/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz et al, 12/2000 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2002 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ void MagicHillas(const char *filename="~/data/Gamma_20_N*.root") { // // This is a demonstration program which calculates the Hillas // parameter out of a Magic root file (raw data file). // // // Create a empty Parameter List and an empty Task List // The tasklist is identified in the eventloop by its name // MParList plist; MTaskList tlist; plist.AddToList(&tlist); // // Use this if you want to change the binning of one of // the histograms. You can use: // BinningConc, BinningConc1, BinningAsym, BinningM3Long, // BinningM3Trans, BinningWidth, BinningLength, BinningDist, // BinningHeadTail, BinningAlpha, BinningSize, BinningDelta, // BinningPixels and BinningCamera // // For more information see MBinning and the corresponding // histograms // // MBinning binsalpha("BinningAlpha"); // binsalpha.SetEdges(90, 0, 90); // 90 bins from 0 to 90 deg // plist.AddToList(&binsalpha); // MBinning binssize("BinningSize"); // binssize.SetEdgesLog(50, 1, 1e7); // plist.AddToList(&binssize); // // Craete the object which hlods the source positions in the camera // plain in respect to which the image parameters will be calculated. // For real data the containers will be filled by a task. // MSrcPosCam source; source.SetReadyToSave(); plist.AddToList(&source); // // Now setup the tasks and tasklist: // --------------------------------- // // The first argument is the tree you want to read. // Events: Cosmic ray events // PedEvents: Pedestal Events // CalEvents: Calibration Events // MReadMarsFile read("Events", filename); read.DisableAutoScheme(); MGeomApply geomapl; MMcPedestalCopy pcopy; MMcPedestalNSBAdd pnsb; MCerPhotCalc ncalc; // // Alternative photon calculation: // Example: use only 2nd to 6th FADC slices for photon calculation: // // const Float_t x[15]={0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // const TArrayF w(15,(Float_t*)x); // ncalc.SetWeights(w); // MImgCleanStd clean; MBlindPixelCalc blind; // // Instead of unmapping the pixels you can also // // blind.SetUseInterpolation(); // blind.SetUseCetralPixel(); // MHillasCalc hcalc; MHillasSrcCalc csrc1; MFillH hfill1("MHHillas", "MHillas"); MFillH hfill2("MHHillasExt"); MFillH hfill3("MHStarMap", "MHillas"); MFillH hfill4("HistExtSource [MHHillasExt]", "MHillasSrc"); MFillH hfill5("HistSource [MHHillasSrc]", "MHillasSrc"); MFillH hfill6("MHNewImagePar"); MWriteRootFile write("hillas.root"); write.AddContainer("MHStarMap"); write.AddContainer("MHHillas"); write.AddContainer("MHHillasExt"); write.AddContainer("HistSource"); write.AddContainer("HistExtSource"); write.AddContainer("MHNewImagePar"); tlist.AddToList(&read); tlist.AddToList(&geomapl); tlist.AddToList(&pcopy); tlist.AddToList(&pnsb); tlist.AddToList(&ncalc); tlist.AddToList(&clean); tlist.AddToList(&blind); tlist.AddToList(&hcalc); tlist.AddToList(&csrc1); tlist.AddToList(&hfill1); tlist.AddToList(&hfill2); tlist.AddToList(&hfill3); tlist.AddToList(&hfill4); tlist.AddToList(&hfill5); tlist.AddToList(&hfill6); tlist.AddToList(&write); // // Create and setup the eventloop // MEvtLoop evtloop; evtloop.SetParList(&plist); // // Execute your analysis // MProgressBar bar; evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar); if (!evtloop.Eventloop()) return; tlist.PrintStatistics(); // // After the analysis is finished we can display the histograms // plist.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone(); plist.FindObject("MHHillasExt")->DrawClone(); plist.FindObject("MHStarMap")->DrawClone(); plist.FindObject("HistSource")->DrawClone(); plist.FindObject("HistExtSource")->DrawClone(); plist.FindObject("MHNewImagePar")->DrawClone(); }