1 | <?php
2 | {
3 | function CreateQuery($_GET)
4 | {
5 | $query0 = "SELECT ";
6 | //main (0-18)
7 | $query0 .= " Sequences.fSequenceFirst, fSequenceLast, ";//0,1
8 | $query0 .= " fSourceName, fProjectName, ";//2,3
9 | $query0 .= " fRunStart, fRunTime, fNumEvents, ";//4,5,6
10 | $query0 .= " fZenithDistanceMin, fZenithDistanceMax, ";//7,8
11 | $query0 .= " fAzimuthMin, fAzimuthMax, ";//9,10
12 | $query0 .= " fHvSettingsName, fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName, ";//11,12
13 | $query0 .= " fL1TriggerTableName, fL2TriggerTableName, ";//13,14
14 | $query0 .= " fTriggerDelayTableName, fTestFlagName, ";//15,16
15 | $query0 .= " fLightConditionsName, fManuallyChangedName, ";//17,18
16 | //steps (19-24)
17 | $query0 .= " fSequenceFileWritten, fAllFilesAvail, ";//19,20
18 | $query0 .= " fCallisto, fFillCallisto, ";//21,22
19 | $query0 .= " fStar, fFillStar, ";//23,24
20 | //calibration (25-42)
21 | $query0 .= " fUnsuitableInner, fUnsuitableOuter, ";//25,26
22 | $query0 .= " fUnreliableInner, fUnreliableOuter, ";//27,28
23 | $query0 .= " fIsolatedInner, fIsolatedOuter, fIsolatedMaxCluster, ";//29,30,31
24 | $query0 .= " fArrTimeMeanInner, fArrTimeMeanOuter, ";//32,33
25 | $query0 .= " fArrTimeRmsInner, fArrTimeRmsOuter, ";//34,35
26 | $query0 .= " fConvFactorInner, fConvFactorOuter, ";//36,37
27 | $query0 .= " fMeanPedRmsInner, fMeanPedRmsOuter, ";//38,39
28 | $query0 .= " fMeanSignalInner, fMeanSignalOuter, ";//40,41
29 | $query0 .= " fPulsePosMean, ";//42
30 | //myon,star (43-51)
31 | $query0 .= " fPSF, fRatio, fMuonRate, ";//43,44,45
32 | $query0 .= " fMuonNumber, fEffOnTime, fDataRate, ";//46,47,48
33 | $query0 .= " fMaxHumidity, fMeanNumberIslands, fInhomogeneity, fEffOnTime/fRunTime, ";//49,50,51,52
34 | $query0 .= " CONCAT('<a href=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'callisto', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">cal-log</A>') as 'CalLink', ";//53
35 | $query0 .= " CONCAT('<a href=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '/'), 9,'0'), 'star', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.html'), 13,'0') , '\">star-log</A>') as 'StarLink', ";//54
36 | $query0 .= " CONCAT('<a href=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/sequences/' , LEFT(LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst, '.'), 9,'0'),4), '/sequence', LPAD(CONCAT(Sequences.fSequenceFirst , '.txt'), 12,'0') , '\">', 'sequ-file</a>') as 'SequLink' ";//55
37 |
38 | $query0 .= " FROM Sequences ";
39 |
40 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Source ON Sequences.fSourceKEY=Source.fSourceKEY ";
41 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Project ON Sequences.fProjectKEY=Project.fProjectKEY ";
42 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN HvSettings ON Sequences.fHvSettingsKEY=HvSettings.fHvSettingsKEY ";
43 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN DiscriminatorThresholdTable ON Sequences.fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY=DiscriminatorThresholdTable.fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY ";
44 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN L1TriggerTable ON Sequences.fL1TriggerTableKEY=L1TriggerTable.fL1TriggerTableKEY ";
45 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN L2TriggerTable ON Sequences.fL2TriggerTableKEY=L2TriggerTable.fL2TriggerTableKEY ";
46 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN TriggerDelayTable ON Sequences.fTriggerDelayTableKEY=TriggerDelayTable.fTriggerDelayTableKEY ";
47 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN TestFlag ON Sequences.fTestFlagKEY=TestFlag.fTestFlagKEY ";
48 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN LightConditions ON Sequences.fLightConditionsKEY=LightConditions.fLightConditionsKEY ";
49 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN ManuallyChanged ON Sequences.fManuallyChangedKEY=ManuallyChanged.fManuallyChangedKEY ";
50 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN SequenceProcessStatus ON Sequences.fSequenceFirst=SequenceProcessStatus.fSequenceFirst ";
51 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Calibration ON Sequences.fSequenceFirst=Calibration.fSequenceFirst ";
52 | $query0 .= " LEFT JOIN Star ON Sequences.fSequenceFirst=Star.fSequenceFirst ";
53 |
54 |
55 | if (!empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && !empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
56 | $query0 .= " WHERE Sequences.fSequenceFirst between " . $_GET["fRunMin"] . " and " . $_GET["fRunMax"] ;
57 | if (!empty($_GET["fSequenceNo"]))
58 | {
59 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
60 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
61 | else
62 | $query0 .= " AND ";
63 | $query0 .= " Sequences.fSequenceFirst='" . $_GET["fSequenceNo"] . "'";
64 | }
65 | if (!empty($_GET["fSourceN"]))
66 | {
67 | if (strpos($query0, " WHERE ")==FALSE)
68 | $query0 .= " WHERE ";
69 | else
70 | $query0 .= " AND ";
71 | $query0 .= " fSourceName REGEXP \"^" . $_GET["fSourceN"] . "\" ";
72 | }
73 | $query0 .= " ORDER BY Sequences.fSequenceFirst ";
74 |
75 | return $query0;
76 | }
77 |
78 | function InitGet($_GET)
79 | {
80 | // Find out whether it is the first call to the php script
81 | $first = empty($_GET["fRunMin"]) && empty($_GET["fRunMax"]);
82 |
83 | if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"]))
84 | $_GET["fNumResults"]="20";
85 |
86 | if (empty($_GET["fAll"]))
87 | $_GET["fAll"]=$first?"On":"";
88 |
89 | }
90 |
91 | function PrintForm($_GET, $host, $user, $pw, $db)
92 | {
93 | printf("<center>\n");
94 | printf("<form action=\"sequence.php\" METHOD=\"GET\">\n");
95 |
96 | printf("Sequ# <input name=\"fSequenceNo\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"");
97 | if (!empty($_GET["fSequenceNo"]))
98 | printf("%s", $_GET["fSequenceNo"]);
99 | printf("\"> \n");
100 | // printf("Sequence <input name=\"fSequence\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"\"> \n");
101 |
102 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMin"]))
103 | $min = GetMin("fSequenceFirst", "Sequences", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
104 | else
105 | $min = $_GET["fRunMin"];
106 |
107 | if (empty($_GET["fRunMax"]))
108 | $max = GetMax("fSequenceFirst", "Sequences", $host, $user, $pw, $db);
109 | else
110 | $max = $_GET["fRunMax"];
111 |
112 | printf("Sequences from <input name=\"fRunMin\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\">\n", $min);
113 | printf("to <input name=\"fRunMax\" type=\"text\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"%s\"> \n", $max);
114 |
115 | if ($_GET["fAll"]=="On")
116 | $checked = "checked";
117 | else
118 | $checked = "";
119 | printf("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fAll\" value=\"On\" %s>all information\n", $checked);
120 |
121 | printf(" <P>\n");
122 |
123 | printf("Source (<A HREF=\"regexp.html\">regexp</A>) <input name=\"fSourceN\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"");
124 | if (!empty($_GET["fSourceN"]))
125 | printf("%s", $_GET["fSourceN"]);
126 | printf("\"> \n");
127 |
128 |
129 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
130 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
131 |
132 | printf("<input class='Width' type='submit' value='Query Table'> \n");
133 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Reset' onClick='self.location.href=\"sequence.php\"'> \n");
134 | // if (strchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')!=FALSE)
135 | // printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Get .txt' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s&fSendTxt=1\"'> \n", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
136 | if (strchr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')!=FALSE)
137 | printf("<input class='Width' type='button' value='Print' onClick='self.location.href=\"%s&fPrintTable=1\"'> \n", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
138 | printf("</form>\n");
139 | printf("</center>\n");
140 | printf("</td>\n");
141 | printf("</tr>\n");
142 | printf("<tr class='Block'>\n");
143 | printf("<td>\n");
144 | }
145 |
146 | function GetStatus($step)
147 | {
148 | if (is_null($step))
149 | return "<font color='#FF0000'>not done</font>";
150 | else
151 | {
152 | if (strpos($step, "1970-01-01 00:00:00")==FALSE)
153 | return "done";
154 | else
155 | return "not to be done";
156 | }
157 | return "there is an error -> tell Dani";
158 | }
159 |
160 | function GetCulm($azmin, $azmax)
161 | {
162 | $cul1=0;
163 | $cul2=180;
164 | if (($azmin < $cul1 && $azmax > $cul1) || ($azmin < $cul2 && $azmax > $cul2))
165 | return "<font color='#FF0000'>yes</font>";
166 | else
167 | return "no";
168 | }
169 |
170 | function QueryRuns($type, $sequ, $db_id, $db)
171 | {
172 | $query1 = "SELECT fRunNumber, fCalibrationScriptName FROM RunData ";
173 | $query1 .= " LEFT JOIN RunType ON RunData.fRunTypeKEY=RunType.fRunTypeKEY ";
174 | $query1 .= " LEFT JOIN CalibrationScript ON RunData.fCalibrationScriptKEY=CalibrationScript.fCalibrationScriptKEY ";
175 | $query1 .= " WHERE fSequenceFirst=" . $sequ . " AND fRunTypeName='" . $type . "'";
176 |
177 | mysql_select_db($db);
178 | $runs = mysql_query($query1, $db_id);
179 | $numruns = mysql_num_rows($runs);
180 | $calscript=mysql_result($runs, 0, 1);
181 | printf(" <td align='left'>");
182 | for ($i=0 ; $i<$numruns ; $i++)
183 | {
184 | $run=mysql_result($runs, $i, 0);
185 | if ($i!=0)
186 | printf(", ");
187 | printf(" %s ", $run);
188 | }
189 | printf(" </td>\n");
190 | printf(" <td> %s ", $calscript);
191 | printf(" </td>\n");
192 | }
193 |
194 | function QueryMissingFiles($column, $sequ, $db_id, $db)
195 | {
196 | $query2 = "SELECT RunData.fRunNumber FROM RunData ";
197 | $query2 .= " LEFT JOIN RunProcessStatus ON RunData.fRunNumber=RunProcessStatus.fRunNumber ";
198 | $query2 .= " WHERE fSequenceFirst=" . $sequ . " AND IsNull(" . $column . ")";
199 |
200 | mysql_select_db($db);
201 | $files = mysql_query($query2, $db_id);
202 | $numfiles = mysql_num_rows($files);
203 | printf(" <td align='left'>");
204 | for ($i=0 ; $i<$numfiles ; $i++)
205 | {
206 | $file=mysql_result($files, $i, 0);
207 | if ($i!=0)
208 | printf(", ");
209 | printf(" %s ", $file);
210 | }
211 | printf(" </td>\n");
212 | }
213 |
214 |
215 | function PrintSequenceInfo($result0, $db_id, $db, $calibtabs, $signaltabs, $startabs)
216 | {
217 | $numres = mysql_num_rows($result0);
218 |
219 | printf("<center>");
220 | printf("<table BORDER=\"0\">\n");
221 | printf("<tr><td>");
222 | printf("# of Sequences: %d ", $numres);
223 | printf("</td></tr>");
224 |
225 | for ($i=0 ; $i<$numres ; $i++)
226 | {
227 | $firstrun=mysql_result($result0, $i, 0);
228 | $num=sprintf("%08d",$firstrun);
229 | $num2=substr($num,0,4);
230 | $lastrun=mysql_result($result0, $i, 1);
231 | $source=mysql_result($result0, $i, 2);
232 | $project=mysql_result($result0, $i, 3);
233 | $starttime=mysql_result($result0, $i, 4);
234 | $duration=mysql_result($result0, $i, 5);
235 | $numevents=mysql_result($result0, $i, 6);
236 | $zdmin=mysql_result($result0, $i, 7);
237 | $zdmax=mysql_result($result0, $i, 8);
238 | $azmin=mysql_result($result0, $i, 9);
239 | $azmax=mysql_result($result0, $i, 10);
240 | $hv=mysql_result($result0, $i, 11);
241 | $dt=mysql_result($result0, $i, 12);
242 | $l1tt=mysql_result($result0, $i, 13);
243 | $l2tt=mysql_result($result0, $i, 14);
244 | $td=mysql_result($result0, $i, 15);
245 | $testflag=mysql_result($result0, $i, 16);
246 | $lightcond=mysql_result($result0, $i, 17);
247 | $manuallychanged=mysql_result($result0, $i, 18);
248 | $sequfile=mysql_result($result0, $i, 19);
249 | $filesavail=mysql_result($result0, $i, 20);
250 | $callisto=mysql_result($result0, $i, 21);
251 | $star=mysql_result($result0, $i, 22);
252 | $fillcallisto=mysql_result($result0, $i, 23);
253 | $fillstar=mysql_result($result0, $i, 24);
254 | $unsi=mysql_result($result0, $i, 25);
255 | $unso=mysql_result($result0, $i, 26);
256 | $unri=mysql_result($result0, $i, 27);
257 | $unro=mysql_result($result0, $i, 28);
258 | $isoi=mysql_result($result0, $i, 29);
259 | $isoo=mysql_result($result0, $i, 30);
260 | $imc=mysql_result($result0, $i, 31);
261 | $arrtimei=mysql_result($result0, $i, 32);
262 | $arrtimeo=mysql_result($result0, $i, 33);
263 | $arrtimermsi=mysql_result($result0, $i, 34);
264 | $arrtimermso=mysql_result($result0, $i, 35);
265 | $convi=mysql_result($result0, $i, 36);
266 | $convo=mysql_result($result0, $i, 37);
267 | $meanpedrmsi=mysql_result($result0, $i, 38);
268 | $meanpedrmso=mysql_result($result0, $i, 39);
269 | $meansignali=mysql_result($result0, $i, 40);
270 | $meansignalo=mysql_result($result0, $i, 41);
271 | $pulsposmean=mysql_result($result0, $i, 42);
272 | $psf=mysql_result($result0, $i, 43);
273 | $ratio=mysql_result($result0, $i, 44);
274 | $muonrate=mysql_result($result0, $i, 45);
275 | $muonnum=mysql_result($result0, $i, 46);
276 | $effontime=mysql_result($result0, $i, 47);
277 | $datarate=mysql_result($result0, $i, 48);
278 | $maxhum=mysql_result($result0, $i, 49);
279 | $meannumislands=mysql_result($result0, $i, 50);
280 | $inhom=mysql_result($result0, $i, 51);
281 | $relontime=mysql_result($result0, $i, 52);
282 | $callink=mysql_result($result0, $i, 53);
283 | $starlink=mysql_result($result0, $i, 54);
284 | $sequlink=mysql_result($result0, $i, 55);
285 |
286 | printf("<tr><td>");
287 |
288 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
289 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>\n");
290 | printf(" <th>Sequence#: <a href=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/sequences/%s/sequence%s.txt\">%s</a> </th>", $num2, $num, $firstrun);
291 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0' ALIGN='left'>\n");
292 | printf(" <th> %s, %s, zd: %s°-%s°, %.2fmin ",
293 | $source, $starttime, $zdmin, $zdmax, $duration/60);
294 | if (!is_null($star))
295 | printf(", <font color='green'>image files available</font> ");
296 | printf(" </td>\n");
297 | printf(" </tr><tr>\n");
298 | printf(" <td>\n");
299 |
300 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>\n");
301 |
302 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
303 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>\n");
304 | printf(" <th colspan=\"4\">conditions</th>");
305 | printf(" <th colspan=\"3\">muon parameter</th>\n");
306 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>\n");
307 | printf(" <td>light</td>\n");
308 | printf(" <td>max hum</td>\n");
309 | printf(" <td>zd</td>\n");
310 | printf(" <td>culmination</td>");
311 | if (!is_null($fillstar))
312 | {
313 | printf(" <td>muon rate</td>\n");
314 | printf(" <td>ratio</td>\n");
315 | printf(" <td>psf</td>\n");
316 | }
317 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0' align='right'>");
318 | printf(" <td>%s</td>\n", $lightcond);
319 | printf(" <td>%s %%</td>\n", $maxhum);
320 | printf(" <td>%s°-%s°</td>\n", $zdmin, $zdmax);
321 | printf(" <td>%s</td>\n", GetCulm($azmin, $azmax));
322 | if (!is_null($fillstar))
323 | {
324 | printf(" <td> %sHz </td>\n", $muonrate);
325 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $ratio);
326 | printf(" <td> %smm </td>\n", $psf);
327 | }
328 | printf(" </tr></table>");
329 |
330 |
331 | if ($_GET["fAll"]=="On")
332 | {
333 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>\n");
334 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>\n");
335 |
336 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
337 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>\n");
338 | printf(" <th colspan=\"6\">general information</th>");
339 | printf(" </tr>\n");
340 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>\n");
341 | printf(" <td>source name</td>\n");
342 | printf(" <td># events</td>\n");
343 | printf(" <td>project name</td>\n");
344 | printf(" <td>light conditions</td>\n");
345 | printf(" <td>manually changed</td>\n");
346 | printf(" <td>test flag</td>");
347 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>");
348 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $source);
349 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $numevents);
350 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $project);
351 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $lightcond);
352 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $manuallychanged);
353 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $testflag);
354 | printf(" </tr></table>");
355 |
356 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>\n");
357 |
358 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
359 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>\n");
360 | printf(" <th colspan=\"5\">trigger & camera</th>");
361 | printf(" </tr>\n");
362 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>\n");
363 | printf(" <td>l1 trigger</td>\n");
364 | printf(" <td>l2 trigger</td>\n");
365 | printf(" <td>trigger delay</td>\n");
366 | printf(" <td>HvSettings</td>\n");
367 | printf(" <td>DT</td>");
368 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>");
369 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $l1tt);
370 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $l2tt);
371 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $td);
372 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $hv);
373 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $dt);
374 | printf(" </tr></table>");
375 |
376 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>\n");
377 |
378 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
379 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>\n");
380 | printf(" <th colspan=\"6\">steps</th>");
381 | printf(" </tr>\n");
382 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0' align='center'>\n");
383 | printf(" <td>sequencefile</td>\n");
384 | printf(" <td>files avail</td>\n");
385 | printf(" <td>callisto</td>\n");
386 | printf(" <td>fillcal</td>\n");
387 | printf(" <td>star</td>");
388 | printf(" <td>fillstar</td>");
389 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0' align='right'>");
390 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", GetStatus($sequfile));
391 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", GetStatus($filesavail));
392 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", GetStatus($callisto));
393 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", GetStatus($fillcallisto));
394 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", GetStatus($star));
395 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", GetStatus($fillstar));
396 | printf(" </tr>\n");
397 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0' align='center'>\n");
398 | printf(" <td>%s</td>\n", $sequlink);
399 | printf(" <td><br></td>\n");
400 | printf(" <td>%s</td>\n", $callink);
401 | printf(" <td><br></td>\n");
402 | printf(" <td>%s</td>", $starlink);
403 | printf(" <td><br></td>");
404 | printf(" </tr></table>");
405 |
406 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>\n");
407 |
408 | if (!is_null($fillcallisto))
409 | {
410 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
411 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0'>");
412 | printf(" <th BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>calibration (<a href=\"reference.html\">ref</a>)</th>\n");
413 | printf(" <td>inner</td>\n");
414 | printf(" <td>outer</td>");
415 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>");
416 | printf(" <td>unsuitable pixel</td>\n");
417 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $unsi);
418 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $unso);
419 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0'>");
420 | printf(" <td>unreliable pixel</td>\n");
421 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $unri);
422 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $unro);
423 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>");
424 | printf(" <td>isolated pixel</td>\n");
425 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $isoi);
426 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $isoo);
427 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0'>");
428 | printf(" <td>isolated max cluster</td>\n");
429 | printf(" <td colspan=\"2\" align='right'> %s </td>\n", $imc);
430 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>");
431 | printf(" <td>arrival time</td>\n");
432 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s ± %s </td>\n", $arrtimei, $arrtimermsi);
433 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s ± %s </td>\n", $arrtimeo, $arrtimermso);
434 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0'>");
435 | printf(" <td>conversion factor</td>\n");
436 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $convi);
437 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $convo);
438 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>");
439 | printf(" <td>mean ped rms</td>\n");
440 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $meanpedrmsi);
441 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $meanpedrmso);
442 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0'>");
443 | printf(" <td>mean signal</td>\n");
444 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $meansignali);
445 | printf(" <td align='right'> %s </td>\n", $meansignalo);
446 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0'>");
447 | printf(" <td>mean pulse pos</td>\n");
448 | printf(" <td colspan=\"2\" align='right'> %s </td>\n", $pulsposmean);
449 | printf(" </tr>");
450 | printf(" </table>");
451 |
452 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>\n");
453 | }
454 |
455 | if (!is_null($fillstar))
456 | {
457 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
458 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>");
459 | printf(" <th colspan=\"9\">star</th>\n");
460 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0' ALIGN='center'>");
461 | printf(" <td># islands</td>\n");
462 | printf(" <td># muons</td>\n");
463 | printf(" <td>effontime</td>\n");
464 | printf(" <td>datarate</td>\n");
465 | printf(" <td>muon rate</td>\n");
466 | printf(" <td>ratio</td>\n");
467 | printf(" <td>psf</td>\n");
468 | printf(" <td>inhom</td>\n");
469 | printf(" <td>rel. ontime</td>\n");
470 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0' ALIGN='right'>");
471 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $meannumislands);
472 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $muonnum);
473 | printf(" <td> %ss </td>\n", $effontime);
474 | printf(" <td> %sHz </td>\n", $datarate);
475 | printf(" <td> %sHz </td>\n", $muonrate);
476 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $ratio);
477 | printf(" <td> %smm </td>\n", $psf);
478 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $inhom);
479 | printf(" <td> %s </td>\n", $relontime);
480 | printf(" </tr>");
481 | printf(" </table>");
482 |
483 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td>");
484 | }
485 |
486 |
487 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
488 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>");
489 | printf(" <th>plots</th>\n");
490 | printf(" <tr><td>calib: ");
491 | foreach($calibtabs as $key => $element)
492 | if (!$key==0)
493 | printf("<a href=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/%s/%s/calib%s-tab%s.png\">%s</a> ", $num2, $num, $num, $key, $element);
494 | printf("</td></tr>");
495 | printf(" <tr><td>signal: ");
496 | foreach($signaltabs as $key => $element)
497 | if (!$key==0)
498 | printf("<a href=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/callisto/%s/%s/signal%s-tab%s.png\">%s</a> ", $num2, $num, $num, $key, $element);
499 | printf("</td></tr>");
500 | printf(" <tr><td>star: ");
501 | foreach($startabs as $key => $element)
502 | if (!$key==0)
503 | printf("<a href=\"http://www.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/datacenter/star/%s/%s/star%s-tab%s.png\">%s</a> ", $num2, $num, $num, $key, $element);
504 | printf("</td></tr>");
505 |
506 | printf(" </tr>");
507 | printf(" </table>");
508 |
509 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
510 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>");
511 | printf(" <th><A HREF=\"runinfo.php?fRunStart=On&fZenithDistance=On&fRunMin=%s&fMeanTriggerRate=On&fRunTypeName=On&fRunMax=%s&fNumEvents=On&fSourceName=On&fExcludedFDAKEY=1&fSequenceFirst=On&fRawFileAvail=On&fCCFileAvail=On&fCaCoFileAvail=On&fNumResults=500\">runs</A></th>", $firstrun, $lastrun);
512 | printf(" <td>runs</td>\n");
513 | printf(" <td>calscript</td>\n");
514 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0' ALIGN='center'>");
515 | printf(" <td>dataruns</td>\n");
516 | QueryRuns("Data", $firstrun, $db_id, $db);
517 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0' ALIGN='center'>");
518 | printf(" <td>pedruns</td>\n");
519 | QueryRuns("Pedestal", $firstrun, $db_id, $db);
520 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0' ALIGN='center'>");
521 | printf(" <td>calruns</td>\n");
522 | QueryRuns("Calibration", $firstrun, $db_id, $db);
523 | printf(" </tr>");
524 | printf(" </table>");
525 |
526 | if (is_null($filesavail))
527 | {
528 | printf(" <table BORDER=\"1\">");
529 | printf(" <tr BGCOLOR='#C0C0C0'>");
530 | printf(" <th>missing files</th>");
531 | printf(" <td>run# of missing files</td>\n");
532 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0' ALIGN='center'>");
533 | printf(" <td>rawfiles</td>\n");
534 | QueryMissingFiles("fRawFileAvail", $firstrun, $db_id, $db);
535 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#E0E0E0' ALIGN='center'>");
536 | printf(" <td>ccfiles</td>\n");
537 | QueryMissingFiles("fCCFileAvail", $firstrun, $db_id, $db);
538 | printf(" </tr><tr BGCOLOR='#D0D0D0' ALIGN='center'>");
539 | printf(" <td>cacofiles</td>\n");
540 | QueryMissingFiles("fCaCoFileAvail", $firstrun, $db_id, $db);
541 | printf(" </tr>");
542 | printf(" </table>");
543 | }
544 |
545 |
546 | }
547 | printf(" </table>");
548 | printf("</td></tr><tr><td><br></td></tr>");
549 |
550 | }
551 | printf("</table>\n");
552 |
553 | printf("</center>\n");
554 | printf("</tr><tr class='Block'><td>\n");
555 | }
556 |
557 | function PrintPage($html, $host, $user, $pw, $db, $calibtabs, $signaltabs, $startabs)
558 | {
559 | $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw);
560 | if ($db_id==FALSE)
561 | {
562 | printf("mysql_connect returned the following error: %s\n", mysql_error());
563 | die("");
564 | }
565 | mysql_select_db($db);
566 |
567 | $query0 = CreateQuery($_GET);
568 |
569 | $result0 = mysql_query($query0, $db_id);
570 |
571 | if ($result0)
572 | {
573 | if ($html=="1" || $html=="2")
574 | PrintSequenceInfo($result0, $db_id, $db, $calibtabs, $signaltabs, $startabs);
575 | else
576 | PrintText($result0);
577 |
578 | mysql_free_result($result0);
579 | }
580 | mysql_close($db_id);
581 |
582 | PrintSubmittedQuery($query0, $html, $db, "old");
583 | }
584 |
585 | include ("include.php");
586 | include ("db.php");
587 | include ("tabs.php");
588 |
589 | ini_set("display_errors", "On");
590 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "On");
591 |
592 | if (!empty($_GET["fSendTxt"]))
593 | {
594 | header("Content-type: application/octet");
595 | header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=query-result.txt");
596 |
597 | PrintPage("0", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $calibtabs, $signaltabs, $startabs);
598 | }
599 | else
600 | {
601 | echo (file_get_contents("index-header.html"));
602 |
603 | $environment = sizeof($_GET);
604 |
605 | InitGet($_GET);
606 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
607 | PrintForm($_GET, $host, $user, $pw, $db);
608 |
609 | if ($environment==0)
610 | printf("No query submitted yet.<BR>");
611 | else
612 | {
613 | if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"]))
614 | PrintPage("1", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $calibtabs, $signaltabs, $startabs);
615 | else
616 | PrintPage("2", $host, $user, $pw, $db, $calibtabs, $signaltabs, $startabs);
617 | }
618 |
619 | echo (file_get_contents("index-footer.html"));
620 | }
621 |
622 | ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
623 | ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "Off");
624 | }
625 | ?>