// This macro is a macro to create the Magic Database. // It is kept up to date, if any changes in the database are made. #include /* Statements SELECT [ DISTINCT ] * | LIST OF COLUMNS, FUNCTIONS, CONSTANTS FROM LIST OF TABLES OR VIEWS [ WHERE CONDITION(S) ] [ ORDER BY ORDERING COLUMN(S) [ ASC | DESC ] ] [ GROUP BY GROUPING COLUMN(S) ] [ HAVING CONDITION(S) ] DELETE FROM TABLE NAME [ WHERE CONDITION(S) ] INSERT INTO TABLE NAME [ (COLUMN LIST) ] VALUES (VALUE LIST) UPDATE TABLE NAME SET COLUMN NAME = VALUE [ WHERE CONDITION ] Functions Function Purpose SUM Total of the values in a field. AVG Average of the values in a field. MIN Lowest value in a field. MAX Highest value in a field. COUNT Number of values in a field, not counting Null (blank) values. Predicates Predicate Description BETWEEN ... AND Compares a value to a range formed by two values. IN Determines whether a value exists in a list of values or a table. LIKE Compares, in part or in whole, one value with another. JOIN Joins two tables. Data Definition CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME ( COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE [(SIZE)] COLUMN_CONSTRAINT, [, other column definitions,...] [, primary key constraint] ) ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ADD | DROP | MODIFY ( COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE [(SIZE)] COLUMN_CONSTRAINT, [, other column definitions,...] ) DROP TABLE TABLE_NAME CREATE [UNIQUE] [ASC | DESC] INDEX INDEX_NAME ON TABLE_NAME ( COLUMN_LIST ) DROP INDEX INDEX_NAME ON TABLE_NAME CREATE VIEW VIEW_NAME AS QUERY_NAME CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT_NAME {PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE | NOT NULL | REFERENCES FOREIGN_TABLE [(FIELD_LIST)]} */ void Line(const TArrayI &max) { cout << "+" << setfill('-'); for (int i=0; iGetFieldCount(); TArrayI max(n); for (int i=0; iGetFieldName(i)); TSQLRow *row; TList rows; while (row=res->Next()) { for (int i=0; iGetFieldLength(i)); rows.Add(row); } Line(max); cout << "|" << setfill(' '); for (int i=0; iGetFieldName(i) << " |"; cout << endl; Line(max); cout << setfill(' '); TIter Next(&rows); while (row=(TSQLRow*)Next()) { cout << "|"; for (int i=0; iGetColumns(db, table); if (!res) return ""; TString fields; TList rows; while (row=res->Next()) rows.Add(row); TIter Next(&rows); while (row=(TSQLRow*)Next()) { fields += (*row)[0]; if (row!=rows.Last()) fields += ", "; } delete res; return fields; } void PrintContents(TSQLServer *serv, const char *db, const char *table) { TString fields=GetFields(serv, db, table); TSQLResult *res = serv->Query(Form("SELECT %s FROM %s", fields.Data(), table)); if (res) { Print(res); delete res; } } /* GetTables(db): \u "db" SHOW TABLES; GetDataBases(); SHOW DATABASES; GetColumns(db, table); EXPLAIN table; DESCRIBE table; SHOW VARIABLES; PRIMARY_KEY impliziert NOT NULL */ void CreatePrimaryEntries() { TList list; list.SetOwner(); // Trigger tables list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.L1TriggerTable (fL1TriggerTableKEY, fL1TriggerTableName, fL1TriggerTable) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Not available')")); list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.L2TriggerTable (fL2TriggerTableKEY, fL2TriggerTableName, fL2TriggerTable) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Not available')")); // File path list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.FilePath (fFilePathName, fFilePath) VALUES " " ('n/a', 'Not available in the Data Center')")); // Magic number list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.MagicNumber (fMagicNumber, fMagicNumberName) VALUES " " (0x0001, 'Not available')," //1 " (0xc0c0, 'Ok')," //45344 " (0xc0c1, 'Not closed')," //45345 " (0x0000, 'Wrong')")); //0 // Run type list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.RunType (fRunType, fRunTypeName) VALUES " " (0xffff, 'Not available')," " (0x0000, 'Data')," " (0x0001, 'Pedestal')," " (0x0002, 'Calibration')," " (0x0007, 'Point Run')," " (0x0100, 'Monte Carlo')")); // HvSettings list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.HvSettings (fHvSettingsKEY, fHvSettingsName, fHvSettings) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Not available')")); //Excluded From DataAnalysis list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.ExcludedFDA (fExcludedFDAKEY, fExcludedFDAName, fExcludedFDA) VALUES " " (1, \"Not excluded\", \"Not excluded from Data Analysis\")")); //Manually Changed list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.ManuallyChanged (fManuallyChangedKEY, fManuallyChangedName, fManuallyChanged) VALUES " " (1, \"Automatic\", \"This entry was created automatically without user intervention\")"); // Source type list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.SourceType (fSourceTypeName) VALUES ('Unknown')")); // LightConditions list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.LightConditions (fLightConditionsKEY, fLightConditionsName, fLightConditions) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Light conditions are not available')")); // Testflag list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.TestFlag (fTestFlagKEY, fTestFlagName, fTestFlag) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Testflag is not available')")); // Trigger delay table list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.TriggerDelayTable (fTriggerDelayTableKEY, fTriggerDelayTableName, fTriggerDelayTable) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Trigger delay table is not available')")); // Calibration script list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.CalibrationScript (fCalibrationScriptKEY, fCalibrationScriptName, fCalibrationScript) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Calibration script is not available')")); // discriminator threshold table list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.DiscriminatorThresholdTable (fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY, fDiscriminatorThresholdTableName, fDiscriminatorThresholdTable) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Discriminator threshold table is not available')")); // Observation Mode list.Add(new TObjString( "INSERT MyMagic.ObservationMode (fObservationModeKEY, fObservationModeName, fObservationMode) VALUES " " (1, 'n/a', 'Not available')")); TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "hercules", "d99swMT!"); if (!serv) return; TIter Next(&list); TObjString *str; cout << "Filling tables..." << endl; while ((str=(TObjString*)Next())) { TString q(str->GetString()); Int_t f = q.First('('); TString out = q(0, f); cout << " - " << out << "... " << flush; TSQLResult *res = serv->Query(q); cout << (res==0 ? "ERROR!" : "Ok.") << endl; if (res) delete res; } serv->Close(); delete serv; } TObjString *CreateKeyTable(TString name) { return new TObjString(Form( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.%s (" " f%sKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " f%sName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " f%s VARCHAR(255) NULL" ") MAX_ROWS=65536", name.Data(), name.Data(), name.Data(), name.Data())); } void CreateMagicDataBase() { TList list; list.SetOwner(); TString query = "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.RunData" "(" " fRunDataKEY INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,"// COMMENT('The unique key for each run-file'),"; " fRunNumber INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE," // PACK_KEYS=1,";// COMMENT('Run number'),"; " fMagicNumberKEY TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // PACK_KEYS=1,";// COMMENT('The MAGIC Key (first two bytes of a raw data file)'),"; " fFormatVersion SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // PACK_KEYS=1,";// COMMENT('File format version of the raw data file)'),"; " fRunTypeKEY TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // PACK_KEYS=1,";// COMMENT('Run type'),"; " fProjectKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // PACK_KEYS=1,";// COMMENT('Name of the project (assigned by the physics comittee)'),"; " fSourceKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // PACK_KEYS=1,";// COMMENT('Name of the source observed'),"; " fNumEvents MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // COMMENT('Number of events in this run-file'),"; " fRunStart DATETIME NOT NULL," // COMMENT('Time when the run was started'),"; " fRunStop DATETIME NULL,"; // COMMENT('Time when the run has stopped')"; query += " fZenithDistance TINYINT NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fAzimuth SMALLINT NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fL1TriggerTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fL2TriggerTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fHvSettingsKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fDaqStoreRate SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fDaqTriggerRate SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fMeanTriggerRate SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fL2RatePresc SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fL2RateUnpresc SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fExcludedFDAKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fSequenceFirst INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,"; query += " fLastUpdate TIMESTAMP" // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fTestFlagKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fLightConditionsKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fCalibrationScriptKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fTriggerDelayTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fObservationModeKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," ")"; list.Add(new TObjString(query)); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.RunType (" " fRunTypeKEY TINYINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fRunType SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fRunTypeName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," ") MAX_ROWS=256")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.MagicNumber (" " fMagicNumberKEY TINYINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fMagicNumber SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fMagicNumberName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE" ") MAX_ROWS=256")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Project (" " fProjectKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fProjectName CHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fProject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Source (" " fSourceKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fSourceName CHAR(80) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fSourceTypeKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fRightAscension DOUBLE NULL," " fDeclination DOUBLE NULL," " fEpochChar CHAR NULL,"// DEFAULT='J' " fEpochDate SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NULL,"// DEFAULT=2000 " fMagnitude SMALLINT NULL," // 82=8.2 " fTest ENUM(\"no\",\"yes\") NOT NULL" //default no ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.SourceType (" " fSourceTypeKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fSourceTypeName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Files (" " fRawFileKEY INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY," " fRepFileKEY INT UNSIGNED NULL UNIQUE," " fDccFileKEY INT UNSIGNED NULL UNIQUE" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.RawFile (" " fRawFileKEY INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY," " fRawFileName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE," // NULL means - Not in Wuerzburg! " fFilePathKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.RepFile (" " fRepFileKEY INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fRepFileName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE," // NULL means - Not in Wuerzburg! " fFilePathKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.DccFile (" " fDccFileKEY INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fDccFileName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE," // NULL means - Not in Wuerzburg! " fFilePathKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.FilePath (" " fFilePathKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fFilePathName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fFilePath VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("L1TriggerTable")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("L2TriggerTable")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("HvSettings")); // list.Add(CreateKeyTable("ExcludedFDA")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("ManuallyChanged")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("TestFlag")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("LightConditions")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("CalibrationScript")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("DiscriminatorThresholdTable")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("TriggerDelayTable")); list.Add(CreateKeyTable("ObservationMode")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.ExcludedFDA (" " fExcludedFDAKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fExcludedFDAImportance SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fExcludedFDAAutomatic ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fExcludedFDAName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fExcludedFDA VARCHAR(255) NULL" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.DataCheck (" " fRunNumber INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY," " fEvents INT UNSIGNED NULL," " fPositionSignal TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fPositionFWHM TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fHeightSignal SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fHeightFWHM SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fHasSignal ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fHasPedestal ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fPositionAsym ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fHeightAsym ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fEventsInterlaced INT UNSIGNED NULL," " fPositionSignalInterlaced TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fPositionFWHMInterlaced TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fHeightSignalInterlaced SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fHeightFWHMInterlaced SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fHasSignalInterlaced ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fHasPedestalInterlaced ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fPositionAsymInterlaced ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL," " fHeightAsymInterlaced ENUM(\"yes\",\"no\") NULL" ")")); /* list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.TriggerTable (" " fTriggerTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fTriggerTableName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fTriggerTable VARCHAR(255) NULL" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.HvSettings (" " fHvSettingsKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fHvSettingsName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fHvSettings VARCHAR(255) NULL" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.ExcludedFDA (" " fExcludedFDAKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fExcludedFDAName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fExcludedFDA VARCHAR(255) NULL" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.ManuallyChanged (" " fManuallyChangedKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fManuallyChangedName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " fManuallyChanged VARCHAR(255) NULL" ") MAX_ROWS=65536")); */ list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Changes (" " fChangesKEY INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fTimeStamp TIMESTAMP," " fTableName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL," " fRowKEY INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fColumnName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL," " fDescription VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Comments (" " fCommentsKEY INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fCommentsName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,", " fRunDataKEY INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.RunBook (" " fRunBookKEY INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fRunBookDate DATETIME NOT NULL,", " fRunBookText TEXT NOT NULL" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Sequences (" " fSequenceFirst INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fSequenceLast INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE, " " fProjectKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fSourceKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fNumEvents MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fRunTime SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fRunStart DATETIME NOT NULL," " fZenithDistanceMin TINYINT NULL," " fZenithDistanceMax TINYINT NULL," " fAzimuthMin SMALLINT NULL," " fAzimuthMax SMALLINT NULL," " fL1TriggerTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,"; query += " fL2TriggerTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fHvSettingsKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fManuallyChanged SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fLastUpdate TIMESTAMP" // COMMENT('Time of last change'),"; " fTestFlagKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fLightConditionsKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fTriggerDelayTableKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fObservationModeKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," ")"; list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Calibration (" " fSequenceFirst INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fUnsuitableInner SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " " fUnsuitableOuter SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " " fUnreliableInner SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fUnreliableOuter SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fIsolatedInner SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fIsolatedOuter SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fIsolatedMaxCluster SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fMeanPedRmsInner FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fMeanPedRmsOuter FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fMeanSignalInner FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fMeanSignalOuter FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fArrTimeMeanInner FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fArrTimeRmsInner FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fArrTimeMeanOuter FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fArrTimeRmsOuter FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fConvFactorInner FLOAT(6,3) NOT NULL," " fConvFactorOuter FLOAT(6,3) NOT NULL," " fPulsePosMean FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fPulsePosRms FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fPulsePosCheckMean FLOAT(6,2) NULL," " fPulsePosCheckRms FLOAT(6,2) NULL," " fLastUpdate TIMESTAMP" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Star (" " fSequenceFirst INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fMeanNumberIslands FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fPSF FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fRatio FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fMuonRate FLOAT(6,2) NOT NULL," " fMuonNumber INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fEffOnTime INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fDataRate INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fMaxHumidity FLOAT(6,1) NOT NULL," " fInhomogeneity FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fNumStarsMed FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fNumStarsRMS FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fNumStarsCorMed FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fNumStarsCorRMS FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fBrightnessMed FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fBrightnessRMS FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fLastUpdate TIMESTAMP" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.DataSets (" " fDataSetNumber INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fSourceKEY SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fWobble ENUM('Y','N') NULL," " fComment VARCHAR(255) NULL," " fLastUpdate TIMESTAMP" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.Ganymed (" " fDataSetNumber INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fExcessEvents INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fBackgroundEvents INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fSignalEvents INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fEffOnTime INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " fSignificance FLOAT(5,1) NOT NULL," " fScaleFactor FLOAT(5,2) NOT NULL," " fStandard ENUM(\"no\",\"yes\") NOT NULL," //default no " fLastUpdate TIMESTAMP" ")")); list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.DataSetProcessStatus (" " fDataSetNumber INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fDataSetInserted DATETIME NULL," " fStarFilesAvail DATETIME NULL," " fGanymed DATETIME NULL," " fFillGanymed DATETIME NULL," " fStartTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fReturnCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fFailedCodeAdd INT UNSIGNED NULL" ")"; list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.SequenceBuildStatus (" " fDate DATE PRIMARY KEY, " " fCCFilled DATETIME NULL," " fExclusionsDone DATETIME NULL," " fSequenceEntriesBuilt DATETIME NULL," " fStartTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fReturnCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fFailedCodeAdd INT UNSIGNED NULL" ")"; list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.RunProcessStatus (" " fRunNumber INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fCCFileAvail DATETIME NULL," " fCaCoFileAvail DATETIME NULL," " fCaCoFileFound INT UNSIGNED NULL," " fRawFileAvail DATETIME NULL," " fDataCheckDone DATETIME NULL," " fTimingCorrection DATETIME NULL," " fMerpp DATETIME NULL," " fMerppCCUpdate DATETIME NULL," " fMerppCaCoUpdate DATETIME NULL," " fStartTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fReturnCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fFailedCodeAdd INT UNSIGNED NULL" ")"; list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.SequenceProcessStatus (" " fSequenceFirst INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY, " " fSequenceFileWritten DATETIME NULL," " fAllFilesAvail DATETIME NULL," " fCallisto DATETIME NULL," " fFillCallisto DATETIME NULL," " fStar DATETIME NULL," " fFillStar DATETIME NULL," " fStartTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedTime DATETIME NULL," " fFailedCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fReturnCode SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL," " fFailedCodeAdd INT UNSIGNED NULL" ")"; list.Add(new TObjString( "CREATE TABLE MyMagic.MarsVersion (" " fMarsVersion SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " fStartDate DATETIME NULL ," " fMarsVersionName VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL UNIQUE" ") MAX_ROWS=256")); TSQLResult *res; TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "hercules", "d99swMT!"); if (!serv) return; res = serv->DropDataBase("MyMagic"); res = serv->CreateDataBase("MyMagic"); if (res) { cout << "Error creating Data Base!" << endl; return; } TIter Next(&list); TObjString *str; cout << "Creating tables..." << endl; while ((str=(TObjString*)Next())) { TString q(str->GetString()); Int_t f = q.First('('); TString out = q(0, f); cout << " - " << out << "... " << flush; res = serv->Query(q); cout << (res==0 ? "ERROR!" : "Ok.") << endl; if (res) delete res; } serv->Close(); delete serv; } void DisplayMagicDataBase() { TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "hercules", "d99swMT!"); if (!serv) return; res = serv->GetColumns("MyMagic", "RunData"); if (res) Print(res); res = serv->GetColumns("MyMagic", "RunType"); if (res) Print(res); res = serv->GetColumns("MyMagic", "MagicNumber"); if (res) Print(res); res = serv->GetColumns("MyMagic", "Project"); if (res) Print(res); res = serv->GetColumns("MyMagic", "Source"); if (res) Print(res); res = serv->GetColumns("MyMagic", "TriggerTable"); if (res) Print(res); res = serv->GetColumns("MyMagic", "HvSettings"); if (res) Print(res); serv->Close(); } Bool_t ExistStr(TSQLServer *serv, const char *column, const char *table, const char *test) { TString query(Form("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'", column, table, column, test)); TSQLResult *res = serv->Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; delete res; TSQLRow *row; while (row=res->Next()) { if ((*row)[0]) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } /* void LoadSourceNames(const char *fname) { TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "hercules", "d99swMT!"); if (!serv) return; ifstream fin(fname); if (!fin) { cout << "Cannot open " << fname << endl; return; } while (1) { TString query, name; name.ReadLine(fin); if (!fin) break; if (ExistStr(serv, "fSourceName", "MyMagic.Source", name)) { cout << "Entry " << name << " exists." << endl; continue; } query = "INSERT MyMagic.Source SET "; query += " fSourceName='"; query += name; query += "', fSourceTypeKEY=1"; if (!serv->Query(query)) { cout << query << " - FAILED!" << endl; return; } } serv->Close(); } void LoadProjectNames(const char *fname) { TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "hercules", "d99swMT!"); if (!serv) return; ifstream fin(fname); if (!fin) { cout << "Cannot open " << fname << endl; return; } while (1) { TString query, name; name.ReadLine(fin); if (!fin) break; if (ExistStr(serv, "fProjectName", "MyMagic.Project", name)) { cout << "Entry " << name << " exists." << endl; continue; } query = "INSERT MyMagic.Project SET "; query += " fProjectName='"; query += name; query += "', fProject='AUTO: "; query += name; query += "'"; if (!serv->Query(query)) { cout << query << " - FAILED!" << endl; return; } } serv->Close(); } void LoadTriggerTableNames(const char *fname) { TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "hercules", "d99swMT!"); if (!serv) return; ifstream fin(fname); if (!fin) { cout << "Cannot open " << fname << endl; return; } while (1) { TString query, name; name.ReadLine(fin); if (!fin) break; if (ExistStr(serv, "fTriggerTableName", "MyMagic.TriggerTable", name)) { cout << "Entry " << name << " exists." << endl; continue; } query = "INSERT MyMagic.TriggerTable SET "; query += " fTriggerTableName='"; query += name; query += "'"; if (!serv->Query(query)) { cout << query << " - FAILED!" << endl; return; } } serv->Close(); } */ void setupdb() { CreateMagicDataBase(); CreatePrimaryEntries(); //LoadSourceNames("sourcenames.txt"); //LoadProjectNames("projectnames.txt"); //LoadTriggerTableNames("triggertablenames.txt"); return; //TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://magic:3306", "root", "marWin"); //TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "database", "ImM9G1CD8"); TSQLServer *serv = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost:3306", "hercules", "d99swMT!"); if (!serv) return; cout << "ServerInfo: " << serv->ServerInfo() << endl; cout << "DBMS: " << serv->GetDBMS() << endl; cout << "Host: " << serv->GetHost() << endl; cout << "Port: " << serv->GetPort() << endl; TSQLResult *res; cout << endl; res = serv->GetDataBases(); if (res) Print(res); serv->Close(); /* TList list; if (!list.FindObject(triggertablename)) { TNamed *name = new TNamed(triggertablename, ""); list.Add(name); } list.Print(); */ }