#ifndef MARS_MCerPhotPix_H #define MARS_MCerPhotPix_H #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif class MCerPhotPix : public MParContainer { private: Int_t fPixId; // the pixel Id UShort_t fRing; // NT: number of analyzed rings around the core pixels (fRing>0 means: used) Bool_t fIsCore; // the pixel is a Core pixel -> kTRUE Float_t fPhot; // The number of Cerenkov photons Float_t fErrPhot; // the error of fPhot // FIXME: arrival time t, and it's error sigma t public: MCerPhotPix(Int_t pix=-1, Float_t phot=0, Float_t errphot=0); Int_t GetPixId() const { return fPixId; } Float_t GetNumPhotons() const { return fPhot; } Float_t GetErrorPhot() const { return fErrPhot; } Bool_t IsPixelUsed() const { return fRing>0; } void SetPixelUnused() { fRing=0; } void SetPixelUsed() { fRing=1; } void SetRing(UShort_t r) { fRing = r; } Short_t GetRing() const { return fRing;} void SetPixelCore() { fIsCore = kTRUE; } Bool_t IsPixelCore() const { return fIsCore; } void SetNumPhotons(Float_t f) { fPhot = f; } void SetErrorPhot(Float_t f) { fErrPhot = f; } void Set(Float_t np, Float_t ep) { fPhot = np; fErrPhot = ep; } void AddNumPhotons(Float_t f) { fPhot += f; } void Scale(Float_t f) { fPhot/=f; } void Print(Option_t *opt = NULL) const; ClassDef(MCerPhotPix, 1) // class containing information about the Cerenkov Photons in a pixel }; #endif