Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2009/02/11 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/MCalibColorSet.[h,cc]: - removed some obsolete break statements - removed obsolete gkMCRunLimit - fixed setting of signal strength for extremely old runs (I think we don't have them anyway) * mcalib/ - improved output * mcalib/ - stop if no valid pulser colors have been found * mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.h: - some cosmetics - added some getter * mhist/ - some improvements to output * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.[h,cc]: - moved the getter returning a TString to the source file - replaced Form by MString::Format * mraw/ - initialize fSourceEpochChar[1] - initialize fNumEventsRead - suppress more output which has not been initialized - removed run-type from SetRunInfo - added new function SetRunType - use strncpy instead of memcpy - replaced const char[] arguments by TString * msimreflector/MReflector.[h,cc]: - added Print - added a circle around the mirror showing fMaxR * mastro/ - updated some typos in comments * mbase/ - replaced Form by MString::Format * mbase/ - made the total number of executions really count the total number * mcalib/ - some cosmetics - corrected the use of a wrong FindCreateObj * mcorsika/ - added a comment * mfileio/ - improved output - improved the copy of a tree (now done without unpacking) - made sure that copied trees are shown in the summary - made sure that the copied trees are nevertheless deleted * mfilter/ - adapted to change in GetNumExecutions * mhbase/ - set the number of executions (as it is in MTask) before the execution * mhbase/ - improved the statistics output * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - don't create an own pad anymore - removed SetRange - SetRange now done via MH::SetPadRange - some sanity checks if fGeomCam is set - some adaptions to the new layout scheme without an own pad - Changed DrawProjection to a more commonly usable scheme - Removed all dependencies from MGeomCamMagic - start the gaus fit with the maximum not the integral * mjobs/ - If the input files contain an OriginalMC tree copy it - consequently we make the MMcEvtBasic from the parameter-list optional - fixed the rule (MC files with .root as extension could not be processed) * mjobs/MJCalibration.[h,cc], mjobs/MJPedestal.[h,cc]: - Use MHCamera::CamDraw more extensively - replace use of Form by MString::Format * mjobs/ - added an option to switch the cmaera electronics off - write some more containers to output file (for easy access) - set the MC bit in the header - now use MSimMMCS to "fake" the correct file structure - added three new writers to write the MMcEvtBasic information - added a display of the most important things * mmain/ - don't change into the not more existing pad of a MHCamera * msimcamera/ - adapted GetNumExecution - SetReadyToSave for the run header - jitter the number of emitted photons - corrected the emitted trigger positon - (re)set calibration pattern * mbase/MLut.[h,cc]: - added overload of Delete() function - added IsDefault - added SetDefault * mfileio/ - fixed output in OpenFile * mjobs/ - allow the "Night" resource to be empty * msimcamera/ - some small improvements in case of empty maps * msimcamera/MSimReadout.[h,cc]: - reset gain. Use the new fConversionFactor instead - removed some setting of fRunHeader * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc]: - on useer request now offset and gain can be used to convert the signal back into units of phe - added possibility to use empty lookup tables - added debug output 2009/02/10 Thomas Bretz * manalysis/ - removed obsolete include of MmcRunHeader * mbase/MSpline3.[h,cc]: - improved the available constructors - added some comments for future use - added default constructor - added GetHistogram() * mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added fImpactMax - added some Getters * melectronics/MPulseShape.[h,cc]: - set class version to 1 to make it storable - set a title for the splines - implemented Paint function * mhbase/MH.[h,cc]: - added SetPadRange * mhist/MHCamEvent.[h,cc]: - Init the geometry in ReInit thus it can work with a geometry stored in a file - Make sure that histogranms already drawn properly to a pad are found in Paint - added RecursiveRemove for sanity * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.h: - added SetSpectrum * mmc/MMcEvt.hxx: - added SetEvtNumber - added SetPhotElfromShower * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.[h,cc]: - added operator= * mmc/MMcRunHeader.[hxx, cxx]: - set default for the versions to UShort_t(-1) - added some comments - added SetNumSimulatedShowers - added SetImpactMax * mraw/ - suppress some information in header if not valid * msignal/ - if (!fPedestal) we should return kTRUE not kFALSE * msimreflector/MMirror.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorDisk.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorHex.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorSquare.[h,cc], msimreflector/MReflector.[h,cc], - added Print - some cosmetics in header - set class version to 1 to make it storable * mtools/ - updated 2009/02/10 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/tabs.php: - if csv-file doesn't exist, only logs are displayed now 2009/02/08 Thomas Bretz * Makefile.conf.linux: - added -Winit-self * msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.[h,cc]: - account for the pulse shape/width - make number of photons settable - make time jitter settable - renamned fNumEntries to fNumEvents - don't set daq event number (should be set by the "daq") - set trigger pattern - print number of events in PreProcess * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]: - made the detector margin settable * datacenter/macros/insertcacofile.C, datacenter/macros/insertsequence.C: - print an error and exit * macros/optim/optimdisp.C: - set the default values as default - added a short summary what a good strategy for optimization is * mastro/ - replaced Form by MString::Form * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.[h,cc], mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - moved fParticleID from event header to run header - increased Class Version accordingly - added an error if more than one observation levels are read * mhcalib/ - replaced Form by MString::Form - handle the creating of the TF1 fExpFit a bit more "root-safe" * mhist/MHCamEvent.[h,cc]: - added a new option to collect the maximum or minimum contents * mhist/MHCamera.[h,cc]: - added new functions SetMax/MinCamContent * mraw/ - initialize the data members in constructor * mraw/MRawEvtHeader.h: - removed bits for trigger type they were never used * mraw/ - tiny cosmetics * msim/MHPhotonEvent.[h,cc]: - added a histogram to display the height - don't fill kNightSky photons * msim/MPhotonData.h: - added getter for fProductionHeight * msim/MPhotonEvent.h: - commented IsValid (was not used anyhow) * msimcamera/MSimGeomCam.[h,cc]: - added one sample to the window to allow for time jitter of one sample - make the code for the window indentical to MSimCalibrationSignal * msimcamera/MSimReadout.[h,cc]: - Set the daq event number (readout number) * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc]: - added comments - made the signal length settable - made the coincidence time settable - removed setting of the daq event number (should be done by the "daq") - changed the trigger output from all to inf/inf2 * msimcamera/Makefile: - added -I../mtrigger * mjobs/MJSimulation.[h,cc]: - added new mode to force the use of the trigger "electronics" - moved setup of the fadc to the resource file - added a new histogram to show the maximum signal in all pixels - automatically setup the range of the TrigPos histogram - don't show all histograms in all run conditions * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added ReadEnv for a setup from a resource file in ceres * msimcamera/ - added a sanity check if ReInit has not been called 2009/02/07 Thomas Bretz * sponde.rc: - fixed a typo * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - added a comment * mbase/MContinue.h: - changed a comment * mbase/MEnv.h, mbase/ - Do not assign a temporary TString to const char * * mcamera/MCameraCentralPix.[h,cc]: - changed fDC from Float_t to Int_t * mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhbase/, mastro/, mastro/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mhbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mbase/, mhbase/, mhbase/,mhflux/, mhist/, mhflux/, mmuon/, mmovie/, mhflux/, mhist/, mmain/, mreflector/ - use MString::Format instead of Form * msim/ - don't fill kNightSky primaries * msim/MPhotonEvent.[h,cc]: - return the number of non NightSky photons * msimcamera/ - changed default for fSigma from 1 to -1 * mbase/ - changed default title * mfileio/ - set kMustCleanup bit, otherwise it is not correctly deleted from the list of cleanups * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - added RecursiveRemove * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.[h,cc]: - moved code to source file - improved setting of a new fFunc * mhflux/MHAlpha.[h,cc], mhvstime/MHSectorVsTime.[h,cc] - added RecursiveRemove * mjobs/ - added MSimPSF - Show only the non NightSky photons in the size plot - changed the binning of BinningEvtWidth 2009/02/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/include.php: - adapted status-query 2009/02/05 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - implemented new SuperArehucas version 2009/02/03 Thomas Bretz * mastro/MAstroCatalog.[h,cc]: - searches now all catalogs also in the datacenter default path if the file could not be found * mbase/ - also print information about added tabs in batch mode * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.h: - fixed a comment * mfileio/ - added some more log-output - open a new /dev/null only if none with the same title already exists - added some comments * mhflux/ - Don't call PaintText if FitH failed (as suggested by valgrind) * mjobs/, mjobs/ - added a title to all MWriteRootFile * mreport/ - added more comments - improved log-output 2009/02/03 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/plotdb.php: - sequence as default when startup * datacenter/db/plotdb.php, datacenter/db/plot.php: - added possibility to set size of plot 2009/02/03 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/budb: - added getdbsetup 2009/02/02 Thomas Bretz * mcamera/MCameraCentralPix.[h,cc]: - added data member fDC - increased class version number accordingly * mreport/ - improved debug output - remove minus from the third argument in SCHEDULE * mreport/MReportCamera.[h,cc]: - fixed for ver>=200812140 - added InterpretePSSEN - added InterpreteLIQ * msimcamera/ - added a time-shift uniformly according to the bin-width 2009/01/30 Thomas Bretz * RELEASE V2.2 2009/02/02 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/, mjobs/ - fixed the regular expresssion 2009/01/30 Thomas Bretz * datacenter/macros/fillcmt.C: - added * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C: - extended loop to show all periods again * msim/ - don't change the sign of the cosines. The direction of the particle doesn't neet to be changed * msimreflector/ - change the rotation matrix to fit the change in MPhotonData 2009/01/29 Thomas Bretz * melectronics/ - changed spline range from -25/25 to -8/8 * mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/ - for sanity (thread safety) replaced Form by MString::Format * mhflux/ - initialize fHalf as suggested by valgrind * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C: - updated comments * resources/calibration_spline.rc: - updated 2009/01/27 Thomas Bretz * macros/rootlogon.C: - added new subdirectories * melectronics/MAnalogSignal.[h,cc]: - added the posssibility to add a pulse from a TF1 - removed the printout if out of range - returns whether the range had to be adapted - changed the Discriminate function to allow for giving a start and end time of the search - imporved the fining of the falling and rising edge - removed the printout in Discriminate * msimcamera/MSimCamera.[h,cc]: - moved the pulse shape specific code into a new class MPulseShape - Fixed the range of the digitization * melectronics/MPulseShape.[h,cc]: - added * melectronics/Makefile, melectronics/ElectronicsLinkDef.h: - added MPulseShape * msimcamera/MSimGeomCam.[h,cc]: - Fixed the time window for random photons (Maybe move to a later step in the analysis?) * msimcamera/ - call SetReadyToSave for the run-header - added some debug output in case of failure * msimcamera/MSimSignalCam.[h,cc]: - subtract the trigger position of any * msimcamera/ - some changes to the debug output * mjobs/MJSimulation.[h,cc]: - added * mjobs/Makefile, mjobs/JobsLinkDef.h: - added MJSimulation *,,,,, - added parenthesis suggested by compiler * mbase/ - included TClass for newwer root versions * msimreflector/ - fixed return if read file was not existing * msimrelfector/ - added sanity check if reflector is valid * datacenter/macros/insertdataset.C: - added fPriority * datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C: - write a root-file as the other plot-macros do * mreflector/ - added some SetDirectory(NULL), although this class is a candidate for removal * mjobs/, mjobs/ - make the CheckEnv fail if kFALSE is returned 2009/01/26 Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - added mcorsika, msim, msimreflector, msimcamera and msimelectronics - added readcorsika * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added MParEnv * mbase/MParEnv.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/MParameters.[h,cc]: - added ReadEnv to all classes * mbase/ - return the container within MParEnv if MParEnv found * mbase/ - fixed a typo * manalysis/ - added a comment * melectronics/MAnalogChannels.[h,cc]: - made the GetNum* unsigned - added new member functions to just initialize one size * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added a possibility to just init the number of pixels * msimcamera/MSimReadout.[h,cc]: - get the number of output channels from the camera geometry - initialize the runheader in ReInit - initialize the data arrays from the run-header in reinit * mimage/ - the default binning is not scales by 0.9 anymore * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.h: - added new type "artificial" * mraw/ - set header size in constructor to 0 * msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.[h,cc]: - we need fEvt and fTrigger always - renamed ReInit to CallReInit - set photon primary type - set number of photons from 50 to 5 * msimcamera/ - explicitly set weight to 1 * mjobs/Makefile: - added msim, msimreflector, msimcamera and mcorsika 2009/01/25 Thomas Bretz * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added MLut * mbase/MLut.[h,cc]: - added * msimcamera/MSimCamera.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimRadout.[h,cc], msimcamera/SimCameraLinkDef.h, msimcamera/Makefile, msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.[h,cc], msimcamera/SimCameraIncl,h: - added * mjobs/ - included TClass for newer root versions * mreflector/ - repaced a use of MHexagon by a direct use of MGeomCam * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.[h,cc]: - added some getters - remobved some obsolete comment - set entries to 1 by default * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - split the Get[Max,Min]Radius into two member functions - added the HitDetector based on the maximum radius calculated * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc]: - removed overloading of the new HitDetector * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]: - reset fUserBits in constructor according to a suggestion by valgrind - added GetT member function * mjobs/ - replaced some Form calls for sanity by MString::Format - check the result of CheckEnv * mjobs/ - check the result of CheckEnv * mjobs/ - fixed a typo in the name for the seed value resource * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - added a getter for run type point run * msignal/ - don't execute Process at all if fPedestal==NULL * msignal/ - aded case 10 and 11 to GetPixelContent * msim/ - replaced case 4 by using the traversal distance in the 0-pixel * msimcamera/ - set pixel only to used if contents>0 * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc]: - added ReadEnv for setup from a resource file - compress the trigger list after deleting slots - initialize descriminator threshold with -1 - check for the validity of the discr. th in PreProcess * msimreflector/MReflector.[h,cc]: - store file name in title - added ReadEnv for setup from a resource file * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]: - changed copyright notice - added fDetectorMargin 2009/01/24 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - added two explicit conversion to make it compile on my Ubuntu - Replaced some Form by MString::Format - included MString 2009/01/23 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/showplots-ds.php, datacenter/db/tabs.php, datacenter/db/plot.php: - adapted path to new web file structure * datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php: - added option to group by date (year, month, night): pulldown in menu and adapted query * datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php: - enabled possibility to combine all group-bys * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php: - enhances information printed in table in case of group-by * datacenter/db/include.php: - adapted pulldown of status-group-by * datacenter/db/menu.php: - added pulldown for sumtrigger-flag to sequinfo-menu - added function to print pulldown for group-by date 2009/01/23 Thomas Bretz * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.[h,cc], msim/MPhotonData.[h,cc], msimcamera/, msimreflector/, msimreflector/, msimreflector/MMirrorSquare.[h,cc], msimreflector/, msimreflector/, melectronics/ - moved code which needs TMath to source file - included TMath for newer root versions - included TObjArray for newer root versions * msimcamera/MSimAPD.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimBundlePhotons.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimRandomPhotons.[h,cc]: - added * melectronics/Makefile, melectronics/MAnalogChannels.[h,cc], melectronics/ElectronicsIncl.h, melectronics/ElectronicsLinkDef.h, melectronics/MDigitalSignal.[h,cc], melectronics/MAnalogSignal.[h,cc], melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.[h,cc]: - added * msim/M*.cc, msimreflector/M*.cc, msimcamera/M*.cc: - changed copyright notice * mjobs/MJob.[h,cc]: - for convinience replaced GetEnvValue by GetEnvValue2 - added initialization of the random number generator *, mcorsika/CorsikaIncl.h: - added 2009/01/22 Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - added new functions to access the runtype * msim/ - removed some obsolete comments * msim/MPhotonEvent.[h,cc] - added some comments - added new member function GetFirst and GetLast - UnSort the array after reading new data - removed some old obsolete code - added new meber function Sort and IsSorted * msimreflector/ - force sorting of the array * msimcamera/MSimPSF.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimGeomCam.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimExcessNoise.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimSignalCam.[h,cc]: - added 2009/01/21 Thomas Bretz * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MQuaternion - added MReflection * mbase/MQuaternion.[h,cc], mbase/MReflection.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/MArrayI.[h,cc]: - added a few new functions (ReSort, Add, Find and AddUniq) * mbase/ - replaced delete by delete[] where appropriate * mgeom/MGeomCam.h: - added new virtual functions HitFrame and HitDetector - included MQuaternion * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc]: - added new functions HitFrame and HitDetector: * msim/ - removed the reference to MCamera * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc], mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]: - moved DistanceToPrimitive from MHexagon to MGeomPix - moved the funtions to calculate overlapping areas also, but they are still in a comment * mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]: - started implementing a rotation angle - added data meber fPhi - increased class version number * mhist/, mtools/ - we don't have to use a MHexagon anymore caluclating DistanceToPrimitive * msimreflector/MMirror.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorSquare.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorHex.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorDisk.[h,cc], msimreflector/MReflector.[h,cc], msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc], msimreflector/Makefile, msimreflector/SimReflectorLinkDef.h, msimreflector/SimReflectorIncl.h: - added 2009/01/21 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/read_lapalma-tapes: - added check of the tape slot when exporting the tapes 2009/01/20 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/MJob.h: - added Esc member function * msim/MPhotonData.[h,cc], msim/MPhotonEvent.[h,cc], msim/MSimAbsorption.[h,cc], msim/MSimPointingPos.[h,cc], MHPhotonEvent.[h,cc], msim/Makefile, msim/SimIncl.h msim/SimLinkDef.h: - added 2009/01/19 Thomas Bretz * mfileio/ - simplified how the rules are evaluated using TPregexp - by this the rules got more powerful * mjobs/, mjobs/ - changed ols style rule to new style 2009/01/18 Thomas Bretz * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MSpline3 * mcorsika/ - some little cosmetics * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.h: - added some missing getters * mcorsika/ - removed some obsolete comments - reordered some comments * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.h: - changed default in GetIntegral from true to false * mraw/MRawEvtHeader.h: - added Setter for DAQEventNumber * mraw/ - start pixel hardware indices with 1 not with 0 2009/01/17 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]: - added a new function RndmExp which should be a tiny bit faster than root's own implementation because it ises Rndm() instead of Uniform() * mextralgo/ExtralgoIncl.h: - added MArrayF * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.[h,cc]: - divided FindY into FindYup and FindYdn to avoid an obsolete if-clause - added a new member function to return the integral function of the spline. This is useful to init a new spline and use it for producing the proper random distribution. * mpedestal/MPedestalSubtractedEvt.[h,cc]: - added Print() function * mraw/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]: - added a member function to Reset the arrays - added member function to set the pixel indices - Improved the new Set function * - added 2009/01/16 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/scripts/mcsequences: - implemented sumtrigger -> modes, fTriggerFlagKEY - fPriority(MCSequenceProcessStatus) is now filled into the mcdb * datacenter/scripts/fillmccallisto, fillmcstar: - bugfix: changed argument of $primaries from [$s+$s] to [$s] * datacenter/macros/fillcamera.C: - changed NumPheFromDNSB to float(7,3) - fPriority(MCRunProcessStatus) is now filled into the mcdb * datacenter/macros/fillmccalib.C: - minor changes, bugfix (wrong column name for mcdb) * datacenter/macros/fillmcsignal.C: - definition of some parameters changed according to fillsignal.C - minor changes, deleted unnecessary code - implemented if clause for HiLo-Parameters. Instead of seqno<200000 the fAmplFadcKEY is queried in the mcdb for each sequence. For MUX MCs the HiLo-Parameters are not calculated. 2009/01/15 Thomas Bretz * - cosmetics to output * mcorsika/ - cosmetics (removed a ;;) * mhist/MHEvent.[h,cc]: - ReInit to allow the change of the camera geoemtry in ReInit 2009/01/15 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck: - removed the _E in the find command; files from 2008/06/04 on do not have it any more 2009/01/14 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - extended errorcoding on mc run process status * datacenter/scripts/runmccallisto, runmcstar: - deleted unnecessary lines, adapted to primary structure * datacenter/macros/fillmcsignal.C, fillmccalib.C, fillmcstar.C: - added * datacenter/scripts/fillmccallisto, fillmcstar: - added 2009/01/14 Thomas Bretz * - check first whether the file exist before adding the extension * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]: - added function to Re-sort an array * mfileio/, mfileio/ - Improved output * mfileio/ - fixed a problem which prevented to open more than one /dev/null devices independantly * mgeom/ - cosmetics * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.h: - fixed a typo in an ifdef * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]: - added funtion to return positon as TVector2 - slightly improved the algorithm to check IsInside - fixed the conditional signs for the orientation of pixels in GetDirection * mmain/ - Give different names to the MPedestalSubtract tasks - fixed buttons - call AddGeometryTags after ReInit to allow reading new geometries in ReInit * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.h: - added a new primary type kNightSky * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h: - replaced type of the number of bytes by UInt_t * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - allow to validate the magic-number from outside (for MCs) * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - added a lot of comments - reordered values in input card - switched off a lot of obsolete output - changed the Magnetic field to a value corresponding to the location of MAGIC at 2200m height valid for January 2009. (The old value never took place there?!) The value was taken from 2009/01/12 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/db/menu.php: - bugfix: now the SumTriggerFlag is correctly displayed in the web interface 2009/01/09 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/macros/fillcamera.C - implemented new variables: zbinmin, zbinmax, number of sumtriggers, sum trigger flag - bugfix: for P and C runs the mirror fraction and the impact parameter had unreasonable values (negative) which were filled into the mcdb, now->0 * datacenter/scripts/fillcamera, mcsequences: - implemented call of getdbsetup 2009/01/09 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/buildsequenceentries - corrected IFS argument 2009/01/08 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/filesondisk - added S and N runs 2009/01/07 Daniel Hoehne-Moench * datacenter/macros/filldotrun.C: - updated column counting numbers - included a check for the number of columns in the runfiles * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C: - implemented SumTriggerFlagKEY for sequence building 2009/01/06 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MArrayB.h, mbase/MArrayD.h, mbase/MArrayF.h, mbase/MArrayI.h, mbase/MArrayS.h: - removed GetSize * mbase/MArrayF.h: - added Add() - added AddClipped * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]: - implemented ReSort * mcorsika/ - removed obsolete comments * mcorsika/ - cosmetics * mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added comments about file contents - added fWavelengthMin/Max * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.[h,cc]: - renamed SearchY to SearchYdn - fixed a problem in SearchYup (must be ++i instead of i++) (this is relatively unimportant because it was only used in the determination of the pulse width which we never really used) - added a sanity/range-check to SearchYup and SearchYdn - added a comment - changed the order of arguments in EvalDeriv1 - changed the order of arguments in EvalDeriv2 - accelerated EvalDeriv1 (one multiplication less) - added Deriv1 function - made SearchYup and SearchYdn public * mjobs/ - removed an obsolete return statement * mraw/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]: - changed pointer in AddPixel to reference - added a Set function * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added a lot of fixes for wrong run numbers written by Arehucas - added a fix for strange file numbers written by Arehucas - added functions as monta carlo interface to set contents * msignal/ - defined a case 9 2009/01/05 Thomas Bretz * mhbase/MH.h: - commited missing changes from last year * - fixed a description * - added "Multiple dataset at once" * - removed obsolete -ff option from output * mbase/MTime.[h,cc]: - added GetBinary - added WriteBinary * mbase/ - display paused status in status line - improved pause handling