1 | # ==========================================================================
2 | #############################################################################
3 | # ==========================================================================
4 | # General
5 | # ==========================================================================
6 | #############################################################################
7 | # ==========================================================================
8 |
9 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 | # Use this if you want to setup the logging stream for the jobs
11 | # (overwrites command line options)
12 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 | #MLog.VerbosityLevel: 2
14 | #MLog.DebugLevel: 1
15 | #MLog.NoColors: yes
16 |
17 | # ==========================================================================
18 | #############################################################################
19 | # ==========================================================================
20 | # Ceres
21 | # ==========================================================================
22 | #############################################################################
23 | # ==========================================================================
24 |
25 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 | # Use this if you want to write the MJStar output somewhere
27 | # If you don't want it, it is written to the calibration output anyhow.
28 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | #PathOut: .
30 | #PathIn: .
31 |
32 |
33 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 | # Configure Eventloop
35 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 | #MaxEvents: 10000
37 | #Overwrite: yes,no
38 |
39 |
40 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 | # Use this to setup binnings. For more details see: MBinning::ReadEnv
42 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 | # BinningEnergy.Raw: 100 1 100000 log
44 | # BinningSize.Raw: 100 1 10000000 log
45 | # BinningImpact.Raw: 50 -250 250
46 | # BinningHeight.Raw: 50 0 12
47 | # BinningAz.Raw: 360 -360 360
48 | # BinningZd.Raw: 70 0 70
49 | # BinningViewCone.Raw: 155 0 31
50 | # BinningTrigger.Raw: 150 -25 125
51 | # BinningEvtWidth.Raw: 150 0 25
52 |
53 |
54 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 | # Initialize random number generator (see MJob::InitRandomNumberGenerator)
56 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 | RandomNumberGenerator: TRandom3
58 | #RandomNumberSeedValue: 0
59 |
60 |
61 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 | # Ceres general setup
63 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 |
65 | # Switch off the camera "electronics"
66 | #Camera: Off
67 |
68 | # Force the use of the "hardware" trigger for calibration data
69 | #ForceTrigger: Yes
70 |
71 |
72 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 | # Here you can control the poiting of the telescope.
74 | # To switch on off-target observations set a value for the distance >0.
75 | # Whether they are randomly disributed (<0) or at a fixed phi can also
76 | # be decided. Note, that this is options are ignored in the case
77 | # a view-cone was used. (All valued given in degree)
78 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 |
80 | #MSimPointingPos.OffTargetDistance: 0.4
81 | #MSimPointingPos.OffTargetPhi: -1
82 |
83 |
84 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 | # Setup the reflector and camera geometry
86 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 | Reflector.Constructor: MReflector
88 |
89 | # For the file definition see MReflector::ReadFile
90 |
91 | #Reflector.FileName: mreflector/reflector-magic.def
92 | # ~0.020°
93 | #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 6.0
94 | # ~0.025°
95 | #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 7.5
96 |
97 | Reflector.FileName: mreflector/reflector-dwarf.def
98 | # ~0.02°
99 | #Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 1.8
100 | # ~0.03°
101 | Reflector.SetSigmaPSF: 2.6
102 |
103 |
104 | # --- DWARF ---
105 | #GeomCones.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(419., 15, 17);
106 | #MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(419., 30, 17);
107 |
108 | # distance from mirror to camera [cm]
109 | #focal_distance 489.73
110 | # TRUE focal of the paraboloid (must correspond to that of the mirror positions defined below!)
111 | #paraboloid_focal 488.87
112 |
113 | # Hex cones maximum D=8mm
114 | GeomCones.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(209.5, 7.5, 4.8887);
115 | MGeomCam.Constructor: MGeomCamDwarf(209.5, 15, 4.8887);
116 |
117 | MSimBundlePhotons.FileName: mreflector/dwarf-apdmap.txt
118 |
119 | # MGeomCam.Something: Anything
120 |
121 | # --- MAGIC ---
122 | #GeomCones.Class: MGeomCamMagic
123 | #MGeomCam.Class: MGeomCamMagic
124 | #MSimAPD.NameGeomCam:
125 |
126 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 | # Setup the absorption, conversion efficiency and angular acceptance
128 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 | MirrorReflectivity.FileName: mreflector/pde-mirror.txt
130 | PhotonDetectionEfficiency.FileName: mreflector/pde-apd.txt
131 | ConesAngularAcceptance.FileName: mreflector/dwarf-cones.txt
132 |
133 |
134 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 | # Setup what in MMCS would be called "additional spot size"
136 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 | #MSimPSF.Sigma: -1
138 | #MSimReflector.DetectorMargin: 0
139 |
140 |
141 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 | # Setup the trigger
143 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 |
145 | # This line could be omitted but then the discriminator would be
146 | # evaluated for all pixels not just for the pixels which are
147 | # later "connected" in the trigger (used in the coincidence map)
148 | # MSimTrigger.FileNameRouteAC: inner.txt
149 |
150 | # HEGRA like single pixel above threshold trigger
151 | #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 10.00
152 | # Is this an option for a single pixel trigger?
153 | #MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: -1
154 | #MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 3
155 |
156 | # Magic like 2NN trigger (inner 396 pixel)
157 | #MSimTrigger.FileNameCoincidenceMap: 2NN-lut-uniq.txt
158 | #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 7.00
159 | #MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: 8
160 | #MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5
161 |
162 | # Magic like 3NN trigger (inner 396 pixel)
163 | MSimTrigger.FileNameCoincidenceMap: 3NN-lut-uniq.txt
164 | MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 6.0
165 | MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: 8
166 | MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5
167 |
168 | # Magic like 4NN trigger (inner 396 pixel)
169 | #MSimTrigger.FileNameCoincidenceMap: 4NN-lut-uniq.txt
170 | #MSimTrigger.DiscriminatorThreshold: 5.0
171 | #MSimTrigger.DigitalSignalLength: 8
172 | #MSimTrigger.CoincidenceTime: 0.5
173 |
174 | IntendedPulsePos.Val: 40
175 |
176 |
177 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 | # Description how a pedestal/calibration signal is produced
179 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 |
181 | #MSimCalibrationSignal.NumEvents: 1000
182 | #MSimCalibrationSignal.NumPhotons; 5
183 | #MSimCalibrationSignal.TimeJitter; 1.0
184 |
185 |
186 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 | # Setup the FADC
188 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 |
190 | # Currently only 1GHz is supported
191 | MRawRunHeader.SamplingFrequency: 1000
192 | MRawRunHeader.NumSamples: 150
193 | MRawRunHeader.NumBytesPerSample: 2
194 | MRawRunHeader.FadcResolution: 12
195 |
196 | #MSimReadout.fConversionFactor: 1
197 |
198 | # The number of sampling points is almost irrelevant because they
199 | # are equidistant, i.e. calculated and no search is necessary.
200 | # Nevertheless, you must make sure that there are enough points
201 | # to sample the function accuratly enough.
202 | #MPulseShape.Function.Name: 3.51308*exp(-1.4105*(exp(-0.5*x)+0.310942*x)) + 4.33521e-3*exp(-1.4105*(exp(-0.5*x)+6.09265e-3*x))
203 | #MPulseShape.Function.Npx: 250
204 | #MPulseShape.Function.Xmin: -5
205 | #MPulseShape.Function.Xmax: 45