1 | <?php
2 | {
3 | function PrintDiv($column, $list, $num)
4 | {
5 | if (($_GET["prim"]==$column && empty($num)) || ($_GET["prim"]==$column && $_GET["plot"]=="val" && $num==2))
6 | printf("<div id='%s%s' style='display:inline'>\n", $column, $num);
7 | else
8 | printf("<div id='%s%s' style='display:none'>\n", $column, $num);
9 |
10 | if (!empty($num))
11 | $vs="vs";
12 |
13 | printf("<select name='%sCol%s' size='1' class='Width'>\n", $column, $num);
14 | foreach($list as $column2)
15 | if ($_GET[$column."Col".$num]==$column2)
16 | printf("<option value='%s' selected>%s %s</option>\n", $column2, $vs, $column2);
17 | else
18 | printf("<option value='%s'>%s %s</option>\n", $column2, $vs, $column2);
19 |
20 | printf("</select>\n");
21 | printf(" from <input name='%sStart%s' type='text' size='6' maxlength='6' value='%s'>", $_GET[$column."Col".$num], $num, $_GET[$_GET[$column."Col".$num]."Start".$num]);
22 | printf(" to <input name='%sStop%s' type='text' size='6' maxlength='6' value='%s'><br>\n", $_GET[$column."Col".$num], $num, $_GET[$_GET[$column."Col".$num]."Stop".$num]);
23 | printf("</div>\n");
24 | }
25 |
26 | ini_set("display_errors", "On");
27 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
28 |
29 | echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html"));
30 |
31 | include("plotinclude.php");
32 |
33 | printf("<center>\n<table cellpadding='0'>\n");
34 | printf("<tr><td align='left'>\n");
35 | printf("<form style='margin-bottom:0;' action='plotdb.php' METHOD='GET'>\n");
36 |
37 | printf("<select name='plot' size='1' class='Width'>\n");
38 | if ($_GET["plot"]=="prim")
39 | printf("<option value='prim' onclick='hidepulldown2()' selected>vs primary</option>\n");
40 | else
41 | printf("<option value='prim' onclick='hidepulldown2()'>vs primary</option>\n");
42 | if ($_GET["plot"]=="val")
43 | printf("<option value='val' onclick='showpulldown2()' selected>vs value</option>\n");
44 | else
45 | printf("<option value='val' onclick='showpulldown2()'>vs value</option>\n");
46 | printf("</select><br>\n");
47 |
48 | printf("<select name='prim' size='1' class='Width'>\n");
49 | foreach($prims as $primary => $column)
50 | if ($_GET["prim"]==$column)
51 | printf("<option onclick=\"showpulldown('%s')\" value='%s' selected>%s</option>\n", $column, $column, $primary);
52 | else
53 | printf("<option onclick=\"showpulldown('%s')\" value='%s'>%s</option>\n", $column, $column, $primary);
54 | printf("</select>\n");
55 | printf(" from <input name='primstart' type='text' size='6' maxlength='6' value='%s'>", $_GET["primstart"]);
56 | printf(" to <input name='primstop' type='text' size='6' maxlength='6' value='%s'><br>\n", $_GET["primstop"]);
57 |
58 | foreach($prims as $primary => $column)
59 | {
60 | $list=GetList($host, $user, $pw, $db, $column, $tables);
61 | PrintDiv($column, $list, "");
62 | PrintDiv($column, $list, "2");
63 | }
64 |
65 | printf("<br>Set1: <input name='Set' type='text' size='20' maxlength='100' value='%s'>\n", $_GET["Set"]);
66 | printf("<br>Set2: <input name='Set2' type='text' size='20' maxlength='100' value='%s'>\n", $_GET["Set2"]);
67 | printf("<br><br><input class='Width' type='submit' value='Query Plot'><br>\n");
68 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Reset' onClick='self.location.href=\"plotdb.php\"'><br>\n");
69 |
70 | printf("</form>");
71 | printf("</td>\n");
72 |
73 | printf("<td align='right' width='640px'>\n");
74 | if (!empty($_GET))
75 | {
76 | $img="plot.php?par=hallo";
77 | foreach($_GET as $var => $val)
78 | $img.="&".$var ."=".$val;
79 | // printf("link: %s<br>", $img);
80 | printf("<img src='%s' alt='plot'>", $img);
81 | }
82 | printf("</td></tr>\n");
83 | printf("<tr><td colspan='2'>\n");
84 | printf("some remarks:\n<ul>");
85 | printf("<li>For Runs plotting the whole range (i.e. without giving a range or when giving a too large range) ");
86 | printf("doesn't work with ChartDirector.</li>\n");
87 | printf("<li>In Set1 and Set2 Sets can be given (e.g. on sequences in Set1 and off sequences in Set2) - they ");
88 | printf("are displayed in colour (Set: blue, Set2: red). Please give the numbers with space as separator (e.g. 40004 40022).</<li>\n");
89 | printf("<li>0 is not accepted in the ranges fields, please write .0 or 00</li>");
90 | printf("<li>Be aware, that plotting timestamps, e.g. fRunStart, doesn't work. </li>");
91 | printf("</ul></td></tr>\n");
92 | /*
93 | printf("<tr><td>\n");
94 | $query=GetQuery($tables, $joins);
95 | printf("Q: %s</td></tr>", $query);
96 | */
97 | printf("</table>\n");
98 | printf("</center>\n");
99 |
100 | echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html"));
101 |
102 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
103 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
104 | }
105 | ?>