1 | <?php
2 | {
3 | function PrintForm($_GET)
4 | {
5 | if (empty($_GET["fDate"]))
6 | $_GET["fDate"]=date("Y-m-d");
7 |
8 | printf("<center>\n");
9 | printf("<form action=\"queryrbk.php\" METHOD=\"GET\">\n");
10 |
11 | printf("Date (yyyy-mm-dd) <input name=\"fDate\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"");
12 | printf("%s\"> \n", $_GET["fDate"]);
13 |
14 | printf("Search <A HREF=\"regexp.html\">regexp:</A> <input name=\"fRegexp\" type=\"text\" size=\"32\" maxlength=\"128\" value=\"");
15 | if (!empty($_GET["fRegexp"]))
16 | printf("%s", $_GET["fRegexp"]);
17 | printf("\"> \n<P>\n");
18 |
19 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
20 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
21 |
22 | printf("Night (yyyy-mm-dd) <input name=\"fNight\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"");
23 | printf("%s\"> \n", $_GET["fNight"]);
24 |
25 | printf("<input class='Width' type='submit' value='Query Table'> \n");
26 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Reset' onClick='self.location.href=\"queryrbk.php\"'> \n");
27 | if (strchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')!=FALSE)
28 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Get .txt' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s&fSendTxt=1\"'> \n", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
29 | printf("</form>\n");
30 | printf("</center>\n");
31 | printf("</td>\n");
32 | printf("</tr>\n");
33 | printf("<tr class='Block'>\n");
34 | printf("<td>\n");
35 | }
36 |
37 | function PrintPage($html, $host, $user, $pw, $db)
38 | {
39 | $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw);
40 | if ($db_id==FALSE)
41 | {
42 | printf("mysql_connect returned the following error: %s\n", mysql_error());
43 | die("");
44 | }
45 | mysql_select_db($db);
46 |
47 | $query0 = "SELECT fRunBookDate AS Date, fRunBookText AS Entry ";
48 | $query0 .= "FROM " . $db . ".RunBook ";
49 | $query0 .= "WHERE fRunBookDate REGEXP '^" . $_GET["fDate"] . "' ";
50 |
51 | if (!empty($_GET["fRegexp"]))
52 | $query0 .= "AND fRunBookText REGEXP '" . $_GET["fRegexp"] . "' ";
53 |
54 | if (!empty($_GET["fNight"]))
55 | $query0 .= "AND fRunBookDate < '" . $_GET["fNight"] . " 13:00:00' AND fRunBookDate > ADDDATE( '" . $_GET["fNight"] . " 13:00:00', INTERVAL -1 DAY) ";
56 |
57 | $query0 .= "ORDER BY fRunBookDate";
58 |
59 | $result0 = mysql_query($query0, $db_id);
60 |
61 | if ($result0)
62 | {
63 | if ($html=="1")
64 | {
65 | $alias = array
66 | (
67 | "fRunBookDate" => "Date",
68 | "fRunBookText" => "Entry"
69 | );
70 | $rightalign = array
71 | (
72 | );
73 | PrintMagicTable($result0, $alias, $rightalign, "", "", "", $_GET);
74 | }
75 | else
76 | PrintText($result0);
77 |
78 | mysql_free_result($result0);
79 | }
80 | mysql_close($db_id);
81 |
82 | PrintSubmittedQuery($query0, $html, $db, "old");
83 | }
84 |
85 | include ("include.php");
86 | include ("db.php");
87 |
88 | ini_set("display_errors", "On");
89 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
90 |
91 | if (!empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
92 | {
93 | header("Content-type: application/octet");
94 | header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=query-result.txt");
95 |
96 | PrintPage("0", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
97 | }
98 | else
99 | {
100 | echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html"));
101 |
102 | $environment = sizeof($_GET);
103 |
104 | PrintForm($_GET);
105 |
106 | if ($environment==0)
107 | printf("No query submitted yet.<BR>");
108 | else
109 | PrintPage("1", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
110 |
111 | echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html"));
112 | }
113 |
114 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
115 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
116 | }
117 | ?>