#!/bin/sh # # ======================================================================== # # * # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express # * or implied warranty. # * # # # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 08/2005 # # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007 # # # ======================================================================== # # This script produces the plots from all root-files in the web directory # # After checking, if the script is already running, the plots are produced: # With the programm showplot a ps-file is written, from which the png # files are produced. # source `dirname $0`/sourcefile printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" program=dowebplots set -C scriptlog=$runlogpath/$program-$datetime.log date >> $scriptlog 2>&1 while getopts p: opts do case $opts in p) type=$OPTARG echo "got programname: $type" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;; ?) echo "usage: $(basename $0) -p programname" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;; esac done if [ "$type" = "" ] then echo "no program name given -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "usage: $(basename $0) -p programname" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 date >> $scriptlog 2>&1 printprocesslog "INFO finished $0" exit fi # check if script is already running lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$program-$type.txt checklock >> $scriptlog 2>&1 #finding all rootfiles in the data directory, that were modified in the last 3 days #this are all statusdisplays rootfiles=`find $datapath/$type/ -maxdepth 10 -name '*.root' -mtime -3 | grep -v '_I_' | grep -v '_Y_' | grep -v 'summary'` #exit if no rootfiles are found if [ "$rootfiles" = "" ] then echo "nothing to do -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1 fi cd $mars #produce plots for each rootfile printprocesslog "INFO procduing plots for each $type rootfile" for rootfile in ${rootfiles[@]} do date >> $scriptlog 2>&1 #get names of the psfile and the #pngfiles (1 per tab in the statusdiplay) psfile=`echo $rootfile | sed -e 's/.root$/.ps/g'` tabfile=`echo $rootfile | sed -e 's/.root$/-tab/g'` echo "rootfile: $rootfile" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "psfile: $psfile" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "tabfile: $tabfile" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 #get date of root- and psfile daterootfile=`date +%Y%m%d -r $rootfile` >> $scriptlog 2>&1 datepsfile=`date +%Y%m%d -r $psfile` >> $scriptlog 2>&1 if [ "$datepsfile" = "" ] then echo "date of psfile is empty, i.e. the file $psfile doesn't exist" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo " -> setting date to 0 and producing psfile..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 datepsfile=0 fi echo "checking date..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "date of rootfile: $daterootfile" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "date of psfile: $datepsfile" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 #if the psfile is newer than the rootfile #no plots have to be done -> continue if [ "$datepsfile" -gt "$daterootfile" ] >> $scriptlog 2>&1 then echo "psfile is newer than rootfile -> continue " >> $scriptlog 2>&1 continue fi printprocesslog "INFO procduing plots for $rootfile" echo "producing psfile..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ./showplot -b --save-as-ps=$psfile $rootfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "creating temporary dir for pstoimg..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 temppath=`dirname $rootfile | sed -e 's/\/magic\/data//'` tempwebplotspath=/tmp/pstoimgtmp$temppath makedir $tempwebplotspath >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "converting plots to png..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 pstoimg -antialias -flip r270 -density 100 -tmp $tempwebplotspath -type png -multipage -out=$tabfile $psfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "removing temporary dir..." >> $scriptlog 2>&1 rmdir -pv $tempwebplotspath >> $scriptlog 2>&1 done finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1