1 | Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible
2 | to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks.
3 |
4 | For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style:
5 |
6 | _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name]
7 | _
8 | ___*_filename:
9 | _____-_description
10 | _
11 | ___*_filename2, filename3:
12 | _____-_description
13 | _
14 | _
15 | _
16 |
17 | While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
18 |
19 | -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
20 |
21 | 2009/02/03 Stefan Ruegamer
22 |
23 | * datacenter/scripts/budb
24 | - added getdbsetup
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 | 2009/02/02 Thomas Bretz
29 |
30 | * mcamera/MCameraCentralPix.[h,cc]:
31 | - added data member fDC
32 | - increased class version number accordingly
33 |
34 | * mreport/MReportCC.cc:
35 | - improved debug output
36 | - remove minus from the third argument in SCHEDULE
37 |
38 | * mreport/MReportCamera.[h,cc]:
39 | - fixed for ver>=200812140
40 | - added InterpretePSSEN
41 | - added InterpreteLIQ
42 |
43 | * msimcamera/MSimCamera.cc:
44 | - added a time-shift uniformly according to the bin-width
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 | 2009/01/30 Thomas Bretz
49 |
50 | * RELEASE V2.2
51 |
52 |
53 | 2009/02/02 Thomas Bretz
54 |
55 | * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.cc, mjobs/MJStar.cc:
56 | - fixed the regular expresssion
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 | 2009/01/30 Thomas Bretz
61 |
62 | * datacenter/macros/fillcmt.C:
63 | - added
64 |
65 | * datacenter/macros/plotstat.C:
66 | - extended loop to show all periods again
67 |
68 | * msim/MPhotonData.cc:
69 | - don't change the sign of the cosines. The direction of the
70 | particle doesn't neet to be changed
71 |
72 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.cc:
73 | - change the rotation matrix to fit the change in MPhotonData
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 | 2009/01/29 Thomas Bretz
78 |
79 | * melectronics/MPulseShape.cc:
80 | - changed spline range from -25/25 to -8/8
81 |
82 | * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.cc, mhflux/MHAlpha.cc, mhflux/MHDisp.cc:
83 | - for sanity (thread safety) replaced Form by MString::Format
84 |
85 | * mhflux/MHDisp.cc:
86 | - initialize fHalf as suggested by valgrind
87 |
88 | * datacenter/macros/plotdb.C:
89 | - updated comments
90 |
91 | * resources/calibration_spline.rc:
92 | - updated
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 | 2009/01/27 Thomas Bretz
97 |
98 | * macros/rootlogon.C:
99 | - added new subdirectories
100 |
101 | * melectronics/MAnalogSignal.[h,cc]:
102 | - added the posssibility to add a pulse from a TF1
103 | - removed the printout if out of range
104 | - returns whether the range had to be adapted
105 | - changed the Discriminate function to allow for giving a start
106 | and end time of the search
107 | - imporved the fining of the falling and rising edge
108 | - removed the printout in Discriminate
109 |
110 | * msimcamera/MSimCamera.[h,cc]:
111 | - moved the pulse shape specific code into a new class MPulseShape
112 | - Fixed the range of the digitization
113 |
114 | * melectronics/MPulseShape.[h,cc]:
115 | - added
116 |
117 | * melectronics/Makefile, melectronics/ElectronicsLinkDef.h:
118 | - added MPulseShape
119 |
120 | * msimcamera/MSimGeomCam.[h,cc]:
121 | - Fixed the time window for random photons (Maybe move to a later
122 | step in the analysis?)
123 |
124 | * msimcamera/MSimReadout.cc:
125 | - call SetReadyToSave for the run-header
126 | - added some debug output in case of failure
127 |
128 | * msimcamera/MSimSignalCam.[h,cc]:
129 | - subtract the trigger position of any
130 |
131 | * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.cc:
132 | - some changes to the debug output
133 |
134 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.[h,cc]:
135 | - added
136 |
137 | * mjobs/Makefile, mjobs/JobsLinkDef.h:
138 | - added MJSimulation
139 |
140 | * ceres.cc, showlog.cc, callisto.cc, star.cc, ganymed.cc, sponde.cc:
141 | - added parenthesis suggested by compiler
142 |
143 | * mbase/MParEnv.cc:
144 | - included TClass for newwer root versions
145 |
146 | * msimreflector/MReflector.cc:
147 | - fixed return if read file was not existing
148 |
149 | * msimrelfector/MSimReflector.cc:
150 | - added sanity check if reflector is valid
151 |
152 | * datacenter/macros/insertdataset.C:
153 | - added fPriority
154 |
155 | * datacenter/macros/plotoptical.C:
156 | - write a root-file as the other plot-macros do
157 |
158 | * mreflector/MHReflector.cc:
159 | - added some SetDirectory(NULL), although this class is a candidate
160 | for removal
161 |
162 | * mjobs/MJCut.cc, mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.cc:
163 | - make the CheckEnv fail if kFALSE is returned
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 | 2009/01/26 Thomas Bretz
168 |
169 | * Makefile:
170 | - added mcorsika, msim, msimreflector, msimcamera and
171 | msimelectronics
172 | - added readcorsika
173 |
174 | * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h:
175 | - added MParEnv
176 |
177 | * mbase/MParEnv.[h,cc]:
178 | - added
179 |
180 | * mbase/MParameters.[h,cc]:
181 | - added ReadEnv to all classes
182 |
183 | * mbase/MParList.cc:
184 | - return the container within MParEnv if MParEnv found
185 |
186 | * mbase/MParContainer.cc:
187 | - fixed a typo
188 |
189 | * manalysis/MEventRateCalc.cc:
190 | - added a comment
191 |
192 | * melectronics/MAnalogChannels.[h,cc]:
193 | - made the GetNum* unsigned
194 | - added new member functions to just initialize one size
195 |
196 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]:
197 | - added a possibility to just init the number of pixels
198 |
199 | * msimcamera/MSimReadout.[h,cc]:
200 | - get the number of output channels from the camera geometry
201 | - initialize the runheader in ReInit
202 | - initialize the data arrays from the run-header in reinit
203 |
204 | * mimage/MHHillas.cc:
205 | - the default binning is not scales by 0.9 anymore
206 |
207 | * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.h:
208 | - added new type "artificial"
209 |
210 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc:
211 | - set header size in constructor to 0
212 |
213 | * msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.[h,cc]:
214 | - we need fEvt and fTrigger always
215 | - renamed ReInit to CallReInit
216 | - set photon primary type
217 | - set number of photons from 50 to 5
218 |
219 | * msimcamera/MSimRandomPhotons.cc:
220 | - explicitly set weight to 1
221 |
222 | * mjobs/Makefile:
223 | - added msim, msimreflector, msimcamera and mcorsika
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 | 2009/01/25 Thomas Bretz
228 |
229 | * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h:
230 | - added MLut
231 |
232 | * mbase/MLut.[h,cc]:
233 | - added
234 |
235 | * msimcamera/MSimCamera.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc],
236 | msimcamera/MSimRadout.[h,cc], msimcamera/SimCameraLinkDef.h,
237 | msimcamera/Makefile, msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.[h,cc],
238 | msimcamera/SimCameraIncl,h:
239 | - added
240 |
241 | * mjobs/MJob.cc:
242 | - included TClass for newer root versions
243 |
244 | * mreflector/MRflEvtData.cc:
245 | - repaced a use of MHexagon by a direct use of MGeomCam
246 |
247 | * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.[h,cc]:
248 | - added some getters
249 | - remobved some obsolete comment
250 | - set entries to 1 by default
251 |
252 | * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]:
253 | - split the Get[Max,Min]Radius into two member functions
254 | - added the HitDetector based on the maximum radius calculated
255 |
256 | * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc]:
257 | - removed overloading of the new HitDetector
258 |
259 | * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]:
260 | - reset fUserBits in constructor according to a suggestion by valgrind
261 | - added GetT member function
262 |
263 | * mjobs/MJSpectrum.cc:
264 | - replaced some Form calls for sanity by MString::Format
265 | - check the result of CheckEnv
266 |
267 | * mjobs/MJStar.cc:
268 | - check the result of CheckEnv
269 |
270 | * mjobs/MJob.cc:
271 | - fixed a typo in the name for the seed value resource
272 |
273 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h:
274 | - added a getter for run type point run
275 |
276 | * msignal/MSignalCalc.cc:
277 | - don't execute Process at all if fPedestal==NULL
278 |
279 | * msignal/MSignalCam.cc:
280 | - aded case 10 and 11 to GetPixelContent
281 |
282 | * msim/MHPhotonEvent.cc:
283 | - replaced case 4 by using the traversal distance in the 0-pixel
284 |
285 | * msimcamera/MSimSignalCam.cc:
286 | - set pixel only to used if contents>0
287 |
288 | * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc]:
289 | - added ReadEnv for setup from a resource file
290 | - compress the trigger list after deleting slots
291 | - initialize descriminator threshold with -1
292 | - check for the validity of the discr. th in PreProcess
293 |
294 | * msimreflector/MReflector.[h,cc]:
295 | - store file name in title
296 | - added ReadEnv for setup from a resource file
297 |
298 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]:
299 | - changed copyright notice
300 | - added fDetectorMargin
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 | 2009/01/24 Thomas Bretz
306 |
307 | * mbase/MMath.cc:
308 | - added two explicit conversion to make it compile on my Ubuntu
309 | - Replaced some Form by MString::Format
310 | - included MString
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 | 2009/01/23 Daniela Dorner
315 |
316 | * datacenter/db/showplots-ds.php, datacenter/db/tabs.php,
317 | datacenter/db/plot.php:
318 | - adapted path to new web file structure
319 |
320 | * datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php:
321 | - added option to group by date (year, month, night): pulldown in
322 | menu and adapted query
323 |
324 | * datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php
325 | datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php:
326 | - enabled possibility to combine all group-bys
327 |
328 | * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php:
329 | - enhances information printed in table in case of group-by
330 |
331 | * datacenter/db/include.php:
332 | - adapted pulldown of status-group-by
333 |
334 | * datacenter/db/menu.php:
335 | - added pulldown for sumtrigger-flag to sequinfo-menu
336 | - added function to print pulldown for group-by date
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 | 2009/01/23 Thomas Bretz
341 |
342 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.[h,cc], msim/MPhotonData.[h,cc],
343 | msimcamera/MSimExcessNoise.cc, msimreflector/MMirrorDisk.cc,
344 | msimreflector/MMirrorHex.cc, msimreflector/MMirrorSquare.[h,cc],
345 | msimreflector/MReflector.cc, msimreflector/MSimReflector.cc,
346 | melectronics/MAnalogSignal.cc:
347 | - moved code which needs TMath to source file
348 | - included TMath for newer root versions
349 | - included TObjArray for newer root versions
350 |
351 | * msimcamera/MSimAPD.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimBundlePhotons.[h,cc],
352 | msimcamera/MSimRandomPhotons.[h,cc]:
353 | - added
354 |
355 | * melectronics/Makefile, melectronics/MAnalogChannels.[h,cc],
356 | melectronics/ElectronicsIncl.h, melectronics/ElectronicsLinkDef.h,
357 | melectronics/MDigitalSignal.[h,cc],
358 | melectronics/MAnalogSignal.[h,cc],
359 | melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.[h,cc]:
360 | - added
361 |
362 | * msim/M*.cc, msimreflector/M*.cc, msimcamera/M*.cc:
363 | - changed copyright notice
364 |
365 | * mjobs/MJob.[h,cc]:
366 | - for convinience replaced GetEnvValue by GetEnvValue2
367 | - added initialization of the random number generator
368 |
369 | * ceres.cc, mcorsika/CorsikaIncl.h:
370 | - added
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 | 2009/01/22 Thomas Bretz
375 |
376 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h:
377 | - added new functions to access the runtype
378 |
379 | * msim/MPhotonData.cc:
380 | - removed some obsolete comments
381 |
382 | * msim/MPhotonEvent.[h,cc]
383 | - added some comments
384 | - added new member function GetFirst and GetLast
385 | - UnSort the array after reading new data
386 | - removed some old obsolete code
387 | - added new meber function Sort and IsSorted
388 |
389 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.cc:
390 | - force sorting of the array
391 |
392 | * msimcamera/MSimPSF.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimGeomCam.[h,cc],
393 | msimcamera/MSimExcessNoise.[h,cc], msimcamera/MSimSignalCam.[h,cc]:
394 | - added
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 | 2009/01/21 Thomas Bretz
399 |
400 | * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile:
401 | - added MQuaternion
402 | - added MReflection
403 |
404 | * mbase/MQuaternion.[h,cc], mbase/MReflection.[h,cc]:
405 | - added
406 |
407 | * mbase/MArrayI.[h,cc]:
408 | - added a few new functions (ReSort, Add, Find and AddUniq)
409 |
410 | * mbase/MMath.cc:
411 | - replaced delete by delete[] where appropriate
412 |
413 | * mgeom/MGeomCam.h:
414 | - added new virtual functions HitFrame and HitDetector
415 | - included MQuaternion
416 |
417 | * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc]:
418 | - added new functions HitFrame and HitDetector:
419 |
420 | * msim/MHPhotonEvent.cc:
421 | - removed the reference to MCamera
422 |
423 | * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc], mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]:
424 | - moved DistanceToPrimitive from MHexagon to MGeomPix
425 | - moved the funtions to calculate overlapping areas
426 | also, but they are still in a comment
427 |
428 | * mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]:
429 | - started implementing a rotation angle
430 | - added data meber fPhi
431 | - increased class version number
432 |
433 | * mhist/MHCamera.cc, mtools/MagicJam.cc:
434 | - we don't have to use a MHexagon anymore caluclating
435 | DistanceToPrimitive
436 |
437 | * msimreflector/MMirror.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorSquare.[h,cc],
438 | msimreflector/MMirrorHex.[h,cc], msimreflector/MMirrorDisk.[h,cc],
439 | msimreflector/MReflector.[h,cc], msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc],
440 | msimreflector/Makefile, msimreflector/SimReflectorLinkDef.h,
441 | msimreflector/SimReflectorIncl.h:
442 | - added
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 | 2009/01/21 Stefan Ruegamer
447 |
448 | * datacenter/scripts/read_lapalma-tapes:
449 | - added check of the tape slot when exporting the tapes
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 | 2009/01/20 Thomas Bretz
454 |
455 | * mjobs/MJob.h:
456 | - added Esc member function
457 |
458 | * msim/MPhotonData.[h,cc], msim/MPhotonEvent.[h,cc],
459 | msim/MSimAbsorption.[h,cc], msim/MSimPointingPos.[h,cc],
460 | MHPhotonEvent.[h,cc], msim/Makefile, msim/SimIncl.h
461 | msim/SimLinkDef.h:
462 | - added
463 |
464 |
465 | 2009/01/19 Thomas Bretz
466 |
467 | * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc:
468 | - simplified how the rules are evaluated using TPregexp
469 | - by this the rules got more powerful
470 |
471 | * mjobs/MJCalibrateSignal.cc, mjobs/MJStar.cc:
472 | - changed ols style rule to new style
473 |
474 |
475 |
476 | 2009/01/18 Thomas Bretz
477 |
478 | * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile:
479 | - added MSpline3
480 |
481 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.cc:
482 | - some little cosmetics
483 |
484 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.h:
485 | - added some missing getters
486 |
487 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.cc:
488 | - removed some obsolete comments
489 | - reordered some comments
490 |
491 | * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.h:
492 | - changed default in GetIntegral from true to false
493 |
494 | * mraw/MRawEvtHeader.h:
495 | - added Setter for DAQEventNumber
496 |
497 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc:
498 | - start pixel hardware indices with 1 not with 0
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 | 2009/01/17 Thomas Bretz
503 |
504 | * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]:
505 | - added a new function RndmExp which should be a tiny bit faster than
506 | root's own implementation because it ises Rndm() instead of Uniform()
507 |
508 | * mextralgo/ExtralgoIncl.h:
509 | - added MArrayF
510 |
511 | * mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.[h,cc]:
512 | - divided FindY into FindYup and FindYdn to avoid an obsolete if-clause
513 | - added a new member function to return the integral function of the
514 | spline. This is useful to init a new spline and use it for
515 | producing the proper random distribution.
516 |
517 | * mpedestal/MPedestalSubtractedEvt.[h,cc]:
518 | - added Print() function
519 |
520 | * mraw/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]:
521 | - added a member function to Reset the arrays
522 | - added member function to set the pixel indices
523 | - Improved the new Set function
524 |
525 | * readcorsika.cc:
526 | - added
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 | 2009/01/16 Daniel Hoehne-Moench
531 |
532 | * datacenter/scripts/mcsequences:
533 | - implemented sumtrigger -> modes, fTriggerFlagKEY
534 | - fPriority(MCSequenceProcessStatus) is now filled into the mcdb
535 |
536 | * datacenter/scripts/fillmccallisto, fillmcstar:
537 | - bugfix: changed argument of $primaries from [$s+$s] to [$s]
538 |
539 | * datacenter/macros/fillcamera.C:
540 | - changed NumPheFromDNSB to float(7,3)
541 | - fPriority(MCRunProcessStatus) is now filled into the mcdb
542 |
543 | * datacenter/macros/fillmccalib.C:
544 | - minor changes, bugfix (wrong column name for mcdb)
545 |
546 | * datacenter/macros/fillmcsignal.C:
547 | - definition of some parameters changed according to fillsignal.C
548 | - minor changes, deleted unnecessary code
549 | - implemented if clause for HiLo-Parameters. Instead of
550 | seqno<200000 the fAmplFadcKEY is queried in the mcdb for each
551 | sequence. For MUX MCs the HiLo-Parameters are not calculated.
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 | 2009/01/15 Thomas Bretz
556 |
557 | * callisto.cc:
558 | - cosmetics to output
559 |
560 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.cc:
561 | - cosmetics (removed a ;;)
562 |
563 | * mhist/MHEvent.[h,cc]:
564 | - ReInit to allow the change of the camera geoemtry in ReInit
565 |
566 |
567 |
568 | 2009/01/15 Stefan Ruegamer
569 |
570 | * datacenter/scripts/dodatacheck:
571 | - removed the _E in the find command; files from 2008/06/04 on do
572 | not have it any more
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 | 2009/01/14 Daniel Hoehne-Moench
577 |
578 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
579 | - extended errorcoding on mc run process status
580 |
581 | * datacenter/scripts/runmccallisto, runmcstar:
582 | - deleted unnecessary lines, adapted to primary structure
583 |
584 | * datacenter/macros/fillmcsignal.C, fillmccalib.C, fillmcstar.C:
585 | - added
586 |
587 | * datacenter/scripts/fillmccallisto, fillmcstar:
588 | - added
589 |
590 |
591 |
592 | 2009/01/14 Thomas Bretz
593 |
594 | * readraw.cc:
595 | - check first whether the file exist before adding the extension
596 |
597 | * mbase/MMath.[h,cc]:
598 | - added function to Re-sort an array
599 |
600 | * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.cc, mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc:
601 | - Improved output
602 |
603 | * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc:
604 | - fixed a problem which prevented to open more than one /dev/null
605 | devices independantly
606 |
607 | * mgeom/MGeomCam.cc:
608 | - cosmetics
609 |
610 | * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.h:
611 | - fixed a typo in an ifdef
612 |
613 | * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]:
614 | - added funtion to return positon as TVector2
615 | - slightly improved the algorithm to check IsInside
616 | - fixed the conditional signs for the orientation of pixels
617 | in GetDirection
618 |
619 | * mmain/MEventDisplay.cc:
620 | - Give different names to the MPedestalSubtract tasks
621 | - fixed buttons
622 | - call AddGeometryTags after ReInit to allow reading new geometries in
623 | ReInit
624 |
625 | * mmc/MMcEvtBasic.h:
626 | - added a new primary type kNightSky
627 |
628 | * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h:
629 | - replaced type of the number of bytes by UInt_t
630 |
631 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h:
632 | - allow to validate the magic-number from outside (for MCs)
633 |
634 | * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika:
635 | - added a lot of comments
636 | - reordered values in input card
637 | - switched off a lot of obsolete output
638 | - changed the Magnetic field to a value corresponding to the location of
639 | MAGIC at 2200m height valid for January 200 |