1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 06/2007 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | ! Author(s): Daniela Dorner, 11/2005 <mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
20 | ! Author(s): Daniel Hoehne, 06/2007 <mailto:hoehne@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
21 | !
22 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007
23 | !
24 | !
25 | \* ======================================================================== */
26 |
27 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 | //
29 | // fillcamera.C
30 | // ============
31 | //
32 | // This macro is used to read the camera-output files.
33 | //
34 | // Make sure, that database and password are corretly set in a resource
35 | // file called sql.rc and the resource file is found.
36 | //
37 | // Returns 0 in case of failure and 1 in case of success.
38 | //
39 | //
40 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41 | #include <iostream>
42 | #include <iomanip>
43 |
44 | #include <TEnv.h>
45 | #include <TRegexp.h>
46 |
47 | #include <TFile.h>
48 | #include <TTree.h>
49 | #include <TBranch.h>
50 |
51 | #include <TH1.h>
52 |
53 | #include <TSQLResult.h>
54 | #include <TSQLRow.h>
55 |
56 | #include "MSQLServer.h"
57 | #include "MSQLMagic.h"
58 |
59 | #include "MMcRunHeader.hxx"
60 | #include "MMcConfigRunHeader.h"
61 | #include "MMcCorsikaRunHeader.h"
62 | #include "MMcFadcHeader.hxx"
63 | #include "MMcEvtBasic.h"
64 | #include "MGeomCamMagic.h"
65 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
66 |
67 | #include <math.h>
68 | #include <MBinning.h>
69 |
70 | using namespace std;
71 |
72 | int Process(MSQLMagic &serv, TString fname, Bool_t dummy)
73 | {
74 | TFile file(fname, "READ");
75 | if (!file.IsOpen())
76 | {
77 | cout << "ERROR - Could not find file " << fname << endl;
78 | return 2;
79 | }
80 |
81 | //
82 | // Get tree RunHeaders from file
83 | //
84 | TTree *tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(file.Get("RunHeaders"));
85 | if (!tree)
86 | {
87 | cout << "ERROR - Tree RunHeaders not found in file " << fname << endl;
88 | return 2;
89 | }
90 |
91 | //
92 | // Get branch MMcCorsikaRunHeader from tree RunHeaders
93 | //
94 | TBranch *b1 = tree->GetBranch("MMcCorsikaRunHeader.");
95 | if (!b1)
96 | {
97 | cout << "ERROR - Branch MMcCorsikaRunHeader. not found in file " << fname << endl;
98 | return 2;
99 | }
100 |
101 | MMcCorsikaRunHeader *runheader1 = 0;
102 | b1->SetAddress(&runheader1);
103 |
104 | //
105 | // Get branch MMcConfigRunHeader from tree RunHeaders
106 | //
107 | TBranch *b2 = tree->GetBranch("MMcConfigRunHeader.");
108 | if (!b2)
109 | {
110 | cout << "ERROR - Branch MMcConfigRunHeader. not found in file " << fname << endl;
111 | return 2;
112 | }
113 |
114 | MMcConfigRunHeader *runheader2 = 0;
115 | b2->SetAddress(&runheader2);
116 |
117 | //
118 | // Get branch MMcRunHeader from tree RunHeaders
119 | //
120 | TBranch *b3 = tree->GetBranch("MMcRunHeader.");
121 | if (!b3)
122 | {
123 | cout << "ERROR - Branch MMcRunHeader. not found in file " << fname << endl;
124 | return 2;
125 | }
126 |
127 | MMcRunHeader *runheader3 = 0;
128 | b3->SetAddress(&runheader3);
129 |
130 | //
131 | // Get branch MMcFadcRunHeader from tree RunHeaders
132 | //
133 | TBranch *b4 = tree->GetBranch("MMcFadcHeader.");
134 | if (!b4)
135 | {
136 | cout << "ERROR - Branch MMcFadcHeader. not found in file " << fname << endl;
137 | return 2;
138 | }
139 |
140 | MMcFadcHeader *fadcheader = 0;
141 | b4->SetAddress(&fadcheader);
142 |
143 | //
144 | // Get branch MRawRunHearder from tree RunHeaders
145 | //
146 | TBranch *b5 = tree->GetBranch("MRawRunHeader.");
147 | if (!b5)
148 | {
149 | cout << "ERROR - Branch MRawRunHeader. not found in file " << fname << endl;
150 | return 2;
151 | }
152 |
153 | MRawRunHeader *rawheader = 0;
154 | b5->SetAddress(&rawheader);
155 |
156 | tree->GetEvent(0);
157 |
158 | //
159 | // Get tree Events from file
160 | //
161 | TTree *tree2 = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(file.Get("Events"));
162 | if (!tree2)
163 | {
164 | cout << "ERROR - Tree Events not found in file " << fname << endl;
165 | return 2;
166 | }
167 |
168 | //
169 | // Get branch MMcEvtBasic from tree Events
170 | //
171 | TBranch *b6 = tree2->GetBranch("MMcEvtBasic.");
172 | if (!b6)
173 | {
174 | cout << "ERROR - Branch MMcEvtBasic. not found in file " << fname << endl;
175 | return 2;
176 | }
177 |
178 | MMcEvtBasic *evtbasic = 0;
179 | b6->SetAddress(&evtbasic);
180 |
181 | tree2->GetEvent(0);
182 |
183 | Double_t misptx = runheader2->GetMissPointingX();
184 | Double_t mispty = runheader2->GetMissPointingY();
185 | Double_t pointspreadx = runheader2->GetPointSpreadX();
186 | Double_t tmin = runheader3->GetShowerThetaMin();
187 | Double_t tmax = runheader3->GetShowerThetaMax();
188 | UInt_t reflvers = runheader3->GetReflVersion();
189 | UInt_t camvers = runheader3->GetCamVersion();
190 | UInt_t numsimshow = runheader3->GetNumSimulatedShowers();
191 | UInt_t numevents = tree2->GetEntries();
192 |
193 | TString elow = Form("%5.1f", runheader1->GetELowLim());
194 | TString eupp = Form("%5.1f", runheader1->GetEUppLim());
195 | TString slope = Form("%5.1f", runheader1->GetSlopeSpec());
196 | TString wobble = Form("%5.0f", runheader1->GetWobbleMode());
197 | TString corsika1 = Form("%5.0f", runheader1->GetCorsikaVersion());
198 | TString psf = Form("%5.1f", runheader2->GetPointSpread());
199 | TString psfx = Form("%5.2f", pointspreadx);
200 | TString psfy = Form("%5.2f", runheader2->GetPointSpreadY());
201 | TString psfadd = Form("%5.2f", TMath::Hypot(runheader2->GetPointSpreadX(), runheader2->GetPointSpread()));
202 | TString mirrfrac = Form("%5.2f", runheader2->GetMirrorFraction());
203 | TString misx = Form("%5.2f", misptx);
204 | TString misy = Form("%5.2f", mispty);
205 | // TString reflector = Form("%5.0f", runheader3->GetReflVersion());
206 | TString reflector = Form("%5.0i", reflvers);
207 | TString camera = Form("%5.0i", camvers);
208 | // TString camera = Form("%5.0f", runheader3->GetCamVersion());
209 | TString imax = Form("%5.1f", runheader3->GetImpactMax());
210 | TString numphe = Form("%5.1f", runheader3->GetNumPheFromDNSB());
211 | TString pmin = Form("%5.1f", runheader3->GetShowerPhiMin());
212 | TString pmax = Form("%5.1f", runheader3->GetShowerPhiMax());
213 | TString numss = Form("%7.0i", numsimshow);
214 | TString thetamin = Form("%5.1f", tmin);
215 | TString thetamax = Form("%5.1f", tmax);
216 | TString ped = Form("%5.1f", fadcheader->GetPedestal(1));
217 | TString low2high = Form("%5.1f", fadcheader->GetLow2HighGain());
218 | TString amplfadc = Form("%5.1f", fadcheader->GetAmplitud());
219 | TString amplfadco = Form("%5.1f", fadcheader->GetAmplitudOuter());
220 | TString enoise = Form("%5.1f", fadcheader->GetElecNoise(1));
221 | TString dnoise = Form("%5.1f", fadcheader->GetDigitalNoise(1));
222 |
223 | TH1I h("myhist", "", 1, -0.5, 0.5);
224 | tree2->Draw("MRawEvtData.GetNumPixels()>>myhist", "", "goff");
225 | h.SetDirectory(0);
226 |
227 | TString numtrig = Form("%7.0i", TMath::Nint(h.GetBinContent(2)));
228 | TString numevt = Form("%7.0i", numevents);
229 | TString partid = Form("%5.0f", evtbasic->GetPartId());
230 | TString partname = evtbasic->GetParticleName();
231 |
232 | // Bestimmung von fakewobble aus file
233 | // Kombination aus Wobble(0,1) und MissPoint
234 | TString wobblemod="Wobble";
235 |
236 | // Fake Wobble: als ObservationModeKEY 4 einfügen?
237 | if (wobblemod != 1)
238 | wobblemod = misptx == 0 && mispty == 0 ? "On" : "Fake Wobble";
239 |
240 | Float_t pointsfx=TMath::Floor(pointspreadx*10);
241 | pointsfx=TMath::Nint(pointsfx);
242 | TString pointsfuncx=Form("%5.1f",pointsfx);
243 |
244 | Float_t zBin=TMath::Nint((1-((TMath::Cos(tmin*TMath::Pi()/180)+TMath::Cos(tmax*TMath::Pi()/180))/2))*100);
245 | zBin=TMath::Nint(zBin);
246 |
247 | // folgende Werte werden aus dem Pfadnamen gewonnen
248 | // RunNumber
249 | TRegexp reg2("_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_");
250 | TString Run = fname(reg2);
251 | Int_t RunNum = atoi(Run.Data()+1);
252 | if (RunNum < 1 || RunNum > 99999)
253 | {
254 | cout << "ERROR - RunNumber wrong value" << endl;
255 | return 2;
256 | }
257 |
258 | // PointSpreadFunction
259 | TRegexp reg4("/[12][0-9]/");
260 | TString pointsf = fname(reg4);
261 | Int_t Point = atoi(pointsf.Data()+1);
262 | if (Point < 0 || Point > 99)
263 | {
264 | cout << "ERROR - PointSpreadFunction wrong value" << endl;
265 | return 2;
266 | }
267 |
268 | // zbin
269 | TRegexp reg1("/19[0-9][0-9]/");
270 | TString zbin = fname(reg1);
271 | Int_t ZBin = atoi(zbin.Data()+3);
272 | if (ZBin < 0 || ZBin > 99)
273 | {
274 | cout << "ERROR - zbin wrong value" << endl;
275 | return 2;
276 | }
277 |
278 | // WobbleMode
279 | TRegexp reg3("/0[0-9]/"); /*extrahiert '/0X' mit X= 1-8 */
280 | TString wm = fname(reg3); /* weist WM den extrahierten Wert zu */
281 | Int_t wob = atoi(wm.Data()+1); /* schneidet fuehrenden '/' ab */
282 |
283 |
284 | // Umrechnung von WobbleModus Bezeichnung in 'wobble', 'nowobble', 'fakewobble'
285 | TString wobmode; // dieser Wert wird in 'MCDB' Tabelle 'WobbleMode' eingetragen
286 | switch (wob)
287 | {
288 | case 1:
289 | case 3:
290 | wobmode = "Wobble";
291 | break;
292 |
293 | case 2:
294 | case 4:
295 | case 7:
296 | case 8:
297 | wobmode = "On";
298 | break;
299 |
300 | case 5:
301 | case 6:
302 | wobmode = "Fake Wobble";
303 | break;
304 |
305 | default:
306 | cout << "ERROR - ObservationMode wrong value" << endl;
307 | return 2;
308 | }
309 |
310 |
311 | cout << endl;
312 | cout << endl;
313 |
314 | cout << "--- From File ---" << endl;
315 |
316 | cout << endl;
317 | cout << "Energy Range " << elow << " < E < " << eupp << endl;
318 | cout << "SpectralIndex " << slope << endl;
319 | cout << "ObservationMode " << wobblemod << endl;
320 | cout << "CorsikaVer " << corsika1 << endl;
321 | cout << "ReflVer " << reflector << endl;
322 | cout << "CamVer " << camera << endl;
323 | cout << "ParticleId " << partid << endl;
324 | cout << "ParticleName " << partname << endl;
325 | cout << "PointSpread " << psf << endl;
326 | cout << "PointSpreadXY " << psfx << " /" << psfy << endl;
327 | cout << "AdditionPSF " << psfadd << endl;
328 | cout << "MispointingXY " << misx << " /" << misy <<endl;
329 | cout << "NumSimShowers " << numss << endl;
330 | cout << "ImpactMax " << imax << endl;
331 | cout << "NumEvents " << numevt << endl;
332 | cout << "NumTriggers " << numtrig << endl;
333 | cout << "NumPheFromDNSB " << numphe << endl;
334 | cout << "Pedestal " << ped << endl;
335 | cout << "Low2HighGain " << low2high << endl;
336 | cout << "AmplitudeFADC " << amplfadc << endl;
337 | cout << "AmplFADCOuter " << amplfadco << endl;
338 | cout << "ElecNoise " << enoise << endl;
339 | cout << "DigiNoise " << dnoise << endl;
340 | cout << "PhiMin " << pmin << endl;
341 | cout << "PhiMax " << pmax << endl;
342 | cout << "ThetaMin " << thetamin << endl;
343 | cout << "ThetaMax " << thetamax << endl;
344 | cout << "Zenith range " << tmin << " to " << tmax << endl;
345 | cout << "MirrorFraction " << mirrfrac << endl;
346 | cout << endl;
347 |
348 | cout << endl;
349 | cout << "--- key's from mcdb tables ---" << endl;
350 | cout << endl;
351 |
352 | Int_t corsikakey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("CorsikaVersion", corsika1.Data());
353 | Int_t reflectorkey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("ReflectorVersion", reflector.Data());
354 | Int_t camerakey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("CameraVersion", camera.Data());
355 | Int_t observationkey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("ObservationMode", wobblemod.Data());
356 | Int_t particlekey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("MCParticle", partname.Data());
357 |
358 | cout << "corsikakey: " << corsikakey << endl;
359 | cout << "reflectorkey: " << reflectorkey << endl;
360 | cout << "camerakey: " << camerakey << endl;
361 | cout << "observationkey: " << observationkey << endl;
362 | cout << "particlekey: " << particlekey << endl;
363 |
364 | cout << endl;
365 | cout << endl;
366 | cout << "--- From File ---" << endl;
367 | cout << endl;
368 | cout << "WobbleMode " << wobblemod << endl;
369 | cout << "PSF " << pointsfuncx << endl;
370 | cout << "zBin " << zBin << endl;
371 | cout << endl;
372 | cout << "--- From FileName ---" << endl;
373 | cout << endl;
374 | cout << "WobbleMode " << wobmode << endl;
375 | cout << "RunNum " << RunNum << endl;
376 | cout << "PSF " << Point << endl;
377 | cout << "ZBin " << ZBin << endl;
378 | cout << "WobbleMode(dir) " << wob << endl;
379 | cout << endl;
380 |
381 |
382 | if (wobblemod!=wobmode)
383 | {
384 | cout << "Error, WobbleMode in file and filename are not the same" << endl;
385 | return 2;
386 | }
387 | if (pointsfx!=Point)
388 | {
389 | cout << "Error, PSF in file and filename are not the same" << endl;
390 | return 2;
391 | }
392 | if (zBin!=ZBin)
393 | {
394 | cout << "Error, ZBin in file and filename are not the same" << endl;
395 | return 2;
396 | }
397 |
398 | TString vars =
399 | Form("fELowLim=%s, fEUppLim=%s, fSlopeSpec=%s, "
400 | "fImpactMax=%s, fNumSimulatedShowers=%d, fNumEvents=%d, "
401 | "fNumPheFromDNSB=%s, fZBin=%d, fThetaMin=%s, "
402 | "fThetaMax=%s, fPointSpread=%s, fPointSpreadX=%s, "
403 | "fPointSpreadY=%s, fPedesMean=%s, fLow2HighGain=%s, ",
404 | elow.Data(), eupp.Data(), slope.Data(), imax.Data(),
405 | numsimshow, numevents, numphe.Data(),
406 | zBin, thetamin.Data(), thetamax.Data(), psf.Data(),
407 | psfx.Data(), psfy.Data(), ped.Data(), low2high.Data());
408 | vars +=
409 | Form("fAmplFadc=%s, fAmplFadcOuter=%s, fElectricNoise=%s, "
410 | "fDigitalNoise=%s, fRunNumber=%d, fMisspointingX=%s, "
411 | "fMissPointingY=%s, fCorsikaVersionKEY =%d, "
412 | "fReflectorVersionKEY=%d, fCameraVersionKEY=%d, "
413 | "fObservationModeKEY=%d, fMCParticleKEY=%d, "
414 | "fSequenceFirst=0, fNumTriggers=%s ",
415 | amplfadc.Data(), amplfadco.Data(), enoise.Data(),
416 | dnoise.Data(), RunNum, misx.Data(), misy.Data(), corsikakey,
417 | reflectorkey, camerakey, observationkey, particlekey, numtrig.Data());
418 |
419 | // Comming soon (-1: dummy, 0: failed, 1: succeeded)
420 | // return serv.InsertUpdate("MCRunData", "fRunNumber", RunData()+1, vars);
421 |
422 | if (!serv.ExistStr("fRunNumber", "MCRunData", Run.Data()+1))
423 | if (!serv.Insert("MCRunData", vars)==kFALSE)
424 | return 2;
425 | else
426 | if (!serv.Update("MCRunData", vars, Form("fRunNumber=%d", Run))==kFALSE)
427 | return 2;
428 |
429 | return 1;
430 | }
431 |
432 | int fillcamera(TString fname, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE)
433 | {
434 | TEnv env("sql.rc");
435 |
436 | MSQLMagic serv(env);
437 | if (!serv.IsConnected())
438 | {
439 | cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl;
440 | return 0;
441 | }
442 |
443 | serv.SetIsDummy(dummy);
444 |
445 | cout << endl;
446 | cout << "fillcamera" << endl;
447 | cout << "----------" << endl;
448 | cout << endl;
449 | cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl;
450 | cout << "File: " << fname << endl;
451 | cout << endl;
452 |
453 | return Process(serv, fname, dummy);
454 | }