$element) if ($_GET[$key]=="On") if (empty($checkwhere[$key]) || $checkwhere[$key]==0) $query0 .= ", " . $key . " as '" . $alias[$key] . "' "; $query0 .= " FROM Star "; if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE) $query0 .= " WHERE "; else $query0 .= " AND "; $query0 .= "fSequenceFirst BETWEEN " . $_GET["fRunMin"] . " AND " . $_GET["fRunMax"] . " "; if (!empty($_GET["fSortBy"])) { $query0 .= " ORDER BY " . substr($_GET["fSortBy"], 0, -1) . " "; if (substr($_GET["fSortBy"], -1)=="-") $query0 .= "DESC"; } if (empty($_GET["fNumStart"])) $_GET["fNumStart"]=0; if (empty($_GET["fSendTxt"])) $query0 .= " LIMIT " . $_GET["fNumStart"] . ", " . $_GET["fNumResults"]; return $query0; } function InitGet($_GET) { // Find out whether it is the first call to the php script $first = empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && empty($_GET["fRunMax"]); if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"])) $_GET["fNumResults"]="20"; if (empty($_GET["fLastUpdate"])) $_GET["fLastUpdate"]="Off"; if (empty($_GET["fMeanNumberIslands"])) $_GET["fMeanNumberIslands"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fPSF"])) $_GET["fPSF"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fRatio"])) $_GET["fRatio"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fMuonNumber"])) $_GET["fMuonNumber"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fEffOnTime"])) $_GET["fEffOnTime"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fMuonRate"])) $_GET["fMuonRate"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fInhomogeneity"])) $_GET["fInhomogeneity"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fDataRate"])) $_GET["fDataRate"]=$first?"On":""; if (empty($_GET["fMaxHumidity"])) $_GET["fMaxHumidity"]=$first?"On":""; } function PrintForm($_GET, $host, $user, $pw, $db) { printf("