1 | Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible
2 | to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks.
3 |
4 | For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style:
5 |
6 | _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name]
7 | _
8 | ___*_filename:
9 | _____-_description
10 | _
11 | ___*_filename2, filename3:
12 | _____-_description
13 | _
14 | _
15 | _
16 |
17 | While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
18 |
19 | -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
20 |
21 | 2010/04/22 Thomas Bretz
22 |
23 | * showplot.cc:
24 | - added --debug-mem option
25 |
26 | * mbase/MParSpline.cc, mhbase/MH3.cc, mhbase/MHn.cc,
27 | mhflux/MHAlpha.cc, mhist/MHCamEvent.cc:
28 | - added missing call to the RecursiveRemove of the base class
29 |
30 | * mfileio/MReadTree.cc:
31 | - In the case Notify failed since about two years accidentaly
32 | kTRUE instead of kERROR was returned
33 |
34 | * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc:
35 | - added some more debug output
36 |
37 | * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.cc:
38 | - Return if fit failed
39 |
40 | * mhflux/MHPhi.cc:
41 | - avoid inf and nan when producing histogram (the divisor could
42 | have been zero in case of the inetgral of an empty histogram)
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 | 2010/04/21 Thomas Bretz
47 |
48 | * macros/rootlogon.C:
49 | - a small fix which gets rid of the annoying error about an
50 | unlocked mutex when starting the MStatusDisplay in the
51 | interpreter. It makes sure that fGThreadFactory gets initialized
52 | from the main thread.
53 |
54 | * mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc:
55 | - added a console output if TryLock fails
56 | - the return value of TString::Index was misinterpreted
57 |
58 | * mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc:
59 | - removed another reference to gMinuit
60 |
61 | * msimcamera/MSimRandomPhotons.cc:
62 | - re-did the output
63 | - choose the other rate f2 instead of f1
64 |
65 | * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc]:
66 | - keep the index of the trigger channel which finnaly issued
67 | the trigger and propagate it to the event header
68 |
69 | * mraw/MrawEvtHeader.h:
70 | - implementd setter for fNumTriggerLvl1
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 | 2010/04/20 Thomas Bretz
75 |
76 | * mfileio/MReadTree.cc:
77 | - no error was returned anymore when Notify() failed. Fixed.
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | 2010/04/19 Thomas Bretz
82 |
83 | * mbase/MStatusArray.cc:
84 | - added a workaround to prevent crashes in case of double
85 | deleteion of the fHistogram in TGraphs
86 |
87 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.cc:
88 | - replaced special characters by UTF8 characters
89 |
90 | * mgeom/MGeom.[h,cc]:
91 | - implemented function to return the distance squared
92 |
93 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.cc:
94 | - display degree symbol correctly in plots
95 | - added artificial star-files to output
96 | - for the moment the output of the reflector files is suppressed
97 |
98 | * mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc:
99 | - catch if the fit failed
100 | - replaced use of gMinuit by direct access to the function
101 |
102 | * mpointing/MPointing.cc:
103 | - replaced deg-symbol by UTF8 character
104 |
105 | * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.cc:
106 | - added more information
107 |
108 | * msignal/MSignalCam.[h,cc]:
109 | - made the data members describing the image persistent.
110 | they are not guranteed to have correct contents. Use
111 | MNewImagePar instead.
112 | - increased class version number accordingly
113 |
114 | * msimreflector/MMirrorHex.h:
115 | - added Getter for fD
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 | 2010/04/13 Daniela Dorner
120 |
121 | * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php:
122 | - updated check for observation mode: allowed 'N/A', as there is
123 | else an error for old data
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 | 2010/04/13 Thomas Bretz
128 |
129 | * msim/MHPhotonEvent.cc:
130 | - automatic binning for case 3
131 | - new case 5
132 |
133 | * msim/MHPhotonEvent.h:
134 | - this can be a huge memory consumption and we don't need double
135 | precision (range) accordingly changed all TH*D to TH*F.
136 | consequently increased class version number
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 | 2010/03/30 Thomas Bretz
141 |
142 | * Makefile.conf.general:
143 | - moved ARCHDEFS from DEFINES to CXXFLAGS otherwise it might get
144 | ignored
145 |
146 | * mbase/MQuaternion.h:
147 | - added member-function to normalize vector part of quaternion
148 |
149 | * mbase/MTime.cc:
150 | - issue an error if __LINUX__ is not set
151 |
152 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.cc:
153 | - set name of reflector explicitly to "Reflector"
154 |
155 | * msimreflector/MMirror.h:
156 | - added member function to set z position (for optimization purpose)
157 | - added SimPSF(TVector3&)
158 |
159 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]:
160 | - added name of reflector as data member
161 |
162 | * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.cc:
163 | - scale the crosstalk probability as the height of the emitted
164 | signal with the recovery time.
165 |
166 | * mhflux/MHEnergyEst.cc:
167 | - added a workaround to get rid of some root-warnings
168 |
169 | * mjtrain/MJTrainEnergy.cc:
170 | - improved axis labels
171 |
172 | * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.cc:
173 | - added some more comments
174 |
175 | * msimreflector/MMirror.[h,cc]:
176 | - added fShape to allow for parabolic mirrors
177 |
178 | * msimreflector/MReflector.cc:
179 | - implemented the option of parabolic mirrors into the
180 | reflector defintion file
181 |
182 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]:
183 | - implemented (and fixed) the calculation of the reflection at
184 | parabolic surfaces
185 | - implemented the possibility to switch off the early check for
186 | "photon can hit the camera" (fDetectorMargin<0)
187 | - added setter for fDetectorMargin
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 | 2010/03/01 Stefan Ruegamer
193 |
194 | * resources/hilocalib.rc:
195 | - added df factors for p23-25, using the same as for p22. Sequences
196 | are not running with df in these periods, therefore the correct
197 | factors cannot be determined, and it doesn't matter anyway.
198 |
199 | * datacenter/read_lapalma-tapes:
200 | - added automationsetup before movingrawfiles
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 | 2010/02/23 Thomas Bretz
205 |
206 | * mbase/MAGIC.cc:
207 | - projections are supposed to work again in root 5.26
208 | (not tested yet)
209 |
210 | * mbase/MGMap.cc, mbase/MObjLookup.cc:
211 | - key and val are Long64 in newer root versions
212 |
213 | * mdata/MDataPhrase.cc:
214 | - need inclusion of TFormulaPrimitive in root 5.26
215 |
216 | * mhflux/MMcSpectrumWeight.cc:
217 | - root 5.26 has a different calling convention for TH1::Intgeral
218 |
219 | * mjobs/MJob.cc:
220 | - added a suggested parenthesis
221 |
222 | * mjtrain/MJTrainDisp.cc:
223 | - cast the MH3 histogram correctly to a TH2
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 | 2010/02/22 Daniela Dorner
228 |
229 | * datacenter/db/menu.php:
230 | - added ObsLevel and download link column for cta pages
231 |
232 | * datacenter/db/ctadefs.php:
233 | - added observation level
234 |
235 | * datacenter/db/ctamcinfo.php:
236 | - added column with download link for the files
237 |
238 | * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datacenter/db/ctamcinfo.php,
239 | datacenter/db/culminating.php, datacenter/db/datacheck.php,
240 | datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/ganymed.php,
241 | datacenter/db/include.php, datacenter/db/mcinfo.php,
242 | datacenter/db/opticaldata.php, datacenter/db/printtable.php,
243 | datacenter/db/queryrbk.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php,
244 | datacenter/db/sequence.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php,
245 | datacenter/db/sources.php, datacenter/db/statussbs.php:
246 | - bugfix for get.txt
247 |
248 | * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php:
249 | - bugfix calling PrintPage()
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 | 2010/02/01 Daniela Dorner
254 |
255 | * datacenter/scripts/fillmcdb:
256 | - added observation level
257 |
258 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
259 | - added comment concerning $0 problem
260 | - added 'ERROR' in processlog message of makedir
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 | 2010/02/04 Stefan Ruegamer
265 |
266 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc
267 | - changed GetTypeID()!=fTelescopeNumber*10U+5U to GetTypeID()!=5U
268 | so that the new 5xxxxxx sequences can be processed
269 | - adapted error message
270 | - inserted Domino calibration run
271 |
272 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc
273 | - inserted Domino calibration run
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | 2010/02/01 Daniela Dorner
278 |
279 | * datacenter/scripts/runsimtel
280 | - fixes typo
281 | - replaced path in disk-check by variable
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 | 2010/01/15 Stefan Ruegamer
286 |
287 | * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots, jobmanager
288 | - if-condition if [ "$numproc" = "" ] now correctly checks for "0"
289 |
290 | * datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher
291 | - added automationsetup variable in condor command
292 |
293 | * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C
294 | - where necessary changed Int to Long to account for the high value
295 | of the stereo runs
296 |
297 | * resources/sequences.rc
298 | - added two transition conditions for the calibration scripts
299 | 10Led_UV_PEDANDCAL_1kHz and 10LED_UV