#ifndef MREADCT1ASCII_H #define MREADCT1ASCII_H #ifndef MTASK_H #include "MTask.h" #endif class MCerPhotEvt ; class MReadCT1Ascii : public MTask { private: TString fFileName; //! the file name of the string FILE* fInputfile ; //! the inputfile MCerPhotEvt *fNphot ; //! the data container for all data. Float_t fPedest[127] ; //! public: MReadCT1Ascii(const char *filename, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); Bool_t PreProcess(MParList *pList); Bool_t Process(); Bool_t PostProcess(); void ReadPedestal() ; ClassDef(MReadCT1Ascii, 1) // Reads the CT1 data file }; #endif