1 | void traindisp()
2 | {
3 | MDataSet set("mctesttrain.txt");
4 | set.SetNumAnalysis(1); // Necessary
5 |
6 | MJTrainDisp opt;
7 | //opt.SetDebug();
8 |
9 | // ------- Parameters to train Random Forest --------
10 | opt.AddParameter("MHillas.fLength");
11 | opt.AddParameter("MHillas.fWidth");
12 | opt.AddParameter("MHillas.fSize");
13 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fLeakage1");
14 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fLeakage2");
15 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fConc");
16 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fConc1");
17 | opt.AddParameter("MPointingPos.fZd");
18 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fUsedArea");
19 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fCoreArea");
20 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fNumUsedPixels");
21 | opt.AddParameter("MNewImagePar.fNumCorePixels");
22 | opt.AddParameter("MImagePar.fSizeSinglePixels");
23 | opt.AddParameter("MHillasExt.fM3Long*sign(MHillasSrc.fCosDeltaAlpha)");
24 | opt.AddParameter("MHillasExt.fAsym*sign(MHillasSrc.fCosDeltaAlpha)");
25 |
26 | // -------------------- Run ----------------------------
27 |
28 | MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay;
29 | opt.SetDisplay(d);
30 |
31 | /*
32 | -------------------- Magic-Cuts ----------------------
33 | MFMagicCuts cuts;
34 | cuts.SetHadronnessCut(MFMagicCuts::kArea);
35 | cuts.SetThetaCut(MFMagicCuts::kOn);
36 |
37 | TArrayD arr(10);
38 | arr[0]= 1.3245;
39 | arr[1]= 0.208700;
40 | arr[2]= 0.229200;
41 | arr[3]= 5.305200;
42 | arr[4]= 0.098930;
43 | arr[5]= -0.082950;
44 | arr[6]= 8.2957;
45 | arr[7]= 0.8677;
46 |
47 | cuts.SetVariables(arr);
48 |
49 | opt.AddPreCut(&cuts);
50 |
51 | -------------------- Energy Slope --------------------
52 | MFEnergySlope slope(-2.8);
53 | opt.AddPreCut(&slope);
54 |
55 | -------------------- Other cuts ----------------------
56 | opt.AddPreCut("MNewImagePar.fLeakage1<0.0001");
57 | */
58 |
59 | opt.AddPreCut("MHillas.fSize>200");
60 | opt.AddPreCut("MHillasSrc.fDCA*MGeomCam.fConvMm2Deg<0.3");
61 |
62 | // The number is the number of events read from the file
63 | // randomly and is the number of events before cuts
64 | opt.Train("rf-disp.root", set, 30000);
65 | }
66 | /*
67 | // SequencesOn: Monte Carlo Sequences used for training
68 | // SequencesOff: Monte Carlo Sequences used for testing
69 |
70 | // Use:
71 | // opt.AddPreCut to use cut for test and training
72 | // opt.AddTestCut to use cut for test only
73 | // opt.AddTrainCut to use cut for train only
74 | */