Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2008/12/02 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc], mbase/ - added Pause and Single Step option * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.[h,cc], mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc]., mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - moved filling of run header from first event header to MCorsikaRunHeader * mfileio/ - improved a check in the constructor if no filename is given * mhbase/ - make SetBinning also work for TProfile2D * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - added functions to return the number of used pixels * mjobs/, mjobs/ - improved by using new GetEnvValue3 * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - added new member function GetEnvValue3 which is more flexible in the number of leading zeroes within a resource name 2008/12/01 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - removed not needed query * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added check if script is executed with the full path - added check if rc-files are existing * datacenter/db/menu.php: - removed not needed lines * datacenter/db/include.php: - valign='top' for queryrbk.php * datacenter/db/queryrbk.php: - added print button 2008/11/28 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - fixed a problem in FormFlux which did not handle the nagative slope correctly - Changed the title of the Spectrum histogram to make the fit result fit better - added a histogram showing the readin source position of the MCs * mcorsika/CorsikaLinkDef.h, mcorsika/Makefile, mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.[h,cc], mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc], mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - addedcc MCorsikaRunHeader.h 2008/11/27 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MContinue.[h,cc]: - updated ClassVersion number according to last change * mraw/ - fixed a bug when errno==0 * mjobs/ - in case of sum trigger skip only events with only sum-trigger not all events with sum-trigger for effective on time calculation * datacenter/plotdb.C: - fixed a problem with the order in the select if case of Groups - removed automatic Postscript storage - added some plots about currents * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added new run-type "Linearity" 2008/11/24 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - changed fAzimuth* to 180-fAzimuth* (different coordinate system of CORSIKA 2008/11/21 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/showplots.php: - adapted number of tabs 2008/11/18 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runcamera: - redirect output from camera program to scriptlog - changed expected return code (Julian has adapted reflector to return something in case of successful completion of the program) - fixed logging - adapted redirect to delete old logging output in case of restarting * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - adapted redirect to delete old logging output in case of restarting * datacenter/scripts/runcamera: - redirect output from camera program to scriptlog - own failed variable - changed misleading variable name * datacenter/scripts/setup, datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - moved FLUPRO to setup 2008/11/18 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/read_lapalma_tapes - added this script which is used to read raw file tapes sent from La Palma; executed by root on phoenix (because he should know about the free disc space status) * datacenter/scripts/checkmd5sum - prevented date echo on the executing shell * datacenter/scripts/checktransfer - removed check for .finished files (.finished are no longer used) 2008/11/16 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/menu.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php: - added option to query only sumtrigger data 2008/11/14 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added variable for sql.rc - simplified code of two for-loops * datacenter/scripts/setup: - fixed typo * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - fixed query - fixed logging 2008/11/13 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - added that maximum viewcone is queried from the database - added that number of reuses for shower is queried from the database - added that mirror diameter is queried from the database - added that starting altitude is queried from the database - changed fImpactParameter to fImpactMax 2008/11/12 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/menu.js, datacenter/db/include.php: - added feature to remove lines for table ('-' button at beginning of each line) and button to get all lines back ('+' at top of the column) 2008/11/12 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - added descriptions for the tabs - added legend to all tabs - added beginning and end of period to all tabs * mastro/MAstro.[h,cc]: - added new member function GetMoonPeriodMjd - added new member function GetMagicPeriodStart * mbase/MTime.[h,cc]: - added new member function SetMoonPeriod - added new member function SetMagicPeriodStart * callisto.rc, callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc, callisto_MarApr05.rc, callisto_mux.rc: - adapted number of max events for extraction of pedestals from data runs and set the number of events used for pedestal extraction instead. * callisto_mux.rc: - adapted valued for pulse position dtermination to fit better the MUX data (especially get rid of a bias towards higher values from saturating pixels) * mhcalib/MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.[h,cc]: - added member function GetNumEvents - changed number of required pixels to 3 - made sure that the number of required pixels is correctly applied * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - added new data members to better describe the number of required and aimed events for pulse position and pedestal extraction - changed the filters for the pedestal and pulse position in a way that not more than the requested events will be extracted - added a MContinue which will stop the lop if the pedestal and pulse position extraction has been finished - added more precise checks after the loop to check if enough events were found * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc]: - set fCounter already in Process * mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.[h,cc], mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc], mpedestal/MPedCalcFromLoGain.[h,cc]: - changed type of Calc from Int_t to void * mbase/MContinue.[h,cc]: - allow to use MContinue also to return something else in Process() than just kCONTNUE * mfbase/MFilterList.h: - added member function GetNumEntries to get the number of list elements * mhcalib/MHGausEvents.h: - added member function GetEntries * mjobs/ - only plot the source position in the case of Monte Carlos otherwise it is always 0/0 anyway * mraw/ - be more precise when printing the run number * mtrigger/MTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - added a Print function to be able to use MPrint 2008/11/11 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - removed obsolete code of rot128 - Increased size of ListBox in MARS tab * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.h: - changed to have the APD camera layout as default * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile: - removed MMcTriggerLvl2 - removed MMcTriggerLvl2Calc * mhbase/MH.[h,cc], mhbase/MH3.[h,cc], mhbase/MHArray.[h,cc], mhbase/MHMatrix.[h,cc], mhbase/MHn.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationCam.[h,cc], mhist/MHRate.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargePINDiode.[h,cc], mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc], mhflux/MHCollectionArea.[h,cc], mhflux/MHDisp.[h,cc], mhflux/MHEffectiveOnTime.[h,cc], mhflux/MHEnergyEst.[h,cc], mhflux/MHFalseSource.[h,cc], mhflux/MHPhi.[h,cc], mhflux/MHThetaSqN.[h,cc], mhflux/MHThreshold.[h,cc], mhist/MHCamEvent.[h,cc], mhist/MHCamEventRot.[h,cc], mhist/MHEvent.[h,cc], mhist/MHHadronness.[h,cc], mhist/MHStarMap.[h,cc], mhist/MHTriggerLvl0.[h,cc], mhist/MHWeather.[h,cc], mhvstime/MHPixVsTime.[h,cc], mhvstime/MHSectorVsTime.[h,cc], mhvstime/MHVsTime.[h,cc], mimage/MHHillas.[h,cc], mimage/MHHillasExt.[h,cc], mimage/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc], mimage/MHImagePar.[h,cc], mimage/MHNewImagePar.[h,cc], mimage/MHNewImagePar2.[h,cc], mimage/MHVsSize.[h,cc], mbadpixels/MHBadPixels.[h,cc], mmuon/MHMuonPar.[h,cc], mmuon/MHSingleMuon.[h,cc], mpedestal/MHPedestalCor.[h,cc], mpointing/MHPointing.[h,cc], mranforest/MHRanForest.[h,cc], mranforest/MHRanForestGini.[h,cc], mreflector/MHReflector.[h,cc]: - changed return type of Fill from bool to int - fixed return value where necessary * mhbase/ - return Int from Fill instead of Bool 2008/11/11 Thomas Bretz, Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - new script (by chance with the name of an existing sctipt) plotting the tabs of status displays the old script is not needed anymore and is therefore overwritten * datacenter/db/tabs.js: - added (js for tabs.php) * datacenter/db/tabs.css: - added (layout for tabs.php) 2008/11/11 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - fixed path for ganymed - added plotdb for ganymed * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php: - added link for plotdb for ganymed * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php:, datacenter/db/index-header.html: - uncommented link to ganymed.php and sequences.php, as these scripts are not yet updated to new data structure * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php: - implemented link to new tabs.php * datacenter/db/plotinclude.php: - implemented new files names for showplots*.php * datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php: - ranges are now expanded when page is loaded * datacenter/scripts/budb, datacenter/scripts/fillcamera, datacenter/scripts/mcsequences: - exchanged vela by variable for host * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots: - removed sequence/dataset number from file name of csv file - removed general rsync of callisto/star/ganymed at the end of the script, as --delete was not working in the intended way and the single directories are rsynced anyhow 2008/10/29 Thomas Bretz * mpointing/ - return kERROR instead of kFALSE if source position is too far away from the camera center - DeltaPhi replaced by Angle to take declination into account * mreport/ - fixed a typo (200805190 instead of 200605190) 2008/10/23 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/macros/fillcamera.C: - added and changed some parameters * datacenter/scripts/fillcamera: - rewritten 2008/10/14 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - for extracting the pulse position we have to allow sum events but require level 1 trigger instead of disallowing sum-events 2008/10/13 Thomas Bretz *,,,,,,,,,, - adapted to changes in MArgs * mbase/MArgs.[h,cc]: - interprete all options after -- as arguments - moved removing of root options to a new member function * mhist/ - removed the obsolete M before the run id * mjobs/ - fixed a bug which caused RunHedears to be merpped as RunHeader * mraw/ - only use the event-number fix after run 326152, which is more accurate * mreport/ - implemented a new version fix, namely 200809300 * mreport/ - implemented interpretation of new format 200809030 2008/10/13 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - implemented SuperArehucas version 080912-0 2008/09/16 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/budb: - redirection to a not existing file changed for the finish command * datacenter/scripts/checkmd5sum: - script is now executed specifying the tape number in the command line - added several outputs to the logfile - removed phoenix login, the script is being executed now via read_lapalma_tapes from phoenix - added check for empty md5 files * datacenter/scripts/runstar: - corrected staging of files, _E-files are no longer existing 2008/09/05 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcfile: - fixed bug (setstatus was not working for datasets and runs) 2008/08/27 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/fillganymed: - fixed bug in getting the dataset number (removed telescope number) * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - fixed bug in find for optical files - added some logging 2008/08/25 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/filloptical.C: - added different return values in case of not matching lines - added new columns (ellipticity and position angle) * datacenter/macros/fillobjects.C, datacenter/macros/fillobjects2.C: - InsertUpdate instead of Insert now * resources/TeVsources.txt, resources/good_compstars_R.txt: - added new sources * datacenter/scripts/copyscript: - implemented new return values - improved find for optical files * datacenter/scripts/dbchk: - adapted check for consistency between sequencefiles and content of database: now only done for sequences where the file is already written 2008/08/22 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher: - fixed bug in starting scripts with command line options * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots: - fixed bug (showplot was not executed in the mars directory) - moved all general rsyncs to the end of the script 2008/08/21 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/plotdb.php: - changed input field from 6 to 8 digits * datacenter/scripts/dbchk: - added check if something on nightly basis failed * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots: - fixed sequencepath in rsync * datacenter/scripts/jobmanager: - changed choosing of jobmanager (data or mc) from if to case - implemented case-statement for the choice of the queueing system (condor and sun grid engine implemented up to now) - implemented commands for sun grid engine * datacenter/scripts/jobmanager, datacenter/scripts/setup: - moved defining of array scripts and pnoswe(ek) from sourcefile to jobmanager - fixed problem with mc jobmanager pnos * datacenter/scripts/setup: - implemented definition of queueing system - exchanged camera version * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - host is retrieved from sql.rc now * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika, datacenter/scripts/runreflector, datacenter/scripts/runcamera, datacenter/scripts/setup: - moved defining of detectorpath from scripts to sourcefile * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika, datacenter/scripts/setup: - implemented variable for path of Mmcs * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - exchanged 'operator' in inputcard by `whoami` - implemented usage of function for new datastructure * resources/steps.rc: - added line for primaries for MCRunProcessingStatus 2008/08/15 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C, datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C, datacenter/macros/plotstat.C, datacenter/macros/plotusage.C: - added call plot*(TString path) needed for the script dowebplots - added path to output file * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added path to call plotdb(dataset) * datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C: - added path to call plotoptical(source) * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - fixed bug in query * datacenter/macros/plotusage.C: - adapted comment - removed not needed calls * datacenter/scripts/doqualityplots, datacenter/scripts/webupdate-star, datacenter/scripts/webupdate-sinope, datacenter/scripts/webupdate-callisto, datacenter/scripts/webupdate-ganymed: - deleted (not needed anymore, done by dowebplots now) * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots: - rewritten completely: script now handles not only creating web plots for ganymed, star and callisto, but also plotdb, plotusage, plotstat and plotoptical - implemented steering via DB for ganymed, star and callisto to make sure that all plots are produced - added rsync to this script - via command line options it is possible to choose which plots should be produced - redirect of the root error (used to output mean values) to txt files in the webdirectory - added writing of csv file (read by tabs.php) * datacenter/scripts/run.condor: - added 'Arguments' (needed to submit dowebplots including command line opticon to condor) * datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher: - removed makedir of $listpath and $lockpath (done in setup already) - exchanged algorithm to loop over scripts to allow for scripts with command line option * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile, datacenter/scripts/jobmanager: - moved definition of $column from sourcefile to jobmanager to allow for usage of the function getstatus by other scripts than the jobmanager * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - removed definition of webpath (already defined in setup) - removed making of $listpath (not needed anymore) - added fail code for dowebplots (27) - additional if-clause in the getstatus function to allow for using it even if no column is defined - removed not needed 'numproc=0' * resources/steps.rc: - added steps for webplots (fWebCalib, fWebStar, fWebGanymed, fWebPlotDBGanymed) 2008/08/14 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/macros/plotusage.C: - added (macro to plot condor usage from DB) 2008/08/13 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/setup: - removed listpath (not used anymore) - removed commented, not needed lines 2008/08/13 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/webupdate-star: - added option to prevent melibea-Q-files from being rsynced 2008/08/12 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/script/checkmd5sum: - fixed the check for raw files - added a check for the nunmber of checked files * datacenter/scripts/webupdate-callisto, datacenter/scripts/webupdate-star: - fixed the --exclude option so Y and I file do no longer get synced * datacenter/script/zipscript: - added check if the raw file is no longer existing (happens when multiple zipscripts are started) - added check for the case that the sequence number is 0 - fixed some echos - added telescope number for the db update query 2008/08/08 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/magicdefs.php: - fixed sorting for sequences * datacenter/scripts/checkstardone, datacenter/scripts/writedatasetfiles: - fixed bug in getting the dataset number (removed telescope number) 2008/08/07 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runganymed: - removed telescope number * datacenter/scripts/checkstardone: - added dataset number to output * datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php datacenter/db/magicdefs.php: - improved sorting with combination of (file-,) run/sequ- and telescope number 2008/08/07 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C: - fixed a problem with the check whether a sequence already exists. It was always belived that the sequence doesn't exist. 2008/08/07 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks - added a condition to prevent the linking of the old Dec04Jan05.rc for mux data * datacenter/scripts/cutslices - changed checklock to checklock continue to prevent the program from exiting if a lock file already exists 2008/08/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/sequinfo.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/sequence.php, datacenter/db/runinfo.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/resetseq.php, datacenter/db/plotinclude.php, datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, datacenter/db/ganymed.php, datacenter/db/findoffdata.php, datacenter/db/dbstatus.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo.php, datacenter/db/datacheck.php, datacenter/db/builddatasets.php: - changed syntax of left join to 'using(columnname)' * datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, datacenter/db/builddatasets.php datacenter/db/dbstatus.php, datacenter/db/findoffdata.php, datacenter/db/plotinclude.php, datacenter/db/resetseq.php, datacenter/db/sequence.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo.php: - implemented telescope number * datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php: - moved pulldown for number of results * datacenter/db/resetseq.php: - removed unknown ip adresses, added names to known ip adresses * datacenter/db/menu.php: - changed width input field for sequence number in run menu from 6 to 8 2008/08/06 Thomas Bretz * mfileio/ - removed some debug out 2008/08/06 Stefan Ruegamer * callisto_mux.rc - changed the extractor window from 15 64 to 0 49 * datacenter/scripts/setup - commented the lines containing cutslices out 2008/08/05 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - added checks for owner of the file - adapted the script to the different pathes * datacenter/scripts/zipscript: - added telno and fileno so it works with the new files - added the telno to the calzip-lock file * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - added the telno to the calzip-lock file - removed the link to callisto_mux_new.rc, it is no longer needed 2008/08/05 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - fixed the case of invalid effective on times - fixed the regular expression to find the MSequence in old files - added information about the dc currents * datacenter/macros/fillcondor.C: - added 2008/08/05 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/tools/resetpriorities: - added (script to reset priorities in the tables RunProcessStatus, SequenceProcessStatus and DataSetProcessStatus) * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - removed not needed output * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - fixed bug in query of setstatus - improved if-clause to avoid unneccessary output * datacenter/db/menu.php: - changed width input fields for ranges from 6 to 8 * datacenter/scripts/condorstatistic: - fixed logging output * datacenter/scripts/dbchk: - added checking of consistency with table SequenceProcessStatus * resources/steps.rc: - fixed primaries of DataSetProcessStatus 2008/08/04 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runstar: - removed linking of rc-files and command line argument --config (usage of star_mux.rc not needed anymore) 2008/08/04 Thomas Bretz * RELEASE V2.1.1 2008/08/04 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/setup: - added compux/cutslices to the jobmanager queue * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles: - modified the regex for finding the run number such that it satisfies the new raw file convention - the script now searches for files in /magic and /data, so movingrawfiles2 is obsolete * datacenter/scripts/cutslices: - adapted the script for jobmanager use - included some more checks 2008/08/04 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - added a filter against very bright events cleaning the bad pixel plot * ganymed.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc: - slightly tightened the spark cut in length vs size * ganymed_wobble.rc: - now uses the default (still 3) for the number of wobble positions * mbase/MParEmulated.[h,cc]: - some improvements to support collection (still not finished) * mraw/ - Implemented a fix for run-numbers between 1001348 and 1001396 which were incorrectly assigned by the cc. - changed order of fix and check * resources/calibration_spline.rc: - updated muon calibration constants for the periods 51-57, 58-63 and 67- 2008/08/04 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/setup: - changed order of scripts (now: ganymed, star, callisto) - adapted number of allowed processes (more CPUs available now) - commented mc jobmanager stuff out, as it is not yet working completely 2008/08/03 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runcamera, datacenter/scripts/runcorsika, datacenter/scripts/runreflector: - removed primvar * datacenter/scripts/condorstatistics: - added (script calling the macro fillcondor.C to fill condor statistics to the database, tars the condor-statistic files afterwards) * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots: - added converting from ps to pdf and removing of ps 2008/08/02 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/scripts/dbchk: - if the regular expression in sed doesn't find anything nothing is replaced (this case is now handled) * mjobs/ - removed the obsolete shift variable in PosePosCheck - do not allow lo-gain starts < 0 * msignal/ - changed lo-gain stat sift to -1.0 (which is the valie which in use anyway) * msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.h: - do not add the lo-gain offset wehen setting the start-shift * msignal/ - make sure Print() prints the class description * mpointing/MSrcPosCalc.[h,cc]: - if the MC camera files are new enough the source position on the camera is now calculated from the stored telescope and shower orientation 2008/08/01 Thomas Bretz * ganymed.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc: - added starguider calibration 328198 * resources/starguider00328198.txt: - added * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added fMedNumPheInner/outer - added fRelChargeRmsOuter * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - added %%title%% as a possibility in the filename - added some code to write an XML instead of a csv file (still not in-use) * mjobs/, mjobs/ - replaced RunNumber by FileId 2008/07/31 Daniela Dorner * resources/steps.rc: - added missing influences and needs for DataSetProcessStatus * datacenter/scripts/checkstardone: - removed breaks - removed not needed variables - changed dataset from string to int in call of macro * datacenter/scripts/budb: - added output how to create database MyMagic - added removing of logfiles - some small inprovements 2008/07/31 Thomas Bretz * - fixed merpping a single report file - Strip the dir name from MJMerpp's name * mreports/ - also allow empty HV Settings file names * datacenter/macros/checkstardone.C: - fixed the query - fixed a typo * datacenter/macros/fillcalib.C: - changed ouput - get seq-number from sequence instead of file-name - added telescope number - added fRelChargeRmsInner/Outer - added fMedNumPheInner/Outer - don't user TEnv anymore * datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C - get seq-number from sequence instead of file-name - added telescope number * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - changed ouput - get seq-number from sequence instead of file-name - added telescope number - added fTotOnTime * callisto.rc, callisto_Dec04Jan05.rc, callisto_mux.rc: - removed obsolete reference to ExtractTime 2008/07/30 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - fixed a typo in the new Read function 2008/07/30 Daniela Dorner * resources/steps.rc: - added - adapted to new data structure * steps.rc: - removed * datacenter/macros/setupdb.C, datacenter/macros/setstatus.C, datacenter/macros/getdolist.C: - removed * datacenter/db/datacheck.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo.php, datacenter/db/magicdefs.php, datacenter/db/menu.php, datacenter/db/resetseq.php, datacenter/db/runinfo.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo.php, datacenter/macros/resetcolumn.C: - removed fFailedCodeAdd - changed fFailedCode to fProgramId * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - adapted path of steps.rc - added new additional primaries to functions setstatus, getstatus gettodo and getdolist - merged function gettodo and getdolist - removed todofile - removed fFailedCodeAdd - changed fFailedCode to fProgramId * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries, datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequenceavail, datacenter/scripts/checkstardone, datacenter/scripts/doexclusions, datacenter/scripts/fillcallisto, datacenter/scripts/fillstar, datacenter/scripts/fillganymed, datacenter/scripts/writedatasetfiles, datacenter/scripts/writesequencefiles: - implemented usage of getodo (new merged function) - removed todofile - removed primval * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto, datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck, datacenter/scripts/runganymed, datacenter/scripts/runstar: - implemented usage of getodo (new merged function) - removed primval * datacenter/scripts/checkstardone - removed comadd * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto - append output of stage.C instead of overwriting logfile * datacenter/macros/resetcolumn.C: - added return 0 and output, as this macro is not yes adapted to the new data structure for MAGIC II * datacenter/scripts/makecallistolinks: - exchanged grepping for reason by db-query (return code 13) - exchanged call of resetcolumn.C by direct db-query 2008/07/29 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/zipscript - modified the regex for finding the run number such that it satisfies the new raw file convention 2008/07/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/correcttime, datacenter/scripts/cutslices, datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck: - added exit and output, as these scripts are not adapted to the new data structure for MAGIC II * datacenter/scripts/dbchk: - added outputs to processlog * datacenter/scripts/doexclusions, datacenter/scripts/writesequencefiles, datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries: - added telescope number 1 to call of macro * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added priority 2008/07/27 Thomas Bretz * - added include of TClass to work with root 5.20 * mbase/MParEmulated.[h,cc]: - for root 5.20/00 we have to use TVirtualStreamer instead of TStremaer * mbase/ - the workaround had to be fixed because since we don't change gPad for printing anymore all following line and text drawings reffered to the wrong gPad * datacenter/scripts/doqualityplots, datacenter/scripts/dowebplots: - also antialias text - save as interlaced png * mbase/MThread.h: - use a reinterpret_cast when returning the Thresd's result (this gave a correct warning on 32bit systems) * mhbase/MH3.h: - when available return the histogram title as title (without axis) - implemented GetFullTitle member function to return the full title 2008/07/25 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - expand path name for csv files * mfileio/ - print a warning if no file was added * mfileio/ - updated warning if no file was added * mfileio/MReadScanFile.[h,cc]: - for safety add a postprocessing removing the contents from the list - also removing the contents from the list before filling * mhbase/ - fixed an output * mtools/MTFillMatrix.[h,cc]: - added a maximum number the eventloop is running over * mjobs/ - replaced gFile by gDirectory 2008/07/23 Thomas Bretz * - allow to read more than one file * datacenter/macros/stage.C: - changed the return type to int * mbase/ - added a check for the key in read to supress the root error on the console * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - stop update timer in destructor - added new member function GetNumTabs - we don't need to switch to batchmore when painting canvases anymore - removed an obsolete cout * mjobs/ - changed again the wrong names of the tasklists * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - set default telescope to 1 so that reading old sequence files gives valid sequences. - overwrote Read to allow reading also old sequences which have no default name in the files - removed output of "DataPath" from Print * msql/MSQLMagic.[h,cc]: - added a second InsertUpdate - added ExistRow * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto: - adapted to all other changes - removed merpping of caco-files 2008/07/22 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - do not check the return value of mktime (this would fail for dates before 1970) * mjobs/, mjobs/ - distinguish between data-runs and mc-runs for the rate plot - named the tasklist for pedestal and calib extraction * mjobs/ - precheck the accessibility of all files if a sequence is processed * mjobs/ - the file number is three digits - the Tag for data runs is DatRuns not DataRuns * mfileio/Makefile, mfileio/FileIOLinkDef.h: - added MReadFiles - added MReadScanFile * mfileio/MReadFiles.[h,cc], mfileio/MReadScanFile.[h,cc]: - added * mfileio/MreadRflFile.[h,cc]: - derived from MReadFiles (untested) * datacenter/macros/checkfileavail.C: - fixed a type (TSQLRow instead of TSQlRow) - added a missing ; * mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added some includes - added the IsOwned member function to make sure we don't spoil memory when out pointers are deleted in the destructor - removed some really obsolete workarounds - added a member function to add friends - don't allocate memory in AddFile - implemented the possibility to process also friends - implemented the possibility to read branches from unknown "vendors", i.e. branches for which the class is not available in the dictionary - added a list to hold all parameter containers to be able to call SetReadyToSave more easily than previously * mbase/MParEmulated.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added MParEmulated * mbase/MParameters.h: - added functions to get the pointer to the values. Handle this with care. * mbase/MParConatiner.h: - made GetterMethod virtual to allow MParEmulated to overwrite it - made fgListMethodCall protected to allow MParEmulated to add its new TMethodCalls * datacenter/macros/checkfileavail.C: - removed dependence on caco-files. - fixed query - output query in case of failure * datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequenceavail: - fixed to use new checkfileavail.C * mcalib/ - removed the fixed scale factor for MCs. It is now left open, thus it can be changed from the callisto resource file * mdata/ - small improvement to error output * mfileio/ - small change to log-level * mbase/ - in case of an unknown return value stop event loop * mfileio/ - use gSystem->BaseName to get file name 2008/07/21 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - adde new static ember functions GetClass * mbase/MParList.[h,cc], mbase/MStatusArray.[h,cc], mreport/ - use new GetClass function 2008/07/20 Thomas Bretz *,, mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/, mjoptim/, mmain/ - replaced Setup*Runs by GetRuns * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C: - output if something is deleted * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added kGroupByDay option - some small changes - made group by work with "as" - made use of TEnv obsolete * datacenter/macros/plotrundb.C: - added telescope number as otpion * datacenter/scripts/checkfilesforsequenceavail: - added telescope number 1 to call of checkfileavail.C * mbase/ - made SetSqlDateTime more flexible * mjobs/MJMerpp.[h,cc]: - added (basically the code from - enhanced with the possibility to merpp a whole sequence * - use new MJMerpp * mjobs/Makefile, mjobs/JobsLinkDef.h: - added MJMerpp * datacenter/macros/checkfileavail.C, datacenter/macros/checkstardone.C: - reduced queries to a single query - take sequence number as argumenet instead of filename * datacenter/scripts/checkstardone: - adapted to changes in checkstardone.C * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - a lot of rework to the file-interface - included subsystem (cc) files - some renaming to some functions - improved the interface to the database - unified the Setup*Runs into GetRuns - when inflating a sequence name allow to use [tel:]squence now * mjobs/MSequenceSQL.[h,cc]: - adapted to changes in MSequence * datacenter/macros/stage.C - added * mjobs/ - changed displayed title according to the other jobs - changed Setup*Runs to GetRuns - unified output when finished - make sure the weight for the rate tab is not 0 - read the currents now from the camera instead of the currents tree 2008/07/19 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C: - Use the GetId also in the constructor of Rule - fixed reading of the sections in the sequences.rc * datacenter/macros/writesequencefile.C: - included iostream * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - updates some comments - simplified the comparison functions - calculate fPeriod automatically in any case (do not read from file) - added X for excluded to AddFile - use AddFile in ExludeFile - removed incorrect calles to MJob::SortArray - call SortArrays correctly in AddFile - changed default for telescope from 1 to 0 in SQL constructor - allow to set a default path from within the sequence file (in most cases this won't help much) * mjobs/MSequenceSQL.[h,cc]: - if telescope number is 0 check whether an unambiguous sequence with this number exists. If existing set the telescope number accordingly - changed default for telescope in constructor to 0 accordingly 2008/07/18 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - GetStringFmt was taking the daylight saving time into account (hopefully this fix is not too much dependent on the kernel) * mjobs/ - added some preliminary code for comparing two sequences - fixed output in Print (the "s" was missing in LightConditions) - do not write the "Run[0-]*" line for anything else than the "Runs" (needs more fixes) * mjobs/ - added a sanity check 2008/07/17 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - added fTelescope data member - increased class version number accordingly - added return value to WriteFile * mjobs/ - added TelescopeNumber to where-clause - get fFileNumber from RunData - use File-Id to order files - added telescope number to all constructors * automatic-exclusions.rc: - moved as exclusions.rc to resources and updated contents to new doeclusion.C * - updated Usage output - added new option to change meximum file size * - merpp also MCameraDC from cc-report * datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C: - replaces WARNING by ERROR if an error is returned * datacenter/macros/writesequencefile.C: - completely redone using new MSequenceSQL * mcamera/MCameraDC.[h,cc]: - added the Interprete member function - made MReportCamera and MReportCurrents friends clases - added fStatus - increased class version accordingly * mjobs/, mjobs/ - tiny changes to output * mreport/MReportCamera.[h,cc]: - removed fStatusDC - removed gkActiveLoadControlVersNum - added interpretation of DC - increased class version by one * mreport/ - moved interpretation of DCs to MCameraDC * resources/sequences.rc: - changed some comments - added telescope number to rules * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C: - the building is now based on the file-id (run*1000+file) and it is only done for a single telescope - added telescope number as srgument - added fPriority to SequenceProcessStatus - added fTelescopeNumber to the Sequence table - the sequence number is still idetical to the first run-number - changed reading of resource file such that the telescope number can be given for each subsection * datacenter/macros/doexclusions.C: - many simplifications - use telescope number as argument - simplified and improved * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - some changes to output - skip comment line at the beginning - skip the line with the telescope number - removed ISNULL from telescope/run/file check - added fPriority to RunProcessStatus - added telescope und file number to RunData and RunProcessStatus * datacenter/macros/resetallruns.C: - adapted to new ten:run/file scheme and the new contents of the input file * datacenter/scripts/filesondisk: - improved regular expressions to find runs - commmented out caco files - write telescope run and file-number to the file - some simplification 2008/07/16 Thomas Bretz * msql/MSQLMagic.[h,cc]: - the wehere clause can now be omitted in Update 2008/07/14 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C: - moved sql.rc to constructor of MSQLMagic * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - improved beauty of the SQL queries - join by telescope number, run number and file number * mbase/MString.[h,cc]: - removed everything except Format which is then identical to newwer root versions TString::Format * mastro/, mastro/ - replaced MString::Print by MString::Format * mbase/ - In SetSqlDateTime allow also to set dates without time * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - removed MRunIter * mfileio/ - sow in status line if a tree has been finally copied * mhist/ - replaced GetRunNumber by GetStringID * mjobs/ - Replaced RunNumber by FileId in trogger pattern display - do not allow to divide by 0 * mjobs/, mjobs/ - removed obsolete include of MDirIter * mjobs/, mjobs/ - replaced MRunIter by MDirIter * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - moved code to compile (inflate) a run filename or a its path to new static function such that they can be accessed from the outside *,, mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc], mmain/ - renamed InflatePath to InflateSeq * mpedestal/ - when checking the runnumber check also for the telescope number * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added new function GetStringID * mraw/RawLinkDef.h, mraw/Makefile: - removed MRawSocketRead * mpointing/MHSrcPosCam.[h,cc]: - fixed ouput in case a container is not found - made it work for monte carlos, too - use weight when filling histogram - changed circle line styles - changed default in constructor to wobble=kTRUE 2008/07/08 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/db/menu.php, datacenter/db/magicdefs.php: - added new columns (fRateTrigEvts, fRateSumEvts, fRatePedEvts, fRatePedTrigEvts, fRateCalEvts, fRateNullEvts, fRateUnknownEvts, fRatioCalEvents, fPulsePosCalib, fAvgWindSpeed, fAvgTemperature, fAvgHumidity, fAvgTempSky, fAvgCloudiness, fRmsCloudiness) 2008/07/05 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillcamera.C, datacenter/macros/findcacofiles.C: - changed JOIN to use USING - removed dependence on TEnv - some improvement to includes * datacenter/macros/filldotrbk.C, datacenter/macros/fillganymed.C, datacenter/macros/filloptical.C, datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C, datacenter/macros/fillsources.C, datacenter/macros/fillstar.C, datacenter/macros/getdolist.C, datacenter/macros/insertcacofile.C, datacenter/macros/insertdataset.C, datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C, datacenter/macros/plotrundb.C, datacenter/macros/plotstat.C, datacenter/macros/resetallruns.C, datacenter/macros/writedatasetfile.C: - removed dependence on TEnv - some improvement to includes * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - make it fail for everything except Magic 1 - removed dependence on TEnv - some improvement to includes * datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C: - removed MPlot, use MPlot from plotdb instead * datacenter/macros/setstatus.C: - some improvement to includes * mbase/MTime.[h,cc]: - added function returning day of sunrise as MTime * mhflux/ - use BinError instead of BinContents to decide whether the excess time is plotted or not * mimage/ - changed title of "Center" * mjobs/JobsLinkDef.h, mjobs/Makefile: - added new class MSequenceSQL * mjobs/MSequenceSQL.[h,cc]: - added * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - replaced ReadLightCondition by the more flexible GetLightCondition - added a new constrcutor constructing a MSequence from the database - fixed the output in the comments in Print() - The day and night was printed in a different format than expected when readin a sequence - fLightCondition and the f*RunsSub were missing in the copy- constructor * mjobs/Makefile: - added include of msql * msql/MSQLMagic.[h,cc]: - added a comment to ExistStr and allow to set an additional where-clause * msql/ - allow to init MSQLServer either by an url or from a named resource file - changed JOIN to use USING - if doing an automatic join join _all_ primaries * mtools/ - added include of TObjArray needed in newer root versions 2008/07/03 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - Replaced MSQKServer by MSQLMagic - this made local functions obsolete - added new format 20080519 including telescope- and file-number - simplified the if-clauses testing for version numbers (due to the initial check only some version numbers allowed anyway) - check for the combination of telescope-, run- and file-number to be unique. * datacenter/macros/plotrundb.C: - use MPlot from plotdb - removed obsolete DataCheck plots - plot only range of dates which makes sense 2008/07/01 Thomas Bretz * - removed the checks for the accessability of the files. They are checked in the corresponding classes instead * - display only the base name of the ganymed file, not the full path * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]: - added a new member function ErrorExc - Let SignificanceExc (former SignificanceLiMaExc) use ErrorExc * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - replaced fSignificanceExc by fErrorExcess - calculate the error instead of the significance (otherwise we get infinity at 0) - also store a negative number of excess events - replaced all -1 in ProjectionZ calls by the histogram limits (including under- and overflows) This is necessary to get root 5.20/00 working - increased class version number according to the changes * mjobs/MDataSet.[h,cc], mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - removed wrong usage of fName and fTitle, introduced new data members instead - initialize fName and fTitle in the constructors correctly - always store the full qualified path name - introduced new member functions GetBaseName and GetFilePath - give the ostream as an argument to Print - added new member function WriteFile to directly Print to an fostream - do not print empty values in Print - increased class version number accordingly - removed GetName and GetRcName accordingly * mjobs/ - set the dataset number to an invalid status if the file could not be accessed * mjobs/ - replaced GetName for the dataset by GetBaseName - make sure the summary file is not created if not requested - do not use pointers to MWriteRootFile to make sure the instances always get deleted * mjobs/ - fixed a bug in the check for the existence of the excess time - replaced GetName for the dataset by GetBaseName - Write the full path name to the ganymed.root into the file - fixed typos in determine * mpointing/ - initialize fNsb* members also in PreProcess as correctly suggested by valgrind * mjobs/MJCalibration.[h,cc]: - made the drawing of the bad pixel explanation more automatic - some simplifications to the function drawing all the result tabs - make sure to do the projection without name. Some root versions don't like several plots with the same name in one tab - removed several misleading drawing of number of outliers etc - added setting of min and max to FixDataCheckHist - simplified DisplayDoubleProjection (also unified in code with MJPedestal) - removed all the obsolste and confusing projections of the individual sectors and camera halves * mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - make sure to do the projection without name. Some root versions don't like several plots with the same name in one tab - use the unified DisplayDoubleProjection from MJCalibration - removed all the obsolste and confusing projections of the individual sectors and camera halves * mhflux/ - replaced EventsExcess/SignificanceExc by just ErrorEvents - for the moment do not propagate Excesses<=0 to the pads (not to spoil the logarithmic display, this still needs a fix) - replaced -1 in ProjectionZ by the bin numbers (including under- and overflow bins), otherwise it won't work with root 5.20/00 - propagate all result to the timing histogram (it is not logarithmic anyway) - made Paint also work with the new implementation of ProjectionZ via Project3D in root 5.20/00 (it won't reuse the correct histogram from the pad :( ) - replaced kFullDotMedium by 0 (no marker) where appropriate - changed the rule not to display the time-histogram 2008/06/30 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - check whether graphs are empty in a more accurate way * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - fixed some axis title - increased range of fRatePedTrigEvts * msql/ - added ' around the where clause in UpdateInsert to allowe also for times etc * - removed test-option (it was never used anyway and should be reprogrammed properly) * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C, mbase/MStatusDisplay.h, mbase/MTime.h: - removed unused argument * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsPix.h: - added static functions to get names and numbers of unsuitable and unreliable levels * mbase/ - made MedianDevImp working properly with a template * mhcalib/HCalibLinkDef.h, mhcalib/Makefile: - removed MHCalibrationTestCam - removed MHCalibrationTestTimeCam * mhcalib/ - removed an obsolete TPad in Draw() - removed some obsolete kCanDelete in Drwa() * mhcalib/ - changed some colors to work properly also in root 5.20/00 * mhflux/ - made Smooth work with root 5.20/00 (to be checked) * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - fixed defaults in Profile and Projection function to match code - fixed some comments - replaced InheritsFrom arguments by TClass statics * mjobs/JobsLinkDef.h: - removed MJCalibTest * mjobs/, mjobs/Makefile: - removed obsolete include of MParameterCalc * mranforest/ - added a cast in BinarySearch to make it work with the template of root 5.20/00 * mtools/MCalendar.h: - fixed *MENU option * mtools/MagicJam.h: - added the Smooth function of root 5.20/00 to be removed from the context menu 2008/06/21 Thomas Bretz *,,, - set the display name to a more convinient name * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - some improvement in setting axis titles and titles automatically from the sql column names - moved the Muon cut to a SetCondition call - renamed some functions * mbase/MStatusDisplay.h: - overwrote SetTitle with a function allowing to set a title only if no title set so far * mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/ - set a proper display title and set it only if not already set * mjobs/ - changed some filter names to more convinient names 2008/06/20 Thomas Bretz * macros/dohtml.C: - added missing mmovie directory * mhflux/ - changed the fit range to adapt to the new plot - exchanged the two plots on the right to have the correct plot near the 1D histogram - fixed the title of the plot in the top right - call SetNoExponent and SetMoreLoglabels * mjobs/MJSpectrum.[h,cc]: - outsources producing the spectral function as string to a new static function FormFlux * mpointing/ - added some info 2008/06/19 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - small improvement to output - handle underflow bin of effective on-time more accurate - reddid the formattig of the spectral fit * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]: - added Format member function * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - fixed some axis titles 2008/06/19 Thomas Bretz * RELEASE 2.1 2008/06/19 Thomas Bretz * mraw/ - fixed that the line reading the fNumEventsRead vanished 2008/06/18 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C: - replaced the old calculation of the run-time of one sequence by a more sophisticated using the TIMEDIFF function * mjobs/ - Use File id instead of run number - fixed the units in the display (phe not \\gamma) * mjobs/MSequence.[h,cc]: - reorganized header - implemented new scheme including file numbers - increased class version number accordingly - removed some obsolete old, never used, functions and comments * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - renamed RunID to TypeID - return 0 in RunLength if one of the times is invalid * Makefile: - removed sinope 2008/06/17 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/macros/fillcamera.C: - added and changed some parameters * datacenter/scripts/mcsequences: - added database interaction. Now sequences are built by querying the relevant parameters in the MC database * datacenter/scripts/runmccallisto, datacenter/scripts/runmcstar: - added * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added failed codes for runmccallisto and runmcstar 2008/06/17 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - SetSelectedPad to 0 before calling DrawClone of TGraph - small reordering of the tabs - removed tab with absolute effective on time * mbase/ - make sure that the correct output level is restored after root called the error handler * mbase/ - Changed backround color to white (_not_ kWhite) - made a sunken border around the canvas - SetFrameBorderMode(0) per default * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added some consistency checks - make the bug fix for the wrong number of events also for V10 and V11 - added Getters for RunID and FileID used to idetify the runs more clever than run-number and file-number 2008/06/14 Thomas Bretz * - replaced MRawFileWrite by MWriteRootFile * - added new options to write tiff files - added new options to write csv files - some code simplification * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - set the title (without axis descriptions) as Tab-title - set FrameBorderMode to 0 for canvas * mbase/MStatusArray.[h,cc]: - added a copy constructor taking MStatusDislay as an argument - set gLog to all in Print() * mhbase/MFillH.[h,cc]: - allow to set a title in SetNameTab which is used as tab title - therefore added new data member fTitleTab - increased class version by 1 * mraw/ - set ReadyToSave for raw data to be able to use MWriteRootFile in merpp * mraw/Makefile, mraw/RawLinkDef.h: - removed MRawFileWrite * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - added the tif file format - added the csv file format - fixed the bmp and xml menu entries - added again to list of specials to allow for access from the interpreter - added title to AddTab. The title is stored as canvas title - added some warpper to access FindobjectInCanvas and Print from the MStatusDisplay to gain access from the interpreter - Removed obsolete DrawClonePad wrapper in Display and added title - added FillArray to add all canvases to a temporary MStatusArray - removed obsolete CanvasSetFillColor - use mktemp in UpdatePSHeader - some code cleanup. Moved some common code from the SaveAs function to the new InitWrite* functions - implemented %%tab%% and %%name%% - added a workround (MyCanvas) to get the title and footer in the ps-files also in root 5.18 - removed cloning of the canvases whereever possible.Gave problems in root 5.18 (not yet understood) - changed color mode of postscrip files from rgb to cmyk - UpdatePSHeader not long needed in root >=5.12 - reorganized header file * mreport/MReportCC.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete fRecTemp - call Copy() in the correct direction * mreport/MReportFileRead.[h,cc]: - use a C++ cast instead of a C-cast - add containers to parameter list _before_ calling SetupReading - removed some obsolete comments in the header * mjobs/ - we need to read the new "Rec" tree - and we need to fill from the Rec _and_ CC tree (could give a bias if the rate on both trees would once be identical anymore) * mhist/ - allocate fSum in constructor to allow filling from two different tasks 2008/06/14 Thomas Bretz * mtrigger/ - improved documentation *, mbase/ - changed the M in MARS to "Modular" - rpelaced year in copyright by current year * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - increased range for the rate of the calibration events - added "RatioCal" tab * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - fill NULL also if TGraph is empty * mastro/ - included math.h for darwin * mjobs/ - changed the named of the MFTriggerPattern * - added new option --only, --rep-run, --rep-file, --header-run, --header-file, --telescope - moved Receiver information from tree CC to tree Rec * mbase/ - replaced MTime by TDatime * mcamera/MCameraRecTemp.[h,cc], mcamera/MCameraTD.[h,cc], mcamera/MCameraTH.[h,cc], mreport/MReportCC.[h,cc]: - moved interpretation of sub-parts of the reports from MReportCC to the corresponding MCamera* classes * mreport/MReport.[h,cc]: - added Copy member function to copy time and state - added CheckTag member function - Implemented skipping of the Telescope number in the reports for version >=200805190 * mreport/MReportCC.[h,cc]: - access Receiver infomations via new class MReportRec even for old file formats - skip this block in new formats - moved CheckTag to base class * mreport/MReportCamera.[h,cc]: - removed CheckTag * mreport/MReportFileRead.[h,cc]: - don't check for the number of lines anymore but for -1 instead - changed fNumLine from ULong to Long to allow a negative return value. We don't expect so many lines in a file anyway, do we? * mreport/MReportFileReadCC.[h,cc]: - splitted CheckFileHeader into several subfunction - added checks and reading of telescope number and file number * mreport/MReportRun.[h,cc]: - added file number from new format * mreport/Makefile, mreport/ReportLinkDef.h: - added MReportRec * mreport/MReportRec.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/ - fixed a bug in the profile and projection functions namely that the default was not correctly treated because char* was compared with char* * mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mcalib/, mcalib/, mhbase/MBinning.h, mhbase/, mhbase/, mhbase/, mhcalib/, mhflux/, mimage/, mimage/, mjobs/, mjoptim/, mjtrain/, mmuon/, mreport/, mreport/, mtools/ - fixed some cast-away constness warnings - fixed some shadow declarations * mhbase/MH.[h,cc]: - removed an old obsolete workaround (ProjectionX/Y) * mimage/Makefile, mimage/ImageLinkDef.h: - removed MCameraSmooth * mbase/MAGIC.h: - added a new namespace UTF8 with double char characters * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added the new namespace UTF8 * mimage/, mpointing/, datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - some characters replaced by the new UTF8 characters 2008/06/13 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillcalib.C: - fixed a bug introduced by the usage of InserUpdate * datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C: - fixed a type (the wrong number was printed to the console) * mjobs/ - let all calibration triggered events pass to calibration * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - count a bit more to increase the printed amout of information at the end 2008/06/12 Thomas Bretz * resources/starguider00267253.txt, resources/starguider00291104.txt: - added * ganymed.rc, ganymed_wobble.rc, ganymed_onoff.rc: - added preliminary pointing models * mpointing/ - updated comments * mraw/MRawCrateData.[h,cc], mraw/MRawEvtHeader.[h,cc], mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - renamed reading the old format to ReadEvtOld - implemented reading format>10 - added the header size as new argument to ReadEvt * mraw/ - made the argument to DecodeTime const - fixed the return value in ReadEvtOld. kCONTINUE could never be returned * mraw/ - gives header size for format>10 to ReadEvt - if EvtHeader could not be read correctly return kFALSE - let MRawCrateData::ReadEvt check end-of-file * - improved explanation for -ff option * - added -ff option - added an option to call MReadRawFiles::SetForceMode * mbase/MTime.[h,cc]: - added new member function SetBinary to easy processing of the time from the new run header * mhflux/ - for the integral (Nm) we have to count also events in under and overflow bins * mjobs/, mjobs/, mjobs/ - call MRawFileRead::SetForceMode to get the (corrected) old behaviour back (not to stop if an event time is broken but to skip the event) * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - the number of events in format version V9 seems to be to high by one. We correct for this. - added new data members for the header sizes - new data member for the file number - increased cize of fSourceEpochChar - consequently increased class version number by 1 * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - improved some titles - added the new rates - added the new values from the star-files * mbase/ - removing the canvases from the global list didn't work because some RecursiveRemovs rely on gROOT->FindObject to work (adding them to another list didn't work either) * mhflux/ - renamed the "Resolution" Histogram accordingly. * mjobs/ - added a histogram showing the arrival time of extracted interleaved calibration events * mraw/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]: - fixed the Draw function. It was broken since the latest changes - added fNumBytesPerSample to the Copy-function - fixed the GetSample-function - added a new member funtion to return the maximu possible * mars.rc: - changed the default for the MUX spline to the 50 sl window * msignal/ - scale the pedestal correctly with the scale * mjobs/ - allow filling of pyrometer information to be skipped * mhist/ - show also colored labels * Makefile: - it seems the looses read permissions for group and others when it is moved. Now they are set manually * datacenter/fillsignal.C, datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - added filling of calibration pulse position - use more often NULL in case of no entries. This is less biasing in case of averaging of values * macros/tutorials/readrfl.C: - print run header - print event header - skip empty events * mhist/ - removed the pointing from the histogram names. It's simply obsolete * mjobs/MJSpectrum.[h,cc]: - removed the kolmogorov test from output - added a new tab showing the energy resolution - therefore added a new BinningImpact to the list of binnings - store the ganymed file's file name in the output * mmain/ - skip events without data in the loop not in the code. This ensures that no task can crash due to this when processing MCs * msql/MSQLMagic.[h,cc]: - fixed InsertUpdate. The primary key was not inserted if Insert was called 2008/06/11 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/MHEnergyEst.[h,cc]: - finally replaced fResolution by more correct histograms - some code cleanup in projecting, profiling and drawing - increased class version number by one * mbase/ - remove the embedded canvas from the global list to prevent global access to it * mhbase/ - fixed a bug if in a 2D constructor a 1D profile was created * mreport/ - tiny changes to the comments 2008/06/10 Thomas Bretz * mreport/MReportPyrometer.[h,cc]: - added * mreport/Makefile, mreport/ReportLinkDef.h: - added MReportPyrometer * mreport/ - removed obsolete include of MAstro * - added Pyrometer information * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.h: - added new member function AddTree to add a container with the corresponding time-stamp * mjobs/, mjobs/ - replaced some AddContainer by the new AddTree - added Pyrometer information to in- and output, respectively * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - added new columns fAvgHumidity, fAvgCloudiness, fRmsCloudiness and fAvgTempSky * mhist/MHWeather.[h,cc]: - removed the display of the solar radiation which was never working - added display of the pyrometer data to the display - reorganized display * mjobs/ - added filling of the weather data also from the pyrometer branch 2008/06/09 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MArgs.[h,cc]: - for convinience store the full command line as Title - replaced *fArgv by fArgv * mbase/ - replaced C-style cast by reinterpret_cast * datacenter/macros/fillcalib.C, datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - removed usage of Nint (obsolete... Form does rounding) * datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C: - removed usage of Nint (obsolete... Form does rounding) - added new columns to get trigger rates from TrigPat tab - fixed some small bugs lately introduced * mhflux/ - fixed a typo in ReInit 2008/06/06 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added average temperature and wind speed - reviewed some ranges * mhbase/ - in the 2D case with labels and boxes use blue line color * mhflux/MHEffectiveOnTime.[h,cc]: - added a new data member fTotalTime counting the total run-time from the run-headers - added the new data member to the display - increased class version number accordingly * mjobs/ - let sum-trigger events pass to get calibrated - improved DefineLabel table for trigger patterns - added MTriggerPattern to output * mjobs/ - added a new tab "Rate" showing the remaining rates per run and trigger pattern after image cleaning - let only event with Lvl1 trigger pass to effective on-time calculation - changed title in plot of avg dc currents and pedestal rms * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - added a counter counting the trigger decision - print the result in the PostProcess 2008/06/06 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - added windspeed and temperature * datacenter/macros/fillcalib.C, datacenter/macros/fillsignal.C, datacenter/macros/fillstar.C: - use MSQLMagic instead of MSQLServer * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - added wind speed and temperature * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - added a plot showing the observation time per exposure (based on the source key) * mbase/ - fixed the SaveAs. A wrong version was comitted * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.h: - added the missing inclusion of TMath (root 5.18) 2008/06/03 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - added missing inclusion of TMath (root 5.18) - initialize gClient in batch mode to repair broken batch-mode in root 5.18. Fortunately this doesn't break root 5.12 - added a SaveAs(const char *c, const Option_t *o) based on the new SaveAs from TGObject * mcalib/MCalibrationChargePix.[h,cc], mextralgo/MExtralgoDigitalFilter.[h,cc]: - moved some code to source file to prevent TMath inclusion in header (root 5.18) * mcalib/, mcalib/ - added the missing inclusion of TMath (root 5.18) * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - for sanity (a bug in root < 5.18) filling fPixels is now done via AddAt. This "repairs" the functionality of the Streamer which before didn't store any contants of fPixels nor read any contents. - Removed the custom Clone function. It is now obsolete, because it works through the fixed Streamer - a Copy-member function has been implemented - a custom Streamer has been implemented allowing to read files containing MGeomCamMagic written with root 5.12 with root 5.18 - A member function containing the workaround has been implemented - Print got an option ("simple") * mgeom/GeomLinkDef.h: - suppress root-Streamer * manalysis/ - added the newly necessary call to the StreamerWorkaround * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]: - because with the IgnoreTObjectStreamer set for MParContainer the bits for the outer rings cannot be stored. This was no problem before because in reality they have never been written or read. To store the bits a new data-member fUserBits has been introduced. - accordingly all calles to set or remove the bits have been changed to use fUserBits instead - the class version number has been increased due to the new data member - improved Print-output 2008/06/02 Thomas Bretz *, - added include of TClass for TIgnoreStreamer (root 5.18) * manalysis/MEventRate.[h,cc]: - moved GetError to source file and included TMath (root 5.18) * manalysis/, mdata/ - included math.h (root 5.18) * mastro/MAstro.[h,cc], mastro/MVector3.[h,cc], mbase/MRunIter.[h,cc], mbase/MTime.[h,cc], mdata/MDataPhrase.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc], mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeBlindPix.[h,cc], mhflux/MHCollectionArea.[h,cc], mhft/MHexagonFreqSpace.[h,cc], mimage/MHillas.[h,cc], mmuon/MMuonSearchPar..[h,cc], mpedestal/MPedestalPix.[h,cc], mpointing/MPointingDev.[h,cc], mpointing/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc], mpointing/MPointingPos.[h,cc], mpointing/MPointing.[h,cc]: - moved some code to source file to prevent TMath inclusion in header (root 5.18) * mbase/ - added missing include TObjArray (root 5.18) - removed obsolete EmarkerStyles (root 5.18) * mbase/ - added missing include TList (root 5.18) * mastro/, mhist/, mhist/, mhvstime/, mhvstime/, mpointing/, mranforest/, mranforest/, mranforest/, mreflector/ - added missing inlcude TH1 (root 5.18) * mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mcalib/, mdata/, mfilter/, mgeom/, mgui/, mhbase/, mhbase/, mhcalib/, mhcalib/, mhflux/, mhist/, mhist/, mranforest/, mreflector/, mreflector/, msql/, mtools/, mtools/, mcalib/, mcalib/, manalysis/, mcalib/, mdata/, mgeom/, mhbase/, mtools/, mhcalib/, mhft/, mranforest/, mtools/, mhflux/, mimage/, mfilter/, mpedestal/ - added missing include of TMath (root 5.18) * mbase/, mdata/, mhbase/, mjobs/, mjoptim/, mmc/MMcEvt.cxx: - added missing include of TClass (root 5.18) * mhbase/ - added missing include of THashList (root 5.18) * mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractor.[h,cc], mpedestal/MPedestalSubtract.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractTime.[h,cc]: - for convinience (rootcint of 5.18) changed "static const TString" to "static const char *" * mhflux/ - Use TString::Data() for second argument in TF1 constructor. Otherwise it is ambiguous in root 5.18 * mhbase/ - adde missing includes of TColor, TMath and TClass (root 5.18) - implemented a workaround which always uses the correct CreateGradientColorTable (root 5.18) * Makefile: - linking of the shared object is now done in /tmp - replaced = by := where possible * mjobs/ - do not invert contcoscal, that's wrong * mmovie/ - added a #if-directive to use either gStyle or TColor for CreateGradientColorTable depending on root-version * mimage/MStereoPar.[h,cc], mimage/MStereoCal.[h,cc]: - replaced Monate Carlo container by MPointingPos - made every algorithm unique 2008/06/01 Thomas Bretz *, - renamed new option to "--null-dev" (clashes with MLog options) * mbase/ - improved output * mbase/ - fixed broken FindTaskList 2008/05/31 Thomas Bretz *, - added new option "--null" to suppress run-wise output files * mjobs/MJob.h: - added new data-member fNullOut to flag suppression of run-wise output files * mjobs/, mjobs/ - use new option HasNullOut from base class * mbase/ - fixed Init (still had a constructor like initializer) * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.h: - included missing MTripperPattern * mtrigger/ - removed default arguments - exchanged ^ by ~ - fixed a few typos in function names 2008/05/27 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/filesondisk - changed the search for raw files to not search in hidden folders 2008/05/25 Thomas Bretz * mtrigger/ - fixed a typo in a comment * mtrigger/MFTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - some code cleanup (mainly unified all the Require and Deny functions into one) - added a DenyAll member function - added Allow member functions including an AllowAll member function * mjobs/ - To choose pedestals we now deny all other trigger bits except the pedestal bit and in the case of data runs we deny all bits except trigger lvl1 and trigger lvl2 * mjobs/ - In addition to denial of prescaled calibration events we deny any bit in the unprescaled pattern but allow only calibration events * mjobs/ - Instead of the denial of only calibration and pedestal events, we now deny any bit in the pattern, but allow Trigger Lvl1 and Trigger Lvl2 events to choose cosmics - Instead of the denial of only lvl1 and lvl2 events, we now deny any bit in the pattern, but allow pedestal events to choose pedestals - Instead of requiring only calibration events, we now deny any bit in the pattern, but require the calibration bit to choose calibration events * mbase/MClone.[h,cc]: - instead of cloning the object again and again we now clone it once and then just copy the contents. A new option has been introduced to switch back to the old behaviour * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - changed the argument of GetEmbeddedCanvas from a pointer to a reference * macros/rootlogon.C: - switched on optimization (-O3) for ACLIC 2008/05/24 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - removed the obsolete fconsmics (what the hell did it do... it removed the largest events?) - added a cosmics trigger for calibration events instead 2008/05/20 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - added a MH3-histogram to be filled. It contains the rate of the trigger pattern per run. - the filter selecting the calibration or pedestal events has been renamed from ftp to fcalped - the MContinue rejecting these events has been renamed from conttp to contcalped - the filter selecting the pedestal events have been renamed from ftp2 to fped - In the case of MUX data (no lo-gain) this filter is now also rejecting lvl1 and lvl2 triggered events - the ftp2-filter for the pedestal extraction tasks and the corresponding histogram fillers is obsolete - the previouls "PedestalFilter" is obsolete. - it doesn't make sense not to extract the signal (filter of teskenv1, taskenv2 and taskenv3) but process the rest of the tasklist - the pedestal extraction (as the calibration was already) has been moved to its own tasklist with the corresponding filter applied. - tlist3 has been renamed to tlist4 - contped has been removed from the tasklist * mhbase/ - fixed a bug introduced with the lables (it must be !(x&y) instead of !x&y * mjobs/ - shortened a line of output to fit into 80 characters 2008/05/19 Thomas Bretz * Makefile.conf.general, Makefile.conf.linux: - distinguish between := (eval once) and = (eval every access) * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MObjLookup * mbase/MObjLookup.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/ - set progress bar position to 0 before PreProcessing * mdata/MDataMember.[h,cc]: - added a member function to get a string * mfilter/ - fixed a typo in a comment * mhbase/MH.[h,cc]: - improved SetBinning for newer root-versions - improved SetBinning to correctly support axis with labels (keeps the binning unchanged) * mhbas/MH3.[h,cc], mhbase/MHn.[h,cc]: - support for axis labels was added. - a possibility to set an additional weight has been added - the version number has been increased accordingly * mjobs/ - deny level1 and level2 triggers choosing pedestal events * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - added a member function returning the RunLength (stop-start) * mtrigger/MTriggerPattern.[h,cc]: - wrapped some comments - improved comments 2008/05/15 Thomas Bretz * mfilter/MFMagicCuts.[h,cc]: - fixed a few typos in comments and in the output - added an option kAreaLin with a linear cut in area for special studies * mbase/ - if no MStatusArray is found, keys which store a TCanvas object are displayed instead if available * mhcalib/MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.[h,cc]: - the extraction range to get the maximum is now determined automatically from the MExtractedSignalCam * mpedestal/, msignal/ - raise an error if there is a mismatch in the number of samples 2008/05/14 Thomas Bretz * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc], mhbase/MHn.[h,cc]: - enhanced to allow direct filling of Profile histograms * mjobs/MDataSet.h: - fixed a bug in Print() causing an infinite loop * mjtrain/, mjtrain/ - write the dataset(s) to the output file * mjtrain/ - write the dataset to the output file - added new plots to show the resolution versus several different parameters * mpedestal/MPedestalSubtract.[h,cc]: - added an additional check to compate the number of hi-/lo-gain slices in the run- and event-header * mpointing/ - added the 14th Jan 08 to the list of new pointing models 2008/05/07 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/checkmd5sum - implemented check of files from /magic and /data * datacenter/scripts/checktransfer - changed the search for temporary zipfiles to not search in hidden directories * datacenter/scripts/movingrawfiles2 - movingrawfiles to move raw files from /data/fromtape * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto - changed default callisto.rc to callisto_mux_new.rc * datacenter/scripts/zipscript - changed the script due to the fact that /magic/data/rawfiles is now a link - changed the find to not search in hidden directories - added the -n option to ssh * resources/calibration_spline.rc - added calibration factors for periods 62-66 but these are not newly calculated, simply pasted from previous periods! 2008/04/08 Thomas Bretz * mreport/ - implemented changes of Version 20080220 2008/03/19 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - fixed a bug introduced yesterday. The overflow bin was not correctly referenced 2008/03/18 Thomas Bretz * - added new option "--force-runtime" * mbase/MEnv.h: - added WriteFile to context menu * mjobs/MJSpectrum.[h,cc]: - added a new option to force using the runtime instead of the effective observation time (this might bw wrong for very short datasets) - added a check if the effective observation time is out of the histogram range... print a warning if so and include the overflow bins into the eff. obs time - added an estimated sensitivity curve for high and low za to the spectrum plots - added description text for 1553 and crab spectrum - write out the MC events after cuts including their weights - do not fit at 1TeV but 500GeV instead * mjobs/ - check in WriteContainer whether the file is already open * mpointing/ - added some more comments * mhflux/MMcSpectrumWeight.[h,cc]: - added the possibility to extend a spectrum by "fake" statistics 2008/03/14 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - inserted new arehucas version 2008/03/04 Thomas Bretz * condor/program.submit, condor/macro.submit, condor/script.submit: - added 2008/03/03 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc]: - allow to project individual bins in DrawNicePlot 2008/02/24 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MLog.h: - added a getter for the OutputLevel (for debugging) * mpointing/MPointing.h: - added a memberfunction to calculate the Abs-value * mpointing/PointingLinkDef.h: - added RaDec 2008/02/21 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php: - display 'Remark' only in case of errors 2008/02/08 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/checkmd5sum - added check to prevent that checksums of files not read from tape enter the .lapalma file * datacenter/scripts/dbchk - added check for crashed runs, sequences and datasets - corrected bugs in find command and $dir-loops - adapted to the automatic concept and added it to the cronjobs 2008/02/01 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C - added default entry for fCompmux for new runs * datacenter/macros/checkfileavail.C - added checking of fCompmux 2008/02/01 Daniel Hoehne * datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php: - fixed 'bug' with query. Now runs are displayed in ascending order 2008/01/31 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MThread.[h,cc]: - imported from Cosy * mbase/Makefile: - added MThread * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added MThread 2008/01/27 Thomas Bretz * .rootrc: - updated with the correct path to the ViewCVS 2008/01/24 Thomas Bretz * mpointing/ - added ClassImp for RaDec * mpointing/MPointing.h: - added code for classes AltAz and RaDec deriving from TVector2 not to be used in Mars and Cosy 2008/01/24 Daniel Hoehne * scripts/preparemc: - adapted to new rawfile/camera structure in /magic/montecarlo 2008/01/14 Thomas Bretz * mpointing/MPointing.h: - added enumeration operator[] 2008/01/11 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - correctly use delete[] instead of delete for fGuiLInes as suggested by valgrind. 2008/01/09 Thomas Bretz * mbadpixels/MBadPixelsTreat.[h,cc]: - removed obsolete fRawHeader * mpointing/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc]: - added Paint member function * mpointing/MSrcPosRndm.[h,cc]: - also produce a antio source position for wobble observations * mraw/, mjobs/, mpedestal/ - some cosmetics