-*-*- END -*-*- 2001/10/23: Thomas Bretz * macros/dohtml.C: - changed macro names * macros/getCollArea.C: - renamed to collarea.C - make use of new fast MReadTree * macros/getRate.C: - renamed to trigrate.C * macros/getThreshold.C: - renamed to threshold.C * Makefile.depend: - removed * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - fixed wrong usage of new operator in TClonesArray - the aspect ratio of the Canvas is used now to display geometries correctly (no 'small CT1 camera anymore) - replaced include of MCerPhotPix by a forward declaration - replaced include of MHexagon by a forward declaration * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - added GetMaxRadius()-function - added CalcMaxRadius()-function - replaced include of MGeomPix by a forward declaration - replaced include of TObjArray by a forward declaration * mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc, mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc: - call CalcMaxRadius in the constructor 2001/10/22: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MH*.[h,cc]: - changed DrawClone according to root 3.01/06 to 'const' 2001/10/16: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added some output statements - added comments - added UseLeaf - changed AddFile to Int_t - simplified GetEntry call * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc], MGeomCamCT1.[h,cc], MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc]: - added come comments - removed Draw-function * mars.cc: - Changed name of TROOT object to 'mars' * merpp.cc: - changed name of TROOT object to 'merpp' - added some more ouput * mbase/MBaseLinkDef.h: - added MRootFileBranch - added MRootFileTree * mgui/MGeomPix.cc, mbase/MClone.cc, mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - added comments * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - added missing include - added another time output * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc: - added ClassImp * mhist/MFillH.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc: - changed output * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc: - small fixes - changed error calculation according to Ciro * macros/CT1Hillas.C: - fixes some bugs (typos) 2001/10/05: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, mbase/MClone.[h,cc], mbase/MFilterList.h, mbase/MWriteFile.h, mbase/MWriteRootFile.h, mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.cc, meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc, meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.h, meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.h, mgui/MGeomPix.h, mhist/MFillH.h, mhist/MHHillas.h, mmain/MAnalysis.h, mmain/MBrowser.h, mmain/MCameraDisplay.h, mmain/MDataCheck.h, mmain/MEvtDisp.h, mmain/MMonteCarlo.h, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc - comments updated * mbase/MFilter.[h,cc]: - made IsExpressionTrue abstract * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - fixed a bug that only every second event was displayed * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - reorganized code (changing pixel number drawed the histogram twice) * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - added fDrawingPad to make sure that all output goes into the same pad * mhist/HistLinkDef.h, mhist/Makefile: - removed old MFillH* classes 2001/10/02: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MClone.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.[h,cc], mmain/MCameraDisplay.[h,cc]: - added * macros/readMagic.C: - fixed a "'->' and '.' mixed bug" * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - added initialisation of fIn * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - made IsPixelExisting const - made IsPixelCore const - made IsPixelUsed const - made GetNumPhotons[Min,Max] const * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MClone * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc], mbase/MParList.[h,cc], mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added SetOwner-support * mdatacheck/DataCheckLinkDef.h, mdatacheck/Makefile: - removed MShowSpect - removed MViewAdcSpect * mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.cc: - added missing descriptions * mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc]: - small changes * meventdisp/EvtDispLinkDef.h: - added MGEvtDisplay - added MGCamDisplay * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - derived from MGEvtDisplay - most of the code moved to MGEvtDisplay to support MGCamDisplay, too * meventdisp/Makefile: - added MGCamDisplay * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - cleaned - reorganized * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - added missing descriptions * mhist/MHFadcPix.cc: - reorganized some code in the constructor which creates the 'names' * mhist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - Draw-function supports a default canvas now * mmain/MDataCheck.cc: - added/rorganized comments - removed usage of MViewAdcSpectra * mmain/MMars.[h,cc]: - added new "Camera Display" Button * mmain/MainLinkDef.h, mmain/Makefile: - added MCameraDisplay 2001/09/28: Thomas Bretz * macros/getRate.C: - changed TObjArray to a non-pointer object - added Printing of the result at the end of the macro * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - added DrawClone * mhist/MHMcRate.[h,cc]: - added a dummy for DrawClone * mmain/MMonteCarlo.[cc, h]: - added Gui elements - added CalculateCollectionArea (not yet tested) - added CalculateTriggerRate (not yet tested) - added Threshold (not yet tested) * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.cc: - removed output stuff from PostProcessing * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks 2001/09/27: Thomas Bretz * mmain/MBrowser.cc: - added comments * mmain/MAnalysis.[h,cc]: - added entry field for cleaning levels - restructured code a bit * mhist/MFillH.cc: - fixed missing initialization of member variables in Init * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc]: - Added comments - Added DrawClone - Removed kCanDelete bits from Draw function * mhist/MHStarMap.[h,cc]: - Added comments - Added DrawClone - moved some code from the Draw-functions to PrepareDrawing 2001/09/26: Thomas Bretz * mmain/MMars.[cc,h], mmain/MBrowser.[cc,h], MDataCheck.[cc,h], mmain/MEvtDisp.[cc,h], mmain/MMonteCarlo.[cc,h]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks - small changes in layout * mmain/MAnalysis.[h,cc]: - added * macros/*: - added Copyright notice - added some small sanity checks * macros/MagicHillas.C: - fixed '->' bug - changed MFillHStarMap to MFillH * mbase/MReadTree.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - removed an old debug statement * mmain/MMars.cc: - added new Analysis functionality * mmain/MainLinkDef.h: - addded MAnalysis * mmain/Makefile: - added MAnalysis.cc * mmc/McLinkDef.h: - removed nonsens define statement 2001/09/25: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - changed make tar so that 'CVS/Root' isn't added to the tar-file anymore It contains the origin (CVSROOT) of the repository and my confuse people triing to commit changed files from such an archive to the repository * mmain/MBrowser.[cc,h]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks * mmain/MMars.[cc,h]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks 2001/09/20: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - made working with Cosy - fixed gui stuff to work like expected * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.h: - replaced TROOT.h by MAGIC.h * mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.h: - added description 2001/09/20: Thomas Bretz * released Version 0.4 * mevtdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc, mmain/MMars.cc: - switched to root version >= 3.00 * Makefile.conf.linux: - added to support the new Linux distributions * .rootrc: - removed references to MARSSYS 2001/09/13: Thomas Bretz * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - removed "-Woverloaded-virtual". it doesn't really help 2001/08/02: Thomas Bretz * macros/getRate.C: - make use of new stylish lists of containers * macros/CT1Hillas.C, macros/getCollArea.C: - make use of return value of Eventloop * macros/merpp.C: - changed return type to void 2001/07/23: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - redifinition of default argument: fixed 2001/07/23: Thomas Bretz * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.[cc,h]: - changed PreProcess action to new stylish lists of containers * mhist/Makefile: - removed MEnergies.cc * mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - removed MEnergies.cc * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - removed a bug which causes MReadTree to show strange behaviour. We cannot use GetBranch()->SetAddress() we have to use SetBranchAddress. * macros/MagicHillas.C: - changed to new stylish histogram fillers. * mhist/MHMcRate.cc: - some simplifications to the constructors - some accelerations of the rate calculation * mhist/MHHillas.C: - added axis descriptions (thanks to Rudy) 2001/07/20: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MH.cc: - added comments * mhist/MFillH.cc: - added comments * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - Added AddToList from a TObjArray - Added GetClassName - Added GetObjName - Added FindObjectList - Added FindCreateObjList - Added CreateObjList * mhist/MHMcEnergies.[h,cc]: - deleted * mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - rewrote constructor in a way that MHMcEnergies isn't needed anymore - added a SetName function which replaces the old constructor somehow * macros/getThreshold.C: - make use of some new features 2001/07/19: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - added comments * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - changed the wrong 'break' for kCONTINUE into 'return kTRUE' * mhist/MH.[cc,h] - added * mhist/MFillH.[cc,h] - added - in principal MFillHHillas, MFillHFadc and MFillHStarMap can be deleted now * mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - added MH - added MFillH * mhist/MFillHFadc.cc: - moved source for filling to corresponding histogram class * mhist/MFillHHillas.cc: - included MHillas.h * mhist/MHFadcCam.[cc, h]: - added Fill - made FillHi, FillLo private * mhist/MHHillas.[cc, h], mhist/MHStarMap.[h,cc]: - changed Fill function to new style - derived class from MH * mhist/Makefile: - added MH.cc - added MFillH.cc 2001/07/18: Oscar Blanch * macros/getRate.C: - Macro to compute the trigger rate from a MonteCarlo file * mhist/MHMcRate.[h,cc]: - Container to store trigger rate information - Draw() functin member to be implemented * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.[h,cc]: - Task to compute trigger rate 2001/07/13: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - Added a result value to Eventloop to be able to detect if the execution was successfull - changes postProcess to return the return value from MTaskList::PostProcess * mbase/MParList.cc: - FindCreateObj removes now a 'dot' from the end of an indexed object name like "Events;7." * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - small changes to the output * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - added Preprocessed flag. This enables the tasklist to only postprocess already preprocessed tasks * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - don't postprocess non preprocessed tasks * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc: - added descriptions to histrograms - changed names of histograms - added drawing of canvas to Draw-functions * mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - added variables to store the calculated result - changed names and titles of histogram - added axis titles to histogram - moved result calculation into fit-function * mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc: - added name of input container to be able to process another container than "MMcTrig" * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - removed trailing dot from container name creation * mhist/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - removed a wrong '.' behind the number when processing more than one trigger condition * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - added "Monte Carlo Data" as runtype 2001/07/10: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMcEnergy.h: - renamed SetBins to SetNumBins * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - changed style of comments - moved sqrt(2) from Postprocess to header. * mmontecarlo/MMcEnerHisto.[cc,h], mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThre.[cc,h], mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThreCalc.[cc,h]: - removed * mmontecarlo/MCollArea.[cc,h], mmontecarlo/MCollAreaTrigger.[cc,h]: - removed 2001/07/09: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - made handling of already existing containers in AddToList a bit more convinient * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added come comments - made handling of already existing tasks in AddToList a bit more convinient - Added name-argument to constructor * mraw/MRawFileRead.[cc, h]: - move file-open check from constructor to PreProcess - added variable for filename * mraw/MRawFileWrite.[cc,h]: - moved fOut->Write from PostProcess to destructor - removed PostProcess 2001/07/06: Thomas Bretz * mfilter/FilterIncl.h, mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h, mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.[h,cc], mfilter/mfilter/Makefile: - added * Makefile - mfilter added * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - added some warning options * Makefile.conf.osf1: - enhanced warnings * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc: - removed a small buf from the constructor * BaseLinkDef.h: - added MFilter - added MFilterList * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - added a non-empty copy constructor to make cxx happy * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - added second overload-function FindObject * mbase/MTask.h: - added all Filter stuff * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - changed debug output - added filter-stuff to Process * mbase/MTaskList.h: - changed Print default option from NULL to "" * mbase/Makefile: - added MFilter - added MFilterList * mhist/MFillHFadc.cc: removed a small bug in the PreProcessing * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.h, manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MHillas.h, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.h, mgui/MGeomCam.h, mhist/MFillHHillas.h, manalysis/MHillasCalc.h, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.h, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.h, mhist/MFillHStarMap.h, mhist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHHillas.h, mhist/MHStarMap.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.h, mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx, mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx, mmc/MMcTrig.hxx, mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.h: - made more const-correct * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MHillasCalc.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHHillas.cc, mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - added comments * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotPix.cc, manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MHillasCalc.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.h, manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.cc, manalysis/MPedestalPix.cc, mbase/MArray.cc, mbase/MArrayB.cc, mbase/MArrayS.cc, mbase/MEvtLoop.cc, mbase/MLog.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MReadTree.cc, mbase/MTask.cc, mbase/MTime.cc, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc, mbase/MWriteFile.cc, mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHHillas.cc, mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc, mhist/MHFadcCam.cc, mhist/MHFadcPix.cc, mhist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergies.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.cc, mraw/MRawCrateArray.cc, mraw/MRawCrateData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtHeader.cc, mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.cc, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc, mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - added semicolon after ClassImp to make my editor happy * mmain/MEvtDisp.cc: - removed a wrong comma in the enumerations * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - made compile on osf by removing brackets in new steatement (constructor) 2001/07/05: Thomas Bretz * macros/CT1Hillas.C: - changed the wrong pointers to dots. * macros/getThreshold.C: - added some comments - removed the canvas creation - drawing replaced by a loop - changed trigger conditions to 1 (should work with any MC file) * macros/readMagic.C: - changed the event counter to the number of the event in the file - removed icound * manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, mbase/MParContainer.cc, mbase/MParContainer.h, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MParList.h, mbase/MTaskList.cc, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc, mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHHillas.cc, mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc, - changed HasChanged to ReadyToSave * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - added some comments * mhist/MHMcEnergies.h: - fixed bug in []-operator * mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc: - added canvas creation to draw function * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - fixed a bug in the constructor 2001/06/20: Thomas Bretz * macros/merpp.C: - fixed type in comment * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - fixed 'FIXME' comment * mbase/MWriteFile.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/MWriteRootFile.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - Added MWriteFile - Added MWriteRootFile * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - fixed the counting in the eventloop * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - changed class that it is based on MWriteFile now * mbase/Makefile: - added MWriteFile - added MWriteRootFile * mhist/MFillHFadc.[h,cc]: - added set for HasChanged (new PostProcess) * mhist/MFillHHillas.cc: - added set for HasChanged (new PostProcess) * mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc: - added set for HasChanged (new PostProcess) * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - Set kCanDelete to make sure, that the histograms are deleted together with the canvas * mraw/MRawFileWrite.[h,cc]: - changed the handling of opening, closing and checking file 2001/06/13: Thomas Bretz * ./.../*.h: - added some comments and corrected some descriptions. * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - added a 'dummy' function for AsciiRead, AsciiWrite * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - added new constructor (specify directly the pointer to the class) * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - made Copy-function more readable * mgui/MParContainer.cc: - made Copy-function more readable * mhist/MHMcEnergies.[h,cc]: - files added as a container to make handling of several MHMcEnergy easier * mbase/MAGIC.h: - encapsulated include of TROOT * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - added SetHasChange and Reset to PostProcess * mhist/HistLinkDef.h - added MHMcEnergies * mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - added name and title to constructor - added number to name of container * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - corrected typo in creation of the container names * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - Set kCanDelete in Draw function 2001/06/12: Thomas Bretz * mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThreCalc.[cc,h] - copied to mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.[cc,h] * mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThreHistos.[h,cc] - copied to mmhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc] * mbase/Makefile: - added MWriteAsciiFile.cc * mhist/HistIncl.h: - added TF1.h * mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - added MHMcEnergy * mhist/Makefile - added MHMcEnergy * mmontecarlo/MCollArea.h: - fixed typo in ifndef * mmontecarlo/Makefile: - added MMcThresholdCalc.cc - removed MMcEnerHisto.cc - removed MMcEnerThre.cc - removed MMcEnerThreCalc.cc * mmontecarlo/MonteCarloLinkDef.h: - added MMcThresholdCalc.cc - removed MMcEnerHisto.cc - removed MMcEnerThre.cc - removed MMcEnerThreCalc.cc * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.h: - removed fFileName from class definition * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - use of SetHasChanged added * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc]: - Reset added - AsciiRead added - AsciiWrite added - use of SetHasChanged added * manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc]: - made fNumHiGainSamples a class member - renamed some member functions - made the 'internal' member functions private - added SetHasChanged - made these functions const * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h - MWriteAsciiFile added * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - some small changes to the logging output * mbase/MParContainer.cc: - fHasChanged added * mbase/MParContainer.h: - Reset prototype added - HasChanged added - SetHasChanged added * mbase/MParList.[cc,h]: - SetHasChanged added - Reset added * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - Process: call SetHasChanged before looping - Process: call Reset before looping * mbase/MTaskList.h: - fParList added to class definition 2001/04/27: Thomas Bretz * macros/merpp.C: - made the merpp-macro Mars 0.3 compatible 2001/04/19: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - added stripping of the string after last semicolon (classname) * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - added Veto funtionality to PreProcess - added HasVeto - added fVetoList - added VetoBranch 2001/04/18: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MHtml.[cc.h]: - Added * mbase/*.cc: - changed comments of member functions to new MHtml-Style 2001/04/09: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - Added the possibility to specify a different object name in FindCreateObj * .rootrc: - changed the style for the html documentation * macros/dohtml.C: - added SetXwho * (*.cc): - added the copyright comment block * mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc: - added some comments to all these numbers * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h: - added Jump member function which jumps directly to the pixel with a given id 2001/04/09: Thomas Bretz * mgui/MGeomPix.cc: - fixed a small error in SetNeighbors (thanks to Oscar) * mgui/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - Fixed many small errors which caused the display to display nonsens in some situations 2001/04/04: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtData.[cc,h]: - changed wrong return type of GetNumPixels to UShort_t * mmain/MBrowser.[cc,h]: - made the dialog somehow work like it should 2001/04/03: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - the pedestal values read from the file are now stored in MeanRms instead of Sigma * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - The pedestal mean Rms is used as the pixel error * MImgCleanStd.cc: - CleanStep1: the '<' was replaced by a '<=' to clean also pixels with value=noise=0 * MMcPedestalCopy.cc: - All the pedestal values are now filled in (are they calculated correctly?) * mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc: - Forgot to initialize the Nextneighbors of the Magic Camera (thanks to Oscar) * mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - I changed the model of the display (colors and bin width) to get a 'better' result 2001/04/02: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtHeader.h, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - added constants (kTT*) for trigger type * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc]: - added changeable cleaning levels * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - added some more sanity checks to the calculation * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.[h,cc]: - added some kind of chain feature (AddFile) to process more than one file * mgui/MGeomPix.[h,c]: - added interface to pixel neighbors * mgui/MGeomCamCT1.[cc,h], mgui/MGeomCamMagic.[cc,h]: - creates the neighbor geomtry now, too * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[cc,h]: - switched to new stylish neighbors from MGeomCam 2001/03/30: Thomas Bretz * mdatacheck/MH*, mdatacheck/MFillH*: - moved to mhist * mraw/MrawEvtPixelIter: - IsLoGain -> HasLoGain * mgui/MG*: - renamed - moved to mmain - move Browser functionality to MBrowser * mmain/, mhist: - new 2001/03/21: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc]: - fixed some minor errors, added sanity check (N<2) to Calc * manalysis/MFillHHillas.cc: - skip event if Hillas calculations fails * macros/getCollArea.C, macros/readMagic.C, mdatacheck/MViewAdcSpectra.cc, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc: - changed order in MReadTree constructor * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.[h,cc]: - changed to use MPedestalCam * manalysis/MCT1Pedestals.[h,cc]: - removed * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - removed MCT1Pedestals * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added const values from Magic.h * mbase/MLogManip.h: - changed style of dbginf * mbase/MParList.cc: - make use of dbginf * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - switched from a TTree to a TChain object - chnaged order of variables of the constructor 2001/03/21: Thomas Bretz * macros/CT1Hillas.C, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.h, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.h, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.h, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, mdatacheck/MHHillas.h, mdatacheck/MHHillas.cc, mdatacheck/MFillHFadc.cc, mdatacheck/MFillHFadc.h, mdatacheck/MHFadcCam.cc, mdatacheck/MHFadcCam.h, mdatacheck/MHFadcPix.cc, mdatacheck/MHFadcPix.h, mdatacheck/MFillHHillas.cc, mdatacheck/MFillHHillas.h - added * mdatacheck/MHistosAdc.[h,cc]: - replaced by MHFadc[Cam,Pix] * mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[h,cc]: - replaced by MFillHFadc * macros/readCT1.C: - uses the new classes now - calculates and displays hillas * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - added MCerPhotCalc, MImgCleanStd, MMcPedestalCopy * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - PreProcess uses FindCreateObj now * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.cc: - changed the new back to 'new with placement' * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h, cc]: - removed cleaning from this class * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - some small changes in the naming inside Calc() * manalysis/MHillas.h: - added Get-functions * manalysis/MPedestalCam.h: - added InitSize-function * manalysis/MPedestalPix.h: - made Get-functions const * manalysis/Makefile: - added MMcPedestalCopy, MImgCleanStd, MCerPhotCalc * mbase/MLogManip.h: - "l." before line number * mbase/MParList.cc: - added the autodelete feature for automatically created classes * mdatacheck/DataCheckLinkDef.h: - added MHFadc[Cam,Pix], MHHillas - removed MHistosAdc - added MFillHFadc, MFillHHillas * mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc], MShowSpect.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MViewAdcSpectra.[h,cc], : - changed from MHistaosAdc to MHFadcCam * mdatacheck/Makefile: - added MFillHFadc.cc, MFillHHillas.cc - removed MFillAdcSpect.cc * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.h, mbase/MEvtLoop.h, mbase/MLog.h, mbase/MParList.h, mbase/MReadTree.h, mbase/MTask.h, mbase/MTaskList.h, mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.h, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h, mgui/MCamDisplay.h, mgui/MCamNeighbor.h, mgui/MGDataCheckMain.h, mgui/MGEventDispMain.h, mgui/MGMarsMain.h, mgui/MGMonteCarloMain.h, mgui/MGPrototyp.h, mgui/MHexagon.h, mmontecarlo/MCollAreaTrigger.h, mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h, mraw/MRawFileRead.h, mraw/MRawFileWrite.h: - set version number to '0' (no i/o for this class) * mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc: - new claculation algorith for the CT1 camera. It is more exact in the camera plain * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - removed Draw-function (it is inherited from TObject) * mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx: - Added get-functions 2001/03/20: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MPedestalPix.[h,cc], manalysis/MPedestalCam.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillasCalc.[h,cc], mgui/MGeomCamCT1.[h,cc], mgui/MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc] - added * macros/readCT1.C: - added calculation of Hillas parameters - changed from pointers to objects * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile: - added MPedestalPix/Cam, MHillas, MHillasCalc * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - removed fType - commented out Draw function - should be fixed soon - renamed *Nb* to *Num* - renamed Get[Min,Max]NumPhotons to GetNumPhontons[Min,Max] * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - changed parameter of ReadinEvent to unsigned * mgui/GuiLinkDef.h, mgui/Makefile: - added MGeomCamCT1, MGeomCamMagic * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - changed constructor argument from int to MGeomCam - renamed *Nb* to *Num* * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - removed all camara specific stuff - MGeomCam is now used as a base class for the classes MGeomCam[Magic,CT1] which are containing the camera specific stuff * mgui/MGeomPix.h: - added Set function 2001/03/02: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/Makefile, mdatacheck/Makefile, meventdisp/Makefile, mgui/Makefile: - new * mbase/MParList.[cc,h]: - Added FindCreateObj member function - added a name to the constructor * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - changed to use FindCreateObj * mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.cc: - removed fPixelIter from member list - changed cout to *fLog * mdatacheck/MViewAdcSpectra.cc: - removed a HUGE memory leak. All the objects in the list (and the lists itself were NEVER deleted) * mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.cc - removed fPixelIter from member list - changed cout to *fLog - changed to use FindCreateObj - changed high and low to hi and lo * mdatacheck/MShowSpect.cc - changed cout to *fLog - added a name to the constructor * mraw/MRawFileRead.cc: - changed to use FindCreateObj * mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc]: - added some new member functions to make code more clear - removed fHists from the destructor * mdatacheck/MHistosAdc.h: - changed high and low to hi and lo * macros/dohtml.C: - added manalysis 2001/03/01: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - added headers to dependencies * Makefile.rules: - added headers to dependencies * merpp.cc: - changed from pointers to objects - added compression level support * readraw.cc: - removed unnecessary includes * mbase/MArray*.*: - changed all Int_t to UInt_t * mbase/MLogManip.h: - changed name of __DINF__ to dbginf * mraw/MRawCrateData.[h,cc], mraw/MRawEvtHeader.[h,cc], mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - changed ifstream to istream * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - changed the reading, which speeds up merpp by a factor of 10 * mraw/MRawEvtData.h: - added flag to InitArrays and DeletePixels (not yet used) * mraw/MRawFileRead.h: - removed pParList from parameter list * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h - removed MReadCT1Ascii, added MCT1ReadAscii - added MCT1Pedestals * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - changed the constructor a little bit - rewrote Print() to make it a bit more readable - moved MCerphotPix to new File - added many lines of comments - exchanged old stylish new call with new stylish(=) one - replaced all accesses to fPixels with the [] operator to make this lines more readable - made all variable declarations const-correct, - I changed the style of the cleaning method from if(a){if()b{if(c){}}} to if(!a)continue; if(!b)continue if(!c) continue; to make it more compact, readable and easier to understand - renamed the Boolean-functions to Is* to get a stricter structure - replaced mapping function to access the pixel list entries by the new operator to get rid of more than the necessary number of member functions without loosing speed or readability - renamed GetMinimum/MaximumPhoton to GetMin/MaxNumPhotons to be more exact * mgui/MCamGeom.* splitted and changed to MGeomCam/Pix: - added a new operator to access the TObjArray - removed unnecessary code from CreateCT1 * mbase/MAGIC.h: - added kPI * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - added some comments * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - added some comments, reordered a bit the calls in the constructor to get a 'straight forward structure', MGeomCam is now only locally used where it is needed, replaced access to the TClonesArrays by new member-function to get a more readable code, replaced old stylish new call with new stylish one, made variable decleration const-correct, introduced a new member function to set the pixel color, renamed the overloaded Draw functions to DrawPhotons, DrawPhotErr to prevent missunderstatements, changed the 'layout' of GetColor to make it easier to understand the algorithm, * mgui/MCamNeighbor.[h, cc]: - changed to new log-interface - exchanged -9999 by -1 - skipped the exits - you must check for -1 one in any case - this means a warning should be enough * mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]: - added new constructor whcih uses a MGeomPix-object 2001/02/28: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - changed return type of FindObject back to TObject - it seems so, that some compilers don't like overriding the return type of a virtual member function 2001/02/23: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h: - added GetSum* functions * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - Removed unnecessary fNext-stuff 2001/02/22: Thomas Bretz * merpp.cc, readraw.cc, mbase/MParContainer.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MParList.h, mbase/MReadTree.cc, mbase/MTask.cc, mbase/MTask.h, mbase/MTaskList.cc, mbase/MTime.cc, mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.cc, mdatacheck/MShowSpect.cc, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc, mgui/MGPrototyp.h, mmc/MHeaderTrig.cxx, mraw/MRawCrateArray.cc, mraw/MRawEvtData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtHeader.cc, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc, mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - exchanged cout with the new logging style (gLog, *fLog) * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - added 'dec' option to Print * mmc/MHeaderTrig.cxx, mmc/MMcEvt.cxx, mmc/MMcTrig.cxx: - small changes to the Print funtions 2001/02/21: Thomas Bretz * MRawEvtData.cc: - Changed ReadEvt according to the new raw binary format 2001/02/20 * Added MLog.[h,cc], MLogManip.[h,cc] * Adde SetStreamer and fLog to the MParContainer base class * Derived MEvtLoop from MParContainer * Makefile: - added 'tar' * mbase/BaseIncl.h: - added fstream.h, TGListBox.h * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added pragma for gLog and MLog * mbase/MAGIC.h: - added forward definition for gLog * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - exchanged cout with *fLog - added statements to provide log-facility to all tasks als parameter containers * mbase/MEvtLoop.h: - Small changes * mbase/MParContainer.h: - Added definitions necessary for use of Log-Facility * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - Added SetLogStream * mbase/MTask.h: - added fLog * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added SetLogStream * mbase/Makefile: - Added MLog.cc, MLogManip.cc 2001/02/19: Harald Kornmayer * implemented the Image Cleaning a la CT1 to the class MCerPhotEvt * changed the readCT1.C file to show the effects of the image cleaning a la CT1 * changed mgui/MCamNeighbor.cc mananlysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc .h macros/readCT1.C 2001/02/19: Thomas Bretz * MParContainer.h added prototypes for AsciiRead/Write * .rootrc added * MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - split eventloop in its three parts, this should be used for debugging only. 2001/02/06: Harald Kornmayer * the first running version with a eventdisplay. Now we are able to display an Event on the photo electron level. To do this, run the macro "macros/readCT1.C" after changing the file name. changed: macros/readCT1.C manalysis/MNphotEvent.cc, manalysis/MNphotEvent.h analysis/MReadCT1Ascii.cc mgui/MCamDisplay.cc, mgui/MCamDisplay.h 2001/01/23: Harald Kornmayer * the integration of the class FadcDisp in the mars enviroment and further developments in the display changed: meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc mgui/GuiIncl.h mgui/GuiLinkDef.h mgui/MGMarsMain.cc mgui/MGPrototyp.cc mgui/MGPrototyp.h mgui/Makefile added: mgui/MGEventDispMain.h mgui/MGEventDispMain.cc 2001/01/22: Harald Kornmayer * started with the development of a EventDisplay Utitliy. Therefore I added the following files. meventdisp/EvtDispIncl.h meventdisp/EvtDispLinkDef.h meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h meventdisp/Makefile Also a few of the older files where slightly changed. ./Makefile ./Makefile.rules mraw/MRawEvtData. 2001/01/19: Thomas Bretz * mmc/*.hxx: - changed include of MDefineTrigger.h back 2001/01/19: Oscar Blanch * mmc/MTriggerDefine.h: - added 2001/01/18: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - mmc-library added * Makefile.conf.general: - Added definition of __MARS__ * Makefile.rules: - Added definitions to rootcint * Oscar added the McFormat subdir of the Monte Carlo as mmc * mmc/MMcEvt.h: - renamed to MMcEvt.hxx * mmc/*.hxx: - added necessary defintions from MDefineTrigger.h * mmc/Makefile, mmc/McLinkDef.h, mmc/McIncl.h, mmc/readme.txt: - added * mmc/LinkDef.h: - removed 2001/01/17: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - Exchanged explicit rules to make library by implicit ones - The shared object works now. I exchanged the libraries with the object files. But I don't know why the libraries don't work. * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - replaced CC with gcc (instead of g++) * mdatacheck/DataCheckLinkDef.h: - removed unused statements * mraw/RawLinkDef.h: - added globals * mraw/MerppLinkDef.h: - removed unused file 2001/01/12: Thomas Bretz * MLinkDef.h, MIncl.h, marslogo.xpm, magiclogo.xpm: - added * LinkDef.h: - removed * Makefile: - Added CINT, mrproper * mbase/Makefile, mraw/Makefile, mgui/Makefile, mdatacheck/Makefile: - included makefile.general, Makefile.rules, - removes corresponding lines * mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[cc,h], mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[cc,h], mdatacheck/MHistsosAdc.[h,cc], mdatacheck.MShowSpect.[cc,h] - changed include statements * mgui/MGDataCheckMain.[cc,h], mgui/MGMarsMain.[cc,h] - changed include statements - move enum from h to cc - removed comma operator from delete statements (nonsense) 2001/01/11: Harald Kornmayer * ./ readraw.cc, Makefile, Makefile.rules, LinkDef.h, MParList.cc, MReadTree.cc, MReadTree.h, mbase/Makefile, mraw/Makefile - small changes in this files. Not really critical. * mars.cc - added the main file for the gui * mgui/ GuiIncl.h, MGMarsMain.cc, GuiLinkDef.h, MGMarsMain.h, MGDataCheckMain.cc, Makefile, MGDataCheckMain.h - added the subdir mgui and this files * mdatacheck/ DataCheckIncl.h, DataCheckLinkDef.h, MHistosAdc.cc, MHistosAdc.h, MDumpEvtHeader.cc, MDumpEvtHeader.h, MShowSpect.cc, MShowSpect.h, MFillAdcSpect.cc, MFillAdcSpect.h, MViewAdcSpectra.cc, MViewAdcSpectra.h, MGDisplayAdc.cc, MGDisplayAdc.h, Makefile - added the subdir mdatacheck and this files 2000/12/28: Thomas Bretz * merpp.cc, MArray.cc, MArray.h, MArrayB.cc, MArrayB.h, MArrayS.cc, MArrayS.h, MEvtLoop.cc, MEvtLoop.h, MInputStreamID.cc, MInputStreamID.h, MParContainer.cc, MParContainer.h, MParList.cc, MParList.h, MReadTree.cc, MTask.cc, MTask.h, MTaskList.cc, MTaskList.h, MTime.cc, MTime.h: - Added changes some comments. * MLoopEvt.cc, MLoopEvt.h: - Removed 2000/12/22 - Thomas Bretz: * readraw.cc: - changed some comments and the Root-Name of the program - added check for the existance of the file - changed name of numbers of entries from iEnt to nent * dohtml.C: - changed title of converted macros * MRawEvtData.cc: - added a commet in Draw() * MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - Added the comment header of the file - removed inheritance from TIterator (not needed) - some changes to get it work (the one in the repository was untested and not working) - changed calling style of iterator from do...while to while-loop - changed some comments * MRawRunHeader.cc: - added some comments * Changelog, News: added * test.C: removed