+.5) by TMath::Nint - added some additional warning output - added "!" to fTreeHad - it is only for temporary storage used in the histogram classes * mranforest/MRanForestGrow.h: - added GetForest * mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation.[h,cc]: - added some code for upcomming automatic event selection * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - improved macro description - added arguments to main function * macros/plot/mucal.C: - added 2006/02/25 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequavail, checkstardone, writesequencefiles, buildsequenceentries, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, datacenter/macros/writesequencefile.C, filldotraw.C, fillsinope.C buildsequenceentries.C, resetcolumn.C, doexclusions.C, fillcalib.C fillsignal.C, fillganymed.C, fillstar.C: - implemented, that a missing connection to the database doesn't cause an failure entry in the database, so that the step is retried in this case - updated documentation 2006/02/25 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - added 2006/02/24 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration.rc: - update of correction values for the calibration constants (P31 - P39, without P36!(problems with spline)) 2006/02/24 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/datacheck.php, datasetinfo.php, dbstatus.php, findoffdata.php, include.php, magicdefs.php, runinfo.php, sequinfo.php, statusrps.php, statussbs.php, statussps.php: - included failure handling columns * datacenter/db/findoffdata.php: - added DT * datacenter/db/statusrps.php: - fixed bug * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php: - reduced width of menu * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - added makedir for oldcatalogpath 2006/02/23 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - fixed plot for Eý.dN/dE. The spectrum was multiplied with two times the bin-width instead of the absolute energy 2006/02/22 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/querymc.php: - added (website to query montecarlo database - first version) * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php: - added some values of montecarlo database 2006/02/17 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - fixed path length * datacenter/macros/fillsources.C: - added (macro to read source information from catalog files and insert it into the database) * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - improved output * datacenter/db/index.html: - added ganymed.php - removed old link 2006/02/17 Thomas Bretz * - fixed path inflation in case of ganymed * mjobs/ - return kFALSE if requested source wasn't found in catalog * mjobs/ - reformatted output of source to fit in one line * mpointing/MPointingPos.[h,cc]: - output source name (title) in Print() if set 2006/02/16 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/checkstardone: - small improvement in sequence handling - improved logging * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - small bugfixes in setstatus function * datacenter/scripts/runganymed: - small bugfix * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - fixed path length * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added (website to query results for sources/datasets) 2006/02/15 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/findoffdata.php: - implemented possibility to query range of dates for 'stardone' 2006/02/15 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, querycal.php, sequinfo.php: - implemented query for mean signal inner/outer and mean pulsepos * datacenter/db/sequence.php: - implemented query for mean signal inner/outer, mean pulsepos and inhomogeneity 2006/02/15 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/writesequencefiles,doexclusion,correcttime: - fixed small bug 2006/02/14 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - fixed small bugs * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - changed back to moving files without zipping * datacenter/scripts/doqualityplots: - added running of plotdb.C for each datasetfile * datacenter/macros/getdolist.C: - implemented limitation for number of todo files for SequenceProcessStatus * datacenter/macros/checkfileavail.C,checkstardone.C: - changed return code in case that files are not available * datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequavail,checkstardone,sourcefile: - adapted to changed return code in macros * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, querystar.php, sequinfo.php: - implemented query for inhomogeneity 2006/02/13 * RELEASE 2006/02/13 Thomas Bretz * callisto.rc: - changed pulse position check ExtractWinLeft to 4.0 and ExtractWinRight to 4.5 * callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: - changed pulse position check ExtractWinLeft to 3.0 and ExtractWinRight left at 2.5 2006/02/10 Thomas Bretz * mastro/ - allow for more year in the algorithm calculating easter * mcamera/MCameraDC.h, mcamera/MCameraHV.h, mcamera/MCameraTD.h, mcamera/MCameraTH.h: - added a sanity check in GetPixelContent * mraw/ - fixed output (correct kiB instead of kB) * Makefile, Makefile.rules: - implemented the possibility to spread Make through condor * mastro/MAstroCatalog.[h,cc]: - new draw-options to rotate the grid and the stars * mimage/ - set minimum of fDelte to 0 instead of fDistC * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.h: - replaced the casts in SetRiseTimeHiGain and StFallTimeHiGain by TMath::NInt * mjobs/MDataSet.h: - implemented new functions to check whether the dataset contains a dedicated sequence * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - implemented the possibility to draw sequences of a dataset in several colors 2006/02/09 Thomas Bretz * mreport/ - invented new fake CC report file version 200509300 for a change in the starguider format (the already implemented last values dissapeared again!) which is not noticed in the format version. * mreport/, mreport/ - fixed support for ver 200510250 * mjobs/ - added fit of un-unfolded spectrum 2006/02/08 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - implemented function checklock - bugfix for failure code * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, makecallistolinks, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, writesequencefiles: - implemented usage of function checklock * datacenter/scripts/copyscript, doqualityplots, dowebplots, insertsequences, linkmc: - implemented usage of function checklock - implemented variable $program * datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck: - implemented usage of function checklock - implemented variable $lockfile * datacenter/scripts/insertdatasets, mcsequences, processmcsequences: - implemented usage of function checklock - implemented variables $lockfile and $program * datacenter/macros/doexclusions.C, fillganymed.C: - fixed bug * datacenter/macros/fillsinope.C, setstatus.C: - improved documentation * datacenter/scripts/filesondisk: - implemented finding of zipped files 2006/02/08 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - some minor changes to the layout 2006/02/07 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - fixed bug * datacenter/db: - added (directory with db-websites) 2006/02/07 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added failure code variables - changed calling of setstatus.C accordingly * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, writesequencefiles: - implemented failure variable * datacenter/macros/getdolist.C, setstatus.C, setupdb.C: - added new/changed columns (fReturnCode, fFailedCode, fFailedCodeAdd) 2006/02/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/fillstar, macros/setstatus.C, getdolist.C: - fixed bugs 2006/02/03 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - implemented two new functions: getdolist, finish - implemented usage of function finish in other functions * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - implemented zipping of rawfiles * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, copyscript, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, insertdatasets, makecallistolinks, processmcsequences, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, writesequencefiles: - replaced corresponding pieces of code by the functions getdolist and finish - moved variable $date to function getdolist - improved logging - generalized variables $lockfile and $todofile 2006/02/03 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - fixed small bugs * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - small bugfix - improved logging * datacenter/scripts/insertdatasets: - removed not needed variable * datacenter/macros/getdolist.C: - small bugfix 2006/02/02 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/linkmc: - changed numbering of P and C run in linking * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - moved to root-version root_v4.04.02g 2006/02/01 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, writesequencefiles: - adapted usage of function setstatus 2006/01/31 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/setstatus.C, getdolist.C: - adapted macros to changes in new columns (fFailedCode, fFailedComment) * datacenter/macros/setstatus.C: - added "noreset" for column fStartTime (is needed so that runtime is available in case of failure) * datacenter/macros/setupdb.C: - added new columns * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto, runganymed, runstar: - implemented failure handling * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - implemented new functions to set status values 2006/01/30 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, sourcefile, writesequencefiles: - added function setstatus in sourcefile - changed calling of setstatus.C in setstatus - implemented variable $program to generalize usage of setstatus - replaced corresponding piece of code by function setstatus - fixed some typos 2006/01/30 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/setstatus.C, getdolist.C: - adapted macros to the improvement of failure handling in the automatic analysis (added columns fFailed, fStartTime, fFailedTime) 2006/01/27 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - improved a warning output 2006/01/23 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - removed a sanity check in GetStringFmt. It work's quite nice in the DC but crashes on my Laptop (which is not so important) 2006/01/10 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/*.C, datacenter/script: - updated and added documentation - improved logging - fixed small bugs