//functions and arrays needed for showing and hiding the menu on the db websites ids = new Array( "all", "info", "info2", "stat", "fail", "cal", "star", "limits", "ranges", "showquery"); statarr = new Array( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //function to get the input for fShowHide from the page //called each time, when an element is changed with showhide() //and when the page is reloaded function setdisplays () { //reset variable for fShowHide var sh=""; for (var i = 0 ; i < ids.length ; i++) { //get element for each possible menu element var d = document.getElementById(ids[i]); //if element exists, check if it is currently displayed //set the value in the status array accordingly //0: element is not shown //1: element is shown if (d) d.style.display == 'none' ? statarr[i]=0 : statarr[i]=1; //set the value of 'all' to 0 //to make sure, that the whole menu is hidden in case of a query if (i==0) statarr[i]=0; //add value to the variable for fShowHide sh=sh+statarr[i]; } //return variable for fShowHide return sh; } //function to hide one element of the menu and adapt the button accordingly function hide(el,img) { el.style.display="none"; if (img) { img.src='plus.png'; img.alt='+'; } } //function to show one element of the menu and adapt the button accordingly function show(el,img) { el.style.display="block"; if (img) { img.src='minus.png'; img.alt='-'; } } //function to show or hide one element of the menu function showhide (id) { //get menu element and button for the element that has to be changed var el = document.getElementById(id); var img = document.getElementById(id+"button"); //query current status and change it accordingly if (el.style.display == 'block') hide(el,img); else { show(el,img); //expand the whole menu, when one element is shown if (id!="showquery") { var el2 = document.getElementById("all"); var img2 = document.getElementById("allbutton"); show(el2,img2); } } //update the value of fShowHide (id sh) var fShowHide = document.getElementById("sh"); fShowHide.value = setdisplays(); } //function getting the info, how the menu is from fShowHide //is called when the page is loaded (s. index-header.html) function getdisplay() { //get value of fShowHide var stat = document.getElementById("sh"); statvalue=stat.value; //set menu variables for each element accordingly for (var i = 0 ; i < ids.length ; i++) { //get value of this element from fShowHide var status = statvalue.slice(i,i+1); //get elements of menu and button var el = document.getElementById(ids[i]); var img = document.getElementById(ids[i]+"button"); //not all element exist on each page if (!el) continue; //show or hide element according to the status value status==0 ? hide(el,img) : show(el,img); } //set the value of fShowHide (id sh) // needed here to make sure, that the whole menu is hidden // even if nothing has been expanded (needed since 'ranges' // is expanded by default) var fShowHide = document.getElementById("sh"); fShowHide.value = setdisplays(); } //functions and arrays needed for the menu of plotdb.php primaries = new Array( "fSequenceFirst", "fRunNumber", "fDataSetNumber"); //for each primary (run#, seq#, dataset#) two pulldowns exist //the first is needed when plotting versus primary ('prim' is chosen) //the second is only needed when plotting versus a second value ('val' is chosen) //shows the first pulldown for a given primary // and hides the ones of the other primaries // and hides the second one for the primary if needed //is called when a primary is chosen from the pulldown function showpulldown (id2) { //loop over primaries for (var i = 0 ; i < primaries.length ; i++) { //if primary is given id if (primaries[i]==id2) { //show first pulldown var el2 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]); el2.style.display="inline"; //show pulldowns for limits var el4 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"3"); el4.style.display="inline"; var el6 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"4"); el6.style.display="inline"; } else { //hide first pulldown var el2 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]); el2.style.display="none"; //get element for second pulldown var el3 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"2"); //if second pulldown is shown, // hide second pulldown // and show second pulldown for chosen primary (id2) if (el3.style.display=='inline') { var el6 = document.getElementById(id2+"2"); el6.style.display="inline"; el3.style.display="none"; } //hide pulldowns for limits var el4 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"3"); el4.style.display="none"; var el5 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"4"); el5.style.display="none"; } } } //shows the second pulldown and inputs for the ranges function showpulldown2 () { count=0; for (var i = 0 ; i < primaries.length ; i++) { //get element var el = document.getElementById(primaries[i]); //if the first pulldown is shown, show also the second one if (el.style.display=='inline') { var el2 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"2"); el2.style.display="inline"; } else count++; } //if no first pulldown is shown, i.e. the primary has not yet been chosen, //all second pulldowns are shown if (count==3) for (var i = 0 ; i < primaries.length ; i++) { var el2 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"2"); el2.style.display="inline"; } //show the inputs for the ranges for the second pulldown //there is only one element for this (not one for each primary) var el3 = document.getElementById("Range2"); el3.style.display="inline"; } //hides the second pulldown and inputs for the ranges function hidepulldown2 () { for (var i = 0 ; i < primaries.length ; i++) { var el2 = document.getElementById(primaries[i]+"2"); el2.style.display="none"; } var el3 = document.getElementById("Range2"); el3.style.display="none"; } //show the element for inserting the second set function showset2() { var el = document.getElementById("set2"); el.style.display="inline"; } //hide the element for inserting the second set function hideset2() { var el = document.getElementById("set2"); el.style.display="none"; }