1 |
2 |
3 | //#include "MagicEgyEst.C"
4 |
5 |
6 | void InitBinnings(MParList *plist)
7 | {
8 | gLog << "InitBinnings" << endl;
9 |
10 | //--------------------------------------------
11 | MBinning *binse = new MBinning("BinningE");
12 | //binse->SetEdgesLog(30, 1.0e2, 1.0e5);
13 |
14 | //This is Daniel's binning in energy:
15 | binse->SetEdgesLog(14, 296.296, 86497.6);
16 | plist->AddToList(binse);
17 |
18 | //--------------------------------------------
19 |
20 | MBinning *binssize = new MBinning("BinningSize");
21 | binssize->SetEdgesLog(50, 10, 1.0e5);
22 | plist->AddToList(binssize);
23 |
24 | MBinning *binsdistc = new MBinning("BinningDist");
25 | binsdistc->SetEdges(50, 0, 1.4);
26 | plist->AddToList(binsdistc);
27 |
28 | MBinning *binswidth = new MBinning("BinningWidth");
29 | binswidth->SetEdges(50, 0, 1.0);
30 | plist->AddToList(binswidth);
31 |
32 | MBinning *binslength = new MBinning("BinningLength");
33 | binslength->SetEdges(50, 0, 1.0);
34 | plist->AddToList(binslength);
35 |
36 | MBinning *binsalpha = new MBinning("BinningAlpha");
37 | binsalpha->SetEdges(100, -100, 100);
38 | plist->AddToList(binsalpha);
39 |
40 | MBinning *binsasym = new MBinning("BinningAsym");
41 | binsasym->SetEdges(50, -1.5, 1.5);
42 | plist->AddToList(binsasym);
43 |
44 | MBinning *binsm3l = new MBinning("BinningM3Long");
45 | binsm3l->SetEdges(50, -1.5, 1.5);
46 | plist->AddToList(binsm3l);
47 |
48 | MBinning *binsm3t = new MBinning("BinningM3Trans");
49 | binsm3t->SetEdges(50, -1.5, 1.5);
50 | plist->AddToList(binsm3t);
51 |
52 |
53 | //.....
54 | MBinning *binsb = new MBinning("BinningSigmabar");
55 | binsb->SetEdges( 100, 0.0, 5.0);
56 | plist->AddToList(binsb);
57 |
58 | MBinning *binth = new MBinning("BinningTheta");
59 | // this is Daniel's binning in theta
60 | //Double_t yedge[8] =
61 | // {9.41, 16.22, 22.68, 28.64, 34.03, 38.84, 43.08, 44.99};
62 | // this is our binning
63 | Double_t yedge[9] =
64 | {0.0, 17.5, 23.5, 29.5, 35.5, 42., 50., 60., 70.};
65 | TArrayD yed;
66 | yed.Set(9,yedge);
67 | binth->SetEdges(yed);
68 | plist->AddToList(binth);
69 |
70 | MBinning *bincosth = new MBinning("BinningCosTheta");
71 | Double_t zedge[9];
72 | for (Int_t i=0; i<9; i++)
73 | {
74 | zedge[8-i] = cos(yedge[i]/kRad2Deg);
75 | }
76 | TArrayD zed;
77 | zed.Set(9,zedge);
78 | bincosth->SetEdges(zed);
79 | plist->AddToList(bincosth);
80 |
81 | MBinning *binsdiff = new MBinning("BinningDiffsigma2");
82 | binsdiff->SetEdges(100, -5.0, 20.0);
83 | plist->AddToList(binsdiff);
84 |
85 | // robert ----------------------------------------------
86 | MBinning *binsalphaf = new MBinning("BinningAlphaFlux");
87 | binsalphaf->SetEdges(100, -100, 100);
88 | plist->AddToList(binsalphaf);
89 |
90 | MBinning *binsdifftime = new MBinning("BinningTimeDiff");
91 | binsdifftime->SetEdges(50, 0, 10);
92 | plist->AddToList(binsdifftime);
93 |
94 | MBinning *binstime = new MBinning("BinningTime");
95 | binstime->SetEdges(50, 44500, 61000);
96 | plist->AddToList(binstime);
97 | }
98 |
99 |
100 | void DeleteBinnings(MParList *plist)
101 | {
102 | gLog << "DeleteBinnings" << endl;
103 |
104 | TObject *bin;
105 |
106 | //--------------------------------------------
107 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningE");
108 | if (bin) delete bin;
109 |
110 | //--------------------------------------------
111 |
112 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningSize");
113 | if (bin) delete bin;
114 |
115 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningDist");
116 | if (bin) delete bin;
117 |
118 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningWidth");
119 | if (bin) delete bin;
120 |
121 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningLength");
122 | if (bin) delete bin;
123 |
124 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningAlpha");
125 | if (bin) delete bin;
126 |
127 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningAsym");
128 | if (bin) delete bin;
129 |
130 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningM3Long");
131 | if (bin) delete bin;
132 |
133 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningM3Trans");
134 | if (bin) delete bin;
135 |
136 | //.....
137 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningSigmabar");
138 | if (bin) delete bin;
139 |
140 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningTheta");
141 | if (bin) delete bin;
142 |
143 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningCosTheta");
144 | if (bin) delete bin;
145 |
146 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningDiffsigma2");
147 | if (bin) delete bin;
148 |
149 |
150 | // robert ----------------------------------------------
151 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningAlphaFlux");
152 | if (bin) delete bin;
153 |
154 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningTimeDiff");
155 | if (bin) delete bin;
156 |
157 | bin = plist->FindObject("BinningTime");
158 | if (bin) delete bin;
159 | }
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 | //************************************************************************
164 | void ONOFFAnalysis()
165 | {
166 | gLog.SetNoColors();
167 |
168 | if (gRandom)
169 | delete gRandom;
170 | gRandom = new TRandom3(0);
171 |
172 | //-----------------------------------------------
173 | //const char *offfile = "~magican/ct1test/wittek/offdata.preproc";
174 | const char *offfile = "/data/MAGIC/rootdata/2003_11_29/20031128_032*_D_OffCrab1_E.root";
175 |
176 | //const char *onfile = "~magican/ct1test/wittek/mkn421_on.preproc";
177 | // const char *onfile = "~magican/ct1test/wittek/mkn421_00-01";
178 | const char *onfile = "/data/MAGIC/rootdata/2003_11_29/20031128_031*_D_Crab-Nebula_E.root";
179 |
180 | const char *mcfile = "/data/MAGIC/mc_eth/magLQE_3/gh/0/0/G_M0_00_0_550*.root";
181 | //const char *mcfile = "/data/MAGIC/mc_eth/magLQE_4/gh/0/0/G_M0_00_0_550*.root";
182 | //const char *mcfile = "/data/MAGIC/mc_eth/magLQE_5/gh/0/0/G_M0_00_0_550*.root";
183 | //-----------------------------------------------
184 |
185 | // path for input for Mars
186 | TString inPath = "/data/MAGIC/scratch/wittek/";
187 |
188 | // path for output from Mars
189 | TString outPath = "/data/MAGIC/scratch/wittek/";
190 |
191 | //-----------------------------------------------
192 |
193 | //TEnv env("macros/CT1env.rc");
194 | //Bool_t printEnv = kFALSE;
195 |
196 | //************************************************************************
197 |
198 | // Job A :
199 | // - produce MHSigmaTheta plots for ON and OFF data
200 | // - write out (or read in) these MHSigmaTheta plots
201 | // - read ON (or OFF or MC) data
202 | // - pad the events;
203 | // - write root file for ON (or OFF or MC) data (ON1.root, ...);
204 |
205 | Bool_t JobA = kTRUE;
206 | Bool_t GPad = kFALSE; // generate padding histograms?
207 | Bool_t WPad = kFALSE; // write out padding histograms ?
208 | Bool_t RPad = kFALSE; // read in padding histograms ?
209 | Bool_t Wout = kTRUE; // write out root file ON1.root
210 | // (or OFF1.root or MC1.root)?
211 |
212 |
213 | // Job B_RF_UP : read ON1.root (OFF1.root or MC1.root) file
214 | // - if CTrainRF = TRUE : create matrices of training events
215 | // and root files of training and test events
216 | // - if RTrainRF = TRUE : read in training matrices for hadrons and gammas
217 | // - if RTree = TRUE : read in trees, otherwise create trees
218 | // - calculate hadroness for method of RANDOM FOREST
219 | // - update the input files with the hadronesses (ON2.root, OFF2.root
220 | // or MC2.root)
221 |
222 | Bool_t JobB_RF_UP = kFALSE;
223 | Bool_t CTrainRF = kFALSE; // create matrices of training events
224 | // and root files of training and test events
225 | Bool_t RTrainRF = kFALSE; // read in matrices of training events
226 | Bool_t RTree = kFALSE; // read in trees (otherwise grow them)
227 | Bool_t WRF = kFALSE; // update input root file ?
228 |
229 |
230 | // Job B_SC_UP : read ON2.root (or MC2.root) file
231 | // - depending on WParSC : create (or read in) supercuts parameter values
232 | // - calculate hadroness for the SUPERCUTS
233 | // - update the input files with the hadroness (==>ON3.root or MC3.root)
234 |
235 | Bool_t JobB_SC_UP = kTRUE;
236 | Bool_t CMatrix = kTRUE; // create training and test matrices
237 | Bool_t RMatrix = kFALSE; // read training and test matrices from file
238 | Bool_t WOptimize = kFALSE; // do optimization using the training sample
239 | // and write supercuts parameter values
240 | // onto the file parSCfile
241 | Bool_t RTest = kFALSE; // test the supercuts using the test matrix
242 | Bool_t WSC = kFALSE; // update input root file ?
243 |
244 |
245 | // Job C:
246 | // - read ON3.root and MC3.root files
247 | // which should have been updated to contain the hadronnesses
248 | // for the method of
249 | // RF
250 | // SUPERCUTS and
251 | // - produce Neyman-Pearson plots
252 |
253 | Bool_t JobC = kFALSE;
254 |
255 |
256 | // Job D :
257 | // - select g/h separation method XX
258 | // - read ON3 (or MC3) root file
259 | // - apply cuts in hadronness
260 | // - make plots
261 |
262 | Bool_t JobD = kFALSE;
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 | // Job E_XX : extended version of E_XX (including flux plots)
267 | // - select g/h separation method XX
268 | // - read MC root file
269 | // - calculate eff. collection area
270 | // - optimize energy estimator
271 | // - read ON root file
272 | // - apply final cuts
273 | // - calculate flux
274 | // - write root file for ON data after final cuts
275 |
276 |
277 | Bool_t JobE_XX = kFALSE;
278 | Bool_t CCollArea= kFALSE; // calculate eff. collection areas
279 | Bool_t OEEst = kFALSE; // optimize energy estimator
280 | Bool_t WEX = kFALSE; // update root file ?
281 | Bool_t WRobert = kFALSE; // write out Robert's file ?
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 | //************************************************************************
286 |
287 |
288 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
289 | // Job A
290 | //=========
291 | // read ON data file
292 |
293 | // - produce the 2D-histogram "sigmabar versus Theta"
294 | // (SigmaTheta_ON.root) for ON data
295 | // (to be used for the padding of the MC gamma data)
296 |
297 | // - write a file of ON events (ON1.root)
298 | // (after the standard cuts, before the g/h separation)
299 | // (to be used together with the corresponding MC gamma file (MC1.root)
300 | // for the optimization of the g/h separation)
301 |
302 |
303 | if (JobA)
304 | {
305 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
306 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : Start of Job A" << endl;
307 | gLog << "" << endl;
308 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : JobA, WPad, RPad, Wout = "
309 | << (JobA ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
310 | << (WPad ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
311 | << (RPad ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
312 | << (Wout ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl;
313 |
314 |
315 | //--------------------------------------------------
316 | // names of ON and OFF files to be read
317 | // for generating the histograms to be used in the padding
318 | TString fileON = onfile;
319 | TString fileOFF = offfile;
320 | gLog << "fileON, fileOFF = " << fileON << ", " << fileOFF << endl;
321 |
322 | // name of file to conatin the histograms for the padding
323 | TString outNameSigTh = outPath;
324 | outNameSigTh += "SigmaTheta";
325 | outNameSigTh += ".root";
326 |
327 | //--------------------------------------------------
328 | // type of data to be padded
329 | TString typeInput = "ON";
330 | //TString typeInput = "OFF";
331 | //TString typeInput = "MC";
332 | gLog << "typeInput = " << typeInput << endl;
333 |
334 |
335 | // name of input root file
336 | if (typeInput == "ON")
337 | TString filenamein(onfile);
338 | else if (typeInput == "OFF")
339 | TString filenamein(offfile);
340 | else if (typeInput == "MC")
341 | TString filenamein(mcfile);
342 | gLog << "data to be padded : " << filenamein << endl;
343 |
344 | // name of output root file
345 | TString outNameImage = outPath;
346 | outNameImage += typeInput;
347 | outNameImage += "1.root";
348 | gLog << "padded data to be written onto : " << outNameImage << endl;
349 |
350 | //--------------------------------------------------
351 |
352 | //************************************************************
353 | // generate histograms to be used in the padding
354 | //
355 | // read ON and OFF data files
356 | // generate (or read in) the padding histograms for ON and OFF data
357 | // and merge these histograms
358 |
359 | MPad pad;
360 | pad.SetName("MPad");
361 | pad.SetDataType(typeInput);
362 |
363 | // generate the padding histograms
364 | if (GPad)
365 | {
366 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
367 | gLog << "Start generating the padding histograms" << endl;
368 | //-----------------------------------------
369 | // ON events
370 |
371 | gLog << "-----------" << endl;
372 | gLog << "ON events :" << endl;
373 | gLog << "-----------" << endl;
374 |
375 | MTaskList tliston;
376 | MParList pliston;
377 |
378 | MReadMarsFile readON("Events", fileON);
379 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
380 | MCT1ReadPreProc readON(fileON);
381 |
382 | //MFSelBasic selthetaon;
383 | //selthetaon.SetCuts(-100.0, 29.5, 35.5);
384 | //MContinue contthetaon(&selthetaon);
385 |
386 | MBlindPixelCalc blindon;
387 | blindon.SetUseBlindPixels();
388 |
389 | MFSelBasic selbasicon;
390 | MContinue contbasicon(&selbasicon);
391 |
392 | MHBlindPixels blindON("BlindPixelsON");
393 | MFillH fillblindON("BlindPixelsON[MHBlindPixels]", "MBlindPixels");
394 | fillblindON.SetName("FillBlind");
395 |
396 | MSigmabarCalc sigbarcalcon;
397 |
398 | MHSigmaTheta sigthON("SigmaThetaON");
399 | MFillH fillsigthetaON ("SigmaThetaON[MHSigmaTheta]", "MMcEvt");
400 | fillsigthetaON.SetName("FillSigTheta");
401 |
402 | //*****************************
403 | // entries in MParList
404 |
405 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
406 | InitBinnings(&pliston);
407 | pliston.AddToList(&blindON);
408 | pliston.AddToList(&sigthON);
409 |
410 |
411 | //*****************************
412 | // entries in MTaskList
413 |
414 | tliston.AddToList(&readON);
415 | //tliston.AddToList(&contthetaon);
416 |
417 | tliston.AddToList(&blindon);
418 |
419 | tliston.AddToList(&contbasicon);
420 | tliston.AddToList(&fillblindON);
421 | tliston.AddToList(&sigbarcalcon);
422 | tliston.AddToList(&fillsigthetaON);
423 |
424 | MProgressBar baron;
425 | MEvtLoop evtloopon;
426 | evtloopon.SetParList(&pliston);
427 | evtloopon.SetProgressBar(&baron);
428 |
429 | Int_t maxeventson = -1;
430 | //Int_t maxeventson = 10000;
431 | if ( !evtloopon.Eventloop(maxeventson) )
432 | return;
433 |
434 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
435 |
436 | blindON.DrawClone();
437 | sigthON.DrawClone();
438 |
439 | // save the histograms for the padding
440 | TH2D *sigthon = sigthON.GetSigmaTheta();
441 | TH3D *sigpixthon = sigthON.GetSigmaPixTheta();
442 | TH3D *diffpixthon = sigthON.GetDiffPixTheta();
443 |
444 | TH2D *blindidthon = blindON.GetBlindId();
445 | TH2D *blindnthon = blindON.GetBlindN();
446 |
447 | //-----------------------------------------
448 | // OFF events
449 |
450 | gLog << "------------" << endl;
451 | gLog << "OFF events :" << endl;
452 | gLog << "------------" << endl;
453 |
454 | MTaskList tlistoff;
455 | MParList plistoff;
456 |
457 | MReadMarsFile readOFF("Events", fileOFF);
458 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
459 | // MCT1ReadPreProc readOFF(fileOFF);
460 |
461 | MFSelBasic selthetaoff;
462 | selthetaoff.SetCuts(-100.0, 29.5, 35.5);
463 | MContinue contthetaoff(&selthetaoff);
464 |
465 | MBlindPixelCalc blindoff;
466 | blindoff.SetUseBlindPixels();
467 |
468 | MFSelBasic selbasicoff;
469 | MContinue contbasicoff(&selbasicoff);
470 |
471 | MHBlindPixels blindOFF("BlindPixelsOFF");
472 | MFillH fillblindOFF("BlindPixelsOFF[MHBlindPixels]", "MBlindPixels");
473 | fillblindOFF.SetName("FillBlindOFF");
474 |
475 | MSigmabarCalc sigbarcalcoff;
476 |
477 | MHSigmaTheta sigthOFF("SigmaThetaOFF");
478 | MFillH fillsigthetaOFF ("SigmaThetaOFF[MHSigmaTheta]", "MMcEvt");
479 | fillsigthetaOFF.SetName("FillSigThetaOFF");
480 |
481 | //*****************************
482 | // entries in MParList
483 |
484 | plistoff.AddToList(&tlistoff);
485 | InitBinnings(&plistoff);
486 | plistoff.AddToList(&blindOFF);
487 | plistoff.AddToList(&sigthOFF);
488 |
489 |
490 | //*****************************
491 | // entries in MTaskList
492 |
493 | tlistoff.AddToList(&readOFF);
494 | //tlistoff.AddToList(&contthetaoff);
495 |
496 | tlistoff.AddToList(&blindoff);
497 |
498 | tlistoff.AddToList(&contbasicoff);
499 | tlistoff.AddToList(&fillblindOFF);
500 | tlistoff.AddToList(&sigbarcalcoff);
501 | tlistoff.AddToList(&fillsigthetaOFF);
502 |
503 | MProgressBar baroff;
504 | MEvtLoop evtloopoff;
505 | evtloopoff.SetParList(&plistoff);
506 | evtloopoff.SetProgressBar(&baroff);
507 |
508 | Int_t maxeventsoff = -1;
509 | //Int_t maxeventsoff = 20000;
510 | if ( !evtloopoff.Eventloop(maxeventsoff) )
511 | return;
512 |
513 | tlistoff.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
514 |
515 | blindOFF.DrawClone();
516 | sigthOFF.DrawClone();
517 |
518 | // save the histograms for the padding
519 | TH2D *sigthoff = sigthOFF.GetSigmaTheta();
520 | TH3D *sigpixthoff = sigthOFF.GetSigmaPixTheta();
521 | TH3D *diffpixthoff = sigthOFF.GetDiffPixTheta();
522 |
523 | TH2D *blindidthoff = blindOFF.GetBlindId();
524 | TH2D *blindnthoff = blindOFF.GetBlindN();
525 |
526 |
527 | //-----------------------------------------
528 |
529 | gLog << "End of generating the padding histograms" << endl;
530 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
531 |
532 | pad.MergeONOFFMC(sigthmc, diffpixthmc, sigpixthmc,
533 | blindidthmc, blindnthmc,
534 | sigthon, diffpixthon, sigpixthon,
535 | blindidthon, blindnthon,
536 | sigthoff, diffpixthoff, sigpixthoff,
537 | blindidthoff, blindnthoff);
538 |
539 |
540 | if (WPad)
541 | {
542 | // write the padding histograms onto a file ---------
543 | pad.WritePaddingDist(outNameSigTh);
544 | }
545 | }
546 |
547 | // read the padding histograms ---------------------------
548 | if (RPad)
549 | {
550 | pad.ReadPaddingDist(outNameSigTh);
551 | }
552 |
553 |
554 | //************************************************************
555 |
556 | if (Wout)
557 | {
558 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
559 | gLog << "Start the padding" << endl;
560 |
561 | //-----------------------------------------------------------
562 | MTaskList tliston;
563 | MParList pliston;
564 |
565 | char *sourceName = "MSrcPosCam";
566 | MSrcPosCam source(sourceName);
567 |
568 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
569 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
570 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
571 |
572 | //-------------------------------------------
573 | // create the tasks which should be executed
574 | //
575 |
576 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", filenamein);
577 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
578 |
579 | MGeomApply apply;
580 | MMcPedestalCopy pcopy;
581 | MMcPedestalNSBAdd pnsb;
582 |
583 | MPedestalWorkaround waround;
584 |
585 | // a way to find out whether one is dealing with MC :
586 | MFDataMember f1("MRawRunHeader.fRunType", '>', 255.5); // MC
587 | f1.SetName("Select MC");
588 | MFDataMember f2("MRawRunHeader.fRunType", '<', 255.5); // data
589 | f2.SetName("Select Data");
590 |
591 | MCerPhotCalc ncalc;
592 | ncalc.SetFilter(&f1);
593 | MCerPhotAnal2 nanal;
594 | nanal.SetFilter(&f2);
595 |
596 | //if (typeInput == "ON")
597 | //{
598 | // MCT1PointingCorrCalc pointcorr(sourceName, "MCT1PointingCorrCalc",
599 | // "MCT1PointingCorrCalc");
600 | //}
601 |
602 | MBlindPixelCalc blindbeforepad;
603 | //blindbeforepad.SetUseBlindPixels();
604 | blindbeforepad.SetName("BlindBeforePadding");
605 |
606 | MBlindPixelCalc blind;
607 | //blind.SetUseBlindPixels();
608 | blind.SetName("BlindAfterPadding");
609 |
610 | MFSelBasic selbasic;
611 | MContinue contbasic(&selbasic);
612 | contbasic.SetName("SelBasic");
613 |
614 | MFillH fillblind("BlindPixels[MHBlindPixels]", "MBlindPixels");
615 | fillblind.SetName("HBlind");
616 |
617 | MSigmabarCalc sigbarcalc;
618 |
619 | MFillH fillsigtheta ("SigmaTheta[MHSigmaTheta]", "MMcEvt");
620 | fillsigtheta.SetName("HSigmaTheta");
621 |
622 | MImgCleanStd clean;
623 |
624 |
625 | // calculation of image parameters ---------------------
626 | TString fHilName = "MHillas";
627 | TString fHilNameExt = "MHillasExt";
628 | TString fHilNameSrc = "MHillasSrc";
629 | TString fImgParName = "MNewImagePar";
630 |
631 | MHillasCalc hcalc;
632 | hcalc.SetNameHillas(fHilName);
633 | hcalc.SetNameHillasExt(fHilNameExt);
634 | hcalc.SetNameNewImgPar(fImgParName);
635 |
636 | MHillasSrcCalc hsrccalc(sourceName, fHilNameSrc);
637 | hsrccalc.SetInput(fHilName);
638 |
639 | MFillH hfill1("MHHillas", fHilName);
640 | hfill1.SetName("HHillas");
641 |
642 | MFillH hfill2("MHStarMap", fHilName);
643 | hfill2.SetName("HStarMap");
644 |
645 | MFillH hfill3("MHHillasExt", fHilNameSrc);
646 | hfill3.SetName("HHillasExt");
647 |
648 | MFillH hfill4("MHHillasSrc", fHilNameSrc);
649 | hfill4.SetName("HHillasSrc");
650 |
651 | MFillH hfill5("MHNewImagePar", fImgParName);
652 | hfill5.SetName("HNewImagePar");
653 | // --------------------------------------------------
654 |
655 | MFSelStandard selstandard(fHilNameSrc);
656 | selstandard.SetHillasName(fHilName);
657 | selstandard.SetImgParName(fImgParName);
658 | selstandard.SetCuts(92, 4, 60, 0.4, 1.05, 0.0, 0.0);
659 | MContinue contstandard(&selstandard);
660 | contstandard.SetName("SelStandard");
661 |
662 |
663 | MWriteRootFile write(outNameImage);
664 |
665 | write.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
666 | write.AddContainer("MMcRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE);
667 | //write.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
668 | write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
669 | //write.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
670 | write.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
671 | write.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
672 | write.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
673 | write.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
674 | write.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
675 | write.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
676 |
677 |
678 | //*****************************
679 | // entries in MParList
680 |
681 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
682 | InitBinnings(&pliston);
683 |
684 | pliston.AddToList(&source);
685 |
686 | //*****************************
687 | // entries in MTaskList
688 |
689 | tliston.AddToList(&read);
690 |
691 | tliston.AddToList(&f1);
692 | tliston.AddToList(&f2);
693 | tliston.AddToList(&apply);
694 | tliston.AddToList(&pcopy);
695 | //tliston.AddToList(&waround);
696 |
697 | tliston.AddToList(&pnsb);
698 | tliston.AddToList(&ncalc);
699 | tliston.AddToList(&nanal);
700 |
701 | tliston.AddToList(&blindbeforepad);
702 | // tliston.AddToList(&pad);
703 | // if (typeInput == "ON")
704 | // tliston.AddToList(&pointcorr);
705 | tliston.AddToList(&blind);
706 | tliston.AddToList(&contbasic);
707 |
708 | tliston.AddToList(&fillblind);
709 | tliston.AddToList(&sigbarcalc);
710 | tliston.AddToList(&fillsigtheta);
711 | tliston.AddToList(&clean);
712 |
713 | tliston.AddToList(&hcalc);
714 | tliston.AddToList(&hsrccalc);
715 |
716 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill1);
717 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill2);
718 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill3);
719 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill4);
720 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill5);
721 |
722 | tliston.AddToList(&contstandard);
723 | tliston.AddToList(&write);
724 |
725 | //*****************************
726 |
727 | //-------------------------------------------
728 | // Execute event loop
729 | //
730 | MProgressBar bar;
731 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
732 | evtloop.SetParList(&pliston);
733 | //evtloop.ReadEnv(env, "", printEnv);
734 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
735 | // evtloop.Write();
736 |
737 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
738 | //Int_t maxevents = 1000;
739 | if ( !evtloop.Eventloop(maxevents) )
740 | return;
741 |
742 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
743 |
744 |
745 | //-------------------------------------------
746 | // Display the histograms
747 |
748 | pliston.FindObject("SigmaTheta", "MHSigmaTheta")->DrawClone();
749 | pliston.FindObject("BlindPixels", "MHBlindPixels")->DrawClone();
750 |
751 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone();
752 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasExt")->DrawClone();
753 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasSrc")->DrawClone();
754 | pliston.FindObject("MHNewImagePar")->DrawClone();
755 | pliston.FindObject("MHStarMap")->DrawClone();
756 |
757 | DeleteBinnings(&pliston);
758 |
759 | gLog << "End of padding" << endl;
760 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
761 | }
762 |
763 |
764 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : End of Job A" << endl;
765 | gLog << "===================================================" << endl;
766 | }
767 |
768 |
769 |
770 |
771 |
772 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
773 | // Job B_RF_UP
774 | //============
775 |
776 |
777 | // - create (or read in) the matrices of training events for gammas
778 | // and hadrons
779 | // - create (or read in) the trees
780 | // - then read ON1.root (or MC1.root) file
781 | // - calculate the hadroness for the method of RANDOM FOREST
782 | // - update input root file with the hadroness
783 |
784 |
785 | if (JobB_RF_UP)
786 | {
787 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
788 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : Start of Job B_RF_UP" << endl;
789 |
790 | gLog << "" << endl;
791 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : JobB_RF_UP, RTrainRF, CTrainRF, RTree, WRF = "
792 | << (JobB_RF_UP ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
793 | << (RTrainRF ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
794 | << (CTrainRF ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
795 | << (RTree ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
796 | << (WRF ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl;
797 |
798 |
799 | //--------------------------------------------
800 | // parameters for the random forest
801 | Int_t NumTrees = 100;
802 | Int_t NumTry = 3;
803 | Int_t NdSize = 1;
804 |
805 |
806 | TString hadRFName = "HadRF";
807 | Float_t maxhadronness = 0.23;
808 | Float_t maxalpha = 20.0;
809 | Float_t maxdist = 10.0;
810 |
811 | TString fHilName = "MHillas";
812 | TString fHilNameExt = "MHillasExt";
813 | TString fHilNameSrc = "MHillasSrc";
814 | TString fImgParName = "MNewImagePar";
815 |
816 |
817 | TString extin = "1.root";
818 | TString extout = "2.root";
819 |
820 | //--------------------------------------------
821 | // for the analysis using ON data only set typeMatrixHadrons = "ON"
822 | // ON and OFF data = "OFF"
823 | TString typeMatrixHadrons = "OFF";
824 | gLog << "typeMatrixHadrons = " << typeMatrixHadrons << endl;
825 |
826 |
827 | // file to be updated (ON, OFF or MC)
828 |
829 | //TString typeInput = "ON";
830 | TString typeInput = "OFF";
831 | //TString typeInput = "MC";
832 | gLog << "typeInput = " << typeInput << endl;
833 |
834 | // name of input root file
835 | TString NameData = outPath;
836 | NameData += typeInput;
837 | TString inNameData(NameData);
838 | inNameData += extin;
839 | gLog << "inNameData = " << inNameData << endl;
840 |
841 | // name of output root file
842 | TString outNameData(NameData);
843 | outNameData += extout;
844 | gLog << "outNameData = " << outNameData << endl;
845 |
846 | //--------------------------------------------
847 | // files to be read for generating
848 | // - the matrices of training events
849 | // - and the root files of training and test events
850 |
851 |
852 | // "hadrons" :
853 | TString filenameHad = outPath;
854 | filenameHad += typeMatrixHadrons;
855 | filenameHad += extin;
856 | Int_t howManyHadronsTrain = 12000;
857 | Int_t howManyHadronsTest = 12000;
858 | gLog << "filenameHad = " << filenameHad << ", howManyHadronsTrain = "
859 | << howManyHadronsTrain << ", howManyHadronsTest = "
860 | << howManyHadronsTest << endl;
861 |
862 |
863 | // "gammas" :
864 | TString filenameMC = outPath;
865 | filenameMC += "MC";
866 | filenameMC += extin;
867 | Int_t howManyGammasTrain = 12000;
868 | Int_t howManyGammasTest = 12000;
869 | gLog << "filenameMC = " << filenameMC << ", howManyGammasTrain = "
870 | << howManyGammasTrain << ", howManyGammasTest = "
871 | << howManyGammasTest << endl;
872 |
873 | //--------------------------------------------
874 | // files for the matrices of training events
875 |
876 | TString NameGammas = outPath;
877 | NameGammas += "RFmatrix_gammas_Train_";
878 | NameGammas += "MC";
879 | NameGammas += extin;
880 |
881 | TString NameHadrons = outPath;
882 | NameHadrons += "RFmatrix_hadrons_Train_";
883 | NameHadrons += typeMatrixHadrons;
884 | NameHadrons += extin;
885 |
886 |
887 | //--------------------------------------------
888 | // root files for the training events
889 |
890 | TString NameGammasTrain = outPath;
891 | NameGammasTrain += "RF_gammas_Train_";
892 | NameGammasTrain += "MC";
893 | TString inNameGammasTrain(NameGammasTrain);
894 | inNameGammasTrain += extin;
895 | TString outNameGammasTrain(NameGammasTrain);
896 | outNameGammasTrain += extout;
897 |
898 |
899 | TString NameHadronsTrain = outPath;
900 | NameHadronsTrain += "RF_hadrons_Train_";
901 | NameHadronsTrain += typeMatrixHadrons;
902 | TString inNameHadronsTrain(NameHadronsTrain);
903 | inNameHadronsTrain += extin;
904 | TString outNameHadronsTrain(NameHadronsTrain);
905 | outNameHadronsTrain += extout;
906 |
907 |
908 | //--------------------------------------------
909 | // root files for the test events
910 |
911 | TString NameGammasTest = outPath;
912 | NameGammasTest += "RF_gammas_Test_";
913 | NameGammasTest += "MC";
914 | TString inNameGammasTest(NameGammasTest);
915 | inNameGammasTest += extin;
916 | TString outNameGammasTest(NameGammasTest);
917 | outNameGammasTest += extout;
918 |
919 | TString NameHadronsTest = outPath;
920 | NameHadronsTest += "RF_hadrons_Test_";
921 | NameHadronsTest += typeMatrixHadrons;
922 | TString inNameHadronsTest(NameHadronsTest);
923 | inNameHadronsTest += extin;
924 | TString outNameHadronsTest(NameHadronsTest);
925 | outNameHadronsTest += extout;
926 |
927 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------
928 |
929 |
930 | MHMatrix matrixg("MatrixGammas");
931 | matrixg.EnableGraphicalOutput();
932 |
933 | matrixg.AddColumn("cos(MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta)");
934 | matrixg.AddColumn("MSigmabar.fSigmabar");
935 | matrixg.AddColumn("log10(MHillas.fSize)");
936 | matrixg.AddColumn("MHillasSrc.fDist");
937 | matrixg.AddColumn("MHillas.fWidth");
938 | matrixg.AddColumn("MHillas.fLength");
939 | matrixg.AddColumn("log10(MHillas.fSize/(MHillas.fWidth*MHillas.fLength))");
940 | matrixg.AddColumn("sgn(MHillasSrc.fCosDeltaAlpha)*(MHillasExt.fM3Long)");
941 | matrixg.AddColumn("MNewImagePar.fConc");
942 | matrixg.AddColumn("MNewImagePar.fLeakage1");
943 |
944 | MHMatrix matrixh("MatrixHadrons");
945 | matrixh.EnableGraphicalOutput();
946 |
947 | matrixh.AddColumns(matrixg.GetColumns());
948 |
949 | //--------------------------------------------
950 | // file of trees of the random forest
951 |
952 | TString outRF = outPath;
953 | outRF += "RF.root";
954 |
955 |
956 | //*************************************************************************
957 | // read in matrices of training events
958 | if (RTrainRF)
959 | {
960 | const char* mtxName = "MatrixGammas";
961 |
962 | gLog << "" << endl;
963 | gLog << "========================================================" << endl;
964 | gLog << "Get matrix for (gammas)" << endl;
965 | gLog << "matrix name = " << mtxName << endl;
966 | gLog << "name of root file = " << NameGammas << endl;
967 | gLog << "" << endl;
968 |
969 |
970 | // read in the object with the name 'mtxName' from file 'NameGammas'
971 | //
972 | TFile fileg(NameGammas);
973 |
974 | matrixg.Read(mtxName);
975 | matrixg.Print("SizeCols");
976 |
977 |
978 | //*****************************************************************
979 |
980 | const char* mtxName = "MatrixHadrons";
981 |
982 | gLog << "" << endl;
983 | gLog << "========================================================" << endl;
984 | gLog << " Get matrix for (hadrons)" << endl;
985 | gLog << "matrix name = " << mtxName << endl;
986 | gLog << "name of root file = " << NameHadrons << endl;
987 | gLog << "" << endl;
988 |
989 |
990 | // read in the object with the name 'mtxName' from file 'NameHadrons'
991 | //
992 | TFile fileh(NameHadrons);
993 |
994 | matrixh.Read(mtxName);
995 | matrixh.Print("SizeCols");
996 | }
997 |
998 |
999 | //*************************************************************************
1000 | // create matrices of training events
1001 | // and root files of training and test events
1002 |
1003 | if (CTrainRF)
1004 | {
1005 | gLog << "" << endl;
1006 | gLog << "========================================================" << endl;
1007 | gLog << " Create matrices of training events and root files of training and test events"
1008 | << endl;
1009 | gLog << " Gammas :" << endl;
1010 | gLog << "---------" << endl;
1011 |
1012 | MParList plistg;
1013 | MTaskList tlistg;
1014 |
1015 | MReadMarsFile readg("Events", filenameMC);
1016 | readg.DisableAutoScheme();
1017 |
1018 | TString mgname("costhg");
1019 | MBinning bing("Binning"+mgname);
1020 | bing.SetEdges(10, 0., 1.0);
1021 |
1022 | MH3 gref("cos(MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta)");
1023 | gref.SetName(mgname);
1024 | MH::SetBinning(&gref.GetHist(), &bing);
1025 | //for (Int_t i=1; i<=gref.GetNbins(); i++)
1026 | // gref.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, 1.0);
1027 |
1028 | MFEventSelector2 selectorg(gref);
1029 | selectorg.SetNumMax(howManyGammasTrain+howManyGammasTest);
1030 | selectorg.SetName("selectGammasTrainTest");
1031 | selectorg.SetInverted();
1032 | //selectorg.SetUseOrigDistribution(kTRUE);
1033 |
1034 | MContinue contg(&selectorg);
1035 | contg.SetName("ContGammas");
1036 |
1037 | Double_t probg = ( (Double_t) howManyGammasTrain )
1038 | / ( (Double_t)(howManyGammasTrain+howManyGammasTest) );
1039 | MFRandomSplit splitg(probg);
1040 |
1041 | MFillH fillmatg("MatrixGammas");
1042 | fillmatg.SetFilter(&splitg);
1043 | fillmatg.SetName("fillGammas");
1044 |
1045 | //-----------------------
1046 | // for writing the root files of training and test events
1047 | // for gammas
1048 |
1049 | MWriteRootFile writetraing(inNameGammasTrain, "RECREATE");
1050 | writetraing.SetName("WriteGammasTrain");
1051 | writetraing.SetFilter(&splitg);
1052 |
1053 | writetraing.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
1054 | writetraing.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
1055 | writetraing.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
1056 | writetraing.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
1057 | writetraing.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
1058 | writetraing.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
1059 | writetraing.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
1060 | writetraing.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
1061 | writetraing.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
1062 | writetraing.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
1063 |
1064 | MContinue contgtrain(&splitg);
1065 | contgtrain.SetName("ContGammaTrain");
1066 |
1067 | MWriteRootFile writetestg(inNameGammasTest, "RECREATE");
1068 | writetestg.SetName("WriteGammasTest");
1069 |
1070 | writetestg.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
1071 | writetestg.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
1072 | writetestg.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
1073 | writetestg.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
1074 | writetestg.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
1075 | writetestg.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
1076 | writetestg.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
1077 | writetestg.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
1078 | writetestg.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
1079 | writetestg.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
1080 |
1081 | //-----------------------
1082 |
1083 | //***************************** fill gammas ***
1084 | // entries in MParList
1085 |
1086 | plistg.AddToList(&tlistg);
1087 | InitBinnings(&plistg);
1088 |
1089 | plistg.AddToList(&matrixg);
1090 |
1091 | //*****************************
1092 | // entries in MTaskList
1093 |
1094 | tlistg.AddToList(&readg);
1095 | tlistg.AddToList(&contg);
1096 |
1097 | tlistg.AddToList(&splitg);
1098 | tlistg.AddToList(&fillmatg);
1099 | tlistg.AddToList(&writetraing);
1100 | tlistg.AddToList(&contgtrain);
1101 |
1102 | tlistg.AddToList(&writetestg);
1103 |
1104 | //*****************************
1105 |
1106 | MProgressBar matrixbar;
1107 | MEvtLoop evtloopg;
1108 | evtloopg.SetName("FillGammaMatrix");
1109 | evtloopg.SetParList(&plistg);
1110 | //evtloopg.ReadEnv(env, "", printEnv);
1111 | evtloopg.SetProgressBar(&matrixbar);
1112 |
1113 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
1114 | if (!evtloopg.Eventloop(maxevents))
1115 | return;
1116 |
1117 | tlistg.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
1118 |
1119 | matrixg.Print("SizeCols");
1120 | Int_t generatedgTrain = matrixg.GetM().GetNrows();
1121 | if ( fabs(generatedgTrain-howManyGammasTrain) >
1122 | 3.0*sqrt(howManyGammasTrain) )
1123 | {
1124 | gLog << "ONOFFAnalysis.C : no.of generated gamma training events ("
1125 | << generatedgTrain << ") is incompatible with the no.of requested events ("
1126 | << howManyGammasTrain << ")" << endl;
1127 | }
1128 |
1129 |
1130 | Int_t generatedgTest = writetestg.GetNumExecutions();
1131 | if ( fabs(generatedgTest-howManyGammasTest) >
1132 | 3.0*sqrt(howManyGammasTest) )
1133 | {
1134 | gLog << "ONOFFAnalysis.C : no.of generated gamma test events ("
1135 | << generatedgTest << ") is incompatible with the no.of requested events ("
1136 | << howManyGammasTest << ")" << endl;
1137 | }
1138 |
1139 | //***************************** fill hadrons ***
1140 | gLog << "---------------------------------------------------------------"
1141 | << endl;
1142 | gLog << " Hadrons :" << endl;
1143 | gLog << "----------" << endl;
1144 |
1145 | MParList plisth;
1146 | MTaskList tlisth;
1147 |
1148 | MReadMarsFile readh("Events", filenameHad);
1149 | readh.DisableAutoScheme();
1150 |
1151 | TString mhname("costhh");
1152 | MBinning binh("Binning"+mhname);
1153 | binh.SetEdges(10, 0., 1.0);
1154 |
1155 | //MH3 href("cos(MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta)");
1156 | //href.SetName(mhname);
1157 | //MH::SetBinning(&href.GetHist(), &binh);
1158 | //for (Int_t i=1; i<=href.GetNbins(); i++)
1159 | // href.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, 1.0);
1160 |
1161 | //use the original distribution from the gammas
1162 | MH3 &href = *(selectorg.GetHistOrig());
1163 |
1164 | MFEventSelector2 selectorh(href);
1165 | selectorh.SetNumMax(howManyHadronsTrain+howManyHadronsTest);
1166 | selectorh.SetName("selectHadronsTrainTest");
1167 | selectorh.SetInverted();
1168 |
1169 | MContinue conth(&selectorh);
1170 | conth.SetName("ContHadrons");
1171 |
1172 | Double_t probh = ( (Double_t) howManyHadronsTrain )
1173 | / ( (Double_t)(howManyHadronsTrain+howManyHadronsTest) );
1174 | MFRandomSplit splith(probh);
1175 |
1176 | MFillH fillmath("MatrixHadrons");
1177 | fillmath.SetFilter(&splith);
1178 | fillmath.SetName("fillHadrons");
1179 |
1180 | //-----------------------
1181 | // for writing the root files of training and test events
1182 | // for hadrons
1183 |
1184 | MWriteRootFile writetrainh(inNameHadronsTrain, "RECREATE");
1185 | writetrainh.SetName("WriteHadronsTrain");
1186 | writetrainh.SetFilter(&splith);
1187 |
1188 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
1189 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
1190 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
1191 | writetrainh.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
1192 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
1193 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
1194 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
1195 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
1196 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
1197 | writetrainh.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
1198 |
1199 | MContinue conthtrain(&splith);
1200 |
1201 | MWriteRootFile writetesth(inNameHadronsTest, "RECREATE");
1202 | writetesth.SetName("WriteHadronsTest");
1203 |
1204 | writetesth.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
1205 | writetesth.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
1206 | writetesth.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
1207 | writetesth.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
1208 | writetesth.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
1209 | writetesth.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
1210 | writetesth.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
1211 | writetesth.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
1212 | writetesth.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
1213 | writetesth.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
1214 |
1215 |
1216 | //*****************************
1217 | // entries in MParList
1218 |
1219 | plisth.AddToList(&tlisth);
1220 | InitBinnings(&plisth);
1221 |
1222 | plisth.AddToList(&matrixh);
1223 |
1224 | //*****************************
1225 | // entries in MTaskList
1226 |
1227 | tlisth.AddToList(&readh);
1228 | tlisth.AddToList(&conth);
1229 |
1230 | tlisth.AddToList(&splith);
1231 | tlisth.AddToList(&fillmath);
1232 | tlisth.AddToList(&writetrainh);
1233 | tlisth.AddToList(&conthtrain);
1234 |
1235 | tlisth.AddToList(&writetesth);
1236 |
1237 | //*****************************
1238 |
1239 | MProgressBar matrixbar;
1240 | MEvtLoop evtlooph;
1241 | evtlooph.SetName("FillHadronMatrix");
1242 | evtlooph.SetParList(&plisth);
1243 | //evtlooph.ReadEnv(env, "", printEnv);
1244 | evtlooph.SetProgressBar(&matrixbar);
1245 |
1246 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
1247 | if (!evtlooph.Eventloop(maxevents))
1248 | return;
1249 |
1250 | tlisth.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
1251 |
1252 | matrixh.Print("SizeCols");
1253 | Int_t generatedhTrain = matrixh.GetM().GetNrows();
1254 | if ( fabs(generatedhTrain-howManyHadronsTrain) >
1255 | 3.0*sqrt(howManyHadronsTrain) )
1256 | {
1257 | gLog << "ONOFFAnalysis.C : no.of generated hadron training events ("
1258 | << generatedhTrain << ") is incompatible with the no.of requested events ("
1259 | << howManyHadronsTrain << ")" << endl;
1260 | }
1261 |
1262 |
1263 | Int_t generatedhTest = writetesth.GetNumExecutions();
1264 | if ( fabs(generatedhTest-howManyHadronsTest) >
1265 | 3.0*sqrt(howManyHadronsTest) )
1266 | {
1267 | gLog << "ONOFFAnalysis.C : no.of generated gamma test events ("
1268 | << generatedhTest << ") is incompatible with the no.of requested events ("
1269 | << howManyHadronsTest << ")" << endl;
1270 | }
1271 |
1272 |
1273 | //*****************************************************
1274 |
1275 |
1276 | // write out matrices of training events
1277 |
1278 | gLog << "" << endl;
1279 | gLog << "========================================================" << endl;
1280 | gLog << "Write out matrices of training events" << endl;
1281 |
1282 |
1283 | //-------------------------------------------
1284 | // "gammas"
1285 | gLog << "Gammas :" << endl;
1286 | matrixg.Print("SizeCols");
1287 |
1288 | TFile writeg(NameGammas, "RECREATE", "");
1289 | matrixg.Write();
1290 |
1291 | gLog << "" << endl;
1292 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : matrix of training events for gammas written onto file "
1293 | << NameGammas << endl;
1294 |
1295 | //-------------------------------------------
1296 | // "hadrons"
1297 | gLog << "Hadrons :" << endl;
1298 | matrixh.Print("SizeCols");
1299 |
1300 | TFile writeh(NameHadrons, "RECREATE", "");
1301 | matrixh.Write();
1302 |
1303 | gLog << "" << endl;
1304 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : matrix of training events for hadrons written onto file "
1305 | << NameHadrons << endl;
1306 |
1307 | }
1308 | //********** end of creating matrices of training events ***********
1309 |
1310 |
1311 | MRanForest *fRanForest;
1312 | MRanTree *fRanTree;
1313 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1314 | // read in the trees of the random forest
1315 | if (RTree)
1316 | {
1317 | MParList plisttr;
1318 | MTaskList tlisttr;
1319 | plisttr.AddToList(&tlisttr);
1320 |
1321 | MReadTree readtr("TREE", outRF);
1322 | readtr.DisableAutoScheme();
1323 |
1324 | MRanForestFill rffill;
1325 | rffill.SetNumTrees(NumTrees);
1326 |
1327 | // list of tasks for the loop over the trees
1328 |
1329 | tlisttr.AddToList(&readtr);
1330 | tlisttr.AddToList(&rffill);
1331 |
1332 | //-------------------
1333 | // Execute tree loop
1334 | //
1335 | MEvtLoop evtlooptr;
1336 | evtlooptr.SetName("ReadRFTrees");
1337 | evtlooptr.SetParList(&plisttr);
1338 | if (!evtlooptr.Eventloop())
1339 | return;
1340 |
1341 | tlisttr.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
1342 |
1343 | gLog << "ONOFFAnalysis : RF trees were read in from file "
1344 | << outRF << endl;
1345 |
1346 | // get adresses of objects which are used in the next eventloop
1347 | fRanForest = (MRanForest*)plisttr->FindObject("MRanForest");
1348 | if (!fRanForest)
1349 | {
1350 | gLog << err << dbginf << "MRanForest not found... aborting." << endl;
1351 | return kFALSE;
1352 | }
1353 |
1354 | fRanTree = (MRanTree*)plisttr->FindObject("MRanTree");
1355 | if (!fRanTree)
1356 | {
1357 | gLog << err << dbginf << "MRanTree not found... aborting." << endl;
1358 | return kFALSE;
1359 | }
1360 |
1361 | }
1362 |
1363 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1364 | // grow the trees of the random forest (event loop = tree loop)
1365 |
1366 | if (!RTree)
1367 | {
1368 |
1369 | gLog << "" << endl;
1370 | gLog << "========================================================" << endl;
1371 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : start growing trees" << endl;
1372 |
1373 | MTaskList tlist2;
1374 | MParList plist2;
1375 | plist2.AddToList(&tlist2);
1376 |
1377 | plist2.AddToList(&matrixg);
1378 | plist2.AddToList(&matrixh);
1379 |
1380 | MRanForestGrow rfgrow2;
1381 | rfgrow2.SetNumTrees(NumTrees);
1382 | rfgrow2.SetNumTry(NumTry);
1383 | rfgrow2.SetNdSize(NdSize);
1384 |
1385 | MWriteRootFile rfwrite2(outRF);
1386 | rfwrite2.AddContainer("MRanTree", "TREE");
1387 |
1388 | MFillH fillh2("MHRanForestGini");
1389 |
1390 | // list of tasks for the loop over the trees
1391 |
1392 | tlist2.AddToList(&rfgrow2);
1393 | tlist2.AddToList(&rfwrite2);
1394 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillh2);
1395 |
1396 | //-------------------
1397 | // Execute tree loop
1398 | //
1399 | MEvtLoop treeloop;
1400 | treeloop.SetName("GrowRFTrees");
1401 | treeloop.SetParList(&plist2);
1402 |
1403 | if ( !treeloop.Eventloop() )
1404 | return;
1405 |
1406 | tlist2.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
1407 |
1408 | plist2.FindObject("MHRanForestGini")->DrawClone();
1409 |
1410 |
1411 | // get adresses of objects which are used in the next eventloop
1412 | fRanForest = (MRanForest*)plist2->FindObject("MRanForest");
1413 | if (!fRanForest)
1414 | {
1415 | gLog << err << dbginf << "MRanForest not found... aborting." << endl;
1416 | return kFALSE;
1417 | }
1418 |
1419 | fRanTree = (MRanTree*)plist2->FindObject("MRanTree");
1420 | if (!fRanTree)
1421 | {
1422 | gLog << err << dbginf << "MRanTree not found... aborting." << endl;
1423 | return kFALSE;
1424 | }
1425 |
1426 | }
1427 | // end of growing the trees of the random forest
1428 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1429 |
1430 |
1431 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1432 | // Update the root files with the RF hadronness
1433 | //
1434 |
1435 | if (WRF)
1436 | {
1437 | //TString fileName(inNameHadronsTrain);
1438 | //TString outName(outNameHadronsTrain);
1439 |
1440 | //TString fileName(inNameHadronsTest);
1441 | //TString outName(outNameHadronsTest);
1442 |
1443 | //TString fileName(inNameGammasTrain);
1444 | //TString outName(outNameGammasTrain);
1445 |
1446 | //TString fileName(inNameGammasTest);
1447 | //TString outName(outNameGammasTest);
1448 |
1449 | TString fileName(inNameData);
1450 | TString outName(outNameData);
1451 |
1452 |
1453 |
1454 | gLog << "" << endl;
1455 | gLog << "========================================================" << endl;
1456 | gLog << "Update root file '" << fileName
1457 | << "' with the RF hadronness; ==> " << outName << endl;
1458 |
1459 |
1460 | MTaskList tliston;
1461 | MParList pliston;
1462 |
1463 |
1464 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
1465 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
1466 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
1467 |
1468 | //-------------------------------------------
1469 | // create the tasks which should be executed
1470 | //
1471 |
1472 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", fileName);
1473 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
1474 |
1475 |
1476 | //.......................................................................
1477 | // calculate hadronnes for method of RANDOM FOREST
1478 |
1479 |
1480 | MRanForestCalc rfcalc;
1481 | rfcalc.SetHadronnessName(hadRFName);
1482 |
1483 |
1484 | //.......................................................................
1485 |
1486 | //MWriteRootFile write(outName, "UPDATE");
1487 | MWriteRootFile write(outName, "RECREATE");
1488 |
1489 | write.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
1490 | write.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
1491 | write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
1492 | write.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
1493 | write.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
1494 | write.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
1495 | write.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
1496 | write.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
1497 | write.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
1498 | write.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
1499 |
1500 | write.AddContainer(hadRFName, "Events");
1501 |
1502 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1503 |
1504 |
1505 | MFSelFinal selfinalgh(fHilNameSrc);
1506 | selfinalgh.SetCuts(maxhadronness, 100.0, maxdist);
1507 | selfinalgh.SetHadronnessName(hadRFName);
1508 | selfinalgh.SetName("SelFinalgh");
1509 | MContinue contfinalgh(&selfinalgh);
1510 | contfinalgh.SetName("ContSelFinalgh");
1511 |
1512 | MFillH fillranfor("MHRanForest");
1513 | fillranfor.SetName("HRanForest");
1514 |
1515 | MFillH fillhadrf("hadRF[MHHadronness]", hadRFName);
1516 | fillhadrf.SetName("HhadRF");
1517 |
1518 | MFSelFinal selfinal(fHilNameSrc);
1519 | selfinal.SetCuts(maxhadronness, maxalpha, maxdist);
1520 | selfinal.SetHadronnessName(hadRFName);
1521 | selfinal.SetName("SelFinal");
1522 | MContinue contfinal(&selfinal);
1523 | contfinal.SetName("ContSelFinal");
1524 |
1525 | TString mh3name = "abs(Alpha)";
1526 | MBinning binsalphaabs("Binning"+mh3name);
1527 | binsalphaabs.SetEdges(50, -2.0, 98.0);
1528 |
1529 | MH3 alphaabs("abs(MHillasSrc.fAlpha)");
1530 | alphaabs.SetName(mh3name);
1531 | MFillH alpha(&alphaabs);
1532 | alpha.SetName("FillAlphaAbs");
1533 |
1534 |
1535 | MFillH hfill1("MHHillas", fHilName);
1536 | hfill1.SetName("HHillas");
1537 |
1538 | MFillH hfill2("MHStarMap", fHilName);
1539 | hfill2.SetName("HStarMap");
1540 |
1541 | MFillH hfill3("MHHillasExt", fHilNameSrc);
1542 | hfill3.SetName("HHillasExt");
1543 |
1544 | MFillH hfill4("MHHillasSrc", fHilNameSrc);
1545 | hfill4.SetName("HHillasSrc");
1546 |
1547 | MFillH hfill5("MHNewImagePar", fImgParName);
1548 | hfill5.SetName("HNewImagePar");
1549 |
1550 | //*****************************
1551 | // entries in MParList
1552 |
1553 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
1554 | InitBinnings(&pliston);
1555 |
1556 | pliston.AddToList(fRanForest);
1557 | pliston.AddToList(fRanTree);
1558 |
1559 | pliston.AddToList(&binsalphaabs);
1560 | pliston.AddToList(&alphaabs);
1561 |
1562 |
1563 | //*****************************
1564 | // entries in MTaskList
1565 |
1566 | tliston.AddToList(&read);
1567 |
1568 | tliston.AddToList(&rfcalc);
1569 | tliston.AddToList(&fillranfor);
1570 | tliston.AddToList(&fillhadrf);
1571 |
1572 | tliston.AddToList(&write);
1573 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinalgh);
1574 |
1575 | tliston.AddToList(&alpha);
1576 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill1);
1577 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill2);
1578 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill3);
1579 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill4);
1580 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill5);
1581 |
1582 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinal);
1583 |
1584 | //*****************************
1585 |
1586 | //-------------------------------------------
1587 | // Execute event loop
1588 | //
1589 | MProgressBar bar;
1590 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
1591 | evtloop.SetName("UpdateRootFile");
1592 | evtloop.SetParList(&pliston);
1593 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
1594 |
1595 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
1596 | if ( !evtloop.Eventloop(maxevents) )
1597 | return;
1598 |
1599 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
1600 |
1601 |
1602 | //-------------------------------------------
1603 | // Display the histograms
1604 | //
1605 | pliston.FindObject("MHRanForest")->DrawClone();
1606 | pliston.FindObject("hadRF", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
1607 | pliston.FindObject("hadRF", "MHHadronness")->Print();
1608 |
1609 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone();
1610 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasExt")->DrawClone();
1611 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasSrc")->DrawClone();
1612 | pliston.FindObject("MHNewImagePar")->DrawClone();
1613 | pliston.FindObject("MHStarMap")->DrawClone();
1614 |
1615 |
1616 | //-------------------------------------------
1617 | // fit alpha distribution to get the number of excess events and
1618 | // calculate significance of gamma signal in the alpha plot
1619 |
1620 | MH3* absalpha = (MH3*)(pliston.FindObject(mh3name, "MH3"));
1621 | TH1 &alphaHist = absalpha->GetHist();
1622 | alphaHist.SetXTitle("|alpha| [\\circ]");
1623 | alphaHist.SetName("alpha-macro");
1624 |
1625 | Double_t alphasig = 13.1;
1626 | Double_t alphamin = 30.0;
1627 | Double_t alphamax = 90.0;
1628 | Int_t degree = 2;
1629 | Double_t significance = -99.0;
1630 | Bool_t drawpoly = kTRUE;
1631 | Bool_t fitgauss = kTRUE;
1632 | Bool_t print = kTRUE;
1633 |
1634 | MHFindSignificance findsig;
1635 | findsig.SetRebin(kTRUE);
1636 | findsig.SetReduceDegree(kFALSE);
1637 |
1638 | findsig.FindSigma(&alphaHist, alphamin, alphamax, degree,
1639 | alphasig, drawpoly, fitgauss, print);
1640 | significance = findsig.GetSignificance();
1641 | Float_t alphasi = findsig.GetAlphasi();
1642 |
1643 | gLog << "For file '" << fileName << "' : " << endl;
1644 | gLog << "Significance of gamma signal after supercuts : "
1645 | << significance << " (for |alpha| < " << alphasi << " degrees)"
1646 | << endl;
1647 |
1648 | findsig.SigmaVsAlpha(&alphaHist, alphamin, alphamax, degree, print);
1649 |
1650 | //-------------------------------------------
1651 |
1652 |
1653 | DeleteBinnings(&pliston);
1654 | }
1655 |
1656 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : End of Job B_RF_UP" << endl;
1657 | gLog << "=======================================================" << endl;
1658 | }
1659 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1660 |
1661 |
1662 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1663 | // Job B_SC_UP
1664 | //============
1665 |
1666 | // - create (or read in) optimum supercuts parameter values
1667 | //
1668 | // - calculate the hadroness for the supercuts
1669 | //
1670 | // - update input root file, including the hadroness
1671 |
1672 |
1673 | if (JobB_SC_UP)
1674 | {
1675 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
1676 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : Start of Job B_SC_UP" << endl;
1677 |
1678 | gLog << "" << endl;
1679 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : JobB_SC_UP, CMatrix, RMatrix, WOptimize, RTest, WSC = "
1680 | << (JobB_SC_UP ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
1681 | << (CMatrix ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
1682 | << (RMatrix ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
1683 | << (WOptimize ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
1684 | << (RTest ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
1685 | << (WSC ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl;
1686 |
1687 |
1688 | //--------------------------------------------
1689 | // file which contains the initial parameter values for the supercuts
1690 | // if parSCinit ="" the initial values are taken from the constructor of
1691 | // MSupercuts
1692 |
1693 | TString parSCinit = outPath;
1694 | //parSCinit += "parSC_1709d";
1695 | parSCinit = "";
1696 |
1697 | gLog << "parSCinit = " << parSCinit << endl;
1698 |
1699 | //---------------
1700 | // file onto which the optimal parameter values for the supercuts
1701 | // are written
1702 |
1703 | TString parSCfile = outPath;
1704 | parSCfile += "parSC_2310a";
1705 |
1706 | gLog << "parSCfile = " << parSCfile << endl;
1707 |
1708 | //--------------------------------------------
1709 | // file to be updated (either ON or MC)
1710 |
1711 | //TString typeInput = "ON";
1712 | //TString typeInput = "OFF";
1713 | TString typeInput = "MC";
1714 | gLog << "typeInput = " << typeInput << endl;
1715 |
1716 | // name of input root file
1717 | TString filenameData = outPath;
1718 | filenameData += typeInput;
1719 | filenameData += "2.root";
1720 | gLog << "filenameData = " << filenameData << endl;
1721 |
1722 | // name of output root file
1723 | TString outNameImage = outPath;
1724 | outNameImage += typeInput;
1725 | outNameImage += "3.root";
1726 |
1727 |
1728 | //TString outNameImage = filenameData;
1729 |
1730 | gLog << "outNameImage = " << outNameImage << endl;
1731 |
1732 | //--------------------------------------------
1733 | // files to be read for optimizing the supercuts
1734 | //
1735 | // for the training
1736 | TString filenameTrain = outPath;
1737 | filenameTrain += "ON";
1738 | filenameTrain += "1.root";
1739 | Int_t howManyTrain = 800000;
1740 | gLog << "filenameTrain = " << filenameTrain << ", howManyTrain = "
1741 | << howManyTrain << endl;
1742 |
1743 | // for testing
1744 | TString filenameTest = outPath;
1745 | filenameTest += "ON";
1746 | filenameTest += "1.root";
1747 | Int_t howManyTest = 800000;
1748 |
1749 | gLog << "filenameTest = " << filenameTest << ", howManyTest = "
1750 | << howManyTest << endl;
1751 |
1752 |
1753 | //--------------------------------------------
1754 | // files to contain the matrices (generated from filenameTrain and
1755 | // filenameTest)
1756 | //
1757 | // for the training
1758 | TString fileMatrixTrain = outPath;
1759 | fileMatrixTrain += "MatrixTrainSC";
1760 | fileMatrixTrain += ".root";
1761 | gLog << "fileMatrixTrain = " << fileMatrixTrain << endl;
1762 |
1763 | // for testing
1764 | TString fileMatrixTest = outPath;
1765 | fileMatrixTest += "MatrixTestSC";
1766 | fileMatrixTest += ".root";
1767 | gLog << "fileMatrixTest = " << fileMatrixTest << endl;
1768 |
1769 |
1770 |
1771 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1772 | // Training and test matrices :
1773 | // - either create them and write them onto a file
1774 | // - or read them from a file
1775 |
1776 |
1777 | MFindSupercuts findsuper;
1778 | findsuper.SetFilenameParam(parSCfile);
1779 | findsuper.SetHadronnessName("HadSC");
1780 | //findsuper.SetUseOrigDistribution(kTRUE);
1781 |
1782 | //--------------------------
1783 | // create matrices and write them onto files
1784 | if (CMatrix)
1785 | {
1786 | TString mname("costheta");
1787 | MBinning bin("Binning"+mname);
1788 | bin.SetEdges(10, 0., 1.0);
1789 |
1790 | MH3 mh3("cos(MMcEvt.fTelescopeTheta)");
1791 | mh3.SetName(mname);
1792 | MH::SetBinning(&mh3.GetHist(), &bin);
1793 | //for (Int_t i=1; i<=mh3.GetNbins(); i++)
1794 | // mh3.GetHist().SetBinContent(i, 1.0);
1795 |
1796 |
1797 | if (filenameTrain == filenameTest)
1798 | {
1799 | if ( !findsuper.DefineTrainTestMatrix(
1800 | filenameTrain, mh3,
1801 | howManyTrain, howManyTest,
1802 | fileMatrixTrain, fileMatrixTest) )
1803 | {
1804 | *fLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : DefineTrainTestMatrix failed" << endl;
1805 | return;
1806 | }
1807 |
1808 | }
1809 | else
1810 | {
1811 | if ( !findsuper.DefineTrainMatrix(filenameTrain, mh3,
1812 | howManyTrain, fileMatrixTrain) )
1813 | {
1814 | *fLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : DefineTrainMatrix failed" << endl;
1815 | return;
1816 | }
1817 |
1818 | if ( !findsuper.DefineTestMatrix( filenameTest, mh3,
1819 | howManyTest, fileMatrixTest) )
1820 | {
1821 | *fLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : DefineTestMatrix failed" << endl;
1822 | return;
1823 | }
1824 | }
1825 | }
1826 |
1827 | //--------------------------
1828 | // read matrices from files
1829 | //
1830 |
1831 | if (RMatrix)
1832 | findsuper.ReadMatrix(fileMatrixTrain, fileMatrixTest);
1833 | //--------------------------
1834 |
1835 |
1836 |
1837 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1838 | // optimize supercuts using the training sample
1839 | //
1840 | // the initial values are taken
1841 | // - from the file parSCinit (if != "")
1842 | // - or from the arrays params and steps (if their sizes are != 0)
1843 | // - or from the MSupercuts constructor
1844 |
1845 |
1846 | if (WOptimize)
1847 | {
1848 | gLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : optimize the supercuts using the training matrix"
1849 | << endl;
1850 |
1851 | TArrayD params(0);
1852 | TArrayD steps(0);
1853 |
1854 | if (parSCinit == "")
1855 | {
1856 | Double_t vparams[104] = {
1857 | // LengthUp
1858 | 0.315585, 0.001455, 0.203198, 0.005532, -0.001670, -0.020362,
1859 | 0.007388, -0.013463,
1860 | // LengthLo
1861 | 0.151530, 0.028323, 0.510707, 0.053089, 0.013708, 2.357993,
1862 | 0.000080, -0.007157,
1863 | // WidthUp
1864 | 0.145412, -0.001771, 0.054462, 0.022280, -0.009893, 0.056353,
1865 | 0.020711, -0.016703,
1866 | // WidthLo
1867 | 0.089187, -0.006430, 0.074442, 0.003738, -0.004256, -0.014101,
1868 | 0.006126, -0.002849,
1869 | // DistUp
1870 | 1.787943, 0.0, 2.942310, 0.199815, 0.0, 0.249909,
1871 | 0.189697, 0.0,
1872 | // DistLo
1873 | 0.589406, 0.0, -0.083964,-0.007975, 0.0, 0.045374,
1874 | -0.001750, 0.0,
1875 | // AsymUp
1876 | 1.e10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1877 | 0.0, 0.0,
1878 | // AsymLo
1879 | -1.e10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1880 | 0.0, 0.0,
1881 | // ConcUp
1882 | 1.e10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1883 | 0.0, 0.0,
1884 | // ConcLo
1885 | -1.e10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1886 | 0.0, 0.0,
1887 | // Leakage1Up
1888 | 1.e10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1889 | 0.0, 0.0,
1890 | // Leakage1Lo
1891 | -1.e10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1892 | 0.0, 0.0,
1893 | // AlphaUp
1894 | 13.12344, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1895 | 0.0, 0.0 };
1896 |
1897 | Double_t vsteps[104] = {
1898 | // LengthUp
1899 | 0.03, 0.0002, 0.02, 0.0006, 0.0002, 0.002,
1900 | 0.0008, 0.002,
1901 | // LengthLo
1902 | 0.02, 0.003, 0.05, 0.006, 0.002, 0.3,
1903 | 0.0001, 0.0008,
1904 | // WidthUp
1905 | 0.02, 0.0002, 0.006, 0.003, 0.002, 0.006,
1906 | 0.002, 0.002,
1907 | // WidthLo
1908 | 0.009, 0.0007, 0.008, 0.0004, 0.0005, 0.002,
1909 | 0.0007, 0.003,
1910 | // DistUp
1911 | 0.2, 0.0, 0.3, 0.02, 0.0, 0.03,
1912 | 0.02, 0.0
1913 | // DistLo
1914 | 0.06, 0.0, 0.009, 0.0008, 0.0, 0.005,
1915 | 0.0002, 0.0
1916 | // AsymUp
1917 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1918 | 0.0, 0.0,
1919 | // AsymLo
1920 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1921 | 0.0, 0.0,
1922 | // ConcUp
1923 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1924 | 0.0, 0.0,
1925 | // ConcLo
1926 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1927 | 0.0, 0.0,
1928 | // Leakage1Up
1929 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1930 | 0.0, 0.0,
1931 | // Leakage1Lo
1932 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1933 | 0.0, 0.0,
1934 | // AlphaUp
1935 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
1936 | 0.0, 0.0 };
1937 |
1938 | params.Set(104, vparams);
1939 | steps.Set (104, vsteps );
1940 | }
1941 |
1942 | Bool_t rf;
1943 | rf = findsuper.FindParams(parSCinit, params, steps);
1944 |
1945 | if (!rf)
1946 | {
1947 | gLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : optimization of supercuts failed" << endl;
1948 | return;
1949 | }
1950 | }
1951 |
1952 | //--------------------------------------
1953 | // test the supercuts on the test sample
1954 | //
1955 |
1956 | if (RTest)
1957 | {
1958 | gLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : test the supercuts on the test matrix" << endl;
1959 | Bool_t rt = findsuper.TestParams();
1960 | if (!rt)
1961 | {
1962 | gLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : test of supercuts on the test matrix failed"
1963 | << endl;
1964 | }
1965 |
1966 | }
1967 |
1968 |
1969 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1970 | // Update the input files with the SC hadronness
1971 | //
1972 |
1973 | if (WSC)
1974 | {
1975 | gLog << "" << endl;
1976 | gLog << "========================================================" << endl;
1977 | gLog << "Update input file '" << filenameData
1978 | << "' with the SC hadronness" << endl;
1979 |
1980 |
1981 | //----------------------------------------------------
1982 | // read in optimum parameter values for the supercuts
1983 |
1984 | TFile inparam(parSCfile);
1985 | MSupercuts scin;
1986 | scin.Read("MSupercuts");
1987 | inparam.Close();
1988 |
1989 | gLog << "Parameter values for supercuts were read in from file '"
1990 | << parSCfile << "'" << endl;
1991 |
1992 | TArrayD supercutsPar;
1993 | supercutsPar = scin.GetParameters();
1994 |
1995 | TArrayD supercutsStep;
1996 | supercutsStep = scin.GetStepsizes();
1997 |
1998 | gLog << "Parameter values for supercuts : " << endl;
1999 | for (Int_t i=0; i<supercutsPar.GetSize(); i++)
2000 | {
2001 | gLog << supercutsPar[i] << ", ";
2002 | }
2003 | gLog << endl;
2004 |
2005 | gLog << "Step values for supercuts : " << endl;
2006 | for (Int_t i=0; i<supercutsStep.GetSize(); i++)
2007 | {
2008 | gLog << supercutsStep[i] << ", ";
2009 | }
2010 | gLog << endl;
2011 |
2012 |
2013 | //----------------------------------------------------
2014 | MTaskList tliston;
2015 | MParList pliston;
2016 |
2017 | // set the parameters of the supercuts
2018 | MSupercuts supercuts;
2019 | supercuts.SetParameters(supercutsPar);
2020 | gLog << "parameter values for the supercuts used for updating the input file ' "
2021 | << filenameData << "'" << endl;
2022 | supercutsPar = supercuts.GetParameters();
2023 | for (Int_t i=0; i<supercutsPar.GetSize(); i++)
2024 | {
2025 | gLog << supercutsPar[i] << ", ";
2026 | }
2027 | gLog << endl;
2028 |
2029 |
2030 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
2031 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
2032 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
2033 |
2034 | //-------------------------------------------
2035 | // create the tasks which should be executed
2036 | //
2037 |
2038 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", filenameData);
2039 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
2040 |
2041 | TString fHilName = "MHillas";
2042 | TString fHilNameExt = "MHillasExt";
2043 | TString fHilNameSrc = "MHillasSrc";
2044 | TString fImgParName = "MNewImagePar";
2045 |
2046 |
2047 | //.......................................................................
2048 | // calculation of hadroness for the supercuts
2049 | // (=0.25 if fullfilled, =0.75 otherwise)
2050 |
2051 | TString hadSCName = "HadSC";
2052 | MSupercutsCalc sccalc(fHilName, fHilNameSrc);
2053 | sccalc.SetHadronnessName(hadSCName);
2054 |
2055 |
2056 | //.......................................................................
2057 |
2058 |
2059 | //MWriteRootFile write(outNameImage, "UPDATE");
2060 | //MWriteRootFile write = new MWriteRootFile(outNameImage, "RECREATE");
2061 |
2062 |
2063 | MWriteRootFile write(outNameImage, "RECREATE");
2064 |
2065 | write.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
2066 | write.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
2067 | write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
2068 | write.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
2069 | write.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
2070 | write.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
2071 | write.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
2072 | write.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
2073 | write.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
2074 | write.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
2075 |
2076 | write.AddContainer("HadRF", "Events");
2077 | write.AddContainer(hadSCName, "Events");
2078 |
2079 |
2080 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
2081 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
2082 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
2083 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
2084 |
2085 | Float_t maxhadronness = 0.40;
2086 | Float_t maxalpha = 20.0;
2087 | Float_t maxdist = 10.0;
2088 |
2089 | MFSelFinal selfinalgh(fHilNameSrc);
2090 | selfinalgh.SetCuts(maxhadronness, 100.0, maxdist);
2091 | selfinalgh.SetHadronnessName(hadSCName);
2092 | selfinalgh.SetName("SelFinalgh");
2093 | MContinue contfinalgh(&selfinalgh);
2094 | contfinalgh.SetName("ContSelFinalgh");
2095 |
2096 | MFillH fillhadsc("hadSC[MHHadronness]", hadSCName);
2097 | fillhadsc.SetName("HhadSC");
2098 |
2099 | MFSelFinal selfinal(fHilNameSrc);
2100 | selfinal.SetCuts(maxhadronness, maxalpha, maxdist);
2101 | selfinal.SetHadronnessName(hadSCName);
2102 | selfinal.SetName("SelFinal");
2103 | MContinue contfinal(&selfinal);
2104 | contfinal.SetName("ContSelFinal");
2105 |
2106 | TString mh3name = "abs(Alpha)";
2107 | MBinning binsalphaabs("Binning"+mh3name);
2108 | binsalphaabs.SetEdges(50, -2.0, 98.0);
2109 |
2110 | MH3 alphaabs("abs(MHillasSrc.fAlpha)");
2111 | alphaabs.SetName(mh3name);
2112 |
2113 | TH1 &alphahist = alphaabs->GetHist();
2114 |
2115 | MFillH alpha(&alphaabs);
2116 | alpha.SetName("FillAlphaAbs");
2117 |
2118 | MFillH hfill1("MHHillas", fHilName);
2119 | hfill1.SetName("HHillas");
2120 |
2121 | MFillH hfill2("MHStarMap", fHilName);
2122 | hfill2.SetName("HStarMap");
2123 |
2124 | MFillH hfill3("MHHillasExt", fHilNameSrc);
2125 | hfill3.SetName("HHillasExt");
2126 |
2127 | MFillH hfill4("MHHillasSrc", fHilNameSrc);
2128 | hfill4.SetName("HHillasSrc");
2129 |
2130 | MFillH hfill5("MHNewImagePar", fImgParName);
2131 | hfill5.SetName("HNewImagePar");
2132 |
2133 | //*****************************
2134 | // entries in MParList
2135 |
2136 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
2137 | InitBinnings(&pliston);
2138 |
2139 | pliston.AddToList(&supercuts);
2140 |
2141 | pliston.AddToList(&binsalphaabs);
2142 | pliston.AddToList(&alphaabs);
2143 |
2144 | //*****************************
2145 | // entries in MTaskList
2146 |
2147 | tliston.AddToList(&read);
2148 |
2149 | tliston.AddToList(&sccalc);
2150 | tliston.AddToList(&fillhadsc);
2151 |
2152 | tliston.AddToList(&write);
2153 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinalgh);
2154 |
2155 | tliston.AddToList(&alpha);
2156 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill1);
2157 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill2);
2158 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill3);
2159 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill4);
2160 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill5);
2161 |
2162 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinal);
2163 |
2164 | //*****************************
2165 |
2166 | //-------------------------------------------
2167 | // Execute event loop
2168 | //
2169 | MProgressBar bar;
2170 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
2171 | evtloop.SetParList(&pliston);
2172 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
2173 |
2174 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
2175 | if ( !evtloop.Eventloop(maxevents) )
2176 | return;
2177 |
2178 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
2179 |
2180 |
2181 | //-------------------------------------------
2182 | // Display the histograms
2183 | //
2184 | pliston.FindObject("hadSC", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
2185 |
2186 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone();
2187 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasExt")->DrawClone();
2188 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasSrc")->DrawClone();
2189 | pliston.FindObject("MHNewImagePar")->DrawClone();
2190 | pliston.FindObject("MHStarMap")->DrawClone();
2191 |
2192 | //-------------------------------------------
2193 | // fit alpha distribution to get the number of excess events and
2194 | // calculate significance of gamma signal in the alpha plot
2195 |
2196 | MH3* absalpha = (MH3*)(pliston.FindObject(mh3name, "MH3"));
2197 | TH1 &alphaHist = absalpha->GetHist();
2198 | alphaHist.SetXTitle("|alpha| [\\circ]");
2199 | alphaHist.SetName("alpha-macro");
2200 |
2201 | Double_t alphasig = 13.1;
2202 | Double_t alphamin = 30.0;
2203 | Double_t alphamax = 90.0;
2204 | Int_t degree = 2;
2205 | Double_t significance = -99.0;
2206 | Bool_t drawpoly = kTRUE;
2207 | Bool_t fitgauss = kTRUE;
2208 | Bool_t print = kTRUE;
2209 |
2210 | MHFindSignificance findsig;
2211 | findsig.SetRebin(kTRUE);
2212 | findsig.SetReduceDegree(kFALSE);
2213 |
2214 | findsig.FindSigma(&alphaHist, alphamin, alphamax, degree,
2215 | alphasig, drawpoly, fitgauss, print);
2216 | significance = findsig.GetSignificance();
2217 | Float_t alphasi = findsig.GetAlphasi();
2218 |
2219 | gLog << "For file '" << filenameData << "' : " << endl;
2220 | gLog << "Significance of gamma signal after supercuts : "
2221 | << significance << " (for |alpha| < " << alphasi << " degrees)"
2222 | << endl;
2223 |
2224 | findsig.SigmaVsAlpha(&alphaHist, alphamin, alphamax, degree, print);
2225 |
2226 | //-------------------------------------------
2227 |
2228 | DeleteBinnings(&pliston);
2229 | }
2230 |
2231 |
2232 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : End of Job B_SC_UP" << endl;
2233 | gLog << "=======================================================" << endl;
2234 | }
2235 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
2236 |
2237 |
2238 |
2239 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
2240 | // Job C
2241 | //======
2242 |
2243 | // - read ON1 and MC1 data files
2244 | // which should have been updated to contain the hadronnesses
2245 | // for the method of Random Forest and for the SUPERCUTS
2246 | // - produce Neyman-Pearson plots
2247 |
2248 | if (JobC)
2249 | {
2250 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
2251 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : Start of Job C" << endl;
2252 |
2253 | gLog << "" << endl;
2254 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : JobC = "
2255 | << (JobC ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl;
2256 |
2257 |
2258 |
2259 | TString ext("2.root");
2260 | TString extout("2.root");
2261 |
2262 | TString typeHadrons("OFF");
2263 | TString typeGammas("MC");
2264 |
2265 | //--------------------------------------------
2266 | // name of input data file
2267 | TString NameData = outPath;
2268 | NameData += typeHadrons;
2269 | TString inNameData(NameData);
2270 | inNameData += ext;
2271 | gLog << "inNameData = " << inNameData << endl;
2272 |
2273 | // name of input MC file
2274 | TString NameMC = outPath;
2275 | NameMC += typeGammas;
2276 | TString inNameMC(NameMC);
2277 | inNameMC += ext;
2278 | gLog << "inNameMC = " << inNameMC << endl;
2279 |
2280 |
2281 | //--------------------------------------------
2282 | // root files for the training events
2283 |
2284 |
2285 |
2286 | TString NameGammasTrain = outPath;
2287 | NameGammasTrain += "RF_gammas_Train_";
2288 | NameGammasTrain += typeGammas;
2289 | TString outNameGammasTrain(NameGammasTrain);
2290 | outNameGammasTrain += extout;
2291 |
2292 |
2293 | TString NameHadronsTrain = outPath;
2294 | NameHadronsTrain += "RF_hadrons_Train_";
2295 | NameHadronsTrain += typeHadrons;
2296 | TString outNameHadronsTrain(NameHadronsTrain);
2297 | outNameHadronsTrain += extout;
2298 |
2299 |
2300 | //--------------------------------------------
2301 | // root files for the test events
2302 |
2303 | TString NameGammasTest = outPath;
2304 | NameGammasTest += "RF_gammas_Test_";
2305 | NameGammasTest += typeGammas;
2306 | TString outNameGammasTest(NameGammasTest);
2307 | outNameGammasTest += extout;
2308 |
2309 | TString NameHadronsTest = outPath;
2310 | NameHadronsTest += "RF_hadrons_Test_";
2311 | NameHadronsTest += typeHadrons;
2312 | TString outNameHadronsTest(NameHadronsTest);
2313 | outNameHadronsTest += extout;
2314 |
2315 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------
2316 |
2317 | //TString filenameData(inNameData);
2318 | //TString filenameMC(inNameMC);
2319 |
2320 | //TString filenameData(outNameHadronsTrain);
2321 | //TString filenameMC(outNameGammasTrain);
2322 |
2323 | TString filenameData(outNameHadronsTest);
2324 | TString filenameMC(outNameGammasTest);
2325 |
2326 | gLog << "filenameData = " << filenameData << endl;
2327 | gLog << "filenameMC = " << filenameMC << endl;
2328 |
2329 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
2330 |
2331 | MTaskList tliston;
2332 | MParList pliston;
2333 |
2334 |
2335 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
2336 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
2337 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
2338 |
2339 | //-------------------------------------------
2340 | // create the tasks which should be executed
2341 | //
2342 |
2343 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", filenameMC);
2344 | read.AddFile(filenameData);
2345 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
2346 |
2347 |
2348 | //.......................................................................
2349 | // names of hadronness containers
2350 |
2351 | TString hadSCName = "HadSC";
2352 | TString hadRFName = "HadRF";
2353 |
2354 | //.......................................................................
2355 |
2356 |
2357 | TString fHilName = "MHillas";
2358 | TString fHilNameExt = "MHillasExt";
2359 | TString fHilNameSrc = "MHillasSrc";
2360 | TString fImgParName = "MNewImagePar";
2361 |
2362 | Float_t maxhadronness = 0.40;
2363 | Float_t maxalpha = 20.0;
2364 | Float_t maxdist = 10.0;
2365 |
2366 | MFSelFinal selfinalgh(fHilNameSrc);
2367 | selfinalgh.SetCuts(maxhadronness, 100.0, maxdist);
2368 | selfinalgh.SetHadronnessName(hadRFName);
2369 | selfinalgh.SetName("SelFinalgh");
2370 | MContinue contfinalgh(&selfinalgh);
2371 | contfinalgh.SetName("ContSelFinalgh");
2372 |
2373 |
2374 | //MFillH fillhadsc("hadSC[MHHadronness]", hadSCName);
2375 | //fillhadsc.SetName("HhadSC");
2376 | MFillH fillhadrf("hadRF[MHHadronness]", hadRFName);
2377 | fillhadrf.SetName("HhadRF");
2378 |
2379 | MFSelFinal selfinal(fHilNameSrc);
2380 | selfinal.SetCuts(maxhadronness, maxalpha, maxdist);
2381 | selfinal.SetHadronnessName(hadRFName);
2382 | selfinal.SetName("SelFinal");
2383 | MContinue contfinal(&selfinal);
2384 | contfinal.SetName("ContSelFinal");
2385 |
2386 |
2387 | MFillH hfill1("MHHillas", fHilName);
2388 | hfill1.SetName("HHillas");
2389 |
2390 | MFillH hfill2("MHStarMap", fHilName);
2391 | hfill2.SetName("HStarMap");
2392 |
2393 | MFillH hfill3("MHHillasExt", fHilNameSrc);
2394 | hfill3.SetName("HHillasExt");
2395 |
2396 | MFillH hfill4("MHHillasSrc", fHilNameSrc);
2397 | hfill4.SetName("HHillasSrc");
2398 |
2399 | MFillH hfill5("MHNewImagePar", fImgParName);
2400 | hfill5.SetName("HNewImagePar");
2401 |
2402 |
2403 | //*****************************
2404 | // entries in MParList
2405 |
2406 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
2407 | InitBinnings(&pliston);
2408 |
2409 |
2410 | //*****************************
2411 | // entries in MTaskList
2412 |
2413 | tliston.AddToList(&read);
2414 |
2415 | //tliston.AddToList(&fillhadsc);
2416 | tliston.AddToList(&fillhadrf);
2417 |
2418 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinalgh);
2419 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill1);
2420 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill2);
2421 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill3);
2422 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill4);
2423 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill5);
2424 |
2425 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinal);
2426 |
2427 | //*****************************
2428 |
2429 | //-------------------------------------------
2430 | // Execute event loop
2431 | //
2432 | MProgressBar bar;
2433 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
2434 | evtloop.SetParList(&pliston);
2435 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
2436 |
2437 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
2438 | //Int_t maxevents = 35000;
2439 | if ( !evtloop.Eventloop(maxevents) )
2440 | return;
2441 |
2442 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
2443 |
2444 |
2445 | //-------------------------------------------
2446 | // Display the histograms
2447 | //
2448 |
2449 | //pliston.FindObject("hadSC", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
2450 | pliston.FindObject("hadRF", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
2451 |
2452 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone();
2453 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasExt")->DrawClone();
2454 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasSrc")->DrawClone();
2455 | pliston.FindObject("MHNewImagePar")->DrawClone();
2456 | pliston.FindObject("MHStarMap")->DrawClone();
2457 |
2458 | DeleteBinnings(&pliston);
2459 |
2460 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : End of Job C" << endl;
2461 | gLog << "===================================================" << endl;
2462 | }
2463 |
2464 |
2465 |
2466 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
2467 | // Job D
2468 | //======
2469 |
2470 | // - select g/h separation method XX
2471 | // - read ON2 (or MC2) root file
2472 | // - apply cuts in hadronness
2473 | // - make plots
2474 |
2475 |
2476 | if (JobD)
2477 | {
2478 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
2479 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : Start of Job D" << endl;
2480 |
2481 | gLog << "" << endl;
2482 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : JobD = "
2483 | << (JobD ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl;
2484 |
2485 |
2486 | // type of data to be analysed
2487 | TString typeData = "ON";
2488 | //TString typeData = "OFF";
2489 | //TString typeData = "MC";
2490 | gLog << "typeData = " << typeData << endl;
2491 |
2492 | TString ext = "3.root";
2493 |
2494 |
2495 | //------------------------------
2496 | // selection of g/h separation method
2497 | // and definition of final selections
2498 |
2499 | //TString XX("SC");
2500 | TString XX("RF");
2501 | TString fhadronnessName("Had");
2502 | fhadronnessName += XX;
2503 | gLog << "fhadronnessName = " << fhadronnessName << endl;
2504 |
2505 | // maximum values of the hadronness, |ALPHA| and DIST
2506 | Float_t maxhadronness = 0.233;
2507 | Float_t maxalpha = 20.0;
2508 | Float_t maxdist = 10.0;
2509 | gLog << "Maximum values of hadronness, |ALPHA| and DIST = "
2510 | << maxhadronness << ", " << maxalpha << ", "
2511 | << maxdist << endl;
2512 |
2513 |
2514 | //------------------------------
2515 | // name of data file to be analysed
2516 | TString filenameData(outPath);
2517 | filenameData += typeData;
2518 | filenameData += ext;
2519 | gLog << "filenameData = " << filenameData << endl;
2520 |
2521 |
2522 |
2523 | //*************************************************************************
2524 | //
2525 | // Analyse the data
2526 | //
2527 |
2528 | MTaskList tliston;
2529 | MParList pliston;
2530 |
2531 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
2532 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
2533 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
2534 |
2535 |
2536 | TString fHilName = "MHillas";
2537 | TString fHilNameExt = "MHillasExt";
2538 | TString fHilNameSrc = "MHillasSrc";
2539 | TString fImgParName = "MNewImagePar";
2540 |
2541 | //-------------------------------------------
2542 | // create the tasks which should be executed
2543 | //
2544 |
2545 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", filenameData);
2546 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
2547 |
2548 |
2549 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
2550 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
2551 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
2552 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
2553 |
2554 | MFSelFinal selfinalgh(fHilNameSrc);
2555 | selfinalgh.SetCuts(maxhadronness, 100.0, maxdist);
2556 | selfinalgh.SetHadronnessName(fhadronnessName);
2557 | selfinalgh.SetName("SelFinalgh");
2558 | MContinue contfinalgh(&selfinalgh);
2559 | contfinalgh.SetName("ContSelFinalgh");
2560 |
2561 | MFillH fillhadsc("hadSC[MHHadronness]", "HadSC");
2562 | fillhadsc.SetName("HhadSC");
2563 | MFillH fillhadrf("hadRF[MHHadronness]", "HadRF");
2564 | fillhadrf.SetName("HhadRF");
2565 |
2566 | TString mh3name = "abs(Alpha)";
2567 | MBinning binsalphaabs("Binning"+mh3name);
2568 | binsalphaabs.SetEdges(50, -2.0, 98.0);
2569 |
2570 | MH3 alphaabs("abs(MHillasSrc.fAlpha)");
2571 | alphaabs.SetName(mh3name);
2572 |
2573 | TH1 &alphahist = alphaabs->GetHist();
2574 |
2575 | MFillH alpha(&alphaabs);
2576 | alpha.SetName("FillAlphaAbs");
2577 |
2578 | MFillH hfill1("MHHillas", fHilName);
2579 | hfill1.SetName("HHillas");
2580 |
2581 | MFillH hfill2("MHStarMap", fHilName);
2582 | hfill2.SetName("HStarMap");
2583 |
2584 | MFillH hfill3("MHHillasExt", fHilNameSrc);
2585 | hfill3.SetName("HHillasExt");
2586 |
2587 | MFillH hfill4("MHHillasSrc", fHilNameSrc);
2588 | hfill4.SetName("HHillasSrc");
2589 |
2590 | MFillH hfill5("MHNewImagePar", fImgParName);
2591 | hfill5.SetName("HNewImagePar");
2592 |
2593 | MFSelFinal selfinal(fHilNameSrc);
2594 | selfinal.SetCuts(maxhadronness, maxalpha, maxdist);
2595 | selfinal.SetHadronnessName(fhadronnessName);
2596 | selfinal.SetName("SelFinal");
2597 | MContinue contfinal(&selfinal);
2598 | contfinal.SetName("ContSelFinal");
2599 |
2600 |
2601 | //*****************************
2602 | // entries in MParList
2603 |
2604 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
2605 | InitBinnings(&pliston);
2606 | pliston.AddToList(&binsalphaabs);
2607 | pliston.AddToList(&alphaabs);
2608 |
2609 | //*****************************
2610 | // entries in MTaskList
2611 |
2612 | tliston.AddToList(&read);
2613 |
2614 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinalgh);
2615 |
2616 | tliston.AddToList(&fillhadsc);
2617 | tliston.AddToList(&fillhadrf);
2618 |
2619 | tliston.AddToList(&alpha);
2620 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill1);
2621 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill2);
2622 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill3);
2623 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill4);
2624 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill5);
2625 |
2626 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinal);
2627 |
2628 | //*****************************
2629 |
2630 | //-------------------------------------------
2631 | // Execute event loop
2632 | //
2633 | MProgressBar bar;
2634 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
2635 | evtloop.SetParList(&pliston);
2636 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
2637 |
2638 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
2639 | //Int_t maxevents = 10000;
2640 | if ( !evtloop.Eventloop(maxevents) )
2641 | return;
2642 |
2643 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
2644 |
2645 |
2646 | //-------------------------------------------
2647 | // Display the histograms
2648 | //
2649 |
2650 | pliston.FindObject("hadRF", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
2651 | pliston.FindObject("hadSC", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
2652 |
2653 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone();
2654 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasExt")->DrawClone();
2655 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasSrc")->DrawClone();
2656 | pliston.FindObject("MHNewImagePar")->DrawClone();
2657 | pliston.FindObject("MHStarMap")->DrawClone();
2658 |
2659 |
2660 | //-------------------------------------------
2661 |
2662 | // fit alpha distribution to get the number of excess events and
2663 | // calculate significance of gamma signal in the alpha plot
2664 |
2665 | MH3* absalpha = (MH3*)(pliston.FindObject(mh3name, "MH3"));
2666 | TH1 &alphaHist = absalpha->GetHist();
2667 | alphaHist.SetXTitle("|alpha| [\\circ]");
2668 | alphaHist.SetName("alpha-JobD");
2669 |
2670 | Double_t alphasig = 13.1;
2671 | Double_t alphamin = 30.0;
2672 | Double_t alphamax = 90.0;
2673 | Int_t degree = 2;
2674 | Double_t significance = -99.0;
2675 | Bool_t drawpoly = kTRUE;
2676 | Bool_t fitgauss = kTRUE;
2677 | Bool_t print = kTRUE;
2678 |
2679 | MHFindSignificance findsig;
2680 | findsig.SetRebin(kTRUE);
2681 | findsig.SetReduceDegree(kFALSE);
2682 |
2683 | findsig.FindSigma(&alphaHist, alphamin, alphamax, degree,
2684 | alphasig, drawpoly, fitgauss, print);
2685 | significance = findsig.GetSignificance();
2686 | Float_t alphasi = findsig.GetAlphasi();
2687 |
2688 | gLog << "For file '" << filenameData << "' : " << endl;
2689 | gLog << "Significance of gamma signal after supercuts : "
2690 | << significance << " (for |alpha| < " << alphasi << " degrees)"
2691 | << endl;
2692 |
2693 | findsig.SigmaVsAlpha(&alphaHist, alphamin, alphamax, degree, print);
2694 |
2695 | //-------------------------------------------
2696 |
2697 |
2698 | DeleteBinnings(&pliston);
2699 |
2700 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : End of Job D" << endl;
2701 | gLog << "=======================================================" << endl;
2702 | }
2703 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
2704 |
2705 |
2706 |
2707 |
2708 |
2709 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
2710 | // Job E_XX
2711 | //=========
2712 |
2713 | // - select g/h separation method XX
2714 | // - read MC_XX2.root file
2715 | // - calculate eff. collection area
2716 | // - read ON_XX2.root file
2717 | // - apply final cuts
2718 | // - calculate flux
2719 | // - write root file for ON data after final cuts (ON_XX3.root))
2720 |
2721 |
2722 | if (JobE_XX)
2723 | {
2724 | gLog << "=====================================================" << endl;
2725 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : Start of Job E_XX" << endl;
2726 |
2727 | gLog << "" << endl;
2728 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis : JobE_XX, CCollArea, OEEst, WEX = "
2729 | << (JobE_XX ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
2730 | << (CCollArea?"kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
2731 | << (OEEst ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << ", "
2732 | << (WEX ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") << endl;
2733 |
2734 |
2735 | // type of data to be analysed
2736 | //TString typeData = "ON";
2737 | //TString typeData = "OFF";
2738 | TString typeData = "MC";
2739 | gLog << "typeData = " << typeData << endl;
2740 |
2741 | TString typeMC = "MC";
2742 | TString ext = "3.root";
2743 | TString extout = "4.root";
2744 |
2745 | //------------------------------
2746 | // selection of g/h separation method
2747 | // and definition of final selections
2748 |
2749 | //TString XX("SC");
2750 | TString XX("RF");
2751 | TString fhadronnessName("Had");
2752 | fhadronnessName += XX;
2753 | gLog << "fhadronnessName = " << fhadronnessName << endl;
2754 |
2755 | // maximum values of the hadronness, |ALPHA| and DIST
2756 | Float_t maxhadronness = 0.23;
2757 | Float_t maxalpha = 20.0;
2758 | Float_t maxdist = 10.0;
2759 | gLog << "Maximum values of hadronness, |ALPHA| and DIST = "
2760 | << maxhadronness << ", " << maxalpha << ", "
2761 | << maxdist << endl;
2762 |
2763 | //------------------------------
2764 | // name of MC file to be used for optimizing the energy estimator
2765 | TString filenameOpt(outPath);
2766 | filenameOpt += typeMC;
2767 | filenameOpt += ext;
2768 | gLog << "filenameOpt = " << filenameOpt << endl;
2769 |
2770 | //------------------------------
2771 | // name of file containing the parameters of the energy estimator
2772 | TString energyParName(outPath);
2773 | energyParName += "energyest_";
2774 | energyParName += XX;
2775 | energyParName += ".root";
2776 | gLog << "energyParName = " << energyParName << endl;
2777 |
2778 | //------------------------------
2779 | // name of MC file to be used for calculating the eff. collection areas
2780 | TString filenameArea(outPath);
2781 | filenameArea += typeMC;
2782 | filenameArea += ext;
2783 | gLog << "filenameArea = " << filenameArea << endl;
2784 |
2785 | //------------------------------
2786 | // name of file containing the eff. collection areas
2787 | TString collareaName(outPath);
2788 | collareaName += "area_";
2789 | collareaName += XX;
2790 | collareaName += ".root";
2791 | gLog << "collareaName = " << collareaName << endl;
2792 |
2793 | //------------------------------
2794 | // name of data file to be analysed
2795 | TString filenameData(outPath);
2796 | filenameData += typeData;
2797 | filenameData += ext;
2798 | gLog << "filenameData = " << filenameData << endl;
2799 |
2800 | //------------------------------
2801 | // name of output data file (after the final cuts)
2802 | TString filenameDataout(outPath);
2803 | filenameDataout += typeData;
2804 | filenameDataout += "_";
2805 | filenameDataout += XX;
2806 | filenameDataout += extout;
2807 | gLog << "filenameDataout = " << filenameDataout << endl;
2808 |
2809 | //------------------------------
2810 | // name of file containing histograms for flux calculastion
2811 | TString filenameResults(outPath);
2812 | filenameResults += typeData;
2813 | filenameResults += "Results_";
2814 | filenameResults += XX;
2815 | filenameResults += extout;
2816 | gLog << "filenameResults = " << filenameResults << endl;
2817 |
2818 |
2819 | //====================================================================
2820 |
2821 | MHMcCollectionArea collarea;
2822 | collarea.SetEaxis(MHMcCollectionArea::kLinear);
2823 |
2824 | MParList parlist;
2825 | InitBinnings(&parlist);
2826 |
2827 | if (CCollArea)
2828 | {
2829 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
2830 | gLog << "Start calculation of effective collection areas" << endl;
2831 |
2832 |
2833 | MTaskList tasklist;
2834 |
2835 | //---------------------------------------
2836 | // Setup the tasks to be executed
2837 | //
2838 | MReadMarsFile reader("Events", filenameArea);
2839 | reader.DisableAutoScheme();
2840 |
2841 | MFSelFinal cuthadrons;
2842 | cuthadrons.SetHadronnessName(fhadronnessName);
2843 | cuthadrons.SetCuts(maxhadronness, maxalpha, maxdist);
2844 |
2845 | MContinue conthadrons(&cuthadrons);
2846 |
2847 |
2848 | MFillH filler("MHMcCollectionArea", "MMcEvt");
2849 | filler.SetName("CollectionArea");
2850 |
2851 | //********************************
2852 | // entries in MParList
2853 |
2854 | parlist.AddToList(&tasklist);
2855 |
2856 | parlist.AddToList(&collarea);
2857 |
2858 | //********************************
2859 | // entries in MTaskList
2860 |
2861 | tasklist.AddToList(&reader);
2862 | tasklist.AddToList(&conthadrons);
2863 | tasklist.AddToList(&filler);
2864 |
2865 | //********************************
2866 |
2867 | //-----------------------------------------
2868 | // Execute event loop
2869 | //
2870 | MEvtLoop magic;
2871 | magic.SetParList(&parlist);
2872 |
2873 | MProgressBar bar;
2874 | magic.SetProgressBar(&bar);
2875 | if (!magic.Eventloop())
2876 | return;
2877 |
2878 | tasklist.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
2879 |
2880 | // Calculate effective collection areas
2881 | // and display the histograms
2882 | //
2883 | //MHMcCollectionArea *collarea =
2884 | // (MHMcCollectionArea*)parlist.FindObject("MHMcCollectionArea");
2885 | collarea.CalcEfficiency();
2886 | collarea.DrawClone();
2887 |
2888 |
2889 |
2890 | //---------------------------------------------
2891 | // Write histograms to a file
2892 | //
2893 |
2894 | TFile f(collareaName, "RECREATE");
2895 | //collarea.GetHist()->Write();
2896 | //collarea.GetHAll()->Write();
2897 | //collarea.GetHSel()->Write();
2898 | collarea.Write();
2899 |
2900 | f.Close();
2901 |
2902 | gLog << "Collection area plots written onto file " << collareaName << endl;
2903 |
2904 | gLog << "Calculation of effective collection areas done" << endl;
2905 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
2906 | //------------------------------------------------------------------
2907 | }
2908 |
2909 | if (!CCollArea)
2910 | {
2911 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
2912 | gLog << "Read in effective collection areas from file "
2913 | << collareaName << endl;
2914 |
2915 | TFile collfile(collareaName);
2916 | collfile.ls();
2917 | collarea.Read("MHMcCollectionArea");
2918 | collarea.DrawClone();
2919 |
2920 | gLog << "Effective collection areas were read in from file "
2921 | << collareaName << endl;
2922 | gLog << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
2923 | }
2924 |
2925 |
2926 | // save binnings for call to MagicEEst
2927 | MBinning *binsE = (MBinning*)parlist.FindObject("BinningE");
2928 | if (!binsE)
2929 | {
2930 | gLog << "Object 'BinningE' not found in MParList" << endl;
2931 | return;
2932 | }
2933 | MBinning *binsTheta = (MBinning*)parlist.FindObject("BinningTheta");
2934 | if (!binsTheta)
2935 | {
2936 | gLog << "Object 'BinningTheta' not found in MParList" << endl;
2937 | return;
2938 | }
2939 |
2940 | //-------------------------------------
2941 | TString fHilName = "MHillas";
2942 | TString fHilNameExt = "MHillasExt";
2943 | TString fHilNameSrc = "MHillasSrc";
2944 | TString fImgParName = "MNewImagePar";
2945 |
2946 |
2947 | if (OEEst)
2948 | {
2949 | //===========================================================
2950 | //
2951 | // Optimization of energy estimator
2952 | //
2953 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis.C : calling MagicEEst" << endl;
2954 |
2955 | TString inpath("");
2956 | TString outpath("");
2957 | Int_t howMany = 2000;
2958 | MagicEEst(inpath, filenameOpt, outpath, energyParName,
2959 | fHilName, fHilNameSrc, fhadronnessName,
2960 | howMany, maxhadronness, maxalpha, maxdist,
2961 | binsE, binsTheta);
2962 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis.C : returning from MagicEEst" << endl;
2963 | }
2964 |
2965 | if (WEX)
2966 | {
2967 | //-----------------------------------------------------------
2968 | //
2969 | // Read in parameters of energy estimator ("MMcEnergyEst")
2970 | // and migration matrix ("MHMcEnergyMigration")
2971 | //
2972 | gLog << "================================================================"
2973 | << endl;
2974 | gLog << "Macro MagicAnalysis.C : read parameters of energy estimator and migration matrix from file '"
2975 | << energyParName << "'" << endl;
2976 | TFile enparam(energyParName);
2977 | enparam.ls();
2978 | MMcEnergyEst mcest("MMcEnergyEst");
2979 | mcest.Read("MMcEnergyEst");
2980 |
2981 | //MMcEnergyEst &mcest = *((MMcEnergyEst*)gROOT->FindObject("MMcEnergyEst"));
2982 | gLog << "Parameters of energy estimator were read in" << endl;
2983 |
2984 |
2985 | gLog << "Read in Migration matrix" << endl;
2986 |
2987 | MHMcEnergyMigration mighiston("MHMcEnergyMigration");
2988 | mighiston.Read("MHMcEnergyMigration");
2989 | //MHMcEnergyMigration &mighiston =
2990 | // *((MHMcEnergyMigration*)gROOT->FindObject("MHMcEnergyMigration"));
2991 |
2992 | gLog << "Migration matrix was read in" << endl;
2993 |
2994 |
2995 | TArrayD parA(mcest.GetNumCoeffA());
2996 | TArrayD parB(mcest.GetNumCoeffB());
2997 | for (Int_t i=0; i<parA.GetSize(); i++)
2998 | parA[i] = mcest.GetCoeff(i);
2999 | for (Int_t i=0; i<parB.GetSize(); i++)
3000 | parB[i] = mcest.GetCoeff( i+parA.GetSize() );
3001 |
3002 | //*************************************************************************
3003 | //
3004 | // Analyse the data
3005 | //
3006 | gLog << "============================================================"
3007 | << endl;
3008 | gLog << "Analyse the data" << endl;
3009 |
3010 | MTaskList tliston;
3011 | MParList pliston;
3012 |
3013 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
3014 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
3015 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
3016 |
3017 |
3018 | //-------------------------------------------
3019 | // create the tasks which should be executed
3020 | //
3021 |
3022 | MReadMarsFile read("Events", filenameData);
3023 | read.DisableAutoScheme();
3024 |
3025 | //.......................................................................
3026 |
3027 | gLog << "MagicAnalysis.C : write root file '" << filenameDataout
3028 | << "'" << endl;
3029 |
3030 | //MWriteRootFile &write = *(new MWriteRootFile(filenameDataout));
3031 |
3032 |
3033 | MWriteRootFile write(filenameDataout, "RECREATE");
3034 |
3035 | write.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
3036 | write.AddContainer("MTime", "Events");
3037 | write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events");
3038 | write.AddContainer("ThetaOrig", "Events");
3039 | write.AddContainer("MSrcPosCam", "Events");
3040 | write.AddContainer("MSigmabar", "Events");
3041 | write.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
3042 | write.AddContainer("MHillasExt", "Events");
3043 | write.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
3044 | write.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
3045 |
3046 | //write.AddContainer("HadNN", "Events");
3047 | write.AddContainer("HadSC", "Events");
3048 | write.AddContainer("HadRF", "Events");
3049 |
3050 | write.AddContainer("MEnergyEst", "Events");
3051 |
3052 |
3053 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
3054 | // geometry is needed in MHHillas... classes
3055 | MGeomCam *fGeom =
3056 | (MGeomCam*)pliston->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamMagic", "MGeomCam");
3057 |
3058 | MFSelFinal selfinalgh(fHilNameSrc);
3059 | selfinalgh.SetCuts(maxhadronness, 100.0, maxdist);
3060 | selfinalgh.SetHadronnessName(fhadronnessName);
3061 | selfinalgh.SetName("SelFinalgh");
3062 | MContinue contfinalgh(&selfinalgh);
3063 | contfinalgh.SetName("ContSelFinalgh");
3064 |
3065 | //MFillH fillhadnn("hadNN[MHHadronness]", "HadNN");
3066 | //fillhadnn.SetName("HhadNN");
3067 | MFillH fillhadsc("hadSC[MHHadronness]", "HadSC");
3068 | fillhadsc.SetName("HhadSC");
3069 | MFillH fillhadrf("hadRF[MHHadronness]", "HadRF");
3070 | fillhadrf.SetName("HhadRF");
3071 |
3072 | //---------------------------
3073 | // calculate estimated energy
3074 |
3075 | MEnergyEstParam eeston(fHilName);
3076 | eeston.Add(fHilNameSrc);
3077 |
3078 | eeston.SetCoeffA(parA);
3079 | eeston.SetCoeffB(parB);
3080 |
3081 | //---------------------------
3082 | // calculate estimated energy using Daniel's parameters
3083 |
3084 | //MEnergyEstParamDanielMkn421 eeston(fHilName);
3085 | //eeston.Add(fHilNameSrc);
3086 | //eeston.SetCoeffA(parA);
3087 | //eeston.SetCoeffB(parB);
3088 |
3089 |
3090 | //---------------------------
3091 |
3092 |
3093 | MFillH hfill1("MHHillas", fHilName);
3094 | hfill1.SetName("HHillas");
3095 |
3096 | MFillH hfill2("MHStarMap", fHilName);
3097 | hfill2.SetName("HStarMap");
3098 |
3099 | MFillH hfill3("MHHillasExt", fHilNameSrc);
3100 | hfill3.SetName("HHillasExt");
3101 |
3102 | MFillH hfill4("MHHillasSrc", fHilNameSrc);
3103 | hfill4.SetName("HHillasSrc");
3104 |
3105 | MFillH hfill5("MHNewImagePar", fImgParName);
3106 | hfill5.SetName("HNewImagePar");
3107 |
3108 | //---------------------------
3109 | // new from Robert
3110 |
3111 | MFillH hfill6("MHTimeDiffTheta", "MMcEvt");
3112 | hfill6.SetName("HTimeDiffTheta");
3113 |
3114 | MFillH hfill6a("MHTimeDiffTime", "MMcEvt");
3115 | hfill6a.SetName("HTimeDiffTime");
3116 |
3117 | MFillH hfill7("MHAlphaEnergyTheta", fHilNameSrc);
3118 | hfill7.SetName("HAlphaEnergyTheta");
3119 |
3120 | MFillH hfill7a("MHAlphaEnergyTime", fHilNameSrc);
3121 | hfill7a.SetName("HAlphaEnergyTime");
3122 |
3123 | MFillH hfill7b("MHThetabarTime", fHilNameSrc);
3124 | hfill7b.SetName("HThetabarTime");
3125 |
3126 | MFillH hfill7c("MHEnergyTime", "MMcEvt");
3127 | hfill7c.SetName("HEnergyTime");
3128 |
3129 |
3130 | //---------------------------
3131 |
3132 | MFSelFinal selfinal(fHilNameSrc);
3133 | selfinal.SetCuts(maxhadronness, maxalpha, maxdist);
3134 | selfinal.SetHadronnessName(fhadronnessName);
3135 | selfinal.SetName("SelFinal");
3136 | MContinue contfinal(&selfinal);
3137 | contfinal.SetName("ContSelFinal");
3138 |
3139 |
3140 | //*****************************
3141 | // entries in MParList
3142 |
3143 | pliston.AddToList(&tliston);
3144 | InitBinnings(&pliston);
3145 |
3146 |
3147 | //*****************************
3148 | // entries in MTaskList
3149 |
3150 | tliston.AddToList(&read);
3151 |
3152 | // robert
3153 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill6); //timediff
3154 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill6a); //timediff
3155 |
3156 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinalgh);
3157 | tliston.AddToList(&eeston);
3158 |
3159 | tliston.AddToList(&write);
3160 |
3161 | //tliston.AddToList(&fillhadnn);
3162 | tliston.AddToList(&fillhadsc);
3163 | tliston.AddToList(&fillhadrf);
3164 |
3165 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill1);
3166 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill2);
3167 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill3);
3168 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill4);
3169 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill5);
3170 |
3171 | //robert
3172 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill7);
3173 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill7a);
3174 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill7b);
3175 | tliston.AddToList(&hfill7c);
3176 |
3177 | tliston.AddToList(&contfinal);
3178 |
3179 | //*****************************
3180 |
3181 | //-------------------------------------------
3182 | // Execute event loop
3183 | //
3184 | MProgressBar bar;
3185 | MEvtLoop evtloop;
3186 | evtloop.SetParList(&pliston);
3187 | evtloop.SetProgressBar(&bar);
3188 |
3189 | Int_t maxevents = -1;
3190 | if ( !evtloop.Eventloop(maxevents) )
3191 | return;
3192 |
3193 | tliston.PrintStatistics(0, kTRUE);
3194 |
3195 |
3196 | //-------------------------------------------
3197 | // Display the histograms
3198 | //
3199 |
3200 | //pliston.FindObject("hadNN", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
3201 |
3202 | gLog << "before hadRF" << endl;
3203 | pliston.FindObject("hadRF", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
3204 |
3205 | gLog << "before hadSC" << endl;
3206 | pliston.FindObject("hadSC", "MHHadronness")->DrawClone();
3207 |
3208 | gLog << "before MHHillas" << endl;
3209 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillas")->DrawClone();
3210 |
3211 | gLog << "before MHHillasExt" << endl;
3212 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasExt")->DrawClone();
3213 |
3214 | gLog << "before MHHillasSrc" << endl;
3215 | pliston.FindObject("MHHillasSrc")->DrawClone();
3216 |
3217 | gLog << "before MHNewImagePar" << endl;
3218 | pliston.FindObject("MHNewImagePar")->DrawClone();
3219 |
3220 | gLog << "before MHStarMap" << endl;
3221 | pliston.FindObject("MHStarMap")->DrawClone();
3222 |
3223 | gLog << "before DeleteBinnings" << endl;
3224 |
3225 | DeleteBinnings(&pliston);
3226 |
3227 | gLog << "before Robert's code" << endl;
3228 |
3229 |
3230 | //rwagner write all relevant histograms onto a file
3231 |
3232 | if (WRobert)
3233 | {
3234 | gLog << "=======================================================" << endl;
3235 | gLog << "Write results onto file '" << filenameResults << "'" << endl;
3236 |
3237 | TFile outfile(filenameResults,"recreate");
3238 |
3239 | MHHillasSrc* hillasSrc =
3240 | (MHHillasSrc*)(pliston->FindObject("MHHillasSrc"));
3241 | TH1F* alphaHist = (TH1F*)(hillasSrc->GetHistAlpha());
3242 | alphaHist->Write();
3243 | gLog << "Alpha plot has been written out" << endl;
3244 |
3245 |
3246 | MHAlphaEnergyTheta* aetH =
3247 | (MHAlphaEnergyTheta*)(pliston->FindObject("MHAlphaEnergyTheta"));
3248 | TH3D* aetHist = (TH3D*)(aetH->GetHist());
3249 | aetHist->SetName("aetHist");
3250 | aetHist->Write();
3251 | gLog << "AlphaEnergyTheta plot has been written out" << endl;
3252 |
3253 | MHAlphaEnergyTime* aetH2 =
3254 | (MHAlphaEnergyTime*)(pliston->FindObject("MHAlphaEnergyTime"));
3255 | TH3D* aetHist2 = (TH3D*)(aetH2->GetHist());
3256 | aetHist2->SetName("aetimeHist");
3257 | // aetHist2->DrawClone();
3258 | aetHist2->Write();
3259 | gLog << "AlphaEnergyTime plot has been written out" << endl;
3260 |
3261 | MHThetabarTime* tbt =
3262 | (MHThetabarTime*)(pliston->FindObject("MHThetabarTime"));
3263 | TProfile* tbtHist = (TProfile*)(tbt->GetHist());
3264 | tbtHist->SetName("tbtHist");
3265 | tbtHist->Write();
3266 | gLog << "ThetabarTime plot has been written out" << endl;
3267 |
3268 | MHEnergyTime* ent =
3269 | (MHEnergyTime*)(pliston->FindObject("MHEnergyTime"));
3270 | TH2D* entHist = (TH2D*)(ent->GetHist());
3271 | entHist->SetName("entHist");
3272 | entHist->Write();
3273 | gLog << "EnergyTime plot has been written out" << endl;
3274 |
3275 | MHTimeDiffTheta *time = (MHTimeDiffTheta*)pliston.FindObject("MHTimeDiffTheta");
3276 | TH2D* timeHist = (TH2D*)(time->GetHist());
3277 | timeHist->SetName("MHTimeDiffTheta");
3278 | timeHist->SetTitle("Time diffs");
3279 | timeHist->Write();
3280 | gLog << "TimeDiffTheta plot has been written out" << endl;
3281 |
3282 |
3283 | MHTimeDiffTime *time2 = (MHTimeDiffTime*)pliston.FindObject("MHTimeDiffTime");
3284 | TH2D* timeHist2 = (TH2D*)(time2->GetHist());
3285 | timeHist2->SetName("MHTimeDiffTime");
3286 | timeHist2->SetTitle("Time diffs");
3287 | timeHist2->Write();
3288 | gLog << "TimeDiffTime plot has been written out" << endl;
3289 |
3290 | //rwagner write also collareas to same file
3291 | collarea->GetHist()->Write();
3292 | collarea->GetHAll()->Write();
3293 | collarea->GetHSel()->Write();
3294 | gLog << "Effective collection areas have been written out" << endl;
3295 |
3296 | //rwagner todo: write alpha_cut, type of g/h sep (RF, SC, NN), type of data
3297 | //rwagner (ON/OFF/MC), MJDmin, MJDmax to this file
3298 |
3299 | gLog << "before closing outfile" << endl;
3300 |
3301 | //outfile.Close();
3302 | gLog << "Results were written onto file '" << filenameResults
3303 | << "'" << endl;
3304 | gLog << "=======================================================" << endl;
3305 | }
3306 |
3307 | }
3308 |
3309 | gLog << "Macro Analysis : End of Job E_XX" << endl;
3310 | gLog << "=======================================================" << endl;
3311 | }
3312 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
3313 |
3314 | }
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