1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # ========================================================================
4 | #
5 | # *
6 | # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | # *
11 | # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | # * or implied warranty.
17 | # *
18 | #
19 | #
20 | # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 08/2004 <mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
21 | #
22 | # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
23 | #
24 | #
25 | # ========================================================================
26 | #
27 | #
28 | # This script handles the subsystem logfiles, which are copied every
29 | # day automatically from pc15 in La Palma to /data/MAGIC/transfer/ in
30 | # Wuerzburg
31 | # The structure in this directory is: subsystem/date/logfile.*
32 | # The logfiles are from CC (*.rep, CC*.dbg, CC*.rbk, CC*.rep, CC*.run,
33 | # CC*.run.html) and Cosy (cosy*.log, cosy*.rep, tpoint*.txt/starg*.txt)
34 | # AMC (AMC*.log, AMC*.info, AMC*.lut) and CaCo (dc*.txt) are not copied
35 | # every day automatically
36 | #
37 | # the script performs the following steps:
38 | # ----------------------------------------
39 | # - filling the information from the *.rbk and *.run files into the DB
40 | # using the macros filldotrbk.C and filldotrun.C
41 | # - copying all logfiles to the correct directory:
42 | # /Period*/subsystem/date/file.*
43 | # (the period for each date is obtained by the macro getperiod.C)
44 | # - filling the sequences for the standard analysis into the database
45 | # (for each day of which a file was copied)
46 | #
47 | #
48 | # -- to make sure that no file is copied twice there's a textfile
49 | # (.processed), to which every file, that was processed, is added
50 | # .processed is copied to La Palma, so that it is possible to copy
51 | # only new files
52 | # -- to make sure that a file was copied completely before it is
53 | # processed, a file with the checksum of all files is also copied from
54 | # La Palma and the checksum is checked with this script for each file
55 | # before processing it.
56 | #
57 | #
58 |
59 | export ROOTSYS=/opt/root_v3.10.02
61 | export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin
62 |
63 | set -C
64 |
65 | mars=/home/operator/Mars
66 | macrospath=$mars/datacenter/macros
67 | scriptspath=$mars/datacenter/scripts
68 | transdir=/magic/datacenter/transfer
69 | extern=MAGIC@virgo:/data/MAGIC/transfer
70 | datetime=`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`
71 |
72 | lockpath=/magic/datacenter/locks
73 | logpath=/magic/datacenter/autologs
74 |
75 | scriptlogpath=$logpath/run/copyscript/`date +%Y/%m/%d`
76 | if [ ! -d $scriptlogpath ]
77 | then
78 | mkdir -pv $scriptlogpath
79 | if [ ! -d $scriptlogpath ]
80 | then
81 | echo "could not make scriptlogpath "$scriptlogpath
82 | exit
83 | fi
84 | fi
85 |
86 | scriptlog=$scriptlogpath/copyscript-$datetime.log
87 |
88 | date >> $scriptlog 2>&1
89 |
90 | date > $lockpath/lock-copyscript.txt >> $scriptlog 2>&1
91 | checklock0=$?
92 | case $checklock0 in
93 | 0) echo "checklock0=$checklock0 -> continue " >> $scriptlog 2>&1;;
94 | 1) echo "checklock0=$checklock0 -> file exists " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
95 | echo "-> copyscript is running -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
96 | date >> $scriptlog 2>&1
97 | exit;;
98 | *) echo "checklock0=$checklock0 -> something went completely wrong" >> $scriptlog 2>&1;;
99 | esac
100 |
101 | # rsync new dc with virgo
102 | rsync -av $extern/ $transdir >> $scriptlog 2>&1
103 |
104 | cd $transdir
105 |
106 | #check the checksums, write output into file
107 | md5sum -c .checksums | tee $transdir/.check >> $scriptlog 2>&1
108 | #md5sum -c $transdir/checksums-test >| $transdir/.check
109 | if ! test -e $transdir/.check
110 | then
111 | echo "couldn't create checkfile -> exit script" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
112 | rm -v $lockpath/lock-copyscript.txt >> $scriptlog 2>&1
113 | date >> $scriptlog 2>&1
114 | exit
115 | else
116 | echo "checkfile created" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
117 | fi
118 |
119 | cd $mars
120 |
121 | echo "remove empty directories: " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
122 | rmdir -pv $transdir/*/* >> $scriptlog 2>&1
123 |
124 | #find all dates in transfer-directory
125 | #dates=`ls $transdir/*/ -1 | grep --regexp=20[0-9][0-9]_*[0-1][0-9]_*[0-3][0-9] | grep -v '.tgz'`
126 | dates=`ls $transdir/*/ -1 | grep --regexp=20[0-9][0-9]_[0-1][0-9]_[0-3][0-9] | grep -v '.tgz'` >> $scriptlog 2>&1
127 |
128 | if [ "$dates" = "" ]
129 | then
130 | echo "nothing to do -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
131 | rm -v $lockpath/lock-copyscript.txt >> $scriptlog 2>&1
132 | date >> $scriptlog 2>&1
133 | exit
134 | fi
135 |
136 | echo "dates found: "$dates >> $scriptlog 2>&1
137 |
138 | #loop over dates
139 | for date in ${dates[@]}
140 | do
141 | #find all files for this date
142 | files=`find $transdir/*/$date/ -name "*.*"` >> $scriptlog 2>&1
143 | if [ "$files" = "" ]
144 | then
145 | echo "no files found for $date" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
146 | continue
147 | else
148 | echo "files found for $date" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
149 | fi
150 |
151 | date2=`echo $date | sed -e 's/_/\//g'`
152 | # echo "date2=$date2"
153 | copylogpath=$logpath/copyscript/$date2
154 | echo "copylogpath: "$copylogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
155 | if [ ! -d $copylogpath ]
156 | then
157 | mkdir -pv $copylogpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
158 | if [ ! -d $copylogpath ]
159 | then
160 | echo "could not make copylogpath $copylogpath -> continue " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
161 | continue
162 | fi
163 | fi
164 |
165 | #loop over all files in the directories for this date
166 | for file in $files
167 | do
168 | echo "file: "$file >> $scriptlog 2>&1
169 | filename=`basename $file`
170 | # echo "filename: "$filename
171 |
172 | #check for each file whether it has to be processed
173 | if grep "$filename: OK" $transdir/.check >> $scriptlog 2>&1
174 | then
175 | newfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/datacenter\/transfer/subsystemdata/' -e 's/ccdata/cc/' -e 's/drivelogs/drive/' -e 's/_/\//1' -e 's/_/\//1' `
176 | echo "file (new path): "$newfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1
177 | newpath=`dirname $newfile`
178 | # echo "new path: "$newpath
179 | #make sure, that the needed directories are available
180 | if [ ! -d $newpath ]
181 | then
182 | mkdir -pv $newpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
183 | if [ ! -d $newpath ]
184 | then
185 | echo "could not make path $newpath" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
186 | continue
187 | fi
188 | fi
189 |
190 | #run macros if the file is a *.rbk or a *.run file to
191 | #fill the information into the db
192 | if echo $filename | grep .rbk >> $scriptlog 2>&1
193 | then
194 | echo "found rbk-file $filename" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
195 | checkfillrbk=`root -q -b $macrospath/filldotrbk.C+\("\"$file\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $copylogpath/filldotrbk-$date-log.txt | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
196 | case $checkfillrbk in
197 | 1) echo "checkfillrbk=$checkfillrbk -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
198 | echo " -> go on with copying file" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
199 | *) echo "checkfillrbk=$checkfillrbk - Error -> go on with next file" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
200 | continue;;
201 | esac
202 | fi
203 | if echo $file | grep 'CC_.*.run' >> $scriptlog 2>&1 && ! echo $file | grep .run.html >> $scriptlog 2>&1
204 | then
205 | echo "found run-file $filename" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
206 | checkfillrun=`root -q -b $macrospath/filldotrun.C+\("\"$file\""\,kFALSE\) | tee $copylogpath/filldotrun-$date-log.txt | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
207 | case $checkfillrun in
208 | 1) echo "checkfillrun=$checkfillrun -> everything ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
209 | echo "-> insert date in SequenceBuildStatus for $date" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
210 | # date3=`echo $date | sed -e 's/_/-/g'`
211 | # echo "date3=$date3"
212 | checkinsertdate=`root -q -b $macrospath/insertdate.C+\("\"$date\""\) | tee $copylogpath/insertdate-$date-log.txt | grep int | sed -e 's/(int)//'`
213 | case $checkinsertdate in
214 | 1) echo "date inserted" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
215 | *) echo "checkinsertdate=$checkinsertdate -> ERROR - insert date didn't work" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
216 | continue;;
217 | esac
218 | echo " -> go on with copying file" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;;
219 | *) echo "checkfillrun=$checkfillrun Error -> go on with next file" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
220 | continue;;
221 | esac
222 | fi
223 |
224 | #copy file
225 | if mv -v $file $newpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1
226 | then
227 | #add file to donelist
228 | echo "$filename processed" >> $transdir/.processed
229 | echo $filename" moved and added to .processed" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
230 | else
231 | echo $file" couldn't be moved!!!!!" >> $scriptlog 2>&1
232 | fi
233 |
234 | else
235 | #if the checksum for the file is not ok or the file was
236 | #already processed (entry in donelist) -> go on with next file
237 | echo $file": checksum not ok " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
238 | fi
239 | done
240 | done
241 |
242 | echo "remove empty directories: " >> $scriptlog 2>&1
243 | rmdir -pv $transdir/*/* >> $scriptlog 2>&1
244 |
245 | rm -v $transdir/.check >> $scriptlog 2>&1
246 |
247 | rsync -av --delete $transdir/ $extern >> $scriptlog 2>&1
248 |
249 | rm -v $lockpath/lock-copyscript.txt >> $scriptlog 2>&1
250 | date >> $scriptlog 2>&1
251 |
252 | set +C