#ifndef MARS_MAstro #define MARS_MAstro #ifndef ROOT_TROOT #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TVector2 #include #endif class TVector3; class MTime; class MAstro { private: static Double_t Round(Double_t val); static Double_t Trunc(Double_t val); static Double_t Kepler(Double_t m, Double_t ecc); public: virtual ~MAstro() { } // Unit conversion static Double_t Parsec2Meter() { return 3.0856776e+16; } static Double_t Parsec2Lighyear() { return 3.2615644; } // Angle/Time conversion functions static Double_t Hms2Sec(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, char sgn='+'); static Double_t Dms2Rad(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn='+'); static Double_t Hms2Rad(Int_t hor, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn='+'); static Double_t Dms2Deg(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn='+'); static Double_t Hms2Deg(Int_t hor, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn='+'); static Double_t Dms2Hor(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn='+'); static Double_t Hms2Hor(Int_t hor, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn='+'); static void Day2Hms(Double_t day, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec); static void Rad2Dms(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec); static void Rad2Hms(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec); static void Deg2Dms(Double_t deg, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec); static void Deg2Hms(Double_t deg, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec); static void Hor2Dms(Double_t hor, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec); static void Hor2Hms(Double_t hor, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec); static void Day2Hm(Double_t day, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, Double_t &min); static void Rad2Dm(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min); static void Rad2Hm(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, Double_t &min); static void Deg2Dm(Double_t deg, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min); static void Deg2Hm(Double_t deg, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, Double_t &min); static void Hor2Dm(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min); static void Hor2Hm(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, Double_t &min); // Print funtions static TString GetStringDeg(Double_t deg, const char *fmt="%c%d:%02d:%02d"); static TString GetStringHor(Double_t deg, const char *fmt="%c%d:%02d:%02d"); // Angle treatment functions static Bool_t String2Angle(TString &str, Double_t &ret); static Bool_t Coordinate2Angle(const TString &str, Double_t &ret); static TString Angle2Coordinate(Double_t val); static Double_t AngularDistance(Double_t theta0, Double_t phi0, Double_t theta1, Double_t phi1); // Time treatment functions static void Mjd2Ymd(UInt_t mjd, UShort_t &y, Byte_t &m, Byte_t &d); static Int_t Ymd2Mjd(UShort_t y, Byte_t m, Byte_t d); static Double_t UT2GMST(Double_t ut1); // Rotation angle between local and sky coordinate system static void RotationAngle(Double_t sinl, Double_t cosl, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Double_t &sin, Double_t &cos); static Double_t RotationAngle(Double_t sinl, Double_t cosl, Double_t theta, Double_t phi); static Double_t GetMoonPhase(Double_t mjd); static Double_t GetMoonPeriod(Double_t mjd); static Int_t GetMagicPeriod(Double_t mjd); // Get distance between v1 and v0 in a plain perpendicular to v0 in distance dist static TVector2 GetDistOnPlain(const TVector3 &v0, TVector3 v1, Double_t dist=1); // Calculate absolute misspointing from error in zd and error in az static Double_t GetDevAbs(Double_t nomzd, Double_t devzd, Double_t devaz); static Int_t GetEasterOffset(UShort_t year); ClassDef(MAstro, 0) }; #endif