0) printf("  Error-Number: %s
", mysql_errno()); if (mysql_error()!="") printf("  Error-Message: %s
", mysql_error()); if (mysql_info()!="") printf("  Mysql-Info: %s
", mysql_info()); mysql_free_result($dateresult); if (empty($date)) { printf("Could not get date of latest Mars version from database."); return; } if (empty($_GET["insert"])) { $query0 = "SELECT fSequenceFirst, "; $query0 .= "if (fCallisto " . " < '" . $date . "', 'callisto to be resetted', "; $query0 .= "if (not isnull(fCallisto), 'callisto already processed with new release', "; $query0 .= "if (fStartTime > ADDDATE(Now(), INTERVAL -1 DAY) AND isnull(fFailedTime), 'callisto running',"; $query0 .= "if (isnull(fFailedTime), 'callisto already resetted for new release', "; $query0 .= " 'callisto crashed or failed')))) as 'calstat', "; $query0 .= "if (fStar " . " < '" . $date . "', 'star to be resetted', "; $query0 .= "if (not isnull(fStar), 'star already processed with new release', "; $query0 .= "if (fStartTime > ADDDATE(Now(), INTERVAL -1 DAY) AND isnull(fFailedTime), 'star running',"; $query0 .= "if (isnull(fFailedTime), 'star already resetted for new release', "; $query0 .= " 'star crashed or failed')))) as 'starstat' "; $query0 .= "FROM SequenceProcessStatus "; } else { $query0 = "UPDATE SequenceProcessStatus SET "; if ($_GET["step"]=="callisto") $query0 .="fCallisto=NULL, fFillCallisto=NULL, fStar=NULL, fFillStar=NULL, "; else if ($_GET["step"]=="star") $query0 .="fStar=NULL, fFillStar=NULL, "; $query0 .="fStartTime=NULL, fFailedTime=NULL, fFailedCode=NULL, fFailedCodeAdd=NULL, fReturnCode=NULL "; if ($_GET["step"]=="callisto") $query0 .= " WHERE fCallisto " . " < '" . $date . "'"; else if ($_GET["step"]=="star") $query0 .= " WHERE fStar " . " < '" . $date . "'"; else $query0 .= " WHERE (NOT ISNULL(fFailedTime) OR fStartTime < ADDDATE(Now(), INTERVAL -1 DAY))"; } if (ereg("^([ ]*[0-9]{5,8}[ ]*[,])*[ ]*[0-9]{5,8}[ ]*$",$_GET["Seqs"])) { if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE) $query0 .= " WHERE "; else $query0 .= " AND "; $query0 .=" fSequenceFirst IN (" . $_GET["Seqs"] . ")"; } else { echo "You have to give the sequences, which you want to reset, in the correct format, i.e. sequence numbers separated by ','.
"; return; } if (empty($_GET["step"])) { echo "Please choose what you want to reset:
"; echo "crashed processes (i.e. running longer than 1 day or failed), callisto or star.
"; return; } $result0=mysql_query($query0); if (mysql_errno()>0) printf("  Errorno: %s
", mysql_errno()); if (mysql_error()!="") printf("  Errormsg: %s
", mysql_error()); if (!empty($_GET["insert"]) && !empty($_GET["step"])) { printf("%s Sequences have been resetted.

\n", mysql_affected_rows()); if (mysql_info()!="") printf("Mysql-Info: %s

\n", mysql_info()); } else { if (mysql_affected_rows()==0) { echo "No sequence to reset.
"; echo "The sequences you listed are already resetted.
"; mysql_free_result($result0); return; } echo "The status of the sequences you entered:
\n"; $star=""; $callisto=""; $crashed=""; $calcolor='black'; $starcolor='black'; $style='normal'; $col = FALSE; $bgcolor='#C0C0C0'; printf("\n"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n", $bgcolor); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result0)) { if ($row[2]=='star to be resetted' && $_GET["step"]=='star') { $star[]=$row[0]; $starcolor='green'; $style='bold'; } if ($row[1]=='callisto to be resetted' && $_GET["step"]=='callisto') { $callisto[]=$row[0]; $calcolor='green'; $style='bold'; } if (($row[1]=='callisto crashed or failed' || $row[2]=='star crashed or failed') && $_GET["step"]=='crashed') { $crashed[]=$row[0]; if ($row[1]=='callisto crashed or failed') { $calcolor='green'; $style='bold'; } else { $starcolor='green'; $style='bold'; } } if (!$col) $bgcolor='#E0E0E0'; else $bgcolor='#D0D0D0'; $col = !$col; printf("\n\n", $bgcolor, $style, $row[0]); printf("\n", $calcolor, $row[1]); printf("\n\n", $starcolor, $row[2]); $calcolor='black'; $starcolor='black'; $style='normal'; } printf("
\nSequence\n\nStatus Callisto\n\nStatus Star\n
\n%s \n\n %s \n\n %s \n
\n"); if ($_GET["step"]=="crashed") printf("
\n You chose to reset only the sequences which are crashed or failed.
\n"); else printf("
\n Only the sequences which have not yet been processed or resetted, will be resetted.
\n"); printf("To reset them, please check the insert checkbox and submit again.

\n"); if (empty($star) && empty($callisto) && empty($crashed)) echo "With your choice no sequences would be resetted."; else echo "With your choice the following sequences would be resetted: "; if (!empty($star)) foreach($star as $num => $seq) echo $seq . " "; if (!empty($callisto)) foreach($callisto as $num => $seq) echo $seq . " "; if (!empty($crashed)) foreach($crashed as $num => $seq) echo $seq . " "; mysql_free_result($result0); printf("
\n   \n", htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); } mysql_close($db_id); // PrintSubmittedQuery($query0, "1", $db, "old"); } include ("include.php"); include ("menu.php"); include ("db.php"); include ("magicdefs.php"); ini_set("display_errors", "On"); ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On"); echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html")); $ips=array("", "", ""); if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ips)) { echo "You are not allowed to reset sequences.
"; echo "If you want to reset your sequences in the automatic analysis, please contact Daniela Dorner.
"; echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html")); return; } $environment = sizeof($_GET); //init if (empty($_GET["Seqs"])) $_GET["Seqs"]=""; if (empty($_GET["step"])) $_GET["step"]=""; //print form printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf(" crashed processes  ", $_GET["step"]=="crashed" ? "checked" : ""); printf(" callisto  ", $_GET["step"]=="callisto" ? "checked" : ""); printf(" star
", $_GET["step"]=="star" ? "checked" : ""); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\nSequences: \n
\n"); printf("\n
\n", $_GET["Seqs"]); ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off"); // ini_set("display_errors", "Off"); printf("   \n"); printf("   \n"); // if (!empty($_GET["step"]) && ereg("^([ ]*[0-9]{5,8}[ ]*[,])*[ ]*[0-9]{5,8}[ ]*$",$_GET["Seqs"])) // printf("insert\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("\n\n"); printf("\n\n"); if ($environment==0) { printf("No query submitted yet.
\n"); printf("To reset sequences, please insert them in the following format: 12345,87654321
\n"); printf("and choose whether you want to reset just crashed processes, callisto (this includes star) or just star.
\n"); printf("You can enter up to 300 characters in the sequences field.
\n"); } else PrintPage($host, $user, $pw, $db); echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html")); ini_set("display_errors", "Off"); ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off"); } ?>