1 |
2 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 | // //
4 | // This program should be run under root : //
5 | // root unfold.C++ //
6 | // //
7 | // Author(s) : T. Bretz 02/2002 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de> //
8 | // Author(s) : W. Wittek 09/2002 <mailto:wittek@mppmu.mpg.de> //
9 | // //
10 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 |
12 | #include <TMath.h>
13 | #include <TRandom3.h>
14 | #include <TVector.h>
15 | #include <TMatrixD.h>
16 | #include <TMatrix.h>
17 | #include <TH1.h>
18 | #include <TH2.h>
19 | #include <TProfile.h>
20 | #include <TF1.h>
21 | #include <iostream.h>
22 | #include <TMinuit.h>
23 | #include <TCanvas.h>
24 | #include <TMarker.h>
25 |
26 | #include <fstream.h>
27 | #include <iomanip.h>
28 |
29 | TH1 *DrawMatrixClone(const TMatrixD &m, Option_t *opt="")
30 | {
31 | const Int_t nrows = m.GetNrows();
32 | const Int_t ncols = m.GetNcols();
33 |
34 | TMatrix m2(nrows, ncols);
35 | for (int i=0; i<nrows; i++)
36 | for (int j=0; j<ncols; j++)
37 | m2(i, j) = m(i, j);
38 |
39 | TH2F *hist = new TH2F(m2);
40 | hist->SetBit(kCanDelete);
41 | hist->Draw(opt);
42 | hist->SetDirectory(NULL);
43 |
44 | return hist;
45 |
46 | }
47 |
48 | TH1 *DrawMatrixColClone(const TMatrixD &m, Option_t *opt="", Int_t col=0)
49 | {
50 | const Int_t nrows = m.GetNrows();
51 |
52 | TVector vec(nrows);
53 | for (int i=0; i<nrows; i++)
54 | vec(i) = m(i, col);
55 |
56 | TH1F *hist = new TH1F("TVector","",nrows,0,nrows);
57 | for (int i=0; i<nrows; i++)
58 | {
59 | hist->SetBinContent(i+1, vec(i));
60 | }
61 |
62 | hist->SetBit(kCanDelete);
63 | hist->Draw(opt);
64 | hist->SetDirectory(NULL);
65 |
66 | return hist;
67 | }
68 |
69 |
70 | void PrintTH2Content(const TH2 &hist)
71 | {
72 | cout << hist.GetName() << ": " << hist.GetTitle() << endl;
73 | cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
74 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=hist.GetNbinsX(); i++)
75 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=hist.GetNbinsY(); j++)
76 | cout << hist.GetBinContent(i,j) << " \t";
77 | cout << endl << endl;
78 | }
79 |
80 | void PrintTH2Error(const TH2 &hist)
81 | {
82 | cout << hist.GetName() << ": " << hist.GetTitle() << " <error>" << endl;
83 | cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
84 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=hist.GetNbinsX(); i++)
85 | {
86 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=hist.GetNbinsY(); j++)
87 | cout << hist.GetBinError(i, j) << " \t";
88 | cout << endl << endl;
89 | }
90 | }
91 |
92 | void PrintTH1Content(const TH1 &hist)
93 | {
94 | cout << hist.GetName() << ": " << hist.GetTitle() << endl;
95 | cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
96 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=hist.GetNbinsX(); i++)
97 | cout << hist.GetBinContent(i) << " \t";
98 | cout << endl << endl;
99 | }
100 |
101 | void PrintTH1Error(const TH1 &hist)
102 | {
103 | cout << hist.GetName() << ": " << hist.GetTitle() << " <error>" << endl;
104 | cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
105 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=hist.GetNbinsX(); i++)
106 | cout << hist.GetBinError(i) << " \t";
107 | cout << endl << endl;
108 | }
109 |
110 | void CopyCol(TMatrixD &m, const TH1 &h, Int_t col=0)
111 | {
112 | const Int_t n = m.GetNrows();
113 |
114 | for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++)
115 | m(i, col) = h.GetBinContent(i+1);
116 | }
117 |
118 | void CopyCol(TH1 &h, const TMatrixD &m, Int_t col=0)
119 | {
120 | const Int_t n = m.GetNrows();
121 |
122 | for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++)
123 | h.SetBinContent(i+1, m(i, col));
124 | }
125 |
126 | void CopyH2M(TMatrixD &m, const TH2 &h)
127 | {
128 | const Int_t nx = m.GetNrows();
129 | const Int_t ny = m.GetNcols();
130 |
131 | for (Int_t i=0; i<nx; i++)
132 | for (Int_t j=0; j<ny; j++)
133 | m(i, j) = h.GetBinContent(i+1, j+1);
134 | }
135 |
136 | void CopySqr(TMatrixD &m, const TH1 &h)
137 | {
138 | const Int_t nx = m.GetNrows();
139 | const Int_t ny = m.GetNcols();
140 |
141 | for (Int_t i=0; i<nx; i++)
142 | for (Int_t j=0; j<ny; j++)
143 | {
144 | const Double_t bin = h.GetBinContent(i+1, j+1);
145 | m(i, j) = bin*bin;
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | Double_t GetMatrixSumRow(const TMatrixD &m, Int_t row)
150 | {
151 | const Int_t n = m.GetNcols();
152 |
153 | Double_t sum = 0;
154 | for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++)
155 | sum += m(row, i);
156 |
157 | return sum;
158 | }
159 |
160 | Double_t GetMatrixSumDiag(const TMatrixD &m)
161 | {
162 | const Int_t n = m.GetNcols();
163 |
164 | Double_t sum = 0;
165 | for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++)
166 | sum += m(i, i);
167 |
168 | return sum;
169 | }
170 |
171 | Double_t GetMatrixSumCol(const TMatrixD &m, Int_t col=0)
172 | {
173 | const Int_t n = m.GetNrows();
174 |
175 | Double_t sum = 0;
176 | for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++)
177 | sum += m(i, col);
178 |
179 | return sum;
180 | }
181 | Double_t GetMatrixSum(const TMatrixD &m)
182 | {
183 | const Int_t n = m.GetNrows();
184 |
185 | Double_t sum = 0;
186 | for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++)
187 | sum += GetMatrixSumRow(m, i);
188 |
189 | return sum;
190 | }
191 |
192 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
193 | // //
194 | // fcnSmooth (used by SmoothMigrationMatrix) //
195 | // //
196 | // is called by MINUIT //
197 | // for given values of the parameters it calculates //
198 | // the function to be minimized //
199 | // //
200 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201 | void fcnSmooth(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f,
202 | Double_t *par, Int_t iflag);
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
207 | // //
208 | // fcnTikhonov2 (used by Tikhonov2) //
209 | // //
210 | // is called by MINUIT //
211 | // for given values of the parameters it calculates //
212 | // the function to be minimized //
213 | // //
214 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
215 | void fcnTikhonov2(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f,
216 | Double_t *par, Int_t iflag);
217 |
218 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
219 | // //
220 | // MUnfold //
221 | // //
222 | // class for unfolding a 1-dimensional distribution //
223 | // //
224 | // the methods used are described in : //
225 | // //
226 | // V.B.Anykeyev et al., NIM A303 (1991) 350 //
227 | // M. Schmelling, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 340 (1994) 400 //
228 | // M. Schmelling : "Numerische Methoden der Datenanalyse" //
229 | // Heidelberg, Maerz 1998 //
230 | // M.Bertero, INFN/TC-88/2 (1988) //
231 | // //
232 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
233 | class MUnfold : public TObject
234 | {
235 | public:
236 |
237 | UInt_t fNa; // Number of bins in the distribution to be unfolded
238 | UInt_t fNb; // Number of bins in the unfolded distribution
239 |
240 | TMatrixD fMigrat; // migration matrix (fNa, fNb)
241 | TMatrixD fMigraterr2;// error**2 of migration matrix (fNa, fNb)
242 |
243 | TMatrixD fMigOrig; // original migration matrix (fNa, fNb)
244 | TMatrixD fMigOrigerr2;// error**2 oforiginal migr. matrix (fNa, fNb)
245 |
246 | TMatrixD fMigSmoo; // smoothed migration matrix M (fNa, fNb)
247 | TMatrixD fMigSmooerr2;// error**2 of smoothed migr. matrix (fNa, fNb)
248 | TMatrixD fMigChi2; // chi2 contributions for smoothing (fNa, fNb)
249 |
250 | TMatrixD fVa; // distribution to be unfolded (fNa)
251 | TMatrixD fVacov; // error matrix of fVa (fNa, fNa)
252 | TMatrixD fVacovInv; // inverse of fVacov (fNa, fNa)
253 | Double_t fSpurVacov; // Spur of fVacov
254 |
255 | // UInt_t fVaevents; // total number of events
256 | UInt_t fVapoints; // number of significant measurements
257 |
258 | TMatrixD fVb; // unfolded distribution (fNb)
259 | TMatrixD fVbcov; // error matrix of fVb (fNb, fNb)
260 |
261 | TMatrixD fVEps; // prior distribution (fNb)
262 | TMatrixDColumn fVEps0;
263 |
264 | Double_t fW; // weight
265 | Double_t fWbest; // best weight
266 | Int_t ixbest;
267 |
268 | TMatrixD fResult; // unfolded distribution and errors (fNb, 5)
269 | TMatrixD fChi2; // chisquared contribution (fNa, 1)
270 |
271 | Double_t fChisq; // total chisquared
272 | Double_t fNdf; // number of degrees of freedom
273 | Double_t fProb; // chisquared probability
274 |
275 | TMatrixD G; // G = M * M(transposed) (fNa, fNa)
276 | TVectorD EigenValue; // vector of eigenvalues lambda of G (fNa)
277 | TMatrixD Eigen; // matrix of eigen vectors of G (fNa, fNa)
278 | Double_t RankG; // rank of G
279 | Double_t tau; // 1 / lambda_max
280 | Double_t EpsLambda;
281 |
282 | // quantities stored for each weight :
283 | TVectorD SpSig; // Spur of covariance matrix of fVbcov
284 | TVectorD SpAR; // effective rank of G^tilde
285 | TVectorD chisq; // chi squared (measures agreement between
286 | // fVa and the folded fVb)
287 | TVectorD SecDer; // regularization term = sum of (2nd der.)**2
288 | TVectorD ZerDer; // regularization term = sum of (fVb)**2
289 | TVectorD Entrop; // regularization term = reduced cross-entropy
290 | TVectorD DAR2; //
291 | TVectorD Dsqbar; //
292 |
293 | Double_t SpurAR;
294 | Double_t SpurSigma;
295 | Double_t SecDeriv;
296 | Double_t ZerDeriv;
297 | Double_t Entropy;
298 | Double_t DiffAR2;
299 | Double_t Chisq;
300 | Double_t D2bar;
301 |
302 | TMatrixD Chi2;
303 |
304 | //
305 |
306 | // plots versus weight
307 | Int_t Nix;
308 | Double_t xmin;
309 | Double_t xmax;
310 | Double_t dlogx;
311 |
312 | TH1D *hBchisq;
313 | TH1D *hBSpAR;
314 | TH1D *hBDSpAR;
315 | TH1D *hBSpSig;
316 | TH1D *hBDSpSig;
317 | TH1D *hBSecDeriv;
318 | TH1D *hBDSecDeriv;
319 | TH1D *hBZerDeriv;
320 | TH1D *hBDZerDeriv;
321 | TH1D *hBEntropy;
322 | TH1D *hBDEntropy;
323 | TH1D *hBDAR2;
324 | TH1D *hBD2bar;
325 |
326 | //
327 | TH1D *hEigen;
328 |
329 | // plots for the best solution
330 | TH2D *fhmig;
331 | TH2D *shmig;
332 | TH2D *shmigChi2;
333 |
334 | TH1D *fhb0;
335 |
336 | TH1D *fha;
337 |
338 | TH1D *hprior;
339 |
340 | TH1D *hb;
341 |
342 | Double_t CalcSpurSigma(TMatrixD &T, Double_t norm=1)
343 | {
344 | Double_t spursigma = 0;
345 |
346 | for (UInt_t a=0; a<fNb; a++)
347 | {
348 | for (UInt_t b=0; b<fNb; b++)
349 | {
350 | fVbcov(a,b) = 0;
351 |
352 | for (UInt_t c=0; c<fNa; c++)
353 | for (UInt_t d=0; d<fNa; d++)
354 | fVbcov(a,b) += T(a,d)*fVacov(d,c)*T(b,c);
355 |
356 | fVbcov(a,b) *= norm*norm;
357 | }
358 | spursigma += fVbcov(a,a);
359 | }
360 |
361 | return spursigma;
362 | }
363 |
364 | public:
365 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
366 | //
367 | // Constructor
368 | // copy histograms into matrices
369 | //
370 | MUnfold(TH1D &ha, TH2D &hacov, TH2D &hmig)
371 | : fVEps(hmig.GetYaxis()->GetNbins(),1), fVEps0(fVEps, 0)
372 | {
373 | // ha is the distribution to be unfolded
374 | // hacov is the covariance matrix of ha
375 | // hmig is the migration matrix;
376 | // this matrix will be used in the unfolding
377 | // unless SmoothMigrationMatrix(*hmigrat) is called;
378 | // in the latter case hmigrat is smoothed
379 | // and the smoothed matrix is used in the unfolding
380 |
381 | // Eigen values of the matrix G, which are smaller than EpsLambda
382 | // will be considered as being zero
383 | EpsLambda = 1.e-10;
384 | fW = 0.0;
385 |
386 | fNa = hmig.GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
387 | const Double_t alow = hmig.GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
388 | const Double_t aup = hmig.GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
389 |
390 | fNb = hmig.GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
391 | const Double_t blow = hmig.GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
392 | const Double_t bup = hmig.GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
393 |
394 |
395 | UInt_t Na = ha.GetNbinsX();
396 | if (fNa != Na)
397 | {
398 | cout << "MUnfold::MUnfold : dimensions do not match, fNa = ";
399 | cout << fNa << ", Na = " << Na << endl;
400 | }
401 |
402 | cout << "MUnfold::MUnfold :" << endl;
403 | cout << "==================" << endl;
404 | cout << " fNa = " << fNa << ", fNb = " << fNb << endl;
405 |
406 | // ------------------------
407 |
408 | fVa.ResizeTo(fNa, 1);
409 | CopyCol(fVa, ha, 0);
410 |
411 | cout << " fVa = ";
412 |
413 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
414 | cout << fVa(i,0) << " \t";
415 | cout << endl;
416 |
417 | Double_t vaevents = GetMatrixSumCol(fVa, 0);
418 | cout << " Total number of events in fVa = " << vaevents << endl;
419 |
420 | // ------------------------
421 |
422 | fChi2.ResizeTo(fNa,1);
423 | Chi2.ResizeTo(fNa,1);
424 |
425 | // ------------------------
426 |
427 | fVacov.ResizeTo(fNa, fNa);
428 | fSpurVacov = 0;
429 |
430 | CopyH2M(fVacov, hacov);
431 |
432 | fVapoints = 0;
433 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
434 | if (fVa(i,0)>0 && fVacov(i,i)<fVa(i,0)*fVa(i,0))
435 | fVapoints++;
436 |
437 | fSpurVacov = GetMatrixSumDiag(fVacov);
438 |
439 | cout << "MUnfold::MUnfold : fVacov = " << endl;
440 | cout << "==============================" << endl;
441 | fVacov.Print();
442 |
443 | cout << " Number of significant points in fVa = ";
444 | cout << fVapoints << endl;
445 |
446 | cout << " Spur of fVacov = ";
447 | cout << fSpurVacov << endl;
448 |
449 | // ------------------------
450 |
451 | fVacovInv.ResizeTo(fNa, fNa);
452 | fVacovInv = fVacov;
453 | fVacovInv.InvertPosDef();
454 |
455 | cout << "MUnfold::MUnfold : fVacovInv = " << endl;
456 | cout << "==================================" << endl;
457 | fVacovInv.Print();
458 |
459 | // ------------------------
460 | // fMigrat is the migration matrix to be used in the unfolding;
461 | // fMigrat may be overwritten by SmoothMigrationMatrix
462 |
463 | fMigrat.ResizeTo(fNa, fNb); // row, col
464 |
465 | CopyH2M(fMigrat, hmig);
466 |
467 |
468 | // ------------------------
469 |
470 | fMigraterr2.ResizeTo(fNa, fNb); // row, col
471 | CopySqr(fMigraterr2, hmig);
472 |
473 | // normaxlize
474 |
475 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
476 | {
477 | const Double_t sum = GetMatrixSumCol(fMigrat, j);
478 |
479 | if (sum==0)
480 | continue;
481 |
482 | TMatrixDColumn col1(fMigrat, j);
483 | col1 *= 1./sum;
484 |
485 | TMatrixDColumn col2(fMigraterr2, j);
486 | col2 *= 1./(sum*sum);
487 | }
488 |
489 | cout << "MUnfold::MUnfold : fMigrat = " << endl;
490 | cout << "===============================" << endl;
491 | fMigrat.Print();
492 |
493 | cout << "MUnfold::MUnfold : fMigraterr2 = " << endl;
494 | cout << "===================================" << endl;
495 | fMigraterr2.Print();
496 |
497 | // ------------------------
498 | G.ResizeTo(fNa, fNa);
499 | EigenValue.ResizeTo(fNa);
500 | Eigen.ResizeTo(fNa, fNa);
501 |
502 | fMigOrig.ResizeTo(fNa, fNb);
503 | fMigOrigerr2.ResizeTo(fNa, fNb);
504 |
505 | fMigSmoo.ResizeTo (fNa, fNb);
506 | fMigSmooerr2.ResizeTo(fNa, fNb);
507 | fMigChi2.ResizeTo (fNa, fNb);
508 |
509 | // ------------------------
510 |
511 | fVEps0 = 1./fNb;
512 |
513 | cout << "MUnfold::MUnfold : Default prior distribution fVEps = " << endl;
514 | cout << "========================================================" << endl;
515 | fVEps.Print();
516 |
517 | // ------------------------
518 |
519 | fVb.ResizeTo(fNb,1);
520 | fVbcov.ResizeTo(fNb,fNb);
521 |
522 | // ----------------------------------------------------
523 | // number and range of weights to be scanned
524 | Nix = 30;
525 | xmin = 1.e-5;
526 | xmax = 1.e5;
527 | dlogx = (log10(xmax)-log10(xmin)) / Nix;
528 |
529 | SpSig.ResizeTo (Nix);
530 | SpAR.ResizeTo (Nix);
531 | chisq.ResizeTo (Nix);
532 | SecDer.ResizeTo(Nix);
533 | ZerDer.ResizeTo(Nix);
534 | Entrop.ResizeTo(Nix);
535 | DAR2.ResizeTo (Nix);
536 | Dsqbar.ResizeTo(Nix);
537 |
538 | //------------------------------------
539 | // plots as a function of the iteration number
540 |
541 | hBchisq = new TH1D("Bchisq", "chisq",
542 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
543 |
544 | hBSpAR = new TH1D("BSpAR", "SpurAR",
545 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
546 |
547 | hBDSpAR = new TH1D("BDSpAR", "Delta(SpurAR)",
548 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
549 |
550 | hBSpSig = new TH1D("BSpSig", "SpurSigma/SpurC",
551 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
552 |
553 | hBDSpSig = new TH1D("BDSpSig", "Delta(SpurSigma/SpurC)",
554 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
555 |
556 | hBSecDeriv = new TH1D("BSecDeriv", "Second Derivative squared",
557 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
558 |
559 | hBDSecDeriv = new TH1D("BDSecDeriv", "Delta(Second Derivative squared)",
560 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
561 |
562 | hBZerDeriv = new TH1D("BZerDeriv", "Zero Derivative squared",
563 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
564 |
565 | hBDZerDeriv = new TH1D("BDZerDeriv", "Delta(Zero Derivative squared)",
566 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
567 |
568 | hBEntropy = new TH1D("BEntrop", "Entropy",
569 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
570 |
571 | hBDEntropy = new TH1D("BDEntrop", "Delta(Entropy)",
572 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
573 |
574 | hBDAR2 = new TH1D("BDAR2", "norm(AR-AR+)",
575 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
576 |
577 | hBD2bar = new TH1D("BD2bar", "(b_unfolded-b_ideal)**2",
578 | Nix, log10(xmin)-dlogx/2.0, log10(xmax)-dlogx/2.0 );
579 |
580 | //-------------------------------------
581 | // original migration matrix
582 | fhmig = new TH2D("fMigrat", "Migration matrix",
583 | fNa, alow, aup, fNb, blow, bup);
584 | fhmig->Sumw2();
585 |
586 | //-------------------------------------
587 | // smoothed migration matrix
588 | shmig = new TH2D("sMigrat", "Smoothed migration matrix",
589 | fNa, alow, aup, fNb, blow, bup);
590 | shmig->Sumw2();
591 |
592 | //-------------------------------------
593 | // chi2 contributions for smoothing of migration matrix
594 | shmigChi2 = new TH2D("sMigratChi2", "Chi2 contr. for smoothing",
595 | fNa, alow, aup, fNb, blow, bup);
596 |
597 | //-------------------------------------
598 | // eigen values of matrix G = M * M(transposed)
599 | hEigen = new TH1D("Eigen", "Eigen values of M*MT",
600 | fNa, 0.5, fNa+0.5);
601 |
602 | //------------------------------------
603 | // Ideal distribution
604 |
605 | fhb0 = new TH1D("fhb0", "Ideal distribution", fNb, blow, bup);
606 | fhb0->Sumw2();
607 |
608 |
609 | //------------------------------------
610 | // Distribution to be unfolded
611 | fha = new TH1D("fha", "Distribution to be unfolded", fNa, alow, aup);
612 | fha->Sumw2();
613 |
614 | //------------------------------------
615 | // Prior distribution
616 | hprior = new TH1D("Prior", "Prior distribution", fNb, blow, bup);
617 |
618 | //------------------------------------
619 | // Unfolded distribution
620 | hb = new TH1D("DataSp", "Unfolded distribution", fNb, blow, bup);
621 | hb->Sumw2();
622 |
623 | }
624 |
625 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
626 | //
627 | // Define prior distribution to be a constant
628 | //
629 | void SetPriorConstant()
630 | {
631 | fVEps0 = 1./fNb;
632 |
633 | CopyCol(*hprior, fVEps);
634 |
635 | cout << "SetPriorConstant : Prior distribution fVEps = " << endl;
636 | cout << "==============================================" << endl;
637 | fVEps.Print();
638 | }
639 |
640 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
641 | //
642 | // Take prior distribution from the histogram 'ha'
643 | // which may have a different binning than 'hprior'
644 | //
645 | Bool_t SetPriorRebin(TH1D &ha)
646 | {
647 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------
648 | //
649 | // fill the contents of histogram 'ha' into the histogram 'hrior';
650 | // the histograms need not have the same binning;
651 | // if the binnings are different, the bin contents of histogram 'ha'
652 | // are distributed properly (linearly) over the bins of 'hprior'
653 | //
654 |
655 | const Int_t na = ha.GetNbinsX();
656 | const Double_t alow = ha.GetBinLowEdge(1);
657 | const Double_t aup = ha.GetBinLowEdge(na+1);
658 |
659 | const Int_t nb = hprior->GetNbinsX();
660 | const Double_t blow = hprior->GetBinLowEdge(1);
661 | const Double_t bup = hprior->GetBinLowEdge(nb+1);
662 |
663 | // check whether there is an overlap
664 | // between the x ranges of the 2 histograms
665 | if (alow>bup || aup<blow)
666 | {
667 | cout << "Rebinning not possible because there is no overlap of the x ranges of the two histograms" << endl;
668 | return kFALSE;
669 | }
670 |
671 | // there is an overlap
672 | //********************
673 | Double_t sum = 0;
674 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=nb; j++)
675 | {
676 | const Double_t yl = hprior->GetBinLowEdge(j);
677 | const Double_t yh = hprior->GetBinLowEdge(j+1);
678 |
679 | // search bins of histogram ha which contribute
680 | // to bin j of histogram hb
681 | //----------------
682 | Int_t il=0;
683 | Int_t ih=0;
684 | for (Int_t i=2; i<=na+1; i++)
685 | {
686 | const Double_t xl = ha.GetBinLowEdge(i);
687 | if (xl>yl)
688 | {
689 | il = i-1;
690 |
691 | //.................................
692 | ih = 0;
693 | for (Int_t k=(il+1); k<=(na+1); k++)
694 | {
695 | const Double_t xh = ha.GetBinLowEdge(k);
696 | if (xh >= yh)
697 | {
698 | ih = k-1;
699 | break;
700 | }
701 | }
702 | //.................................
703 | if (ih == 0)
704 | ih = na;
705 | break;
706 | }
707 | }
708 | //----------------
709 | if (il == 0)
710 | {
711 | cout << "Something is wrong " << endl;
712 | cout << " na, alow, aup = " << na << ", " << alow
713 | << ", " << aup << endl;
714 | cout << " nb, blow, bup = " << nb << ", " << blow
715 | << ", " << bup << endl;
716 | return kFALSE;
717 | }
718 |
719 | Double_t content=0;
720 | // sum up the contribution to bin j
721 | for (Int_t i=il; i<=ih; i++)
722 | {
723 | const Double_t xl = ha.GetBinLowEdge(i);
724 | const Double_t xh = ha.GetBinLowEdge(i+1);
725 | const Double_t bina = xh-xl;
726 |
727 | if (xl<yl && xh<yh)
728 | content += ha.GetBinContent(i) * (xh-yl) / bina;
729 | else
730 | if (xl<yl && xh>=yh)
731 | content += ha.GetBinContent(i) * (yh-yl) / bina;
732 | else
733 | if (xl>=yl && xh<yh)
734 | content += ha.GetBinContent(i);
735 | else if (xl>=yl && xh>=yh)
736 | content += ha.GetBinContent(i) * (yh-xl) / bina;
737 | }
738 | hprior->SetBinContent(j, content);
739 | sum += content;
740 | }
741 |
742 | // normalize histogram hb
743 | if (sum==0)
744 | {
745 | cout << "histogram hb is empty; sum of weights in ha = ";
746 | cout << ha.GetSumOfWeights() << endl;
747 | return kFALSE;
748 | }
749 |
750 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=nb; j++)
751 | {
752 | const Double_t content = hprior->GetBinContent(j)/sum;
753 | hprior->SetBinContent(j, content);
754 | fVEps0(j-1) = content;
755 | }
756 |
757 | cout << "SetPriorRebin : Prior distribution fVEps = " << endl;
758 | cout << "===========================================" << endl;
759 | fVEps.Print();
760 |
761 | return kTRUE;
762 | }
763 |
764 |
765 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
766 | //
767 | // Set prior distribution to a given distribution 'hpr'
768 | //
769 | Bool_t SetPriorInput(TH1D &hpr)
770 | {
771 | CopyCol(fVEps, hpr);
772 |
773 | const Double_t sum = GetMatrixSumCol(fVEps, 0);
774 |
775 | if (sum<=0)
776 | {
777 | cout << "MUnfold::SetPriorInput: invalid prior distribution" << endl;
778 | return kFALSE;
779 | }
780 |
781 | // normalize prior distribution
782 | fVEps0 *= 1./sum;
783 |
784 | CopyCol(*hprior, fVEps);
785 |
786 | cout << "SetPriorInput : Prior distribution fVEps = " << endl;
787 | cout << "===========================================" << endl;
788 | fVEps.Print();
789 |
790 | return kTRUE;
791 | }
792 |
793 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
794 | //
795 | // Define prior distribution to be a power law
796 | // use input distribution 'hprior' only
797 | // for defining the histogram parameters
798 | //
799 | Bool_t SetPriorPower(Double_t gamma)
800 | {
801 | // generate distribution according to a power law
802 | // dN/dE = E^{-gamma}
803 | // or with y = lo10(E), E = 10^y :
804 | // dN/dy = ln10 * 10^{y*(1-gamma)}
805 | TH1D hpower(*hprior);
806 |
807 | const UInt_t nbin = hprior->GetNbinsX();
808 | const Double_t xmin = hprior->GetBinLowEdge(1);
809 | const Double_t xmax = hprior->GetBinLowEdge(nbin+1);
810 |
811 | cout << "nbin, xmin, xmax = " << nbin << ", ";
812 | cout << xmin << ", " << xmax << endl;
813 |
814 | TF1* fpow = new TF1("fpow", "pow(10.0, x*(1.0-[0]))", xmin,xmax);
815 | fpow->SetParName (0,"gamma");
816 | fpow->SetParameter(0, gamma );
817 |
818 | hpower.FillRandom("fpow", 100000);
819 |
820 | // fill prior distribution
821 | CopyCol(fVEps, hpower);
822 |
823 | const Double_t sum = GetMatrixSumCol(fVEps, 0);
824 | if (sum <= 0)
825 | {
826 | cout << "MUnfold::SetPriorPower : invalid prior distribution" << endl;
827 | return kFALSE;
828 | }
829 |
830 | // normalize prior distribution
831 | fVEps0 *= 1./sum;
832 | CopyCol(*hprior, fVEps);
833 |
834 | cout << "SetPriorPower : Prior distribution fVEps = " << endl;
835 | cout << "===========================================" << endl;
836 | fVEps.Print();
837 |
838 | return kTRUE;
839 | }
840 |
841 |
842 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
843 | //
844 | // Set the initial weight
845 | //
846 | Bool_t SetInitialWeight(Double_t &weight)
847 | {
848 | if (weight == 0.0)
849 | {
850 | TMatrixD v1(fVa, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult, fVacovInv);
851 | TMatrixD v2(v1, TMatrixD::kMult, fVa);
852 | weight = 1./sqrt(v2(0,0));
853 | }
854 |
855 | cout << "MUnfold::SetInitialWeight : Initial Weight = "
856 | << weight << endl;
857 |
858 | return kTRUE;
859 | }
860 |
861 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
862 | //
863 | // Print the unfolded distribution
864 | //
865 | void PrintResults()
866 | {
867 | cout << "PrintResults : Unfolded distribution fResult " << endl;
868 | cout << "=============================================" << endl;
869 | cout << "val, eparab, eplus, eminus, gcc = " << endl;
870 |
871 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNb; i++)
872 | {
873 | cout << fResult(i, 0) << " \t";
874 | cout << fResult(i, 1) << " \t";
875 | cout << fResult(i, 2) << " \t";
876 | cout << fResult(i, 3) << " \t";
877 | cout << fResult(i, 4) << endl;
878 | }
879 | cout << "Chisquared, NDF, chi2 probability, ixbest = "
880 | << fChisq << ", "
881 | << fNdf << ", " << fProb << ", " << ixbest << endl;
882 |
883 | }
884 |
885 |
886 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
887 | //
888 | // Schmelling : unfolding by minimizing the function Z
889 | // by Gauss-Newton iteration
890 | //
891 | // the weights are scanned between
892 | // 1.e-5*fWinitial and 1.e5*fWinitial
893 | //
894 | Bool_t Schmelling(TH1D &hb0)
895 | {
896 |
897 | //======================================================================
898 | // copy ideal distribution
899 | for (UInt_t i=1; i<=fNb; i++)
900 | {
901 | fhb0->SetBinContent(i, hb0.GetBinContent(i));
902 | fhb0->SetBinError (i, hb0.GetBinError(i));
903 | }
904 |
905 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
906 | // Initialization
907 | // ==============
908 |
909 | Int_t numGiteration;
910 | Int_t MaxGiteration = 1000;
911 |
912 | TMatrixD alpha;
913 | alpha.ResizeTo(fNa, 1);
914 |
915 |
916 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
917 | // Newton iteration
918 | // ================
919 |
920 | Double_t dga2;
921 | Double_t dga2old;
922 | Double_t EpsG = 1.e-12;
923 |
924 | TMatrixD wZdp_inv(fNa, fNa);
925 | TMatrixD d(fNb, 1);
926 | TMatrixD p(fNb, 1);
927 |
928 | TMatrixD gamma (fNa, 1);
929 | TMatrixD dgamma(fNa, 1);
930 |
931 | Double_t fWinitial;
932 | fWinitial = 0.0;
933 | SetInitialWeight(fWinitial);
934 | // for my example this fWinitial was not good; therefore :
935 | fWinitial = 1.0;
936 |
937 | Int_t ix;
938 | Double_t xiter;
939 |
940 | //-------- start scanning weights --------------------------
941 | // if full == kFALSE only quantities necessary for the Gauss-Newton
942 | // iteration are calculated in SchmellCore
943 | // if full == kTRUE in addition the unfolded distribution,
944 | // its covariance matrix and quantities like
945 | // Chisq, SpurAR, etc. are computed in SchmellCore
946 | //Bool_t full;
947 | //full = kFALSE;
948 | Int_t full;
949 |
950 | dga2 = 1.e20;
951 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
952 | {
953 | xiter = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ix*dlogx) * fWinitial;
954 |
955 | //---------- start Gauss-Newton iteration ----------------------
956 | numGiteration = 0;
957 |
958 | // if there was no convergence and the starting gamma was != 0
959 | // redo unfolding for the same weight starting with gamma = 0
960 | //
961 | Int_t gamma0 = 0;
962 | while (1)
963 | {
964 | if (dga2 > EpsG)
965 | {
966 | gamma0 = 1;
967 | gamma.Zero();
968 | }
969 |
970 | dga2 = 1.e20;
971 |
972 | while (1)
973 | {
974 | dga2old = dga2;
975 |
976 | full = 0;
977 | SchmellCore(full, xiter, gamma, dgamma, dga2);
978 |
979 | gamma += dgamma;
980 |
981 | //cout << "Schmelling : ix, numGiteration, dga2, dga2old = "
982 | // << ix << ", " << numGiteration << ", "
983 | // << dga2 << ", " << dga2old << endl;
984 |
985 | numGiteration += 1;
986 |
987 | // convergence
988 | if (dga2 < EpsG)
989 | break;
990 |
991 | // no convergence
992 | if (numGiteration > MaxGiteration)
993 | break;
994 |
995 | // gamma doesn't seem to change any more
996 | if (fabs(dga2-dga2old) < EpsG/100.)
997 | break;
998 | }
999 | //---------- end Gauss-Newton iteration ------------------------
1000 | if (dga2<EpsG || gamma0 != 0) break;
1001 | }
1002 |
1003 | // if Gauss-Newton iteration has not converged
1004 | // go to next weight
1005 | if (dga2 > EpsG)
1006 | {
1007 | cout << "Schmelling : Gauss-Newton iteration has not converged;"
1008 | << " numGiteration = " << numGiteration << endl;
1009 | cout << " ix, dga2, dga2old = " << ix << ", "
1010 | << dga2 << ", " << dga2old << endl;
1011 | continue;
1012 | }
1013 |
1014 | //cout << "Schmelling : Gauss-Newton iteration has converged;" << endl;
1015 | //cout << "==================================================" << endl;
1016 | //cout << " numGiteration = " << numGiteration << endl;
1017 | //cout << " ix, dga2 = " << ix << ", " << dga2 << endl;
1018 |
1019 | // calculated quantities which will be useful for determining
1020 | // the best weight (Chisq, SpurAR, ...)
1021 | //full = kTRUE;
1022 | full = 1;
1023 | SchmellCore(full, xiter, gamma, dgamma, dga2);
1024 |
1025 | // calculate difference between ideal and unfolded distribution
1026 | Double_t D2bar = 0.0;
1027 | for (UInt_t i = 0; i<fNb; i++)
1028 | {
1029 | Double_t temp = fVb(i,0)-hb0.GetBinContent(i+1,0);
1030 | D2bar += temp*temp;
1031 | }
1032 |
1033 | SpAR(ix) = SpurAR;
1034 | SpSig(ix) = SpurSigma;
1035 | chisq(ix) = Chisq;
1036 | SecDer(ix) = SecDeriv;
1037 | ZerDer(ix) = ZerDeriv;
1038 | Entrop(ix) = Entropy;
1039 | DAR2(ix) = DiffAR2;
1040 | Dsqbar(ix) = D2bar;
1041 |
1042 | }
1043 | //---------- end of scanning weights -------------------------------
1044 |
1045 | // plots ------------------------------
1046 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
1047 | {
1048 | Double_t xbin = log10(xmin)+ix*dlogx;
1049 | xiter = pow(10.0,xbin) * fWinitial;
1050 |
1051 | Int_t bin;
1052 | bin = hBchisq->FindBin( xbin );
1053 | hBchisq->SetBinContent(bin,chisq(ix));
1054 | hBSpAR->SetBinContent(bin,SpAR(ix));
1055 | hBSpSig->SetBinContent(bin,SpSig(ix)/fSpurVacov);
1056 | hBSecDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,SecDer(ix));
1057 | hBZerDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,ZerDer(ix));
1058 | hBEntropy->SetBinContent(bin,Entrop(ix));
1059 | hBDAR2->SetBinContent(bin,DAR2(ix));
1060 | hBD2bar->SetBinContent(bin,Dsqbar(ix));
1061 |
1062 | if (ix > 0)
1063 | {
1064 | Double_t DSpAR = SpAR(ix) - SpAR(ix-1);
1065 | hBDSpAR->SetBinContent(bin,DSpAR);
1066 |
1067 | Double_t diff = SpSig(ix) - SpSig(ix-1);
1068 | Double_t DSpSig = diff;
1069 | hBDSpSig->SetBinContent(bin, DSpSig/fSpurVacov);
1070 |
1071 | Double_t DEntrop = Entrop(ix) - Entrop(ix-1);
1072 | hBDEntropy->SetBinContent(bin,DEntrop);
1073 |
1074 | Double_t DSecDer = SecDer(ix) - SecDer(ix-1);
1075 | hBDSecDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,DSecDer);
1076 |
1077 | Double_t DZerDer = ZerDer(ix) - ZerDer(ix-1);
1078 | hBDZerDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,DZerDer);
1079 | }
1080 | }
1081 |
1082 | // Select best weight
1083 | SelectBestWeight();
1084 |
1085 | if (ixbest < 0.0)
1086 | {
1087 | cout << "Schmelling : no solution found; " << endl;
1088 | return kFALSE;
1089 | }
1090 |
1091 | // do the unfolding using the best weight
1092 | //full = kTRUE;
1093 |
1094 |
1095 | xiter = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ixbest*dlogx) * fWinitial;
1096 |
1097 | //---------- start Gauss-Newton iteration ----------------------
1098 | numGiteration = 0;
1099 | gamma.Zero();
1100 | dga2 = 1.e20;
1101 |
1102 | while (1)
1103 | {
1104 | full = 1;
1105 | SchmellCore(full, xiter, gamma, dgamma, dga2);
1106 | gamma += dgamma;
1107 |
1108 | //cout << "Schmelling : sum(dgamma^2) = " << dga2 << endl;
1109 |
1110 | numGiteration += 1;
1111 |
1112 | if (numGiteration > MaxGiteration)
1113 | break;
1114 |
1115 | if (dga2 < EpsG)
1116 | break;
1117 | }
1118 | //---------- end Gauss-Newton iteration ------------------------
1119 |
1120 |
1121 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1122 | // termination stage
1123 | // =================
1124 |
1125 | cout << "Schmelling : best solution found; " << endl;
1126 | cout << "==================================" << endl;
1127 | cout << " xiter, ixbest, numGiteration, Chisq = "
1128 | << xiter << ", " << ixbest << ", "
1129 | << numGiteration << ", " << Chisq << endl;
1130 |
1131 | //------------------------------------
1132 | //..............................................
1133 | // put unfolded distribution into fResult
1134 | // fResult(i,0) value in bin i
1135 | // fResult(i,1) error of value in bin i
1136 |
1137 | fNdf = SpurAR;
1138 | fChisq = Chisq;
1139 |
1140 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1141 | {
1142 | fChi2(i,0) = Chi2(i,0);
1143 | }
1144 |
1145 | UInt_t iNdf = (UInt_t) (fNdf+0.5);
1146 | fProb = iNdf>0 ? TMath::Prob(fChisq, iNdf) : 0;
1147 |
1148 | fResult.ResizeTo(fNb, 5);
1149 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNb; i++)
1150 | {
1151 | fResult(i, 0) = fVb(i,0);
1152 | fResult(i, 1) = sqrt(fVbcov(i,i));
1153 | fResult(i, 2) = 0.0;
1154 | fResult(i, 3) = 0.0;
1155 | fResult(i, 4) = 1.0;
1156 | }
1157 |
1158 | //--------------------------------------------------------
1159 |
1160 | cout << "Schmelling : gamma = " << endl;
1161 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1162 | cout << gamma(i,0) << " \t";
1163 | cout << endl;
1164 |
1165 | return kTRUE;
1166 | }
1167 |
1168 |
1169 |
1170 |
1171 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1172 | //
1173 | // SchmellCore main part of Schmellings calculations
1174 | //
1175 | void SchmellCore(Int_t full, Double_t &xiter, TMatrixD &gamma,
1176 | TMatrixD &dgamma, Double_t &dga2)
1177 | {
1178 | Double_t norm;
1179 | TMatrixD wZdp_inv(fNa, fNa);
1180 | TMatrixD d(fNb, 1);
1181 | TMatrixD p(fNb, 1);
1182 |
1183 | //--------------------------------------------------------
1184 | //-- determine the probability vector p
1185 |
1186 |
1187 | TMatrixD v3(gamma, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult, fMigrat);
1188 | TMatrixD v4(TMatrixD::kTransposed, v3);
1189 | d = v4;
1190 | Double_t dmax = -1.e10;
1191 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1192 | if (d(j,0)>dmax)
1193 | dmax = d(j,0);
1194 |
1195 | Double_t psum = 0.0;
1196 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1197 | {
1198 | d(j,0) -= dmax;
1199 | p(j,0) = fVEps0(j)*exp(xiter*d(j,0));
1200 | psum += p(j,0);
1201 | }
1202 |
1203 | p *= 1.0/psum;
1204 |
1205 | //-- get the vector alpha
1206 |
1207 | TMatrixD alpha(fMigrat, TMatrixD::kMult, p);
1208 |
1209 | //-- determine the current normalization
1210 |
1211 | TMatrixD v2 (alpha, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult, fVacovInv);
1212 | TMatrixD normb(v2, TMatrixD::kMult, alpha);
1213 |
1214 | TMatrixD normc(v2, TMatrixD::kMult, fVa);
1215 |
1216 | norm = normc(0,0)/normb(0,0);
1217 |
1218 | //--------------------------------------------------------
1219 | //-- determine the scaled slope vector s and Hessian H
1220 |
1221 | TMatrixD Zp(fNa,1);
1222 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1223 | {
1224 | Zp(i,0) = norm*alpha(i,0) - fVa(i,0);
1225 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<fNa; k++)
1226 | Zp(i,0) += gamma(k,0)*fVacov(k,i);
1227 | }
1228 |
1229 |
1230 | TMatrixD Q (fNa, fNa);
1231 | TMatrixD wZdp(fNa, fNa);
1232 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1233 | {
1234 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
1235 | {
1236 | Q(i,j) = - alpha(i,0)*alpha(j,0);
1237 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<fNb; k++)
1238 | Q(i,j) += fMigrat(i,k)*fMigrat(j,k)*p(k,0);
1239 | wZdp(i,j) = xiter*norm*Q(i,j) + fVacov(i,j);
1240 | }
1241 | }
1242 |
1243 | //-- invert H and calculate the next Newton step
1244 |
1245 | Double_t determ = 1.0;
1246 | wZdp_inv = wZdp;
1247 | wZdp_inv.Invert(&determ);
1248 |
1249 | if(determ == 0.0)
1250 | {
1251 | cout << "SchmellCore: matrix inversion for H failed" << endl;
1252 | return;
1253 | }
1254 |
1255 |
1256 | dga2 = 0.0;
1257 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1258 | {
1259 | dgamma(i,0) = 0.0;
1260 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
1261 | dgamma(i,0) -= wZdp_inv(i,j)*Zp(j,0);
1262 | dga2 += dgamma(i,0)*dgamma(i,0);
1263 | }
1264 |
1265 | if (full == 0)
1266 | return;
1267 |
1268 | //--------------------------------------------------------
1269 | //-- determine chi2 and dNdf (#measurements ignored)
1270 | Double_t dNdf = 0;
1271 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1272 | {
1273 | Chi2(i,0) = 0;
1274 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
1275 | {
1276 | Chi2(i,0) += fVacov(i,j) * gamma(i,0) * gamma(j,0);
1277 | dNdf += fVacov(i,j) * wZdp_inv(j,i);
1278 | }
1279 | }
1280 | Chisq = GetMatrixSumCol(Chi2, 0);
1281 | SpurAR = fNa - dNdf;
1282 |
1283 | //-----------------------------------------------------
1284 | // calculate the norm |AR - AR+|**2
1285 |
1286 | TMatrixD AR(fNa, fNa);
1287 | DiffAR2 = 0.0;
1288 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1289 | {
1290 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
1291 | {
1292 | AR(i,j) = 0.0;
1293 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<fNa; k++)
1294 | AR(i,j) += fVacov(i,k) * wZdp_inv(k,j);
1295 | DiffAR2 += AR(i,j) * AR(i,j);
1296 | }
1297 | }
1298 |
1299 | //--------------------------------------------------------
1300 | //-- fill distribution b(*)
1301 | fVb = p;
1302 | fVb *= norm;
1303 |
1304 | //-- determine the covariance matrix of b (very expensive)
1305 |
1306 | TMatrixD T(fNb,fNa);
1307 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNb; i++)
1308 | {
1309 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
1310 | {
1311 | T(i,j) = 0.0;
1312 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<fNa; k++)
1313 | T(i,j) += xiter*wZdp_inv(k,j)*(fMigrat(k,i)-alpha(k,0))*p(i,0);
1314 | }
1315 | }
1316 |
1317 | SpurSigma = CalcSpurSigma(T, norm);
1318 |
1319 | //--------------------------------------------------------
1320 |
1321 | //-----------------------------------------------------
1322 | // calculate the second derivative squared
1323 |
1324 | SecDeriv = 0;
1325 | for (UInt_t j=1; j<(fNb-1); j++)
1326 | {
1327 | Double_t temp =
1328 | + 2.0*(fVb(j+1,0)-fVb(j,0)) / (fVb(j+1,0)+fVb(j,0))
1329 | - 2.0*(fVb(j,0)-fVb(j-1,0)) / (fVb(j,0)+fVb(j-1,0));
1330 | SecDeriv += temp*temp;
1331 | }
1332 |
1333 | ZerDeriv = 0;
1334 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1335 | ZerDeriv += fVb(j,0) * fVb(j,0);
1336 |
1337 | //-----------------------------------------------------
1338 | // calculate the entropy
1339 | Entropy = 0;
1340 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1341 | if (p(j,0) > 0.0)
1342 | Entropy += p(j,0) * log( p(j,0) );
1343 |
1344 | //--------------------------------------------------------
1345 | }
1346 |
1347 |
1348 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1349 | //
1350 | // Smooth migration matrix
1351 | // by fitting a function to the migration matrix
1352 | //
1353 | Bool_t SmoothMigrationMatrix(TH2D &hmigorig)
1354 | {
1355 | // copy histograms into matrices; the matrices will be used in fcnSmooth
1356 | // ------------------------
1357 |
1358 | cout << "MUnfold::SmoothMigrationMatrix : fNa, fNb = " << fNa << ", " << fNb << endl;
1359 |
1360 | cout << "MUnfold::SmoothMigrationMatrix: fMigOrig = " << endl;
1361 | cout << "========================================" << endl;
1362 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1363 | {
1364 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1365 | {
1366 | fMigOrig(i, j) = hmigorig.GetBinContent(i+1, j+1);
1367 | cout << fMigOrig(i, j) << " \t";
1368 | }
1369 | cout << endl;
1370 | }
1371 |
1372 | // ------------------------
1373 |
1374 | cout << "MUnfold::SmoothMigrationMatrix : fMigOrigerr2 = " << endl;
1375 | cout << "=============================================" << endl;
1376 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1377 | {
1378 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1379 | {
1380 | fMigOrigerr2(i, j) = hmigorig.GetBinError(i+1, j+1)
1381 | * hmigorig.GetBinError(i+1, j+1);
1382 |
1383 | cout << fMigOrigerr2(i, j) << " \t";
1384 | }
1385 | cout << endl;
1386 | }
1387 |
1388 | // ------------------------
1389 | // the number of free parameters (npar) is equal to 6:
1390 | // a0mean, a1mean, a2mean
1391 | // <log10(Eest)> = a0 + a1*log10(Etrue) + a2*SQR(log10(Etrue))
1392 | // + log10(Etrue)
1393 | // b0RMS, b1RMS, b2RMS
1394 | // RMS(log10(Eest)) = b0 + b1*log10(Etrue) + b2*SQR(log10(Etrue))
1395 | //
1396 | UInt_t npar = 6;
1397 |
1398 | if (npar > 20)
1399 | {
1400 | cout << "MUnfold::SmoothMigrationMatrix : too many parameters, npar = "
1401 | << npar << endl;
1402 | return kFALSE;
1403 | }
1404 |
1405 |
1406 | //..............................................
1407 | // Find reasonable starting values for a0, a1 and b0, b1
1408 |
1409 | Double_t xbar = 0.0;
1410 | Double_t xxbar = 0.0;
1411 |
1412 | Double_t ybarm = 0.0;
1413 | Double_t xybarm = 0.0;
1414 |
1415 | Double_t ybarR = 0.0;
1416 | Double_t xybarR = 0.0;
1417 |
1418 | Double_t Sum = 0.0;
1419 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1420 | {
1421 | Double_t x = (double)j + 0.5;
1422 |
1423 | Double_t meany = 0.0;
1424 | Double_t RMSy = 0.0;
1425 | Double_t sum = 0.0;
1426 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1427 | {
1428 | Double_t y = (double)i + 0.5;
1429 | meany += y * fMigOrig(i, j);
1430 | RMSy += y*y * fMigOrig(i, j);
1431 | sum += fMigOrig(i, j);
1432 | }
1433 | if (sum > 0.0)
1434 | {
1435 | meany = meany / sum;
1436 | RMSy = RMSy / sum - meany*meany;
1437 | RMSy = sqrt(RMSy);
1438 |
1439 | Sum += sum;
1440 | xbar += x * sum;
1441 | xxbar += x*x * sum;
1442 |
1443 | ybarm += meany * sum;
1444 | xybarm += x*meany * sum;
1445 |
1446 | ybarR += RMSy * sum;
1447 | xybarR += x*RMSy * sum;
1448 | }
1449 | }
1450 |
1451 | if (Sum > 0.0)
1452 | {
1453 | xbar /= Sum;
1454 | xxbar /= Sum;
1455 |
1456 | ybarm /= Sum;
1457 | xybarm /= Sum;
1458 |
1459 | ybarR /= Sum;
1460 | xybarR /= Sum;
1461 | }
1462 |
1463 | Double_t a1start = (xybarm - xbar*ybarm) / (xxbar - xbar*xbar);
1464 | Double_t a0start = ybarm - a1start*xbar;
1465 | a1start = a1start - 1.0;
1466 |
1467 | Double_t b1start = (xybarR - xbar*ybarR) / (xxbar - xbar*xbar);
1468 | Double_t b0start = ybarR - b1start*xbar;
1469 |
1470 | cout << "MUnfold::SmoothMigrationMatrix : " << endl;
1471 | cout << "============================" << endl;
1472 | cout << "a0start, a1start = " << a0start << ", " << a1start << endl;
1473 | cout << "b0start, b1start = " << b0start << ", " << b1start << endl;
1474 |
1475 | //..............................................
1476 | // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters
1477 |
1478 | char name[20][100];
1479 | Double_t vinit[20];
1480 | Double_t step[20];
1481 | Double_t limlo[20];
1482 | Double_t limup[20];
1483 | Int_t fix[20];
1484 |
1485 | sprintf(&name[0][0], "a0mean");
1486 | vinit[0] = a0start;
1487 | //vinit[0] = 1.0;
1488 | step[0] = 0.1;
1489 | limlo[0] = 0.0;
1490 | limup[0] = 0.0;
1491 | fix[0] = 0;
1492 |
1493 | sprintf(&name[1][0], "a1mean");
1494 | vinit[1] = a1start;
1495 | //vinit[1] = 0.0;
1496 | step[1] = 0.1;
1497 | limlo[1] = 0.0;
1498 | limup[1] = 0.0;
1499 | fix[1] = 0;
1500 |
1501 | sprintf(&name[2][0], "a2mean");
1502 | vinit[2] = 0.0;
1503 | step[2] = 0.1;
1504 | limlo[2] = 0.0;
1505 | limup[2] = 0.0;
1506 | fix[2] = 0;
1507 |
1508 | sprintf(&name[3][0], "b0RMS");
1509 | vinit[3] = b0start;
1510 | //vinit[3] = 0.8;
1511 | step[3] = 0.1;
1512 | limlo[3] = 1.e-20;
1513 | limup[3] = 10.0;
1514 | fix[3] = 0;
1515 |
1516 | sprintf(&name[4][0], "b1RMS");
1517 | vinit[4] = b1start;
1518 | //vinit[4] = 0.0;
1519 | step[4] = 0.1;
1520 | limlo[4] = 0.0;
1521 | limup[4] = 0.0;
1522 | fix[4] = 0;
1523 |
1524 | sprintf(&name[5][0], "b2RMS");
1525 | vinit[5] = 0.0;
1526 | step[5] = 0.1;
1527 | limlo[5] = 0.0;
1528 | limup[5] = 0.0;
1529 | fix[5] = 0;
1530 |
1531 |
1532 | if ( CallMinuit(fcnSmooth, npar, name, vinit,
1533 | step, limlo, limup, fix) )
1534 | {
1535 |
1536 | // ------------------------
1537 | // fMigrat is the migration matrix to be used in the unfolding;
1538 | // fMigrat, as set by the constructor, is overwritten
1539 | // by the smoothed migration matrix
1540 |
1541 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1542 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1543 | fMigrat(i, j) = fMigSmoo(i, j);
1544 |
1545 | // ------------------------
1546 |
1547 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1548 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1549 | fMigraterr2(i, j) = fMigSmooerr2(i, j);
1550 |
1551 |
1552 | // normalize
1553 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1554 | {
1555 | Double_t sum = 0.0;
1556 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1557 | sum += fMigrat(i, j);
1558 |
1559 | //cout << "SmoothMigrationMatrix : normalization fMigrat; j, sum + "
1560 | // << j << ", " << sum << endl;
1561 |
1562 | if (sum == 0.0)
1563 | continue;
1564 |
1565 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1566 | {
1567 | fMigrat(i, j) /= sum;
1568 | fMigraterr2(i, j) /= (sum*sum);
1569 | }
1570 | }
1571 |
1572 | cout << "MUnfold::SmoothMigrationMatrix : fMigrat = " << endl;
1573 | cout << "========================================" << endl;
1574 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1575 | {
1576 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1577 | cout << fMigrat(i, j) << " \t";
1578 | cout << endl;
1579 | }
1580 |
1581 | cout << "MUnfold::SmoothMigrationMatrix : fMigraterr2 = " << endl;
1582 | cout << "============================================" << endl;
1583 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1584 | {
1585 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
1586 | cout << fMigraterr2(i, j) << " \t";
1587 | cout << endl;
1588 | }
1589 |
1590 | // ------------------------
1591 |
1592 | return kTRUE;
1593 | }
1594 |
1595 | return kFALSE;
1596 | }
1597 |
1598 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1599 | //
1600 | // Prepare the call to MINUIT for the minimization of the function
1601 | // f = chi2*w/2 + reg, where reg is the regularization term
1602 | // reg is the sum the squared 2nd derivatives
1603 | // of the unfolded distribution
1604 | //
1605 | // the corresponding fcn routine is 'fcnTikhonov2'
1606 | //
1607 | Bool_t Tikhonov2(TH1D &hb0)
1608 | {
1609 | // the number of free parameters (npar) is equal to
1610 | // the number of bins (fNb) of the unfolded distribution minus 1,
1611 | // because of the constraint that the total number of events
1612 | // is fixed
1613 | UInt_t npar = fNb-1;
1614 |
1615 | if (npar > 20)
1616 | {
1617 | cout << "MUnfold::Tikhonov2 : too many parameters, npar = "
1618 | << npar << ", fNb = " << fNb << endl;
1619 | return kFALSE;
1620 | }
1621 |
1622 | // copy ideal distribution
1623 |
1624 | for (UInt_t i=1; i<=fNb; i++)
1625 | {
1626 | fhb0->SetBinContent(i, hb0.GetBinContent(i));
1627 | fhb0->SetBinError (i, hb0.GetBinError(i));
1628 | }
1629 |
1630 |
1631 | //--- start w loop -----------------------------------
1632 | Int_t ix;
1633 | Double_t xiter;
1634 |
1635 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
1636 | {
1637 | fW = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ix*dlogx);
1638 |
1639 | //..............................................
1640 | // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters
1641 |
1642 | char name[20][100];
1643 | Double_t vinit[20];
1644 | Double_t step[20];
1645 | Double_t limlo[20];
1646 | Double_t limup[20];
1647 | Int_t fix[20];
1648 |
1649 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar; i++)
1650 | {
1651 | sprintf(&name[i][0], "p%d", i+1);
1652 | vinit[i] = fVEps0(i);
1653 | step[i] = fVEps0(i)/10;
1654 |
1655 | // lower and upper limits (limlo=limup=0: no limits)
1656 | //limlo[i] = 1.e-20;
1657 | limlo[i] = -1.0;
1658 | limup[i] = 1.0;
1659 | fix[i] = 0;
1660 | }
1661 |
1662 | // calculate solution for the weight fW
1663 | // flag non-convergence by chisq(ix) = 0.0
1664 | chisq(ix) = 0.0;
1665 | if ( CallMinuit(fcnTikhonov2, npar, name, vinit,
1666 | step, limlo, limup, fix) )
1667 | {
1668 | // calculate difference between ideal and unfolded distribution
1669 | Double_t D2bar = 0.0;
1670 | for (UInt_t i = 0; i<fNb; i++)
1671 | {
1672 | Double_t temp = fVb(i,0)-hb0.GetBinContent(i+1,0);
1673 | D2bar += temp*temp;
1674 | }
1675 |
1676 | SpAR(ix) = SpurAR;
1677 | SpSig(ix) = SpurSigma;
1678 | chisq(ix) = Chisq;
1679 | SecDer(ix) = SecDeriv;
1680 | ZerDer(ix) = ZerDeriv;
1681 | Entrop(ix) = Entropy;
1682 | DAR2(ix) = DiffAR2;
1683 | Dsqbar(ix) = D2bar;
1684 | }
1685 | }
1686 |
1687 |
1688 | // plots ------------------------------
1689 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
1690 | {
1691 | // test whether minimization has converged
1692 | if (chisq(ix) != 0.0)
1693 | {
1694 | xiter = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ix*dlogx);
1695 |
1696 | Int_t bin;
1697 | bin = hBchisq->FindBin( log10(xiter) );
1698 | hBchisq->SetBinContent(bin,chisq(ix));
1699 |
1700 | //hBSpAR->SetBinContent(bin,SpAR(ix));
1701 | hBSpAR->SetBinContent(bin,0.0);
1702 |
1703 | hBSpSig->SetBinContent(bin,SpSig(ix)/fSpurVacov);
1704 | hBSecDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,SecDer(ix));
1705 | hBZerDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,ZerDer(ix));
1706 | hBEntropy->SetBinContent(bin,Entrop(ix));
1707 |
1708 | //hBDAR2->SetBinContent(bin,DAR2(ix));
1709 | hBDAR2->SetBinContent(bin,0.0);
1710 |
1711 | hBD2bar->SetBinContent(bin,Dsqbar(ix));
1712 |
1713 | if (ix > 0)
1714 | {
1715 | //Double_t DSpAR = SpAR(ix) - SpAR(ix-1);
1716 | //hBDSpAR->SetBinContent(bin,DSpAR);
1717 |
1718 | Double_t diff = SpSig(ix) - SpSig(ix-1);
1719 | Double_t DSpSig = diff;
1720 | hBDSpSig->SetBinContent(bin, DSpSig/fSpurVacov);
1721 |
1722 | Double_t DEntrop = Entrop(ix) - Entrop(ix-1);
1723 | hBDEntropy->SetBinContent(bin,DEntrop);
1724 |
1725 | Double_t DSecDer = SecDer(ix) - SecDer(ix-1);
1726 | hBDSecDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,DSecDer);
1727 |
1728 | Double_t DZerDer = ZerDer(ix) - ZerDer(ix-1);
1729 | hBDZerDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,DZerDer);
1730 | }
1731 | }
1732 | }
1733 |
1734 |
1735 | //--- end w loop -----------------------------------
1736 |
1737 | // Select best weight
1738 | SelectBestWeight();
1739 |
1740 | cout << " Tikhonov2 : after SelectBestWeight" << endl;
1741 |
1742 | if (ixbest < 0.0)
1743 | {
1744 | cout << "Tikhonov2 : no result found; " << endl;
1745 | return kFALSE;
1746 | }
1747 |
1748 | cout << "Tikhonov2 : best result found; " << endl;
1749 | cout << "===============================" << endl;
1750 | cout << " ixbest = " << ixbest << endl;
1751 |
1752 |
1753 | // do a final unfolding using the best weight
1754 |
1755 | fW = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ixbest*dlogx);
1756 |
1757 | //..............................................
1758 | // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters
1759 |
1760 | char name[20][100];
1761 | Double_t vinit[20];
1762 | Double_t step[20];
1763 | Double_t limlo[20];
1764 | Double_t limup[20];
1765 | Int_t fix[20];
1766 |
1767 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar; i++)
1768 | {
1769 | sprintf(&name[i][0], "p%d", i+1);
1770 | vinit[i] = fVEps0(i);
1771 | step[i] = fVEps0(i)/10;
1772 |
1773 | // lower and upper limits (limlo=limup=0: no limits)
1774 | //limlo[i] = 1.e-20;
1775 | limlo[i] = -1.0;
1776 | limup[i] = 1.0;
1777 | fix[i] = 0;
1778 | }
1779 |
1780 | // calculate solution for the best weight
1781 | CallMinuit(fcnTikhonov2, npar, name, vinit,
1782 | step, limlo, limup, fix);
1783 |
1784 |
1785 | cout << "Tikhonov : Values for best weight " << endl;
1786 | cout << "==================================" << endl;
1787 | cout << "fW, ixbest, Chisq, SpurAR, SpurSigma, SecDeriv, ZerDeriv, Entrop, DiffAR2, D2bar = " << endl;
1788 | cout << " " << fW << ", " << ixbest << ", "
1789 | << Chisq << ", " << SpurAR << ", "
1790 | << SpurSigma << ", " << SecDeriv << ", " << ZerDeriv << ", "
1791 | << Entropy << ", " << DiffAR2 << ", "
1792 | << Dsqbar(ixbest) << endl;
1793 |
1794 | return kTRUE;
1795 |
1796 | }
1797 |
1798 |
1799 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1800 | //
1801 | // Bertero :
1802 | //
1803 | // the unfolded distribution is calculated iteratively;
1804 | // the number of iterations after which the iteration is stopped
1805 | // corresponds to the 'weight' in other methods
1806 | // a small number of iterations corresponds to strong regularization
1807 | // a high number to no regularization
1808 | //
1809 | // see : M.Bertero, INFN/TC-88/2 (1988)
1810 | // V.B.Anykeyev et al., NIM A303 (1991) 350
1811 | //
1812 | Bool_t Bertero(TH1D &hb0)
1813 | {
1814 | // copy ideal distribution
1815 |
1816 | for (UInt_t i=1; i<=fNb; i++)
1817 | {
1818 | fhb0->SetBinContent(i, hb0.GetBinContent(i));
1819 | fhb0->SetBinError (i, hb0.GetBinError(i));
1820 | }
1821 |
1822 |
1823 | TMatrixD bold(fNb, 1);
1824 | bold.Zero();
1825 |
1826 | //----------------------------------------------------------
1827 |
1828 | Double_t db2 = 1.e20;
1829 |
1830 |
1831 | TMatrixD aminusaest(fNa, 1);
1832 |
1833 | //------- scan number of iterations -----------------
1834 |
1835 | Int_t ix;
1836 |
1837 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
1838 | {
1839 | Double_t xiter = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ix*dlogx);
1840 |
1841 | // calculate solution for the iteration number xiter
1842 | BertCore(xiter);
1843 |
1844 | // calculate difference between ideal and unfolded distribution
1845 | Double_t D2bar = 0.0;
1846 | for (UInt_t i = 0; i<fNb; i++)
1847 | {
1848 | Double_t temp = fVb(i,0)-hb0.GetBinContent(i+1,0);
1849 | D2bar += temp*temp;
1850 | }
1851 |
1852 | SpAR(ix) = SpurAR;
1853 | SpSig(ix) = SpurSigma;
1854 | chisq(ix) = Chisq;
1855 | SecDer(ix) = SecDeriv;
1856 | ZerDer(ix) = ZerDeriv;
1857 | Entrop(ix) = Entropy;
1858 | DAR2(ix) = DiffAR2;
1859 | Dsqbar(ix) = D2bar;
1860 |
1861 | db2 = 0.0;
1862 | for (UInt_t i = 0; i<fNb; i++)
1863 | {
1864 | Double_t temp = fVb(i,0)-bold(i,0);
1865 | db2 += temp*temp;
1866 | }
1867 | bold = fVb;
1868 |
1869 | //if (db2 < Epsdb2) break;
1870 |
1871 | }
1872 |
1873 | // plots ------------------------------
1874 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
1875 | {
1876 | Double_t xiter = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ix*dlogx);
1877 |
1878 | Int_t bin;
1879 | bin = hBchisq->FindBin( log10(xiter) );
1880 | hBchisq->SetBinContent(bin,chisq(ix));
1881 | hBSpAR->SetBinContent(bin,SpAR(ix));
1882 | hBSpSig->SetBinContent(bin,SpSig(ix)/fSpurVacov);
1883 | hBSecDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,SecDer(ix));
1884 | hBZerDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,ZerDer(ix));
1885 | hBEntropy->SetBinContent(bin,Entrop(ix));
1886 | hBDAR2->SetBinContent(bin,DAR2(ix));
1887 | hBD2bar->SetBinContent(bin,Dsqbar(ix));
1888 |
1889 | if (ix > 0)
1890 | {
1891 | Double_t DSpAR = SpAR(ix) - SpAR(ix-1);
1892 | hBDSpAR->SetBinContent(bin,DSpAR);
1893 |
1894 | Double_t diff = SpSig(ix) - SpSig(ix-1);
1895 | Double_t DSpSig = diff;
1896 | hBDSpSig->SetBinContent(bin, DSpSig/fSpurVacov);
1897 |
1898 | Double_t DEntrop = Entrop(ix) - Entrop(ix-1);
1899 | hBDEntropy->SetBinContent(bin,DEntrop);
1900 |
1901 | Double_t DSecDer = SecDer(ix) - SecDer(ix-1);
1902 | hBDSecDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,DSecDer);
1903 |
1904 | Double_t DZerDer = ZerDer(ix) - ZerDer(ix-1);
1905 | hBDZerDeriv->SetBinContent(bin,DZerDer);
1906 | }
1907 | }
1908 | //------- end of scan of number of iterations -----------------
1909 |
1910 | // Select best weight
1911 | SelectBestWeight();
1912 |
1913 |
1914 | if (ixbest < 0.0)
1915 | {
1916 | cout << "Bertero : weight iteration has NOT converged; " << endl;
1917 | return kFALSE;
1918 | }
1919 |
1920 | cout << "Bertero : weight iteration has converged; " << endl;
1921 | cout << " ixbest = " << ixbest << endl;
1922 |
1923 |
1924 | // do a final unfolding using the best weight
1925 |
1926 | // calculate solution for the iteration number xiter
1927 | Double_t xiter = pow(10.0,log10(xmin)+ixbest*dlogx);
1928 | BertCore(xiter);
1929 |
1930 | cout << "Bertero : Values for best weight " << endl;
1931 | cout << "=================================" << endl;
1932 | cout << "fW, ixbest, Chisq, SpurAR, SpurSigma, SecDeriv, ZerDeriv, Entrop, DiffAR2, D2bar = " << endl;
1933 | cout << " " << fW << ", " << ixbest << ", "
1934 | << Chisq << ", " << SpurAR << ", "
1935 | << SpurSigma << ", " << SecDeriv << ", " << ZerDeriv << ", "
1936 | << Entropy << ", " << DiffAR2 << ", "
1937 | << Dsqbar(ixbest) << endl;
1938 |
1939 | //----------------
1940 |
1941 | fNdf = SpurAR;
1942 | fChisq = Chisq;
1943 |
1944 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
1945 | {
1946 | fChi2(i,0) = Chi2(i,0);
1947 | }
1948 |
1949 | UInt_t iNdf = (UInt_t) (fNdf+0.5);
1950 | fProb = iNdf>0 ? TMath::Prob(fChisq, iNdf) : 0;
1951 |
1952 |
1953 | fResult.ResizeTo(fNb, 5);
1954 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNb; i++)
1955 | {
1956 | fResult(i, 0) = fVb(i,0);
1957 | fResult(i, 1) = sqrt(fVbcov(i,i));
1958 | fResult(i, 2) = 0.0;
1959 | fResult(i, 3) = 0.0;
1960 | fResult(i, 4) = 1.0;
1961 | }
1962 |
1963 | return kTRUE;
1964 | }
1965 |
1966 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1967 | //
1968 | // main part of Bertero's calculations
1969 | //
1970 | Bool_t BertCore(Double_t &xiter)
1971 | {
1972 | // ignore eigen values which are smaller than EpsLambda
1973 | TMatrixD G_inv(fNa, fNa);
1974 | TMatrixD Gtil_inv(fNa, fNa);
1975 | TMatrixD atil(fNb, fNa);
1976 | TMatrixD aminusaest(fNa, 1);
1977 |
1978 | G_inv.Zero();
1979 | Gtil_inv.Zero();
1980 | SpurAR = 0.0;
1981 |
1982 | // ----- loop over eigen values ------------------
1983 | // calculate the approximate inverse of the matrix G
1984 | //cout << "flaml = " << endl;
1985 |
1986 | UInt_t flagstart = 2;
1987 | Double_t flaml=0;
1988 |
1989 | for (UInt_t l=0; l<fNa; l++)
1990 | {
1991 | if (EigenValue(l) < EpsLambda)
1992 | continue;
1993 |
1994 | switch (flagstart)
1995 | {
1996 | case 1 :
1997 | // This is the expression for f(lambda) if the initial C^(0)
1998 | // is chosen to be zero
1999 | flaml = 1.0 - pow(1.0-tau*EigenValue(l),xiter);
2000 | break;
2001 |
2002 | case 2 :
2003 | // This is the expression for f(lambda) if the initial C^(0)
2004 | // is chosen to be equal to the measured distribution
2005 | flaml = 1.0 - pow(1.0-tau*EigenValue(l),xiter)
2006 | + EigenValue(l) * pow(1.0-tau*EigenValue(l),xiter);
2007 | break;
2008 | }
2009 |
2010 | // cout << flaml << ", ";
2011 |
2012 | for (UInt_t m=0; m<fNa; m++)
2013 | {
2014 | for (UInt_t n=0; n<fNa; n++)
2015 | {
2016 | G_inv(m,n) += 1.0 /EigenValue(l) * Eigen(m,l)*Eigen(n,l);
2017 | Gtil_inv(m,n) += flaml/EigenValue(l) * Eigen(m,l)*Eigen(n,l);
2018 | }
2019 | }
2020 | SpurAR += flaml;
2021 | }
2022 | //cout << endl;
2023 |
2024 |
2025 | //cout << "Gtil_inv =" << endl;
2026 | //for (Int_t m=0; m<fNa; m++)
2027 | //{
2028 | // for (Int_t n=0; n<fNa; n++)
2029 | // {
2030 | // cout << Gtil_inv(m,n) << ", ";
2031 | // }
2032 | // cout << endl;
2033 | //}
2034 |
2035 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2036 | // calculate the unfolded distribution b
2037 | TMatrixD v2(fMigrat, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult, Gtil_inv);
2038 | atil = v2;
2039 | TMatrixD v4(atil, TMatrixD::kMult, fVa);
2040 | fVb = v4;
2041 |
2042 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2043 | // calculate AR and AR+
2044 | TMatrixD AR(v2, TMatrixD::kMult, fMigrat);
2045 |
2046 | TMatrixD v3(fMigrat, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult, G_inv);
2047 | TMatrixD ARplus(v3, TMatrixD::kMult, fMigrat);
2048 |
2049 |
2050 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2051 | // calculate the norm |AR - AR+|**2
2052 |
2053 | DiffAR2 = 0.0;
2054 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
2055 | {
2056 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<fNb; k++)
2057 | {
2058 | Double_t tempo = AR(j,k) - ARplus(j,k);
2059 | DiffAR2 += tempo*tempo;
2060 | }
2061 | }
2062 |
2063 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2064 | // calculate the second derivative squared
2065 |
2066 | SecDeriv = 0;
2067 | for (UInt_t j=1; j<(fNb-1); j++)
2068 | {
2069 | // temp = ( 2.0*fVb(j,0)-fVb(j-1,0)-fVb(j+1,0) ) / ( 2.0*fVb(j,0) );
2070 | Double_t temp = 2.0*(fVb(j+1,0)-fVb(j,0)) / (fVb(j+1,0)+fVb(j,0))
2071 | - 2.0*(fVb(j,0)-fVb(j-1,0)) / (fVb(j,0)+fVb(j-1,0));
2072 | SecDeriv += temp*temp;
2073 | }
2074 |
2075 | ZerDeriv = 0;
2076 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
2077 | ZerDeriv += fVb(j,0) * fVb(j,0);
2078 |
2079 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2080 | // calculate the entropy
2081 |
2082 | Double_t sumb = 0.0;
2083 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
2084 | sumb += fVb(j,0);
2085 |
2086 | TMatrixD p(fNb,1);
2087 | p = fVb;
2088 | if (sumb > 0.0)
2089 | p *= 1.0/sumb;
2090 |
2091 | Entropy = 0;
2092 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
2093 | if (p(j,0) > 0.0)
2094 | Entropy += p(j,0) * log( p(j,0) );
2095 |
2096 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2097 |
2098 | TMatrixD Gb(fMigrat, TMatrixD::kMult, fVb);
2099 | aminusaest = fVa;
2100 | aminusaest -= Gb;
2101 |
2102 | TMatrixD v1(1,fNa);
2103 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
2104 | {
2105 | v1(0,i) = 0.0;
2106 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
2107 | v1(0,i) += aminusaest(j,0) * fVacovInv(j,i) ;
2108 | }
2109 |
2110 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2111 | // calculate error matrix fVbcov of unfolded distribution
2112 | SpurSigma = CalcSpurSigma(atil);
2113 |
2114 | //-----------------------------------------------------
2115 | // calculate the chi squared
2116 | for (UInt_t i = 0; i<fNa; i++)
2117 | Chi2(i,0) = v1(0,i) * aminusaest(i,0);
2118 |
2119 | Chisq = GetMatrixSumCol(Chi2,0);
2120 | return kTRUE;
2121 | }
2122 |
2123 |
2124 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2125 | //
2126 | // Calculate the matrix G = M * M(transposed)
2127 | // and its eigen values and eigen vectors
2128 | //
2129 | Bool_t CalculateG()
2130 | {
2131 | // Calculate matrix G = M*M(transposed) (M = migration matrix)
2132 | // the matrix Eigen of the eigen vectors of G
2133 | // the vector EigenValues of the eigen values of G
2134 | // the parameter tau = 1/lambda_max
2135 | //
2136 | TMatrixD v5(TMatrixD::kTransposed, fMigrat);
2137 | //TMatrixD G(fMigrat, TMatrixD::kMult, v5);
2138 | G.Mult(fMigrat, v5);
2139 |
2140 | Eigen = G.EigenVectors(EigenValue);
2141 |
2142 | RankG = 0.0;
2143 | for (UInt_t l=0; l<fNa; l++)
2144 | {
2145 | if (EigenValue(l) < EpsLambda) continue;
2146 | RankG += 1.0;
2147 | }
2148 |
2149 | tau = 1.0 / EigenValue(0);
2150 |
2151 | // cout << "eigen values : " << endl;
2152 | // for (Int_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
2153 | // {
2154 | // cout << EigenValue(i) << ", ";
2155 | // }
2156 | // cout << endl;
2157 |
2158 | //cout << "eigen vectors : " << endl;
2159 | //for (Int_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
2160 | //{
2161 | // cout << " vector " << i << endl;
2162 | // for (Int_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
2163 | // {
2164 | // cout << Eigen(j,i) << ", ";
2165 | // }
2166 | // cout << endl;
2167 | //}
2168 | //cout << endl;
2169 |
2170 | //cout << "G =" << endl;
2171 | //for (Int_t m=0; m<fNa; m++)
2172 | //{
2173 | // for (Int_t n=0; n<fNa; n++)
2174 | // {
2175 | // cout << G(m,n) << ", ";
2176 | // }
2177 | // cout << endl;
2178 | //}
2179 |
2180 | return kTRUE;
2181 | }
2182 |
2183 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2184 | //
2185 | // Select the best weight
2186 | //
2187 | Bool_t SelectBestWeight()
2188 | {
2189 | //-------------------------------
2190 | // select 'best' weight according to some criterion
2191 |
2192 | Int_t ix;
2193 |
2194 | Double_t DiffSpSigmax = -1.e10;
2195 | Int_t ixDiffSpSigmax = -1;
2196 |
2197 | Double_t DiffSigpointsmin = 1.e10;
2198 | Int_t ixDiffSigpointsmin = -1;
2199 |
2200 | Double_t DiffRankGmin = 1.e10;
2201 | Int_t ixDiffRankGmin = -1;
2202 |
2203 | Double_t D2barmin = 1.e10;
2204 | Int_t ixD2barmin = -1;
2205 |
2206 | Double_t DiffSpSig1min = 1.e10;
2207 | Int_t ixDiffSpSig1min = -1;
2208 |
2209 |
2210 | Int_t ixmax = -1;
2211 |
2212 | // first loop over all weights :
2213 | // find smallest chi2
2214 | Double_t chisqmin = 1.e20;
2215 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
2216 | {
2217 | // consider only weights for which
2218 | // - unfolding was successful
2219 | if (chisq(ix) != 0.0)
2220 | {
2221 | if (chisq(ix) < chisqmin)
2222 | chisqmin = chisq(ix);
2223 | }
2224 | }
2225 | Double_t chisq0 = chisqmin > fVapoints ? chisqmin : fVapoints/2.0;
2226 |
2227 | // second loop over all weights :
2228 | // consider only weights for which chisq(ix) < chisq0
2229 | ixbest = -1;
2230 | for (ix=0; ix<Nix; ix++)
2231 | {
2232 | if (chisq(ix) != 0.0 && chisq(ix) < 2.0*chisq0)
2233 | {
2234 | // ixmax = highest weight with successful unfolding
2235 | // (Least squares solution)
2236 | ixmax = ix;
2237 |
2238 | SpurSigma = SpSig(ix);
2239 | SpurAR = SpAR(ix);
2240 | Chisq = chisq(ix);
2241 | D2bar = Dsqbar(ix);
2242 |
2243 | //----------------------------------
2244 | // search weight where SpurSigma changes most
2245 | // (as a function of the weight)
2246 | if (ix > 0 && chisq(ix-1) != 0.0)
2247 | {
2248 | Double_t diff = SpSig(ix) - SpSig(ix-1);
2249 | if (diff > DiffSpSigmax)
2250 | {
2251 | DiffSpSigmax = diff;
2252 | ixDiffSpSigmax = ix;
2253 | }
2254 | }
2255 |
2256 | //----------------------------------
2257 | // search weight where Chisq is close
2258 | // to the number of significant measurements
2259 | Double_t DiffSigpoints = fabs(Chisq-fVapoints);
2260 |
2261 | if (DiffSigpoints < DiffSigpointsmin)
2262 | {
2263 | DiffSigpointsmin = DiffSigpoints;
2264 | ixDiffSigpointsmin = ix;
2265 | }
2266 |
2267 | //----------------------------------
2268 | // search weight where Chisq is close
2269 | // to the rank of matrix G
2270 | Double_t DiffRankG = fabs(Chisq-RankG);
2271 |
2272 | if (DiffRankG < DiffRankGmin)
2273 | {
2274 | DiffRankGmin = DiffRankG;
2275 | ixDiffRankGmin = ix;
2276 | }
2277 |
2278 | //----------------------------------
2279 | // search weight where SpurSigma is close to 1.0
2280 | Double_t DiffSpSig1 = fabs(SpurSigma/fSpurVacov-1.0);
2281 |
2282 | if (DiffSpSig1 < DiffSpSig1min)
2283 | {
2284 | DiffSpSig1min = DiffSpSig1;
2285 | ixDiffSpSig1min = ix;
2286 | }
2287 |
2288 | //----------------------------------
2289 | // search weight where D2bar is minimal
2290 |
2291 | if (D2bar < D2barmin)
2292 | {
2293 | D2barmin = D2bar;
2294 | ixD2barmin = ix;
2295 | }
2296 |
2297 | //----------------------------------
2298 | }
2299 | }
2300 |
2301 |
2302 | // choose solution where increase of SpurSigma is biggest
2303 | //if ( DiffSpSigmax > 0.0)
2304 | // ixbest = ixDiffSpSigmax;
2305 | //else
2306 | // ixbest = ixDiffSigpointsmin;
2307 |
2308 | // choose Least Squares Solution
2309 | //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2310 | // ixbest = ixmax;
2311 | //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2312 |
2313 | // choose weight where chi2 is close to the number of significant
2314 | // measurements
2315 | // ixbest = ixDiffSigpointsmin;
2316 |
2317 | // choose weight where chi2 is close to the rank of matrix G
2318 | // ixbest = ixDiffRankGmin;
2319 |
2320 | // choose weight where chi2 is close to the rank of matrix G
2321 | //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2322 | ixbest = ixDiffSpSig1min;
2323 | //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2324 |
2325 | cout << "SelectBestWeight : ixDiffSpSigmax, DiffSpSigmax = "
2326 | << ixDiffSpSigmax << ", " << DiffSpSigmax << endl;
2327 | cout << "================== ixDiffSigpointsmin, DiffSigpointsmin = "
2328 | << ixDiffSigpointsmin << ", " << DiffSigpointsmin << endl;
2329 |
2330 | cout << " ixDiffRankGmin, DiffRankGmin = "
2331 | << ixDiffRankGmin << ", " << DiffRankGmin << endl;
2332 |
2333 | cout << " ixDiffSpSig1min, DiffSpSig1min = "
2334 | << ixDiffSpSig1min << ", " << DiffSpSig1min << endl;
2335 |
2336 | cout << " ixD2barmin, D2barmin = "
2337 | << ixD2barmin << ", " << D2barmin << endl;
2338 | cout << " ixmax = " << ixmax << endl;
2339 | cout << " ixbest = " << ixbest << endl;
2340 |
2341 |
2342 | return kTRUE;
2343 | }
2344 |
2345 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2346 | //
2347 | // Draw the plots
2348 | //
2349 | Bool_t DrawPlots()
2350 | {
2351 |
2352 | // in the plots, mark the weight which has been selected
2353 | Double_t xbin = log10(xmin)+ixbest*dlogx;
2354 |
2355 | TMarker *m = new TMarker();
2356 | m->SetMarkerSize(1);
2357 | m->SetMarkerStyle(20);
2358 |
2359 | //-------------------------------------
2360 | // draw the iteration plots
2361 | TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("iter", "Plots versus weight", 900, 600);
2362 | c->Divide(3,2);
2363 |
2364 | c->cd(1);
2365 | hBchisq->Draw();
2366 | gPad->SetLogy();
2367 | hBchisq->SetXTitle("log10(iteration number)");
2368 | hBchisq->SetYTitle("chisq");
2369 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, log10(chisq(ixbest)));
2370 |
2371 | c->cd(2);
2372 | hBD2bar->Draw();
2373 | gPad->SetLogy();
2374 | hBD2bar->SetXTitle("log10(iteration number)");
2375 | hBD2bar->SetYTitle("(b_unfolded-b_ideal)**2");
2376 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, log10(Dsqbar(ixbest)));
2377 |
2378 | /*
2379 | c->cd(3);
2380 | hBDAR2->Draw();
2381 | gPad->SetLogy();
2382 | strgx = "log10(iteration number)";
2383 | strgy = "norm(AR-AR+)";
2384 | hBDAR2->SetXTitle(strgx);
2385 | hBDAR2->SetYTitle(strgy);
2386 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, log10(DAR2(ixbest)));
2387 | */
2388 |
2389 | c->cd(3);
2390 | hBSecDeriv->Draw();
2391 | hBSecDeriv->SetXTitle("log10(iteration number)");
2392 | hBSecDeriv->SetYTitle("Second Derivative squared");
2393 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, SecDer(ixbest));
2394 |
2395 | /*
2396 | c->cd(8);
2397 | hBDSecDeriv->Draw();
2398 | strgx = "log10(iteration number)";
2399 | strgy = "Delta(Second Derivative squared)";
2400 | hBDSecDeriv->SetXTitle(strgx);
2401 | hBDSecDeriv->SetYTitle(strgy);
2402 | */
2403 |
2404 | /*
2405 | c->cd(4);
2406 | hBZerDeriv->Draw();
2407 | strgx = "log10(iteration number)";
2408 | strgy = "Zero Derivative squared";
2409 | hBZerDeriv->SetXTitle(strgx);
2410 | hBZerDeriv->SetYTitle(strgy);
2411 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, ZerDer(ixbest));
2412 | */
2413 |
2414 | /*
2415 | c->cd(5);
2416 | hBDZerDeriv->Draw();
2417 | strgx = "log10(iteration number)";
2418 | strgy = "Delta(Zero Derivative squared)";
2419 | hBDZerDeriv->SetXTitle(strgx);
2420 | hBDZerDeriv->SetYTitle(strgy);
2421 | */
2422 |
2423 | c->cd(4);
2424 | hBSpAR->Draw();
2425 | hBSpAR->SetXTitle("log10(iteration number)");
2426 | hBSpAR->SetYTitle("SpurAR");
2427 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, SpAR(ixbest));
2428 |
2429 |
2430 | /*
2431 | c->cd(11);
2432 | hBDSpAR->Draw();
2433 | strgx = "log10(iteration number)";
2434 | strgy = "Delta(SpurAR)";
2435 | hBDSpAR->SetXTitle(strgx);
2436 | hBDSpAR->SetYTitle(strgy);
2437 | */
2438 |
2439 | c->cd(5);
2440 | hBSpSig->Draw();
2441 | hBSpSig->SetXTitle("log10(iteration number)");
2442 | hBSpSig->SetYTitle("SpurSig/SpurC");
2443 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, SpSig(ixbest)/fSpurVacov);
2444 |
2445 | /*
2446 | c->cd(14);
2447 | hBDSpSig->Draw();
2448 | strgx = "log10(iteration number)";
2449 | strgy = "Delta(SpurSig/SpurC)";
2450 | hBDSpSig->SetXTitle(strgx);
2451 | hBDSpSig->SetYTitle(strgy);
2452 | */
2453 |
2454 | c->cd(6);
2455 | hBEntropy->Draw();
2456 | hBEntropy->SetXTitle("log10(iteration number)");
2457 | hBEntropy->SetYTitle("Entropy");
2458 | m->DrawMarker(xbin, Entrop(ixbest));
2459 |
2460 | /*
2461 | c->cd(17);
2462 | hBDEntropy->Draw();
2463 | strgx = "log10(iteration number)";
2464 | strgy = "Delta(Entropy)";
2465 | hBDEntropy->SetXTitle(strgx);
2466 | hBDEntropy->SetYTitle(strgy);
2467 | */
2468 |
2469 | //-------------------------------------
2470 |
2471 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
2472 | {
2473 | fha->SetBinContent(i+1, fVa(i, 0) );
2474 | fha->SetBinError (i+1, sqrt(fVacov(i, i)));
2475 |
2476 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
2477 | {
2478 | fhmig->SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, fMigOrig(i, j) );
2479 | fhmig->SetBinError (i+1, j+1, sqrt(fMigOrigerr2(i, j)) );
2480 |
2481 | shmig->SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, fMigrat(i, j) );
2482 | shmig->SetBinError (i+1, j+1, sqrt(fMigraterr2(i, j)) );
2483 | shmigChi2->SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, fMigChi2(i, j) );
2484 | }
2485 | }
2486 |
2487 | PrintTH2Content(*shmig);
2488 | PrintTH2Content(*shmigChi2);
2489 |
2490 | //-------------------------------------
2491 | CopyCol(*hprior, fVEps);
2492 | CopyCol(*hb, fVb);
2493 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNb; i++)
2494 | hb->SetBinError(i+1, sqrt(fVbcov(i, i)));
2495 |
2496 | PrintTH1Content(*hb);
2497 | PrintTH1Error(*hb);
2498 |
2499 | //..............................................
2500 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
2501 | hEigen->SetBinContent(i+1, EigenValue(i));
2502 |
2503 | //..............................................
2504 | // draw the plots
2505 | TCanvas *cc = new TCanvas("input", "Unfolding input", 900, 600);
2506 | cc->Divide(3, 2);
2507 |
2508 | // distribution to be unfolded
2509 | cc->cd(1);
2510 | fha->Draw();
2511 | gPad->SetLogy();
2512 | fha->SetXTitle("log10(E-est/GeV)");
2513 | fha->SetYTitle("Counts");
2514 |
2515 | // superimpose unfolded distribution
2516 | // hb->Draw("*HSAME");
2517 |
2518 | // prior distribution
2519 | cc->cd(2);
2520 | hprior->Draw();
2521 | gPad->SetLogy();
2522 | hprior->SetXTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2523 | hprior->SetYTitle("Counts");
2524 |
2525 | // migration matrix
2526 | cc->cd(3);
2527 | fhmig->Draw("box");
2528 | fhmig->SetXTitle("log10(E-est/GeV)");
2529 | fhmig->SetYTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2530 |
2531 | // smoothed migration matrix
2532 | cc->cd(4);
2533 | shmig->Draw("box");
2534 | shmig->SetXTitle("log10(E-est/GeV)");
2535 | shmig->SetYTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2536 |
2537 | // chi2 contributions for smoothing
2538 | cc->cd(5);
2539 | shmigChi2->Draw("box");
2540 | shmigChi2->SetXTitle("log10(E-est/GeV)");
2541 | shmigChi2->SetYTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2542 |
2543 | // Eigenvalues of matrix M*M(transposed)
2544 | cc->cd(6);
2545 | hEigen->Draw();
2546 | hEigen->SetXTitle("l");
2547 | hEigen->SetYTitle("Eigen values Lambda_l of M*M(transposed)");
2548 |
2549 |
2550 | //..............................................
2551 | // draw the results
2552 | TCanvas *cr = new TCanvas("results", "Unfolding results", 600, 600);
2553 | cr->Divide(2, 2);
2554 |
2555 | // unfolded distribution
2556 | cr->cd(1);
2557 | hb->Draw();
2558 | gPad->SetLogy();
2559 | hb->SetXTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2560 | hb->SetYTitle("Counts");
2561 |
2562 |
2563 | // covariance matrix of unfolded distribution
2564 | cr->cd(2);
2565 | TH1 *hbcov=DrawMatrixClone(fVbcov, "lego");
2566 | hbcov->SetBins(fNb, hb->GetBinLowEdge(1), hb->GetBinLowEdge(fNb+1),
2567 | fNb, hb->GetBinLowEdge(1), hb->GetBinLowEdge(fNb+1));
2568 |
2569 | hbcov->SetName("hbcov");
2570 | hbcov->SetTitle("Error matrix of distribution hb");
2571 | hbcov->SetXTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2572 | hbcov->SetYTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2573 |
2574 |
2575 | // chi2 contributions
2576 | cr->cd(3);
2577 | TH1 *hchi2=DrawMatrixColClone(fChi2);
2578 | hchi2->SetBins(fNa, fha->GetBinLowEdge(1), fha->GetBinLowEdge(fNa+1));
2579 |
2580 | hchi2->SetName("Chi2");
2581 | hchi2->SetTitle("chi2 contributions");
2582 | hchi2->SetXTitle("log10(E-est/GeV)");
2583 | hchi2->SetYTitle("Chisquared");
2584 |
2585 |
2586 | // ideal distribution
2587 |
2588 | cr->cd(4);
2589 | fhb0->Draw();
2590 | gPad->SetLogy();
2591 | fhb0->SetXTitle("log10(E-true/GeV)");
2592 | fhb0->SetYTitle("Counts");
2593 |
2594 |
2595 | // superimpose unfolded distribution
2596 | hb->Draw("*Hsame");
2597 |
2598 |
2599 | return kTRUE;
2600 | }
2601 |
2602 |
2603 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2604 | //
2605 | // Interface to MINUIT
2606 | //
2607 | //
2608 | Bool_t CallMinuit(
2609 | void (*fcnx)(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t &, Double_t *, Int_t),
2610 | UInt_t npar, char name[20][100],
2611 | Double_t vinit[20], Double_t step[20],
2612 | Double_t limlo[20], Double_t limup[20], Int_t fix[20])
2613 | {
2614 | //
2615 | // Be carefull: This is not thread safe
2616 | //
2617 | UInt_t maxpar = 100;
2618 |
2619 | if (npar > maxpar)
2620 | {
2621 | cout << "MUnfold::CallMinuit : too many parameters, npar = " << fNb
2622 | << ", maxpar = " << maxpar << endl;
2623 | return kFALSE;
2624 | }
2625 |
2626 | //..............................................
2627 | // Set the maximum number of parameters
2628 | TMinuit minuit(maxpar);
2629 |
2630 |
2631 | //..............................................
2632 | // Set the print level
2633 | // -1 no output except SHOW comands
2634 | // 0 minimum output
2635 | // 1 normal output (default)
2636 | // 2 additional ouput giving intermediate results
2637 | // 3 maximum output, showing progress of minimizations
2638 | //
2639 | Int_t printLevel = -1;
2640 | minuit.SetPrintLevel(printLevel);
2641 |
2642 | //..............................................
2643 | // Printout for warnings
2644 | // SET WAR print warnings
2645 | // SET NOW suppress warnings
2646 | Int_t errWarn;
2647 | Double_t tmpwar = 0;
2648 | minuit.mnexcm("SET NOW", &tmpwar, 0, errWarn);
2649 |
2650 | //..............................................
2651 | // Set the address of the minimization function
2652 | minuit.SetFCN(fcnx);
2653 |
2654 | //..............................................
2655 | // Set starting values and step sizes for parameters
2656 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar; i++)
2657 | {
2658 | if (minuit.DefineParameter(i, &name[i][0], vinit[i], step[i],
2659 | limlo[i], limup[i]))
2660 | {
2661 | cout << "MUnfold::CallMinuit: Error in defining parameter "
2662 | << name << endl;
2663 | return kFALSE;
2664 | }
2665 | }
2666 |
2667 | //..............................................
2668 | //Int_t NumPars = minuit.GetNumPars();
2669 | //cout << "MUnfold::CallMinuit : number of free parameters = "
2670 | // << NumPars << endl;
2671 |
2672 | //..............................................
2673 | // Minimization
2674 | minuit.SetObjectFit(this);
2675 |
2676 | //..............................................
2677 | // Error definition :
2678 | //
2679 | // for chisquare function :
2680 | // up = 1.0 means calculate 1-standard deviation error
2681 | // = 4.0 means calculate 2-standard deviation error
2682 | //
2683 | // for log(likelihood) function :
2684 | // up = 0.5 means calculate 1-standard deviation error
2685 | // = 2.0 means calculate 2-standard deviation error
2686 | Double_t up = 1.0;
2687 | minuit.SetErrorDef(up);
2688 |
2689 |
2690 |
2691 | // Int_t errMigrad;
2692 | // Double_t tmp = 0;
2693 | // minuit.mnexcm("MIGRAD", &tmp, 0, errMigrad);
2694 |
2695 |
2696 | //..............................................
2697 | // fix a parameter
2698 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar; i++)
2699 | {
2700 | if (fix[i] > 0)
2701 | {
2702 | Int_t parNo = i;
2703 | minuit.FixParameter(parNo);
2704 | }
2705 | }
2706 |
2707 | //..............................................
2708 | // Set maximum number of iterations (default = 500)
2709 | Int_t maxiter = 100000;
2710 | minuit.SetMaxIterations(maxiter);
2711 |
2712 | //..............................................
2713 | // minimization by the method of Migrad
2714 | // Int_t errMigrad;
2715 | // Double_t tmp = 0;
2716 | // minuit.mnexcm("MIGRAD", &tmp, 0, errMigrad);
2717 |
2718 | //..............................................
2719 | // same minimization as by Migrad
2720 | // but switches to the SIMPLEX method if MIGRAD fails to converge
2721 | Int_t errMinimize;
2722 | Double_t tmp = 0;
2723 | minuit.mnexcm("MINIMIZE", &tmp, 0, errMinimize);
2724 |
2725 | //..............................................
2726 | // check quality of minimization
2727 | // istat = 0 covariance matrix not calculated
2728 | // 1 diagonal approximation only (not accurate)
2729 | // 2 full matrix, but forced positive-definite
2730 | // 3 full accurate covariance matrix
2731 | // (indication of normal convergence)
2732 | Double_t fmin, fedm, errdef;
2733 | Int_t npari, nparx, istat;
2734 | minuit.mnstat(fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, istat);
2735 |
2736 | if (errMinimize || istat < 3)
2737 | {
2738 | cout << "MUnfold::CallMinuit : Minimization failed" << endl;
2739 | cout << " fmin = " << fmin << ", fedm = " << fedm
2740 | << ", errdef = " << errdef << ", istat = " << istat
2741 | << endl;
2742 | return kFALSE;
2743 | }
2744 |
2745 | //..............................................
2746 | // Minos error analysis
2747 | // minuit.mnmnos();
2748 |
2749 | //..............................................
2750 | // Print current status of minimization
2751 | // if nkode = 0 only function value
2752 | // 1 parameter values, errors, limits
2753 | // 2 values, errors, step sizes, internal values
2754 | // 3 values, errors, step sizes, 1st derivatives
2755 | // 4 values, paraboloc errors, MINOS errors
2756 |
2757 | //Int_t nkode = 4;
2758 | //minuit.mnprin(nkode, fmin);
2759 |
2760 | //..............................................
2761 | // call fcn with IFLAG = 3 (final calculation : calculate p(chi2))
2762 | // iflag = 1 initial calculations only
2763 | // 2 calculate 1st derivatives and function
2764 | // 3 calculate function only
2765 | // 4 calculate function + final calculations
2766 | const char *command = "CALL";
2767 | Double_t iflag = 3;
2768 | Int_t errfcn3;
2769 | minuit.mnexcm(command, &iflag, 1, errfcn3);
2770 |
2771 | return kTRUE;
2772 | }
2773 |
2774 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2775 | //
2776 | // Return the unfolded distribution
2777 | //
2778 | TMatrixD &GetVb() { return fVb; }
2779 |
2780 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2781 | //
2782 | // Return the covariance matrix of the unfolded distribution
2783 | //
2784 | TMatrixD &GetVbcov() { return fVbcov; }
2785 |
2786 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2787 | //
2788 | // Return the unfolded distribution + various errors
2789 | //
2790 | TMatrixD &GetResult() { return fResult; }
2791 |
2792 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2793 | //
2794 | // Return the chisquared contributions
2795 | //
2796 | TMatrixD &GetChi2() { return fChi2; }
2797 |
2798 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2799 | //
2800 | // Return the total chisquared
2801 | //
2802 | Double_t &GetChisq() { return fChisq; }
2803 |
2804 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2805 | //
2806 | // Return the number of degrees of freedom
2807 | //
2808 | Double_t &GetNdf() { return fNdf; }
2809 |
2810 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2811 | //
2812 | // Return the chisquared probability
2813 | //
2814 | Double_t &GetProb() { return fProb; }
2815 |
2816 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2817 | //
2818 | // Return the smoothed migration matrix
2819 | //
2820 | TMatrixD &GetMigSmoo() { return fMigSmoo; }
2821 |
2822 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2823 | //
2824 | // Return the error2 of the smoothed migration matrix
2825 | //
2826 | TMatrixD &GetMigSmooerr2() { return fMigSmooerr2; }
2827 |
2828 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2829 | //
2830 | // Return the chi2 contributions for the smoothing
2831 | //
2832 | TMatrixD &GetMigChi2() { return fMigChi2; }
2833 | };
2834 | // end of definition of class MUnfold
2835 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
2836 |
2837 |
2838 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2839 | //
2840 | // fcnSmooth (used by SmoothMigrationMatrix)
2841 | //
2842 | // is called by MINUIT
2843 | // for given values of the parameters it calculates the function
2844 | // to be minimized
2845 | //
2846 | void fcnSmooth(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f,
2847 | Double_t *par, Int_t iflag)
2848 | {
2849 | MUnfold &gUnfold = *(MUnfold*)gMinuit->GetObjectFit();
2850 |
2851 | Double_t a0 = par[0];
2852 | Double_t a1 = par[1];
2853 | Double_t a2 = par[2];
2854 |
2855 | Double_t b0 = par[3];
2856 | Double_t b1 = par[4];
2857 | Double_t b2 = par[5];
2858 |
2859 | // loop over bins of log10(E-true)
2860 | Double_t chi2 = 0.0;
2861 | Int_t npoints = 0;
2862 | Double_t func[20];
2863 |
2864 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<gUnfold.fNb; j++)
2865 | {
2866 | Double_t yj = ((double)j) + 0.5;
2867 | Double_t mean = a0 + a1*yj + a2*yj*yj + yj;
2868 | Double_t RMS = b0 + b1*yj + b2*yj*yj;
2869 |
2870 | if (RMS <= 0.0)
2871 | {
2872 | chi2 = 1.e20;
2873 | break;
2874 | }
2875 |
2876 | // loop over bins of log10(E-est)
2877 |
2878 | //.......................................
2879 | Double_t function;
2880 | Double_t sum=0.0;
2881 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<gUnfold.fNa; i++)
2882 | {
2883 | Double_t xlow = (double)i;
2884 | Double_t xup = xlow + 1.0;
2885 | Double_t xl = (xlow- mean) / RMS;
2886 | Double_t xu = (xup - mean) / RMS;
2887 | function = (TMath::Freq(xu) - TMath::Freq(xl));
2888 |
2889 | //cout << "i, xl, xu, function = " << i << ", " << xl << ", "
2890 | // << xu << ", " << function << endl;
2891 |
2892 | if (function < 1.e-10)
2893 | function = 0.0;
2894 |
2895 | func[i] = function;
2896 | sum += function;
2897 | }
2898 |
2899 | // cout << "mean, RMS = " << mean << ", " << RMS
2900 | // << ", j , sum of function = " << j << ", " << sum << endl;
2901 |
2902 | //.......................................
2903 |
2904 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<gUnfold.fNa; i++)
2905 | {
2906 | if (sum != 0.0)
2907 | func[i] /= sum;
2908 |
2909 | gUnfold.fMigSmoo(i,j) = func[i];
2910 | gUnfold.fMigChi2(i,j) = 0.0;
2911 |
2912 | // if relative error is greater than 30 % ignore the point
2913 |
2914 | if (gUnfold.fMigOrig(i,j) != 0 &&
2915 | gUnfold.fMigOrigerr2(i,j) != 0 &&
2916 | func[i] != 0 )
2917 | {
2918 | if (gUnfold.fMigOrigerr2(i,j)/
2919 | (gUnfold.fMigOrig(i,j)*gUnfold.fMigOrig(i,j)) <= 0.09)
2920 | {
2921 | gUnfold.fMigChi2(i,j) = ( gUnfold.fMigOrig(i,j) - func[i] )
2922 | * ( gUnfold.fMigOrig(i,j) - func[i] )
2923 | / gUnfold.fMigOrigerr2(i,j);
2924 | chi2 += gUnfold.fMigChi2(i,j);
2925 | npoints += 1;
2926 | }
2927 | }
2928 | }
2929 | //.......................................
2930 |
2931 | }
2932 | f = chi2;
2933 |
2934 | //cout << "fcnSmooth : f = " << f << endl;
2935 |
2936 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------
2937 | // final calculations
2938 | if (iflag == 3)
2939 | {
2940 | Int_t NDF = npoints - npar;
2941 | Double_t prob = TMath::Prob(chi2, NDF);
2942 |
2943 | cout << "fcnSmooth : npoints, chi2, NDF, prob = " << npoints << ", ";
2944 | cout << chi2 << ", " << NDF << ", " << prob << endl;
2945 | cout << "=======================================" << endl;
2946 | }
2947 | }
2948 |
2949 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2950 | //
2951 | // fcnTikhonov2 (used by Tikhonov2)
2952 | //
2953 | // is called by MINUIT
2954 | // for given values of the parameters it calculates the function F
2955 | // the free parameters are the first (fNb-1) elements
2956 | // of the normalized unfolded distribution
2957 | //
2958 | void fcnTikhonov2(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f,
2959 | Double_t *par, Int_t iflag)
2960 | {
2961 | MUnfold &gUnfold = *(MUnfold*)gMinuit->GetObjectFit();
2962 |
2963 | // (npar+1) is the number of bins of the unfolded distribuition (fNb)
2964 | // npar is the number of free parameters (fNb-1)
2965 |
2966 | UInt_t npar1 = npar + 1;
2967 |
2968 | UInt_t fNa = gUnfold.fNa;
2969 | UInt_t fNb = gUnfold.fNb;
2970 | if (npar1 != fNb)
2971 | {
2972 | cout << "fcnTikhonov2 : inconsistency in number of parameters; npar, fNb = ";
2973 | cout << npar << ", " << fNb << endl;
2974 | //return;
2975 | }
2976 | npar1 = fNb;
2977 |
2978 | TMatrixD p(npar1, 1);
2979 | TMatrixD &fVb = gUnfold.fVb;
2980 |
2981 | // p is the normalized unfolded distribution
2982 | // sum(p(i,0)) from i=0 to npar is equal to 1
2983 | Double_t sum = 0.0;
2984 | for (Int_t i=0; i<npar; i++)
2985 | {
2986 | p(i,0) = par[i];
2987 | sum += par[i];
2988 | }
2989 | p(npar,0) = 1.0 - sum;
2990 |
2991 |
2992 | // all p(i,0) have to be greater than zero
2993 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar1; i++)
2994 | if (p(i,0) <= 0.0)
2995 | {
2996 | f = 1.e20;
2997 | return;
2998 | }
2999 |
3000 | //.......................
3001 | // take least squares result for the normaliztion
3002 | TMatrixD alpha(gUnfold.fMigrat, TMatrixD::kMult, p);
3003 |
3004 | //TMatrixD v4 (gUnfold.fVa, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult,
3005 | // gUnfold.fVacovInv);
3006 | //TMatrixD norma(v4, TMatrixD::kMult, gUnfold.fVa);
3007 |
3008 | TMatrixD v5 (alpha, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult, gUnfold.fVacovInv);
3009 | TMatrixD normb(v5, TMatrixD::kMult, alpha);
3010 |
3011 | TMatrixD normc(v5, TMatrixD::kMult, gUnfold.fVa);
3012 |
3013 | Double_t norm = normc(0,0)/normb(0,0);
3014 |
3015 | //.......................
3016 |
3017 | // b is the unnormalized unfolded distribution
3018 | // sum(b(i,0)) from i=0 to npar is equal to norm
3019 | // (the total number of events)
3020 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<npar1; i++)
3021 | fVb(i,0) = p(i,0) * norm;
3022 |
3023 | TMatrixD Gb(gUnfold.fMigrat, TMatrixD::kMult, fVb);
3024 | TMatrixD v3(fNa, 1);
3025 | v3 = gUnfold.fVa;
3026 | v3 -= Gb;
3027 |
3028 | TMatrixD v1(1,fNa);
3029 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
3030 | {
3031 | v1(0,i) = 0;
3032 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNa; j++)
3033 | v1(0,i) += v3(j,0) * gUnfold.fVacovInv(j,i) ;
3034 | }
3035 |
3036 | for (UInt_t i = 0; i<fNa; i++)
3037 | gUnfold.Chi2(i,0) = v1(0,i) * v3(i,0);
3038 |
3039 | gUnfold.Chisq = GetMatrixSumCol(gUnfold.Chi2,0);
3040 |
3041 | //-----------------------------------------------------
3042 | // calculate 2nd derivative squared
3043 | // regularization term (second derivative squared)
3044 | gUnfold.SecDeriv = 0;
3045 | for (UInt_t j=1; j<(fNb-1); j++)
3046 | {
3047 | const Double_t temp =
3048 | + 2.0*(fVb(j+1,0)-fVb(j,0)) / (fVb(j+1,0)+fVb(j,0))
3049 | - 2.0*(fVb(j,0)-fVb(j-1,0)) / (fVb(j,0)+fVb(j-1,0));
3050 |
3051 | gUnfold.SecDeriv += temp*temp;
3052 | }
3053 |
3054 | gUnfold.ZerDeriv = 0;
3055 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
3056 | gUnfold.ZerDeriv += fVb(j,0) * fVb(j,0);
3057 |
3058 | f = gUnfold.Chisq/2 * gUnfold.fW + gUnfold.SecDeriv;
3059 |
3060 | //cout << "F=" << f << " \tSecDeriv=" << gUnfold.SecDeriv
3061 | // << " \tchi2="
3062 | // << gUnfold.Chisq << " \tfW=" << gUnfold.fW << endl;
3063 |
3064 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------
3065 | // final calculations
3066 | if (iflag == 3)
3067 | {
3068 | //..............................................
3069 | // calculate external error matrix of the fitted parameters 'val'
3070 | // extend it with the covariances for y=1-sum(val)
3071 | Double_t emat[20][20];
3072 | Int_t ndim = 20;
3073 | gMinuit->mnemat(&emat[0][0], ndim);
3074 |
3075 | Double_t covv = 0;
3076 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<(gUnfold.fNb-1); i++)
3077 | {
3078 | Double_t cov = 0;
3079 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<(gUnfold.fNb-1); k++)
3080 | cov += emat[i][k];
3081 |
3082 | emat[i][gUnfold.fNb-1] = -cov;
3083 | emat[gUnfold.fNb-1][i] = -cov;
3084 |
3085 | covv += cov;
3086 | }
3087 | emat[gUnfold.fNb-1][gUnfold.fNb-1] = covv;
3088 |
3089 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<gUnfold.fNb; i++)
3090 | for (UInt_t k=0; k<gUnfold.fNb; k++)
3091 | gUnfold.fVbcov(i,k) = emat[i][k] *norm*norm;
3092 |
3093 | //-----------------------------------------------------
3094 | //..............................................
3095 | // put unfolded distribution into fResult
3096 | // fResult(i,0) value in bin i
3097 | // fResult(i,1) error of value in bin i
3098 |
3099 | gUnfold.fResult.ResizeTo(gUnfold.fNb, 5);
3100 |
3101 | Double_t sum = 0;
3102 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<(gUnfold.fNb-1); i++)
3103 | {
3104 | Double_t val;
3105 | Double_t err;
3106 | if (!gMinuit->GetParameter(i, val, err))
3107 | {
3108 | cout << "Error getting parameter #" << i << endl;
3109 | return;
3110 | }
3111 |
3112 | Double_t eplus;
3113 | Double_t eminus;
3114 | Double_t eparab;
3115 | Double_t gcc;
3116 | gMinuit->mnerrs(i, eplus, eminus, eparab, gcc);
3117 |
3118 | gUnfold.fVb(i, 0) = val * norm;
3119 |
3120 | gUnfold.fResult(i, 0) = val * norm;
3121 | gUnfold.fResult(i, 1) = eparab * norm;
3122 | gUnfold.fResult(i, 2) = eplus * norm;
3123 | gUnfold.fResult(i, 3) = eminus * norm;
3124 | gUnfold.fResult(i, 4) = gcc;
3125 | sum += val;
3126 | }
3127 | gUnfold.fVb(gUnfold.fNb-1, 0) = (1.0-sum) * norm;
3128 |
3129 | gUnfold.fResult(gUnfold.fNb-1, 0) = (1.0-sum) * norm;
3130 | gUnfold.fResult(gUnfold.fNb-1, 1) =
3131 | sqrt(gUnfold.fVbcov(gUnfold.fNb-1,gUnfold.fNb-1));
3132 | gUnfold.fResult(gUnfold.fNb-1, 2) = 0;
3133 | gUnfold.fResult(gUnfold.fNb-1, 3) = 0;
3134 | gUnfold.fResult(gUnfold.fNb-1, 4) = 1;
3135 | //..............................................
3136 |
3137 | //-----------------------------------------------------
3138 | // calculate 0th derivative squared
3139 | gUnfold.ZerDeriv = 0;
3140 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNb; j++)
3141 | gUnfold.ZerDeriv += fVb(j,0) * fVb(j,0);
3142 |
3143 | //-----------------------------------------------------
3144 | // calculate the entropy
3145 |
3146 | gUnfold.Entropy = 0;
3147 | for (UInt_t j=0; j<gUnfold.fNb; j++)
3148 | if (p(j,0) > 0)
3149 | gUnfold.Entropy += p(j,0) * log( p(j,0) );
3150 |
3151 |
3152 | //-----------------------------------------------------
3153 | // calculate SpurSigma
3154 | gUnfold.SpurSigma = 0.0;
3155 | for (UInt_t m=0; m<fNb; m++)
3156 | gUnfold.SpurSigma += gUnfold.fVbcov(m,m);
3157 | // cout << "SpurSigma =" << SpurSigma << endl;
3158 |
3159 | //-----------------------------------------------------
3160 | gUnfold.SpurAR = 0;
3161 | gUnfold.DiffAR2 = 0;
3162 |
3163 | //-----------------------------------------------------
3164 | gUnfold.fNdf = gUnfold.fNa;
3165 | gUnfold.fChisq = gUnfold.Chisq;
3166 |
3167 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNa; i++)
3168 | {
3169 | gUnfold.fChi2(i,0) = gUnfold.Chi2(i,0);
3170 | }
3171 |
3172 |
3173 | UInt_t iNdf = (UInt_t) (gUnfold.fNdf+0.5);
3174 |
3175 | //cout << "fcnTikhonov2 : fW, chisq (from fcnF) = "
3176 | // << gUnfold.fW << ", " << gUnfold.fChisq << endl;
3177 |
3178 | gUnfold.fProb = iNdf>0 ? TMath::Prob(gUnfold.fChisq, iNdf) : 0;
3179 | }
3180 | }
3181 |
3182 |
3183 | // ======================================================
3184 | //
3185 | // SteerUnfold
3186 | //
3187 | void SteerUnfold(TH1D &ha, TH2D &hacov, TH2D &hmig,
3188 | TH2D &hmigor, TH1D &hb0, TH1D *hpr=NULL)
3189 | {
3190 | // ha is the distribution to be unfolded
3191 | // hacov is the covariance matrix of the distribution ha
3192 | // hmig is the migration matrix;
3193 | // it is used in the unfolding unless it is overwritten
3194 | // by SmoothMigrationMatrix by the smoothed migration matrix
3195 | // hmigor is the migration matrix to be smoothed;
3196 | // the smoothed migration matrix will be used in the unfolding
3197 | // hpr the prior distribution
3198 | // it is only used if SetPriorInput(*hpr) is called
3199 |
3200 | //..............................................
3201 | // create an MUnfold object;
3202 | // fill histograms into vectors and matrices
3203 |
3204 | MUnfold unfold(ha, hacov, hmig);
3205 |
3206 | //..............................................
3207 | // smooth the migration matrix;
3208 | // the smoothed migration matrix will be used in the unfolding
3209 | // hmig is the original (unsmoothed) migration matrix
3210 |
3211 | unfold.SmoothMigrationMatrix(hmigor);
3212 |
3213 | //..............................................
3214 | // define prior distribution (has always to be defined)
3215 | // the alternatives are :
3216 |
3217 | // 1 SetPriorConstant() : isotropic distribution
3218 | // 2 SetPriorPower(gamma) : dN/dE = E^{-gamma}
3219 | // 3 SetPriorInput(*hpr): the distribution *hpr is used
3220 | // 4 SetPriorRebin(*ha) : use rebinned histogram ha
3221 |
3222 | UInt_t flagprior = 4;
3223 | cout << "SteerUnfold : flagprior = " << flagprior << endl;
3224 | cout << "=========================="<< endl;
3225 |
3226 | Bool_t errorprior=kTRUE;
3227 | switch (flagprior)
3228 | {
3229 | case 1:
3230 | unfold.SetPriorConstant();
3231 | break;
3232 | case 2:
3233 | errorprior = unfold.SetPriorPower(1.5);
3234 | break;
3235 | case 3:
3236 | if (!hpr)
3237 | {
3238 | cout << "Error: No hpr!" << endl;
3239 | return;
3240 | }
3241 | errorprior = unfold.SetPriorInput(*hpr);
3242 | break;
3243 | case 4:
3244 | errorprior = unfold.SetPriorRebin(ha);
3245 | break;
3246 | }
3247 | if (!errorprior)
3248 | {
3249 | cout << "MUnfold::SetPrior... : failed. flagprior = " ;
3250 | cout << flagprior << endl;
3251 | return;
3252 | }
3253 |
3254 | //..............................................
3255 | // calculate the matrix G = M * M(transposed)
3256 | // M being the migration matrix
3257 |
3258 | unfold.CalculateG();
3259 |
3260 | //..............................................
3261 | // call steering routine for the actual unfolding;
3262 | // the alternatives are :
3263 |
3264 | // 1 Schmelling : minimize the function Z by Gauss-Newton iteration;
3265 | // the parameters to be fitted are gamma(i) = lambda(i)/w;
3266 |
3267 | // 2 Tikhonov2 : regularization term is sum of (2nd deriv.)**2 ;
3268 | // minimization by using MINUIT;
3269 | // the parameters to be fitted are
3270 | // the bin contents of the unfolded distribution
3271 |
3272 | // 3 Bertero: minimization by iteration
3273 | //
3274 |
3275 | UInt_t flagunfold = 1;
3276 | cout << "SteerUnfold : flagunfold = " << flagunfold << endl;
3277 | cout << "===========================" << endl;
3278 |
3279 |
3280 |
3281 | switch (flagunfold)
3282 | {
3283 | case 1: // Schmelling
3284 | cout << "" << endl;
3285 | cout << "Unfolding algorithm : Schmelling" << endl;
3286 | cout << "================================" << endl;
3287 | if (!unfold.Schmelling(hb0))
3288 | cout << "MUnfold::Schmelling : failed." << endl;
3289 | break;
3290 |
3291 | case 2: // Tikhonov2
3292 | cout << "" << endl;
3293 | cout << "Unfolding algorithm : Tikhonov" << endl;
3294 | cout << "================================" << endl;
3295 | if (!unfold.Tikhonov2(hb0))
3296 | cout << "MUnfold::Tikhonov2 : failed." << endl;
3297 | break;
3298 |
3299 | case 3: // Bertero
3300 | cout << "" << endl;
3301 | cout << "Unfolding algorithm : Bertero" << endl;
3302 | cout << "================================" << endl;
3303 | if (!unfold.Bertero(hb0))
3304 | cout << "MUnfold::Bertero : failed." << endl;
3305 | break;
3306 | }
3307 |
3308 |
3309 | //..............................................
3310 | // Print fResult
3311 | unfold.PrintResults();
3312 |
3313 |
3314 | //..............................................
3315 | // Draw the plots
3316 | unfold.DrawPlots();
3317 |
3318 | //..............................................
3319 | // get unfolded distribution
3320 | //TMatrixD &Vb = unfold.GetVb();
3321 | //TMatrixD &Vbcov = unfold.GetVbcov();
3322 |
3323 | }
3324 |
3325 | //__________________________________________________________________________
3326 |
3327 |
3328 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3329 | // //
3330 | // Main program //
3331 | // defines the ideal distribution (hb0) //
3332 | // defines the migration matrix (hMigrat) //
3333 | // defines the distribution to be unfolded (hVa) //
3334 | // //
3335 | // calls member functions of the class MUnfold //
3336 | // to do the unfolding //
3337 | // //
3338 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3339 | void unfold()
3340 | {
3341 | // -----------------------------------------
3342 | // migration matrix :
3343 | // x corresponds to measured quantity
3344 | // y corresponds to true quantity
3345 |
3346 | //const Int_t na = 13;
3347 | const Int_t na = 18;
3348 | const Axis_t alow = 0.25;
3349 | const Axis_t aup = 3.50;
3350 |
3351 | //const Int_t nb = 11;
3352 | const Int_t nb = 22;
3353 | const Axis_t blow = 0.50;
3354 | const Axis_t bup = 3.25;
3355 |
3356 | TH2D hmig("Migrat", "Migration Matrix", na, alow, aup, nb, blow, bup);
3357 | hmig.Sumw2();
3358 |
3359 | // parametrize migration matrix as
3360 | // <log10(Eest)> = a0 + a1*log10(Etrue) + a2*log10(Etrue)**2
3361 | // + log10(Etrue)
3362 | // RMS( log10(Eest) ) = b0 + b1*log10(Etrue) + b2*log10(Etrue)**2
3363 | Double_t a0 = 0.0;
3364 | Double_t a1 = 0.0;
3365 | Double_t a2 = 0.0;
3366 |
3367 | Double_t b0 = 0.26;
3368 | Double_t b1 =-0.054;
3369 | Double_t b2 = 0.0;
3370 |
3371 | TF1 f2("f2", "gaus(0)", alow, aup);
3372 | f2.SetParName(0, "ampl");
3373 | f2.SetParName(1, "mean");
3374 | f2.SetParName(2, "sigma");
3375 |
3376 | // loop over log10(Etrue) bins
3377 | TAxis &yaxis = *hmig.GetYaxis();
3378 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=nb; j++)
3379 | {
3380 | Double_t yvalue = yaxis.GetBinCenter(j);
3381 |
3382 | const Double_t mean = a0 + a1*yvalue + a2*yvalue*yvalue + yvalue;
3383 | const Double_t sigma = b0 + b1*yvalue + b2*yvalue*yvalue;
3384 | const Double_t ampl = 1./ ( sigma*TMath::Sqrt(2.0*TMath::Pi()));
3385 |
3386 | // gaus(0) is a substitute for [0]*exp( -0.5*( (x-[1])/[2] )**2 )
3387 | f2.SetParameter(0, ampl);
3388 | f2.SetParameter(1, mean);
3389 | f2.SetParameter(2, sigma);
3390 |
3391 | // fill temporary 1-dim histogram with the function
3392 | // fill the histogram using
3393 | // - either FillRandom
3394 | // - or using Freq
3395 | TH1D htemp("temp", "temp", na, alow, aup);
3396 | htemp.Sumw2();
3397 |
3398 | for (Int_t k=0; k<1000000; k++)
3399 | htemp.Fill(f2.GetRandom());
3400 |
3401 | // copy it into the migration matrix
3402 | Double_t sum = 0;
3403 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=na; i++)
3404 | {
3405 | const Stat_t content = htemp.GetBinContent(i);
3406 | hmig.SetBinContent(i, j, content);
3407 | sum += content;
3408 | }
3409 |
3410 | // normalize migration matrix
3411 | if (sum==0)
3412 | continue;
3413 |
3414 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=na; i++)
3415 | {
3416 | const Stat_t content = hmig.GetBinContent(i,j);
3417 | hmig.SetBinContent(i,j, content/sum);
3418 | hmig.SetBinError (i,j,sqrt(content)/sum);
3419 | }
3420 | }
3421 |
3422 | PrintTH2Content(hmig);
3423 | PrintTH2Error(hmig);
3424 |
3425 | // -----------------------------------------
3426 | // ideal distribution
3427 |
3428 | TH1D hb0("hb0", "Ideal distribution", nb, blow, bup);
3429 | hb0.Sumw2();
3430 |
3431 | // fill histogram with random numbers according to
3432 | // an exponential function dN/dE = E^{-gamma}
3433 | // or with y = log10(E), E = 10^y :
3434 | // dN/dy = ln10 * 10^{y*(1-gamma)}
3435 | TF1 f1("f1", "pow(10.0, x*(1.0-[0]))", blow, bup);
3436 | f1.SetParName(0,"gamma");
3437 | f1.SetParameter(0, 2.7);
3438 |
3439 | // ntimes is the number of entries
3440 | for (Int_t k=0; k<10000; k++)
3441 | hb0.Fill(f1.GetRandom());
3442 |
3443 | // introduce energy threshold at 50 GeV
3444 |
3445 | const Double_t lgEth = 1.70;
3446 | const Double_t dlgEth = 0.09;
3447 |
3448 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=nb; j++)
3449 | {
3450 | const Double_t lgE = hb0.GetBinCenter(j);
3451 | const Double_t c = hb0.GetBinContent(j);
3452 | const Double_t dc = hb0.GetBinError(j);
3453 | const Double_t f = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp( -(lgE-lgEth)/dlgEth ));
3454 |
3455 | hb0.SetBinContent(j, f* c);
3456 | hb0.SetBinError (j, f*dc);
3457 | }
3458 |
3459 | PrintTH1Content(hb0);
3460 |
3461 | // -----------------------------------------
3462 | // here the prior distribution can be defined for the call
3463 | // to SetPriorInput(*hpr)
3464 | TH1D hpr("hpr", "Prior distribution" , nb, blow, bup);
3465 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=nb; j++)
3466 | hpr.SetBinContent(j, 1.0/nb);
3467 |
3468 | PrintTH1Content(hpr);
3469 |
3470 | // -----------------------------------------
3471 | // generate distribution to be unfolded (ha)
3472 | // by smearing the ideal distribution (hb0)
3473 | //
3474 | TH1D ha("ha", "Distribution to be unfolded", na, alow, aup);
3475 | ha.Sumw2();
3476 |
3477 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=na; i++)
3478 | {
3479 | Double_t cont = 0;
3480 | for (Int_t j=1; j<=nb; j++)
3481 | cont += hmig.GetBinContent(i, j) * hb0.GetBinContent(j);
3482 |
3483 | ha.SetBinContent(i, cont);
3484 | ha.SetBinError(i, sqrt(cont));
3485 | }
3486 |
3487 | PrintTH1Content(ha);
3488 | PrintTH1Error(ha);
3489 |
3490 | // -----------------------------------------
3491 | // covariance matrix of the distribution ha
3492 | TH2D hacov("hacov", "Error matrix of distribution ha",
3493 | na, alow, aup, na, alow, aup);
3494 |
3495 | for (Int_t i=1; i<=na; i++)
3496 | {
3497 | const Double_t content = ha.GetBinContent(i);
3498 | hacov.SetBinContent(i, i, content<3 ? 3.0 : content);
3499 | }
3500 |
3501 | PrintTH2Content(hacov);
3502 |
3503 | SteerUnfold(ha, hacov, hmig, hmig, hb0, &hpr);
3504 | }
3505 | //========================================================================//