void MagicHillas() { // // This is a demonstration program which calculates the Hillas // parameter out of a Magic root file. // // Create a empty Parameter List and an empty Task List // The tasklist is identified in the eventloop by its name // MParList plist; MTaskList tlist; plist->AddToList(&tlist); // // The geometry container must be created by yourself to make sure // that you don't choos a wrong geometry by chance // MGeomCamMagic geomcam; plist->AddToList(&geomcam); MPedestalCam pedest; plist->AddToList(&pedest); // // The Hillas histograms (MHHillas) could be created automatically // but to make sure, that they are not deleted when the macro is // finished you must create them yourself and add it to the list // MHHillas *hists = new MHHillas; plist->AddToList(hists); MHStarMap *smap = new MHStarMap; plist->AddToList(smap); // // Now setup the tasks and tasklist: // // 1) read in the data from a magic root file MReadTree // 2) calculate number of cerenkov photons MCerPhotCalc // 3) clean the image MImgCleanStd // 4) calculate hillas MHillasCalc // 5) fill the hillas into the histograms MFillHHillas // // // The first argument is the tree you want to read. // Events: Cosmic ray events // PedEvents: Pedestal Events // CalEvents: Calibration Events // MReadTree read("Events", "data/my_file.root"); // read.AddFile("data/test.root"); MCerPhotCalc ncalc; MImgCleanStd clean; MHillasCalc hcalc; MFillHHillas hfill; MFillHStarMap sfill; tlist.AddToList(&read); tlist.AddToList(&ncalc); tlist.AddToList(&clean); tlist.AddToList(&hcalc); tlist.AddToList(&hfill); tlist.AddToList(&sfill); // // Create and setup the eventloop // MEvtLoop evtloop; evtloop.SetParList(&plist); // // Execute your analysis // evtloop.Eventloop(); // // After the analysis is finished we can display the histograms // hists->Draw(); smap->Draw(); }