1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | ! $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $:$Id: MMath.cc,v 1.42 2008-12-21 18:09:49 tbretz Exp $
3 | ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | !
5 | ! *
6 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | ! *
11 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | ! * or implied warranty.
17 | ! *
18 | !
19 | !
20 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 3/2004 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
21 | !
22 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2005
23 | !
24 | !
25 | \* ======================================================================== */
26 |
27 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 | //
29 | // MMath
30 | //
31 | // Mars - Math package (eg Significances, etc)
32 | //
33 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 | #include "MMath.h"
35 |
36 | #include <stdlib.h> // atof (Ubuntu 8.10)
37 |
38 | #ifndef ROOT_TVector2
39 | #include <TVector2.h>
40 | #endif
41 |
42 | #ifndef ROOT_TVector3
43 | #include <TVector3.h>
44 | #endif
45 |
46 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD
47 | #include <TArrayD.h>
48 | #endif
49 |
50 | #ifndef ROOT_TComplex
51 | #include <TComplex.h>
52 | #endif
53 |
54 | //NamespaceImp(MMath);
55 |
56 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 | //
58 | // Calculate Significance as
59 | // significance = (s-b)/sqrt(s+k*k*b) mit k=s/b
60 | //
61 | // s: total number of events in signal region
62 | // b: number of background events in signal region
63 | //
64 | Double_t MMath::Significance(Double_t s, Double_t b)
65 | {
66 | const Double_t k = b==0 ? 0 : s/b;
67 | const Double_t f = s+k*k*b;
68 |
69 | return f==0 ? 0 : (s-b)/TMath::Sqrt(f);
70 | }
71 |
72 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 | //
74 | // Symmetrized significance - this is somehow analog to
75 | // SignificanceLiMaSigned
76 | //
77 | // Returns Significance(s,b) if s>b otherwise -Significance(b, s);
78 | //
79 | Double_t MMath::SignificanceSym(Double_t s, Double_t b)
80 | {
81 | return s>b ? Significance(s, b) : -Significance(b, s);
82 | }
83 |
84 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 | //
86 | // calculates the significance according to Li & Ma
87 | // ApJ 272 (1983) 317, Formula 17
88 | //
89 | // s // s: number of on events
90 | // b // b: number of off events
91 | // alpha = t_on/t_off; // t: observation time
92 | //
93 | // The significance has the same (positive!) value for s>b and b>s.
94 | //
95 | // Returns -1 if s<0 or b<0 or alpha<0 or the argument of sqrt<0
96 | //
97 | // Here is some eMail written by Daniel Mazin about the meaning of the arguments:
98 | //
99 | // > Ok. Here is my understanding:
100 | // > According to Li&Ma paper (correctly cited in MMath.cc) alpha is the
101 | // > scaling factor. The mathematics behind the formula 17 (and/or 9) implies
102 | // > exactly this. If you scale OFF to ON first (using time or using any other
103 | // > method), then you cannot use formula 17 (9) anymore. You can just try
104 | // > the formula before scaling (alpha!=1) and after scaling (alpha=1), you
105 | // > will see the result will be different.
106 | //
107 | // > Here are less mathematical arguments:
108 | //
109 | // > 1) the better background determination you have (smaller alpha) the more
110 | // > significant is your excess, thus your analysis is more sensitive. If you
111 | // > normalize OFF to ON first, you loose this sensitivity.
112 | //
113 | // > 2) the normalization OFF to ON has an error, which naturally depends on
114 | // > the OFF and ON. This error is propagating to the significance of your
115 | // > excess if you use the Li&Ma formula 17 correctly. But if you normalize
116 | // > first and use then alpha=1, the error gets lost completely, you loose
117 | // > somehow the criteria of goodness of the normalization.
118 | //
119 | Double_t MMath::SignificanceLiMa(Double_t s, Double_t b, Double_t alpha)
120 | {
121 | const Double_t sum = s+b;
122 |
123 | if (s<0 || b<0 || alpha<=0)
124 | return -1;
125 |
126 | const Double_t l = s==0 ? 0 : s*TMath::Log(s/sum*(alpha+1)/alpha);
127 | const Double_t m = b==0 ? 0 : b*TMath::Log(b/sum*(alpha+1) );
128 |
129 | return l+m<0 ? -1 : TMath::Sqrt((l+m)*2);
130 | }
131 |
132 | /*
133 | Double_t MMath::SignificanceLiMaErr(Double_t s, Double_t b, Double_t alpha)
134 | {
135 | Double_t S = SignificanceLiMa(s, b, alpha);
136 | if (S<0)
137 | return -1;
138 |
139 | const Double_t sum = s+b;
140 |
141 |
142 | Double_t l = TMath::Log(s/sum*(alpha+1)/alpha)/TMath::Sqrt(2*S);
143 | Double_t m = TMath::Log(s/sum*(alpha+1)/alpha)/TMath::Sqrt(2*S);
144 |
145 |
146 | const Double_t sum = s+b;
147 |
148 | if (s<0 || b<0 || alpha<=0)
149 | return -1;
150 |
151 | const Double_t l = s==0 ? 0 : s*TMath::Log(s/sum*(alpha+1)/alpha);
152 | const Double_t m = b==0 ? 0 : b*TMath::Log(b/sum*(alpha+1) );
153 |
154 | return l+m<0 ? -1 : TMath::Sqrt((l+m)*2);
155 | }
156 | */
157 |
158 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 | //
160 | // Calculates MMath::SignificanceLiMa(s, b, alpha). Returns 0 if the
161 | // calculation has failed. Otherwise the Li/Ma significance which was
162 | // calculated. If s<b a negative value is returned.
163 | //
164 | Double_t MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(Double_t s, Double_t b, Double_t alpha)
165 | {
166 | const Double_t sig = SignificanceLiMa(s, b, alpha);
167 | if (sig<=0)
168 | return 0;
169 |
170 | return TMath::Sign(sig, s-alpha*b);
171 | }
172 |
173 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 | //
175 | // Return Li/Ma (5) for the error of the excess, under the assumption that
176 | // the existance of a signal is already known. (basically signal/error
177 | // calculated by error propagation)
178 | //
179 | Double_t MMath::SignificanceExc(Double_t s, Double_t b, Double_t alpha)
180 | {
181 | const Double_t error = ErrorExc(s, b, alpha);
182 | if (error==0)
183 | return 0;
184 |
185 | const Double_t Ns = s - alpha*b;
186 |
187 | return Ns/error;
188 | }
189 |
190 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 | //
192 | // Calculate the error of s-alpha*b by error propagation
193 | //
194 | Double_t MMath::ErrorExc(Double_t s, Double_t b, Double_t alpha)
195 | {
196 | const Double_t sN = s + alpha*alpha*b;
197 | return sN<0 ? 0 : TMath::Sqrt(sN);
198 | }
199 |
200 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 | //
202 | // Returns: 2/(sigma*sqrt(2))*integral[0,x](exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2)))
203 | //
204 | Double_t MMath::GaussProb(Double_t x, Double_t sigma, Double_t mean)
205 | {
206 | if (x<mean)
207 | return 0;
208 |
209 | static const Double_t sqrt2 = TMath::Sqrt(2.);
210 |
211 | const Double_t rc = TMath::Erf((x-mean)/(sigma*sqrt2));
212 |
213 | if (rc<0)
214 | return 0;
215 | if (rc>1)
216 | return 1;
217 |
218 | return rc;
219 | }
220 |
221 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 | //
223 | // Return the "median" (at 68.3%) value of the distribution of
224 | // abs(a[i]-Median)
225 | //
226 | template <class Size, class Element>
227 | Double_t MMath::MedianDevImp(Size n, const Element *a, Double_t &med)
228 | {
229 | static const Double_t prob = 0.682689477208650697; //MMath::GaussProb(1.0);
230 |
231 | // Sanity check
232 | if (n <= 0 || !a)
233 | return 0;
234 |
235 | // Get median of distribution
236 | med = TMath::Median(n, a);
237 |
238 | // Create the abs(a[i]-med) distribution
239 | Double_t arr[n];
240 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
241 | arr[i] = TMath::Abs(a[i]-med);
242 |
243 | //return TMath::Median(n, arr)/0.67449896936; //MMath::GaussProb(x)=0.5
244 |
245 | // Define where to divide (floor because the highest possible is n-1)
246 | const Size div = TMath::FloorNint(n*prob);
247 |
248 | // Calculate result
249 | Double_t dev = TMath::KOrdStat(n, arr, div);
250 | if (n%2 == 0)
251 | {
252 | dev += TMath::KOrdStat(n, arr, div-1);
253 | dev /= 2;
254 | }
255 |
256 | return dev;
257 | }
258 |
259 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 | //
261 | // Return the "median" (at 68.3%) value of the distribution of
262 | // abs(a[i]-Median)
263 | //
264 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Short_t *a, Double_t &med)
265 | {
266 | return MedianDevImp(n, a, med);
267 | }
268 |
269 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 | //
271 | // Return the "median" (at 68.3%) value of the distribution of
272 | // abs(a[i]-Median)
273 | //
274 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Int_t *a, Double_t &med)
275 | {
276 | return MedianDevImp(n, a, med);
277 | }
278 |
279 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 | //
281 | // Return the "median" (at 68.3%) value of the distribution of
282 | // abs(a[i]-Median)
283 | //
284 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Float_t *a, Double_t &med)
285 | {
286 | return MedianDevImp(n, a, med);
287 | }
288 |
289 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 | //
291 | // Return the "median" (at 68.3%) value of the distribution of
292 | // abs(a[i]-Median)
293 | //
294 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Double_t *a, Double_t &med)
295 | {
296 | return MedianDevImp(n, a, med);
297 | }
298 |
299 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
300 | //
301 | // Return the "median" (at 68.3%) value of the distribution of
302 | // abs(a[i]-Median)
303 | //
304 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Long_t *a, Double_t &med)
305 | {
306 | return MedianDevImp(n, a, med);
307 | }
308 |
309 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 | //
311 | // Return the "median" (at 68.3%) value of the distribution of
312 | // abs(a[i]-Median)
313 | //
314 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Long64_t *a, Double_t &med)
315 | {
316 | return MedianDevImp(n, a, med);
317 | }
318 |
319 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Short_t *a) { Double_t med; return MedianDevImp(n, a, med); }
320 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Int_t *a) { Double_t med; return MedianDevImp(n, a, med); }
321 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Float_t *a) { Double_t med; return MedianDevImp(n, a, med); }
322 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Double_t *a) { Double_t med; return MedianDevImp(n, a, med); }
323 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Long_t *a) { Double_t med; return MedianDevImp(n, a, med); }
324 | Double_t MMath::MedianDev(Long64_t n, const Long64_t *a) { Double_t med; return MedianDevImp(n, a, med); }
325 |
326 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
327 | //
328 | // This function reduces the precision to roughly 0.5% of a Float_t by
329 | // changing its bit-pattern (Be carefull, in rare cases this function must
330 | // be adapted to different machines!). This is usefull to enforce better
331 | // compression by eg. gzip.
332 | //
333 | void MMath::ReducePrecision(Float_t &val)
334 | {
335 | UInt_t &f = (UInt_t&)val;
336 |
337 | f += 0x00004000;
338 | f &= 0xffff8000;
339 | }
340 |
341 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 | //
343 | // Quadratic interpolation
344 | //
345 | // calculate the parameters of a parabula such that
346 | // y(i) = a + b*x(i) + c*x(i)^2
347 | //
348 | // If the determinant==0 an empty TVector3 is returned.
349 | //
350 | TVector3 MMath::GetParab(const TVector3 &x, const TVector3 &y)
351 | {
352 | const Double_t x1 = x(0);
353 | const Double_t x2 = x(1);
354 | const Double_t x3 = x(2);
355 |
356 | const Double_t y1 = y(0);
357 | const Double_t y2 = y(1);
358 | const Double_t y3 = y(2);
359 |
360 | const double det =
361 | + x2*x3*x3 + x1*x2*x2 + x3*x1*x1
362 | - x2*x1*x1 - x3*x2*x2 - x1*x3*x3;
363 |
364 |
365 | if (det==0)
366 | return TVector3();
367 |
368 | const double det1 = 1.0/det;
369 |
370 | const double ai11 = x2*x3*x3 - x3*x2*x2;
371 | const double ai12 = x3*x1*x1 - x1*x3*x3;
372 | const double ai13 = x1*x2*x2 - x2*x1*x1;
373 |
374 | const double ai21 = x2*x2 - x3*x3;
375 | const double ai22 = x3*x3 - x1*x1;
376 | const double ai23 = x1*x1 - x2*x2;
377 |
378 | const double ai31 = x3 - x2;
379 | const double ai32 = x1 - x3;
380 | const double ai33 = x2 - x1;
381 |
382 | return TVector3((ai11*y1 + ai12*y2 + ai13*y3) * det1,
383 | (ai21*y1 + ai22*y2 + ai23*y3) * det1,
384 | (ai31*y1 + ai32*y2 + ai33*y3) * det1);
385 | }
386 |
387 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 | //
389 | // Interpolate the points with x-coordinates vx and y-coordinates vy
390 | // by a parabola (second order polynomial) and return the value at x.
391 | //
392 | Double_t MMath::InterpolParabLin(const TVector3 &vx, const TVector3 &vy, Double_t x)
393 | {
394 | const TVector3 c = GetParab(vx, vy);
395 | return c(0) + c(1)*x + c(2)*x*x;
396 | }
397 |
398 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 | //
400 | // Interpolate the points with x-coordinates vx=(-1,0,1) and
401 | // y-coordinates vy by a parabola (second order polynomial) and return
402 | // the value at x.
403 | //
404 | Double_t MMath::InterpolParabLin(const TVector3 &vy, Double_t x)
405 | {
406 | const TVector3 c(vy(1), (vy(2)-vy(0))/2, vy(0)/2 - vy(1) + vy(2)/2);
407 | return c(0) + c(1)*x + c(2)*x*x;
408 | }
409 |
410 | Double_t MMath::InterpolParabLog(const TVector3 &vx, const TVector3 &vy, Double_t x)
411 | {
412 | const Double_t l0 = TMath::Log10(vx(0));
413 | const Double_t l1 = TMath::Log10(vx(1));
414 | const Double_t l2 = TMath::Log10(vx(2));
415 |
416 | const TVector3 vx0(l0, l1, l2);
417 | return InterpolParabLin(vx0, vy, TMath::Log10(x));
418 | }
419 |
420 | Double_t MMath::InterpolParabCos(const TVector3 &vx, const TVector3 &vy, Double_t x)
421 | {
422 | const Double_t l0 = TMath::Cos(vx(0));
423 | const Double_t l1 = TMath::Cos(vx(1));
424 | const Double_t l2 = TMath::Cos(vx(2));
425 |
426 | const TVector3 vx0(l0, l1, l2);
427 | return InterpolParabLin(vx0, vy, TMath::Cos(x));
428 | }
429 |
430 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 | //
432 | // Analytically calculated result of a least square fit of:
433 | // y = A*e^(B*x)
434 | // Equal weights
435 | //
436 | // It returns TArrayD(2) = { A, B };
437 | //
438 | // see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingExponential.html
439 | //
440 | TArrayD MMath::LeastSqFitExpW1(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
441 | {
442 | Double_t sumxsqy = 0;
443 | Double_t sumylny = 0;
444 | Double_t sumxy = 0;
445 | Double_t sumy = 0;
446 | Double_t sumxylny = 0;
447 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
448 | {
449 | sumylny += y[i]*TMath::Log(y[i]);
450 | sumxy += x[i]*y[i];
451 | sumxsqy += x[i]*x[i]*y[i];
452 | sumxylny += x[i]*y[i]*TMath::Log(y[i]);
453 | sumy += y[i];
454 | }
455 |
456 | const Double_t dev = sumy*sumxsqy - sumxy*sumxy;
457 |
458 | const Double_t a = (sumxsqy*sumylny - sumxy*sumxylny)/dev;
459 | const Double_t b = (sumy*sumxylny - sumxy*sumylny)/dev;
460 |
461 | TArrayD rc(2);
462 | rc[0] = TMath::Exp(a);
463 | rc[1] = b;
464 | return rc;
465 | }
466 |
467 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 | //
469 | // Analytically calculated result of a least square fit of:
470 | // y = A*e^(B*x)
471 | // Greater weights to smaller values
472 | //
473 | // It returns TArrayD(2) = { A, B };
474 | //
475 | // see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingExponential.html
476 | //
477 | TArrayD MMath::LeastSqFitExp(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
478 | {
479 | // -------- Greater weights to smaller values ---------
480 | Double_t sumlny = 0;
481 | Double_t sumxlny = 0;
482 | Double_t sumxsq = 0;
483 | Double_t sumx = 0;
484 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
485 | {
486 | sumlny += TMath::Log(y[i]);
487 | sumxlny += x[i]*TMath::Log(y[i]);
488 |
489 | sumxsq += x[i]*x[i];
490 | sumx += x[i];
491 | }
492 |
493 | const Double_t dev = n*sumxsq-sumx*sumx;
494 |
495 | const Double_t a = (sumlny*sumxsq - sumx*sumxlny)/dev;
496 | const Double_t b = (n*sumxlny - sumx*sumlny)/dev;
497 |
498 | TArrayD rc(2);
499 | rc[0] = TMath::Exp(a);
500 | rc[1] = b;
501 | return rc;
502 | }
503 |
504 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
505 | //
506 | // Analytically calculated result of a least square fit of:
507 | // y = A+B*ln(x)
508 | //
509 | // It returns TArrayD(2) = { A, B };
510 | //
511 | // see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingLogarithmic.html
512 | //
513 | TArrayD MMath::LeastSqFitLog(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
514 | {
515 | Double_t sumylnx = 0;
516 | Double_t sumy = 0;
517 | Double_t sumlnx = 0;
518 | Double_t sumlnxsq = 0;
519 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
520 | {
521 | sumylnx += y[i]*TMath::Log(x[i]);
522 | sumy += y[i];
523 | sumlnx += TMath::Log(x[i]);
524 | sumlnxsq += TMath::Log(x[i])*TMath::Log(x[i]);
525 | }
526 |
527 | const Double_t b = (n*sumylnx-sumy*sumlnx)/(n*sumlnxsq-sumlnx*sumlnx);
528 | const Double_t a = (sumy-b*sumlnx)/n;
529 |
530 | TArrayD rc(2);
531 | rc[0] = a;
532 | rc[1] = b;
533 | return rc;
534 | }
535 |
536 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
537 | //
538 | // Analytically calculated result of a least square fit of:
539 | // y = A*x^B
540 | //
541 | // It returns TArrayD(2) = { A, B };
542 | //
543 | // see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingPowerLaw.html
544 | //
545 | TArrayD MMath::LeastSqFitPowerLaw(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
546 | {
547 | Double_t sumlnxlny = 0;
548 | Double_t sumlnx = 0;
549 | Double_t sumlny = 0;
550 | Double_t sumlnxsq = 0;
551 | for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
552 | {
553 | sumlnxlny += TMath::Log(x[i])*TMath::Log(y[i]);
554 | sumlnx += TMath::Log(x[i]);
555 | sumlny += TMath::Log(y[i]);
556 | sumlnxsq += TMath::Log(x[i])*TMath::Log(x[i]);
557 | }
558 |
559 | const Double_t b = (n*sumlnxlny-sumlnx*sumlny)/(n*sumlnxsq-sumlnx*sumlnx);
560 | const Double_t a = (sumlny-b*sumlnx)/n;
561 |
562 | TArrayD rc(2);
563 | rc[0] = TMath::Exp(a);
564 | rc[1] = b;
565 | return rc;
566 | }
567 |
568 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
569 | //
570 | // Calculate the intersection of two lines defined by (x1;y1) and (x2;x2)
571 | // Returns the intersection point.
572 | //
573 | // It is assumed that the lines intersect. If there is no intersection
574 | // TVector2() is returned (which is not destinguishable from
575 | // TVector2(0,0) if the intersection is at the coordinate source)
576 | //
577 | // Formula from: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Line-LineIntersection.html
578 | //
579 | TVector2 MMath::GetIntersectionPoint(const TVector2 &x1, const TVector2 &y1, const TVector2 &x2, const TVector2 &y2)
580 | {
581 | TMatrix d(2,2);
582 | d[0][0] = x1.X()-y1.X();
583 | d[0][1] = x2.X()-y2.X();
584 | d[1][0] = x1.Y()-y1.Y();
585 | d[1][1] = x2.Y()-y2.Y();
586 |
587 | const Double_t denom = d.Determinant();
588 | if (denom==0)
589 | return TVector2();
590 |
591 | TMatrix l1(2,2);
592 | TMatrix l2(2,2);
593 |
594 | l1[0][0] = x1.X();
595 | l1[0][1] = y1.X();
596 | l2[0][0] = x2.X();
597 | l2[0][1] = y2.X();
598 |
599 | l1[1][0] = x1.Y();
600 | l1[1][1] = y1.Y();
601 | l2[1][0] = x2.Y();
602 | l2[1][1] = y2.Y();
603 |
604 | TMatrix a(2,2);
605 | a[0][0] = l1.Determinant();
606 | a[0][1] = l2.Determinant();
607 | a[1][0] = x1.X()-y1.X();
608 | a[1][1] = x2.X()-y2.X();
609 |
610 | const Double_t X = a.Determinant()/denom;
611 |
612 | a[1][0] = x1.Y()-y1.Y();
613 | a[1][1] = x2.Y()-y2.Y();
614 |
615 | const Double_t Y = a.Determinant()/denom;
616 |
617 | return TVector2(X, Y);
618 | }
619 |
620 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
621 | //
622 | // Solves: x^2 + ax + b = 0;
623 | // Return number of solutions returned as x1, x2
624 | //
625 | Int_t MMath::SolvePol2(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t &x1, Double_t &x2)
626 | {
627 | const Double_t r = a*a - 4*b;
628 | if (r<0)
629 | return 0;
630 |
631 | if (r==0)
632 | {
633 | x1 = x2 = -a/2;
634 | return 1;
635 | }
636 |
637 | const Double_t s = TMath::Sqrt(r);
638 |
639 | x1 = (-a+s)/2;
640 | x2 = (-a-s)/2;
641 |
642 | return 2;
643 | }
644 |
645 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
646 | //
647 | // This is a helper function making the execution of SolverPol3 a bit faster
648 | //
649 | static inline Double_t ReMul(const TComplex &c1, const TComplex &th)
650 | {
651 | const TComplex c2 = TComplex::Cos(th/3.);
652 | return c1.Re() * c2.Re() - c1.Im() * c2.Im();
653 | }
654 |
655 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
656 | //
657 | // Solves: x^3 + ax^2 + bx + c = 0;
658 | // Return number of the real solutions, returned as z1, z2, z3
659 | //
660 | // Algorithm adapted from http://home.att.net/~srschmitt/cubizen.heml
661 | // Which is based on the solution given in
662 | // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CubicEquation.html
663 | //
664 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
665 | //
666 | // Exact solutions of cubic polynomial equations
667 | // by Stephen R. Schmitt Algorithm
668 | //
669 | // An exact solution of the cubic polynomial equation:
670 | //
671 | // x^3 + a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0
672 | //
673 | // was first published by Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576) in his treatise,
674 | // Ars Magna. He did not discoverer of the solution; a professor of
675 | // mathematics at the University of Bologna named Scipione del Ferro (ca.
676 | // 1465-1526) is credited as the first to find an exact solution. In the
677 | // years since, several improvements to the original solution have been
678 | // discovered. Zeno source code
679 | //
680 | // http://home.att.net/~srschmitt/cubizen.html
681 | //
682 | // % compute real or complex roots of cubic polynomial
683 | // function cubic( var z1, z2, z3 : real, a, b, c : real ) : real
684 | //
685 | // var Q, R, D, S, T : real
686 | // var im, th : real
687 | //
688 | // Q := (3*b - a^2)/9
689 | // R := (9*b*a - 27*c - 2*a^3)/54
690 | // D := Q^3 + R^2 % polynomial discriminant
691 | //
692 | // if (D >= 0) then % complex or duplicate roots
693 | //
694 | // S := sgn(R + sqrt(D))*abs(R + sqrt(D))^(1/3)
695 | // T := sgn(R - sqrt(D))*abs(R - sqrt(D))^(1/3)
696 | //
697 | // z1 := -a/3 + (S + T) % real root
698 | // z2 := -a/3 - (S + T)/2 % real part of complex root
699 | // z3 := -a/3 - (S + T)/2 % real part of complex root
700 | // im := abs(sqrt(3)*(S - T)/2) % complex part of root pair
701 | //
702 | // else % distinct real roots
703 | //
704 | // th := arccos(R/sqrt( -Q^3))
705 | //
706 | // z1 := 2*sqrt(-Q)*cos(th/3) - a/3
707 | // z2 := 2*sqrt(-Q)*cos((th + 2*pi)/3) - a/3
708 | // z3 := 2*sqrt(-Q)*cos((th + 4*pi)/3) - a/3
709 | // im := 0
710 | //
711 | // end if
712 | //
713 | // return im % imaginary part
714 | //
715 | // end function
716 | //
717 | // see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_equation
718 | //
719 | Int_t MMath::SolvePol3(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t c,
720 | Double_t &x1, Double_t &x2, Double_t &x3)
721 | {
722 | // Double_t coeff[4] = { 1, a, b, c };
723 | // return TMath::RootsCubic(coeff, x1, x2, x3) ? 1 : 3;
724 |
725 | const Double_t Q = (a*a - 3*b)/9;
726 | const Double_t R = (9*b*a - 27*c - 2*a*a*a)/54;
727 | const Double_t D = R*R - Q*Q*Q; // polynomial discriminant
728 |
729 | // ----- The single-real / duplicate-roots solution -----
730 |
731 | // D<0: three real roots
732 | // D>0: one real root
733 | // D==0: maximum two real roots (two identical roots)
734 |
735 | // R==0: only one unique root
736 | // R!=0: two roots
737 |
738 | if (D==0)
739 | {
740 | const Double_t r = MMath::Sqrt3(R);
741 |
742 | x1 = r - a/3.; // real root
743 | if (R==0)
744 | return 1;
745 |
746 | x2 = 2*r - a/3.; // real root
747 | return 2;
748 | }
749 |
750 | if (D>0) // complex or duplicate roots
751 | {
752 | const Double_t sqrtd = TMath::Sqrt(D);
753 |
754 | const Double_t A = TMath::Sign(1., R)*MMath::Sqrt3(TMath::Abs(R)+sqrtd);
755 |
756 | // The case A==0 cannot happen. This would imply D==0
757 | // if (A==0)
758 | // {
759 | // x1 = -a/3;
760 | // return 1;
761 | // }
762 |
763 | x1 = (A+Q/A)-a/3;
764 |
765 | //const Double_t S = MMath::Sqrt3(R + sqrtd);
766 | //const Double_t T = MMath::Sqrt3(R - sqrtd);
767 | //x1 = (S+T) - a/3.; // real root
768 |
769 | return 1;
770 |
771 | //z2 = (S + T)/2 - a/3.; // real part of complex root
772 | //z3 = (S + T)/2 - a/3.; // real part of complex root
773 | //im = fabs(sqrt(3)*(S - T)/2) // complex part of root pair
774 | }
775 |
776 | // ----- The general solution with three roots ---
777 |
778 | if (Q==0)
779 | return 0;
780 |
781 | if (Q>0) // This is here for speed reasons
782 | {
783 | const Double_t sqrtq = TMath::Sqrt(Q);
784 | const Double_t rq = R/TMath::Abs(Q);
785 |
786 | const Double_t t = TMath::ACos(rq/sqrtq)/3;
787 |
788 | static const Double_t sqrt3 = TMath::Sqrt(3.);
789 |
790 | const Double_t sn = TMath::Sin(t)*sqrt3;
791 | const Double_t cs = TMath::Cos(t);
792 |
793 | x1 = 2*sqrtq * cs - a/3;
794 | x2 = -sqrtq * (sn + cs) - a/3;
795 | x3 = sqrtq * (sn - cs) - a/3;
796 |
797 | /* --- Easier to understand but slower ---
798 | const Double_t th1 = TMath::ACos(rq/sqrtq);
799 | const Double_t th2 = th1 + TMath::TwoPi();
800 | const Double_t th3 = th2 + TMath::TwoPi();
801 |
802 | x1 = 2.*sqrtq * TMath::Cos(th1/3.) - a/3.;
803 | x2 = 2.*sqrtq * TMath::Cos(th2/3.) - a/3.;
804 | x3 = 2.*sqrtq * TMath::Cos(th3/3.) - a/3.;
805 | */
806 | return 3;
807 | }
808 |
809 | const TComplex sqrtq = TComplex::Sqrt(Q);
810 | const Double_t rq = R/TMath::Abs(Q);
811 |
812 | const TComplex th1 = TComplex::ACos(rq/sqrtq);
813 | const TComplex th2 = th1 + TMath::TwoPi();
814 | const TComplex th3 = th2 + TMath::TwoPi();
815 |
816 | // For ReMul, see bove
817 | x1 = ReMul(2.*sqrtq, th1) - a/3.;
818 | x2 = ReMul(2.*sqrtq, th2) - a/3.;
819 | x3 = ReMul(2.*sqrtq, th3) - a/3.;
820 |
821 | return 3;
822 | }
823 |
824 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
825 | //
826 | // Format a value and its error corresponding to the rules (note
827 | // this won't work if the error is more then eight orders smaller than
828 | // the value)
829 | //
830 | void MMath::Format(Double_t &v, Double_t &e)
831 | {
832 | // Valid digits
833 | Int_t i = TMath::FloorNint(TMath::Log10(v))-TMath::FloorNint(TMath::Log10(e));
834 |
835 | // Check if error starts with 1 or 2. In this case use one
836 | // more valid digit
837 | TString error = Form("%.0e", e);
838 | if (error[0]=='1' || error[0]=='2')
839 | {
840 | i++;
841 | error = Form("%.1e", e);
842 | }
843 |
844 | const char *fmt = Form("%%.%de", i);
845 |
846 | v = atof(Form(fmt, v));
847 | e = error.Atof();
848 | }