1 | #ifndef MARS_MPad
2 | #define MARS_MPad
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MTask
5 | #include "MTask.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MH
9 | #include "MH.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class TH1D;
13 | class TH2D;
14 | class TH3D;
15 |
16 | class MGeomCam;
17 | class MCerPhotEvt;
18 | class MPedPhotCam;
19 | class MPointingPos;
20 | class MSigmabar;
21 | class MParList;
22 | class MBadPixelsCam;
23 | class MRead;
24 | class MFilterList;
25 |
26 |
27 | class MPad : public MTask
28 | {
29 | private:
30 | MGeomCam *fCam;
31 | MCerPhotEvt *fEvt;
32 | MSigmabar *fSigmabar;
33 | MPointingPos *fPointPos;
34 | MPedPhotCam *fPed;
35 | MBadPixelsCam *fBad;
36 |
37 | TString fNamePedPhotCam; // name of the 'MPedPhotCam' container
38 | TString fType; // type of data to be padded
39 | TFile *fInfile; // input file containing padding histograms
40 |
41 | Int_t fIter;
42 |
43 | Int_t fErrors[9];
44 | Int_t fWarnings[3];
45 |
46 | //----------------------------------
47 | // plots used for the padding
48 | // for all plots it is assumed that the pedestal RMS is given in units of "number of photons"
49 |
50 | TH2D *fHSigmaTheta; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar vs. Theta)
51 | TH2D *fHSigmaThetaMC; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar vs. Theta)
52 | TH2D *fHSigmaThetaON; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar vs. Theta)
53 | TH2D *fHSigmaThetaOFF; // 2D-histogram (sigmabar vs. Theta)
54 |
55 | //---------------------
56 | TH3D *fHDiffPixTheta; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma^2-sigmabar^2)
57 | TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaMC; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma^2-sigmabar^2)
58 | TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaON; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma^2-sigmabar^2)
59 | TH3D *fHDiffPixThetaOFF; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma^2-sigmabar^2)
60 |
61 | //---------------------
62 | TH3D *fHSigmaPixTheta; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma)
63 | TH3D *fHSigmaPixThetaMC; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma)
64 | TH3D *fHSigmaPixThetaON; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma)
65 | TH3D *fHSigmaPixThetaOFF; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma)
66 |
67 | //---------------------
68 | TH3D *fHgMC; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for MC data
69 | TH3D *fHgON; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for ON data
70 | TH3D *fHgOFF; // matrix (Theta, sigbarold, sigbarnew) for OFF data
71 |
72 | //-------------------------------
73 | // plots for checking the padding
74 | TH2D *fHSigmaPedestal; // 2D-histogram : pedestal sigma after
75 | // versus before padding
76 | TH2D *fHPhotons; // 2D-histogram : no.of photons after
77 | // versus before padding
78 | TH1D *fHNSB; // 1D-histogram : additional NSB
79 |
80 |
81 | Bool_t Merge2Distributions(TH1D *hista, TH1D *histb, TH1D *histap,
82 | TH2D *fHga, TH2D *fHgb, Int_t nbinssig);
83 |
84 | Bool_t UpdateHg(TH2D *fHga, TH1D *histap, TH2D *fHge, TH3D *fHgA,
85 | Int_t nbinssig, Int_t l);
86 |
87 | public:
88 | MPad(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
89 | ~MPad();
90 |
91 | void SetNamePedPhotCam(const char *name) { fNamePedPhotCam = name; }
92 |
93 | Bool_t MergeONOFFMC(
94 | TH2D& sigthmc, TH3D& diffpixthmc, TH3D& sigmapixthmc,
95 | TH2D& sigthon, TH3D& diffpixthon, TH3D& sigmapixthon,
96 | TH2D& sigthoff, TH3D& diffpixthoff,TH3D& sigmapixthoff);
97 |
98 | Bool_t MergeONMC(
99 | TH2D& sigthmc, TH3D& diffpixthmc, TH3D& sigmapixthmc,
100 | TH2D& sigthon, TH3D&diffpixthon, TH3D& sigmapixthon);
101 |
102 | Bool_t ReadPaddingDist(const char *filein);
103 | Bool_t WritePaddingDist(const char *fileout);
104 |
105 | void SetDataType(const char *type); // type of data to be padded
106 |
107 | Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList);
108 | Int_t Process();
109 | Int_t PostProcess();
110 |
111 | ClassDef(MPad, 0) // task for the padding
112 | };
113 |
114 | #endif
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |