1 | ##################################################################
2 | #
3 | # makefile
4 | #
5 | # for the MARS software
6 | #
7 | ##################################################################
8 | # @maintitle
9 |
10 | # @code
11 |
12 | #
13 | # please change all system depend values in the
14 | # config.mk.${OSTYPE} file
15 | #
16 | #
17 | include Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE)
18 | include Makefile.conf.general
19 |
20 | #
21 |
22 | #PROGRAMS = readraw merpp mars test mona status
23 | PROGRAMS = readdaq readraw merpp mars mona showlog callisto showplot
24 | SOLIB = libmars.so
25 | CINT = M
26 |
27 | #
28 | # connect the include files defined in the config.mk file
29 | #
30 | # WARNING: the result (whether the linkage works or not) depends on the
31 | # order of the libraries. It seems, that the most base library
32 | # must be the last one
33 | #
34 |
35 | #
36 | # ----->>> mars libraries
37 | #
38 | SUBDIRS = mbase \
39 | mastro \
40 | mmain \
41 | mfbase \
42 | mfilter \
43 | mdata \
44 | mhbase \
45 | mhvstime \
46 | mhist \
47 | manalysis \
48 | msignal \
49 | mbadpixels \
50 | mcalib \
51 | mpedestal \
52 | mfileio \
53 | mreflector \
54 | mgeom \
55 | msql \
56 | mimage \
57 | mmontecarlo \
58 | mmc \
59 | mraw \
60 | mcamera \
61 | mpointing \
62 | mreport \
63 | mgui \
64 | mranforest \
65 | mhistmc \
66 | mjobs \
67 | mtools \
68 | mstarcam
69 |
70 | #LIBRARIES = $(SUBDIRS:%=lib/lib%.a)
72 | MRPROPERS = $(SUBDIRS:=.mrproper)
73 | CLEANERS = $(SUBDIRS:=.clean)
74 | LIBS = $(SOLIB)
75 |
76 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 | .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .h .o
78 |
80 |
81 | ############################################################
82 | all: $(SOLIB) $(PROGRAMS)
83 | @echo " Done. "
84 | @echo " "
85 |
86 | static: LIBS=$(SUBDIRS:=/*.o) $(OBJS)
87 | #static: rmlib $(LIBRARIES) $(PROGRAMS)
88 | static: $(LIBRARIES) $(PROGRAMS)
89 | @echo " Done. "
90 | @echo " "
91 |
92 | include Makefile.rules
93 |
94 | #
95 | # Use $(CXX) -v ... for a more verbose output
96 | #
97 | # ROOTGLIBS must be there - why? How can I link the libraries?
99 | @echo " Linking shared object $(SOLIB) ..."
100 | $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SOFLAG) $(OBJS) $(SUBDIRS:=/*.o) $(ROOTGLIBS) -o $@
101 |
102 | # This is a special workaround to create the shared object (bundle, plugin)
103 | # for root and the dynlib (to be linked with the executable) on Mac OSX
104 | ifneq ($(OSTYPE),darwin)
105 | $(PROGRAMS): $(SOLIB) $(PROGRAMS:=.o)
106 | @echo " Linking $@ ..."
107 | $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(ROOTGLIBS) $(SOLIB) $@.o $(MARS_LIB) -o $@
108 | else
110 | @echo " Linking dylib $(DYLIB) ..."
111 | $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DYFLAG) $(OBJS) $(SUBDIRS:=/*.o) $(ROOTGLIBS) -o $@
112 |
113 | $(PROGRAMS): $(DYLIB) $(PROGRAMS:=.o)
114 | @echo " Linking mac executable $@ ..."
115 | $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(ROOTGLIBS) $(DYLIB) $@.o $(MARS_LIB) -o $@
116 | endif
117 |
118 | dox: $(SOLIB)
119 | @echo
120 | @echo " Creating html documentation and logfile dohtml.log..."
121 | rm -f dohtml.log
122 | root -b -q dohtml.C 2>&1 >> dohtml.log | tee -a dohtml.log
123 | @echo " done."
124 | @echo
125 |
126 | #clean: rmcint rmobjs rmdep rmcore rmlib
127 |
128 | mrproper: $(MRPROPERS) rmbin rmbak rmbakmac rmhtml clean
129 | @echo " Done."
130 | @echo " "
131 |
132 | tar: mrproper
133 | @echo "Making tar-file"
134 | root -b -q -l -n tar.C
135 | # @tar cvf ../mars.tar --exclude=Root .rootrc *
136 | # @gzip -9 ../mars.tar
137 |
138 | #Makefile.depend:
139 | # (! find ./ Makefile.depend -maxdepth 1 -empty 2> /dev/null && \
140 | # echo " Generating dependancies into Makefile.depend" && \
141 | # makedepend -- $(INCLUDES) -- $(PROGRAMS:=.cc) $(SRCS) $(SUBDIRS:=/*.cc) -w1024 -f- 2> /dev/null | grep -v Cint | grep -v "/usr/" > Makefile.depend && \
142 | # echo " ") || find -maxdepth 0 -true > /dev/null
143 | #
144 | #depend: Makefile.depend
145 |
146 | # @endcode