Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2006/07/29 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/ - changed the fit such that initial values are calculated automatically now instead of using build in values. This makes the fit more indepedant of the underlaying rates. With a test of ~350 sequences in the test database it could be shown that the new fit gives the same result +/-1sek. The highest deviation was +5s the lowest -10s. - the number of the first bin used in the fit became a variable - A limit of 15kHz was set for the rate - sanity checkes for lambda==0 added (possible division by zero) - increased class version number by one - made functions derived from MH private - to fit the resulting "gammas" use fFirstBin=1 and fNumEvents=120 2006/07/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequenceavail, datacenter/scripts/checkstardone, datacenter/scripts/copyscript, datacenter/scripts/correcttime, datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck, datacenter/scripts/doexclusions, datacenter/scripts/doqualityplots, datacenter/scripts/dowebplots, datacenter/scripts/filesondisk, datacenter/scripts/fillcallisto, datacenter/scripts/fillganymed, datacenter/scripts/fillstar, datacenter/scripts/insertdatasets, datacenter/scripts/insertsequences, datacenter/scripts/linkmc, datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks, datacenter/scripts/mcsequences, datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles, datacenter/scripts/processmcsequences, datacenter/scripts/rmlocks, datacenter/scripts/runcallisto, datacenter/scripts/runganymed, datacenter/scripts/runstar, datacenter/scripts/sourcefile, datacenter/scripts/writesequencefiles: - replaced username by $USER 2006/07/27 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C: - removed some obsolete output - logging output redone - added some missing delete of TSQLResults - fixed some overwrite of local variables - added more comments - moved code building the blocks to its own function - simplified buildblocks 2006/07/27 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries: - fixed bug in name of logfile (introduced on 2006/02/03) 2006/07/26 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - changed machine - added logging - added launching of filesondisk, when files have been moved * datacenter/scripts/filesondisk: - added logging 2006/07/26 Thomas Bretz * - files with the extension .raw.gz were not found. fixed. This is necessary because raw-files must be merpped before they can be displayed with the mars-gui. * - fixed some misalignment when the title is printed * datacenter/macros/fillsinope.C: - removed some obsolete comments * mbase/MContinue.h: - some reformatting * mreport/MReportStarguider.h: - added enum for states - added IsMonitoring member function * msignal/ - fixed a problem which gave errors when compiling (introduced with the latest change) * manalysis/MEventRateCalc.[h,cc], manalysis/MGeomApply.[h,cc], manalysis/MMultiDimDistCalc.[h,cc], mbadpixels/MBadPixelsTreat.[h,cc], mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc], mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc], mbase/MParList.[h,cc], mbase/MTask.[h,cc], mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrateData.[h,cc], mdata/MDataArray.[h,cc], mfbase/MF.[h,cc], mfbase/MFDataChain.[h,cc], mfbase/MFDataChain.[h,cc], mfbase/MFDataMember.[h,cc], mfbase/MFilterList.[h,cc], mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc], mfileio/MWriteRootFile.[h,cc], mfilter/MFParticleId.[h,cc], mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.[h,cc], mfilter/MFTriggerLvl2.[h,cc], mhbase/MBinning.[h,cc], mhbase/MFillH.[h,cc], mhbase/MH3.[h,cc], mhbase/MHMatrix.[h,cc], mimage/MHillasCalc.[h,cc], mimage/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc], mimage/MImgCleanTGB.[h,cc], mpointing/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractFixedWindow.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractSignal.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractSignalABcorr.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractor.[h,cc], mtools/MChisqEval.[h,cc] - replaced StreamPrimitive(ofstream&) by StreamPrimitive(ostream&) - replaced SavePrimitive(ofstream&) by SsavePrimitive(ostream&) - if necessary let SavePrimitive(ofstream&) call SavePrimitive(ostream&) * mbadpixels/, mbadpixels/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mdata/, mdata/, mdata/, mfbase/, mgeom/, mhcalib/, mmain/, mpedestal/, mpedestal/, mreport/, msignal/, msignal/, msignal/ - replaced ForEach by R__FOR_EACH * mbase/MAGIC.h: - define R__FOR_EACH macro if not yet defined * mbase/ - removed usage of copy-constructor of TEnv * mbase/MString.h: - exclude some of the member function from CINT (gives problem with CINT) * mfbase/MFEventSelector.[h,cc]: - removed StreamPrimitive (it was empty anyhow) * mranforest/ - moved includes for TVector and TMatrix to header - replaced TMatrixRow by TMatrixFRow_const in TreeHad * msignal/Makefile, msignal/SignalLinkDef.h: - removed MExtractSignal - removed MExtractSignal2 - removed MExtractSignal3 - removed MExtractSignalABcorr * mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/MGMap.[h,cc], mbase/MGTask.h, mbase/MLogManip.h, mbase/MLogPlugin.h mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/MStatusArray.h, mbase/, mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - removed some unused parameters from function declaration * mbase/MArray.h, mbase/MArrayB.h, mbase/MArrayD.h, mbase/MArrayF.h, mbase/MArrayI.h, mbase/MArrayS.h, mbase/MDirIter.h, mbase/MLog.[h,cc], mbase/MReadSocket.h, mbase/, mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc], mbase/MTime.h: - added explicit initialization of base class to copy ctor * mbase/MDirIter.[h,cc], mbase/MLog.[h,cc], mbase/, mbase/ - fixed some warnings about local overwrites of variable names * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - removed unsused second argument from CheckAddListTo - allow 0 as the type argument which just keeps the input steam id of the task * mjobs/ - fixed a deprecated conversion from string constant to `char* * mfbase/ - improved warn output * msignal/, msignal/MArrivalTimePix.[h,cc], msignal/, msignal/, msignal/, msignal/, msignal/, msignal/, msignal/, msignal/, msignal/ - removed first obsolete argument from SetGainSaturation * msignal/MExtractedSignalCam.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete fNdf - increased class version * msignal/MExtractedSignalPix.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete fIsLoGainUsed - removed obsolete fChisquare - increased class version - removed obsolete first argument from SetGainSaturation 2006/07/23 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - only try to insert the contents of runbook files which contain the regexp \\\.rbk$ instead of .rbk It might be that in a script it should be \.rbk$ rather than \\\.rbk$ (to be tested) 2006/07/22 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/scripts/runstar: - added -r to sort ToDo-files such that the newest sequences are processed first 2006/07/21 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequavail: - fixed bug in path 2006/07/19 Thomas Bretz * msignal/ - added case 7 and 2 in GetPixelContent 2006/07/13 Thomas Bretz * mastro/MAstroCatalog.h: - implemented new member function GetNumStars * mbase/MGMap.[h,cc]: - implemented new member function DrawHexagon 2006/07/11 Thomas Bretz * mbase/, mdata/, mdata/, mhflux/, mimage/, mjobs/, msignal/, mranforest/ - fixed some compiler warning of the kind ambiguous overload for `Bool_t ? const char[14] : const TString &' to make gcc 2.95.3 happy (used to get cosy working with the latest Mars version) * mbase/MZlib.[h,cc]: - added some preprocessor statements which allow compilation with gcc 2.95.3 * mastro/ - removed path from include * mastro/Makefile: - added directory for MHCamera * mhflux/ - removed the const-qualifier from the static_cast when setting tghe MParameterD 2006/07/06 Thomas Bretz * Makefile.conf.linux: - removed options -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes obsolete for C++ * mastro/MAstro.h, mgui/MCamEvent.h: - added virtual destructor to make gcc 4.1 happy * mfilter/, mtools/ - added includes to make gcc 4.1 happy * mranforest/ - added include for the compilation with root 5.10/00 2006/07/05 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/checkfileavail.C, datacenter/macros/checkstardone.C, datacenter/macros/doexclusions.C, datacenter/macros/filldotraw.C, datacenter/macros/fillganymed.C, datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C, datacenter/macros/fillstar.C, datacenter/macros/setupdb.C: - make sure that 'res' is correctly deleted * datacenter/macros/doexclusions.C: - fixed some variable name overrides * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - added the possibility to DrawResult() * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc]: - added new output container (Bin) which contains the number of the bin the event was assigned to - fixed drawing the significance in DrawAll 2006/07/04 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - removed not needed if-clause (was used to copy subsystemfiles to /magic/datacenter/totape) 2006/07/03 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/MHThetaSqN.[h,cc]: - added counter and output some statistics afterwards 2006/06/29 Thomas Bretz * mmain/ - added decoding of calibration pattern * mbase/ - small change to some output * mmc/MMcTrig.hxx, mmc/MMcTrigHeader.hxx: - increased version number * mmc/Mdefine.h: - increased CAMERA_PIXELS from 3500 to 3800 2006/06/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/setupdb.C: - added new columns - changed name columns 2006/06/28 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - added number of correlated stars * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added number of correlated stars - changed name of database column *, mbadpixels/, mjtrain/ - small improvement to log-output * tpoint/gui.C: - added some SetFrameBorderMode and SetBorderMode 2006/06/27 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/ - added a small change to prevent DrawAll from opening a new canvas if called with the option "No new canvas" and no fDisplay 2006/06/26 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/MJCut.[h,cc]: - added error codes for some fatal errors * - pipe error codes to shell 2006/05/29 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - included THashList for compatibility with root 5.10/00 * mdata/MDataArray.[h,cc]: - included TVector in header for compatibility with root 5.10/00 * mgui/ - changed argument of PaintFillArea from Float_t to Double_t for compatibility with root 5.10/00 * mhbase/MHMatrix.[h,cc]: - added some #ifdef for compatibility with root 5.10/00 - included TVector in the header for compatibility with root 5.10/00 * mjtrain/ - added the possibility to set weights - added new histogram to show avg psf versus energy * mjtrain/ - included TFile for compatibility with root 5.10/00 * mranforest/MRanForest.[h,cc]: - included TMatrix and TVector in header for compatibilty with root 5.10/00 * mtools/MHSimulatedAnnealing.[h,cc]: - included TMatrix and TVector in header for compatibilty with root 5.10/00 2006/05/24 * RELEASE 0.9.6 2006/05/24 Thomas Bretz * mbadpixels/ - another small improvement, set fMaxArrivalTimeDiff to 0.9 * mjobs/ - switched off error in case of "pulse is too much to the left" - the extraction window is not changed anymore * mhflux/ - made new background fit more robust by improving the start values * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc]: - preliminary implementation showing automatically all sizebins in the status display * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.[h,cc]: - if the mispointing is set to 0 due to missing mispointing information also the starguider calibration is reset. - in the case the latest report is older than a default (currently one minute) and the current report will be skip the starguider correction and calibration will be reset. * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - updated * mmc/MMcRunHeader.hxx: - added new getter for ShowerPhiMin and ShowerPhiMax 2006/05/23 Daniela Dorner * scripts/processsequence: - added (script to run callisto, merppupdate and star for 1 sequence) * scripts/preparemc: - added (script to create montecarlo sequence and datasetfiles) 2006/05/23 Thomas Bretz * mranforest/ - should be if(!Finite) instead of if(Finite) * mhbase/ - fixed a problem which arouse in root 4.04/02g namely that is the draw-option is " " nothing is displayed. Therefore all " " are removed before the histogram is drawn * mhist/ - when the azimuthal profile was produced the binning was optimized with the OptimizeLimits. This doesn't make sense because it changed the alignment of the bins with the 60deg boundaries * mreport/ - fixed a typo in a comment and removed an obsolete one * msignal/ - instead of setting the arrival time to a value at the border of the meaningful range a random number is assigned in the case of an arrival time extracted outside the fadc range. This avoids possible unfortuante coincidences in arrival times. * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsTreat.[h,cc]: - added new data member fMaxArrivalTimeDiff, which is the maximum arrival time difference allowed for the badpixel algorithm to determin whether a pixels belongs to a shower - changed the old value (0.5) to 1.0 as suggested by Stefan due to a recent study on the fraction of pixels surviving the image cleaning * callisto.rc, callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc, callisto_MarApr05.rc: - added comment to show usage of new option 2006/05/22 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - fixed bug 2006/05/22 Thomas Bretz * mranforest/ - replaced some arbitrary small and large values by FLT_MAX in FindBestSpllit* - replaced in FindBestSpllit* a sanity check for rld and rrd (do not divide by zero) by a check whether the result (crit) is finite * mcamera/MCameraRecTemp.[h,cc]: - implemented new data member for validity - increased class version by 1 * mpointing/MHPointing.[h,cc]: - implemented new TGraph for number of correlated stars - increased class version by 1 * mpointing/ - if the report is empty assume no pointing deviation and also reset the starguider calibration * mpointing/ - slight modifications to comment * mreport/ - introduced new fake version to support new starguider format * mreport/MReportCC.[h,cc]: - improved handling of receiver boar com-errors and RecTemp section * mreport/MReportStarguider.[h,cc]: - implemented changes in the starguider reports around 9th May - added new data member for number of correlated stars - increased class version by 1 2006/05/21 Thomas Bretz * mfileio/ - show all added files only in debug modes or if wildcards are used * mfilter/MFEnergySlope.[h,cc]: - added a third constructor which also allows to set fMcEnergyMin * mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation.[h,cc]: - updated text output - improved result display - added possibility to set weights and/or pre/post-tasks for train or test only * mranforest/ - commented out an obsolete check to check whether TMath::Sort has sorted correctly - added some comments 2006/05/20 Thomas Bretz * mreport/ - fixed a typo in InterpreteTD which was introduced yesterday 2006/05/19 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MMath.h: - added default to second argument of GaussProb * mcamera/MCameraTD.[h,cc], mcamera/MCameraTH.[h,cc]: - added a data member fIsValid giving the status of the arrays in case the CC reports contained nonsense (mainly for files before summer 2005) - increased class version by 1 * mhflux/MHAlpha.h: - made SetOffData virtual * mreport/ - small changes to some comments * mreport/MReportCC.[h,cc]: - better handling of problems with the TH and TD part of the CC-REPORT for files older than 200507190 and 200412210 respectively * mreport/ - always output the file format version * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - implemented fitting of the off-data for background determination - the result values are not yet accessible - increased class version by 1 * mhflux/MHThetaSqN.[h,cc]: - some improvements regarding the treatment of the signal-regions - allow to set a different cut-level for off-cuts 2006/05/18 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.h: - added Getter for ScaleMode * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc]: - made fHillas data member protected - increased size of fMap * mhflux/MHThetaSq.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete data-member fThetaSq * mjtrain/, mranforest/ - fixed a typo in a comment * mranforest/ - added a lot of comments in the code * - fixed typo in output * mhflux/ - enabled grids - slightly improved calculation of shown threshold * mhflux/MHThetaSqN.[h,cc]: - added * mhflux/Makefile, mhflux/FluxLinkDef.h: - added MHThetaSqN 2006/05/18 Daniela Dorner * resources/calibration.rc, resources/calibration_spline.rc: - added values for current and following periods 2006/05/05 * RELEASE 2006/05/05 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - updated with new tabs for the starguider data * mhflux/ - print the result to the all-logstream - changed the fit range not to take the overflow into account * mranforest/MRanForest.[h,cc]: - Use the default Reset() instead of Reset(0) - changed output while training - replaced a lot of TArrays by MArrays - at some points replaced gRandom->Rndm by gRandom->Integer - removed some obsolete arguments from ModifyDataSort - In CreateDataSort isort need not to be initialized, it is done by TMath::Sort anyhow - a small simplification to ModifyDataSort - added some const-qualifiers in funciton calls * mranforest/MRanTree.[h,cc]: - replaced a lot of TArrays by MArrays - removed some obsolete calls to Reset(0) after the instatization of the array - small acceleration of the averaging when calculating fBestSplit[k] - at some points replaced gRandom->Rndm by gRandom->Integer - directly give mean[kbuild] and square[kbuild] as an argument to FindBestSplit - removed the obsolste dereferencing from the call to FindBestSplit - added some const-qualifiers in funciton calls - make a copy of tclasspop in BuildTree to be able to give the array as a const qualified reference. It is not used at any other place - in TreeHad first get the pointers to the vector with the data to get rid of the range check done by root. This has also the advantage that all TreeHad member function can be unified into a single member function * mhflux/ - fixed a problem with the fit which could cause infinite loops in the case of off-data. This did in no means effect the result, just the performance. * mhbase/ - convert the options ToLower case first before checking * mjtrain/MJTrainRanForest.[h,cc]: - added AddPar member function - added fPreTasks and fPostTasks - added fEnableWeights - added member functions suporting setting pre- and posttasks and weights * mtools/MTFillMatrix.h: - added new member function to clear the fPreCuts, fPreTasks and fPostTasks lists * mjtrain/ - implemented usage of weights * mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation.[h,cc]: - implemented the usage of weights - implemented a random source position to train with wobble data - added some more output - added an option to switch between classification and regression - added th epossibility to change the MC flux * mjtrain/Makefile: - added include path for mpointing and mimage 2006/05/04 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added new member function AddToListBefore(TList&) and AddToListAfter(TList&) - added corresponding RemoveFromList(TList&) * mhflux/MMcSpectrumWeight.[h,cc]: - added new member functions CalcSpecNew and CalcSpecOld to evaluate the spectrum at a given energy - added a new data member which allows to set an energy at which the normalization is calculated instead of the integral * mpointing/MSrcPosRndm.[h,cc]: - added new option which allows to create a random wobble source position 2006/05/03 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/setupdb.C: - changed type of sourcename and projectname according to new format 2006/05/03 Thomas Bretz * Makefile.rules: - added new option zdiff * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - overwrite member function AddToList with a TList-reference as argument * mhflux/MHCollectionArea.[h,cc]: - added the missing //! behind the fMcEvt data member - increased class version number - removed obsolete fEnergy data member * mranforest/ - added to the output whether weights are set * mraw/ - removed an obsolete Print() which enetered for debugging * mimage/ - the plots for CocCOG and ConcCore had the same color... fixed * mranforest/MRanForestCalc.[h,cc]: - allow to set weights for each event * mtools/MTFillMatrix.[h,cc]: - implemented the possibility to set pre- and post-tasks executed in the eventloop 2006/05/02 Thomas Bretz * mraw/ - fixed the typo in the output * mpointing/, datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - fixed a typo in the name of the plot Skybrightness 2006/04/30 Thomas Bretz * mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation.[h,cc]: - new option to switch between regression and classification - fixed the auto training (still far from working well) - improved result plots * mbase/ - fixed SignificanceLiMa such that it allows basically zero signal- and/or background events 2006/04/27 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - replaced the mean by the median 2006/04/26 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C, datacenter/macros/setupdb.C: - added four new columns to the table Star 2006/04/24 Thomas Bretz * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - some fixes to the comments describing random forest 2006/04/23 Thomas Bretz * mhist/ - do not reset the two hadronness-histograms in SetupFill otherwise MJTrainSeparation cannot work correctly * mjtrain/ - added a Plot of Hadronness versus Size for MC events 2006/04/22 Thomas Bretz * mraw/ - some small changes, mainly output and comments * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc]: - show also the integrated number of excess events in the plot versus energy/size and show the correct error. * mtools/ - added accelerator for executing the tasklist as in MJCut * macros/train/trainseparation.C: - fixed a typo * mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation.h: - added missing initialization of fAutoTrain - fixed an error in EnablAutoTrain (was always set to kTRUE) 2006/04/21 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/doqualityplots, datacenter/scripts/dowebplots: - fixed bug in usage of pstoimg 2006/04/13 Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - adapted to new DAQ format version 6 - increased class version number * mtools/ - added accelerator for executing the tasklist as in MJCut * mfilter/ - small update to output * mfbase/MFilterList.[h,cc]: - fixed a really old problem that the contents of the list never got ReInit. Hopefully this never had bad sideeffects. * macros/train/trainenergy.C: - added another comment how to change the spectral slope of the monte carlo spectrum 2006/04/13 Thomas Bretz * mreport/ - added new fake arehucas versions to fix a problem with the starguider reports * mreport/ - increased informations in warning output * mreport/ - fixed a problem with the starguider reports between 6.3.2006 and 19.3.2006 2006/04/13 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/db/findoffdata.php: - implemented query for the inhomogeneity * datacenter/db/runinfo.php: - added checkboxes for start time, failed time and error codes * datacenter/db/datacheck.php: - fixed bug in StatusMenus for DataCheck and RawFile 2006/04/12 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - fixed bug 2006/04/12 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/filldotraw.C: - allow to access gzipped raw-files 2006/04/11 Thomas Bretz * mastro/MAstro.h: - added conversion Parsec2Lighyear * mbase/ - added a fix to display < and > correctly * mhflux/MHCollectionArea.[h,cc]: - commented out obsolete fEnergy parameter * mjobs/ - fill a second collection area plot after trigger * mjoptim/ - improve speed of optimization by switching of timing and reset in eventloop * mmc/MFadcHeader.h: - changed MFADC_CHANNELS from 3500 to 3800 according to Abelardo * mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx: - increaded version number from 7 to 8 2006/04/11 Daniel Hoehne, Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck: - fixed bug in finding raw-files 2006/04/10 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - implemented new arehucas version 2006/04/07 Daniel Hoehne, Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C, buildsequenceentries.C, setupdb.C: - implemented new arehucas version 2006/04/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - fixed bug in resetting * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - changed tabs for wobble 2006/04/05 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added new tab with the effective on-time relative to the observation time * sponde_onoff.rc: - added 2006/04/04 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - if no dataset and no time-interval is given only sequences with an effective on-time above five minutes are plotted anymore 2006/03/21 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/ganymed.php, datacenter/db/tabs.php: - included different tabs for on/off and wobble * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added zd angle range and observation period * datacenter/db/sequence.php: - added rel. ontime 2006/03/20 Thomas Bretz * mraw/ - if the pixels to be swaped are both not found, assume they are intentially not mapped. Changed the Error to a Warning * mhflux/MHDisp.[h,cc]: - made the scale region a parameter which can be changed from within the display - allow the scale parameters to be setup from the resource-file - changed the source-region which is cut out in wobble mode from +/-15deg to +/-25deg which better fits what we get from MHPhi * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - added example how to change the new scale parameters in MHDisp * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - implemented the strategy for optimization which is suggested by the Berlin people for weak sources "weaksource" * mhflux/MHPhi.[h,cc]: - moved the AppendPad for the text-paint into all sub-pads which need it. Otherwise they are not always properly updated. 2006/03/16 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - small bugfix in logging * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - added new tab for ganymed 2006/03/15 Stefan Ruegamer * manalysis/ - inserted an image cleaning based on the time information of the shower (CalcCleaningArrivalTime) * manalysis/MCameraData.h - made entry for "CalcCleaningArrivalTime" * mimage/ - created entries for the new image cleaning named "Time" * mimage/MImgCleanStd.h - inserted entry "kTime" 2006/03/14 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - fixed bug * steps.rc: - added fFillGanymed to influences of fGanymed 2006/03/14 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/ - skip the fit not only if the integral is empty but also if the first bin is empty - changed upper limit to 95% according to a study from David Paneque - replaced the fit with the exponential used in the BCN Mars version - use the correct number of entries - use a likelihood fit - calculate the fit quality from the probability - ignore the fit quality for the theta-plot * mimage/ - fixed the handling of the "same" option in Draw/Paint * mpointing/MPointingDev.h: - fDx and fDy initialized in the constructor * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - removed the kDontCount option. Instead don't use the TStopwatch counter anymore. By this the class to TStopwatch can be suppressed completely if kDontTime is set. * mbase/, mbase/, mfbase/, mfbase/MFilterList.[h,cc]: - pipe the accelerator flag to the filter or task * mjobs/ - also accelerate the reading task 2006/03/13 * RELEASE 0.9.5 2006/03/13 Thomas Bretz * ganymed.rc: - changed smearing to half of our PSF 0.06 - added new examples for setting the starguider calibration * ganymed_onoff.rc - changed smearing to half of our PSF 0.06 - switched the new feature for a random source position on - added new examples for setting the starguider calibration * ganymed_wobble.rc: - changed smearing to half of our PSF 0.06 - added new examples for setting the starguider calibration - added example how to control the phi plot * mhflux/MHPhi.[h,cc]: - many improvements to the algorithm, it now takes also inhomgeneities into account - restructured the display, display more histograms - increased class version to 2 * mjobs/ - enabled acceleration for first and second loop * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.[h,cc]: - allowed to set the starguider offset calibration from the resource file * callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: - replaced Calibration scale factor by usage of resources/calibration_spline.rc 2006/03/13 Markus Meyer * ganymed_wobble.rc,ganymed_onoff.rc,ganymed.rc: - changed cuts: wobble: average values from optimisation of 3 Crab sample (01/05,10/05,12/05), done by Karsten onoff : cuts from 1218 (01/05, highest significance) theta is now 0.22 for both. 2006/03/13 Daniel Hoehne * ganymed_wobble.rc,ganymed_onoff.rc,ganymed.rc: - implemented qualitycut in log10(conc) vs. log10(size) 2006/03/13 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration_spline.C: - more comments 2006/03/10 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration.C: - update from p27 to p39 (spline excluded, still p33 data missing) 2006/03/10 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration_spline.C: - correction coefficients for spline data for each period 2006/03/10 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/insertsequences: - fixed bug 2006/03/09 Daniel Hoehne * ganymed_wobble.rc: - changed parameters 1 to 5 in Cut1 to actual values 2006/03/08 Thomas Bretz *, mraw/MRawFileRead.[h,cc], mraw/ - added new force-option to foirce output of run-header 2006/03/08 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/script/movingrawfiles: - added moving of files, that are transferred via internet - added removing of empty directories * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added links to ganymedplots - added links to sequence.php (instead of links to starfiles) - fixed bug in query * datacenter/db/sequence.php: - added links to plots from callisto and star - fixed bug in query * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php: - added links to sequence.php * datacenter/db/datasetinfo.php: - added links to ganymed.php * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - added (includefile for names of tabs of statusdisplays) 2006/03/07 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/ - take the bad pixel information into account when calculating the number of saturating pixels! 2006/03/06 Thomas Bretz * - fixed the position were the first argument is converted to lower case. Until this fix no upper case could be used in file names * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - print also average and RMS of all data. 2006/03/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added sequences + links to star-plots of sequences - improved layout * datacenter/script/makecallistolinks: - changed condition, when to make the link: only, if the link is not yet existing, it is done - added resetting of db: if link is done, callisto is resetted * datacenter/macros/resetcolumn.C: - added failure columns to the resetting 2006/03/04 Daniela Dorner * - changed return values to improve the failure handling in the db * datacenter/script/makecallistolinks: - added 'Pulse is too much to the left, cannot go below 0!' as reason to use callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc * datacenter/script/dowebplots: - reduced number of files to be updated by a limitation in modification time * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added plots - effontime s->h 2006/03/03 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - added RemoveFromList for srcposrndm in off-data loop * mpointing/MSrcPosRndm.[h,cc]: - fixed the scaling. MSrcPosCam has to be in mm * ganymed.rc: - added line and comments with new resource 2006/03/03 Daniel Hoehne * callisto_MarApr05.rc: - changed pulse position check ExtractWinLeft to 4.0 and ExtractWinRight to 4.5 2006/03/02 Thomas Bretz * - get result value from pulse pos check * mjobs/MJCut.[h,cc]: - added the usage of the new class MSrcPosRndm - added new resource to switch random source position on * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - changed return code of Process to int to be able to return the pulse pos check result. * mpointing/PointingLinkDef.h, mpointing/Makefile: - added MSrcPosRndm * mpointing/MSrcPosRndm.[h,cc]: - added * mpointing/MHSrcPosCam.h: - addedn non const getter for fHist 2006/03/02 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/querymc.php: - fixed small bug * datacenter/db/dowebplots: - added option -p to the script, to be able to call the script for different programs independently - fixed find 2006/03/01 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/datacheck.php, datasetinfo.php, sequinfo.php: - included failure handling columns 2006/03/01 Thomas Bretz * mastro/, mbase/ - added a comment in GetMagicPeriod * mpointing/ - added new member function GetString - moved code from Print to GetString - added new function IsInitialized() * mjtrain/MJTrain*.[h,cc]: - added data members to change RF setup * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.h, mpointing/MPointingPosCalc.h: - added missing AddToBranchList * mpointing/MHSrcPosCam.[h,cc]: - added * mpointing/Makefile, mpointing/PointingLinkDef.h: - added MHSrcPosCam * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - implemented a new data-meber fAccelerator which allows to switch off counting and timing analysis which can be very time-consuming in some circumstances * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - implemented the usabe of MTask::fAccelerator to switch off resetting of all parameter containers which can be very time-consuming * mimage/ - updated how the units are printed in Print() * mjobs/ - added a new loop to fill the source position of the on-data - the acceleration of the two main loops are disabled because they are not yet tested. * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - the periods were wrong by one -- fixed. 2006/02/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/insertdatasets: - made sure, that backupfiles of the editor are not taken into account, when dataset files are searched * datacenter/db/*.php: - moved user, host and pw of database to the include file db.php * datacenter/db/index.html: - fixed links * datacenter/db/querymc.php,magicdefs.php: - added some variables * datacenter/db/runinfo.php,sequinfo.php: - bugfix (incl. TestSources) * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php: - changed init values * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php, findoffdata.php, magicdefs.php: - added value (relative ontime) * datacenter/db/dbstatus.php: - fixed bug * datacenter/db/queryrbk.php: - added query field 'Night', to query all entries of one night from the runbook * datacenter/db/index-header.html: - added links 2006/02/27 Thomas Bretz * macros/optim/optimwobble.C: - fixed a typo (SetThetaCut instead SetAlphaCut), and added the standard Disp-parametrization * mhflux/MHEffectiveOnTime.[h,cc]: - added showing the axis range of the time evolution histogram * - fixed a warning in the Hash-switch. * mbase/ - replaced casts in switch by an appended U * macros/train/trainseparation.C: - replaced outdated MTTrainRFSeparate by MJTrainSeparation * mastro/MAstro.h: - added conversion constants for pc-m and pc-ly * mhflux/ - fixed typo in comment * mimage/MImagePar.h: - minor changes to layout * mimage/MHNewImagePar.[h,cc], mimage/MNewImagePar.[h,cc]: - added new image parameters fConcCOG and fConcCore - increased class version of MNewImagePar * mimage/ - added some comments - removed an obsolete TMath::Abs around "dist" * mranforest/MRanForest.[h,cc]: - the initialization of fTreeHad was done at the wrong moment - replaced a cast int(x+.5) by TMath::Nint - added some additional warning output - added "!" to fTreeHad - it is only for temporary storage used in the histogram classes * mranforest/MRanForestGrow.h: - added GetForest * mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation.[h,cc]: - added some code for upcomming automatic event selection * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - improved macro description - added arguments to main function * macros/plot/mucal.C: - added 2006/02/25 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequavail, checkstardone, writesequencefiles, buildsequenceentries, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, datacenter/macros/writesequencefile.C, filldotraw.C, fillsinope.C buildsequenceentries.C, resetcolumn.C, doexclusions.C, fillcalib.C fillsignal.C, fillganymed.C, fillstar.C: - implemented, that a missing connection to the database doesn't cause an failure entry in the database, so that the step is retried in this case - updated documentation 2006/02/25 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - added 2006/02/24 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration.rc: - update of correction values for the calibration constants (P31 - P39, without P36!(problems with spline)) 2006/02/24 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/datacheck.php, datasetinfo.php, dbstatus.php, findoffdata.php, include.php, magicdefs.php, runinfo.php, sequinfo.php, statusrps.php, statussbs.php, statussps.php: - included failure handling columns * datacenter/db/findoffdata.php: - added DT * datacenter/db/statusrps.php: - fixed bug * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php: - reduced width of menu * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - added makedir for oldcatalogpath 2006/02/23 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - fixed plot for Eý.dN/dE. The spectrum was multiplied with two times the bin-width instead of the absolute energy 2006/02/22 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/querymc.php: - added (website to query montecarlo database - first version) * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php: - added some values of montecarlo database 2006/02/17 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - fixed path length * datacenter/macros/fillsources.C: - added (macro to read source information from catalog files and insert it into the database) * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - improved output * datacenter/db/index.html: - added ganymed.php - removed old link 2006/02/17 Thomas Bretz * - fixed path inflation in case of ganymed * mjobs/ - return kFALSE if requested source wasn't found in catalog * mjobs/ - reformatted output of source to fit in one line * mpointing/MPointingPos.[h,cc]: - output source name (title) in Print() if set 2006/02/16 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/checkstardone: - small improvement in sequence handling - improved logging * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - small bugfixes in setstatus function * datacenter/scripts/runganymed: - small bugfix * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - fixed path length * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added (website to query results for sources/datasets) 2006/02/15 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/findoffdata.php: - implemented possibility to query range of dates for 'stardone' 2006/02/15 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, querycal.php, sequinfo.php: - implemented query for mean signal inner/outer and mean pulsepos * datacenter/db/sequence.php: - implemented query for mean signal inner/outer, mean pulsepos and inhomogeneity 2006/02/15 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/writesequencefiles,doexclusion,correcttime: - fixed small bug 2006/02/14 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - fixed small bugs * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - changed back to moving files without zipping * datacenter/scripts/doqualityplots: - added running of plotdb.C for each datasetfile * datacenter/macros/getdolist.C: - implemented limitation for number of todo files for SequenceProcessStatus * datacenter/macros/checkfileavail.C,checkstardone.C: - changed return code in case that files are not available * datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequavail,checkstardone,sourcefile: - adapted to changed return code in macros * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, querystar.php, sequinfo.php: - implemented query for inhomogeneity 2006/02/13 * RELEASE 2006/02/13 Thomas Bretz * callisto.rc: - changed pulse position check ExtractWinLeft to 4.0 and ExtractWinRight to 4.5 * callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: - changed pulse position check ExtractWinLeft to 3.0 and ExtractWinRight left at 2.5 2006/02/10 Thomas Bretz * mastro/ - allow for more year in the algorithm calculating easter * mcamera/MCameraDC.h, mcamera/MCameraHV.h, mcamera/MCameraTD.h, mcamera/MCameraTH.h: - added a sanity check in GetPixelContent * mraw/ - fixed output (correct kiB instead of kB) * Makefile, Makefile.rules: - implemented the possibility to spread Make through condor * mastro/MAstroCatalog.[h,cc]: - new draw-options to rotate the grid and the stars * mimage/ - set minimum of fDelte to 0 instead of fDistC * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.h: - replaced the casts in SetRiseTimeHiGain and StFallTimeHiGain by TMath::NInt * mjobs/MDataSet.h: - implemented new functions to check whether the dataset contains a dedicated sequence * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - implemented the possibility to draw sequences of a dataset in several colors 2006/02/09 Thomas Bretz * mreport/ - invented new fake CC report file version 200509300 for a change in the starguider format (the already implemented last values dissapeared again!) which is not noticed in the format version. * mreport/, mreport/ - fixed support for ver 200510250 * mjobs/ - added fit of un-unfolded spectrum 2006/02/08 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - implemented function checklock - bugfix for failure code * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, makecallistolinks, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, writesequencefiles: - implemented usage of function checklock * datacenter/scripts/copyscript, doqualityplots, dowebplots, insertsequences, linkmc: - implemented usage of function checklock - implemented variable $program * datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck: - implemented usage of function checklock - implemented variable $lockfile * datacenter/scripts/insertdatasets, mcsequences, processmcsequences: - implemented usage of function checklock - implemented variables $lockfile and $program * datacenter/macros/doexclusions.C, fillganymed.C: - fixed bug * datacenter/macros/fillsinope.C, setstatus.C: - improved documentation * datacenter/scripts/filesondisk: - implemented finding of zipped files 2006/02/08 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - some minor changes to the layout 2006/02/07 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - fixed bug * datacenter/db: - added (directory with db-websites) 2006/02/07 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added failure code variables - changed calling of setstatus.C accordingly * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, writesequencefiles: - implemented failure variable * datacenter/macros/getdolist.C, setstatus.C, setupdb.C: - added new/changed columns (fReturnCode, fFailedCode, fFailedCodeAdd) 2006/02/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/fillstar, macros/setstatus.C, getdolist.C: - fixed bugs 2006/02/03 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - implemented two new functions: getdolist, finish - implemented usage of function finish in other functions * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - implemented zipping of rawfiles * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, copyscript, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, insertdatasets, makecallistolinks, processmcsequences, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, writesequencefiles: - replaced corresponding pieces of code by the functions getdolist and finish - moved variable $date to function getdolist - improved logging - generalized variables $lockfile and $todofile 2006/02/03 Daniela Dorner, Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - fixed small bugs * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - small bugfix - improved logging * datacenter/scripts/insertdatasets: - removed not needed variable * datacenter/macros/getdolist.C: - small bugfix 2006/02/02 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/linkmc: - changed numbering of P and C run in linking * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - moved to root-version root_v4.04.02g 2006/02/01 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, writesequencefiles: - adapted usage of function setstatus 2006/01/31 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/setstatus.C, getdolist.C: - adapted macros to changes in new columns (fFailedCode, fFailedComment) * datacenter/macros/setstatus.C: - added "noreset" for column fStartTime (is needed so that runtime is available in case of failure) * datacenter/macros/setupdb.C: - added new columns * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto, runganymed, runstar: - implemented failure handling * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - implemented new functions to set status values 2006/01/30 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, checkfilesforsequenceavail, checkstardone, correcttime, dodatacheck, doexclusions, fillcallisto, fillganymed, fillstar, runcallisto, runganymed, runstar, sourcefile, writesequencefiles: - added function setstatus in sourcefile - changed calling of setstatus.C in setstatus - implemented variable $program to generalize usage of setstatus - replaced corresponding piece of code by function setstatus - fixed some typos 2006/01/30 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/setstatus.C, getdolist.C: - adapted macros to the improvement of failure handling in the automatic analysis (added columns fFailed, fStartTime, fFailedTime) 2006/01/27 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - improved a warning output 2006/01/23 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - removed a sanity check in GetStringFmt. It work's quite nice in the DC but crashes on my Laptop (which is not so important) 2006/01/10 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/*.C, datacenter/script: - updated and added documentation - improved logging - fixed small bugs