1 | -*-*- END -*-*-
2 | *** Version <cvs>
3 |
4 | - adapted Random Forest classes to allow the use with MC
5 | multi-telescope files which can be produced with the coming
6 | camera version 0.7.
7 |
8 | - added classes to read and interprete central control report files
9 | (Directory: mreport, Base-Class: MReport, Reader: MReportFileRead, ...)
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 | *** Version 0.8.2 (2003/11/10)
14 |
15 | - accelerated standard analysis by a factor of 6-8 ...
16 | + doing precalculations in MGeomCam for the pixel area ratio
17 | + creating a look up table for the single pixels in MCerPhotEvt
18 |
19 | - added task to calculates weights in case you want to 'change'
20 | the energy spectrum of a monte carlo file
21 | (MMcWeightEnergySpecCalc - Great work from Marcos Lopez Moya)
22 |
23 | - added a new executable star which implements the
24 | star.C macro as precompiled executable. Currently a flexible
25 | setup is not possible, but a 'input card' setup will follow.
26 |
27 | - Starting to implement Multi-Telescope-Support based on the
28 | upcomming camera version 0.7. The base for a general support
29 | is implemented and the star-functionality is proven to work.
30 |
31 | - Replaced Event-Display in and Camera-Display in the Mars GUI
32 | executable by a more convinient display base on MStatusDisplay.
33 |
34 | - fixed the algorithm for the blind pixel treatment (MBlindPixelCalc)
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 | *** Version 0.8.1 (2003/10/20)
39 |
40 | - added signal subtraction for pure on data by means of fitting
41 | the background in the off region or by performing a combined
42 | signal/background fit. Provides necessary histograms for
43 | obtaining energy spectra and a light curve.
44 |
45 | - added classes to perform and study the selection of the
46 | 2nd Level Trigger on MC data (example in triglvl2.C macro)
47 |
48 | - added pedestal calculation
49 |
50 | - implemented "democratic cleaning" (tail cut value proportional
51 | to pixel area) according to Wolfgang's suggestion.
52 |
53 | - added Sigmabar treatment (calculation and basic histogramming)
54 |
55 | - added basic routines to apply padding
56 |
57 | - added first implementation of MARS-based source visibility plotter
58 | (needs to be linked against slalib, preliminary version)
59 |
60 | - enhanced functionality of data chains: random numbers, conversion
61 | functions and access to MHMatrix objects
62 |
63 | - fixed some bugs in the CT1 Preproc file reader, which gave wrong
64 | numbers under certain circumstances (runs with 0 events included)
65 |
66 | - fixed a bug in the general filter MF (didn't work on some systems
67 | at all)
68 |
69 | - fixed a bug in chaining files, which caused the analysis to crash or
70 | ignore files
71 |
72 | - implemented more geometry classes describing the parameters used
73 | to simulate the PMT camera
74 |
75 | - added new Monte Carlo classes containing the setup of the different
76 | programs in the MC chain.
77 |
78 | - added a (preliminary) general task to evaluate chi-square of a given
79 | parameter in an eventloop.
80 |
81 | - first implementation of a container describing the observatory
82 | location (Long, Lat, etc)
83 |
84 | - added Random Forest - method for g/h-separation
85 |
86 | - made compatible with the latest PRO version of root (3.04/02 and 3.05/07)
87 | (this means, that it is compiling, but not yet fully tested)
88 |
89 | - added a new status display which can show the present status
90 | of histograms while an eventloop is running (MStatusDisplay,
91 | an example can be found at status.C)
92 |
93 | - reorganized directories:
94 | classes describing the image --> mimage
95 | classes containing Monte Carlo Histograms --> mhistmc
96 | classes for Random Forest method --> mranforest
97 |
98 | - added (event-)weights to fill histograms
99 |
100 | - colors in logging output to screen
101 |
102 | - changes to the Image Parameter declaration:
103 | + moved fConc, fConc1 from MHillasSrc to MNewImagePar
104 | + moved fNumUsedPix, fNumCorePix from MHillas to MNewImagePar
105 | + MHillasExt now derives from MParContainer instead of MHillas
106 | --> Files written with the old definition are more or less unreadable
107 |
108 | - reading of reflector files
109 |
110 | - display data from reflector files in the camera
111 |
112 | - implemented currents (and display them in the camera)
113 |
114 | - logarithmic scale in camera
115 |
116 | - added class to iterate through directory contents (MDirIter)
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 | *** Version 0.8 (2002/11/18)
121 |
122 | - added all subdirectories as Include-Paths for ACLIC (s. rootlogon.C)
123 |
124 | - corrected 48(!) wrong entries in the Next Neighbor table of the
125 | Magic Camera (all in the inner part of the outer ring, mostly
126 | missing a single NN)
127 |
128 | - Fixed a bug in the table describing the Next Neighbours of the
129 | CT1 camera (a pixel 127 doesn't exist and the pixel 126 didn't
130 | have any neighbour)
131 |
132 | - changed trigrate.C: now it calculates the pure NSB triggers from
133 | a camera file (generated with no showers), so there is no need
134 | to introduce them by hand in the BgR array (for more details
135 | please ask Abelardo)
136 |
137 | - added MHHadronness (and MHadronness) as a general facility to evaluate
138 | the quality of a gamma-hadron seperation method
139 |
140 | - changed MWriteAsciiFile to accept rules (MDataChain)
141 |
142 | - Calls to MWriteAsciiFile::AddContainer and MWriteAsciiFile::AddRule
143 | must be replaced by calles to MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumn and
144 | MWriteAsciiFile::AddColumns. Be carefull, the arguments have slightly
145 | changed.
146 |
147 | - Implemented generalized event-matrices (one row per event)
148 | (MHMatrix)
149 |
150 | - implemented the one dimensional composite probabilities
151 | (MHCompProb, MCompProbCalc, comprob.C)
152 |
153 | - implemented the Multidimensional Distances (Next Neighbours, Kernel)
154 | (MMultiDimDistCalc, multidimdist.C, multidimdist2.C, MHMatrix)
155 |
156 | - Added a camera display displaying the pixel numbers to the
157 | event display gui.
158 |
159 | - Added Monte Carlo Informations to event display gui
160 |
161 | - Changed the camera display to display the pixel numbering
162 |
163 | - Added three buttons to the camera display to change the palette
164 |
165 | - Added the number of used and core pixels after image cleaning
166 | to MHillas
167 |
168 | - Changed the algorithm used in MHillas according to TDAS 02-03
169 |
170 | - Changed the Alpha range according to TDAS 02-03 to [-90°,90°]
171 |
172 | - Changed the algorithm used in MHillasSrc according to TDAS 02-03
173 |
174 | - Added fCosDeltaAlpha to MHillasSrc
175 |
176 | - The numbers of photons used to calculate fConc and fConc1 in
177 | MHillasExt are now scaled with the pixel size, so that one get
178 | a four times smaller value for the bigger pixels in the outer ring.
179 |
180 | - added new task to smooth the camera contents (MCameraSmooth)
181 |
182 | - added possibility to use interpolated pixel values for blind pixels
183 | instead of removing it completely from the analysis
184 |
185 | - Implemented the possibility to save the whole eventloop with
186 | its setup to a file. This information can be read and from
187 | it you can (re)create a Macro. See MEvtLoop::Read, MEvtLoop::Write
188 | and MEvtLoop::MakeMacro. If you find something not working, please
189 | report - this stuff is still in a beta phase.
190 |
191 | - MBlindPixelCalc set all Ceta-Tauri pixels to unused not only for the
192 | file having crab starfield, but also for all following files - fixed
193 |
194 | - MTaskList::PrintStatistics can now be instructud to print also the
195 | title, too: use PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE)
196 |
197 | - Changed the image cleaning so that pixels with to many 'used'
198 | neighbors are left used (to get rid of 'holes' in events)
199 |
200 | - Introduced more output to the camera displays
201 |
202 | - Added an array of histograms (eg one hist per run), MHArray
203 |
204 | - Added a _preliminary_ version of the reader for CT1 PreProc files
205 | (MCT1ReadPreProc)
206 |
207 | - Fixed the error calculation of MHMCollectionArea and MHMcIntRate
208 | (thanks to Raquel)
209 |
210 | - added the first energy estimator (MEnergyEstParam, estimate.C,
211 | estfit.C) using a parametrization
212 |
213 | - Added some new Monte Carlo paremeter containers used to store
214 | setup information from the MC chain (MMcConfigRunHeader,
215 | MMcCorsikaRunHeader, MGeomPMT, MGeomMirror)
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 | *** Version 0.7 (2002/04/30)
220 |
221 | - added a bugfix to MCerPhotCalc. In older camera versions (<=40)
222 | the pedestal mean value was saved incorrectly. For files from
223 | this versions we substract 0.5 from the pedestal mean.
224 | WARNING: This may effect your results, so don't wonder...
225 |
226 | - First implementation of an algorithm using only triggered events
227 | for the collection area calculation
228 |
229 | - Ascii Output can now also be used for parameter containers which
230 | doesn't overload MParCointainer::AsciiWrite
231 |
232 | - The Ascii Output is now also capable of writing single data members
233 | of one container
234 |
235 | - You are now able to change the order of the values written to the
236 | ascii file
237 |
238 | - You can now specify a conversion factor for each data member written
239 | to an ascii file. This may be usefull to change the units of the
240 | data member (eg. degrees instead of millimeters in case of the
241 | hillas parameters)
242 |
243 | - Replaced old MHillas by a new structure which allows you to extend
244 | the parameters stored in MHillas very easily:
245 | see MHillas and MHillasExt
246 |
247 | - Added classes to handle source dependancy of image parameters:
248 | see MHillasSrc
249 |
250 | - Added container (MBinning) to have a standard input for the binning
251 | in different histograms (eg. the Energy bins should be the same in
252 | all histograms)
253 |
254 | - Changed Hillas histograms from mm to deg
255 |
256 | - Added the flexible binning to the hillas histograms
257 |
258 | - Added a filter for the alpha parameter (MFAlpha)
259 |
260 | - It is now possible to write single data members of a class object to
261 | an output stream instead of the whole container only
262 |
263 | - Added a generalized filter for a data member:
264 | MFDataMember filter("MHillas.fWidth", '<', 0.5);
265 |
266 | - Added a generalized Filter parser for more difficult filter rules
267 | MF filter("MHillas.fWidth<0.5 && MHillas.fLength>0.5");
268 |
269 | - Added new Monte Carlo histograms:
270 | MHMcEnergyImpact and MHMcEfficiency
271 |
272 | - Added many new histograms needed for the flux calculation.
273 |
274 | - Added a generalized histograms which can fill and show up to three
275 | data members in either a one-, two- or three-dimensional histogram, eg:
276 | MH3 mh3("MHillas.fWidth", "MHillas.fLength");
277 |
278 | - Added:
279 | * calculation of <Theta> as a function of Theta (MHThetabarTheta)
280 | * calculation of <Theta> as a function of time (MHThetabarTime)
281 | they are needed in the flux calculation in
282 | order to select for a given bin in Theta (or time) the appropriate
283 | effective collection area, which is assumed to be given as a function
284 | of Theta and the true energy
285 |
286 | - Added calculation of the migration matrix in the energy
287 | (MHMcEnergyMigration):
288 | the migration matrix describes the migration from the true (E_true)
289 | to the estimated energy (E_est); it is needed to determine the
290 | distribution of E_true from the measured distribution of E_est
291 | by unfolding
292 |
293 | - changed the color palette in the camera display to DeapSea.
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 | *** Version 0.6 (2002/01/15)
298 |
299 | - Introduce the option of disable pixels (MBlindPixels and
300 | MBlindPixelCalc) for the analysis (eg MHillasCalc) to be
301 | able to deal with Star Field NSB.
302 |
303 | - Fixed a bug in the pedestals substraction
304 |
305 | - Introduced verbosity levels
306 |
307 | - Introduced a task (MReadMarsFile) which reads the RunHeader tree, too.
308 |
309 | - Fixed several bugs in MFTriggerLvl1 which caused to filter not to
310 | work correctly (thanks to Abelardo)
311 |
312 | - Introduced correct treatment of the diffuse Night Sky Background
313 | and NSB (MMcPedestalNSB)
314 |
315 | - Corrected treatment of the electronic noise (MMcPedestalCopy)
316 |
317 | - Introduced MMcRunHeaders which contains monte carlo run informations
318 |
319 | - Added a 'Print'-Task (MPrint) which calls the Print function
320 | of a parameter container for each event
321 |
322 | - Removed MHtml (was replaced by THtml of root 3.02) in dohtml.C
323 |
324 | - changes to be more efficient with root 3.02/06
325 |
326 | - root 3.02/06 fixes:
327 | + the memory leak when reading MRawEvtData
328 | + loosing more time than necessary to update the progress bar
329 |
330 | - MWriteAsciiFile is now capable of writing more than one container
331 | in a line. For example: To be able to write Monte Carlo and
332 | Hillas values (energy and alpha) in one line.
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 | *** Version 0.5 (2001/11/06)
337 |
338 | - Added new GUI functionality (Analysis)
339 |
340 | - Added a camera display to be able to display events in the camera
341 | together with the calculated hillas ellipse
342 |
343 | - Added a 'Clone'-Task (MClone) which can clone a parameter container
344 | object at any state of the analysis, so that the output are several
345 | states
346 |
347 | - Fixed a bug in the collection area error calculation
348 | (Thanks to Ciro and Abelardo)
349 |
350 | - Fixed a bug which causes merpp to crash in some environments
351 |
352 | - Implemented auto enabling scheme for Branches to speed up reading
353 | a lot (see MReadTree and MTask)
354 |
355 | - Fixed a bug in the Histogram classes which caused histograms to
356 | be written to a file by MWriteRootFile without request
357 |
358 | - changed the object I/O from the old stylish root I/O to the new
359 | 'auto evolution scheme' This was done only for classes which are not
360 | yet used in Monte Carlo files, so that these files are still readable.
361 |
362 | - Added support for a progress bar in MEvtLoop and MReadTree
363 | (see the Analysis Window in Mars for an example)
364 |
365 | - Fixed a bug in the package creation which disturbed the conversion
366 | between a mars version unpacked from a tar file and the repository.
367 |
368 | - Changed the code to writer merpped (converted into root format)
369 | raw files, to get faster (around 10%)
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 | *** Version 0.4 (2001/09/20)
374 |
375 | - This release is made to compile on a root version >= 3.00
376 |
377 | - Fixed a bug which causes MReadTree to read the first file only
378 |
379 | - Added a task to compute the trigger rate (MMcTriggerRateCalc)
380 |
381 | - Added a task to write a container to an Ascii file (MWriteAsciiFile)
382 |
383 | - Added a task to write several container to a root file (MWriteRootFile)
384 |
385 | - Added calculation of the Enegry Threshold (MMcThresholdCalc)
386 |
387 | - Added calculation of the collection area (MMcCollectionAreaCalc)
388 |
389 | - fixed some bugs in the Hillas calculation
390 |
391 | - added filters to be able to control the task execution dependent on
392 | a parameter (for example: the number of level 1 triggers in a MC-file)
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 | *** Version 0.3 (2001/04/23)
397 |
398 | - Many demo macros added
399 |
400 | - MCT1ReadAscii is now able to handle more than one file (s. ::AddFile)
401 |
402 | - Hillas Calculation added
403 |
404 | - Standard image cleaning available
405 |
406 | - MReadTree is now able to handle more than one file
407 | (Remark: of the same structure)
408 |
409 | - Now we are able to display events in a first version of the
410 | Camera event display. To do this we must run the macro
411 | "macros/readCT1.C" to read data from CT1.
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 | *** Version 0.2 (2001/01/24)
416 |
417 | - First Implementation of a Gui to read the raw data. Start the
418 | gui with the command mars.
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 | *** Version 0.1 (2000/12/20)
423 |
424 | - First official release 0.1
425 |
426 | - Changes:
427 |
428 | + changed calling style of MRawPixelIterator from do...while to
429 | while-loop
430 |