/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 08/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2006 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // filloptical.C // ============= // // This macro is used to read the files from KVA containing the results from // the optical observations. // Remark: Running it from the commandline looks like this: // root -q -l -b filloptical.C+\(\"filename\"\,kFALSE\) // // Make sure, that database and password are corretly set. // // Returns 0 in case of failure and 1 in case of success. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MDirIter.h" #include "MSQLServer.h" #include "MSQLMagic.h" #include "MTime.h" #include "MObservatory.h" #include "MAstroSky2Local.h" using namespace std; // // insert the entries from this optical data file into the db // int process(MSQLMagic &serv, TString fname) { ifstream fin(fname); if (!fin) { cout << "Could not open file " << fname << endl; return 0; } TRegexp regexp("^20[0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9].*$", kFALSE); Int_t numexp=0; Int_t numstars=0; TString timestamp; TString exposure; TString fitsfile; TString object; TString skylevel; TString fwhm; TString aperturer; TString mag; TString magerr; TString status; TString query; TString select; Int_t statuskey; Int_t objectkey; Int_t fitsfilekey; Double_t ra=0; Double_t dec=0; Double_t zd=0; MTime t; MObservatory obs(MObservatory::kMagic1); TVector3 v; while (1) { TString line; line.ReadLine(fin); if (!fin) break; if (line=="KVA_Celestron_ST8 KVA_Celestron_R" || line.IsNull()) continue; TObjArray *arr = line.Tokenize(" "); if (!line(regexp).IsNull()) { if (arr->GetEntries()!=4) { cout << "WARNING: Timestampline with less or more than 4 arguments found " << endl; return 2; } numexp+=1; numstars=0; timestamp =Form("%s %s", (*arr)[0]->GetName(),(*arr)[1]->GetName()); exposure = (*arr)[2]->GetName(); fitsfile = (*arr)[3]->GetName(); t.SetSqlDateTime(timestamp.Data()); continue; } else { if (arr->GetEntries()!=8) { cout << "WARNING: Objectline with less or more than 8 arguments found " << endl; return 2; } if (numstars==0) { select="SELECT fRightAscension, fDeclination FROM Object WHERE "; select+=Form("fObjectName='%s/BL'", (*arr)[0]->GetName()); TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(select); if (!res) return 2; TSQLRow *row=res->Next(); ra=(*row)[0]?atof((*row)[0]):0; dec=(*row)[1]?atof((*row)[1]):0; delete res; v.SetMagThetaPhi(1, TMath::Pi()/2-(dec*TMath::DegToRad()), ra*TMath::DegToRad()*15); v *= MAstroSky2Local(t, obs); zd = v.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg(); } object= Form("%s/%s", (*arr)[0]->GetName(),(*arr)[1]->GetName()); skylevel = (*arr)[2]->GetName(); if (skylevel.Contains("-")) skylevel="NULL"; fwhm = (*arr)[3]->GetName(); if (fwhm.Contains("-") || !fwhm.IsFloat()) fwhm="NULL"; aperturer = (*arr)[4]->GetName(); mag = (*arr)[5]->GetName(); if (!mag.IsFloat()) mag="NULL"; magerr = (*arr)[6]->GetName(); if (!magerr.IsFloat()) magerr="NULL"; status = (*arr)[7]->GetName(); numstars+=1; } delete arr; if (numstars!=0) { /* cout << numexp << "th exposure: star # " << numstars << endl; cout << " timestamp: " << timestamp << endl; cout << " exposure : " << exposure << endl; cout << " fitsfile : " << fitsfile << endl; cout << " object : " << object << endl; cout << " skylevel : " << skylevel << endl; cout << " fwhm : " << fwhm << endl; cout << " aperturer: " << aperturer << endl; cout << " mag : " << mag << " +/- " << magerr << endl; cout << " status : " << status << endl << endl; */ statuskey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("Status", status.Data()); objectkey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("Object", object.Data()); fitsfilekey = serv.QueryKeyOfName("FitsFile", fitsfile.Data()); query=Form("fTimeStamp='%s', fExposure=%s, fFitsFileKEY=%d, " "fObjectKEY=%d, fSkyLevel=%s, fFWHM=%s, " "fApertureRadius=%s, fInstrumentalMag=%s, " "fInstrumentalMagErr=%s, fStatusKEY=%d, fZenithDistance=", timestamp.Data(), exposure.Data(), fitsfilekey, objectkey, skylevel.Data(), fwhm.Data(), aperturer.Data(), mag.Data(), magerr.Data(), statuskey); if (ra==0 || dec==0) query+="NULL"; else query+=Form("%.1f", zd); if (serv.Insert("OpticalData", query)==kFALSE) return 2; } } cout << fname(TRegexp("20[0-9][0-9]_[0-1][0-9]_[0-3][0-9]_KVA_C_R.*[.]instr", kFALSE)) << ": " << setw(2) << numexp << " exposures, " << setw(2) << numstars << " stars" << endl; return 1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // loop over all files in this path // int filloptical(TString path, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE) { TEnv env("sql.rc"); MSQLMagic serv(env); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } serv.SetIsDummy(dummy); cout << endl; cout << "filloptical" << endl; cout << "-----------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl; cout << "Search Path: " << path << endl; cout << endl; //get all runbook files in path if (path.EndsWith(".instr")) return process(serv, path); //fill entries for each runbook file MDirIter Next(path, "2*_KVA_C_R*.instr", -1); while (1) { TString name = Next(); if (name.IsNull()) break; if (!process(serv, name)) return 0; } return 1; }