#ifndef MARS_MCerPhotEvt #define MARS_MCerPhotEvt #ifndef ROOT_TClonesArray #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI #include #endif #ifndef MARS_MCamEvent #include "MCamEvent.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MCerPhotPix #include "MCerPhotPix.h" #endif class MGeomCam; class MCerPhotPix; class MCerPhotEvtIter; class MCerPhotEvt : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent { friend class MCerPhotEvtIter; private: UInt_t fNumPixels; Short_t fNumIslands; Short_t fNumSinglePixels; Float_t fSizeSinglePixels; Float_t fSizeSubIslands; Float_t fSizeMainIsland; Int_t fMaxIndex; TArrayI fLut; // Lookup tabel to lookup pixel by index TClonesArray *fPixels; //-> FIXME: Change TClonesArray away from a pointer? void RebuildLut() { // Resize Lut fLut.Set(fMaxIndex+1); // Reset Lut fLut.Reset(-1); // Rebuild Lut for (UInt_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i)); } MCerPhotPix &operator[](int i) const { return *(MCerPhotPix*)(fPixels->UncheckedAt(i)); } MCerPhotPix *GetPixById(Int_t idx) const; // Functions to change the contained data void Scale(Double_t f) { fPixels->ForEach(MCerPhotPix, Scale)(f); } void RemoveUnusedPixels(); Int_t CalcIslands(const MGeomCam &geom); void Sort(Int_t upto = kMaxInt) { // Sort pixels by index fPixels->Sort(upto); RebuildLut(); } // For convinience: Sort pixels by index // class MParContainer void Reset(); // class TObject void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) const; void Clear(Option_t *opt=NULL) { Reset(); } // class MCamEvent Bool_t GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const; void DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const; // To build an iterator for this class operator TIterator*() const; ClassDef(MCerPhotEvt, 4) // class for an event containing cerenkov photons }; class MCerPhotEvtIter : public TObjArrayIter { private: Bool_t fUsedOnly; public: MCerPhotEvtIter(const MCerPhotEvt *evt, Bool_t usedonly=kTRUE, Bool_t dir=kIterForward) : TObjArrayIter(evt->fPixels, dir), fUsedOnly(usedonly) { } TObject *Next(); TIterator &operator=(const TIterator &) { return *this; } ClassDef(MCerPhotEvtIter, 0) }; inline MCerPhotEvt::operator TIterator*() const { return new MCerPhotEvtIter(this); } #endif