-*-*- END -*-*- *** Version 0.5 - Added new GUI functionality (Analysis) *** Version 0.4 (2001/09/20) - This release is made to compile on a root version >= 3.00 - Fixed a bug which causes MReadTree to read the first file only - Added a task to compute the trigger rate (MMcTriggerRateCalc) - Added a task to write a container to an Ascii file (MWriteAsciiFile) - Added a task to write several container to a root file (MWriteRootFile) - Added calculation of the Enegry Threshold (MMcThresholdCalc) - Added calculation of the collection area (MMcCollectionAreaCalc) - fixed some bugs in the Hillas calculation - added filters to be able to control the task execution dependent on a parameter (for example: the number of level 1 triggers in a MC-file) *** Version 0.3 (2001/04/23) - Many demo macros added - MCT1ReadAscii is now able to handle more than one file (s. ::AddFile) - Hillas Calculation added - Standard image cleaning available - MReadTree is now able to handle more than one file (Remark: of the same structure) - Now we are able to display events in a first version of the Camera event display. To do this we must run the macro "macros/readCT1.C" to read data from CT1. *** Version 0.2 (2001/01/24) - First Implementation of a Gui to read the raw data. Start the gui with the command mars. *** Version 0.1 (2000/12/20) - First official release 0.1 - Changes: + changed calling style of MRawPixelIterator from do...while to while-loop