#!/bin/sh # # ======================================================================== # # * # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express # * or implied warranty. # * # # # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 12/2005 # # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007 # # # ======================================================================== # # This script is linking the montecarlo files from the original structure # to a structure from which the files can be processed more easily with the # automatic analysis. # This script is not yet running automatically. # # original structure: # /magic/montecarlo/camera/ # # new structure: # /magic/montecarlo/rawfiles/YYYY/MM/DD/file.root # more explanation concerning the file structure can be found in the file # /magic/montecarlo/rawfiles/README.txt # # First the data files are linked and then in each new directory also the # pedestal and calibration file is linked. # source `dirname $0`/sourcefile printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" program=linkmc set -C scriptlog=$runlogpath/$progam-`date +%F`.log date >> $scriptlog 2>&1 # check if script is already running lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$program.txt checklock >> $scriptlog 2>&1 mccampath=$mcpath/camera next=$mcrawpath/.next #in .next the next runno is stored processed=$mcrawpath/.processed #in .processed the linked files are stored readme=$mcrawpath/README.txt #file in which the information about the modes is redirected to have always an updated explanation # check if file with next runnumber is available if ! ls $next >> $scriptlog 2>&1 then echo "file $next not found -> no start-runno -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 printprocesslog "ERROR file $next (last runno) not found" finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1 fi # observation modes modes=("" "Gammawobble+" "Gammanowobble0" "GammawobbleHE+" "GammanowobbleHE0" "Gammawobble0" "GammawobbleHE0" "Gammadiffuse0" "Protonnowobble0" ) #be carful: # w- not yet foreseen in this script # print information and explanation of structure into README.txt date >| $readme 2>&1 echo "" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "Explanation for the structure in which the mc files are linked" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "the files are linked in a YYYY/MM/DD structure like the data files" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "YYYY represents 19zbin" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "MM represents the mode" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "DD represents the psf in mm" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "explanation of the modes" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "modes: "${modes[@]} >> $readme 2>&1 echo "" >> $readme 2>&1 for (( i=1 ; i <= 12 ; i++ )) do if [ "${modes[i]}" != "" ] then numofmode=`printf %02d $i` echo "mode (MM) = $numofmode means ${modes[$i]}" >> $readme 2>&1 fi done echo "" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "the mode is indicating " >> $readme 2>&1 echo " - the particle type" >> $readme 2>&1 echo " - wobble/nowobble" >> $readme 2>&1 echo " - HE" >> $readme 2>&1 echo " - w+/w0 (as +/0)" >> $readme 2>&1 echo " a combination of w0 and wobble means 'fake wobble'" >> $readme 2>&1 echo " (normal mc shifted by 0.4 deg -> abberation not taken into account)" >> $readme 2>&1 echo "" >> $readme 2>&1 #get runnumber runno=`cat $next` #get files, which have to be linked camfiles=`find $mccampath -type f | grep -v Cal_and_Ped` printprocesslog "INFO linking new camerafiles starting with runno $runno" for camfile in ${camfiles[@]} do #continue, if file is already linked if grep $camfile $processed >> $scriptlog 2>&1 then continue fi printprocesslog "INFO linking $file" file=`basename $camfile` #filename no=`printf %08d $runno | cut -c 0-5` #first 5 digits of a 8digit runno -> for path no2=`printf %08d $runno` #runno with 8 digits zbin=`echo $file | cut -d_ -f2 | cut -c 5-6` #zbin from filename zbin=`printf %02d $zbin` #2digit wobble=`echo $file | cut -d_ -f6 | cut -c 2` #mode from filename particle=`echo $file | cut -d_ -f1` #particle type from filename psf=`echo $camfile | cut -d/ -f5 | cut -c 6,8` #psf from path particledir=`echo $camfile | cut -d/ -f4` #particletype from path wobbledir=`echo $camfile | cut -d/ -f6` #mode from path #build mode name testmode=$particle$wobbledir$wobble #get mode extension for filename case $wobble in 0) wobblemode="";; +) wobblemode="W1";; -) wobblemode="W2";; *) echo "couldn't find any indication for mode (wobble)" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 ;; esac #get no of mode from array $modes for (( i=1 ; i <= 12 ; i++ )) do if [ "${modes[$i]}" == "$testmode" ] then totalmode=$i break fi done totalmode=`printf %02d $totalmode` #2 digits project=${particle}${zbin}${wobblemode} #build project name #create new filename newfile="$mcrawpath/19$zbin/$totalmode/$psf/19${zbin}${totalmode}${psf}_${no2}_D_${project}_E.root" newdir=`dirname $newfile` makedir $newdir >> $scriptlog 2>&1 runno=`expr $runno + 1` #next runnumber echo $runno >| $next #link file ln -sv $camfile $newfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 #add filename to processed file echo $camfile >> $processed done printprocesslog "INFO linking cal and ped files" echo "linking cal and ped file" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 #get files pedfile=`find $mccampath/Cal_and_Ped -name *_P_*.root` calfile=`find $mccampath/Cal_and_Ped -name *_C_*.root` echo "calfile"$calfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 echo "pedfile"$pedfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 #check number of files numfiles=`echo $pedfile $calfile | wc -w` if [ "$numfiles" != "2" ] then "too many files in the directory $mccampath/Cal_and_Ped -> exit" >> $scriptlog 2>&1 printprocesslog "ERROR too many ped and cal files found in $mccampath/Cal_and_Ped" finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1 fi #get all directories in the linked structure dirs=`find $mcrawpath -type d` for dir in ${dirs[@]} do #continue, if directory has already linked C and P run cont=`ls $dir/*_0000[12]_[CP]_MonteCarlo_E.root 2>/dev/null | wc -w` if [ "$cont" == "2" ] >> $scriptlog 2>&1 then continue fi #continue, if directory is not at the lowest level of the structure cont=`echo $dir | cut -d/ -f6` if [ "$cont" == "" ] then continue fi #get date for filename from directory name date=`echo $dir | cut -c 22-25,27,28,30,31` #create new filenames and link files newcalfile="${dir}/${date}_00000002_C_MonteCarlo_E.root" ln -sv $calfile $newcalfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 newpedfile="${dir}/${date}_00000001_P_MonteCarlo_E.root" ln -sv $pedfile $newpedfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 done finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1