/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 08/2004 ! Author(s): Daniela Dorner, 08/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2006 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // writesequencefile.C // =================== // // reads the sequence information from the database and writes it into a // txt file // // Usage: // .x writesequencefile.C+(sequno,"sequpath") // // Make sure, that database and password are corretly set in a resource // file called sql.rc and the resource file is found. // // Returns 2 in case of failure, 1 in case of success and 0 if the connection // to the database is not working. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MAstro.h" #include "MTime.h" #include "MDirIter.h" #include "MSQLServer.h" using namespace std; Bool_t GetRuns(MSQLServer &serv, ofstream &fout, TString query, TString name) { TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; Int_t cnt=0; fout << name << ":"; TSQLRow *row=0; while ((row = res->Next())) { fout << " " << (*row)[0]; cnt++; } fout << endl; delete res; if (cnt==0) { cout << "ERROR - No " << name << " belonging to this sequence found." << endl; return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } TString GetName(MSQLServer &serv, const char *col, const char *n) { TString query(Form("SELECT f%sName FROM %s WHERE f%sKEY=%s", col, col, col, n)); TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(query); if (!res) { cout << "ERROR - Resolving " << col << " failed! " << endl; return ""; } TSQLRow *row = res->Next(); return (*row)[0]; } Bool_t GetSequence(MSQLServer &serv, TSQLRow &data, TString sequpath) { UShort_t y; Byte_t m, d; MTime time; time.SetSqlDateTime(data[8]); time.GetDateOfSunrise(y, m, d); TString date = Form("%04d-%02d-%02d", y, (int)m, (int)d); Int_t period = MAstro::GetMagicPeriod(time.GetMjd()); TString str[6]; str[0] = GetName(serv, "Project", data[2]); str[1] = GetName(serv, "Source", data[3]); str[2] = GetName(serv, "L1TriggerTable", data[4]); str[3] = GetName(serv, "L2TriggerTable", data[5]); str[4] = GetName(serv, "HvSettings", data[6]); str[5] = GetName(serv, "LightConditions", data[7]); if (str[0].IsNull() || str[1].IsNull() || str[2].IsNull() || str[3].IsNull() || str[4].IsNull() || str[5].IsNull()) return kFALSE; //create sequence file TString fname(Form("%s/%04d/sequence%08d.txt", sequpath.Data(), atoi(data[0])/10000, atoi(data[0]))); cout << "Creating " << fname << "..." << flush; ofstream fout(fname); if (!fout) { cout << "ERROR - Cannot open file." << endl; return kFALSE; } //write information into file fout << "Sequence: " << data[0] << endl; fout << "Period: " << period << endl; fout << "Night: " << date << endl; fout << "LightConditions: " << str[5] << endl; fout << endl; fout << "Start: " << data[8] << endl; fout << "LastRun: " << data[1] << endl; fout << "Project: " << str[0] << endl; fout << "Source: " << str[1] << endl; fout << "ZdMin: " << data[10] << endl; fout << "ZdMax: " << data[11] << endl; fout << "L1TriggerTable: " << str[2] << endl; fout << "L2TriggerTable: " << str[3] << endl; fout << "HvSettings: " << str[4] << endl; fout << "NumEvents: " << data[9] << endl; fout << endl; TString query(Form("SELECT fRunNumber, fRunTypeKEY, fRunStart, fRunStop, fNumEvents" " FROM RunData WHERE fSequenceFirst=%s AND fExcludedFDAKEY=1" " AND fRunTypeKEY %%s ORDER BY fRunNumber", data[0])); TString queryA(Form(query.Data(), "BETWEEN 2 AND 4")); TString queryC(Form(query.Data(), "BETWEEN 4 AND 4")); TString queryD(Form(query.Data(), "BETWEEN 2 AND 2")); TString queryP(Form(query.Data(), "BETWEEN 3 AND 3")); //write runs into sequence file if (!GetRuns(serv, fout, queryA, "Runs")) return kFALSE; fout << endl; if (!GetRuns(serv, fout, queryC, "CalRuns")) return kFALSE; if (!GetRuns(serv, fout, queryP, "PedRuns")) return kFALSE; if (!GetRuns(serv, fout, queryD, "DatRuns")) return kFALSE; fout << endl; cout << " done " << endl; return kTRUE; } // This tool will work from Period017 (2004_05_17) on... int writesequencefile(Int_t sequno, TString sequpath) { TEnv env("sql.rc"); MSQLServer serv(env); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } cout << "writesequencefile" << endl; cout << "-----------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl; cout << endl; //get sequence information from database TString query(Form("SELECT fSequenceFirst, fSequenceLast, fProjectKEY, fSourceKEY," " fL1TriggerTableKEY, fL2TriggerTableKEY, fHvSettingsKEY, " " fLightConditionsKEY, fRunStart, fNumEvents, " " fZenithDistanceMin, fZenithDistanceMax " " FROM Sequences WHERE fSequenceFirst=%d", sequno)); TSQLResult *res = serv.Query(query); TSQLRow *row = 0; while ((row = res->Next())) if (!GetSequence(serv, *row, sequpath)) return 2; delete res; cout << endl; return 1; }