/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 11/2003 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2003 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MAstro // ------ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MAstro.h" ClassImp(MAstro); Double_t MAstro::Trunc(Double_t val) { /* dint(A) - truncate to nearest whole number towards zero (double) */ return val<0 ? TMath::Ceil(val) : TMath::Floor(val); } Double_t MAstro::Round(Double_t val) { /* dnint(A) - round to nearest whole number (double) */ return val<0 ? TMath::Ceil(val-0.5) : TMath::Floor(val+0.5); } Double_t MAstro::Hms2Sec(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn) { const Double_t rc = TMath::Sign((60.0 * (60.0 * (Double_t)TMath::Abs(deg) + (Double_t)min) + sec), (Double_t)deg); return sgn=='-' ? -rc : rc; } Double_t MAstro::Dms2Rad(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn) { /* pi/(180*3600): arcseconds to radians */ #define DAS2R 4.8481368110953599358991410235794797595635330237270e-6 return Hms2Sec(deg, min, sec, sgn)*DAS2R; } Double_t MAstro::Hms2Rad(Int_t hor, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn) { /* pi/(12*3600): seconds of time to radians */ #define DS2R 7.2722052166430399038487115353692196393452995355905e-5 return Hms2Sec(hor, min, sec, sgn)*DS2R; } Double_t MAstro::Dms2Deg(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn) { return Hms2Sec(deg, min, sec, sgn)/3600.; } Double_t MAstro::Hms2Deg(Int_t hor, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn) { return Hms2Sec(hor, min, sec, sgn)/240.; } Double_t MAstro::Dms2Hor(Int_t deg, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn) { return Hms2Sec(deg, min, sec, sgn)/15.; } Double_t MAstro::Hms2Hor(Int_t hor, UInt_t min, Double_t sec, Char_t sgn) { return Hms2Sec(hor, min, sec, sgn)/3600.; } void MAstro::Day2Hms(Double_t day, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec) { /* Handle sign */ sgn = day<0?'-':'+'; /* Round interval and express in smallest units required */ Double_t a = Round(86400. * TMath::Abs(day)); // Days to seconds /* Separate into fields */ const Double_t ah = Trunc(a/3600.); a -= ah * 3600.; const Double_t am = Trunc(a/60.); a -= am * 60.; const Double_t as = Trunc(a); /* Return results */ hor = (UShort_t)ah; min = (UShort_t)am; sec = (UShort_t)as; } void MAstro::Rad2Hms(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec) { Day2Hms(rad/(TMath::Pi()*2), sgn, deg, min, sec); } void MAstro::Rad2Dms(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec) { Rad2Hms(rad*15, sgn, deg, min, sec); } void MAstro::Deg2Dms(Double_t d, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec) { Day2Hms(d/24, sgn, deg, min, sec); } void MAstro::Deg2Hms(Double_t d, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec) { Rad2Hms(d/360, sgn, deg, min, sec); } void MAstro::Hor2Dms(Double_t h, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec) { Day2Hms(h*15/24, sgn, deg, min, sec); } void MAstro::Hor2Hms(Double_t h, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, UShort_t &min, UShort_t &sec) { Day2Hms(h/24, sgn, deg, min, sec); } void MAstro::Day2Hm(Double_t day, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t &hor, Double_t &min) { /* Handle sign */ sgn = day<0?'-':'+'; /* Round interval and express in smallest units required */ Double_t a = Round(86400. * TMath::Abs(day)); // Days to seconds /* Separate into fields */ const Double_t ah = Trunc(a/3600.); a -= ah * 3600.; /* Return results */ hor = (UShort_t)ah; min = a/60.; } void MAstro::Rad2Hm(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min) { Day2Hm(rad/(TMath::Pi()*2), sgn, deg, min); } void MAstro::Rad2Dm(Double_t rad, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min) { Rad2Hm(rad*15, sgn, deg, min); } void MAstro::Deg2Dm(Double_t d, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min) { Day2Hm(d/24, sgn, deg, min); } void MAstro::Deg2Hm(Double_t d, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min) { Rad2Hm(d/360, sgn, deg, min); } void MAstro::Hor2Dm(Double_t h, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min) { Day2Hm(h*15/24, sgn, deg, min); } void MAstro::Hor2Hm(Double_t h, Char_t &sgn, UShort_t °, Double_t &min) { Day2Hm(h/24, sgn, deg, min); } Bool_t MAstro::String2Angle(TString &str, Double_t &ret) { Char_t sgn; Int_t d, len; UInt_t m; Float_t s; // Skip whitespaces before %c and after %f int n=sscanf(str.Data(), " %c %d %d %f %n", &sgn, &d, &m, &s, &len); if (n!=4 || (sgn!='+' && sgn!='-')) return kFALSE; str.Remove(0, len); ret = Dms2Deg(d, m, s, sgn); return kTRUE; } void MAstro::Mjd2Ymd(UInt_t mjd, UShort_t &y, Byte_t &m, Byte_t &d) { // Express day in Gregorian calendar const ULong_t jd = mjd + 2400001; const ULong_t n4 = 4*(jd+((6*((4*jd-17918)/146097))/4+1)/2-37); const ULong_t nd10 = 10*(((n4-237)%1461)/4)+5; y = n4/1461L-4712; m = ((nd10/306+2)%12)+1; d = (nd10%306)/10+1; } Int_t MAstro::Ymd2Mjd(UShort_t y, Byte_t m, Byte_t d) { // Month lengths in days static int months[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; // Validate month if (m<1 || m>12) return -1; // Allow for leap year months[1] = (y%4==0 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==0)) ? 29 : 28; // Validate day if (d<1 || d>months[m-1]) return -1; // Lengthen year and month numbers to avoid overflow const Byte_t lm = 12-m; const ULong_t lm10 = 4712 + y + lm/10; // Perform the conversion return 1461L*lm10/4 + (306*((21-lm)%12)+5)/10 - (3*((lm10+188)/100))/4 + d - 2399904; }