Line | |
1 | #include <iomanip>
2 |
3 | void readpix() {
4 | //
5 | // open the file
6 | //
7 | TFile input("delme.root", "READ");
8 |
9 | //
10 | // open the Run Header tree
11 | //
12 | TTree *runtree = (TTree*) input.Get("RunHeaders") ;
13 | cout << " Entries in Tree RunHeaders: " << runtree->GetEntries() << endl ;
14 |
15 | //
16 | // create an instance of MRawRunHeader, enable the branch and
17 | // read the header, print it
18 | //
19 | MRawRunHeader *runheader = new MRawRunHeader();
20 | runtree->GetBranch("MRawRunHeader")->SetAddress(&runheader);
21 | runtree->GetEvent(0);
22 | runheader->Print();
23 |
24 | //
25 | // open the Data Tree
26 | //
27 | TTree *evttree = (TTree*) input.Get("Data") ;
28 |
29 | //
30 | // create the instances of the data to read in
31 | //
32 | MRawEvtData *evtdata = new MRawEvtData();
33 |
34 | //
35 | // enable the corresponding branches
36 | //
37 | evttree->GetBranch("MRawEvtData")->SetAddress(&evtdata);
38 |
39 | evttree->GetEvent(0);
40 |
41 | MRawEvtPixelIter pixel(evtdata);
42 |
43 | while (pixel.Next())
44 | {
45 |
46 | cout << "Pixel Nr: " << dec << pixel.GetPixelId() << " ";
47 | cout << setfill('0') << endl;
48 |
49 | cout << "Hi Gains: ";
50 | for (int i=0; i<evtdata->GetNumHiGainSamples(); i++)
51 | cout << setw(3) << (UInt_t)pixel.GetHiGainFadcSamples()[i];
52 | cout << endl;
53 |
54 | cout << "Lo Gains: ";
55 | if (pixel.IsLoGain())
56 | for (int i=0; i<evtdata->GetNumLoGainSamples(); i++)
57 | cout << setw(3) << (UInt_t)pixel.GetLoGainFadcSamples()[i];
58 | cout << endl << endl;
59 |
60 | if (pixel.GetPixelId() == 11)
61 | pixel.Draw();
62 | };
63 | }
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
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