#ifndef MNPHOTEVENT_H #define MNPHOTEVENT_H #ifndef MPARCONTAINER_H #include "MParContainer.h" #endif #include #include class TClonesArray ; class TObjArray ; class MNphotPix : public TObject { private: Int_t fPixId ; // the pixel Id Float_t fPhot ; // The number of Cerenkov photons Float_t fErrPhot ; // the error of fPhot public: MNphotPix(Int_t pix = -9999, Float_t phot=0. , Float_t errphot=0.) ; void Print() ; Int_t GetPixId() { return fPixId ; } Float_t GetPhotons() { return fPhot ; } Float_t GetErrorPhot() { return fErrPhot ; } void SetPixelContent(Int_t pix , Float_t phot , Float_t errphot ) ; ClassDef(MNphotPix, 1) // Cerenkov Photons class for the pixel } ; // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ class MNphotEvent : public MParContainer { private: Int_t fType ; // Int_t fNbPixels ; // TClonesArray *fPixels ; // public: MNphotEvent(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL) ; void Draw(Option_t* option = "" ) ; Int_t GetNbPixels() ; void AddPixel(Int_t id, Float_t nph, Float_t err ); void Clear() ; void Print() ; Int_t GetPixelId(Int_t i ) ; Float_t GetPhotons(Int_t i ) ; Float_t GetErrorPhot(Int_t i ) ; Float_t GetMinimumPhoton() ; Float_t GetMaximumPhoton() ; ClassDef(MNphotEvent, 1) // class for Nphotons Events }; #endif