#!/bin/sh # # ======================================================================== # # * # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express # * or implied warranty. # * # # # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 12/2005 # Author(s): Daniel Hoehne 06/2008 # # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008 # # # ======================================================================== # # The script is building two sequences per directory and epoch. One for # training and one for testing. The relevant parameters are taken from # the MC database. # source `dirname $0`/sourcefile printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" program=mcsequences set -C scriptlog=$runlogpath/$program-$datetime.log date >> $scriptlog 2>&1 # check if script is already running lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$program.txt checklock >> $scriptlog 2>&1 # find montecarlo directories, build two sequences per directory and write sequence files printprocesslog "INFO building two sequences per mcdirectory and epoch, one for training and one for testing" #user="test" #db="TestMonteCarlo" #pw="Ics+eaTD" user="operator" db="MyMagicMonteCarlo" pw="Ics+eMM!" dirs=`find $mcrawpath -type d` for dir in ${dirs[@]} do cont=`echo $dir | cut -d/ -f7` #cont=`echo $dir | cut -d/ -f10` if [ "$cont" == "" ] then continue fi echo $dir >> $scriptlog 2>&1 epochs=`ls -l $mcpath/camera | cut -c 52-80` for epoch in ${epochs[@]} do echo $epoch >> $scriptlog 2>&1 calfile=`find $dir -lname *${epoch}/*.root | grep "_C_"` pedfile=`find $dir -lname *${epoch}/*.root | grep "_P_"` calrun=`echo $calfile | cut -d_ -f2` pedrun=`echo $pedfile | cut -d_ -f2` modes=("Gamma" "GammaW1" "GammaW2" "GammaFW" "GammaDiff" "GammaHE" "GammaHEW1" "GammaHEW2" "GammaHEFW" "GammaHEDiff" "ProtonDiff" "ProtonHEDiff" "MuonDiff" "MuonHEDiff") for mode in ${modes[@]} do datruns=`find $dir -lname *${epoch}/*.root | grep ${mode}_ | grep "_D_" | cut -d_ -f2 | tr "\n" " "` if [ "$datruns" != "" ] then num=`echo $datruns | wc -w` train=`expr $num / 5` test=`expr $num - $train` last=`expr $num \* 9` train2=`expr $train \* 9` firstrun=`echo $datruns | cut -c 0-8` trainruns=`echo $datruns | cut -c 0-$train2` trainruns2=`echo $trainruns | sed -e 's/ /,/g'` testruns=`echo $datruns | cut -c $train2-$last` testruns2=`echo $testruns | sed -e 's/ /,/g'` firstruntrain=`echo $trainruns | cut -c 0-8` firstruntest=`echo $testruns | cut -c 0-8` date=`echo $dir | cut -c 28-37 | sed -e 's/\//-/g'` #date=`echo $dir | cut -c 57-66 | sed -e 's/\//-/g'` zbin=`echo $date | cut -c 3,4` #training runs for trainrun in ${trainruns[@]} do trainupdate=" update MCRunData set fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntrain\" where fRunNumber=\"$trainrun\" " mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $trainupdate " done trainquery1=" select fSpectrumKEY, fPSFKEY, fAmplFadcKEY, fAtmosphericModelKEY, fObservationModeKEY, fMCParticleKEY, fReflectorVersionKEY, fCorsikaVersionKEY, fCameraVersionKEY, fViewConeAngleOKEY, fAddSpotSizeKEY from MCRunData where fRunNumber=\"$firstruntrain\" " trainquery2=" select sum(fNumEvents), sum(fNumtriggers) from MCRunData where fRunNumber in ($trainruns2) " trainvalues=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $trainquery1 "` trainvalues2=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $trainquery2 "` trainspec=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f1` trainpsf=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f2` trainamplfadc=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f3` traintrainatmo=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f4` trainobs=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f5` trainpart=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f6` trainrefl=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f7` traincors=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f8` traincam=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f9` trainview=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f10` trainass=`echo $trainvalues | cut -d" " -f11` trainevents=`echo $trainvalues2 | cut -d" " -f1` traintriggers=`echo $trainvalues2 | cut -d" " -f2` trainquery3=" select fSequenceFirst from MCSequenceProcessStatus where fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntrain\" " trainquery4=" select fSequenceFirst from MCSequences where fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntrain\" " traincheck3=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $trainquery3 "` traincheck4=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $trainquery4 "` traininsert1=" insert MCSequenceProcessStatus set fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntrain\", fSequenceFileWritten=Now() " traininsert2=" insert MCSequences set fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntrain\", fRunStart=\"$date\", fNumEvents=\"$trainevents\", fNumTriggers=\"$traintriggers\", fZBin=\"$zbin\", fSpectrumKEY=\"$trainspec\", fPSFKEY=\"$trainpsf\", fAddSpotSizeKEY=\"$trainass\", fAmplFadcKEY=\"$trainamplfadc\", fAtmosphericModelKEY=\"$trainatmo\", fObservationModeKEY=\"$trainobs\", fMCParticleKEY=\"$trainpart\", fReflectorVersionKEY=\"$trainrefl\", fCorsikaVersionKEY=\"$traincors\", fCameraVersionKEY=\"$traincam\", fViewConeAngleOKEY=\"$trainview\", fTestTrainKEY=2 " trainupdate2=" update MCSequences set fRunStart=\"$date\", fNumEvents=\"$trainevents\", fNumTriggers=\"$traintriggers\", fZBin=\"$zbin\", fSpectrumKEY=\"$trainspec\", fPSFKEY=\"$trainpsf\", fAddSpotSizeKEY=\"$trainass\", fAmplFadcKEY=\"$trainamplfadc\", fAtmosphericModelKEY=\"$trainatmo\", fObservationModeKEY=\"$trainobs\", fMCParticleKEY=\"$trainpart\", fReflectorVersionKEY=\"$trainrefl\", fCorsikaVersionKEY=\"$traincors\", fCameraVersionKEY=\"$traincam\", fViewConeAngleOKEY=\"$trainview\", fTestTrainKEY=2 where fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntrain\" " if [ "$traincheck3" == "" ] then mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $traininsert1 " fi if [ "$traincheck4" == "" ] then mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $traininsert2 " else mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $trainupdate2 " fi trainno=`echo $firstruntrain | cut -c 0-4` trainsequpath=$mcsequpath/$trainno makedir $trainsequpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1 trainsequfile=$trainsequpath/sequence$firstruntrain.txt echo "writing train sequfile "$trainsequfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 printprocesslog "INFO writing train sequencefile $trainsequfile" echo "Sequence: $firstruntrain" >| $trainsequfile echo "Night: $date" >> $trainsequfile echo "Epoch: $epoch" >> $trainsequfile echo "Mode: $mode" >> $trainsequfile echo "" >> $trainsequfile echo "CalRuns: $calrun" >> $trainsequfile echo "PedRuns: $pedrun" >> $trainsequfile echo "DatRuns: $trainruns" >> $trainsequfile echo "" >> $trainsequfile echo "MonteCarlo: Yes" >> $trainsequfile echo "Training sequence" >> $trainsequfile echo "" >> $trainsequfile #test runs for testrun in ${testruns[@]} do testupdate=" update MCRunData set fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntest\" where fRunNumber=\"$testrun\" " mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testupdate " done testquery1=" select fSpectrumKEY, fPSFKEY, fAmplFadcKEY, fAtmosphericModelKEY, fObservationModeKEY, fMCParticleKEY, fReflectorVersionKEY, fCorsikaVersionKEY, fCameraVersionKEY, fViewConeAngleOKEY, fAddSpotSizeKEY from MCRunData where fRunNumber=\"$firstruntest\" " testquery2=" select sum(fNumEvents), sum(fNumtriggers) from MCRunData where fRunNumber in ($testruns2) " testvalues=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testquery1 "` testvalues2=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testquery2 "` testspec=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f1` testpsf=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f2` testamplfadc=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f3` testatmo=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f4` testobs=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f5` testpart=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f6` testrefl=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f7` testcors=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f8` testcam=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f9` testview=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f10` testass=`echo $testvalues | cut -d" " -f11` testevents=`echo $testvalues2 | cut -d" " -f1` testtriggers=`echo $testvalues2 | cut -d" " -f2` testquery3=" select fSequenceFirst from MCSequenceProcessStatus where fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntest\" " testquery4=" select fSequenceFirst from MCSequences where fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntest\" " testcheck3=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testquery3 "` testcheck4=`mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testquery4 "` testinsert1=" insert MCSequenceProcessStatus set fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntest\", fSequenceFileWritten=Now() " testinsert2=" insert MCSequences set fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntest\", fRunStart=\"$date\", fNumEvents=\"$testevents\", fNumTriggers=\"$testtriggers\", fZBin=\"$zbin\", fSpectrumKEY=\"$testspec\", fPSFKEY=\"$testpsf\", fAddSpotSizeKEY=\"$testass\", fAmplFadcKEY=\"$testamplfadc\", fAtmosphericModelKEY=\"$testatmo\", fObservationModeKEY=\"$testobs\", fMCParticleKEY=\"$testpart\", fReflectorVersionKEY=\"$testrefl\", fCorsikaVersionKEY=\"$testcors\", fCameraVersionKEY=\"$testcam\", fViewConeAngleOKEY=\"$testview\", fTestTrainKEY=3 " testupdate2=" update MCSequences set fRunStart=\"$date\", fNumEvents=\"$testevents\", fNumTriggers=\"$testtriggers\", fZBin=\"$zbin\", fSpectrumKEY=\"$testspec\", fPSFKEY=\"$testpsf\", fAddSpotSizeKEY=\"$testass\", fAmplFadcKEY=\"$testamplfadc\", fAtmosphericModelKEY=\"$testatmo\", fObservationModeKEY=\"$testobs\", fMCParticleKEY=\"$testpart\", fReflectorVersionKEY=\"$testrefl\", fCorsikaVersionKEY=\"$testcors\", fCameraVersionKEY=\"$testcam\", fViewConeAngleOKEY=\"$testview\", fTestTrainKEY=3 where fSequenceFirst=\"$firstruntest\" " if [ "$testcheck3" == "" ] then mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testinsert1 " fi if [ "$testcheck4" == "" ] then mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testinsert2 " else mysql -ss -u $user --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $testupdate2 " fi testno=`echo $firstruntest | cut -c 0-4` testsequpath=$mcsequpath/$testno makedir $testsequpath >> $scriptlog 2>&1 testsequfile=$testsequpath/sequence$firstruntest.txt echo "writing test sequfile "$testsequfile >> $scriptlog 2>&1 printprocesslog "INFO writing test sequencefile $testsequfile" echo "Sequence: $firstruntest" >| $testsequfile echo "Night: $date" >> $testsequfile echo "Epoch: $epoch" >> $testsequfile echo "Mode: $mode" >> $testsequfile echo "" >> $testsequfile echo "CalRuns: $calrun" >> $testsequfile echo "PedRuns: $pedrun" >> $testsequfile echo "DatRuns: $testruns" >> $testsequfile echo "" >> $testsequfile echo "MonteCarlo: Yes" >> $testsequfile echo "Test sequence" >> $testsequfile echo "" >> $testsequfile fi done done done finish >> $scriptlog 2>&1