1 | #ifndef MARS_MLog
2 | #define MARS_MLog
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TObject
5 | #include <TObject.h>
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef ROOT_TString
8 | #include <TString.h>
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #ifndef __CINT__
12 | #include <iostream.h> // base classes for MLog
13 | #else
14 | class streambuf;
15 | class ostream;
16 | #endif
17 |
18 | #define bsz 160 // two standard lines
19 |
20 | class TGTextView;
21 |
22 | class MLog : public streambuf, public ostream, public TObject
23 | {
24 | public:
25 | typedef enum _flags {
26 | eStdout = 0x001,
27 | eStderr = 0x002,
28 | eFile = 0x004,
29 | eGui = 0x008,
30 | eNoColors = 0x400 //BIT(15)
31 | } Flags_t;
32 |
33 | enum ELogBits {
34 | kHasChanged = BIT(14) // if gui has changed
35 | };
36 |
37 | private:
38 | enum {
39 | kIsUnderlined = BIT(15)
40 | };
41 | static const char kESC;
42 | static const char *const kEsc;
43 | static const char *const kReset;
44 | static const char *const kRed;
45 | static const char *const kGreen;
46 | static const char *const kYellow;
47 | static const char *const kBlue;
48 | static const char *const kUnderline;
49 | static const char *const kBlink;
50 | static const char *const kBright;
51 | static const char *const kDark;
52 |
53 | char fBuffer; //!
54 | char fBase[bsz+1]; //! Buffer to store the data in
55 | char *fPPtr; //! Pointer to present position in buffer
56 | const char *fEPtr; //! Pointer to end of buffer
57 |
58 | UInt_t fOutputLevel; //! Present output level of the stream
59 | UInt_t fDebugLevel; //! Present global debug level
60 | UInt_t fDevice; //! Flag to indicate the present streams
61 |
62 | Bool_t fIsNull; //! Switch output completely off
63 |
64 | ofstream *fout; //! possible file output stream
65 | Bool_t fOutAllocated; //! flag if fout is created by MLogging
66 | TGTextView *fgui; //! Text View output
67 |
68 | Bool_t fIsDirectGui; //! Pipe text directly to the GUI (for single threaded environments)
69 | TString **fGuiLines; //! Lines to pipe to gui
70 | Int_t fNumLines; //!
71 | TString fGuiLine; //!
72 |
73 | #ifdef _REENTRANT
74 | void *fMuxGui; //! Mutex locking access of TGListBox
75 | #endif
76 |
77 | void Init();
78 |
79 | void WriteBuffer();
80 | int sync();
81 | int overflow(int i); // i=EOF means not a real overflow
82 |
83 | void AllocateFile(const char *f);
84 | void DeallocateFile();
85 | void ReallocateFile(const char *f);
86 | void CheckFlag(Flags_t chk, int flag);
87 | void Output(ostream &out, int len);
88 | void AddGuiLine(const TString& line);
89 |
90 | public:
91 | MLog(int i=eStdout);
92 | MLog(ofstream &out);
93 | MLog(TGTextView &out);
94 | MLog(const char *fname, int flag=-1);
95 |
96 | MLog(MLog &log);
97 | ~MLog();
98 |
99 | void Lock();
100 | void UnLock();
101 |
102 | void EnableDirectGui() { fIsDirectGui = kTRUE; }
103 | void DisableDirectGui() { fIsDirectGui = kFALSE; }
104 | void UpdateGui();
105 |
106 | void Underline();
107 |
108 | void SetDebugLevel(int i) { fDebugLevel = i; }
109 | int GetDebugLevel() const { return fDebugLevel; }
110 | void SetOutputLevel(int i) { fOutputLevel = i; }
111 | void SetOutputDevice(int i) { fDevice = i; }
112 | void EnableOutputDevice(Flags_t f) { fDevice |= f; }
113 | void DisableOutputDevice(Flags_t f) { fDevice &= ~f; }
114 | void operator=(ofstream &out) { SetOutputFile(out); }
115 | void operator=(TGTextView *out) { SetOutputGui(out); }
116 |
117 | Bool_t IsOutputDeviceEnabled(int i) const { return fDevice & i; }
118 |
119 | void SetOutputGui(TGTextView *out, int flag=-1)
120 | {
121 | fgui = out;
122 | CheckFlag(eGui, flag);
123 | }
124 |
125 | void SetOutputFile(ofstream &out, int flag=-1)
126 | {
127 | //
128 | // Set new output file by a given stream. The new output
129 | // file is not deleted automatically. If no flag is specified
130 | // the state of the file-device stream is unchanged.
131 | // if the a flag is specified the state is changed
132 | // in correspondance to the flag
133 | //
134 | DeallocateFile();
135 | fout = &out;
136 | CheckFlag(eFile, flag);
137 | }
138 |
139 | void SetOutputFile(const char *f=NULL, int flag=-1)
140 | {
141 | //
142 | // Set new output file by name. The new output file must
143 | // not be deleted by the user. If no flag is specified
144 | // the state of the file-device stream is unchanged.
145 | // if the a flag is specified the state is changed
146 | // in correspondance to the flag
147 | //
148 | ReallocateFile(f);
149 | CheckFlag(eFile, flag);
150 | }
151 |
152 | ofstream &GetOutputFile()
153 | {
154 | //
155 | // Get the file output stream from MLogging
156 | // if no file output stream is existing yet it will be created.
157 | // For the creating a C-Temporary file name is used.
158 | // if the stream is created here the user must not delete it
159 | //
160 | // What a pitty, but it seems, that there is now way to ask
161 | // an ofstream for the corresponding file name. Elsewhise
162 | // I would implement a GetFileName-function, too.
163 | //
164 | if (!fout)
165 | ReallocateFile(NULL);
166 | return *fout;
167 | }
168 |
169 | void SetNullOutput(Bool_t n=kTRUE) { fIsNull = n; }
170 |
171 | void SetNoColors(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) { flag ? SetBit(eNoColors) : ResetBit(eNoColors); }
172 |
173 | void Separator(TString str="", int outlvl=0)
174 | {
175 | if (!str.IsNull())
176 | {
177 | const Int_t l = (78-str.Length())/2-3;
178 | str.Prepend("={ ");
179 | str.Prepend('-', l);
180 | str.Append(" }=");
181 | str.Append('-', l);
182 | }
183 | if (str.Length()<78)
184 | str.Append('-', 78-str.Length());
185 |
186 | const int save = fOutputLevel;
187 | SetOutputLevel(outlvl);
188 | (*this) << str << endl;
189 | fOutputLevel = save;
190 | }
191 |
192 | ClassDef(MLog, 0) // This is what we call 'The logging system'
193 | };
194 |
195 | #endif