/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 05/2005 ! Author(s): Daniela Dorner, 05/2005 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fillstar.C // ========== // // This macro is used to read the star-output files. // These files are automatically called star00000000.root. // From these files the muon parameters (psf, muon number, ratio, muon rate), // the rate, the number of islands, the effective ontime, the maximum // humidity and a parameter describing the inhomogeneity are extracted from // the status display. // The sequence number is extracted from the filename. // // Usage: // .x fillstar.C("/magic/data/star/0004/00047421/star00047421.root", kTRUE) // // The second argument is the 'dummy-mode'. If it is kTRUE dummy-mode is // switched on and nothing will be written into the database. This is usefull // for tests. // // The macro can also be run without ACLiC but this is a lot slower... // // Remark: Running it from the commandline looks like this: // root -q -l -b fillstar.C+\(\"filename\"\,kFALSE\) 2>&1 | tee fillstar.log // // Make sure, that database and password are corretly set in a resource // file called sql.rc and the resource file is found. // // Returns 2 in case of failure, 1 in case of success and 0 if the connection // to the database is not working. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MSQLMagic.h" #include "MHCamera.h" #include "MHMuonPar.h" #include "MSequence.h" #include "MStatusArray.h" #include "MBadPixelsCam.h" #include "MHEffectiveOnTime.h" using namespace std; bool CheckGraph(const TGraph *g) { return g && g->GetN()>0 && !(g->GetN()==1 && g->GetX()[0]==0); } int Process(MSQLMagic &serv, TString fname) { TFile file(fname, "READ"); if (!file.IsOpen()) { cout << "ERROR - Could not find file " << fname << endl; return 2; } MStatusArray arr; if (arr.Read()<=0) { cout << "ERROR - Reading of MStatusDisplay failed." << endl; return 2; } MHCamera *hsparks = (MHCamera*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Sparks;avg", "MHCamera", "Sparks"); if (!hsparks) { cout << "ERROR - Reading of Sparks failed." << endl; return 2; } TH2F *hcog = (TH2F*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Center", "TH2F", "MHHillas"); if (!hcog) { cout << "ERROR - Reading of MHHillas failed." << endl; return 2; } MHMuonPar *hmuon = (MHMuonPar*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("MHMuonPar", "MHMuonPar", "MHMuonPar"); if (!hmuon) { cout << "ERROR - Reading of MHMuon failed." << endl; return 2; } Double_t val[6]; for (int x=1; xGetNbinsX(); x++) for (int y=1; yGetNbinsY(); y++) { Stat_t px = hcog->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(x); Stat_t py = hcog->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(y); Int_t i = (TMath::Nint(3*TMath::ATan2(px,py)/TMath::Pi())+6)%6; val[i] += hcog->GetBinContent(x, y); } Float_t inhom = TMath::RMS(6, val)*6/hcog->GetEntries()*100; TString inhomogen = Form("%5.1f", inhom); Float_t mw = hmuon->GetMeanWidth(); Float_t psf = 70.205*mw - 28.055; TString PSF = Form("%5.1f", (psf<0?0:psf)); Int_t num = (int)hmuon->GetEntries(); Float_t ratiodatamc = (hmuon->GetMeanSize()/7216)*100; TString ratio = Form("%5.1f", ratiodatamc); TH1 *h = (TH1*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Islands", "TH1F", "MHImagePar"); if (!h) { cout << "ERROR - Reading of Islands failed." << endl; return 2; } TString islands = Form("%6.2f", h->GetMean()); h = (TH1*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("EffOnTheta", "TH1D", "EffOnTime"); Float_t effon = h ? h->Integral() : -1; h = (TH1*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Cleaned;avg", "TH1D", "Cleaned"); if (!h) { cout << "ERROR - Reading of Cleaned;avg failed." << endl; return 2; } if (effon<0) effon = h->GetEntries()/100; Float_t mrate = num/effon; TString muonrate = mrate<0 || effon==0 ? "NULL" : Form("%6.2f", mrate); TString effontime = Form("%.1f", effon); Int_t numsparks = (int)hsparks->GetEntries(); Int_t numevents = (int)h->GetEntries() - numsparks; TString datarate = effon==0 ? "NULL" : Form("%.0f", numevents/effon); TString sparkrate = Form("%5.2f", numsparks/effon); if (sparkrate.Contains("inf") || sparkrate.Contains("nan")) sparkrate="NULL"; MHEffectiveOnTime *ontm = (MHEffectiveOnTime*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("MHEffectiveOnTime", "MHEffectiveOnTime", "EffOnTime"); TString totontime = ontm ? Form("%d", TMath::Nint(ontm->GetTotalTime())) : "NULL"; TString relontime = ontm ? Form("%.2f", effon/ontm->GetTotalTime()*100) : "NULL"; TGraph *g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("MCamEvent", "TGraph", "Currents"); TString maxdc = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.2f", TMath::MaxElement(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; TString mindc = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.2f", TMath::MinElement(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; TString meddc = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.2f", TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Humidity", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); TString maxhum = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::MaxElement(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; TString avghum = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Temperature", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); TString avgtemp = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("WindSpeed", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); TString avgwind = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Cloudiness", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); //if (!g) // cout << "WARNING - Reading of Cloudiness failed." << endl; TString avgclouds = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)) : "NULL"; TString rmsclouds = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("TempSky", "TGraph", "MHWeather"); //if (!g) // cout << "WARNING - Reading of TempSky failed." << endl; TString avgsky = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetMean(2)+200) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("NumStars", "TGraph", "MHPointing"); //if (!g) // cout << "WARNING - Reading of NumStars failed." << endl; TString numstarsmed = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; TString numstarsrms = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("NumStarsCor", "TGraph", "MHPointing"); //if (!g) // cout << "WARNING - Reading of NumStarsCor failed." << endl; TString numcorsmed = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; TString numcorsrms = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; g = (TGraph*)arr.FindObjectInCanvas("Brightness", "TGraph", "MHPointing"); //if (!g) // cout << "WARNING - Reading of SkyBrightness failed." << endl; TString skybrightnessmed = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", TMath::Median(g->GetN(), g->GetY())) : "NULL"; TString skybrightnessrms = CheckGraph(g) ? Form("%5.1f", g->GetRMS(2)) : "NULL"; MSequence seq; if (seq.Read("sequence[0-9]{8}[.]txt|MSequence")<=0) { cout << "ERROR - Could not find sequence in file: " << fname << endl; return 2; } if (!seq.IsValid()) { cout << "ERROR - Sequence read from file inavlid: " << fname << endl; return 2; } cout << "Sequence M" << seq.GetTelescope() << ":" << seq.GetSequence() << endl; cout << " Inhomogeneity " << inhomogen << endl; cout << " PSF [mm] " << PSF << endl; cout << " Island Quality " << islands << endl; cout << " Ratio [%] " << ratio << endl; cout << " Muon Number " << num << endl; cout << " Eff. OnTime [s] " << effontime << endl; cout << " Tot. OnTime [s] " << totontime << endl; cout << " Rel. OnTime [%] " << relontime << endl; cout << " Muon Rate [Hz] " << muonrate << endl; cout << " # of Events (w/o sparks) " << numevents << endl; cout << " # of Sparks " << numsparks << endl; cout << " Rate after ImgCl [Hz] " << datarate << endl; cout << " Rate of sparks [Hz] " << sparkrate << endl; cout << " Minimum DC current [nA] " << mindc << endl; cout << " Median DC current [nA] " << meddc << endl; cout << " Maximum DC current [nA] " << maxdc << endl; cout << " Maximum Humidity [%] " << maxhum << endl; cout << " Average Humidity [%] " << avghum << endl; cout << " Average WindSpeed [km/h] " << avgwind << endl; cout << " Average Temp [" << UTF8::kDeg << "C] " << avgtemp << endl; cout << " Average Sky Temp [K] " << avgsky << endl; cout << " Cloundiness [%] " << avgclouds << " +/- " << rmsclouds << endl; cout << " Number of Stars " << numstarsmed << " +/- " << numstarsrms << endl; cout << " Number of cor. Stars " << numcorsmed << " +/- " << numcorsrms << endl; cout << " Skybrightness " << skybrightnessmed << " +/- " << skybrightnessrms << endl; TString vars = Form(" fSequenceFirst=%d, " " fTelescopeNumber=%d, " " fMeanNumberIslands=%s," " fRatio=%s," " fMuonNumber=%d," " fEffOnTime=%s," " fTotOnTime=%s," " fMuonRate=%s," " fPSF=%s," " fDataRate=%s," " fSparkRate=%s," " fMinCurrents=%s, " " fMedCurrents=%s, " " fMaxCurrents=%s, " " fMaxHumidity=%s," " fAvgHumidity=%s, " " fAvgTemperature=%s," " fAvgWindSpeed=%s," " fAvgTempSky=%s," " fAvgCloudiness=%s, " " fRmsCloudiness=%s, " " fNumStarsMed=%s," " fNumStarsRMS=%s," " fNumStarsCorMed=%s," " fNumStarsCorRMS=%s," " fBrightnessMed=%s," " fBrightnessRMS=%s," " fInhomogeneity=%s ", seq.GetSequence(), seq.GetTelescope(), islands.Data(), ratio.Data(), num, effontime.Data(), totontime.Data(), muonrate.Data(), PSF.Data(), datarate.Data(), sparkrate.Data(), mindc.Data(), meddc.Data(), maxdc.Data(), maxhum.Data(), avghum.Data(), avgtemp.Data(), avgwind.Data(), avgsky.Data(), avgclouds.Data(), rmsclouds.Data(), numstarsmed.Data(), numstarsrms.Data(), numcorsmed.Data(), numcorsrms.Data(), skybrightnessmed.Data(), skybrightnessrms.Data(), inhomogen.Data()); TString where = Form("fSequenceFirst=%d AND fTelescopeNumber=%d", seq.GetSequence(), seq.GetTelescope()); return serv.InsertUpdate("Star", vars, where) ? 1 : 2; } int fillstar(TString fname, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE) { MSQLMagic serv("sql.rc"); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } cout << "fillstar" << endl; cout << "--------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl; cout << "File: " << fname << endl; cout << endl; serv.SetIsDummy(dummy); return Process(serv, fname); }