#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MEnv.h" #include "MArgs.h" #include "MArray.h" #include "MDirIter.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" #include "MSequence.h" #include "MJPedestal.h" #include "MJCalibration.h" #include "MJCalibrateSignal.h" #include "MJCalibTest.h" using namespace std; static void StartUpMessage() { gLog << all << endl; // 1 2 3 4 5 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 gLog << "========================================================" << endl; gLog << " Callisto - MARS V" << MARSVER << endl; gLog << " MARS -- CALibrate LIght Signals and Time Offsets" << endl; gLog << " Compiled with ROOT v" << ROOT_RELEASE << " on <" << __DATE__ << ">" << endl; gLog << "========================================================" << endl; gLog << endl; } static void Usage() { // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 gLog << all << endl; gLog << "Sorry the usage is:" << endl; gLog << " callisto [-c] [-y] [options] sequence.txt|number" << endl << endl; gLog << " Arguments:" << endl; gLog << " sequence.txt: ASCII file defining a sequence of runs" << endl; gLog << " number: The sequence number (using file in the datacenter)" << endl; gLog << " For more details see MSequence" << endl; gLog << " Root Options:" << endl; gLog << " -b Batch mode (no graphical output to screen)" << endl<" << endl; gLog << " -mc Input root-files are monte carlo files" << endl; gLog << " -root Read input from root-files (merpped)" << endl << endl; gLog << " Options:" << endl; gLog.Usage(); gLog << " --debug-env=0 Disable debugging setting resources " << endl; gLog << " --debug-env[=1] Display untouched resources after program execution" << endl; gLog << " --debug-env=2 Display untouched resources after eventloop setup" << endl; gLog << " --debug-env=3 Debug setting resources from resource file" << endl; gLog << " --debug-mem Debug memory usage" << endl << endl; gLog << endl; gLog << " -q Quit when job is finished" << endl; gLog << " -f Force overwrite of existing files" << endl; gLog << " --ind=path Path where to search for the data files" << endl; gLog << " [default=standard path in datacenter]" << endl; gLog << " --iny=path Path where to search for the calibration files" << endl; gLog << " [default=local path or output path of Mode-C]" << endl; gLog << " --outc=path Path to write Mode-C result to [def=local path]" << endl; gLog << " --outy=path Path to write Mode-Y result to [def=local path]" << endl; gLog << " --out=path Path to write the all results to [def=local path]" << endl; gLog << " (overwrites --outc and --outy)" << endl; gLog << " --path=path Path to write the all results to [def=local path]" << endl; gLog << " (overwrites --iny, --outc and --outy)" << endl; gLog << " --print-seq Print Sequence information" << endl; gLog << " --print-files Print Files taken from Sequence" << endl; gLog << " --print-found Print Files found from Sequence" << endl; gLog << " --use-test Apply calibration constants to same calibration" << endl; gLog << " file (for testing, calibration mode only)" << endl; gLog << " --moon Force using pedestal fits instead of calculated RMS" << endl; gLog << " --config=callisto.rc Resource file [default=callisto.rc]" << endl; gLog << endl; gLog << " --version, -V Show startup message with version number" << endl; gLog << " -?, -h, --help This help" << endl << endl; gLog << " Setup of the two jobs run by callisto (MJPedestal and MJCalibration)" << endl; gLog << " can be done with the resource file. See MJPedestal and MJCalibration" << endl; gLog << " especially CheckEnv() for more details. Command line options might" << endl; gLog << " be overwritten by the resource file." << endl << endl; gLog << " If running in Mode-C and Mode-Y --iny= is obsolete, instead --outc=" << endl; gLog << " is used." << endl << endl; gLog << " Using --iny=, --outc=, --outy=, --out= or --path= automatically" << endl; gLog << " enables the corresponding modes. In this case -c/-y are obsolete." << endl << endl; gLog << "Description:" << endl; gLog << " callisto will calculate pedestals from pedestal-files defined in a" << endl; gLog << " sequence-file. This pedestals are used to calculate the calibration" << endl; gLog << " constants. These constants are stored in a so called calibration-file" << endl; gLog << " together with some datacheck plots which can be viewed using either" << endl; gLog << " showplot or MStatusDisplay in the interpreter. A description of a" << endl; gLog << " sequence-file can be found in the class reference of MSequence." << endl << endl; gLog << "Background:" << endl; gLog << " Callisto is a large, icy, dark-colored, low-density outer moon of" << endl; gLog << " Jupiter that is scarred with impact craters and ejecta. It has a" << endl; gLog << " diameter of about 4800km, the second-largest moon of Jupiter; it is" << endl; gLog << " roughly the size of Mercury. Callisto has the largest-known impact" << endl; gLog << " crater in the Solar System, Valhalla, which has a bright patch 600km" << endl; gLog << " across and rings that go out to almost 3000km. Callisto orbits" << endl; gLog << " Jupiter at a mean distance of 1,883,000km. Its mass is 1.1e23 kg. It" << endl; gLog << " takes Callisto 16.7 days to orbit Jupiter in a synchronous orbit." << endl; gLog << " Jupiter's moon Callisto was discovered independently by Galileo and" << endl; gLog << " S.Marius in 1610." << endl << endl; gLog << "Example:" << endl; gLog << " callisto -f --outc=mycal/ --outy=mysignal/ --log sequence02345.txt" << endl; gLog << endl; } static void PrintFiles(const MSequence &seq, const TString &kInpathD, Bool_t raw, Bool_t showall) { const char *prep = showall ? "Found" : "Scheduled"; MDirIter Next1, Next2, Next3; seq.SetupPedRuns(Next1, kInpathD, raw); seq.SetupCalRuns(Next2, kInpathD, raw); seq.SetupDatRuns(Next3, kInpathD, raw); gLog << all; gLog.Separator(Form("%s Pedestal Files", prep)); Next1.Print(showall?"all":""); gLog << endl; gLog.Separator(Form("%s Calibration Files", prep)); Next2.Print(showall?"all":""); gLog << endl; gLog.Separator(Form("%s Data Files", prep)); Next3.Print(showall?"all":""); gLog << endl; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (!MARS::CheckRootVer()) return 0xff; // // Evaluate arguments // MArgs arg(argc, argv, kTRUE); gLog.Setup(arg); StartUpMessage(); if (arg.HasOnly("-V") || arg.HasOnly("--version")) return 0; if (arg.HasOnly("-?") || arg.HasOnly("-h") || arg.HasOnly("--help")) { Usage(); return 2; } const TString kConfig = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--config=", "callisto.rc"); const Bool_t kPrintSeq = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--print-seq"); const Bool_t kPrintFiles = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--print-files"); const Bool_t kPrintFound = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--print-found"); const Bool_t kUseTest = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--use-test"); const Bool_t kDebugMem = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--debug-mem"); Bool_t kMoon = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--moon"); Int_t kDebugEnv = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--debug-env") ? 1 : 0; kDebugEnv = arg.GetIntAndRemove("--debug-env=", kDebugEnv); const Bool_t kQuit = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-q"); const Bool_t kBatch = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-b"); const Bool_t kOverwrite = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-f"); //const Bool_t kForceExec = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-ff"); const TString kInpathD = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--ind=", ""); TString kInpathY = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--iny=", ""); TString kOutpathY = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--outy=", ""); TString kOutpathC = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--outc=", ""); const TString kOutpath = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--out=", ""); const TString kPath = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--path=", ""); Bool_t kModeC = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-c"); Bool_t kModeY = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-y"); MJCalib::DataType_t kDataType = MJCalib::kIsUseRawData; // root if (arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-root")) kDataType = MJCalib::kIsUseRootData; // root if (arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-raw")) kDataType = MJCalib::kIsUseRawData; // raw if (arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-mc")) kDataType = MJCalib::kIsUseMC; // monte carlo if (!kInpathY.IsNull() || !kOutpathY.IsNull() || !kOutpath.IsNull() || !kPath.IsNull()) kModeY = kTRUE; if (!kOutpathC.IsNull() || !kOutpath.IsNull() || !kPath.IsNull()) kModeC = kTRUE; // // check for the right usage of the program // if (arg.GetNumArguments()!=1) { Usage(); return 2; } if (arg.GetNumOptions()>0) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - Unknown commandline options..." << endl; arg.Print("options"); gLog << endl; return 2; } if (!kModeC && !kModeY /*&& !kUseTest*/) { gLog << err << "Neither calibration (-c), signal extraction (-y) or test-mode (--use-test)" << endl; gLog << "specified! You can also give the operation mode by the options defining the" << endl; gLog << "output path --outc, --outy or --out." << endl; Usage(); return 2; } if ((kModeC/* || kUseTest*/) && kOutpathC.IsNull()) kOutpathC = "."; if (kModeY) { if (kInpathY.IsNull()) kInpathY = "."; if (kOutpathY.IsNull()) kOutpathY = "."; } if (!kOutpath.IsNull()) { kOutpathC = kOutpath; kOutpathY = kOutpath; } if (!kPath.IsNull()) { kOutpathC = kOutpath; kOutpathY = kOutpath; kInpathY = kOutpath; } if (kModeC && kModeY) kInpathY = kOutpathC; // // Setup sequence file and check for its existance // TString kSequence = arg.GetArgumentStr(0); if (kSequence.IsDigit()) { const Int_t numseq = kSequence.Atoi(); kSequence = Form("/magic/sequences/%04d/sequence%08d.txt", numseq/10000, numseq); gLog << inf << "Inflated sequence file: " << kSequence << endl; } if (gSystem->AccessPathName(kSequence, kFileExists)) { gLog << err << "Sorry, sequence file '" << kSequence << "' doesn't exist." << endl; return 3; } if (gSystem->AccessPathName(kConfig, kFileExists)) { gLog << err << "Sorry, config file '" << kConfig << "' doesn't exist." << endl; return 4; } if (kDebugMem) TObject::SetObjectStat(kTRUE); // // Setup sequence and check its validity // MSequence seq(kSequence); if (kPrintSeq) { gLog << all; gLog.Separator(kSequence); seq.Print(); gLog << endl; } if (!seq.IsValid()) { gLog << err << "Sequence read but not valid!" << endl << endl; return 5; } // // Process print options // if (kPrintFiles) PrintFiles(seq, kInpathD, kDataType==MJCalib::kIsUseRawData, kFALSE); if (kPrintFound) PrintFiles(seq, kInpathD, kDataType==MJCalib::kIsUseRawData, kTRUE); if (seq.HasMoon()) kMoon = kTRUE; /* // // Check for existance of all files // MDirIter iter; const Int_t n0 = seq.SetupAllRuns(iter, kInpathD, "[DPC]"); const Int_t n1 = seq.GetNumAllRuns(); if (n0 != n1) { if (kForceExec) gLog << warn << "WARNING"; else gLog << err << "ERROR"; gLog << " - " << n1 << " files in sequence defined, but " << n0 << " found in "; gLog << (kInpathD.IsNull() ? "" : kInpathD.Data()) << endl; if (!kForceExec) return 2; } if (kPrintOnly) return 0; */ // // Initialize root // MArray::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); MParContainer::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); TApplication app("callisto", &argc, argv); if (!gROOT->IsBatch() && !gClient || gROOT->IsBatch() && !kBatch) { gLog << err << "Bombing... maybe your DISPLAY variable is not set correctly!" << endl; return 1; } // // Update frequency by default = 1Hz // MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay; // From now on each 'Exit' means: Terminate the application d->SetBit(MStatusDisplay::kExitLoopOnExit); d->SetTitle(kSequence); MEnv env(kConfig); if (kModeC/* || kUseTest*/) { // // Calculate pedestal for pedestal-calculation and calibration // MJPedestal job1(Form("MJPedestalC1 #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job1.SetNoStorage(); job1.SetSequence(seq); job1.SetEnv(&env); job1.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job1.SetDisplay(d); job1.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job1.SetPathData(kInpathD); job1.SetDataType(kDataType); job1.SetUseHists(kMoon); job1.SetExtractionFundamental(); // job1.SetPathOut(kOutpathC); // not yet needed // job1.SetPathIn(kInpathC); // DO NOT CALL IT. IT WOULD READ THE XEXTRACTOR FROM calib-file if (!job1.Process()) { gLog << err << "Calculation of pedestal failed." << endl << endl; return 6; } if (!job1.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } // // Calculate pedestal and pedestal resolution // MJPedestal job2(Form("MJPedestalC2 #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job2.SetNoStorage(); job2.SetSequence(seq); job2.SetEnv(&env); job2.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job2.SetDisplay(d);; job2.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job2.SetPathData(kInpathD); job2.SetDataType(kDataType); job2.SetUseHists(kMoon); job2.SetDeadPixelCheck(); // job1.SetPathOut(kOutpathC); // not yet needed // job1.SetPathIn(kInpathC); // DO NOT CALL IT. IT WOULD READ THE XEXTRACTOR FROM calib-file //job2.SetExtractorResolution(); job2.SetExtractionWithExtractorRndm(); job2.SetExtractor(job1.GetExtractor()); job2.SetPedestals(job1.GetPedestalCam()); job2.SetBadPixels(job1.GetBadPixels()); // Please check the Changelog of 2005/04/20 about further deatils of the next comment //if (job1.GetExtractor().InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge")) if (!job2.Process()) { gLog << err << "Calculation of pedestal resolution failed." << endl << endl; return 7; } if (!job2.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } // // Do calibration // MJCalibration job3(Form("MJCalibration #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job3.SetSequence(seq); job3.SetEnv(&env); job3.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job3.SetDisplay(d); job3.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job3.SetPathOut(kOutpathC); job3.SetPathData(kInpathD); job3.SetDataType(kDataType); // job2.SetPathIn(kInpathC); // not yet needed job3.SetBadPixels(job2.GetBadPixels()); job3.SetExtractor(job2.GetExtractor()); job3.SetExtractorCam(job2.GetPedestalCam()); if (!job3.Process(job1.GetPedestalCam())) { gLog << err << "Calculation of calibration failed." << endl << endl; return 8; } if (kDebugEnv>0) env.PrintUntouched(); if (!job3.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } if (kUseTest) { MJCalibTest job4(Form("MJCalibTest #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job4.SetBadPixels(job2.GetBadPixels()); job4.SetSequence(seq); job4.SetEnv(&env); job4.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job4.SetDisplay(d);; job4.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job4.SetPathOut(kOutpathC); job4.SetPathData(kInpathD); job4.SetDataType(kDataType); if (!job4.Process(job1.GetPedestalCam())) { gLog << err << "Calibration of calibration failed." << endl << endl; return 9; } if (kDebugEnv>0) env.PrintUntouched(); if (!job4.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } } } if (kModeY) { d->Reset(); // // Calculate starting pedestal for data extraction // MJPedestal job1(Form("MJPedestalY1 #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job1.SetNoStorage(); job1.SetSequence(seq); job1.SetEnv(&env); job1.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job1.SetDisplay(d); job1.SetNoDisplay(); job1.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job1.SetPathData(kInpathD); job1.SetPathIn(kInpathY); // --> READ Extractor from calib-file job1.SetDataType(kDataType); //job1.SetPathOut(kOutpathY); // not yet needed job1.SetUseData(); job1.SetExtractionFundamental(); job1.SetUseHists(kMoon); if (!job1.Process()) { gLog << err << "Calculation of fundamental pedestal failed." << endl << endl; return 10; } if (!job1.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } // // Calculate pedestal and pedestal resolution // MJPedestal job2(Form("MJPedestalY2 #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job2.SetNoStorage(); job2.SetSequence(seq); job2.SetEnv(&env); job2.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job2.SetDisplay(d); job2.SetNoDisplay(); job2.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job2.SetPathData(kInpathD); job2.SetPathIn(kInpathY); job2.SetDataType(kDataType); job2.SetPulsePosCheck(kDataType!=MJCalib::kIsUseMC); job2.SetPathOut(kOutpathY); // for updating the extractor job2.SetUseData(); job2.SetExtractionWithExtractorRndm(); job2.SetExtractor(job1.GetExtractor()); job2.SetPedestals(job1.GetPedestalCam()); job2.SetBadPixels(job1.GetBadPixels()); job2.SetUseHists(kMoon); // Please check the Changelog of 2005/04/20 about further deatils of the next comment //if (job1.GetExtractor().InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge")) const Int_t rc = job2.Process(); if (rc<=0) { // rc==0: Error // rc==-1: too much to the left // rc==-2: too much to the right // rc==-3: too much to the right (beyond limits) gLog << err << "Calculation of pedestal from extractor (random) failed." << endl << endl; //error coding for the automatic analysis (to be filled into the database) switch (rc) { case 0: return 11; case -1: return 12; case -2: return 13; case -3: return 14; } return 2; } if (!job2.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } // // Calculate pedestal and pedestal resolution // MJPedestal job3(Form("MJPedestalY3 #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job3.SetNoStorage(); job3.SetSequence(seq); job3.SetEnv(&env); job3.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job3.SetDisplay(d); job3.SetNoDisplay(); job3.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job3.SetPathData(kInpathD); job3.SetPathIn(kInpathY); job3.SetDataType(kDataType); // job1.SetPathOut(kOutpathC); // not yet needed // job1.SetPathIn(kInpathC); // not yet needed job3.SetUseData(); job3.SetExtractionWithExtractor(); job3.SetExtractor(job2.GetExtractor()); job3.SetPedestals(job1.GetPedestalCam()); job3.SetBadPixels(job1.GetBadPixels()); job3.SetUseHists(kMoon); if (!job3.Process()) { gLog << err << "Calculation of pedestal from extractor failed." << endl << endl; return 15; } if (!job3.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } // // Extract signal and calibrate it // MJCalibrateSignal job4(Form("MJCalibrateSignal #%d", seq.GetSequence())); job4.SetSequence(seq); job4.SetDisplay(d);; job4.SetEnv(&env); job4.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job4.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job4.SetPathIn(kInpathY); job4.SetPathOut(kOutpathY); job4.SetPathData(kInpathD); job4.SetDataType(kDataType); if (kDataType!=MJCalib::kIsUseMC) job4.SetExtractor(job2.GetExtractor()); // Where to search for calibration files if (!job4.Process(job1.GetPedestalCam(), job3.GetPedestalCam(), job2.GetPedestalCam())) return 16; if (kDebugEnv>0) env.PrintUntouched(); if (!job4.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } } if (kBatch || kQuit) delete d; else { // From now on each 'Close' means: Terminate the application d->SetBit(MStatusDisplay::kExitLoopOnClose); // Wait until the user decides to exit the application app.Run(kFALSE); } if (TObject::GetObjectStat()) { TObject::SetObjectStat(kFALSE); gObjectTable->Print(); } return 0; }