1 | # ==========================================================================
2 | #############################################################################
3 | # ==========================================================================
4 | # General
5 | # ==========================================================================
6 | #############################################################################
7 | # ==========================================================================
8 |
9 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | # Use this if you want to setup the logging stream for the jobs
11 | # (overwrites command line options)
12 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 | #MLog.VerbosityLevel: 2
14 | #MLog.DebugLevel: 1
15 | #MLog.NoColors: yes
16 |
17 | # ==========================================================================
18 | #############################################################################
19 | # ==========================================================================
20 | # Calibration
21 | # ==========================================================================
22 | #############################################################################
23 | # ==========================================================================
24 |
25 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 | # Use this if you want to write the MJPedestal output somewhere
27 | # If you don't want it, it is written to the calibration output anyhow.
28 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | #MJPedestalC.PathOut: .
30 |
31 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 | # Use this to define where the calibration output is stored. The filename
33 | # is created from the sequence number. If nothing is specified '.' is
34 | # assumed. (overwrites command line options)
35 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 | #MJCalibration.PathOut: calped
37 |
38 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 | # Use this to define where the program should search for the pedestal
40 | # and calibration files defined in the sequence. To use the local
41 | # directory use '.' If nothing is specified the default path in the
42 | # datacenter is used. (overwrites command line options)
43 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 | #MJPedestalC.PathData: /data/MAGIC/Period016/
45 | #MJCalibration.PathData: /data/MAGIC/Period016/
46 |
47 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | # Configure MJCalibration
49 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 | # Switch on relative time calibration
51 | MJCalibration.RelTimeCalibration: Yes
52 | # Set color to be used
53 | #MJCalibration.Color:
54 | # Type of displayed plots
55 | #MJCalibration.Display: Full,DataCheck,Normal
56 | # Used for data-check (eg. raw files are read)
57 | #MJCalibration.Datacheck: No
58 | # Write additinal debug output
59 | #MJCalibration.Debug: No
60 | # Use blind pixel
61 | #MJCalibration.UseBlindPixel: No
62 | # Use pin diode
63 | #MJCalibration.UsePINDiode: No
64 |
65 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 | # You can choose the pedestal extraction algorithm/task. To use
67 | # MPedCalcPedRun use the lines below. Be carefull, a pedestal file
68 | # could be (if no pedestal file available) a data-file, too.
69 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal: MPedCalcPedRun
71 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.HiGainFirst: 0
72 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.HiGainLast: 29
73 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.LoGainFirst: 0
74 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.LoGainLast: 14
75 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.HiGainWindowSize: 14
76 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.LoGainWindowSize: 0
77 |
78 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 | # You can choose the pedestal extraction algorithm/task. To use
80 | # MPedCalcFromLoGain use the lines below. Be carefull, a pedestal file
81 | # could be (if no pedestal file available) a data-file, too.
82 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 | MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal: MPedCalcFromLoGain
84 | MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.PedestalUpdate: no
85 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.HiGainFirst: 0
86 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.HiGainLast: 11
87 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.LoGainFirst: 1
88 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.LoGainLast: 14
89 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.HiGainWindowSize: 12
90 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.LoGainWindowSize: 14
91 | #MJPedestalC.ExtractPedestal.MaxHiGainVar: 40
92 |
93 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 | # Configure MJPedestal
95 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 | # Maximum number of event processed in the loop
97 | #MJPedestalC.MaxEvents: 1000
98 | # Allow to overwrite existing files with the output file
99 | #MJPedestalC.AllowOverwrite: No
100 | # Use data runs from the sequence instead of calibration runs
101 | #MJPedestalC.UseData: No
102 |
103 |
104 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 | # Use this if you want to change the signal extractor for the calibration
106 | # and automatically the data extraction
107 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 | MJCalibration.ExtractSignal: MExtractFixedWindow
109 | MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.HiGainFirst: 3
110 | MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.HiGainLast: 14
111 | MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.LoGainFirst: 4
112 | MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.LoGainLast: 13
113 | #MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.HiGainWindowSize: 6
114 | #MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.LoGainWindowSize: 6
115 | #MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.PeakSearchWindow: 4
116 | #MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.OffsetFromWindow: 1
117 | #MJCalibration.ExtractSignal.LoGainPeakShift: 0
118 |
119 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 | # Use this if you want to change the time extractor for the calibration
121 | # and automatically the data extraction
122 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 | MJCalibration.ExtractTime: MExtractTimeFastSpline
124 | MJCalibration.ExtractTime.HiGainFirst: 0
125 | MJCalibration.ExtractTime.HiGainLast: 7
126 | MJCalibration.ExtractTime.LoGainFirst: 3
127 | MJCalibration.ExtractTime.LoGainLast: 8
128 | #MJCalibration.ExtractTime.WindowSizeHiGain: 6
129 | #MJCalibration.ExtractTime.WindowSizeLoGain: 6
130 | #MJCalibration.ExtractTime.OffsetLoGain: 1.51
131 |
132 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 | # Use this to change the behaviour of the calibration
134 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.ChargeLimit: 2.5
136 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.ChargeErrLimit: 0
137 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.ChargeRelErrLimit: 1
138 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.Debug: no
139 |
140 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.FFactorErrLimit: 4.5
141 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.LambdaErrLimit: 0.2
142 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.LambdaCheckLimit: 0.5
143 | #MJCalibration.MCalibrationChargeCalc.PheErrLimit: 3.5
144 | #//MCalibrationChargeCalc.PulserColor ( const MCalibrationCam::PulserColor_t col ) { fPulserColor = col; }
145 |
146 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 | # Use this to change the behaviour of the calibration
148 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 | #MJCalibration.MHCalibrationChargeCam.Debug: no
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 | # ==========================================================================
154 | #############################################################################
155 | # ==========================================================================
156 | # Signal extraction
157 | # ==========================================================================
158 | #############################################################################
159 | # ==========================================================================
160 |
161 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 | # Use a OutputPath if you want to write the results to a file
163 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 | #MJCalibrateSignal.PathOut: .
165 | #MJPedestalY.PathOut: .
166 | #MJPedestalY.PathData: /data/MAGIC/Period016/
167 | #MJCalibrateSignal.PathData: /data/MAGIC/Period016/
168 | #MJCalibrateSignal.PathIn: .
169 |
170 | MJPedestalY.UseData: Yes
171 | MJPedestalY.MaxEvents: 750
172 |
173 | MJPedestalY.ExtractPedestal: MPedCalcFromLoGain
174 | MJPedestalY.ExtractPedestal.PedestalUpdate: yes
175 | MJPedestalY.ExtractPedestal.NumEventsDump: 500
176 |
177 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 | # Setup pedestal extraktor for running through data
179 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 | MJCalibrateSignal.MPedCalcFromLoGain: MPedCalcFromLoGain
181 | MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.PedestalUpdate: yes
182 | MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.NumEventsDump: 500
183 | #MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.HiGainFirst: 0
184 | #MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.HiGainLast: 11
185 | #MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.LoGainFirst: 1
186 | #MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.LoGainLast: 14
187 | #MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.HiGainWindowSize: 12
188 | #MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.LoGainWindowSize: 14
189 | #MJCalibrateSignal.ExtractPedestal.MaxHiGainVar: 40
190 |
191 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 | # Setup calibration of data
193 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 | MJCalibrateSignal.MCalibrateData.PedestalFlag: Event
195 | MJCalibrateSignal.MCalibrateData.CalibrationMode: Default
196 |
197 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 | # Setup level for determining of bad pixels
199 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 | # MJCalibrateSignal.MBadPixelsCalc.PedestalLevel: 3.0
201 | MJCalibrateSignal.MBadPixelsTreat.NumMinNeighbors: 2
202 | MJCalibrateSignal.MBadPixelsTreat.UseInterpolation: yes
203 | MJCalibrateSignal.MBadPixelsTreat.ProcessPedestal: yes
204 | #MJCalibrateSignal.MBadPixelsTreat.UseCentralPixel: no
205 | #MJCalibrateSignal.MBadPixelsTreat.HardTreatment: no