Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2007/12/14 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - updated tab numbers for plots Hist and FS * datacenter/db/menu.php: - removed TestFlag from Sequence Menu, as all runs in sequences are no_test - rearranged Sequence Menu (3x3 instead of 3x4) * datacenter/db/index-header.html: - adapted links to home of db and docu (are poitingin to wiki now) * datacenter/db/index.html: - installed redirect to wiki db website 2007/12/14 Thomas Bretz * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCam.h: - add Print to conext menu * mjobs/ - add sequence to the output file * mjobs/MJCalibration.[h,cc]: - implemented a minimum number of required calibration events - set a proper name to the extractor extracted pedetsl cam before writing to the output file - add sequence to the output file * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - removed member function SetMinEvents * mjobs/ - added fSequence to the output file - The pre-Muon cut now also containes a cut on the RelTimeSigma this accelerates the muon processing even more by excluding non-muons as early as possible * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc]: - added a new data meber fCounter to count the processed pedestal events * mpedestal/, mpedestal/ - count the processed pedestal events * mpedestal/MPedestalCam.[h,cc]: - added data member fNumEvents to store the number of processed events - improved Print - added Print to context menu - commented out obsolete GetPedestalMin/Max - increased version number by 1 2007/12/13 Thomas Bretz * callisto.rc, callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc, callisto_mux.rc: - added comments for the new MinEvents resource * mhflux/ - for convinience the minimum of the time- and theta-plot is set to 0 * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - added a new data member which is used to require a minimum of processed events * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - new functions for processing the sum-trigger flag * mtrigger/MTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - a new bit implemented for the sum-trigger * datacenter/compmux: - removed this BINARY. There is no way and it doesn't make any sense (except in a few exceptional cases) to put binaries into the cvs 2007/12/11 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - updated tab names for sequence.php and ganymed.php 2007/12/11 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/cutslices - added this script which is used to remove the switching noise out of mux data - removed a bug which prevents correct checking of compmux and mv * datacenter/compmux - added this macro 2007/12/10 Thomas Bretz * mfileio/ - due to a tiny misconception the last event in trees was skipped simply because no time-stamp for a next event followed... fixed. * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - added a new member function FixScale() to fix the scale * mhflux/ - replaced the check whether the significance is >1 by a check whether it is >0. 0 means calculation failed. So all valid data points are shown. If no significance could be calculated (negative flux) the data point is omitted. - fixed a few drawing problems, which sometimes suppressed the time-histogram even if it contained valid data (this only affected very very short sequences - with a single time bin) * mjobs/MDataSet.[h,cc]: - implemented a possibility to use put the sequence inside the dataset file - improved comments - allow to exclude runs from within the dataset file * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - added a new data member to store excluded runs. This is needed to be able to store everything correctly later. - improved comments - added possibility to exclude previously set runs - added a few member functions to check which runs are contained - comment out some currently obsolete member function - allow to read the resources of a sequence file prefixed this is used in the new option of MDataSet - increased class version number accordingly 2007/12/10 Stefan Ruegamer * steps.rc - added fCompmux - removed MCRunProcessStatus.Primary: fMCRunNumber and MCSequenceProcessingStatus.Primary: fMCSequenceFirst because these were interfering with $primary * datacenter/script/sourcefile - added FCompmux 2007/12/03 Thomas Bretz * mdata/MData.h: - added Print to context menu * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - added new member functions to apply scaling to off-data * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc]: - added new member functions to apply scaling to off-data - added a public member function which allows to reinitiate fitting * mhist/ - replaced a loop to reset the used pixels by a call to fUsed.Reset() * mmuon/MHSingleMuon.[h,cc]: - keep mean and rms of relative arrival time of the fit - increased class Version accordingly * mmuon/MMuonCalibPar.[h,cc]: - keep mean and rms of relative arrival time of the fit - increased class Version accordingly * mmuon/ - copy result of arrival time fit from histogram to storage container 2007/11/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datacenter/db/findoffdata.php: - bugfix (ZdRange was not chosen if fZDMin was 0) - changed <, > to <=, >= in ZDRange query 2007/11/27 Thomas Bretz * - changed layout of header - expand path name * - expand path names - fixed wrong output - print untouched only if debug-level >= 2 * mbase/, mbase/ - added some comments * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - added option kWeakSourceLogExcess * mjtrain/MJTrainDisp.h: - replaces SetTrainParameter by a more flexible SetTrainFunc * mpointing/ - added some more comments 2007/10/27 Thomas Bretz * mastro/MAstro.[h,cc]: - added new member functio Mjd2Yymmdd and Yymmmdd2Mjd * mastro/ - fixed a typo within a comment * mbase/MTime.[h,cc]: - added a member function to set a corsika time * mimage/MImgCleanStd.h: - added a setter to set post-clean type * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.[h,cc]: - made GetParticleName a static member function usable from the outside * mpointing/ - added another comment * mreflector/MRflEvtHeader.[h,cc]: - added Print function * resources/starguider00000001.txt: - fixed comment * resources/starguider00089180.txt: - added comment 2007/10/17 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/mcsequences: - included sql query and update/insert sequence information in MCDB - small bugfixes: corrected grep for epoch and mode 2007/10/16 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/mcsequences: - bugfix: Now a sequence is written for every folder and particle mode 2007/10/15 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/macros/fillcamera.C: - included more parameters to fill into MCDB - introduced discrimination of P/C and D files - included linking of camera files * datacenter/scripts/fillcamera: - added * datacenter/scripts/mcsequences: - included handling of more than two P/C runs per rawfile directory - building sequences based on rawfile dirs and MC epochs * datacenter/scripts/processmcsequences: - included MC epochs for finding the right callisto.rc * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.h: - included GetViewConeAngle[Inner,Outer], GetAtmosphericModel 2007/10/13 Thomas Bretz * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - added new member functions GetDirections and GetNeighbor * mgeom/ - fixed counting of pixels * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]: - added enumfor direction - added new member function GetDirection * mhist/ - make sure that fGeomCam is correctly duplicated. The standard clone fails if the MGeomCam clone has been overwritten - added "text" option to Draw * mtools/MagicReversi.[h,cc]: - moved GetDirection and GetNeighbor to MGeomCam 2007/10/10 Thomas Bretz * mtools/MagicDomino.[h,cc], mtools/MagicReversi.[h,cc], mtools/MagicShow.[h,cc], mtools/MagicSnake.[h,cc], mtools/MineSweeper.[h,cc]: - added a constructor supporting any MGeomCam * mtools/MagicJam.h: - removed some new function from the context menu 2007/10/08 Thomas Bretz * macros/tutorials/mirrordelay.C: - some layout improvements * mhist/ - the scale displayed in deg was rounded... removed rounding. 2007/10/07 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C: - do not display the Tuorla points anymore * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C, datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C, datacenter/macros/plotrundb.C: - fixed group by (seems it had trouble with the newer sql server) 2007/10/05 Thomas Bretz * sponde.rc, sponde_onoff.rc: - fixed a bug. Must be Spectrum now instead of MJSpectrum * mbase/ - do not create an explicit TDatime instance * mjobs/ - fixed a problem with writing the Dataset to the file * mpointing/ - added a comment about AMC focussing * mtools/MCalendar.[h,cc]: - made DrawImage a static function 2007/09/17 Thomas Bretz * mbase/, mbase/, mjobs/ - do not create an instance of TDatime if not necessary * mbase/, mfileio/ - improvements in inf debugging levels * mhflux/ - removed a double brace in an output - more acurrately print the new formula/slope when set * mjobs/ - improved output in case of an error - added text to describe the two example spectra - write MC dataset to output 2007/09/12 Markus Meyer * resources/calibration_spline.rc: - update of the correction factors from the muon calibration for the MUX data 2007/09/07 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - added a newline before the "Instantiated" message * mbase/, mbase/MLogManip.h: - added a green level inf2 and inf3 (4 and 5) - shifted the blue dbg level to 6 * mbase/, mbase/, mfileio/, mjobs/, mjobs/, mraw/ - made use of the new inf-levels. This gives a shorter, thus more readable, output at normal circumstances * mjobs/ - added a comment * mpedestal/, msignal/ - improved output in case of non matching windows 2007/09/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/resetseq.php: - added IP addresses - added project name and start time to list - added color coding - improved output - added mars version to output 2007/09/06 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/copyscript - updated server from apollo to dc09 * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles_OK - set execute permissions 2007/09/05 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - updated some ranges *,,, - updated to allow --rc= - moved execution of jobs into individual block if not already done * mbase/MEnv.[h,cc]: - added new member function TakeEnv to take resources from MArgs * mpedestal/ - made sure that the program doesn't (sould not?) crash whenever a lower bound is given which is much too large * mpointing/ - added comments from the runbook about mirror focussing beginning of August 2007/09/05 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/resetseq.php: - added (website to reset sequences in the database) * datacenter/db/index.html: - added link to resetseq.php 2007/09/03 Thomas Bretz * RELEASE 2.0 2007/09/03 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - made the path of the including file the base directory for the includes - replaced "not touched" by "untouched" * mjobs/ - added "Disp" tab * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.[h,cc]: - added a lot of comments - allow to set different pointing models depending on the runnumber - changed default for non working starguider to 0/0 * macros/traindisp.C, macros/trainenergy.C: - added some comments - fixed some comments * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc ganymed_wobble.rc: - updated with the updated starguider calibrations * resources/starguider*.txt: - updated 2007/09/02 Thomas Bretz * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - tiny changes * mastro/ - sanity check in Paint for !fRaDec.IsValid * mastro/MVector3.h: - added a getter for validity * mpointing/MPointing.[h,cc]: - added fPx/fPy and fDx/fDy - added enum for adressing the array - added getter for new variables - improved output in Load (only print if valid) * mpointing/MPointingDev.h: - changed units of fDev* from mm to deg - added setter for fDevX/Y * mpointing/ - convert GetDevXY from deg to mm * star_mux.rc: - added (one bin less for fitting the effective on-time) 2007/08/31 Thomas Bretz * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - changed default values for starguider - changed quality cuts (more efficiency at higher energy/sizes, better spark suppression) - added default for the starguider-calibrations - added more examples how to use CalcDisp * - added new command-line option "--dataset" * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - added a lot of comments - allow an empty prefix in GetEnvValue - added GetEnvValue2 * mjobs/MDataSet.[h,cc]: - added and updated comments - moved code from constructor to Init - added new constructor - added support for collections of datasets in one file - wobble mode is now set or unset automatically if not overwritten - IsValid now also check if OnSequences are defined * mjobs/ - improved the check after adding sequences for the first loop 2007/08/31 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/runstar - added linking of different star.rc files according the data type 2007/08/30 Thomas Bretz * - changed window name from sequence to ganymed-file * mdata/, mpointing/ - fixed a typo in the comment * mfilter/ - call TTree::SetEstimate as suggested by the class description * mhflux/ - fixed some comments - further improved Print-output * mjobs/ - fixed a typo in the output * mpointing/ - added possibility to add comments starting with # * mraw/ - fixed a small problem in the Print-output 2007/08/28 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEnv.[h,cc]: - added handling an Include-resource. Note, that there is no check for recursions, they can crash your program. * - check for batch mode and no output file - changed title - moved HasWritePermission to * mdata/ - fixed a bug which caused a variable (eg. [0]) at the beginning of a line not be detected correctly * mhbase/ - added some comments * mhflux/MHDisp.[h,cc]: - changed axis titles from x/y to dx/dy - changed cutting out a part of the cake into stamping a hole at the source position (currently with a fix PSF!) - for the moment display everything in Wobble-mode (to be fixed!) * mhflux/ - some cosmetics to output * mjobs/ - check if output file is writeable (necessary in on/off mode to detect that incident before filling the source plot) * mjobs/ - added a comment - fixed a bug in HasWritePermission (it must be fOverwrite not !fOverwrite) * mjobs/ - replaced #cdot by a dot (it seems it is not supported anymore??) - set a proper display name - print an error message if writing the result failed * mjtrain/MJTrainDisp.[h,cc]: - a further small step to unify all MJOptim classes - let the user change the theta-cut for the displayed efficiency * macros/train/traindisp.C: - added comment about new SetThetaCut * mjtrain/MJTrainEnergy.[h,cc] - a further small step to unify all MJOptim classes - removed obsolete columns for Impact and TelescopeTheta (MHEnergyEst doesn't read from the matrix here) - set palette * mpointing/MSrcPosCalc.[h,cc]: - replaced CalcXYinCamera by MAstro::GetDistOnPlain. It has the same accuracy and is not remarkably slower * mpointing/MSrcPosCorrect.[h,cc]: - changed comments - made sure that any possible anti-source position in the camera is handled correctly (maybe we should move it before MSrcPosCalc and skip the anti-source here???) 2007/08/27 Markus Meyer * mmuon/ - Reference lines changed 2007/08/27 Thomas Bretz * resources/starguider00000001.txt, resources/starguider0085240.txt, resources/starguider00089180.txt: - added more starguider calibration files * resources/starguider.txt: - removed obsolete old one 2007/08/26 Thomas Bretz * mranforest/MRFEnergyEst.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete files 2007/08/25 Thomas Bretz * - check for write permissionbefore job is started * sponde.rc, sponde_onoff.rc: - cosmetics to comment * macros/train/traindisp.C: - better order of comments * manalysis/MParameterCalc.[h,cc]: - print name of output container - allow setting name of output container from resource file * mbase/ - added sanity check for batch mode in SetProgressBarPosition * mfbase/MFDataPhrase.[h,cc]: - initialize new data member fDefault in constructors - increased class version number by one * mhbase/ - do not divide by zero in SetBinomialErrors * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - automatically set more log labels and suppress exponent * mhbase/ - set margin between new tabs in Divide to a small value * mhflux/ - new default energy binning based on the typical simulation range * mhflux/ - new default energy binning based on the typical simulation range - set the impact binning to one bis as a default for speed reasons. It is normally not used at all - added two blue lines at the zero-bias level for convinience * mhflux/ - small cosmetics to Print-output * mjobs/ - renamed the instances of the Calc* tasks - store all three taskenvs * mjobs/MJSpectrum.[h,cc]: - handle a CalcDisp-task gotten from ganymed properly - do not reexecute CalcHaronness for data - renamed the instances of the Calc* tasks * msql/, msql/ - delete created TSQLRow. They are not deleted automatically 2007/08/24 Thomas Bretz * mdata/ - added a sanity check in GetValue() * mdata/MDataPhrase.[h,cc]: - Allow to use MDataPhrase also with variables x,y,z and t - Allow evaluation of the function with given x,y,z,t * mjobs/MJSpectrum.h: - commented IntermediateLoop, was unused * mjoptim/ - added two comments * mjtrain/ - added new MHn to display more information about the test - improved result-histogram - added PreTasks, PostTasks and TestTasks to testing tasklist - some fixes if the user closed the display * mjtrain/ - added new MHn to display more information about the test - allow to set fTrainParameter and fResultFunction from outside, this allows to train on whatever you like - added TestTasks to testing tasklist - added new member functions to set Train parameter and evaluation function: SetTrainLog/Log and SetTrainFunc * mranforest/MRanForestCalc.[h,cc]: - changed evaluatio function-type from TF1 to MDataPhrase * mraw/ - initialize fNumBytesPerSample with 1 * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc] - set default FADC type to 1 (Siegen) - it turned out that we use 1/2 and not 0/1 as expected * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - updated some comments - added new CutT * sponde.rc, sponde_onoff.rc: - updated with thousands of comments - adapted to new sponde respources - added examples for missing resources - added a new energy estimation formula which can be used instead of using the random forest * macros/optim/optimonoff.C, macros/optim/optimwobble.C: - updated with the latest cuts and some comments * macros/train/traindisp.C: - updated with the latest knowledge and cuts - updated with more examples * mfbase/MFDataPhrase.[h,cc]: - added a default value which can be used if no phrase is setup - allow to use a constrcutor without phrase but name and title * mjobs/ - removed SetAllowEmpty from CutT - initialize CutT with no phrase instead of an empty one * mjobs/MJSpectrum.h: - removed obsolete function definition for IntermediateLoop * mranforest/ - if weights are used output the sum of the weights for control purpose * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C, datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C, datacenter/macros/plotrundb.C: - delete TSQLRow if allocated 2007/08/23 Thomas Bretz * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - added new data members fBins, allowing to set bins from the outside - removed obsolete SetColors - set palette automatically if it is a 2D histogram (more flexible solution pending) * mhbase/ - added comments - allow setting of binning without parlist - added functions to set Scale, Log, AutoRange and Sumw2 - delete obsolete pads, if any * mjoptim/MJOptimizeBase.h: - added new data meber fTestTasks to be executed only for testing - added comments * mjtrain/ - removed obsolete code already in comments * mranforest/MRanForestCalc.[h,cc]: - added the possibility to set a function which converts the result of the rf. eg "pow(10, x)" * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - replaced fNumSignificantBits by fFadcResolution for compatibility - replaced fFreqSampling by fSamplingFrequency for compatibility - increased ClassVersion to 9 * mraw/ - initialize fNumBytesPerSample to 1 to make it compatible with reading old MC files. * mjobs/ - added control plot for the residual of Energy - fixed the "Overflow-Bug". It was a loop from o to 200000 hilooff and hilocal are not needed anymore 2007/04/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots, datacenter/scripts/doqualityplots: - moved temporary directory for pstoimg to /tmp * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - moved file with diff for magic_favorites to /tmp * datacenter/db/plotdb.php, datacenter/db/plotinclude.php, datacenter/db/menu.js : - implemented possibility to plot datasets by inserting dataset number as Set1 * datacenter/db/plot.php: - implemented variables for colours * datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/include.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/ganymed.php, datacenter/db/sequence.php: - removed header and footer for print version * datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php: - fixed small bug * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php: - added fMEanPUlsePosInner to alias * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added observation mode 2007/04/27 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/jobmanager: - improved logging * datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher: - redirect of error messages of condor_submit to errorlogfile - in case condor_submit does not work (i.e. pid empty) an error message is written to the processlogfile * datacenter/db/showplots-ds.php: - adapted maxwidth of input field * datacenter/db/plotdb.php, datacenter/db/plotinclude.php, datacenter/db/menu.js : - implemented possibility to give range for 2 additional values - implemented possibility to give only upper or lower limit - fixed bug, that ranges are not accepted before plotting once 2007/04/27 * RELEASE 1.1 2007/04/27 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - modified the ccfile and cacofile search to not find ccfiles twice if one runnumber is part of a higher runnumber (as 23456 and 223456) 2007/04/27 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/CalibLinkDef.h, mcalib/Makefile: - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityCam - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam * mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibColorSteer.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrateData.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam and replaced by MCalibrationChargeCam * mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam and replaced by MCalibrationChargeCam - to realize the difference between continous and single calibration a new data member fContinousCalibration has been introduced - consequently increased version number to 6 - do not set any exclusion in ReInit. it is nonsense not to fill histograms which might give (or give not) correct result, if the checks are all executed anyhow * mcalib/ - do not set any exclusion in ReInit and if a pixel is unsuitable. it is nonsense not to fill histograms which might give (or give not) correct result, if the checks are all executed anyhow - switched on the check for outliers - outliers are now set unsuitable rather than unreliable - some code simplification of the checks * mcalib/ - added a comment in the Clear member function * mcalib/ - some fixes of looong Form statements - a small cosmetic change to GetPixelContent - replaced the old check of the average time resolution by a more accurate check using the median and deviation * mhcalib/MHCalibrationRelTimeCam.[h,cc]: - removed data member fReferencePixel and corresponding code - use the median of pixels with area index 0 as reference instead of an artificial pixel * mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc]: - finally removed all dependencies on the intensity cams and replaced them by the direct cam - if the lo-gain histogram is empty this is not a reason for an uncalibrated pixel. At least in case of extracted properties (charge and time) it is ok. * mjobs/MJCalibration.[h,cc]: - let MCalibrationRelTimeCalc run after MCalibrationChargeCalc otherwise almost all unsuitable pixels have deviating relative arrival resolution. - added new level for deviating time reolution to plot of bad pixels - changed reference lines for timr resolution plots - removed data member fRefTimeOffsetInner, it is now 0 by definition * mjobs/ - finally removed all dependencies of Intensity cams - enable ContinousCalibration in MCalibrationChargeCalc instead - switched on interleaved relative time calibration * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsPix.h: - adapted to new unsuitable flag kDeviatingTimeResolution * callisto_mux.rc: - removed the obsolete resource statement about the level for the relative arrival time check. * mjobs/calibrationref.rc, mjobs/calibrationref_Dec04.rc, mjobs/calibrationref_Nov04.rc, resources/calibrationref_mux.rc: - changed time resolution references accordingly * resources/calibration_spline.rc: - added muon calibration factors up to period 55... to be corrected. * mjobs/MJCut.[h,cc]: - reanimated the use of an energy estimator in ganymed for the purpose of having it as additional cut value if looking for events after cuts * ganymed.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc: - added a corresponding example 2007/04/26 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - inverted the default of the CalibFilter for the case of no pattern available as the filter was inverted 4.3.07. * callisto.rc: - fixed typos in examples for movie encoding 2007/04/25 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - removed obsolete option -raw from command line for callisto 2007/04/25 Thomas Bretz * mbadpixels/ - removed obsolete code from Print() which tried to align the output * mhcalib/ - increased the shown binning range further * mhcalib/ - unimportant changes * mjobs/ - changed a comment * mpedestal/MPedestalSubtractedEvt.h: - fixed a bug of preset upper limits. The last slice is fNumSamples-1 not fNumSamples 2007/04/24 Thomas Bretz * callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc, callisto_MarApr05.rc, callisto_mux.rc: - fixed typos in examples for movie encoding * mjobs/MJCalib.h, mjobs/ - missing commit from yesterday :-( * mmovie/ - changed resource Filename according to the other resources to FileName * - enable dataset mc-mode if "-mc" is specified - removed obsolete call to EnableMonteCarloMode - removed EnableWobbleMode but use the setting of the dataset instead * mjobs/MDataSet.[h,cc]: - renamed fIsWobbleMode to fWobbleMode - added setter for fWobbleMode - added fMonteCarlo which determins the default paths to be used if not overwritten - replaced the static variables for the paths by member functions which depend on the new fWobbleMode data member - some simple reordering inthe constructor was necessary - increased class version number accordingly to 2 * mjobs/MJCut.[h,cc]: - repaired On-only mode - removed data member fIsMonteCarlo, use the data-set getter instead - removed data member fIsWobbleMode, use the data-set getter instead * - print a warning if MC dataset doens't contain "MonteCarlo: Yes" * mjobs/ - do not write signal*.root in movie mode 2007/04/23 Thomas Bretz *, - removed "-raw" and "-root" option - replaced inflating sequence path by new InflatePath function - removed MJCalib::kUse* usage, use MSequence::IsMonteCarlo instead * mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/ - removed obsolete include of MCalibrationIntensityCam * mhcalib/ - removed obsolete usage of fIntensCam * mhist/ - replacedcompilation of description string by new MMcEvt::GetDescription memeber function * mjobs/MJCalib.[h,cc]: - removed fDataFlag and corresponding member functions and handling * mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/MJStar.[h,cc]: - replaced IsUseRawData and IsUseRootData by MSequence::IsMonteCarlo - use fSequence to determin whether it is MC sequence or not * mjobs/ - renamed movie encoding task list - do not write output files if encoding movie * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - removed "merpp"-path - monte carlo files now always have 8digits run numbers - added new resource "MonteCarlo" - added new static member function InflatePath - increased version number to 2 * mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx,cxx]: - added new member function GetDescription * mmovie/MMovieWrite.[h,cc]: - added a sanity check for strange rms values - search for MMcEvt in the parlist and improve output in case of monte carlo data - fixed some typos in the comments of ReadEnv * mmovie/Makefile: - added mmc search path * mraw/ - set new defaults of fTelescopeNumber, fCameraVersion, fFreqSampling and fNumSignificantBits for old MC data 2007/04/23 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/linkmc: - removed workaround for 5-digit runnumbers * datacenter/scripts/mcsequences: - added line 'MonteCarlo: Yes' to output to sequence file * datacenter/scripts/runganymed: - adapted chosing of ganymed rc-file - added output of ganymed command line 2007/04/20 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - implemented new Arehucas version 2007/04/20 Thomas Bretz * mbadpixels/, mbadpixels/ - propagate option in Clear member function - the default is now to keep the previously excluded flag and set the unsuitable-run flag accordingly * mcalib/ - if the lower limit for the measured number of phe is calculated to be less than one phe it is artificially reset to one phe * mhist/ - call SetFrameBorder(0) for all subpads explicitly * mhist/ - removed the obsolete definition of kItemsLegend * mbadpixels/, mcalib/ - removed obsolete reference in comment to MCalibrationINtensityQECam * mcalib/CalibLinkDef.h, mcalib/Makefile: - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityQECam - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityBlindCam - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityRelTimeCam - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityTestCam * mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibColorSteer.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrateData.[h,cc]: - replaced data member fIntensQE by fQECam - removed references to obsolete MCalibrationIntensityQECam - added some comments - replaced obsolete reference to MCalibrationIntensityBlindCam by reference to MCalibrationBlindCam * mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.[h,cc]: - replaced references to fIntensQE by direct access to fQECam - adde some comments - removed data member fIntensQECam - replaced obsoilete reference to MCalibrationIntensityBlindCam by reference to MCalibrationBlindCam * mjobs/, mhcalib/ - removed obsolete references to MCalibrationIntensityQECam - removed obsolete references to MCalibrationIntensityBlindCam * mbase/ - added some unexecuted code to debug which taks are processed * mcalib/, mcalib/, mjobs/, mjobs/MJCalibration.h - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityRelTimeCam * mcalib/MCalibColorSteer.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.[h,cc], mhcalib/ - replaced obsolete reference to MCalibrationIntensityRelTimeCam by referencing MCalibrationRelTimeCam * mhcalib/ - replaced obsolete reference to MCalibrationIntensityBlindCam by referencing MCalibrationBlindCam * mhcalib/ - replaced obsolete reference to MCalibrationIntensityHiLoCam by referencing MCalibrationHiLoCam * mhcalib/ - replaced obsolete reference to MCalibrationIntensityPulseTimeCam by referencing MCalibrationPulseTimeCam * mcalib/ - replaced obsolete reference to MCalibrationIntensityTestCam by referencing MCalibrationTestCam 2007/04/12 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/showplots-ds.php: - added (script to plot all plots of a data set) * datacenter/db/showplots.php: - added 'previous' and 'next' button * datacenter/db/plotinclude.php, datacenter/db/showplots.php: - moved two function from showplots.php to plotinclude.php, as they are also used in showplots-ds.php * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php datacenter/db/indes-header.html, datacenter/db/indes.html, datacenter/db/menu.js, datacenter/db/reference.html, datacenter/db/regexp.html, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.html, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.html: - adapted paths of images and mars.css * datacenter/db/index.html: - added link to showplots-ds.php 2007/04/18 Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - added suffixes .hxx and .cxx - added new subdir mmovie * mjobs/Makefile: - added path to mmovie * mmovie/MMoviePrepare.[h,cc]: - changed access to MCalibrateData to access to MCalibConstCam * mmovie/ - fixed some typos in comments * mjobs/ - removed dependenca on obsolete MCalibrationIntensityConstCam * mjobs/MJCalibration.[h,cc]: - for simplification removed all dependencies of unused intensity calibration * callisto.rc, callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc, callisto_MarApr05.rc, callisto_mux.rc: - removed line for switching on intensity calibration - added expample lines for movie encoding * mbadpixels/BadPixelsLinkDef.h, mbadpixels/Makefile: - removed obsolete MBadPixelsIntensityCam * mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.[]: - do not store fIntensRelTime (it is not used at all) as data member * mcalib/MCalibColorSteer.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.[]: - instead of creating of a new MBadPixelsCam into the intensity array clear the information of the old one (FIXME: DO NOT CLEAR PREV EXCL!) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * mcalib/MCalibrationTestCalc.[h,cc]: - removed empty Process function * mcalib/MCalibColorSteer.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.[], mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationTestCalc.[h,cc], mcalib/MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc], mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/ - removed obsolete references to MBadPixelsIntensityCam, replaced by MBadPixelsCam * mhcalib/ - set reason for uncalibrated pixels by SetUncalibrated * mjobs/ - removed obsolete references to MBadPixelsIntensityCam - removed MBadPixelsMerge, instead use the given MBadPixelsCam as starting point. THIS ALSO REMOVES SUPPORT FOR PREV. EXCLUDED PIXELS (TO BE FIXED) * mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h, mfilter/Makefile: - added MFEvtNumber * mfilter/MFEvtNumber.[h,cc]: - added 2007/04/17 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/filesondisk: - modified the ccfile search to not find ccfiles twice if one runnumber is part of a higher runnumber (as 23456 and 223456) * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - added moving of rawfiles from the directory /magic/datacenter/ fromtape/rawdata/muxdata, which is the default rawfile folder of the new muxtapes, to /magic/datacenter/fromtape/rawdata * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - added condition for the linking of the .rc-file for muxdata * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - commented reason2 out 2007/04/17 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/CalibLinkDef.h, mcalib/Makefile: - removed obsolete MCalibrationIntensityConstCam * mcalib/MCalibCalcFromPast.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete depedency on MCalibrationIntensityConstCam * mcalib/MCalibConstCam.[h,cc]: - added a possibility to veto bad pixels in GetPixelContent by setting a MBadPixelsCam - removed obsolete fRunNumber - increased class version number by 1 * mcalib/MCalibrateData.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete dependency on MCalibrationIntensityConstCam - removed some obsolete comments with code from old pedestal treatment 2007/04/15 Thomas Bretz * - added an option to write a movie * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.[h,cc]: - added the code to write a movie - added new option (fIsMovieMode) to switch it on and off * mmovie/MMovieData.h: - added data member fMedianPedestalRms * mmovie/MMoviePrepare.[h,cc]: - added calculation of median pedestal rms * mmovie/MMovieWrite.[h,cc]: - added comments - added return value to SetPalette - delete palette entries after usage - get median pedestal rms from MMovieData 2007/04/12 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added if-clause to avoid removing of non existing files * datacenter/db/db.php: - adapted host * datacenter/db/plotdb.php: - adapted usage of function GetQuery * datacenter/db/plotinclude.php: - added init of variables * datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php: - adapted building of query for the case, that fRunMin=0 * datacenter/macros/filloptical.C: - adapted such, that files from telescopes in Tuorla can also be handeled - return 3 in case the coordinates of an object are not available in the database * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - added case for return code 3 for filloptical.C * datacenter/macros/setupdb.C: - added table OpticalData * datacenter/tools/fillobjects.C: - added comment * datacenter/tools/fillobjects2.C: - adapted comment - adapted reading to new format of file (different object name convention) * datacenter/resources/TeVsources.txt: - added (file containing the positions of the objects observed by the Tuorla Observatory and KVA) * datacenter/resources/good_compstars.txt: - added (file containing the magnitudes and colour of the objects observed by the Tuorla Observatory and KVA) * datacenter/resources/compstars.txt: - added (like good_compstars, but containing more data, which has been left out in the other file, as it is not accurate enough) 2007/04/12 Thomas Bretz * mmovie/MMoviePrepare.[h,cc], mmovie/MMovieData.[h,cc], mmovie/MMovieWrite.[h,cc], mmovie/Makefile, mmovie/MovieLinkDef.h, movie/MovieIncl.h: - added * mbase/MArrayB.h, mbase/MArrayD.h, mbase/MArrayF.h, mbase/MArrayI.h, mbase/MArrayS.h: - added Reset() member function or improved performance of it * mcalib/ - fixed the alignment in an output * mhbase/MBinning.h: - added operator[] member function * mhist/ - changed such that it is allowed to use palettes with a different number of contours. - fixed the number of ticks written on the axis to 25 - use MBinnig to calculate the legend color boxes - fixed a minor bug in the assignment of the color levels, which gave visibly wrong result if the transition between two colors was important but was not noticable in normal circumstances * mjobs/MDataSet.h, mjobs/MSequence.h: - increased class version to 1 to make it writable - added Print to the context menu * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - removed fNumSectors - removed fNumAreas - added fNumPixInSector - added fNumPixWithAidx - changed CalcSectors and CalcArea to fill new data members - fixed a bug in the range check of GetMaxRadius and GetMinRadius (the range was to wide by 1 at the upper edge) - increased class version from 4 to 5 2007/04/11 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - added a lot of comments - added some code for future use * mcalib/ - if update of calibration constants via MCalibrateData fails an error is raised * mcalib/ - if update of calibration constants done set the ReadyToSaveFlag accordingly 2007/04/04 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - the closing parenthesis was missing for setting to green color 2007/04/03 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - added processing of RunTime and Name resource * mgeom/ - removed an unused variable * msignal/MSignalPix.h, msignal/MSignalCam.h: - commented out obsolete AddNumPhotons and Scale - removed ReducePrecision from setting of arrival time because it gave artefacts. 2007/03/29 Thomas Bretz * mgeom/, mgeom/MGeomPix.h: - added new member function to return distance to coordinate origin * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.[h,cc]: - added * mgeom/Makefile, mgeom/GeomLinkDef.h: - added MGeomCamDwarf 2007/03/28 Thomas Bretz * mraw/ - added Getter for fFreqSampling * mpointing/MHSrcPosCam.[h,cc]: - added different binning for wobble mode - added circle for wobble mode * mjobs/ - store run- and event-number via MParameterCalc in output files - show histogram of source positions also in wobble mode * mbase/MEnv.h: - added member function to touch a resource returning whether it has contents or not * mars.rc: - added examples for MUX data - fixed the other examples - changed default cleaning to 8.5/4.0 absolute * macros/readIPR.C: - simplified 2007/03/21 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - removed entries for callisto_MarApr05.rc (outdated) * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - updated reason1 because the old reason has been removed in the Mars Version 1.0, resulting in no more calibration with spline if DF fails - added reason2 to run spline after an other error 2007/03/20 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/db/db.php, datacenter/scripts/budb, datacenter/scripts/dbchk, datacenter/scripts/dunotseqruns, datacenter/scripts/findnewstars, datacenter/scripts/findnotseqruns, datacenter/scripts/sourcefile, datacenter/tools/comparesequences, datacenter/tools/resetdataset, sql.rc: - changed the host from hercules to vela 2007/03/17 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MTime.[h,cc]: - added new memeber function to set unix times 2007/03/09 Thomas Bretz * mjoptim/ - implemented printing of input file also in RunOnOffCore 2007/03/08 Markus Meyer * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.h: - changed fNumMinStars from 8 to n (in SetNumMinStars) 2007/03/06 Stefan Ruegamer * mraw/ - added SwapAssignment for pixels 428 and 429 2007/03/05 Thomas Bretz * msignal/ - added a default for the extrator resolution in case no predefined value is set * mjobs/MJCalib.[h,cc], mjobs/ - removed HiLoCalibration option * mjobs/ - use extractor to determine hi-/lo-calibration * mjobs/ - do only insist on pedestal events if an extractor without lo-gains is set * callisto.rc, callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: - removed references to HiLoCalibration * callisto_mux.rc, resources/calibrationref_mux.rc, resources/pedestalref_mux.rc: - added new resource files for MUX data * mjobs/ - another fix to make sure that there is a / between dir and filename * mpedestal/ - why if fRawData initialized twice? Removed. - Reset check window without extractor and without lo-gains 2007/03/04 Thomas Bretz * mhcalib/, mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeBlindPix.[h,cc]: - commented out references to MRawEvtPixelIter::GetNum*Samples * mhcalib/ - updated header * mjobs/ - updated header - removed references to MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam - added a check to make sure that extractor1 is initialized - use new SetRangeFromExtractor function for pedestal extraction range - added a new filter to check for pedestal events, used for pedestal extraction in cases w/o lo-gains and to remove pedestal events from further analysis - fill and display hi-/lo-gain histogram only if lo-gain exists * mjobs/ - replaced fSequence.GetName by GetFileName - check for availability of lo-gain in pulse pos check - Add MHCalibrationPulseTime to parlist to allow resources file setup - to fill the MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam deny calibration- and pedestal-events - use a pedestal filter to deny calibration events - use new SetRangeFromExtractor function for pedestal extraction range * mhcalib/ - removed an obsolete return * mpedestal/ - if event does not contain lo-gains do not start extraction at lo-gain offset * mpedestal/MPedestalSubtractedEvt.[h,cc]: - changed variable naming in GetSaturation from sathi to sat - changed limit in GetMax from Byte_t to UInt_t * msignal/, msignal/ - changed max argument in GetMax from Int_t to UInt_t * msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.[h,cc]: - changed fLoGainSwitch from Byte_t to UInt_t - increased class version accordingly to 4 * mmain/ - took out the display of the slice with the max index - handle pedestal subtraction more accurate * mraw/ - added number of bytes per sample to GetNumBytes() - removed contents of GetPixelContent... depricated * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - updated comments - removed all functions returning informations about single pixels (should be done through MPedestalSubtractedEvt instead) * mhist/ - removed KMaxIdx...depricated. * msignal/MExtractor.[h,cc]: - changed type of fSaturationLimit from Byte_t to UInt_t - increased class version number accordingly to 8 - only reset fSaturationLimit if it is above 0xff and no lo-gain available * msignal/MSignalCalc.[h,cc]: - changed to use MPedestalSubtractedEvt instead of MRawEvtData - make handling of data without lo-gains possible * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc]: - changed to use pedestal subtracted evt instead of the raw evt for determination of the arrival time * mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc]: - made IsLoGain autodetecting in case fRunHeader is available * msignal/ - use MRawRunHeader's GetNumSamplesHi/LoGain 2007/03/03 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/ - changed the default of RelTimeResolutionLimit from 1.0 to 0.05 * mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/ - added f*RefCharge to Copy function - added range to calls of GetIdxMaxHi/LoGainSample - reworked and simplified DrawDataCheckPixel - reworked and simplified DrawReferenceLine - fixed call to ReadEnv of base class in ReadEnv * mhcalib/ - commented filling of lo-gain arrays out. * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc], mpedestal/MPedCalcFromLoGain.h, mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.h: - added the SetRangeFromExtractor function * msignal/, msignal/ - use GetNumSamplesHiGain of MRawRunHeader instead of MRawEvtPixelIter's * msignal/MSignalCalc.[h,cc]: - slightly changed handling of MC run, changed hi-/lo-gain calibration from 10 to 11.3 * msignal/ - don't print lo-gain properties if n/a * msignal/MExtractor.[h,cc]: - reset logain range and saturation limit if no logains available - added HasLoGain member function - don't print lo-gain attributes in Print if no logains * msignal/ - reset fLoGainSwitch if logains are not available - use MRawRunHeader's GetNumSamplesHi/LoGain - do not use MRawEvtPixelIter to determin availability of lo-gains use number of lo-gain samples to extract instead. - don't print lo-gain properties if n/a 2007/03/02 Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - added GetNumBytesPerSample() member function * mraw/ - splitted ReadPixel and setting ab-flag into function calls - fixed skipping pixels if bps>1 * mraw/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]: - removed last argument from AddPixel - split reading pixel data and setting ab-flag into two functions - increased version number from 5 to 6 - adapted Print function - adapted Draw function - adapted ReadPixel function * manalysis/MMcCalibrationUpdate.[h,cc]: - made sure that Process is not executed in case of MC files - minor changes to includes * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.h: - removed obsolete include iostream 2007/03/01 Thomas Bretz * mmain/ - didn't show callisto output anymore because of missing fundametal pedestal * mbadpixels/ - added more informative output * mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc], mhcalib/, mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargePix.h, mhcalib/, mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.h, mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargePINDiode.h, mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/MHGausEvents.h, mhcalib/, mhcalib/, - replaced SetNbins/First/Last by SetBinning * mhcalib/ - improved output in case arrival time is out of range * mhcalib/ - the values can only have discrete valuesno need to set a bin-width different from 1 - set binning automatically by using the number of samples - fixed ReadEnv - directly use maxpos, no cast necessary * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - added new member function GetNumSamples * mpedestal/ - fixed ReadEnv * mraw/, mraw/ - implemented reading new mux format 8 * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - implemented reading of new file format 8 - added new data members fNumBytesPerSample, fFreqSampling and fNumSignificantBits - increased file format version from 5 to 6 * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - made aware of handling the new and old format - added range to GetIdxMax* * mhcalib/MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete data members fSumhiarea and fSumhisector - replaced the usage of MRawEvtData by MPedestalSubtractedEvt - according to this the lower signal limit has been decresed by 15 - changed "saturation" limit accordingly from 254 to 245 * mpedestal/MPedestalsubtractedEvt.h: - added a shortcut for GetSaturation * mjobs/ - first subtract pedestal and then fill MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam - fill MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam with MPedestalSubtracted 2007/02/28 Thomas Bretz * macros/tutorials/mirrordelay.C: - fixed the formula for the spherical mirror - fixed the calculation of the time-delay * mastro/MObservatory.[h,cc]: - added constructors and functions to set the observatory location manually * mbase/MTime.[h,cc]: - added constructor to construct MTime by date - added AsDouble for new root streamers (allowing to view MTime in a TBrowser) - added GetRootDatime to return TDatime object * mcalib/ - added more meaningful output in case a conversion factor exceeds a limit * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added plot for spark rate 2007/02/26 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datacenter/db/findoffdata.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/include.php, datacenter/db/menu.php, : - bugfix: the stopdate was not choses properly in case of reset when there was no data past midnight - a new function (GetStopDate) has been implemented - bugfix in PrintNightRange (table Sequences was used in all cases) 2007/02/26 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - bugfixes: included MHCamera.h, corrected two typos (missing ";" and a surplus "s" in the variable "sparkrate") * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, menu.php: - added fSparkRate 2007/02/16 * RELEASE 1.0 2007/02/16 Thomas Bretz * macros/starvisyear.C: - changed default observator to magic - fixed some typos in comments * mastro/MAstro.[h,cc]: - added a new function to estimate the time of culmination - fixed the conversion factors RadToHor and HorToRad (wrong by 15/24) * mastro/ - fixed the Print() output * mbase/MMath.h: - removed conversion factor to and from Hours * mjobs/ - added a / behind the date (for the output in case of failure) * mmc/MMcFadcHeader.[hxx,cxx]: - added fElecNoiseName for compatibility with camera program - increased ClassVersion by 1 * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - increased class version by 1 for compatibility with output of newer camera versions * resources/sequences.rc: - changed the sequence.rc file to support new MUX data 2007/02/15 Thomas Bretz * macros/tutorials/mirrordelay.C: - added a macro plotting the delay between a spherical and a parabolic mirror * mjobs/ - implemented new plots for IPR vs. Time and DT 2007/02/13 Thomas Bretz * resources/hilocalib.rc, resources/hilocalib_sp1.rc: - added new resource files for hi-/lo-gain calibration. * resources/hiloconv-*.root: - added hi-/lo-gain calibration constants * callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: - changed input file name for hi-/lo-gain calibration constants * mreflector/MHReflector.[h,cc]: - added histogram class for reflected photons * mreflector/Makefile, mreflector/ReflectorLinkDef.h - added MHReflector and necessary include paths * mbase/MLog.h: - fixed a bug in Separator which could cause a crash if the contents are too long * manalysis/ - check for HasValidRule instead of IsValid in ReadEnv * mdata/MDataPhrase.h: - added HasValidRule member function * mfileio/MReadRflFile.[h,cc]: - allow also reading of gzip-compressed files - output more header information - don't use a const qualified TString with gSystem->ExpandPathName * mjobs/ - readin bad pixels from ascii file later * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.h: - added a static member function GetEnergyStr to convert GeV into MeV and TeV * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.h: - increased size of fSkip by one * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.h: - fixed acompiler warning 2007/02/09 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/scripts/linkmc - adapted to new montecarlo directory structure (/magic/montecarlo instead of /montecarlo) 2007/02/09 Thomas Bretz * star.rc: - added new options - reordering * mbase/ - updated from 2006 to 2007 * mfbase/ - fixed ReadEnv to correctly return true/false * mjobs/ - added new tabs "Spakless" and "Sparks" dividing the average signal tab into two distributions by a SparkCut - replaced all MF by MFDataPhrase * mjobs/ - changed the extraction range used in the lo-gains from the hi-gain range to the lo-gain range * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - added filling the spark rate into the database - the rate after cleaning is now without sparks! 2007/02/06 Thomas Bretz * mpointing/ - included check for monitoring flag * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.[h,cc]: - implemented the possibility to determine the pulse width at maxheight/2 2007/02/04 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added if-clause to avoid that a script is aborted in case a macro doesn't compile, return code is set to 1 in this case 2007/02/04 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - implemented Hi-/Lo-Gain calibration for MCs * mjobs/ - removed intermediate pedestalstorage from code (its result is not used at all) * datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C: - replaced GetMediandev by GetDev * callisto.rc, callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc: - changed ExtractWinLeft/Right according to new scheme * mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete data members fFirstHiGain, etc and replaced by storage of fSignal - made sure that the average extracted signal position is at least one slice away from the edges of the extraction window * mjobs/ - reworked the pulse position check. It now better takes the properties of the extractors into account. Still to be done: relation between pulse position and extraction window! * msignal/MExtractBlindPixel.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractPINDiode.[h,cc]: - fixed arguments type of SetRange * msignal/ - removed old obsolete code already in comments * msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.h: - added getter for LoGainStartShift * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractedSignalCam.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractor.[h,cc]: - changed the type of LoGainFirst from byte to int - if necessary increased class version * mpedestal/ - improved output * mhcalib/ - fixed a %3.1 instead of %3.1f 2007/02/03 Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHCamEvent.[h,cc]: - added Draw function to context menu - added GetHist member functions - added possibility to display the relative error * mjobs/ - read the hi-/lo-gain calibration constants from a MHCamEvent which is stored in a root file given in resources/hilocalib.rc * msignal/ - improved the estimation in GetSaturationTime for the cases in which the saturating pulse is so early, that an normal interpolation is not appropriate. * callisto_DecJan04.rc: - set fall- and rise-time for spline artificially to 0.5 * mhbase/ - added comments * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc], mpedestal/, mpedestal/ - fixed the range check.In case of the lo-gain extraction the range could infact leak out of the fadc slices * msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.[h,cc]: - added somecomments - forbid the lo-gain signal to be negative - increased version number for compatibility with last release * msignal/ - set the correct numbers for rise- and fall-time as default * mbase/MStatusArray.[h,cc]: - improved workaround in Read() and Write() for the Reset of the kCanDelete bit in TH1 * mjobs/, mjobs/ - commented out obsolete references to *HiLoCam * mhcalib/Makefile, mcalib/Makefile, mhcalib/HCalibLinkDef.h, mcalib/CalibLinkDef.h: - removed *HiLoCam s 2007/02/02 Thomas Bretz * mreflector/MRflSinglePhoton.[h,cc], mreflector/MRflEvtData.[h,cc]: - added new Fill functions allowing to fill photons versus a z-value, e.g. energy. 2007/02/01 Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHCamEvent.[h,cc]: - allow to set a histogram for display from external * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - added functions to calc Median/Dev - fixed adding a MHCamera with AddCamContent. It now takes also the errors and binentries correctly into account - simplified Reset() using TArray::Reset() * mhvstime/MHSectorVsTime.[h,cc]: - added option to use median/dev instead of mean/rms - switched Grid on * mjobs/, mjobs/ - small improvements to splitting number rows - handle possible tabs correctly * mbase/MStatusArray.[h,cc]: - improved handling in Read(). We make sure now that Read doesn't produce a memory leak * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - overwrote Clone function to make sure that a cloned MHCamera is never added to the current directory * mcamera/MCameraTH.h: - added a workaround to get rid of the obsolete discriminator thresholds for the non-trigger pixels * mreport/ - added a sanity \o-Terminator to the dicriminator threshold extraction 2007/01/30 Thomas Bretz * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCam.[h,cc]: - added function to return the uncalibrated and unsuitable pixels as TArrayC (to be used in MHCamera) * mhcalib/ - added a FIXME-comment * mhist/MHCamEvent.[h,cc]: - added an option to change the kind of error which is displayed - consequently increased version number by 1 * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - added a new bit to allow the error to be switched between mean and spread * mjobs/, mjobs/ - adapted to changes in error display 2007/01/27 Thomas Bretz * manalysis/ - fixed a typo in a comment * mcalib/MCalibrateData.[h,cc]: - commented out some obsolete currently unused code * mdata/ - added a sanity check * mpedestal/ - Changed output to fit the structure used in all other classes * mmain/ - made sure that MPedestalSubtract dies the right thing - removed badpixel calculation and treatment until a better solution was found. * mfbase/ - fixed a "comparison is always true" warning * msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.h: - increased class version number to 3 to account for the removal of the fTimeShift data members since last release 2007/01/27 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/showplots.php: - added (tool to click through the calib, signal and star plots of one sequence) * datacenter/db/index.html: - added link to new plot tool * datacenter/db/ganymed.php: - added fDataSetName, removed fWobble - removed mininmum value of 100 for dataset range * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php: - added fIsoInLimit2 and fIMCLimit2 in Init - added check on observation mode 2007/01/26 Thomas Bretz * mpedestal/ - fixed a bug which caused the pedestal to be set to 0 if the AB-flag is invalid 2007/01/25 Thomas Bretz * mreflector/MRflSinglePhoton.h: - added copy constructor - added a function to fill a TH2 * mreflector/MRflEvtData.[h,cc]: - added copy costructor - added Clone function - added a function to fill a TH2 2007/01/24 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/ - fixed a typo in the last change 2007/01/24 Daniel Hoehne * msignal/*.dat: - inserted missing third column (0) in all weights files 2007/01/18 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/ - another fix for the error calculation of the collection area. The totalarea was inluded in the error calculation as it would be a wait, but actually it is not. 2007/01/16 Thomas Bretz * mfileio/ - fixed two "comparison between signed and unsigned integer" warnings * mhbase/ - small update to comments * mimage/ - call SetDirectory(NULL) after SetName * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - commented out obsolete GetFileNames * msignal/MExtractor.[h,cc]: - Some small updates - removed code from Process function - increased version number to 7 * msignal/MExtractedSignalPix.h: - some simple reordering in the class header * msignal/ - simplified the checks in SetWindowSize * msignal/MC_cosmics_weights46.dat, msignal/MC_weights46.dat: - added third column with zeros 2007/01/16 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/menu.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/magicdefs.php: - implemented new variables for datasets 2007/01/15 Thomas Bretz * mpedestal/ - added a sanity check tomake sure that the pixel array has the correct size when filled - made sure the the number of pixels in the camera nd not the number of connected pixels is used to initialize the size of the arrays. * mpedestal/MPedestalSubtractedEvt.[h,cc]: - allow the initialization of nuber of pixels and samples independanly. 2007/01/15 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/sources.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/printtable.php, datacenter/db/plotdb.php, datacenter/db/menu.php, datacenter/db/findoffdata.php, datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo.php: - fixed bug in init of $_GET 2007/01/12 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/macros/writedatasetfile.C: - addded #include 2007/01/11 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - removed the obsolete include of MLog.h * mbase/MLogManip.h: - encapsulated an include in ifdefs * mhcalib/, mhcalib/ - updated log-output * mhflux/ - replaced difficult to see green by blue * mjobs/MDataSet.[h,cc]: - added datat members for path of sequences and path of data files to be able to store overwritten defaults - check completeness of dataset files - store a MSequence object in the list instead of the name and dir (this is necessary to have all important information for a dataset file, including the sequence number! - available) - some changes to the output - allow to print a perfect copy of the read dataset file to the console just from the contents of the object * mjobs/ - updated to use MSequence::GetFileName instead of MSequence:GetName * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - keep filename and datapath in header, this has some advantages for sanity checks - many improvements of sanity checking in case of missing or unaccessible files - Fixed "lightConditions" (was "LightCondition") - Fixed "No_Moon" (was "NoMoon") - allow to set the data path as second argument in the constructor - implemented a check whether the sequence file is complete * mjobs/MJCut.[h,cc]: - added some code (still commented out) to display the excess rate - with the other changes we can now store the original dataset in the output * mjoptim/ - Keep the sequence files in the file list instead of just the filename and the directory * mjtrain/ - use return value of MDataSet::AddFilesOn/Off for a sanity check * mjobs/MJob.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete fPathData and stuff *, - removed obsolete calls to MJob::SetPathData * callisto.rc, star.rc: - removed obsolete examples for "PathData"-resource * mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/ - removed obsolete reference to fPathData 2007/01/11 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php: - implemented username (the one who inserts the dataset has to give his/her username now) - fixed password query in case user inserted something wrong - implemented check, if on-sequences have different observations modes - implemented check, if user has chosen one sequences as on and off - adapted text of password prompt * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datasetinfo-aio.php, runinfo-aio.php, sequinfo-aio.php: - minor changes in formatting - added 'alt' for +/- images * datacenter/db/menu.js: - added 'alt' for +/- images 2007/01/10 Thomas Bretz * mhbase/ - fixed a bug in SetBinomialErrors. The errors of the two histograms were exchanged in the calculation * mbase/MEnv.[h,cc]: - added new member function GetNumUntouched